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Sun, 02/27/2011 - 23:09 Erik What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

maulflanders: I have known about Andrej Pejic, but was unaware of the article. Thank you for pointing it out. The article is worth commenting on, which I have posted here.

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 20:29 Erik Minka Dumont Kelly

Amy : Minka Kelly is no longer a young adult and the picture of her above is a very recent one. I suggest you kook at her pictures when she was a young adult. She can tan well and looks odd when she overdoes the tan, but she does not do it often. She does not have a square jaw, but a pointy chin that has grown more prominent with age, but again, people lose their attractiveness past young adulthood.

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 20:21 Erik Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks: Part 2

Apollyon : The way it works in science and medical journals is that the authors of an original article get to respond to criticism or peer commentary on their article but the critics do not get to critique this reply in print. So I cannot get the above response published in the journal.

I have not received much of a response to the original criticism. One academic thought that I was joking, pointing out market forces. But like Voracek and Fisher, he did not consider that most women will not pose nude let alone act in pornography, nor did he respond to non-looks factors behind porn stardom.

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 12:26 nicegirl Rose Byrne

Yes what is wrong with Brigitte Bardot ?And what do you think of Shania Twain ?

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 11:55 nicegirl Minka Dumont Kelly

She looks good to me.

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 06:01 amy Minka Dumont Kelly

sorry but I don't think she is good looking at all. she has bad skin and a squared jaw. her skin looks almost jaundice. she looks very unfortunate looking to me.

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 05:58 amy An addition

what do you mean her face is not mature?
I am what you would class as a feminine physiqued white woman in my early 20's but people always say my face looks about 14 that there is something very young about my face. I don't know what it is that looks young about my face, it is hard to pinpoint.

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 01:30 Julian The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Good Nights..

I discovered this web-page because I'm an artist and wanted to draw women much better. They are more difficult to draw then men, due to their curves and delicate features.

When I first saw the page, I was disoriented and thought I was on another porn site with no real purpose, and almost left, and stopped when I saw the comparisons.

I have read many comments, some of them I do not agree, like insults directed to the creator of this website.

I do agree that beauty is something we must cherish and look forward to, but there is still some "decency" that is not present which dirties the good arguments here exposed.

But again, the purpose of this web site is pointed towards men directed products. Maybe another website with a more decent approach to the matter will help to create a better tool for the cause.

I totally agree with the creator on the more feminine and more masculine features of the women here exposed, with some minor details I won't loose time explaining. It is well known how hormones affect a women, and how a well balanced nutrition or the lack of it may also affect this hormones, as well as other activities.

At the moment, 2 of my friends (we are all heterosexual men) agree on the arguments here exposed. We will consider them when creating female characters for our various artistic creations (non naked of course), using at times the more masculine or feminine type when we consider that appropriate.

So I must say thanks for the is well done, but could be better in a more decent manner.

As of today I am still struggling with the concept of decency as to how far nakedness is wrong. When I have an answer, I will try and let the creator of this website know.

Best Regards,


Sat, 02/26/2011 - 21:14 maulflanders Estradiol and face shape in women

Okay I see that I'm late to the discussion here, but-
Emily. I do not see the need to bash the looks of Indians out of nowhere. This wasn't, as far as I could tell, a post about ethnicity. You think Swedish girls are the most beautiful? Good! Post pictures of Swedish girls! Compose paeans to their beauty! There is no need to attack other ethnic groups, calling them malformed or primitive or strange or whatever. It's just offensive.
Now, judging by your other posts, I am sure you will say something like "oh maulflanders is just jealous because she's an ugly darkie and covets my genes." Uh, no. This brings me to my other point. You often go beyond simply saying "I find this ethnicity more attractive than this one". You vituperatively attack, and then when someone gets upset (and yes, people like Godis are often obnoxious), it's "oh they're not white. They don't have feelings. The only thing they think about is getting their hands on white genes while telling white people that they're ugly. Also on sacrificing white babies and poisoning wells." I can assure you, Emily, that I am completely Indian; and if there is some such conspiracy, neither I nor anyone I know got the memo. If anything, Asians STRONGLY frown upon inter-racial romantic/sexual mingling.It is true that they gravitate towards whites if they pick someone outside the race, but this is a status issue- a low-status white would not be at all acceptable.
I find this to be a problem because it's more than your preference of appearance. It's this bizarre attack on the character of an entire ethnic/racial group (or, really, groups) which is highly offensive.
See, Emily, if I were to use your logic against you, this is what I would say: "Emily knows deep down that Swedes have (small eyes, thin lips, big feet, thin hair, flat butts, whatever). Therefore, she must criticize women from other racial groups. She sees that white men are picking non-white sexual partners and are fapping to Asians all over the internet, and this makes her so envious that she has to invent a conspiracy theory to bolster her falling ego." But of course, I know that's completely b.s., and it sounds like b.s. when you say it. But if I said it, you would be provoked even if you knew it wasn't true; and it works both ways. I honestly don't care what you think about the looks of non-white women, because I know I'm attractive and that there's no shortage of men from all races who think so. It's your malicious, unnecessarily abrasive talk about non-white appearance and character which I object to, and since you immediately flare up when someone criticizes Nordic women, I think I have the right to do the same.

Fri, 02/25/2011 - 21:52 maulflanders What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

I think you will find this interesting.

Fri, 02/25/2011 - 18:15 Nicky The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

LOLL!! I thought this comment was awesome.

I'm 5'8 with the 34-24-35 proportions. Lots of people tell me I have the perfect body even though Erik is saying that the women who look like me are tranny. And for me to try to become hour-glass would mean extra-fat that would not work well on my small frame.

Also, Erik sounds like a racist. He thought Eva Mendez was voted as the hottest woman on ask-men by Latino voters only. As if all the Latinos would collectively choose to vote only in 2009 & then flood ask-men with their votes. When Beyonce was picked as the hottest, is it 'cus the 6% of American blacks got together & voted her into the top spot? What a load of bull. (I'm not a Latina - just calling BS when I see it)

Fri, 02/25/2011 - 14:42 Apollyon Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks: Part 2

Very Nice response to Voracek and Fisher's response.

Did you post this most recent analysis to the Archives of Sexual Behavior?

I'm curious what other experts in the field think of your analysis.

- Apollyon

Thu, 02/24/2011 - 00:48 jon Amy from spunky angels

You should say 'beat her up'. LOL
That is NOT a pimple on her face. You're going blind. LOL

Wed, 02/23/2011 - 19:44 sarah What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

I definitely agree candice is so beautiful, sexy and smart! i like her body much so slim, thanks for sharing! cheers...

Wed, 02/23/2011 - 17:24 shingo yabuki An addition

gawd I think I'm in love, I even paid for a full month @ met-art just to see her pictures, she's simply amazing. really. =P does anyone knows any other pseudonym of her?

Wed, 02/23/2011 - 16:25 STMI Anorexia statistics: Naomi Wolf’s Overdo and Lie Factor (WOLF)

Wow, it looks like Ms. Wolf grossly over-exaggerated the popularity of anorexia. I knew it was a big issue among teenage girls, but I didn't think it resulted in very many deaths. Many girls just take dieting to an extreme because they don't know how to lose weight in a healthy way. I think better education on nutrition and weight loss might be helpful.

Tue, 02/22/2011 - 04:50 Safiye Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

I figured it out.

Mon, 02/21/2011 - 22:06 Jubayer Cute women 5

I love white women. Especially Kaitlyn, there's a woman who lives in my building and her bf's a real douchebag, I'm trying to bang her. Spread the word Mr Educator, need more white female reproduction.

Mon, 02/21/2011 - 20:38 Bob the Chef The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Personally, much of this website is bankrupt because the alternative it presents to runways models is a bunch of ugly slovenly hags from porn sites that lack elegance. It's as if in the heat of jerking off, someone decided to post the convenient object of his relief, the common slag. If estrogen is in fact responsible for the ball of fat and droopy undefined whore faces that some seem to favor, the robust, the comical hottentot ape asses and breasts that would inspire envy in the most profession balloonists, then there is such a thing as too much estrogen, and perhaps the ideal woman is one who possesses a nice dose of androgens to give her the balance, proportion and thus nobility that is presentable. Perhaps androgyny with a shot of estrogen. The case applies to men as well, as too much testosterone certainly does not conform to the Greek idea either. Here are my loose criteria for feminine beauty and a rant against ugliness.

Grace Kelly's body is beautiful because it's not overly voluptuous. Her face possesses definition, but the EDGES are softed. A woman should not have a second chin dangling next to her next. It should be straight! What makes a woman a women is largely the fact that the edges are softened, and her face is long. While not all fashion models are attractive, Some indeed venture into teenage boy territory (although teenage boys were admired by the Greeks, because they're hardly masculine: see erastes/eromenos), it's a little excessive to rant against all of them. Toni Garrn, for example, looks like a capable, elegant woman who simultaneously possesses daintiness and strength that characterizes femininity:

I will remind you that we are judging pictures, not women, because a number of things influence the appearance of a person in a picture. Example: Caroline Winberg has feminine but restrained features that in many pictures appear beautiful. But some pictures aren't as effective at communicating that.

Ugliness is what many rubes in our society, including the owner of this website and many posting, often cherish. A face where cheeks (not cheek bones) protrude like a baby's face (pedophilia anyone?). Formless faces with no definition. Nasty pear shaped bodies like like look a toothpick stick in a marshmallow. Short fat legs and thunder-thighs. Cankles. Weak shoulders. Heavy build. Robust features. Huge buttocks that looks like something that could pose a structural hazard to buildings if it should swing into a support beam. Breasts that could feed the third world (hopefully breast cancer will cull that part of the herd). A round pizza face that assault its eyes and dares to claim so much area with so much ugliness. Short midgety trollish women. I can only think that men intimidated by beauty would settle for something quite so ugly or something so formless and "harmless" as a woman resembling an infant. A disaster of proportion, of awkward curves and absence of form. You rail against the banana body, but you offer hideous examples of what would pass for middle aged men. And here's a food for thought, if you fail to recognize the averageness and unremarkable appearance of these women now: aging. As women age, they frequently get more robust. So if you start with a rail, you'll get to normal. Start with the already offensive examples you provide, and you end up with a Rubenesque monstrosity that makes masturbation and cheating increasingly attractive.

Softness is a feature of femininity, but as always, in proper proportion. Otherwise, you risk calling a ball of lint feminine. So either you people have poor taste, or you're sexualities are warped, or you suck at describing things.

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 21:15 maulflanders Rose Byrne

You should add Sherilyn Fenn to this section.

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 14:43 walker Estradiol and face shape in women

I think high cheekbones, a strong jawline(although not a long jaw), full lips, eyes that are not spaced too close together and a unique nose make up a beautiful face.

Those traits don't make a person beautiful. What makes one subject beautiful are well balanced traits. A woman with thin lips can be as beautiful and feminine as a women with full lips.

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 14:36 walker Estradiol and face shape in women

Oh, but see I didn't bash Swedes and Europeans or portray any of their features wrongly or make up false features for them. I didn't spam this thread with hideous unrepresentative Swedes with that a large, hooked nose which would make a Middle-Easterner blush, though I can find 100s by just logging on my facebook account, unlike you who can't even find 25 for my group with hunting like a woman possessed. I just stated facts, which are backed by scientific studies and general observations made by millions including myself, and an opinion.

And you said that just after bashing northern europeans.

You have no clue about how indians look, althoug you are indian. Your perception of their looks is just the indians you came in contact your whole life. You have not travelled through the entire India; you don't know the entire population. Just like Europe, in India you are able to find all sorts of looks. Noses that range from upturned to downward are found in india. For example: punjabibs look nothing like tamils

And you also call people name: faelid, hallstate, etc. which are pretty useless. I'm very aware of those therm and they have no relation with feminine beauty. They are just a old system of phenotype classification. Inside those phenotypes you will find masculine and feminine types. There are manly women everywhere: From Englad to India. It's probably caused by some hormonal disorder os some type of genetic defect.

Many people have the wrong perception about scandinavia women being masculine because most of the scandinavia women in evidence are masculine feminists. Once in scandinavia people change their perception, except the haters, which will always look for the defects.

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 11:54 AHI Fashion models with and without make-up

I don't think these models are unattractive in any way. Instead, I think they broaden the definition of beauty, making more diverse looks beautiful. These models are from all over the world, which makes it impossible to have one global definition of beauty. The more I travel, the more I realize how diverse women are and how my definition of beauty expands with each new country I visit.

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 19:47 Greg Olsen Art Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

I would prefer the normal approach to displaying and advertising underwear. All these unnatural poses are just so uncomfortable.

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 18:11 Visitor Feminine beauty from Russia

Just so you know, these pictures are from an Eastern European prostitution site. All of the girls above are prostitutes.
