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Sat, 11/27/2010 - 08:02 Natasha Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Sorry the Farkas study can read here:

Sat, 11/27/2010 - 07:51 Natasha Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

than Indians are, since Indian facial features, extremely round faces, brown-yellowish complexion, huge hooked noses and so forth is not the beauty ideal, not even among Indians, who try to look as white as possible."

"Huge, hooked noses," my foot. read Farkas's study Indians had the smallest noses out of all ethnic groups also smaller noses than white/European groups; they also had a more upturned nose. Most studies done on Indians show they have much much smaller, slightly broader and upturned noses than your beloved Europeans. Europeans in India are also known for having huge noses and very "hard" features. Indians in the Farkas and other studies also had smaller faces and larger and wider set eyes You have no idea what Indians look like don't you? Go jack off to your Swedes.

Wed, 11/24/2010 - 16:13 Erik More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

Ray Rave: I have looked at the other studies you allude to. Attraction may come in all shapes, but most of these shapes tend to be preferred by a minority. Most people share a preference for the same narrow range of shape variation. In present-day Western society, high-fashion models and Playboy centerfolds notwithstanding, most people, both men and women, prefer a subset of the medically normal body weight range and above average femininity in women. The notion of full (overweight) figures being preferred by Europeans a few centuries ago is a myth. Whereas symmetry is a correlate of physical attractiveness in women, femininity is a much more powerful correlate of this variable. And, no matter how much society has changed, short men remain at a major disadvantage when it comes to dating. A short man typically has to have some powerful compensatory feature—such as wealth, fame, power—to be successful with women.

Wed, 11/24/2010 - 05:05 Ray Rave More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

This guy who created this site sounds like a in fruitcase! Hell, attraction comes in all shapes and the hourglass figure isn't the only thing lauded and wanted by men. As studies (just google it - obviously if ya got the time to create this crappy, but funny ass website, then you sure as hell have the time to peruse the internet to find articles and examples of what I am saying), when in times of great starvation and suffering, men tend to opt for women who are fat since fat is a counter to women who are skinny, who are obviously as well as represent starvation while fat or hourglass shaped ladies represent health since they are obviously getting food. The reason why skinny is desired over here much like the blonde hair, blue eyes thing a decade ago is because it is rare - well, not rare - but unusual and reps a counterpoint to all the masses of people - both men and women - who can engorge themselves due to an epidemic of food. That is why back in the 18th, 17, and earlier centuries, full figured women were desired because they represented health by their full figures in the face of starvation and the bubonic plague, etc. See, attraction is correlative, if anything, to economics. When there is a lack of food, men go after fatties. When there is a plentitude of food, men go after sticks. That's just the way it works. As for women, ours is more stable and eternal in that we go after those who can offer the most support. Back in the cave person era, it was being able to run away mastadons. Now it is who has the biggest wallet since you no longer need to be 6'3 and full of steel muscle like a Navy Seal to bring home the bacon. You can be 5'3 and accomplish that with the most awesome organ of them all - the brain. As a matter of fact, women can get that butter - the money - on our own and we don't need the guys to do it! As a matter of fact, I think the masculinization of women may be th evolutionary result of women - such as myself - needing to keep men, off their backs or closet cases, gay dudes, etc. I am 5'4 1/2, hell, I might as well say 5'5, and 100 lbs and I have a tendency to attract closet cases, have overt gay men do things for me for free (straight men NEVER do0 and treat me nice and cordial. I have personally always found feminine looking guys attractive and good looking, can blow your mind and pass women who look like men. I think it's dangerous to put attraction in a purely scientific light. I guess all I am saying is, don't make crap about scientific variables. Just let it be...

As for whoever said that those women in the "attractive" section are "attractive," you sure are right...those are some ugly broads, esp that one with the wide spaced out eyes and big forehead. BTW brah, symmetry counts alot and that is why those women are supermodels because they're facial symmetry is close - but no cigar - to perfection. Night, cause I got to roll out!

Mon, 11/22/2010 - 18:30 :-) Maria Sheriff

link | Submitted by Kakee on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 02:03.

''In other words Europeans the original attractive people who have spread their genes and improved the looks of people in the middle East and South Asia.''

Europeans have NOT improved the looks of the BEST LOOKING people of South Asia because the people acknowledged as the BEST LOOKING people in South Asia do NOT have ETHNIC EUROPEAN FEATURES and even light eyes/hair is rare because it was NOT as DESIRABLE and HENCE BREED OUT. BEAUTY OWES MORE TO ETHNIC FEATURES than mere skin/eyes/hair colour. ETHNIC FEATURES hold MORE weight. WHITE skin does NOT BELONG to EUROPEANS. EUROPEANS do NOT OWN and NEVER will OWN or have a MONOPOLY on WHITE skin/FAIR hair/eyes. MANY races passed through South Asia including NON-EUROPEAN WHITE SKINNED RACES and it is MORE than possible the FAIR/WHITE SKIN of some of these SOUTH ASIANS owe there ORIGIONS to these NON-EUROPEAN RACES. DONT be too quick to claim what may NOT be NEVER has been and NEVER will be YOURS. NOT EVERYONE on earth with WHITE skin owes it to the EUROPEANS.

As far as ORIGINAL ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE goes CERTAIN NOT ALL European FEATURES are ADMIRED on a GLOBAL level but this is NOT SYNONYMOUS with NOR EQUAL to 'EUROPEAN BEAUTY IS ADMIRED ON A GLOBAL LEVEL' for BEAUTY is the 'OVERALL' NOT the parts or the SUM of its parts but the WHOLE itself. ERIK is NOT arguing and NEVER has argued 'EUROPEAN BEAUTY IS GLOBALLY ADMIRED' and NOTHING is stopping him from doing so if that indeed were his argument or if he indeed did believe this. He has at best been more than HONEST in his work. He argues EUROPEANS are ADMIRED on a GLOBAL level because of or for CERTAIN FEATURES he is NOT arguing and his argument is NOWHERE CLOSE to 'EUROPEAN BEAUTY IS ADMIRED ON A GLOBAL LEVEL' when BEAUTY refers to the WHOLE. The TWO are sets of statements are NOT SYNONYMOUS with EACH other they both clearly mean different things. ADMIRATION for ONE does NOT EQUAL to ADMIRATION for the WHOLE. The POINT is that BEAUTY is MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. IN other words BEAUTY is MORE than the PERFECTION of EVERY part or EVEN if EVERY part were PERFECT BEAUTY IS and still would be MORE than that. Europeans indeed are an ATTRACTIVE people but as far as the ORIGINAL attractive goes the concept of BEAUTY in races did not ORIGINATE with the EUROPEANS but was indeed around LONG before the EUROPEANS came into contact with other races and on to the scene. NO ONE is under a OBLIGATION to find ATTRACTIVE what EUROPEANS find ATTRACTIVE. EUROPEAN women INCLUDING NORDIC women were NEVER and NEVER will be the ORIGINAL TROPHY women.

Sat, 11/20/2010 - 02:25 Erik Estradiol and face shape in women

Lindsay: Surely, “softness” of bone structure due to feminization can be distinguished from the “softness” resulting from loss of bone mass due to aging or “softness” resulting from other factors. There is a correlation structure underlying how shape variables change with feminization—with increasing feminization, change A is likely to be accompanied by change B, change C, etc.—that is not displayed by other causes of “softness” of a given part/many parts. For instance, many men lack chiseled cheekbones and jawlines in spite of being more masculine than the typical woman with chiseled cheekbones and jaw lines. Whether chiseled cheekbones and jaw lines indicate greater masculinization should be assessed by overall looks, which conveniently allow one to assess the correlation structure talked about above.

Sat, 11/20/2010 - 01:33 lindsay Estradiol and face shape in women

im kind of confused. like i get that really chiseled cheekbones and jawlines can look manly and robust, but at the same time getting softness around the jawline and a loss of cheekbone projection is due to aging, not femininity

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 13:06 Andreea The influence of the thin ideal in fashion magazines on women at risk for anorexia

A good way to promote the healthy way of living and not by anorexia is by printing a very nice moto on some custom t shirts and they will basically be worn by normal girl that will have a lot of influence above all the other - less normal girls. I know I would do that.

Wed, 11/17/2010 - 02:03 Reine Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

This site is likely to be created and sustained by a bunch of escapist Stormfront enthusiasts, I presume. Oh well.

Regarding the whole fashion model nitpicking thing, etc: some people don't seem to understand the very concept of artistic value, it seems. Judging from what I've learned from this website, beauty is to be defined by whether one can jerk off to it or not.

I would simply like to remind that excessive, saccharine femininity is not always acceptable in fashion industry. It simply won't do when you intend to express originality, innovation, edginess, class.

Again, not every concept that somehow involves or targets women is supposed to feature the cheesy and bland "femininity" cultivated on this website. Yet I have some good news -- the porn industry always shines bright with it.

Have a nice day, everyone.

Tue, 11/16/2010 - 13:45 eliza How often men approach women in relation to the size of their breasts

It's no wonder so many women go for breast enlargement, they feel more confident and they become more attractive, which increases the chances to find the man of their dreams. We live in a world where everything is possible, it would be a shame not to go for it if you feel like you would need such a procedure. As far as i am concerned, I have been told about some breast augmentation Columbus Ohio, and i might try it in the near future, it would be such a relief for me not to feel bad about being flat chested anymore...

Tue, 11/16/2010 - 05:33 Jessie Fashion models with and without make-up

Are you kidding me????
Papua New Guinean people are stunning! Yeah so a portion of the people there may not be as good looking but so does any other country. Japan has its share of ugly people as well as good-looking ones. Papua New Guinean people, especially the papuans (half asian/ half black) are gorgeous. So don't diss them

Mon, 11/15/2010 - 03:27 Erik Comments and commenting ability restored

Problems with spam are not over. Spammers continue to attempt to post spam. To reduce the need for manual removal of spam, I installed spam filters, but they turned out to be overly aggressive, recently even blocking a legitimate and link-free comment by me. The spam filters are now less aggressive. I removed the Bayesian filter since words pertaining to fashion and beauty are integral to this site and overlap with numerous products spammers are peddling.

Mon, 11/15/2010 - 03:09 Erik Helena Christina Mattsson

N: A small, high quality gallery/attractive women section is preferable to a large one of lower quality. I need to make several replacements before I will think about expanding the latter.

Regarding Helena vs. the woman she replaces, Helena is a far better choice given her looks and that she is a mainstream actress. I find Helena better looking than the other woman, but this is not worth discussing as preferences vary.

I will post pictures of Lucie elsewhere.

Sun, 11/14/2010 - 19:26 Belen The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Come clean, Erik, you were caught red-handed with folders filled with porn and had to create this sad little excuse of a website to justify yourself. Women are beautiful regardless of their size and shape and you suck!

Mon, 11/08/2010 - 12:46 Peaches Rudduck The skinny on the general public vs. the fashion industry

I actually think the anorexic one looks better. o_O
My opinion.

Sat, 11/06/2010 - 19:49 utoia Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Im 36/25/36.

My bust to waist looks more hourglass front on than waist to hips because my butt is peachey so i measured the fullest part, but hips dont look that wide. From bihnd i look very hourglass with butt to waist lol

Sat, 11/06/2010 - 12:16 ph Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

Both girls have fantastic bodies but Alessandra comparing to dasha is way better imo. Dasha looks like she never go to the gym ;) Anyway alessandra was my favourite model 10 years ago :) ( And still she is )

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 00:33 N. Helena Christina Mattsson

It looked like my comments in this section weren't being received, but I checked the recent comments section, and saw that they DID go through! Sorry, didn't mean to repeat myself so many times.

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 00:24 N. Helena Christina Mattsson

Why did you take Lucie out of your attractive women section? She was easily one of the very best looking women there, certainly more feminine than Helena - and better-looking IMHO. Why do you replace women anyway - why not just let the gallery grow?

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 00:21 N Helena Christina Mattsson

Please put Lucie back in your attractive women section. She was one of the most beautiful there. I don't understand why you replace women with new women anyway; why not just make the gallery bigger?

Wed, 11/03/2010 - 19:13 Erik Why would a fashion magazine publish these photos?

apple: If you read carefully, it is not me who is ridiculing Beth Ditto, but the fashion designers are getting back at her. I just pointed it out. Do not blame the messenger.

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 03:03 Elle718 Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Came across this page while I was looking for Rebecca Romijn measurements. Sounds like a bunch of short fat gals poking fun at supermodels. Funny stuff!!!!

Sat, 07/31/2010 - 10:40 apple Why would a fashion magazine publish these photos?

Wow,what a bitchy post.Are you sure your not a woman Erik?
What did this woman Beth Ditto ever do to you to merit such scathing criticism and ridicule of her physique?

Thu, 07/29/2010 - 17:46 Sarcasm doesn't... Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

because perpetuating stereotypes is fun AND healthy!
look I can play with photoshop! I am fulfilling my dreams and making a meaningful impact on society! this is a big deal and I am changing the way people think for the better!

Tue, 07/27/2010 - 20:45 Tod I. SpeakMyMind From ape to human – the journey in pictures

@ the poster who called himself "myasianwifeishot:"

I can just imagine that your Asian wife is "hot:"

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