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Sun, 03/27/2011 - 04:27 Indian women ar... The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Imagemanly indian women VS. Male into female TransexualImage
some pictures I want you guys to see..

Sat, 03/26/2011 - 10:09 tim Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

the fact that fashion can be "rebellious" says it all right there.

Thu, 03/24/2011 - 19:36 bluto Fashion models with and without make-up

Oh my! Some them looked like men without the makeup!

Thu, 03/24/2011 - 18:32 bluto Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women


Thanks for your interesting response. Yes it is true that the so-called leftists had opposed homosexuals initially. The old reds back in Europe in the 30's were often accusing the right and fascists of being homosexuals (and sometimes accurately so). what happened with them in America is that they never got a hold of the masses, and so they glommed on to whatever minority groups they could find or invent a new separate category or categories. This is were 'sexual minorities' comes into play as well as women as some sort of separate entity. The party of the masses became the party of hyperparticularism.

Interestingly, a leftist that so many claim to admire, Fanon, claimed that homosexuality and sexual deviance was he result of bourgeois and right wing lifestyles and was clearly not in favor of it. The forget to mention that when praising Fanon.

As far as Stonewall goes, all such establishments were a mob enterprise at the time and probably still now. That would explain the raid rather than 'hate.'

Thu, 03/24/2011 - 00:51 Erik Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Apollyon: I obtained fertility rates of 1.9 (Iceland; was over 2 before the financial crisis), 1.8 (Norway), 1.73 (Finland), 1.74 (Denmark) and 1.72 (Netherlands). So the overall picture is not bad, especially if you consider some background issues.

One factor to consider is the diminishing wealth of the masses in the West, which makes it harder for couples to have as many children as they desire. This also affects welfare/minority handouts. Whereas initially immigrants will take advantage of the handouts to have more children than whites, in the long run their fertility is going down because there is only so much that can be given in handouts, not to mention the increased ethnic tensions resulting from a productive majority supporting an increasing minority underclass while this underclass blames its ills on racism and discrimination. Fewer handouts will also tend to make the West less attractive to immigrants.

Another factor to consider is that women less likely to give birth are disproportionately feminist or feminist-influenced. Personally, I am pleased that some of the feminist-types that I have come across have not reproduced; they will leave a better world than the one they came into. With some exceptions in Scandinavia, the feminist movement has not been favorable toward motherhood. As the feminist impact diminishes, more motherhood-friendly policies can be expected to improve fertility, assuming other things are held constant. Even in Scandinavia, the feminist impact is likely to diminish as more people realize that the movement is not exactly about women’s rights/welfare. The immigrant rape issue is a good illustration. Most of the rapes of Scandinavian women are caused by immigrants who are a numerical minority. The cultures these immigrants bring with them are also far less gender egalitarian than Scandinavian cultures. This pits the welfare of Scandinavian women against more immigration and “immigrant rights” that the feminists promote. That the feminist leadership sides with immigrant interests in this case shows that there is much more to feminism than women’s rights/welfare, and probing into the innards of feminism will bring forth unsavory facts.

As far as acquiring white women by force goes, the acquisition is temporary, will rarely cause pregnancy and result in mixed-ancestry children in the extreme case of the raped woman who refuses to abort because abortion is a sin. The rapes increasingly radicalize white youth, the most fertile/soon-to-be-fertile white demographic, against immigrants, which combined with white flight from increasingly immigrant-rich cities such as Malmö, translates to no serious threat to the number of attractive Northern Europeans. This is not to say that Western nations do not face various demographic problems, but at least Northern Europeans do not face the issue that Terry brought up; most of the other demographic issues are better discussed at more appropriate websites.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 22:48 Anon Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

All you trolls should just back off! This guy isn't saying any women are ugly; only ugly by comparison!

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 22:02 Erik Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Terry: Your comment does not make much sense. It is not that women do not care what men like; many do. Some just happen to end up misinformed.

I do not know if most men like breast implants. Some do, others don’t, some don’t care. I have never heard of any man calling another man a homosexual for refusing to have anal sex with his girlfriend. I do not believe that men will reject an unshaven women because of the influence of pornography. Western pornography often features shaved women because of the focus on the labia, but Japanese pornography usually features unshaven women (in their case many of the women have dark labia). In addition, piercings and tattoos only interest a subset of people.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 21:45 Apollyon Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?


It is true that Scandinavian countries have some of the highest fertility rates in Europe (as opposed to Southern and Eastern Europe where the fertility rate has dropped to the critical rate of 1.3 children per couple. This is essentially the rate at which a population will die out.

Sweden's rate is 1.67 - which is below the replacement rate (roughly 2.1). As far as I know, no society that dropped below 1.9 was able to reverse the decline.

The data is troubling for the West and for Caucasians.

Regarding the fact that few White women show interest in non-whites...there are always other, less savoury means to 'acquire' White women:

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 21:32 Erik Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

Tim: I did not write the quote you have ascribed to me; Apollyon did.

Bluto: I do not believe that gays are prodding the herd. It is more like some gays are among those prodding the herd, but gays by themselves could not bring themselves to prod the herd. The herd mentality or more specifically endorsing what is cool, manifest in an extreme manner, is most extensively a characteristic of people with a leftist political orientation. Thus, pre-1970s, when homosexuality was “not cool,” leftists persecuted homosexuals; now they promote “gay rights.”

One of the major events that precipitated change was a few days of riots centered around Stonewall inn in Greenwich, New York, which catered to homosexuals, transvestites and the like, and was run by a mobster, homosexual as far as I recall. The criminals had paid off the state police but not the federal police and a raid by the feds followed regarding criminal activity at the inn. The local homosexual community rioted and the leftist leadership, interested in using marginalized groups, figured that the homosexual community was of use to them.

The leftist movement slowly transitioned from animus toward homosexuals to friendliness. The leftist movement has spent a great deal of effort in explaining the shortcomings of minorities (defined as those who are not straight, able-bodied white heterosexual men) in terms of oppression by or social structures created by the majority, which is the basic paradigm promoted in the mainstream media. So these individuals are naturally reluctant to acknowledge instances of minorities, by virtue of intrinsic characteristics, creating troubles for the majority. So homosexuals are only part of those doing the prodding.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 21:18 Apollyon Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women


That comment was mine, not Eric's.

Men will not make it unfashionable (heterosexual ones anyway). They are not in control of fashion. It will remain 'fashionable' so long as homosexual men dominate the industry.

Unless there is a viable alternative, women will continue to complain about the (mythical) hetero-patriarchy that forces normal sized women to shop for clothes designed for skinny, boyish adolescent girls.

Until the general population is made aware of why the fashion industry is the way it is, and until there is a viable alternative, things will continue as is.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 20:51 Erik Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

Terry: I hope you do not intend to post comments along the lines of Peter above—derailing the discussion in an unrelated direction and involving bad data/arguments.

Northern Europeans do not have an extremely low birth rate. Scandinavians and their northern counterparts in the U.S. tend to have close-to-replacement-level fertility; the least fertile are disproportionately southern and eastern European countries.

In addition, few Northern Europeans have children with people from other populations. Taking the U.S. as an example of what may be expected in an ethnically diverse society (the U.S. is about 60% white), recent (2005) natality statistics reveal that approximately 90% of children born to white women and 93% of children fathered by white men are white. These figures are unlikely to considerably change with continued immigration because mixed-ancestry children born to whites do not vary strongly with the proportion of non-whites in a region. Note also that continued immigration promotes increased “ghettoization” and greater ethnic tensions, which are not conducive to the mixing of ethnic groups.

The [American] National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health survey [started 1994-1995 and cohort followed through 2008] reveals the lower willingness of Northern European women to have relationships with men of other ancestries. For instance, the proportions of white women who reported any African-American sex partner, by hair color, were: black (8.2%), brown (5.0%), blond (3.9%) and red (3.9%); obviously, the proportions of mixed-ancestry children born to these women are/will be much lower.

In addition, there is no nice way to describe the physical appearance [and also personality characteristics] of the majority of white people who have children with non-whites, but I will leave it at low odds of any serious decline in the number of fine-facial-featured good looking Northern Europeans in the next couple of generations.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 09:25 terry Do regular male viewers of x-rated movies prefer fake breasts to naturally well-endowed breasts?

erik, nordics may have the highest number of good looking fine featured people but they also have an extremely low birth rate and a high miscegenation rate and those fine features are going bye bye. when they are gone i wonder what the porno people are going to do.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 09:19 terry More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

hef is a douche. always has been.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 09:18 terry Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

the truth is that women don't care what men like. they want to obey the fashion industry. then, after obeying, they say that they do it to please men. then most men, being weak-willed, pretend to like things like implants for example. it's called pluralistic ignorance. i've heard many times one man call another 'homo' because they did not have anal sex with their girlfriends. pornography has social-engineered us. this explains the implants, the piercings, the tatoos, the non-existant pubic hair and all other forms of ugliness. men will actually reject an 'unshaven' woman. as far as nude models, i don't think it's only about the money, it's a bout narcissism. and women, when given an opportunity to use their bodies to control men cannot resist the ensuing power-trip and become addicted to it.

Wed, 03/23/2011 - 09:00 tim Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

Erik says: "One wonders if women are going to wake up soon? Most men are largely unaware (they are even unaware they are blamed for it - most of them have never heard of Naomi Wolf)!"

they are not going to wake up erik. rather they all ready know but don't have the will to buck the trend. they'll wake up when men make it unfashionable.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 17:46 bluto Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

all these people who laugh at your thesis are simply doing so because they feel they have to. the herd is stampeding in the gay direction at the moment. gays must constantly be prodding them because they know the herd doesn't really care about anything except being cool. so if cool were to change they would lose control and may even get it from all the people they chose as enemies. it all comes down to what's cool right now. they want to be cool.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 12:38 Gabriel What definitely not to do to tackle the influence of fashion media on triggering eating disorders

here now this is a picture thats more like what it nice.

supposedly plus size models

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 12:12 Gabriel Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Boring. I like women who are healthy that exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. women that are not stick figures and women that are not floppy or needlessly rotund. Just like I dont like the idea of an alcoholic or a smoker. they are not healthy and probably are not happy.

I like a little musculature on a well fleshed out woman. I'm not talking about fat. I mean fleshy tight and firm but soft and curvy at the same time. If she has muscles well as long as they aren't ropey and veiny and hard then all is well.

a healthy diet and regular exercise precludes being too skinny or fat. the right amount of protein and calcium makes your body fill out. the right amount of vitamins and minerals makes your skins hair and nails healthy and glossy and great to touch. Fatty acids and oils of the right kind also help with all of those things and also being limber and staying youthful.

Get some perspective guys. I dont want to make love to bones or the next heart attack patient. there is a lot of room to sway but if you ain't healthy you aren't happy and you aren't productive.. oh but what about the people who are naturally skinny and naturally robust? well if they are healthy and happy someone will scoop them up and happily take them home, this I guarantee you

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 11:31 Diane Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Can't you spell hanger correctly, you moron? You spelled it "hangar," which is a structure where airplanes are housed.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 11:27 Gabriel Top-50 high-fashion models

Some heated discussion going on here. I think it is fine to have any type of body or look in any magazine or book or poster or anything if it is sold to a market who appreciates that sort of thing. No one would successfully market anything if they did not give the people what they wanted.

However. Having young women on the point of anorexia and death for fashion is shallow, crass, immoral, a debasement and abuse of women and their desire to be appreciated and looked at and most importantly it teaches a wave of young women that those are ideals to seek after so that no one then needs to push a woman to starve she will do it willingly with warped desires and ideals in her head.

i want a woman to be healthy and exercise. lets see skinny and healthy toned women if we must but for Christ sake only a fucked in the head sicko would find a famished girl in poor health attractive. back to the issue at hand, none of the top models were anywhere near attractive to me but they are not there to cater to men.

Women do not dress up and put on makeup for men. women do not take hours shopping to please men in general. they might selectively set out to please THEIR man but men in general do not suffer when a woman walks around without $1000 outfits and a tray of makeup.

These "top models" do not exist for the entertainment of men. Women more than the average honest man will read these mags that illustrate models. I find the underwear models in the Kmart catalogs more appealing than models any day of the week because they are real, they always look natural, they aren't bathed in makeup and they aren't wearing clown suits dreamed up by some guy or woman trying to make a difference and diversify in a market where trends get old quicker than red meat in the sun.

but this is subjective up the wazoo. because you are not me. ladies you are not men, and normal honest men are not that shallow. and when it comes to it ladies most or you are forced to be not that shallow because your bodies like those of models are not perfect. perfect is not attainable unless you look only through one person's eyes.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 11:01 Gabriel A woman with small breasts

shes gorgeous. I could look at her all day long. but I don't think people are really thinking straight here. I don't know how everyone else works mentally but I like the look of her; Not just her body but her body language though I have to say some of those poses look more than a little contrived and as a result she is not actually experiencing a moment of levity but is in fact a little nervous in some of those pictures.

She does not make a very good model because she does not know how to position her body to full effect and she is not assuming control of the situation and being assertive with her body language or so it appears to me. That takes a measure of appeal out of the equation when it comes to the poses she is attempting. They are just not that sexy because she is not creating that impression.

Now as to her body well... I don't think the toned homogeneous look would suit her. her femininity would be ruined I think. If she really wanted to make that buttocks work for her she could definitely use some more muscle back there. Her top half is magnificent. Her skin is perfect.. Her face and torso are just a pleasure to look at... I don't think her fashion choices are the best. haha :)

Her poses aren't sexual to me. They are just too contrived... I don't think she is model material because having a good body just doesn't make a model. It takes a certain personality, skill and some kind of natural ability to display the body to full effect. Modelling is an art and if all you are noticing when a model works is the shape of her body and her imperfections then she is not doing her job.

If a woman with a perfect body flops in front of you nude nonchalantly you make receive an erection but if a woman looks at you with emotion, with a certain look in her eyes, with intent and with body language particular to her motives then you will be stirred in ways that go far beyond "jesus christ you're so fucking hot I wanna bang you"

Anyway these pictures do not make me want to have a relationship with this woman. They don't even make me want to have sex with her. But the first picture makes me curious about her. There is a genuine look in her eyes and it makes me wonder who she is.

It makes me want to meet her and discover if I develop desires born out of that change that happens inside of you when the things that a person says stirs you. When how they say it pulls at your heart and you begin to notice what their hands are doing and the emotions that are translated through the eyes.

It makes me wonder if she could be someone that wipes away barriers like they were nothing and exposes who I am, what my desires are and what my fears look like. But that is a reaction particular to me and that is really my point here. These pictures do not display anything in particular. They show a young woman posing.

Posing I might add in a boring and non-inspiring manner. Posing without heart or conviction. She does not look comfortable or convinced that she should be there and I am not convinced of anything about her. The expression in her first photo no doubt taken before she was asked to pose is exuding real feeling.

That is really her only saving grace here I think. Her eyes are just dazzling when she smiles like she means it. And yes I would take this woman over a model nine times out of ten if we are talking about the skinny ones that do funny faces when they march up and down the cat walk. >_< You know if you married a woman with a perfect body and she was a bitch and a slut no amount of toned or perfect ass would save her.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:44 corey Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

as a bisexual woman you have the right to be sanctimonious. at least until it ain't cool to be bi anymore.

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:42 corey Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

oh you say they are masculine, oh then you are anti-nordic! it's racist i tell ya, racist!

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:41 corey Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

no of course there isn't. that's why you brought it up. first malign someone with 'homosexual' and then be sure and claim you don't have a problem with it. that way you can be a douche and PC at the same time. how daring!

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:39 corey Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

well you knew this would happen. i do sympathize with this lady though. but let's look at it another way. if a guy would complain about women let's say, immediately he would be hit with "you're just mad because you don't get girls" or "you're negative" or "maybe there is something wrong with you" or "you're just saying that cuz you don't get any" and a whole host of others. that's why very few men complain. yet women complain and get emotional almost immediately and expect and do get sympathy. interesting.
