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Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:22 rocco Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

by sanctimonious wuss, i was not meaning carrie, but was referring to this commenter:"I've been looking at your site for a little while now and I had suspected that this was an anti gay site. I'm now sure and will remove it from my bookmarks."

good riddance. i love the religious devotion of the members of the church of what's-hot-right-now. they are so sensitive to the slightest blasphemy. they have to make all 'couldn't-care-less' types into 'opposition'. and of course from there all opposition must be 'christian'. that is who they are picking a fight with because they can't fight back because fighting back would be 'aggressive' and we all know that aggression is what the saviour was against so they would be proving their lack of faith by defending themselves. tight little game fellas.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:15 rick What definitely not to do to tackle the influence of fashion media on triggering eating disorders

gee. i wonder what they're promoting with these photos? hmmm, i wonder.....

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:15 tommy Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

sanctimonious wuss.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:12 tommy Minka Dumont Kelly

i like her look.

Mon, 03/21/2011 - 23:53 Bob Smiley Attractiveness related to head and face length relative to height

It’s really interesting and quite funny at the same time, to see that we humans think the most attractive head length is 1/7.5 to an eighth of the height. It does look like the entire size of the head gets smaller; I didn’t notice that the head’s width stayed the same in every picture.

Mon, 03/21/2011 - 16:21 sazarek Fashion models with and without make-up

they look just as pretty in these pictures!

girlygirl i like messy hair! and i absolutely love not spending an hour on my hair every morning, straightening or curling or whatever. i wash, towel dry, and go. my hair is natural. if that means it looks a lil messy thats fine with me. that doesnt mean i wont get all dolled up every once in a while, or that i dont like people who do try and make their hair look nice everyday. its just not how i am.

Mon, 03/21/2011 - 02:24 Tommy Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Sorry for the typo......"Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder"

Mon, 03/21/2011 - 00:44 Tommy Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

wow.....In my family many of the girls were born with full lips...what most women have their lips done to be as such. Women in general I feel are beautiful ....We have outwardly appearance....then we have inward appearance. I can not sit here and say that Yes, the cheekbones and such make the masculine look for some models...I find all the women here attractive...I also think there are some Pretty men as well...They seem more feminine looking then some women in general...I will go with this saying and its not scientific at all or maybe it is..either way...It is a matter of many factors...but let me get back to what I was going to say..."Beauty Us In The Eye Of The Beholder" What one person sees as beauty another may find ugly...We can be scientific sure...and break it down as such...which to me takes away from the fact that the women on this page in fact all are beautiful in their own right. ; )

Fri, 03/18/2011 - 18:21 :-) Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

#1 | link | Submitted by Kayla B. on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 07:38.

''The long skull, long face, long nose, etc. are all "Aryan" characteristics. Aryan characteristics are those found in for example, Indians. Yes, Indians are the true Aryans''

Indians are not Aryans and North Indians have never claimed an Aryan descent that is mere European hype that some people have unfortunately attached themselves onto. It is not strictly true but more myth that ''long noses'' are an Aryan characteristic. The Aryans were European people most likely of the Nordic phenotype and the reality is Europeans and Nordics are not a ''long'' nosed people. Observation of a large number of Europeans/Nordics clearly shows most Europeans/Nordics have Small to Average length noses though the Aryans may have been long nosed if going by ''European standards''. Also ''long'' faces are not an Aryan characteristic either. Most Europeans/Nordics do not appear to have ''long'' faces.

''Note above how Indian people have very Nordic features in terms of face shape, long noses, long heads, etc. Again, you can argue that Nordic features are more refined. Indians that have broader faces are the result of admixture with Asians. However, Indians by themselves very closely resemble Nordics, with darker features.''

''long noses'' and ''long heads'' are not Nordic/Europeans features and Indians do not resemble Nordics/Europeans. Many North Indians look ''white'' but not the ''Nordic/European'' type ''white''.

''Hitler in particular admired these qualities. I am bringing him into the picture because he was highly pro-Nordics and I want to show you that even he realized this connection. ''

There is No connection between the North Indians and Northern Europeans/Europeans. Any connection Hitler saw was simply between two European peoples both on different ends of the earth i.e the Aryans and the Northern Europeans and there is nothing mysterious about that.

Wed, 03/16/2011 - 15:10 Kayla Kupcakes A novel approach to promoting feminine beauty

Besides, your genes have made it this far, its unlikely they are useless. Generation after generation people are getting smarter and more attractive, and if not, who cares, life is short, all you can do is love yourself and others.

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 02:20 julz Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

I agree with your article "willing to stay super thin" and cheaper is true.
i see that blue eyed girls are favored because of the contrast.
I just had to add, that there is a look the fashion industry likes right now that is largly found among eastern europeans. and fashion always changes.
the fact that they are cheaper and thinner is just a bonus.

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 02:11 julz Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

im sry,eastern european are not cheap* i meant to say

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 02:07 julz Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Your article is to explain why are eastern european models over represented in the fashin industry. You pointed out they are willing to do more to be thin and probably request less pay, you have alos indicated that they look musculine and boyish, and the disigners constantly look for eastern european with a norther european look.
So I disagree on that.
I agree on the fact that the 'post soviet union' girls are poorer therefor are willing to go far, to stay thin ect and require less pay on average.

as far as them looking norther, I dont think so, and thats why I presented those pictures above.
You can see a distinct difference between german models and sewdish models,not to mention british or even american!
that's already 4 different subraces of white, moving forward are mediterraneans, Italy, France and so for.

Slavic countires have variety of looks,from darker to lighter but all seems to have prominent cheekbones or/and almond shaped eyes. they pick blue eyed slavs to pose for mags,because its more of a contrast:)

exotic features and light eyes

Russia borders with the middle east and asia, thats where the mixing comes from.
its all in the history.
Poland, used to have ethnic groups but we were the first one to go thru "ethnic cleansing"

As far as me saying eastern european women are more beautiful, I didnt mean that, i meant they are beautiful women with a certain look that are now taking over the fashion industry.
when i was younger i wanted to look nordic,i dyed my hair blonde and wished my eyes were shaped diffrently and my face wasnt so wide. i didnt like my wide face and my bushy eyebrows because that was not the desired look. so chnage is always good so we all caught up on each other.

there is a trend for "nationality" and we tend to follow it.
The pictures I posted repeat a common look I find among women from different countires.

American models, German models,Brazilian, now it seems to be slavevery subrace gets their spotlight.

eastern european are cheap, they just have a certain look thats in right now.
the exotic look, people always want something new. i wonder whats next? a new hybird of people.

I've lived around the world due to my paretns profession and people really do have a look to them. after all,we used to be tribes.

anglo saxon,scandinavians,nordic,slavs,mediterans,arabs,persians and so fo.
even asians can tell you the difference between the Japaneses, and korean. every subrace has variations of looks that seem to repeat itself.

Ruslana looks a bit asian. if you look closely ,she has very high cheekbones, unsually shaped eyes and very thick hair. Look up history of Kazakhstan where she's from and you will see the variety of ethinic groups, including mongolains.

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 00:54 Erik Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Yulia: Please do not digress from the topic by posting a large number of pictures of women from different countries. No one disputes that attractive women are found in all populations.

You have made an alternative argument regarding why Eastern Europeans are overrepresented among high-fashion models, namely that Eastern European women are more attractive and that this increased attractiveness results from ethnic mixing. This argument can be examined.

I posted the pictures of the top 50 high-fashion models as of May 2007. Among these women there were plenty of Eastern Europeans: Sasha Pivovarova, Natalya Sergeyevna Polevshchikova (Natasha Poly), Snejana Onopka, Tanya Dziahileva, Vlada Roslyakova, Valentina Zelyaeva, Anna Mariya Urazhevskaya and Mariya Markina. If you include borderline eastern Europeans then you can add Anja Rubik, Tiiu Kuik, Hana Soukupova, Suvi Maria Koponen, Inguna Butane, Magdalena Frackowiak and Denisa Dvorakova. None of these women remotely looks like she is mixed with Asians. They are mostly of the northern variety, many lacking stereotypical Slavic features… this is not the outcome of ethnic mixing.

You can see a similar trend in websites/catalogs featuring Eastern European mail order brides: the most attractive/popular are usually the northern variety, those of mixed intra-European background are generally intermediate and those with visible Asian mixture are usually the least attractive.

That leaves the argument that northern European women of the eastern variety are better looking than their northern counterparts to the west. I do not wish to address this. This means that I have not properly defended the argument in the article on which you have commented, but your counter-argument is hardly an excellent one as I could post some pictures of my own… I do not have the time to more thoroughly address this issue.

Since you brought up Ruslana Korshunova, she did not look like she was mixed with Asians and she was a bad example of a fashion model. Ruslana was presumably an escort working under the cover of fashion modeling.

Mon, 03/14/2011 - 23:48 Mariah The face of a Neanderthal woman

Looks like my Aunt Jenny.

Mon, 03/14/2011 - 22:36 yulia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?





a common swedish look


american look


japanese girl

chinese model

Black american



Mon, 03/14/2011 - 22:20 yulia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

i got the codes a lil mixed up. the first 3 girls are russian the 4th one is italian.

Mon, 03/14/2011 - 22:18 yulia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

You will find beautiful women everywhere. every country or subraces have its own distinct look.
Scandinavians often described as "nordic" look different from mediterraneans, who tend to have olive skin and dark hair.
Just like slavs possess thier own distinct look based on location, migrations, ethnic groups within countries and so fo.
I wouldnt say fashion designers like eastern european women because they are cheap and skinny, one must look beyong the surface to try to understand that we as tribes& nations have developed a significant look. Slavic girls are known to be petite, have prominent cheekbones and almond shaped eyes, those r 3 features you could easily count on. Same with germans, they tend to have blue eyes and light hair and a "german look"to them. Ive see it. same goes to every other nations. I dont think fashion designer perfer any look over the other, its all about variety.
Every culture, has its own special mixes of people. Take the best from both worlds and you will have a nice mix.
people from different parts of the world and country has an average look that seems to repeat itself.


>img src="">

img src="">
julia stenger

a common swedish look


american look


japanese girl

chinese model

Mon, 03/14/2011 - 12:42 Apollyon Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

Eastern European women are not as attractive (on average) as Northern European women. The examples you posted do not support your contention.

The favourite look for Eastern Europeans IS to look more Northern European. It is increasingly obvious when they look for blondes with finer features.

They can approximate, but not equal, the look of Northern Europeans.

Sun, 03/13/2011 - 23:38 Karina Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

I think she is really pretty.

Sun, 03/13/2011 - 22:06 Yulia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

this is a russian look, cat blue eyes, full lips and beautiful hair

ruslana cant get enough of her

Typical slavic look, flowers in the hair

Sun, 03/13/2011 - 22:01 Yulia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

also, this is my daughter. she is half polish, half american. she has my eyes and possesses the "slavic look"
here is alos a pic of my favorite model RIP Ruslana Korshunova
even if u mix a white woman with a asian man, or vice versa, you wont get the result like this. Ruslana looks like a white woman with sian features. ONLY in the Eastern Block u find girls who look like that.

White cat

Sun, 03/13/2011 - 21:47 Yulia Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

I agree with Ingrid (btw dont give up so easily you were on the right track, erick doesnt know all the truth. yea its true that slavic women are more determined and poorer but the truth is alos, are more beautiful)I disagree with Erick.
eastern european girls are mixed adn thats why they are "overrepresented"
the designers dont pick eastern european who look northern, you are wrong. They pick girls who look exactly eastern european which is a mix of exotic slightly asian features with white, which are light blue eyes, light hair. This is it. there is no trick as they pick eastern european girls who look northern, no. they pick exactly what slavic girls are, which is a mix. we do look different from northern woman. we have fuller butts, smaller waists, fuller tighs, killer high cheekbones, and those cat eyes, "almond shaped eye".
Whoever cant accept it, is just jealous. yes, there is a subrace of white that is beautiful and exotic,with a perfect mix of orient and white.
northern woman tend to have big bones, not a lot of muscle weight, thin lips,flat cheekbones, bigger heads, eyebrows that are close to the eyes and eyes that are close together.
I love my slavic womane

I used to make my eyebrows really thin, to look more western european now im proud of my thick eyebrows ;)

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 21:28 Grow Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

I want to say something simple: the most beautiful, feminine women come from genetically beautiful ancestors, or parents.....simple as that! And race nor other shit dont matter! -_-

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 21:17 Anon Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

wow Emigree, lithuanians are not slavs, they are baltic! gosh.....research more...
