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Sat, 12/11/2010 - 17:32 Eastern European Gal The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

...stand "out"

Sat, 12/11/2010 - 17:30 Eastern European Gal The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

Assuming that both the "unique" looking face and the more conventional looking face are both attractive to begin with, the unique attractive face will surely stand for it's unusualness in a good way not a bad way. Hence, the appeal of exotic looking women and their features (i.e. their unconventional looks is what draws them apart from the run of the mill).

You seem to equate unique features with masculination. I don't believe that is the case. One model that stands out because of her unique combination of features and by no means could be referred to as masculine looking is Adrianna Lima.

While I do agree that there are certain faces that may be perceived of cross-culturally as beautiful,I believe that our preferences for certain types of beauty and facial features are culturally influenced more than anything.

Therefore if what you have been brought up culturally to believe - in this case that certain features are attractive in a woman and deemed more feminine or as a sign of femininity then certainly anything that falls outside of this spectrum you will not find attractive, nor as feminine and categorize as such.

Sat, 12/11/2010 - 08:04 Nightingale Facial masculinization in beauty pageant contestants: an example from the Miss Germany 2002 pageant

can any one tell me how the virtual miss germany composite face is masculine as Erik mentioned?
I can't figure out which features appear to be masculine. I am guessing it's the nose because I can't decide on this unless I am looking from the side view

Sat, 12/11/2010 - 07:52 Nightingale Facial masculinization in beauty pageant contestants: an example from the Miss Germany 2002 pageant

Can someone explain to me which features of the composite face is masculinized?
I thought that face looks fine and couldn't see what features are masculinized even after comparing with the chart. is it the nose?

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 09:21 Jav Itsmann An addition

Anita Silver, Mocca, Vasilisa Mudraja (might be her real name).

Reportedly Russian, from either St Petersburg or Moscow.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 20:05 WeAllBeautiful Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I think its pointless here to fight over which race is prettier.....Every race is pretty! :) We are different and we have to admit the differences.And that ones nose is smaller doesnt make him/her pretty,beautiful.... We cant say on one race that most of them are ugly....its discriminating and stupid! you really believe in all? Like that all nords are blonde.....wake up, people look different! I have all my family, relatives from Northern Europe and all of them have(had) dark hair!!! -_-
You all should understand that stereotyping is silly!!!!! And again, every race is beautiful and has beautiful people!And offcourse even ugly(mostly discriminating, disrespectful idiots)

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 03:43 Matters An addition

Absolutely exquisite. In my opinion, she puts 90% of today's female celebrities (including Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, and Scarlett Johansson) to shame. It's sad to see that beautiful girls like her have to resort to posing nude or doing porn on the internet because mainstream modeling sources are only interested in the masculine and the "unconventional" (as they put it).

Mon, 12/06/2010 - 15:01 Matters Anna from ATK galleria

She looks great, you racist.

Sun, 12/05/2010 - 11:41 mary Welcome!

"Few women could afford a major transformation like Heidi Montag/Pratt achieved, and many who could afford it will still avoid the extremes to which Heidi resorted."

Heidi Montag looked more feminine and pretty before all the plastic surgery-would you agree?
Now shes starting to look a bit a cross between Tori Spelling and a pornography actress whereas she looked more attractive and natural before.
it seems a case of unhappiness or confusion or something and seeing herself/her body through distorted lense.
Sometimes the 'afters' turn out worse then the 'befores' with plastic surgery and surgeons really shouldn't agree to work on patients who have body perception problems or decide to have plastic surgery impulsively due to some problems in life.

As a side note,please reconsider removing the pornography/nude women off your website.Only one photo is necessary to show an example of what you consider feminine body type,anything more then just serves an intention to sexually arouse/objectification/use these womens faces or bodies for the purpose of sexual arousal=pornography.
Regardless of whether someone else exploits these women due to financial poverty or naivety,or whether these women do this work themselves full-knowingly and willingly,
-at the end of the day you have the choice not to be involved in it and not display it on your website and choose to respect women regardless of whether they respect themselves or not.
Also,you seem to wish more feminine type women in the mainstream modelling industry,however your website,by having pornography women in a way is being counterproductive and reinforcing the gap because it is keeping(what you perceive) as masculine women in the 'respectable' modelling industry,and relegating (what you perceive) as more feminine women to pornography(whether nudity,pornography movies etc-it is all in the same sphere).
You raise some interesting issues on this site-some of it is selfserving,true, but some is not without truth.
However,modelling industry types who come across this site will not put much thought into the issues that you raise,once they see the pornography displayed.
They will just laugh and think this is just some porn site with some male writers agenda.

You-and some of your commentators-seem to prescribe to this evolutionary type theory regarding relationships and believe that women go for the most wealthiest men that can provide and that men go for the most feminine/fertile looking and prettiest that can be best child raiser and/or arm candy.
However,it may interest you to know that not all people view relationships this way and while attraction to each other plays some role,there are many other things like common hobbies and personalities,morals and values,background etc that people are looking for when looking for their ideal love.
I can't speak for tribal people in countries like Africa,though in these countries it wouldn't surprise me if they did still have 'tribal' 'survival' types views/images regarding relationships-eg:look for the wealthiest or fertilest-
but in modern developed countries,most people no longer hold onto these 'survival' or 'selfserving' type mindset regarding relationships,
perhaps 1.because its no longer needed to survive
and 2.because mindsets of love and friendship has because more commonplace.
True,there are still some people in developed countries who prescribe to the tribal/evolutionary/fearbased mindset regarding relationships-you only need to go to some nightclubs or watch some American show like "Who wants to marry a millionaire" to see that,but its not everyone.

Some of your commentators see your website as causing selfesteem issues and putting pressure on women to mold to a perceived ideal.
But in my opinion,anywhere that is talking about women's looks is going to cause those feelings in someone.
The modelling industry causes those feelings in certain women who don't look like their ideal.Your website causes those feelings in certain women who don't feel that they are feminine looking enough,slight women get those feelings when large women say that only 'big girls are real women',large women get those feelings when they go in a shop and it has nothing over size 14 for them..... etc.
So,the way i see it,the only way really to solve it and have balance is to have a range of women's models sizes in the modelling industry-as long as they are healthy and naturally that size,whether slight or curvy,and don't suffer from obesity or anorexia.Also nothing too extreme-eg:no extreme skinniness or extreme 'fatness'.
The current modelling industry,seems to have a leaning towards, of androgynous looking or the bizarre and quirky or even 'ugly',and i don't really see this as healthy.And it also seems to be alot of in today and out tomorrow.
There are some feminine models,but the more wellknown higher payed models seem to be more the unusual looking.They look for something different-unusual.The 'angsty' look,the drugaddict look,the 'stereotypical gay male' look,the vampire look,the extraterrestial look,the 'tribal sexuality' style of VS models etc.
The industry seems to look more towards 'artsyfartsy' rather then classical beauty and true aesthetics.
In my opinion,top modelling should have female models that fall in between average feminine-masculine to feminine,and male models should fall in between average masculine-feminine to masculine.
Its not necessary to have extreme version of feminine models or extreme masculine models,however the modelling industry is producing its own extremes in a way too with so much focus on androgynous or opposite gender looking models.
A few androgynous looking models would perhaps be ok,but it should be few and not the norm.
The model industry should change to more focus on aesthetics and i prefer the look of some actresses, tennis players,beauty contestants or commercial models over high fashion models even though high fashion is meant to be viewed more as 'elite' in the industry.

It is possible to have a website which shows your vision regarding femininity without using nude models,although it will take some hard work.
Here are a few examples although i'm not sure how comfortable i feel posting them without permission so i'll just provide links.
There are also some feminine black women that don't fit the stereotype of what we have been taught that most dark women look like.

Sun, 12/05/2010 - 01:17 JC An addition

She is very attractive. For a split second she reminded me of across between a young Sharon Stone and Maud Adams. She has beautiful blue eyes and a gorgeous face.

Sun, 12/05/2010 - 00:00 Erik Welcome!

Overit: White heterosexual male patriarchy is hardly at fault for the ills you have cited.

White females rate female attractiveness in the same manner as white males. I suppose you would blame internalization of patriarchy here, but how will you explain that feminists pick as the most attractive female physique the same one picked by non-feminist women? Have the feminists internalized patriarchy also?

This brings us to the alleged equation of thinness with godly restraint and virtue in the Victorian era. People were more observant Christians back then and it was very clear to the masses that gluttony, the most obvious sign of which is excess body fat, is a deadly sin. Now, Christianity originated in the Middle East and white men were not responsible. Large parts of Europe, especially the north, came under Christendom via the sword. Furthermore, several of the key figures in Christendom have been homosexual—King James, whose version of the Bible is widely followed, numerous priests/popes, etc.

In addition, one does not have to be very thin to convey that one is not guilty of the sin of gluttony; a body weight in the medically normal range suffices. The patriarchy in the Victorian era was surely not promoting young adult women with a BMI of 16 as socially desirable.

You have also ignored that the victims of patriarchy, homosexual men [fashion designers], are responsible for the very thin standard among high-fashion models.

Regarding accessibility of beauty, I have never claimed that feminine beauty is more accessible. It is, in fact, less accessible than the high-fashion model look because at least one aspect of the latter, extreme thinness, is ordinarily achievable—one has to diet/starve till one achieves the desired thinness level. On the other hand, feminine beauty does correspond to health to the extent that it tends to go with the absence of a wide variety of diseases, healthy body fat levels, good fertility/fecundity, etc.

I do not recall advising women to avoid weight-bearing exercises so that they do not end up with larger bones. Making the bones larger is not the same as making them denser. Density refers to mass within a given amount of volume/space. Weight-bearing exercises that increase bone density are generally good for women though there are cases where they are contraindicated, unnecessary or will not help beautify.

Regarding the healthful or unhealthy practices that feminine beauty may prompt among women , no ordinarily accessible negative health behaviors—such as excessive exercise, smoking or unnecessary dieting—will result. Extraordinary measures are a different matter, but few young adult women will resort to them—e.g., major facial surgery, liposuction, removal of the lower ribs, contouring via silicon implants—because of the cost, inconvenience and pain involved. Few women could afford a major transformation like Heidi Montag/Pratt achieved, and many who could afford it will still avoid the extremes to which Heidi resorted. In addition, the promotion of feminine beauty will only be partially responsible for cases like Heidi’s.

You believe men like me were responsible for extreme corseting, which created breathing and other problems for women? The practice resulted from an unhealthy marriage between a natural tendency to appreciate the attractive female form and a religion uncomfortable with the flesh, thus leading to a clothed caricature of the feminine form in an era when the Church had lost its power compared to the Medieval ages but society was not yet comfortable with more openly revealed flesh, the religion being Christianity, which is of non-European origin.

This is not to say that white heterosexual male patriarchy has not created problems, but this patriarchy does not have much to do with the problems you have harped on.

This site is not about telling women how they should look. It illustrates feminine and less feminine forms of women’s faces and bodies. It addresses how women in some specific modeling and beauty pageant scenarios are expected to look like and how they actually appear.

Sat, 12/04/2010 - 23:09 Erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

Eastern European Gal: Whereas more unique faces are more memorable, they are not necessarily more attractive. More unique looks unrelated to masculinity-femininity are not the reason for her becoming a major lingerie model, but the masculine element in her, among other elements (including uniqueness), is a reason for her placement.

I do realize, have addressed and provided illustrative examples that there are elements of beauty unrelated to masculinity-femininity such that less feminine women’s faces can be more attractive than more feminine ones, but such cases are a minority.

Sat, 12/04/2010 - 13:58 Apollyon Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Funny thing is that SWEDEN has the highest suicide rate in the world. Emily keeps promoting the Swedish beauty however why are they all committing suicide?"

Sweden ins no. 28 in the world. Japan and South Korea...and Eastern Europeans are much higher.

I don't think 'race-mixing' is the solution to reducing suicide...

The fact that the majority of the top countries are European (and Caucasian) suggests an existential crisis in the West in my opinion.

Fri, 12/03/2010 - 17:40 Eastern European Gal The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

Ana Beatriz has a gorgeous face with striking exotic features.

The other women look plain and ordinary in comparison. What makes a face stand out in a crowd and what makes a face memorable is it's uniqueness not in averageness.

You clearly have very specific notions of what you consider attractive (your notions of what is feminine) vs. unattractive(your notions of what masculine) with respect to the female face.

What you don't realize is that some female faces although they do not possess the cute simple babyish features that you seem to prefer and equate with femininty are in fact often more attractive.

Thu, 12/02/2010 - 01:24 Katya Why are there so many high-fashion models from Eastern Europe?

I totally agree about your comment on why a woman would want to be thin! That is the very reason why I lost weight. I see all these curvy women receiving vulgar comments from men, so I feel encouraged to become skinnier and more fragile looking so that I would not receive those comments. Since I have lost weight I don't get crude comments from men and I feel more respected. And I don't want to bash men for being forward with their sexuality, because curves are undoubtedly sexy, but not everyone wants that kind of attention. And I'm not gay, I just want men to see my face and personality before they start thinking about what they want to do to me.

Tue, 11/30/2010 - 17:25 julian The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

I always thought this exact thing about ana beatriz barros. Some angles, her appley cheeks and big eyes look almost hyper-feminine, and very sexy,particularly when she smiles like on the marks and spencers adverts. However when you see her pulling a more pensieve equilibrium face, you see that she has a very sunken under eye area giving her in fact quite deep set eyes quite a protuberant hollow look, which looks far more masculine.Also her eye shape in particular is very masculine in the way that the top of her eye is quite covered whereas the bottom of her eye is exposed, and whilst looking distinctive on her is quite common in men. Her brow ridge is also quite prominent for a woman and the overall boneyness of her face and size of her head seems more comparable to male face proportions which is unsurprising due to the fact that she stands at 5'11. Her lips and nose are the only typically feminine aspect of her face. I think she does make a very beautiful and sexy women though and it seems unfair to judge someone based on strange angles and makeup, as although most women don't look like men, some tend to look like prepubescent boys or just plain ugly.However, I just wonder whether shed make an even more beautiful man.

Tue, 11/30/2010 - 09:39 Elle Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Are you guys still posting about race mixing, beauty and all that? I guess you guys are too ignorant to have figure it out by now. HUMANS ARE BIGOTED.

Take the Chinese and Japonese, while an outsider may not be able to distinguish neither group, one group (the Japonese) consider themselves superior than the other.

So while Emily is wasting her time here trying to defend Swedes as being superior and advocating racism and anti-miscegenation, the truth of the matter is that no matter if everyone on Earth would be blonde hair blue eyes, she will still be posting perhaps about hair lenght and how one hair that is 18 inches is far more beautiful than that which is 16 inches.

Emily is the epitome of tribal mentality. While she considers herself superior, the only thing she is demonstrating is how inferior her knowledge of human psychology and biology is, especially natural selection and evolution. To halt miscegenation is to halt natural selection.

Natural selection works on improving the survival of the species not not whether or not Emily and her other klan members consider the selection beautiful or not. Beauty is indeed on the eye of the beholder. Otherwise we would all like the same people, the same car, the same paintings, the same things.

One can state that beauty is mathematical however abstract art, impressionism and other forms of non symetrical patterns have proved that wrong. There is beauty wherever one wants to find it.

This is the last post I make on this site as I am just appalled by human ignorance, vanity, bigotry, and false sense of superiority (aka Narcissicim, which by the way is a mental disease)some posters here portray. The only absolute truth there is, is that nothing is absolute, and that includes beauty. And with this I will leave you with a fundamental truth of our humanity:

"I'd like to share a revelation I had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure." Agent Smith, The Matrix

Tue, 11/30/2010 - 09:15 Elle Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Alyssa: You said you wonder how many people have committed suicide for not having the ideal looks.

Funny thing is that SWEDEN has the highest suicide rate in the world. Emily keeps promoting the Swedish beauty however why are they all committing suicide?

Once she can answer that her 'culture' is emotionally incapable of accepting themselves then she will come to realize that the ones that benefit from mixing are whites not non-whites. After all what good is to have Nordic features if you are dead.

Sun, 11/28/2010 - 23:09 Erik Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Alyssa C.: Your criticism is off the point. This website is not about promoting self-esteem, which is clear in the article you have commented on. This site does not intend to affect women’s self-esteem, but it is contributing to the self-esteem problems of some women. My belief, and justification for the negatives of this site, is that the overall good outweighs the overall bad.

Regarding being a porn enthusiast, what red-blooded man does not prefer the attractive nude female form? Describing the latter as seeing women as sexual objects is a poor choice of words. The nude form is also a requirement to illustrate many of the arguments of this site and in some cases the choice of a nude model is justified by the dearth of equivalent mainstream models.

Women driven to suicidal ideation or suicide after coming across this site had to have been mentally disturbed to start with, which is not my fault. Again, my apologies to those affected in this manner and I will reiterate that more positive than negative will result from this site. Unless one is willing to live like a hermit, it is difficult to avoid negative consequences of what one believes one should do. For instance, if I compete with others for a job and get it, someone else would have lost this job because of me and it is possible for this person to attempt suicide because she really needed the job and now the last option she had was dashed. So should I not seek a job in the first place? I am not a hermit and will seek the job hoping that my competitors understand that in doing so I am not displaying malice toward them.

Sun, 11/28/2010 - 16:06 overit Welcome!

This site represents more exculpatory hogwash from the white, heterosexual male patriarchy. Anorexia Nervosa was first described as a disorder in the Victorian era, and it was precipitated by men--straight men--who promulgated an idealized idea of beauty that equated thinness with godly restraint and virtue. Women began fasting obsessively to fit in with the art of the era, which consistently touted the idea that women should suffer for love. And what, precisely, makes you believe that your standard of beauty is any more accessible or healthy for women? At one point on this site, you advise women to avoid weight-bearing exercises because it causes thicker bones. Do you not realize that increased bone-density is an important aspect of this sort of exercise? Or do you write off all the medical evidence concerning women's bone health as they age as so much detrimental influence from the evil, gay culture? You cannot honestly believe that your own admittedly narrow concept of beauty would result in more healthful practices for women. Unless you believe that women should have ribs removed to fit your ideal rib-cage stipulation, not to mention radical face reconstruction to produce more "feminine" features, or stuff themselves front and back with silicon to achieve your "hourglass" ideal. Don't forget the lipo, to keep the waist oh-so-narrow. Men like you had an opportunity to promote that ideal; it resulted in constrictive and dangerous corseting practices that effectively prevented women from engaging in healthful activities. You are a racist, misogynistic little man with pretensions to scholarship. No man has any right to tell women how they should look, particularly not when he so stringently applies a narrow definition of beauty. You are free to pursue whatever woman you choose, but you do not have any business at all advising women or society at large what constitutes beauty.

Sun, 11/28/2010 - 00:21 Alyssa C. Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


This site is promoting one of two extremes in female "beauty". If it really wanted to promote self esteem it should have remained neutral. It seems like the creator of this site is a porn enthusiast who likes the idea of women as sexual objects. I hope you choke to death on your sexual urges. Think of how many suicidal girls check this site out and think even worse of themselves afterward?
This site should be removed from the internet. It should never have been created.


Sat, 11/27/2010 - 21:53 clanon The golden ratio or divine proportion and facial beauty

GENETICS will show who is beautiful(healthy) on the next few years.

Sat, 11/27/2010 - 09:59 Natasha Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

^I was replying to Emily above, not to you Erik/Admin!

Sat, 11/27/2010 - 08:58 Natasha Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I'm posting so late but I have to reply:

You jealous, delusional liar! All three Indian examples are completely unrepresentative! The probably only make 5% max of the Indian population. You have no idea what Indians look like at all. Indians have much much smaller noses, their noses are also slightly broader at the alaes (not as fine as Swedes/Europeans), much smaller heart-shaped faces, slightly more narrower faces, larger and wider set eyes than Swedes or Europeans. Indians on average are more gracile and paedomorphic than Europeans. Read this study: the link I gave before was invalid sorry.

Sat, 11/27/2010 - 08:27 Natasha Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


What do you "many?" India has one of the lowest rates of nose jobs in the world and when Indians do have nose jobs, they try make their longer and sharper and thinner not smaller or more petite. Many Indians have broad, small noses and they try to make it thinner and longer and bigger. Unlike Europeans who undergo surgery to "smallen" their noses. Majority of Indians have much smaller petite noses than Europeans who tend to have larger and chiselled noses. As all anthropological studies done on on Indians and Europeans have proved. The gently hooked nose Aishwarya has is only minimally present in the South India; most of them have straight or concave or upturned noses. But I don't any other population with a nose shape like that, so it is a "southie" trait. Don't speak for us you filthy Sri Lankan.
