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Mon, 05/09/2011 - 22:59 Barbara Robbins Fashion models with and without make-up

Ok some of these faces look really freakish to me. But I’ll have to admit, makeup does transform a woman’s face quite a bit.

Sat, 05/07/2011 - 22:00 Visitor Irishka A. from Met Art

What do you think of Kristanna Loken ?

Sat, 05/07/2011 - 08:07 dsws Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

I don't see what's insulting about displaying women's clothes on a man, a hanger, a plastic dummy, or anything else that's handy.

Fri, 05/06/2011 - 20:04 Latvian Part of a revamp of the attractive women section
sorry forgot the link..... haha....oh my...hangover tomo

Fri, 05/06/2011 - 20:03 Latvian Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

sorry about pointing out one know thephotograph links you put up here......some of the nordic categorized men look like jewish men, so you see, yes, people that 3rd man on the link I reposted....he seriously looks like my best friends dad who is jewish! like a copy!
Ok Ok im off.....

Fri, 05/06/2011 - 19:59 Latvian Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Your point is very good Jahangir, but I will argue about the Northern thing...I am sure you found all this info in internet, but I will tell you what ...sorry for the english and typinmg mistakes, Im a bit drunk, had a uni 3rd year party! :D About the theme. Like you said, about the longitudes and latitudes(hell whatever).....but what you dont know is that Latvia(used to be occupied by Russians, Germans, and what not) and pretty much I 100 % know, that guys there dont look like that Shwarceneger guy or something....I know you will be happy to hear this, as you were trying to point out things to some people up there to hear the truth.....BUT...other things I want to point out, what my lecturer said is that if youre researching something for your work, essay,idea, etc, dont research in internet, the information can be unrelevant....books....books...books are the prefferable and most consistent-libraryyyyy!!!!! And britain is an island its not even Europe lol....joking......seriously....its an island, so its a separate continent Haha....XD aaaaah, this is fun....and again, everyone is beautiful, all of races!!!!!And if someone is ugly, then not becouse of the characteristical looks but.....becouse the person is simply an A-hole....simply as that...this site is good idea but somehow it stinks..... and yes, about the identity thing, as my Northern country Latvia has been under so many dirty disgusting power hands, like Russia, Germany and etc then our blood is pretty mixed up there dudes!recently I found out that i have scottish blood.....O_Oso yeah, the race and location thing is bullshit, so true...sorry for blurbing again.....uh....:P I have to go to feed my birds otherwise they will fly away from me....I know...they have a plan to go to Africa! They are plotting Im off....Adieu! Chau.....uhm, ok...

Tue, 05/03/2011 - 11:39 K Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

hmmm...I'm not sure about all of this. Women do care about men's looks. A lot. For instance, most women won't even consider getting involved with a man who they feel is "too" short. And since it's men who do the approaching, it's women who get to "select," and they will almost always select the tallest and best looking man with a healthy and strong looking body.

Mon, 05/02/2011 - 08:02 dsws The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I thought of this site again the other day when I saw a Victoria's Secret catalog. The model on the cover didn't have a particularly high ratio of hip to waist width, but there was something about the shape of her hips and lower abdomen that was really hot. A male's hips would absolutely never look like that, but I can't explain why. By the standards of this site a truly-heterosexual man wouldn't take a second look at her.

Presumably there are what this site considers to be truly-heterosexual men, but they can never be a large percentage of the heterosexual male population. If they were, they would miss out on most of their opportunities to reproduce. They would all be competing for women who are exaggeratedly feminine in every dimorphic trait, while men who respond to the more subtle variants would correctly recognize the other 90% of women.

In fact, the Victoria's Secret model wouldn't be anywhere near so hot if she had an exaggerated ratio of hips to waist. She would still be instantly recognizable as a biologically suitable potential sex partner, but she wouldn't have that je-ne-sais-quois that most men actually use to recognize female body traits.

My guess about the author's sexuality is that he's not a closet gay. Instead, he's being honest about what he finds attractive. However, I would guess that he does have unacknowledged worries about his sexual orientation precisely because there are so many really hot women that he isn't particularly attracted to. Maybe he didn't think of the explanation I believe to be correct. Maybe he has some good reason not to believe it, that I haven't thought of. Or maybe, when a woman does nothing for him but other men say she's hot, it's just more satisfying to vindicate his own sexuality by throwing the implicit accusation of dishonesty back at them.

Fri, 04/29/2011 - 22:36 Erik Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Jahangir: If you have believed Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the epitome of a Northern European male and are unable to understand why I have said that he does not look Northern European, then you obviously do not know what Northern European looks are about. That you even bring “ideal looks” into the equation is remarkable. The ideal is attractive, and the question of whether one looks like an “ideal”/attractive Northern European does not even arise when one is clearly not Northern European in appearance.

I am afraid but this site is not designed to target people such as yourself, and you should look at enough natives of Northern Europe to understand my comment.

On the other hand, much heated debate within this site would have been avoided had this information been clearly provided some place. This thread itself is a good illustration. My comment on Schwarzenegger was in response to booty man above. Now booty man obviously does not know Northern European looks if he can describe Arnold Schwarzenegger as a Northern European, and his misrepresentation of Northern Europeans prompted Emily to respond. The discussion then proceeded to mud slinging and what people think my stances are, many of which ended up being grossly misrepresented, to which I never got around to respond.

I believe I should put up some information on Northern European looks to avoid all this trouble… just need to find the time.

You and booty man need to educate yourselves about the physical appearance of Northern Europeans before trying to figure out relevant issues presented within this site, which has never been intended to target people like you.

If it is not possible for you to live among Northern Europeans, you should make an effort to look up old anthropological texts on physical variation in Europe. In going through these pictures, you should ignore terminology as they are non-standard and also ignore hypotheses on origins since they need to be considerably revised given modern anthropological knowledge, but the pictures can give you an idea of geographic physical variation in Europe, including appearances of people that live in the boundaries of regions predominantly occupied by people of different ethnic groups. An example is Carleton Coon’s photographic plates of skull shape variation in Europe:

In these plates, Northern European types are “most clearly” represented by “Nordics of the corded/predominantly corded variety,” “Halstatt Nordics” and “Keltic Nordics”; I have put these terms in quotes because they are non-standard (there is no descriptive standard; other authors would use different terms):

Latvian’s response, saying that Austria, the birth place of Schwarzenegger, is not in Northern Europe is partially relevant, specifically in understanding what geographically constitutes the region. North vs. south refers to latitude (not longitude, from which derives east vs. west). Therefore, Moscow in the east is as northern as southernmost Sweden, and the northernmost inhabitants in the west of Europe are in Britain, which is not too far south of Scandinavia. However, when assessing whether someone looks Northern European, place of birth is irrelevant.

Fri, 04/29/2011 - 01:21 Erik Why are Victoria’s Secret models so popular?

Caroline Trentini is feminine, an exception in the Victoria’s Secret show line up and an unusual high-fashion model.

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 12:30 Visitor Why are Victoria’s Secret models so popular?

How feminine is Caroline Trentini?

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 03:24 rainbow Two non-feminine women

I see that when you say non-feminine, you mean of those culturally recognized and approved characteristics of a woman`s face. And I totally agree. It is common knowledge that a face not enough round in shape, with a tiny nose, round big eyes and contoured thick lips doesn`t pass as a beautiful face. You might as well wear wigs on several occasions, wear a lot of make-up, but the genuine beauty is the one residing in your innate physical characteristics.

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 03:13 rainbow Attractiveness related to head and face length relative to height

It`s actually enticing to read all these studies that transforms beauty in a theoretical set of standards. I can see it requires a lot of work and observation, not to mention know how from so many different fields. I must confess it seems a very interesting aspect, but I never pictured this way. I had never crossed my mind that I might make unconscious beauty judgments based on this head and face length - height proportion unwritten criteria. Unwritten for common people, not for specialists, apparently. For me, the attractiveness of a woman`s face relies on two main aspects: pleasant features and proper skin care. I tend to associate a lot a cute face with its skin having a healthy aspect.

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 03:04 Troy Anorexia statistics: Naomi Wolf’s Overdo and Lie Factor (WOLF)

I am not that big a supporter of beauty myths. Not at least of the ones fashion critics talk about. A woman`s beauty, in my opinion, is mostly based on her kindness showing, as well as being and looking healthy. You know, it`s more like in those body care products where they say beauty means health. Health makes you more good looking due to a bright mood and a serene look on your face. I prefer to see beauty in those women that are kind, self-confident and take care of their health. Not so much make-up, but proper skin care. Not so much beauty surgical procedures, but gym and maintenance of your good looking. In one word, I go with the natural.

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 05:01 HVK Feminists offended by Tom Ford perfume ad

Have you watched the film 'The Accused'? Just watch it and you'll see straight away what is wrong with this image.

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:13 Melanie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I don't know why people are taking this website so personally. I personally have a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.6. My measurements are 36-22-37.5 and I am 5'1". People may find this not proportionate or they might not be attracted to it at all. I personally love my body and I may not have a body of a supermodel from Europe, I do have one of a Latin model. My boyfriend is latin and he loves my body because he likes my curves. So everyone don't get upset by someone who's showing facts. Love your body no matter what your shape is. Someone WILL love you body and you don't need approval from a website.

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 13:58 Per Inge Oestmoen Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

As a heterosexual man who values what makes the female body different from that of a male, I find a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.6 a bit more attractive than one of 0.7. This because all other things like build and shape of calves, shoulders and thighs being equal it creates a more feminine appearance, with an even more curvy and swinging gait and a beautifully curvaceous impression in any position.

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 13:43 Melanie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

no this is a rectangle

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 13:38 Melanie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

This is a rectangle. And any shape is beautiful. Women are all different shapes and sizes and they are all beautiful.

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 13:38 Melanie Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

This is a rectangle. And any shape is beautiful. Women are all different shapes and sizes and they are all beautiful.

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 12:01 keren Functions of fat cells beneath the skin

It is common knowledge the excessive adipose tissue may bring health issues. Best thing to do is to stay in shape and allow no excesses. I have met people that display different reactions under stress and pressure. Some of them eat in average quantities and, unexpectedly, keep losing weight. These are serious signs to be taken into account and maybe ask for some medical advice concerning an eating disorder treatment. There`s no hopeless situation, things will get back to normal in no time.

Mon, 04/25/2011 - 15:38 mary.lyss Seasonal variation in men’s ratings of women’s attractiveness

I find it obvious for this distinction to take place on behalf of changing seasons. This is one solid reason for which most of the women use max bust36 in order to raise their attractiveness and feel confident in wearing summer clothes. I also agree with the waist-hip diameter contrast because these enhances the bust growing effect even more when you have a thin waist.

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 21:36 how to make you... Estradiol and face shape in women

These are some interesting comments. I wish I had seen these a long time ago. I feel that a strong jaw line is very feminine and attractive and people from all ethnicities are beautiful.

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 14:43 mr wrightious Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

all those ugly people are jealous of the ultra good looking and are trying to twist the truth to make there scank face look better ..
uglies give it up, you are branded by a ugly big nose..

there is an ugly envasion comming up from india and the middle east with a storm of nasty big noses .
when your you are ugly it comes from the out side of your face all over...

be very careful in selection of a plastic surgen. many are lame and will decieve you trying to convince you into beleaving little change is best for a big fat pig /dog looking nose...

Sun, 04/24/2011 - 11:51 Master M Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

This thread has got some of the STUPIDEST LOGIC I have ever come across. Any judgment of qualitative features of the human body is NORMATIVE. The beauty assessment of even measurable aspects are normative and subjective because they are based on one person's ideal, based on the norms they have been exposed to, while generalizing about entire populations.

To say that Latins or Arabs or this or that group of people have 'coarseness' (which is related to being African? Oh, Really? AFRICA IS A HUGE F*CKING CONTINENT WITH A PLETHORA OF ETHNIC GROUPS YOU FOOLS!), or that Latins are more dramatic...

I don't even know where to start with you f*cking idiots. Look up common logical fallacies.

Overgeneralization is good one to begin with...

f*cking fools lol
