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Sun, 02/13/2011 - 00:39 anon The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

You are a cynical piece of shit, these women are all beautiful. The author of this article is obviously fat/ugly and mad at the world, because they choose not to put forth the hard work and dedication these women have done.

Fri, 02/11/2011 - 09:05 NeilWechsler Cure worse than the disease? The No-l-ita ad: how not to tackle anorexia

Many of these girls are trying to lose weight that much that they are getting addicted to various drugs. The sad thing is that through fashion media and some mental disorders, even after they have received drug treatments they are still going on that path. I think that a simple imagery campaign is not enough and a more aggressive campaign should be applied in this case.

Wed, 02/09/2011 - 09:04 maggie What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

Wow! what a great post!i like all the model but the sexiest for me is candice, she is not only sexy but her face is beautiful. thanks for sharing this nice article keep it up!

Tue, 02/08/2011 - 22:48 Jed Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Reading through this site, I find a lot of interesting points.

But I get a sense of a "homosexuals are trying to take over the world" conspiracy on here. And it's laughable.

There is no hidden gay agenda in fashion. Yes, fashion changes, but it is still art.

The skinny models that we see are selected, because of how they look. But not because they look like boys, but because they look dramatic. They look surreal. They look unique. Their legs, their silhouette are not human. Fashion is not about the everyday, it is also about expression, the abstract, the ideals. This website is founded on the misconception that fashion is geared towards everyday women. And many people have that misconception about fashion.

Personally, I would not like a woman who looks like a stick. But I would want a model who looks as such. There is form and function... Nobody says that more feminine models don't have a role in fashion. They do. There are high-fashion models today who are very feminine, such as Adriana Lima and Lily Cole, who you seem to conveniently omit to show your point of view. There are designers who use curvy models, plus models, regular models, etc. There are different criteria for different types of models. But in the high-fashion world of today, wispy models with sharp, angular faces add a lot of dramatic flare to the whole image of fashion. That is the purpose of it all. Models of the 1930's were slender too, but more feminine. Maybe fashion has blurred some boundaries of femininity, but they do not insist upon it. Fashion is not representing the ideal masculinity or femininity. We incorrectly interpret it as so. It is about representing, as in the rest of art, certain ideals, expressions, themes, concepts. Let's look at it this way, if fashion were simply about the masculine and the feminine, it would have stagnated a long time ago and everyone would wear the same thing and nobody would be interested in art.

Look at fashion as an art. Not as a means of living. Art requires certain materials and methods, and different mediums. The body is the canvas. Skinny models just happen to be a type of canvas that is so effective at portraying a medium of fashion in a certain way. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thu, 02/03/2011 - 17:54 Dot Fail Miriam from watch4beauty (W4B)

Dots = Fail. KTHXBAI

Wed, 02/02/2011 - 15:03 M. McFly Anorexia statistics: Naomi Wolf’s Overdo and Lie Factor (WOLF)

It appears to me that the world is suffering from a shortage of non-biased educated individuals. It seems like every time we get just the littlest bit of knowledge, we go right to work spinning it to endorse of substantiate our agenda. It's col, we all do it. That doesn't make it any less pathetic though. Inflated statistics or not, anorexia is real, and there are people suffering from it. I would love to see society start moving away from agendas, and start moving toward compassion. Just my opinion though.(and it's probably just as biased sounding as everyone's)

Wed, 02/02/2011 - 06:33 Safiye Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

My height is 5'4" and my legs are exactly 31.5 inches long. I can not calculate my ratio cause I'm bad at maths. But it seems that I resemble the model number 12. Can you help?

Tue, 02/01/2011 - 22:30 Swan Fashion models with and without make-up

absolutely agreed. Finally someone gets it. These women are beautiful, without makeup.

Mon, 01/31/2011 - 15:52 Allerious Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

1) So what if he's a white nationalist? There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Would you be similarly opposed to Asian, Hispanic, or African nationalist sentiments?

2) Non-Nordic doesn't imply non-European, for no one tries to claim that the entirety of Europe is or ever was inhabited exclusively by Nordic peoples.

3) There are scientifically rigorous ways of classifying individuals by their phenotype, in accordance with basic anthropological principles. These methods, once well-developed and widely known in the academic world, have fallen out of vogue due to political correctness. This was the author's main assertion, and he is correct in making it.

Mon, 01/31/2011 - 08:30 Rachel The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

She has been in every Victoria Secret show, I wonder why she never became one of the angels-she’s beautiful!

Sun, 01/30/2011 - 04:40 Visitor Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Asians have tiny eyes~ Black people have massive noses~ typical Hitler Aryan bullshit!
I noticed how you opted to choose Japanese COMEDIANS -not- MODELS or ACTORS to assert what Japanese beauty supposedly is. Yes, there are people in Asian countries without European heritage that have massive eyes without makeup. If you had lived there, like me, then you would see this clearly!

Horikita Maki is a beautiful example of a very attractive Japanese Woman!
More realistically, THIS is what the 'popular' J girls look like in highschool:
More realistically, THIS, is actually the image of beauty for Japanese women that many people in Japan have, (not comedians, which are admired for their personalities/ability to make people laugh):

The idea that Black women have bigger noses is also a MYTH, not fact:
Asia and Africa consist of many different countries with billions of people.
YES, there are famous Black-Asian people:
There are going to be some ugly people in all countries, including Sweden attractive people in the world too.

There are so many attractive people in the world too. Maybe ther are some flaws in the Pi theory, but that doesn't prove a Super Race either!

Sun, 01/30/2011 - 01:18 Beauty4Teens Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

An article on bellybuttons. That's interesting. O.o

Fri, 01/28/2011 - 20:34 Erik Welcome!

Beth Bear: The curvaceousness of a 34-24-34 woman depends on her height and other dimensions. A 5-5 woman with these measurements may look curvy, whereas a 5-10 woman, the average height of a fashion model, may not. The torso of a woman with a 34-inch bust circumference will look very different when the woman has a C or D cup as opposed to an A cup (clearly larger rib cage). A 5-10 slender man can easily have a waist in the neighborhood of 28 inches and hence a very slender fashion model can have a 24-inch waist without looking particularly feminine because her broader rib cage in front view will tend to stretch the abdominal region horizontally in the front view, which will also be due to her abdominal region being less vertically elongated due to masculinization (see additional details on feminization and body shape variation).

A few years ago I obtained the reported measurements of the top 50 high-fashion models; they averaged 32.5-23.7-34.1. I posted their pictures, and you can see that they are not very womanly looking, on average. While looking at this list you also need to consider that many of these fashion models were in the neighborhood of age 20 or more at the time, which is normally too old for a woman to start out as a fashion model, and the reason these women were modeling in their “old age” is because of the stardom they had achieved. If you extrapolate to how these women looked when they were in their mid teens (feel free to search for their younger pictures), which is when the majority of them were recruited as fashion models—early to mid-teens is what the top designers prefer, but due to public relations issues, they more often start with girls in their mid teens—then I think you can appreciate that an adolescent-boy look appears to be the central tendency of what the dominant fashion designers prefer in their models. This conclusion will be clearer if you account for the fact that occasionally there will be some exceptions to the rule. For instance, some models may have masculine features with curves, a mature look that does not approach that of adolescent boys but is more along the lines of the physical appearance of male-to-female transsexuals, but this is again within the preferences observed in the GLBT community to which the majority of the dominant fashion designers belong. In other cases, fashion designers may make an exception for, say, a slender girl or woman who does not look sufficiently masculine if she has fine facial features.

Tue, 01/25/2011 - 07:22 anna Fashion models with and without make-up

well they dont look bad in the first place so when they wear makeup it looks alright,but other people with bad skin or whatever dont really look that good evan in makeup.

Mon, 01/24/2011 - 22:08 Beth Bear Welcome!

I just have a question: if it is true that models are supposed to look like adolescent boys ( I admit that there faces are very manly looking.) why is the ideal model size 34-24-34? I realize that these measurements do not make a overly curvy woman, but they do make a woman nonetheless, it seems like if there purpose was to look like boys then the ideal measurments would be closer together, like 30-24-30, come to think of it, I don't even know if that measurment is possible, but if it is it seems like it would make a more "adolescent-boy-looking Woman" Thanks -Beth

Mon, 01/24/2011 - 18:03 Markus Rose Byrne

It surprises me you haven't added Brigitte Bardot to your gallery. She seems to epitomize your ideal of feminine beauty with her hyper-feminine face and hourglass figure!

Mon, 01/24/2011 - 10:22 Katie Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

This site is absolutely disgusting. It's barely concealing it's homophobic, sexist and racist intentions and consistently slips up.

Heterosexual men do not need any more say in what women wear or how they are portrayed in the media. If it wasn't women losing weight to look skinnier, it would be women wearing corsets to look more feminine and damaging themselves in other ways. Oh wait, that already happened.

Women aren't there to be drooled over by men, whether they're masculine or feminine (according to whatever definitions you've decided to adopt). Men aren't there to be drooled over by women, so there's plenty of room for men of all races, shapes and sizes in the media.

The 'attractive women' section is creepy in the extreme. It looks as if you've gathered them from cheap porn sites. There's a striking lack of variety.

What we should be promoting in the media is diversity (all types of women, including the 'masculine' ones that you seem to think that no one finds sexy), so that no one feels like they should fit to somebody's extreme and rigid definition's of beauty. Promoting one particular and badly defined archetype is worse than doing nothing and you should be ashamed of yourself.

And for the record, I'm a scientist, and funnily enough - we all find different things attractive - and what we find attractive changes according to our cultural influences.

Some people find children and animals sexually exciting, but that doesn't mean we need more of that in the media! The media isn't there to panda to anyone's sexual expectations, and it would do better, as I've already mentioned to show a variety of healthy men and women who haven't felt the needs to modify themselves with surgery to make them appear sexier to the opposite sex - and preferably, if they're promoting music or clothes (or something other than their bodies), not naked.

I repeat, this site is vile, and what you should really promote is a variety of models of all types (including BUT NOT LIMITED TO) feminine women. That might be something that was actually beneficial to women, you self-obsessed moron.

Thu, 01/20/2011 - 18:04 Visitor Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty

In the section on Some ways of ameliorating poor body image or the problems underlying body image issues: you include the following:

"The typical woman desirous of having a child wants a highly desirable man for, among other things, providing quality genetic material. The problem of obtaining quality genetic material for the typical woman can be solved in at least three possible ways in the absence of a highly desirable male long-term stable partner." You then go into the ways a women can find a "highly desirable" or "quality" man to be a sperm donor.

Perhaps there was a reason, but I don't understand why this information is in this section.

As a sidenote, I'm not sure what bearing this has on anything. I don't think women sit around coldly thinking of ways of finding quality genetic material as a means of having a perfect specimen of a child. More than anything I think many women are driven by the desire for a family, children, husband/partner, amongst many other things. I would think many would simply ask a friend, or an old boyfriend in those cases and perhaps a sperm bank as a last resort. Whatever they (we) do, I don't think it's the scenario for ameliorating a poor body image.

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 19:20 Bigone Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

I've seen fat girls and thin girls. Thin gals are prettier, hotter in bed and they don't have gunts to go with their saggy breasts. Once was with a girl who had false breasts which were very hard and I wouldn't have cared if they were tiny. My current girlfriend is a stick and has a tight body, she CUMS LIKE CRAZY and I have never had a fat girl (over size 10) that was so sensual in bed. Fatties do have boobs but they also have self esteem issues and put down thin girls. Usually I have to turn off the light so I don't see cellulite. It's a turn-off. Literally. Breast size doesn't matter but body fat does. And pretty girls almost always have small breasts unless they're fake.

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 19:18 Bigone Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

I've seen fat girls and thin girls. Thin gals are prettier, hotter in bed and they don't have gunts to go with their saggy breasts. Once was with a girl who had false breasts which were very hard and I wouldn't have cared if they were tiny. My current girlfriend is a stick and has a tight body, she cums like crazy and I have never had a fat girl (over size 10) that was so sensual in bed. Fatties do have boobs but they also have self esteem issues and put down pretty girls. Usually I have to turn off the light so I don't see cellulite. It's a turn-off. Literally. Breast size doesn't matter but body fat does. And thin pretty girls almost always have small breasts unless they're fake.

Wed, 01/19/2011 - 16:58 D.A.W. Sonia Blake

"such full a perky breast" used to refer to a woman who only has one breast because the other one has been removed surgically.

In the English language, normal women have BREASTS that come in pairs.

I don't care WHAT your native language is, but if you are going to write in English, you must so so correctly. In English, these all come in pairs, hence they are plural:

eyes, ears, nostrils, cheeks, breasts, lungs, kidneys, shoulders, arms, hands, elbows, wrists, legs, thighs, knees, ankles, and nuts.

Once again, if your are going to express yourself in English, do pay attention to what is singular and what is plural. Otherwise, you might as well write in Chinese, which does not have singular and plural.


Tue, 01/18/2011 - 22:45 JC Rose Byrne

Very beautiful woman. She has a perfectly feminine physique and face. Good choice. I was wondering Erik, would you consider having Jaclyn Smith in your attractive women section? What are your thoughts on the way she looks?

Tue, 01/18/2011 - 18:51 Toochukwu T.C. ... Will a union help fashion models?

Hello I'm a model in the US and I'm tired of not getting my just due! Pleas help me start a Union here and lets start a Modeling Revolution everywhere!!

Tue, 01/18/2011 - 18:49 Toochukwu T.C. ... Will a union help fashion models?

Hey I'm a Model in the US and I'm tired of not getting my just due! Please link up with me and lets start a Union in the States!

Tue, 01/18/2011 - 15:33 Visitor An addition

On the one hand, you have something interesting to say about the masculinity and androgyny of high fashion models, body image and self esteem. However, the looks/models like this one that you propose as an alternative are not very attractive (though not ugly by any means), poor in taste and background. Your site is also rife with unpleasant comments, racism, prejudice and preference for the Scandinavian look which you seem to share and do not bother to moderate. This, I think, pulls down the strength of your message for a broader saner mainstream audience who I think like me will write you off as another crazy person with a website.
