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Wed, 05/12/2010 - 00:00 Mae What range of body fat is considered socially acceptable in the general population?

Actually, if you use your eyes, she is practically naked in one of those pictures and looks fantastic. Looks like you need a new set of eyes and possibly even a brain, there is no corset present in that picture! Sorry your vision seems to be going out, you need to see a doctor, asap!

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 21:33 Beznik Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there is definitely truth in that. Personality also matters. A smile is attractive. Getting to know a woman and liking their personality can actually change the way I see her physically. Sometimes people even are attracted to unhealthy and manipulative personalities. Most people who have studied this beauty issue say that symmetry and having somewhat exaggerated features of your gender is attractive. I happen to find shorter women with round faces and curvy perhaps somewhat overweight bodies attractive, not obese but healthy warm soft to touch lol. I have found beautiful women of all races. I often find that mixed race people are the most beautiful. Mexicans are a mostly mixed race people and to me Mexico has some of the most beautiful woman. A lot of really beautiful women can be found in California, it is a very diverse place with people intermixing from all over the world. I think there are different kind of looks some women make you think beautiful others cute and others sexy. To me personally some Nordic women are cute but less often sexy. This is a purely looks based thing, looks is only one part of being "sexy". As far as clothing goes I love when women wear dresses and dress fairly modestly in public. The Muslim women I know seem so dignified and beautiful and yet feminine. I fantasize about being with a woman from every country in the world, guess Im a total dog lol. But seriously I am in no way putting down Nordic women. A lot of men are crazy for them, so there might as well be men like me who are into other kinds of women. Itds funny I know a Latin and Black guys into white women and I am really into their women. I think we are often attracted to what is different from ourselves. As far as "white" women go Russians, Serbians, other Slavic people are the sexiest hands down. They have faces and eyes that totally mesmerize, and their accents.

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 14:26 Apollyon Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Interesting point.

I'd say that familiarity plays a part, definitely. However, is it beauty (or perceived beauty) that influences a woman to marry a man like her father or something else? Also, how does one explain a woman marrying someone from a different ethnic group?

In any case, I'd say beauty is somewhat objective (we all seem to be able to point a good looking woman without difficulty...even if from a different ethnic group), but prejudice, family pressures, geography, religion, class, education, etc are just as influential, if not more so, in determining whom we marry.

We tend to marry someone 'on our level' so to speak. This does not mean there are beautiful people we wished to marry but could not.

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 06:34 Familyguy Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Beauty is about familiarity i believe. Although one can recognise beauty in features distinct from those that you are not accustomed to,essentially what is going to stop you in your tracks are the features that you are used to (but often will not recognise this at a conscious level. This is why women marry men who look like their fathers etc etc. That said, when you find somebody attractive beauty is not the whole issue, it is chemistry also

Sat, 05/08/2010 - 21:23 Lena Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"I would argue that racially mixed, good-looking people more often than not own their looks to their white genes. In other words, they look good since they approach the looks of whites. The more they alienate themselves from the looks of whites the less good they look, generally speaking."

I'm white and even I would argue that it's the opposite way around. Generally the most attractive white people are those mixed with another race somewhere along the lines. When you look at white people who are considered attractive, they usually have darker/more olive skin and somewhat slanted eyes - as well as dark thick eyelashes and brows, features that are not white. Their noses are usually small too, whereas white people have naturally long noses.

Sat, 05/08/2010 - 20:36 Mary Abbie Gortsema

Why are you discussing 13 year old girls appearance in the first place? Sorry but you sound like a pedophile.

Fri, 05/07/2010 - 00:49 Trebor Lien The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

I'm a 6'3" blond early fifty's with early thirty's looks. Two of the hottest beauty's I have ever dated where TV's. Both tall 5'11" and 6'1" blond body's so perfect lady's in every respect but with a little extra something.

Sorry to tell you rednecks but 1 in 10 of the Hottest lady's will have a little something extra, a nice large clit for you. Sex is sex you only go around once enjoy, enjoy all of life"s pleasures......

Fri, 05/07/2010 - 00:19 arumi Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

Not all models are Anorexic, sick and have body image problems. There are a small percentage of women who are the size of the "ideal" catwalkers.

Thu, 05/06/2010 - 11:41 Visitor Fashion models’ health guidelines will not help

money is more important that looking healthy in this cruel biz.

Thu, 05/06/2010 - 04:31 Dr. Asif Mahmood Fashion models with and without make-up

It is an era of economic revolution. The fashion designers select their models considering various factors/ parameters in their mind i.e. remuneration, personal likings, biasedness towards a specific body physique, age, features matching their outfits, relationships and future business plans.

Wed, 05/05/2010 - 08:56 cristian Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

nice pictures,the girl is really a beauty.

Sun, 05/02/2010 - 14:54 Visitor The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

You make a really good argument with what said about the models, but i couldn't help but notice that the other women being used in comparison to the Sports Illustrated models are mostly pron stars. i don't know if those women are considered "Glamor models" if most of the time they are seen, they have their faces buried in a man's crotch. If by that you mean"Glamor models," then by all means, show us the pictures of them with their faces full of the other kind of "foundation."

Sat, 05/01/2010 - 17:49 Visitor More on how well the public appreciates the looks of high-fashion models

Kim said: "These so-called Aryans were, yes, perceived as stupid when Indian people and/or other Middle Easterners first encountered them. Ironically/sadly, the caste system seems to have changed its priorities. . ."

"Ironically/sadly?" Now, I sincerely doubt that Indian people and Middle Easterners thought of Whites as "stupid." Not for long, anyway. For one, by "Indians," you must mean the "gypsies" (for gypsies are of the same racial/ethnic stock as Indians) who crept into Europe and live like animals to this day, unable to lift themselves up in society - don't give me the old "oppression" line as an explanation for their poverty and criminality, since Jews were also "oppressed" but they did just fine. I sincerely doubt these gypsies think of Whites as stupid. . . or perhaps they actually do, since the Whites WERE stupid not to kick the gypsies out of Europe at the very beginning and instead tolerate them to this day. The Middle Easterns initially MAY have thought of Europeans as stupid, but they soon would have had to change their minds, seeing as said Europeans chased them out of Europe repeatedly. Of course you could always post links to resources which prove me wrong . . .

In any case, I would like to direct attention to this statement of yours: "Ironically/sadly, the caste system seems to have changed its priorities." Oooh, look at that anti-white bias! What's really ironic is that you most likely are a self-hating, "anti-racist," "unprejudiced" White person who gets a kick out of denigrating her own race, anxiously seeking an approving nod from non-whites. If you really were an anti-racist, you'd have merely used the word "ironically," and not "sadly," for using "sadly" implies that you are sad that Whites are now on top, that you are sad that Whites are no longer being oppressed and taken as slaves by Middle Easterns. Yes, guess where the English word for "slave" originated -- Slav. The Slavs in particular were heavily enslaved by Middle Easterns during the Middle Ages, but no one hears of this or demands reparations from the Arabs. Instead, anti-white, traitorous politicians opened up the flood gates to allow said Arabs to flood Europe and oppress its peoples once again with demands for Shariah law, terrorism, and other such nasty things.

You can read more about White slavery here:

Anyone who's sick and tired of anti-white bigotry, please join me at and Together, we can start making a difference.

Sat, 05/01/2010 - 16:44 Michelle Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

hot girls look more feminine this way. It has been proven on rating sites such as Because I'm Hot (

Sat, 05/01/2010 - 01:44 Visitor Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Danielle: "Eric, There has to be other sources out there where you can find examples of "feminine" women. You found some classier actresses in your attractive women section. Why don't you post videos of them instead? Dasha's video is really sad and disgusting. Her body may past your femininity test but a lot of viewers, even those who prefer average looks, might be turned off of the sleaze factor in this video. It is hard to look past the pathetic display that Dasha is making of herself. People can easily accuse you of pushing a sleazy type of aesthetic and behaviour by looking at this page and a lot of your other pages.

Alessandra is not my favorite model but she looks attractive and somewhat vivacious in her video. Compare her to Dasha who is lifting up her skirt to reveal her pasty breasts and her bikini wax. I don't know about men but I think that most women judge a person's demeanor and body language as well as their physical appeal to calculate their attractiveness. Dasha's skin is blotchy and pink while Alessandra is tanned and Dasha's hair looks a parched bit of fluff while Alessandra hair is styled and shiny. People judge attractiveness by the skin and hair as well as the body type. Alessandra does not have big titties or wide hips but at least she looks clean. The same cannot be said for your nude model. Dasha looks like she smells."

Wow, Danielle, could you be more bigoted? I'm a White Nationalist, so I have no problem admitting bias, but I bet you are one of those so-called "anti-racist," "unprejudiced" types - even worse, a White person who likes picking on White characteristics as though that will win you favor from others of your ilk. So, Dasha has "pasty breasts" and "blotchy and pink" skin, huh? Let me ask you, what is ugly about PORCELAIN skin? What is ugly about ROSY skin? (And no, there is nothing "blotchy" about Dasha's skin.) Just fifty years ago, pale skin represented the pinnacle of beauty; FYI, tanning (which, incidentally makes women look less feminine) came into vogue relatively recently. Males in general prefer women who are lighter-skinned than themselves.

People like you cause the traffic to go up at

Sat, 05/01/2010 - 00:44 Nellie L. The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

"I am a Middle Eastern man, and I will always prefere Caucasian women over Asian or African or even Middle Eastern ones. This is my taste and is not influenced by media, no matter how much you like to believe it."

Adam, I'm guessing that by "Caucasian" women, you meant "White" women, since Middle Eastern peoples are also largely Caucasian in regards to cranial structure, even though they certainly aren't White. You seem like a reasonable man, as evident by your readiness to acknowledge the fact that racial differences do exist, for better or worse. Which brings me to what I feel I really need to bring to your attention: if you really do admire White women, the best thing you can do is to stick with your own racial women (Middle Easterns). Due to leftist, anti-white policies which allow for massive amounts of non-white immigration, low White birth rates, and miscegenation, White people are going to become a minority in their own countries around the middle of this century if White Nationalists don't succeed in our endeavors. Once White people become minorities, the next step will be, well, extinction. So, if you see a White woman you find attractive, the best thing you can do for her (for her race), is to hold back from romancing her and instead push her toward a White guy.


Sat, 05/01/2010 - 00:09 Nellie L. Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

I forgot to specify -- My comment directly above was to "Silver," in response to:"
"Elle does indeed look like a man, Monica's body is much more attractive.

But super-feminine faces (like Monica's) have a blank, vapid look. (Otherwise known as stupid.)"

Sat, 05/01/2010 - 00:04 Nellie L. Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Are you saying that stupidity increases with femininity? Because then I'd have to disagree with you. I've know plenty of women who are ultra-feminine & intelligent. The glamour models Erik uses look stupid because they most likely ARE stupid. After all, with their above-average looks, they wouldn't have to pose nude on obscure internet sites for a few bucks if they had the mental resources to do something better. This doesn't imply that feminine women are as a group unintelligent. Keeping in mind that truly feminine women are shyer with their bodies and generally don't relish the idea of "baring all" for strangers, the FEW feminine women who do nudity (remember that Erik mentions that truly feminine women in the adult industry are quite rare) most likely do so because they didn't have another choice; that is to say, they didn't have the intellectual capacity to make a living by another outlet.

This is Julie Cox, an English actress who's one of the very most feminine women I've ever seen. There's nothing, absolutely nothing blank or vapid about her. In fact, she has very bright and intelligent eyes. Notice that she doesn't do nude pictures or porn . . .

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 23:27 Nellie L. Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

I've noticed that many commentators here use the word "symmetry" in reference to facial structure without even knowing what the word means. In a symmetric face, one half of the face visually split vertically through the very center will closely match the other half. Simple as that. Monica's face is no less symmetric than Elle's, merely softer and gentler-looking. Symmetry is not a function of angularity, as some seem to think it to be.

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 22:48 Nellie L. Melisande aka Guinevere

I think Melisande is beautiful and womanly. Certainly more attractive than the "top" models (Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, etc.). She'd look better, though, if her makeup was more subtle, less hooker-like.

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 22:34 Nellie L. Rose McGowan

Hermes, if you're shocked by this site, may I suggest visiting Please post a reply so I'll be certain that you haven't passed away from a stroke upon visiting said site. LOL

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 22:29 Nellie L. Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

Wow, the attractive North American white female is very beautiful indeed - perfect chin! It would be very cool if her hair was really that color - or at least close to it.

Ultra-feminine beauty is (and has always been) defined by women who are soft, round, ample, curvy, and gentle, as opposed the to the masculine "ideal" the fashion industry is pressing: angular, geometric, hard, intense, and spare.

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 21:05 Nellie L. The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

I'm guessing that you (Erik) find Jacqueline Kennedy very masculine, yes?

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 20:56 Nellie L. The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Erik, I don't know if you're still updating this site (haven't seen any recent activity on your part, including answering comments), but if you still come here sometimes, can you please add larger censor marks (or blurring) to the genital regions, buttock cleavage, and breasts of the nude women? It's not for me that I'm asking - I'm a strictly heterosexual woman and am unimpressed by naked women, BUT I would love to pass around links to your site, and I suspect that the adult content within would get me banned for doing so on certain sites.

Thu, 04/29/2010 - 19:17 Nellie L. The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Excellent analysis, Admin, but please don't refer to porcelain-skinned redheads as "pasty." It's an offensive, anti-white term.
