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Fri, 03/11/2011 - 21:03 Anon Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

kim deffinetly has plastic surgery, you can see it by looking at photos from different times, like years....her face becomes more streched and eyes go up every year higher and higher! And her body is very unproportional which is not beautiful! her legs are too short for her big butt lol Big buts are nice but then the big butt need a proportional appearance to rest of the body ah......all celebs are fake, sorry to brake all of your hearts!<3
And...i didnt say that nordic, slavic, baltic countries have evolved from jewish, but there are big communities of jews! Really big communities! First of all, just look at the surnames and you will see where their ancestors originate my thought was, we all are so mixed up that we cant tell which race or culture has most beautiful women! Tho...if you will go to Latvia, you will see that most women, that is 97 % are naturally beautiful and feminine! ;) :P If you dont believe go to trip to Latvia! :) or check internet but be careful, there are different cultures there in Latvia too, so before saying something about a very masculine, unnatractive woman, check where she is from, as she can be from different country living in latvia! ;) Russian women(rounder faces) look completely different from us latvians, the same with lithuanians(very tall, most are skinny, with long, pointy noses), and jewish(close set up eyes-its true, and big smile)...latvian women most have oval faces with mousy or blonde or ginger hair, long legs, hourglass figure most common!Quite big eyes( blue, grey, green, light brown)...fragile looking women, which is very feminine!;)

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 16:36 Warren McEntire The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

I really like this article but you (the publisher) should not censorship nipples in any way.

Thu, 03/10/2011 - 20:00 wardall clark Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Unless there is something figure shaping about the makeup she puts on as Mystique, it really is absurd to describe her figure as "mannish" because her hips are relatively narrow in proportion to her height and shoulder width. She has such a small waist that her hips appear shapely rather than narrow. This small waist made her breasts look larger to the eye, to the extent that from some angles she her figure appears somewhat hourglass in shape. Even the site creator would have to admit that an hour glass figure is the epitome of femininity.

Rebecca Romjin has what is best described as an atheletic or tubular torso. A great many woman are built this way, and one
of the miricls of modern fashion are brassiers, panty hose and certain clothing lines that make such figures look more
hour-glass-like to an observer. Only someone complete obsessed with bottom roundness and shoulder width would pronounce these tubular shapes "masculine"

AS for her face: the site creator is dead on. I like her personality and acting style so much that I normally do not note that without makeup there is nothing delicate about her features either in profile or straight on. She has nice skin, and when acting she skillfully uses make up to "feminize" her features.

RR apparently also has a realistic assessment of her own strengths and weaknesses: she took on the role of the transexual oldest "son" in Ugly Betty

Thu, 03/10/2011 - 07:34 Eztv Fashion models with and without make-up

As far as women being "wired" to have babies, well, not all are content to do that. Some don't have a choice either. I'd like to think that when I start a family, there will be a choice. However, with today's horrible economy, a two income family is preferable. I'd also like to add that many models have children. So how is it that they aren't wired for motherhood, or whatever it is that you meant?

Wed, 03/09/2011 - 23:09 dsws The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

There are many characteristics that indicate whether a person is male or female. Setting all of them all the way toward the direction that indicates female yields one face, one physique, zero variation. There's no reason to suppose that this one look is the favorite of every strictly heterosexual man. It only takes a few of them to clearly indicate that the person is female, as long as the others are merely in the androgynous range rather than masculine enough to call the person's sex into question. Once a man has established that the person he's seeing is female, it would make sense, even for a strictly heterosexual man to use the rest of the characteristics to evaluate the person's appearance on grounds other than redundantly confirming that she's female. And the vast majority of these women have no really masculine features, just moderately androgynous ones, combined with other features that are quite unambiguously feminine. There's no good reason for a heterosexual male to reject them on the basis of appearance, nor any good reason not to like variety.

Wed, 03/09/2011 - 04:23 Bob Smiley Fashion models with and without make-up

Anyone would look different with make-up on, whether you are a male or female, model or not. However, some of these girls DO look very masculine without their make-up on.

Tue, 03/08/2011 - 03:38 Joseph Two non-feminine women

I think this website is the biggest load of shit I have ever seen. Seems like the woman who created this site is just looking for some reassurance about her own looks and thinks its fair to judge others and call them men for the way they look. Get a fucking life. By the way the chick who created this site is fucking ugly and should consider a hairstyle change. she looks like a drag queen with her fringe..and nose..and chin...and ears.. all highly manly i agree! sound familiar?

by the way porn stars arent glamour models, theyre fucking sluts

you have one link giving advice on 'improving your looks' and then right under that link you have advice on 'self esteem'. are you fucking kidding me? this site is a walking contradiction. stop pretending that youre doing a justice for society when all you are doing is bringing people down. wanna know why people have eating disorders? its simple. its because of people like you

have you thought that maybe people with high cheekbones and a strong jaw might have actually been born that way? thats usually the case. i guess you havent come across that in your "studies"

as a psychology student, this website is the most disgusting, vile thing i have ever come across and i am disgusted this is even allowed on the internet. seek some professional help please!

also im a little this a porn site as well????

Mon, 03/07/2011 - 10:41 Apollyon The 2006 Miss USA beauty pageant: are beauty queens supposed to look like prostitutes?

But you clearly are...

Mon, 03/07/2011 - 01:23 fdakj The 2006 Miss USA beauty pageant: are beauty queens supposed to look like prostitutes?

You are not a very intelligent person -------

Sat, 03/05/2011 - 22:05 Visitor Rose Byrne

Can you look at Diana Dors, Mae West,Sherry Britton , Salma Hayek and Mayra Veronica?I think the are all feminine.Are the somewhat masculinized women more or less feminine than the average women?

Sat, 03/05/2011 - 14:51 Visitor Rose Byrne

Ok so tell me about what you think of kate beckensale and veronica lake?:)

Sat, 03/05/2011 - 02:32 Visitor Rose Byrne

And what on earth is robust about her face?!:)

Sat, 03/05/2011 - 02:29 Visitor Rose Byrne

Do you not think most men have a high opinion Brigitte Bardots face?

Fri, 03/04/2011 - 22:51 Human Bio-Diver... The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue


This is an excellent site and you have a firm grasp on evolutionary sexual-selective pressures. What I find is truly HILARIOUS, is the amount of closet homosexual men that read this site and then shriek at you for exposing their latent homosexuality. This is just side-splitting to read if you are intelligent enough to understand it. For the less intelligent:

Erik has pointed out that a significant amount of self-identified heterosexual men have *slight* homosexual tendencies. This can be demonstrated by the preference of these same men for *masculine* women (women who have features that resemble those of a man).

So what happens? Some men hop on this site, read about Erik pointing out this demonstrable, nearly tautological FACT, and then they become genuinely offended because it points out their own latent homosexual tendencies, and this is reinforced when these same men look at the *masculine* women and become aroused. So, what do these closet homosexuals do? They try to cure their own cognitive dissonance by *projecting* their own homosexuality upon the author of the site, Erik! This is pure comedy, folks.

Most *strictly heterosexual* men COMPLETELY agree with Erik (.70 waist, curvy butt, larger breasts are preferred, and wide shoulders, man-like hips, and strong jaws/brows are not preferred). Did you stumble upon this site and then become offended when Erik's drew attention to the fact that *masculine* women are, generally, more *masculine* than feminine women? LOL. There's your sign! You can still call yourself "heterosexual" but just come to grips with the fact that you are farther down the scale of sexuality than you thought you were. You indeed exhibit traits that indicate either bisexuality or latent homosexuality. Don't blame Erik (by calling him homosexual, LOL) for being the honest messenger!

Fri, 03/04/2011 - 16:01 Jamie The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

Haha.Ana Beatriz Barros, the Victoria Secret Model is "masculine" looking and Kelly the porn-star is feminine LMFAO!
You wish!You probably have the same boring features as Kelly-that's why you are trying to force her onto other people.Plus we all have some bad pics-but you purposely found bad pics of Ana and some photoshopped pics of Kelly.OMG-imagine that's her best look!
And don't even get me stared on that other naked chick-is that Kelly's sis?
Both ugly, boring,pale with thin lips EW!
And BTW,Ana is of Portugese&Spanish descent with African mix as well-she said it herself!Stop hating, stupid-there is something about Ana and other Brazilian models that always makes them stand out!

Fri, 03/04/2011 - 15:57 T Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

"Unfortunately" small breasts? So you can't put these very attractive women in the "attractive" section because they have "unfortunately" small breasts? That is just offensive. I have small breasts (a small B) and they are very proportional to my frame. I always get compliments (either to my face or something I overheard) on how beautiful I am, and do not lack male attention. I do not think that my small breasts are a detriment to myself. That you have the gall to say that it should be detrimental to myself and my attractiveness is disgusting. I guess you also think the beautiful actress Kate Hudson is sadly not worthy of the attractive section?

Fri, 03/04/2011 - 01:12 Erik Rose Byrne

This is in regard to a number of women mentioned in the comments above. I will likely add Jaclyn Smith to the attractive women section. I have passed on Brigitte Bardot because there is an element of robusticity in her face that I do not have a high opinion of. Both Sherilyn Fenn and Shania Twain look good to me; I will deal with their pictures at some point.

Thu, 03/03/2011 - 23:37 Erik Minka Dumont Kelly

Nicegirl: Betty Brosmer looked great as a young adult, the ultimate pinup, and I should have mentioned her in the context of providing illustrations of extreme femininity that some people asked me to point out. I have used “extreme femininity” in the context of shape that is so distant from average in the feminine direction that attractiveness is diminished compared to a less feminine, but clearly feminine, optimum. It is difficult to find women who are overall extremely feminine but Betty Brosmer’s waist-hip-backside region qualifies as extremely feminine.

Thu, 03/03/2011 - 23:28 Erik Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

Apollyon: Speaking of daring, this guy contacted me that he was pleasantly surprised to come across my argument on gay fashion designers being responsible for selecting high-fashion models who were very thin and with other characteristic features, something that he had presented, of all places, in women’s studies class! He contacted me a few years ago and the incident had occurred years earlier. Basically he was laughed out of class as homophobic.

This guy came across as left leaning, apparently had nothing against gays and did not appear to be someone who had enrolled in women’s studies class to have fun messing around with feminists, i.e., his viewpoint was a non-malicious inference rather than indicative of prejudice against gays. In contrast, if I were to insist that my argument on the gay fashion designer influence is independent of the attitude that I have toward homosexuals in general, many people would not believe it. So I let the evidence speak for itself.

Regarding people waking up, this will be a gradual process. Before the internet, the mainstream media—who are under the control of a small number of entities—had a monopoly on mass communications. The internet age has exposed an increasing number of people to an entirely different world out there. Confronted with novel, confusing, contrasting and contradicting information, those better at critical thinking have been quicker to separate the wheat from the chaff and others have had their critical thinking skills sharpened. People like me, who would not have a chance to introduce unorthodox ideas to the public via the mainstream media, can reach out to tens of thousands of people on the internet for a nominal cost—it costs a mere $15 per month to run this website, and I could run it for $10 a month or less if I change the service provider, but I like the service provider and the extra is practically nothing.

When html 5 specifications are finalized and we get to use it widely, people less tech savvy than me will be able to come up with more sophisticated websites for a similar or lower cost. A number of orthodox stances are doomed in the long run.

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 05:10 Jon Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women

I was delighted to see this article, and I hope you were too, Erik. I think it is monumental to see this opinion shared in a mainstream publication, even if you disagree with some of the nitty-gritties about it!

And I have to say I made the mistake of searching for "Chloe Memisevic" in Google images and I almost vomited. What a horrifically hideous creature.

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 16:36 Apollyon Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Heterosexual men have little, if anything, to say about what women wear...they don't run the fashion industry. Gay men do.

That's the point. that, and the dangerously thin female models that are selected by the gay fashion designers because they look like adolescent boys...which is one of the causes for girls various eating disorders/insecurities. It isn't caused by heterosexual men...who invariably prefer healthy women (naturally).

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 16:17 Apollyon Amanda Platell on fashion’s ultimate insult to women by using a man to model clothes for women


Looks like you are steadily being vindicated.

I mentioned (years ago in my 20s) to female friends, that the fashion industry was obviously dominated by gay men...and what did they know about femininity? I was dismissed as 'homophobic' for daring to suggest such a concept.

What's fascinating is that this is in a mainstream publication.

One wonders if women are going to wake up soon? Most men are largely unaware (they are even unaware they are blamed for it - most of them have never heard of Naomi Wolf)!

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 11:58 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

Erik what do you think about how betty brosmer looks?

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 04:18 Concerned Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Erik, has anyone ever told you that you give off a strong serial killer vibe?

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 03:12 Erik Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Jed: There is no gay conspiracy/gay agenda argument presented at this site. I have made my view clear that the dominant fashion designers, who are disproportionately homosexual men, are selecting female models that are consistent with their aesthetic preferences; they are doing this to please themselves, not to undermine the interests of others.

You have presented alternatives to why fashion models look the way they do, but all of them have been addressed within this website and found wanting. Unique looks can be had in so many different ways. Why do the unique looks in question bear an uncanny resemblance to those of adolescent boys? Because these are of greater artistic merit?

You have mentioned the artistic merit only in relation to the thinness factor. But most people do not see art in gauntness. A condition indicative of disease, deprivation or starvation is disturbing to most. What about above average masculinization? Whereas increasing masculinization is more unique, so is increasing feminization. Why one but not the other? With heavy weight lifting, women could masculinize themselves somewhat, but there is no easy way for them to feminize themselves. Why is above average feminization, being more unattainable, not more desirable? And what about the age factor? Why are mid-teens the preferred age for female models even when the clothes must be marketed to middle aged women?

This site does not assume that fashion is geared toward “everyday women.” It addresses high-fashion models and hence high fashion, which is beyond the reach of the masses. But upper class people in general also prefer feminine beauty in women.

You said that I have conveniently ignored very feminine high-fashion models such as Adriana Lima and Lily Cole. I have not ignored them. Adriana Lima’s claim to fame is not high-fashion modeling and she is not very feminine. Lily Cole is an anomaly but exceptions do not undermine the general rule. The thing that needs explanation is the central tendency of physical appearance, not the outlier. Similarly, atypical preferences of individual fashion designers do not undermine the typical preference of the dominant fashion designers for female models that approach the looks of adolescent boys. Since you mentioned 1930s fashion models, you may be interested in some twentieth century trends.
