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Sat, 04/23/2011 - 20:02 Alessi Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

I stumbled upon this site through Google. After reading some of it, I just want to say something: Erik, I hope at some point in your life, you'll get the chance to touch a real woman. Maybe that would cure you. One can only hope!

Sat, 04/23/2011 - 19:32 Anna Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Skanky girls? Excuse me, but you have no right to call a girl "skanky" based on theyellowness of her teeth or any other physical aspect that you find disagreeable. Yes you may not find her looks pleasing, but beauty is subjective. When you use the term "skanky" and "whorerish" to describe women you don't know, based solely on their looks, you slander and disrespect these women, and make yourself out to be just another brain washed sexist man.

Do you ever hear women casting harsh and extreme judgements of worth on men because they haven't shaved in a while or have a beer belly? Are "ugly" men worthless whores and skanks?

If your going to demean women, do it in the privacy of your narrow little mind.

Sat, 04/23/2011 - 16:48 bla Discrimination against unattractive women

dude, erick right? stop writing so much!!! u make my brain hurt!! and wat ur writing didn't rely answer my question anyways..... so ya ~_~

Sat, 04/23/2011 - 11:36 Jahangir Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

latvian, I think you misunderstood what I was asking for. I meant that Arnold S. "represents" (physically) the essense of a Northern European (and Western) male in the media. Eric mentions certain aspects of his physicality (protruding mouth, flattened head) that are not congruous with a typical N European. I was asking for him to elaborate on that. I would particularly like to know what Eric would use as a comparative for the skeleto-muscular structure of Arnold along with Eric's ideal Northern European build.

Sat, 04/23/2011 - 03:41 0745932170 Amy from spunky angels

i believe she is a very beautiful girl, i already saw some of her photos and she looks every time very shining

Fri, 04/22/2011 - 06:46 elave Fashion models’ health guidelines will not help

It seems fair enough to me that public opinion associates beauty with health. On the other hand, what we see in mass media is clearly the opposite. Or should this be the newest beauty resolution that we find out about here in this article? Hopefully, because I support it. I agree that often women need max bust36 to feel self-confident and attractive, but health is reaching the top spot in priorities.

Thu, 04/21/2011 - 21:19 Rod Glass Fashion models with and without make-up

Interesting as we are in a year where "natural" finishes is our aim in the fashion world. I do like a natural look myself, so girls if you have good skin, go natural!

Thu, 04/21/2011 - 07:26 Todd Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

It really is quite hilarious how this Emily person twists reality.

If i wanted to prove that Black people have blue eyes I could also gather a bunch of photos of black people with blue eyes and use it as my so called proof.

Emily your photos are comically biased. You choose & cherry pick photos of people at industry events & trendy clubs (basically places where good looking people go regardless) & you mix them in with other random swedish models. You very carefully select the photos you use to represent "nordic features" How come most of the the photos you post of "nordics" are from "hot & trendy" clubs or from model portfolios and whatnot? and then the photos you use to portray other races come from plastic surgeons offices (DUH that's where ugly people go regardless of race), rural communities (not exactly a place where beautiful people flock to, if your blessed with good looks you usually can have upward mobility to rise out of that situation), or political rallies where the women are not wearing any make up (and again beautiful women dont usually go into politics) ....

How about we post some photos of swedish politicans?

Where are the stunning gorgeous flawless nordic features?????

How come these nordic people look NOTHING like the "average nordic person" that Emily posts? Could it be Emily? YES! your idealized photos of the "Average nordic person" are BULLSHIT and a far cry from the TRUE UGLY REALITY:





now lets compare the average nordic person's features to the "average asian" (hey if "Average swede" in your book means cherry picking out the attractive ones and hiding the ugly ones i guess it applies to "Average asian" as well)

Asian actress with trademark delicate asianf eatures:

^ all natural

Korean actress:


yes you might say "yeah well her nose is doesnt look like the average asian" ... yes and the "good looking" swedish people you post, their nose my dear doesn't look like the "average swede" either.

The average swede looks like this:


In comparison the "average asian" (since we like to use biased photos here)

looks WAYYYYYYY better. An ugly swede could only DREAM to look like this:

Chinese actress:

100% natural

^ an ugly average looking swede could NEVER dream of having this kind of milky porcelain complexion that only an asian could have

Here are more average chinese women picked straight off
an internet dating site..these average asians are waaaaaaay superior to the average swede






^ huge forehead. is it a man or a woman? hideous inbred looking features. she probably f*cks her own cousin as most white people do, etc. stringy yellow hair & blotchy complexion VERY typical for nordic peoples.

Who looks more feminine & beautiful?






obviously the asian. since i provided photos to prove my point then it makes me absolutely right.

average asian female body delicate & feminine


compared with average stocky manly nordic female body:

(in blue & yellow outfit) look how disgusting stocky and pig like she looks. very typical nordic traits:


Yes asian women are superior. The only good looking nordic women are the ones who have asiatic features.

Dont you just love the reversed bigotry Emily? LOVES IT!

Thu, 04/21/2011 - 06:00 Todd Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

This Emily person is INSANE.

Emily you are a stupid bigot cunt if ive ever seen one. it's so easy to "prove a point" when you are cherry picking pictures of who you want to represent your country.

You keep harping on the beauty of "Everyday" swedes but then you go and post photos of people from young trendy clubs where the guys have tons of product in their hair, waxing bronzing and where the girls are all wearing 20 lbs of make up and hair all done fresh from the salon and then you go and compare those pics with people in rural india where the girls are wearing NO make up and have their hair tied back in a ratty bun and then you post pics of nerds at an asian school. GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK! LOL.

Biased much?

Let's use a simple search on google. type in such words as "swedes" or "everyday swedes" or "swedes in stockholm" and THIS is what you will find.

these people have NOTHING in common with the models & "good looking everyday" people that you talk about. where is the beauty?
why dont these people look anything like what you claim the "average swede" to look like?










^ Swedish American not immune to "average swede disease" either.

LOL! get the fuck out of here Emily. I could do the same thing as you

"oh here is what you'd see if you stepped outside in tokyo all the girls there are really cute and doll like"


"here is what you'd see if you stepped outside stockholm all the people there are very ugly and plain looking...the women dont look like women and the men are the furthest thing from sexy"


you might say "well no fair the asians u posted dont look like the average asian" OKAY AND? the swedish peolpe you posted dont look like the average swede either. you posted photos of young people from trendy clubs.KEYWORD TRENDY CLUBS. trendy clubs usually have good looking people in them no matter where you go. Thats where good looking people congregate. where else do u think they go ? they go to clubs & parties.

young hip swedes at trendy clubs & at industry events & model gatherings are NOT the "Average swede" you idiot. You wish.

the average swede is NOT attractive.

you claim that the only good looking ethnic people are ones who look "whitish" . um how about NO. its obvious that you define whiteness through rose colored lenses. Whiteness to you means "perfect nose, perfect features" when that is not even close to how things really are. the average white person looks NOTHING like the models and celebs you see on TV. so a more accurate definition is that the only good looking ethnic people are ones who are "ready for camera" and the same can be said for swedes. the only good looking swedes are ones who are "ready for camera" it has nothing to do with being "whitish".

in asia they cherry pick people who have a certain type of nose or certain feature to be a celebrity how is that any different for the cherry picking that goes on in sweden where they pick a certain type of nose or certain feature?

the "common" swede has NOTHING in common with good looking famous celeb swedes.

you say asians have noses that are too flat or blah blah blah. yes true. and the average swede has nose that is too big, lips that are too flat, and features that are far from attractive.

average is ugly in any race. beauty is something that is rare. in any culture. ive been to stockholm plenty of times and most people there look no different than your average person in any other country. MOST ARE UGLY.

I want to know...

Here is a line up of average swedes. yes they are old but let me ask you why in this ENTIRE line up that there is not a SINGLE person who even looks liek they have an ounce of potential either now or when they were younger?

wheres the stunning knockout swede features? everyone looks the same and they all have the same dopey unattractive plain features. lanky limp hair, no lips, females dont look like females. not an attractive group.

Behold your average swede:

Wed, 04/20/2011 - 07:59 kimm The skinny on the general public vs. the fashion industry

What's with the twisted minds on our ideas of beauty? I really don't understand. How can a bonny hungry looking girl look better? I just hope we'll be able to lose this anorexia stereotype as the ultimate icon for beauty, it's sick and it can have tragic influences on young girls. Fashion designer should check an eating disorder rehab, this might help them reconsider their ideas on beauty.

Tue, 04/19/2011 - 13:33 scp Julija Ribkina

I for one think she's pretty, I've seen better pictures of hers, maybe this one is simply not the best one. Great lips, cute nose and a confident attitude. She might not get on my favorite-women list, but she's nice looking.

Fri, 04/15/2011 - 17:36 leia Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Seriously, upload a picture of yourself naked and we will tell you how masculine you look."


Fri, 04/15/2011 - 12:47 Angel Flirt Fashion models with and without make-up

"Models are chosen for having a "blank canvas face" meaning no natural beauty"

This is the best comment made so far in this article! it has been proven and many times said that no model has to be beautiful!!

Thu, 04/14/2011 - 11:19 EllaRochelle Quick judgment of face beauty; variation in and appeal of women’s gait across the menstrual cycle

I would also like to see how the woman at the scooter shop looked and walked like, she could be our model in turning men on more, you know? I would even make wigs that matched her hair, if that would get me a good laugh when I see men falling at my feet.

Thu, 04/14/2011 - 11:11 EllaRochelle Julija Ribkina

I think she's really cute and her cheekbones are like that because she is very thin. Those aren't high cheekbones as I know them to be. I really like her hair color, as well, I wish I had wigs like that.

Thu, 04/14/2011 - 10:19 EllaRochelle Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I submit to that. Totally.

Thu, 04/14/2011 - 07:18 Helen Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I wonder how men would react to a website about their anatomy and how it measures up in every slight detail.

Thu, 04/14/2011 - 06:57 kerook matt Barbie: the bane of feminists, and why she is preferred

Ruth Handler believed that it was important for Barbie to have an adult appearance, and early market research showed that some parents were unhappy about the doll's chest, which had distinct breasts. Barbie's appearance has been changed many times, most notably in 1971 when the doll's eyes were adjusted to look forwards rather than having the demure sideways glance of the original model.

Wed, 04/13/2011 - 17:25 IMO Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks: Part 2

The most beautiful women (some might say the only truly beautiful women) to do porn were east European (Silvia Saint and Anita Dark). No American female who looks as good (facially at least) has ever opted to work as a porn performer. That is conclusive proof for Eric being right IMO.

Tue, 04/12/2011 - 00:13 Frank Laser Aesthetic surgery of women’s genitals: reduction of large labia minora

Medically, I can agree on the worsened hygiene portion, but anything argument beyond is just ludicrous. Are we saying that determining a woman’s beauty should also include the size of her labia?

Mon, 04/11/2011 - 23:40 Frank Laser Cosmetic surgery in relation to altering ethnic features

Undergoing cosmetic surgery makes you look “whiter”?? Looks more like the intelligent effects of extra lighting and loose powder before photo taking.

Sun, 04/10/2011 - 22:12 wd Fashion models with and without make-up

Much ado about nothing. Yes, makeup can help improve beauty but this is as much an indictment on us as it is the women.

Sun, 04/10/2011 - 21:33 latvian Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

eeerm, Im not Eric but I think i can explain the thing about Arnold Shwarceneger...he is Austrian, Austria is Western Europe....Northern Europe is Norway, Sweeden, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Denmark, Iceland and I dont know why but even UK lol... -_-

here you go a nice, lovely map of locations in Europe.... ^_^ Have a peachy lovely day

Sun, 04/10/2011 - 14:51 Paul Phillippa Diedrichs: very thin fashion models do not help advertising

The fact that you think the typical very thin female bodies that are represented in mainstream ads are "perfect" says a ton about the effects of mental conditioning that the mainstream media outputs, sadly. They in truth are far from perfect.

I am a straight man and I find absolutely nothing attractive about any of the Victoria Secret models much less any fashion model. They are underweight and do not have very feminine bodies.

You would do well understanding that most straight men don't find them attractive either and trying to work your way of that mental conditioning you have fallen victim to.

Sat, 04/09/2011 - 13:15 Jahangir Lilian Rose from pure beauty magazine

Eric, I would like to know your opinion on Leelee Sobieski. Do you think she is attractive and effeminate?
