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Tue, 01/18/2011 - 09:47 Trebortress An addition

Yuo can visit to see her naked

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 23:47 Jenny The face of a Neanderthal woman

Jesus! Your comments are so ugly. Primitive, racist and repulsive!

honestly. give me the neanderthal any day. I think she's beautiful.

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 23:01 Visitor Fashion models like this woman can obviate the need for this site

Something about her face makes her look like a guy.

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 07:48 Markus Helena Christina Mattsson

Yes, you may be right. I have seen other women with such noses as a result of trying to correct a bulbous nose, which end up looking like they're all time trying to smell something. But there are people who naturally look that way.

By the way: What do you think of Natalie Portman? I don't think she is much more attractive than the average woman, but I think she's much more feminine than most fashion models and A-List actresses. She is flat-chested, but the form of her rib cage gives her a naturally curvy torso and her hips are round. She's very petite and has fine facial features, so I suppose that she could be really beautiful and feminine if she were a little bit more "fleshy".

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 04:07 Erik Helena Christina Mattsson

Markus: I do not have any information on whether she has undergone cosmetic surgery. However, the unusual part about her [nose], the columella, is not the classic droopy type that results from a bad attempt to make the nose thinner; her nose tip is not so thin that the structure could not be supported and the columella would end up hanging. Her tip also does not appear deformed or bumpy. So the condition could be natural.

Mon, 01/17/2011 - 03:47 Erik Eva Gaëlle Green

Of the women mentioned by Doug—thank you for the suggestions—I will take Cheryl Tiegs and Petra Silander. I could use some of the others for, say, faces.

Ayla Kell may be feminine and pretty, but she looks like a girl, even in her 2010 pictures. I will pass for now.

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 20:06 Carlyn Fleming Fashion models that don’t look bad

Wow. You are such creepy people. And so brainwashed and shallow. Get lives. And stop comparing yourself to everyone, because that's essentially what you are doing here.

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 17:17 Ayla kell?? Eva Gaëlle Green

What do u think of the actress Ayla kell? She is really feminine and really pretty.

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 17:14 Ayla kell?? Eva Gaëlle Green

What do u think of tge actress Ayla kell? She's an actress in make it or break it and she is really pretty. Her name is ayla kell.

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 15:50 Peter Amber Laura Heard

Its unfortunate that you have a set opinion of me and don't seem to be "forgiving". Don't understand what you have against me since i have been "behaving".
I only posted under Peter so i don't know what your talking about?
I subscribed to threads way back but only started getting e-mails this year so wanted to investigate but i will unsubscribe.
Nice to hear from you again :D

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 14:00 Doug Eva Gaëlle Green

Agreed, she is attractive overall. A few others you might want to research for consideration: Paulina Porizkova, Cheryl Ladd, Cheryl Tiegs, Valentina Zeliaeva, Edita Vilkeviciute, Sarah O'Hare Murdoch, Eva Padberg, Petra Silander, Svenja Parotat.

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 06:30 Erik Amber Laura Heard

Peter: I have repeatedly told you that you need to stop commenting here. Your comments are unwelcome. Do not comment at this site, including under other pseudonyms. If you are getting mail from this site, then you have subscribed to the comments threads associated with one or more articles. You need to unsubscribe the next time you get an email from this site and repeat this for all threads you have subscribed to.

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 01:28 JJ Amber Laura Heard

Ah, so you're legit, LOL! I don't think you made bullshit comments and arguments, only Emily (and/or her various other names and/or true followers) did that. I agree with most of what you wrote, but I didn't like that you kept giving her "hawa," man. Posters like Emily are best left ignored, she seemed delusional, paranoid, dishonest and fully hateful. Arguing with her would be useless and just result in getting 20 more cherrypicked photos of Swedes from or along 5 more of the same cherrypicked photos of people who were probably weren't even Indian. Not to mention her parroting utter lies about our features (What was with her goddamn obsession with everyone's noses, Holy crap. Anyone with eyes and anyone with access to anthropological studies knows that Indians generally have much smaller and upturned noses than Swedes/Northern Europeans themselves, geez).

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 23:03 Peter Amber Laura Heard

Jee na, main hi hoon na LOL

I am not really "back"...I just keep getting mail from this site for some reason...and decided to see what was going on. Also i missed Erik :P (Il est vraiment un garcon extraordinaire!)

Oh really! you thought i was making bullshit comments and arguments? ok...I'll behave.

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 20:45 JJ Amber Laura Heard

Peter (the Indian one, na?), you're back! LOL! Hopefully Emily or any others doesn't ever join your reunion! Otherwise, this site will once again have to deal with bullshit comments and arguments which brings the site's credibility down. Actually, it was better when the Admin had closed down the comment section... Tsk, tsk, my view of the site was higher despite nude models being used. Before the opening of the comment section and the previous comments being seen by everyone, the site felt more academic than afterwards, after reading those comments it felt like a minor deviation from Stormfront and Majority Rights. :-/

Amber is pretty, admin. Good choice!

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 16:00 Peter Amber Laura Heard

I like her too...but you forgot to add that she is a lesbian...ooowww! Your changing...didn't expect that from you.
Also its interesting you noted that you like her better with dyed black hair. Do you have a preference for hair color? I like her better natural :)
Good choice!

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 12:23 Not a troll An addition

I think everything i said before at the time is because i was jealous but i think u are right and i think its strange that this group of women are left out from the media because they premote beauty and not pedofelia. It is strange maybe they are doing it because the media is controled by not gay but feminene men. Megan fox has been a pretty actress to come out and she looks drop dead gorgeous, is she really or are they leaving other pretty women out.

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 04:11 Markus Helena Christina Mattsson

I thought you were a defender of natural, feminine beauty. Maybe this woman hasn't had a nose job, but her nose looks to me as the disastrous consequence of bad surgery.

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 03:43 yeaaa Amber Laura Heard

i really like the wrinkles under her eyes. gorgeous

Fri, 01/14/2011 - 22:45 Jackdoodle Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

It is all subjective, :-). If light hair and eyes is what certain people consider important to beauty, then who are we to judge them? We should just let those types secede and form their own small exclusive nation(s) and communities. The U.S. claims tons of unimproved land, especially out west. It is all just flavors of ice cream really.

Fri, 01/14/2011 - 14:21 :-) Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

For a beauty that prides itself on being so ''superior'' you yourself admit Nordic beauty can't past the test.

The Truth is if the Base/Foundation is Beautiful to begin with then REAL Beauty is indestructible even with mixture.
In other words racial mixture can improve the looks of a Nordic as long as the Base/Foundation remains close to the
Beautiful as possible but you yourself argue against this

Quote ''as it is damaged each time you borrow from it'' If nordic beauty if that easily destructible then it cant have been that great to begin with. So the REAL irony is that you yourself admit Nordics are not all that which is true they are not all that.

You also confuse or try to substitute the concept. Beauty does not OWE you or the Nordic race anything. Nordics do not OWN
and Never will OWN Beauty and Nordic Beauty is not the LIMIT of Beauty. Beauty can go BEYOND the Nordic.
Your or any Nordics preference for a Non-mixed Nordic

Quote ''The difference between white Nordics and others is that we don't need other genes than our own - they need ours''

is not a VALID argument against racial mixing not being able to improve attractiveness. You are attaching your own preferences for a Non-Mixed Nordic onto the concept of Beauty. Same with your arguments about Light Hair/Eyes which are scattered somewhere on this website. You confuse Rarity with Beauty and you present Rarity as Beauty i.e some thing Rare equal something Beautiful. Wont work. Its not a VALID argument.
Light eyes may be Rare amongst Human populations but that doesn't mean or make them Beautiful it makes them
simply what they are which is RARE.

You do the same with Light Hair.Your argument about femininity and Hair colour makes no sense. You attach concepts of femininity to Hair colour and argue that Light/Blonde hair is more feminine which is ludicrous. A Feminine women is a feminine women irrespective of hair colour. A Dark haired feminine women is just as feminine as a Blonde haired feminine women. What you perhaps wanted to convey was that Light/Hair looks more safer/approachable compared to Dark/Black hair and you do eventually do this when you admit that Dark hair/Black hair is/looks Dangerous and on this note you defeat your own objective i.e your desire to convince the reader that Light Hair is more beautiful and prove the opposition correct i.e Dark/Black Hair is More Beautiful because by your own admission Black hair is/looks Dangerous. Beauty is NOT safety/approachability but BEAUTY IS DANGEROUS! Where there is Beauty there is Danger and what is more DANGEROUS than a beautiful looking women who SPELLS DANGER!
Quote: ''I hope more white people realize this before it is too late to reverse''

Reverse??? Its NO MYSTERY how Nordics ACQUIRED there WHITE skin LIGHT/Eyes and Hair but its blatantly obvious you have no idea about your own so called race.

Fri, 01/14/2011 - 05:39 Tim An addition

You kidding? I'll take that sweet youthful face all day long. Totally my type of babe.

That just means when she's 40 she'll look 30-35. Good genes to pass on to your kids.

Thu, 01/13/2011 - 05:08 Per Inge Oestmoen Discrimination against unattractive women

There are no grounds for supposing that feminine women with curvaceous bodies are not desirable reproductive partners. Nor is there any reason to believe that feminine and curvaceous females have a lower libido. My experience with women is the exact opposite, naturally curvaceous women I have met have had a powerful libido and a strong desire to give birth to children. To downplay the value of a strong femininity is counterproductive, since the purpose of promoting feminine beauty and to honor the differences between the feminine and the masculine is thereby defeated. The same is true if we become so afraid of "unfair" discrimination that we fail to pick the best partners who are available to us. It makes no sense to call it "unfair" to choose the best partner we can attract, because it is precisely the selection processes in nature that have made us and that make evolution and survival possible. Everything is not everything, and differences are the ever present melody of Nature. If it is "unfair" to select a partner which has more desirable qualities, then it is unfair to choose anything over something else. If everything is said to have the same value because we are afraid to be "unfair" against somebody or something, then nothing can have any higher value. Such a fear of "unfairness" has no justification because in a living world differences exist and are re-created all the time, and they are significant in the life processes at every level. A situation where everything is the same and nothing is differentiated, is the opposite of life.

Life is characterized by differentiation with creative polarities and exchanges between what is unlike. Yes, we are all united in the Universe, but Universe is about differentiation. In order to truly appreciate Life, we need to understand the beauty of this paradox and be proud of the diversity of it all.

We have to accept that since beauty, intelligence, and other desirable qualities are valuable and important it is also important to select for them. Feminine women have qualities that are highly desirable, and can never be wrong to select for desirable qualities. On the contrary, it is the right thing to do.

As for "average" appearances, the "average" qualities of women and men need to be sufficiently unlike to make the respective "average" feminine and masculine appearances so much distinct from each other that an attraction between what is different is created. This is ensured by positive selection.

The main reason why feminine women have curvaceous bodies lies not in the fat deposits, but in the anatomical structure itself. Fat deposits contibute to a more rounded appearance, but it is the anatomy of the feminine skeleton that makes the major difference. The hips and pelvis of feminine women are naturally wide and create a swinging gait and a curvy appearance even to the angle of the legs. These qualities need to be selected for, if they are to survive. And they need to survive and continue, if sexual polarity and differences between sexes are to exist. Sexual dimorphisms with distinct feminine and masculine types create attraction between polarities, and this is important in the processes of pairing, mating and life in general. It is truly beautiful!

Thu, 01/13/2011 - 00:32 Abiamel Discrimination against unattractive women

Men need something from women and woman need something from men.
Something that not all girls know, is that, for men might be very easy to lie speaking sweet words without feeling guilty. And this is not known until some bad consequence occurs.

In my case, I think that girls support this falsehood, if just searching vain stuff as outer beauty.

I note with sadness how some girls just listen, and trust in a false reality, and they choose to do so.

There are so many "little things" that stimulate the man that many women do not have the slightest idea of "all messages sent through them"

Men are stimulated visually. Since the trend in women is more to romance, feelings, when the man on the other hand tend more to react to what they perceive their eyes. I do not want to say this man is not romantic, or that do not give importance to their feelings, no, I want to emphasize is that their sexual response is much faster than the women with what is perceived visually.

The design that God created for man and woman is written in the Bible.

The importance of knowing the nature of our bodies and their reactions is not excluded in the Bible, this design does not dispute any of our special physiological needs.

so, what is wrong with beauty?: Nothing.

The Bible says:

"There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.” Mark 7:15

so, what come out from men? All what they see is publicity, "beautiful" faces and bodies around the world.

Perhaps the desire to be with that person, but not love.

and, What come out from Women? Just doing this, (I'm not sure), and I'm sorry about many girls hide, forget, or don't take care and pay Attention to the Important Things.

What a woman need from a man?
(Surely Not Exactly a muscle man, it could be common into our Minds. Who put this in our mind?. ) .

I’m afraid, because I think that someone or something is blinding all those girls, many men found something special into girls and they are afraid that girls will to leave that aside. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

God teach us:

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a HELPER SUITABLE FOR HIM" Genesis 2:18

In this Same Way, Their Husbands ought to love wives as Their Own Bodies. He who loves His wife loves Himself. Ephesians 5:28

Wives, submit to your Husbands as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and Gave Himself up for her
Ephesians 5:25

Women (For the spiritual state) before God is equal to man.
The Bible does NOT say that the role of man is more important than the role of women.

Ok, it is all about Husbands and wifes, but, what God teach us is too close similary to what we really need, because God knows what is good for us. He made us, and it is his model.

Now answering the question: what a woman need from a man?

God says:

"After all, no one ever Hated His own body, but he cares about it and feeds, just as Christ does the church."
"For We Are members of His body."
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."
Ephesians 5:29-31

I know I can do it, with the love that God gives me, to give this to people, without cheating or making false promises, because the human feelings are fickle and weak.

The Bible describes good women, like, prudent, suitable helper and many other adjectives.
I believe in that and I really pay lot of attention to this. Now I know it's what I really need.
I would like to know from a woman, if a man like bible describes is the right one for women.

God says:

"Your beauty should Not Come from outward adornments, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
Instead, it Should Be That of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, Which is of great worth in God's sight. "Peter 2:3-4

Also in the bible:

"Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels."
Song of Solomon 1:10
"How Beautiful You Are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your Eyes Are Doves."
Song of Solomon 1:15

When we give our life to the Lord we are saved and we can learn what the Bible teaches us to love with love that He gives and teaches us.

"" For God so loved the World That He Gave His one and only Son, That whoever Believes In Him Shall Not Perish But Have everlasting life. "John 3:16

"For the Wages of Sin is death, But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus Our Lord." Romans 6:23

"That if you confess with your mouth," Jesus is Lord, "and believe in your heart That God raised him from the dead, you will Be saved" Romans 10:9

There are many Attitudes toward beauty, some of which are harmful (INCLUDING RACISM, DISCRIMINACION ETC.) (Again Mark 7:15)

This is God's perspective.

Wed, 01/12/2011 - 20:51 certified menta... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I don't know about this. I think Violet Corpus is a pretty good writer. If I didn't know better, I'd guess that this whole site was run by one person arguing with oneself down the spiraling descent into utter insanity.....Anyhow I meant no offense. It's just that you're all (especially Emily....I love her) all so amusing.
