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Thu, 04/29/2010 - 09:17 Cecilia Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Non one cares about your crap ok?

Tue, 04/27/2010 - 02:20 erik The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Erik has significant distress from latent homosexuality. He is not willing to accept that he is attracted to men. His self-defense mechanism is to insult all women who have any feature considered remotely masculine.

We all know what happened to Reverend Ted Haggard, another closeted homosexual who berated against homosexuality for decades. Erik, it would be best for you to come out. Accept that you are gay. Accept that you are attracted to transsexual women who retain many of their masculine features. You will be happier, Erik. It is better to come out now rather than later when your computer will be discovered with shemale and gay porn.

Just friendly advice for you, Erik. You have to take the next step to come out.

Tue, 04/27/2010 - 02:09 Have a job The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Seriously dude, first look in the mirror and see how pathetically ugly you look in real life, a shame of a man. For all we know, you look like this Find a real job and some hobbies and interests in life, something useful you can finally claim to have done in your life. Simultaneously learn to be humble, thankful for what you have got, and respectful of other people's appearances that they can do nothing about. Then overcome your false sense of narcissism, and find a girlfriend who will accept your incompleteness and your flaws (your know which ones). And if you still have time, do something good for the people who don't have it all, the orphans, the homeless, the victims, the people struggling with terminal illness. Instead of being a coward sitting behind your computer screen ridiculing women who don't meet your ignorant standards of femininity, do something useful in life! Get a life dude!

Mon, 04/26/2010 - 23:02 Brunette Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Emily, I've been reading the some of the posts made by you and I do find them a little disconcerting...

I have no problem with you finding white people more attractive that say, asians or blacks- thats cool, cos everyone's got their personal tastes...And your evidence that mixed people find it harder to get donors seemed to be logical. It makes sense..

And I would agree that white people are slowly dying out...because by nature- asian and black genes are much stronger and so if a white and an asian or a white and a black mixed- the child will defo look more asian/black than white.

Thats the case of my family where i certainly look very asian even though my dad is as white as can be.

However, i felt like you were....angry? Or something towards non-whites....the way you expressed your views seemed almost aggressive and anti- non whites...

I hope this isnt the case.

I read one comment where someone else (not you) referred to asians as "Mongoloids". Thats hideously racist and I think ERIC as the administrator of this blog should not allow comments as racist as that.

In regards to this post: No offence man but all you've done is depicted white pictures of white people, painted by white people.

OF COURSE images of love and romance are gonna be represented by blonde haired blue eyed people if they were painting by white people because that was the fashion.

Thats why white people made out that Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes- doesnt make it true does it now?

In Japan, we paint different pictures- and romantic images are represented by women with dark straight hair and piercing dark eyes holding alluring fans because that WAS the fashion over here.

Its all about the culture.

People keep saying how us asians really badly want to be white. Thats an extremely arrogant statement to make especcially if you are white, surely you can see that. Plastic surgery is big in korea and Japan- but my friends who have done surgery all did it with the aim to get bigger eyes- not white people eyes. Can you imagine an asian person with full on white peoples eyes? It would look well freaky.

We like our asian eyes, we just want them to be a bit bigger. But you cant patent that as a "white" feature and go round saying cos we want bigger eyes we want to be white- Black people have bigger eyes than white people.

And the hair dying thing- where more asians are dying their hair a lighter colour- again, it doesnt mean we want to be white.

I live in England and ALLLL my friends at least once in their lives have dyed their hair a darker shade- I didnt just jump to the conclusion they wanted to be more asian. Lots of white girls straighten their hair cos its was the fashion- again, i didnt think they were trying to become more asian and get that dead straight hair that asians have.

Beyonce and Tyra Banks both dyed their hair blonde- what are you saying? They want to be white? I think they are both proud of their race and proud of their colour. Not white.

And the whole tanning fad- where tanning became popular. We didnt all assume you white people wanted to be asian or black because you all were trying to get that tanned skin.

Its ridiculous, and I'll say it again- ARROGANT to assume that we are so desperate to be white. I can tell you now, we are NOT.

If anything, after a lot of surgery- most asians just end up looking hispanic or indian....If your gonna say we're trying to be another race- it should be one of those. Not white.

I think, at the end of the day we can accept that different people find different races attractive- and usually, people stick to their own. And none of us should have a problem with that, each to their own choice. Live and let live. Some people like blue eyes, some people like dark eyes- i personally like them all :)

But we do NOT need racism just because you happen to not find other races attractive. No-ones forcing you to reproduce with anyone, so everybody CHILL.

Lets just stop all this needless negativity towards other races.

C'mon guys, we SHARE this planet!!- And there are far bigger problems to be getting riled about; like Haiti!

xxx Peace!

Mon, 04/26/2010 - 14:14 tom Cute women 5

great lady, thanks

Mon, 04/26/2010 - 13:48 Anonymous From ape to human – the journey in pictures


cool story bro.

7/00, troll harder.

Mon, 04/26/2010 - 10:44 professional artist The golden ratio or divine proportion and facial beauty

This is short minded stuff of logical-mathematical intelligence biased people = is disconnection from holistical mental functionality (emotions). Makes no sense. You seriously think that the world is made from formulas (absolute truths) that can be ran through our logical mathematical intelligence ? Wake up, it's time for some zen. The world is not math, semantics, symbols, recordings etc...

Fri, 04/23/2010 - 10:02 Markus Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

And by the way, if somebody wants to compare Vanessa Lorenzo with another model of the same ethnicity, here is the new Spaniard among VS's models Clara Alonso. Compare her body with Vanessa's body in the picture with the flowers above with Clara's body in lingerie. Doesn't Clara even look like a Doppelgängerin of Ambrosio somehow? And her facial features: long chin, thick eyebrows...


Fri, 04/23/2010 - 09:46 Markus Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Hello, Erik,

I usually agree with you about VS's show being a transvestite parade, but I somehow remembered that there used to be much more attractive, feminine looking women in their catalogue in the nineties. I am a German living in Spain and last week I came across some pictures of Vanessa Lorenzo, a Spanisch girl modeling for them like 10 or 15 years ago. As I see in the internet, she is described as being a "petite model", (petite meaning "short" by the way in the fashion industry, not "slim") being 1'70m tall, which is over the average female population not only in Spain, but also in Germany or Sweden:

Vanessa is way too skinny for my taste, but she definitely looks womanly having a very narrow waist, rounded hips - and even if her breasts are too small, they look natural and feminine, much better than those transvestite fakes most of VS models have these days. Furhtermore, she has round eyes, a small, well proportioned mouth and the line of her cheekbones and jaw ist soft, fine features to sum up.
Why do you no longer see girls like her or Laetitia Casta in this show? May it be that they did have a straight guy casting models 10 years ago? Were those models less successful to sell lingerie? I don't think so...

(Sorry for my poor English, by the way, I hope you get my point)

Thu, 04/22/2010 - 15:34 sniper paintbal... Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

you guys really believe this girl is too masculine? I fear that the ideal of beauty these days are girls so skinny that they are about to die from starvation, and yes some models have.

Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:29 ahhh Weep Donald Trump, weep!

I like ms. japan, brazil and dom republic...but not he one chosen, she's not delicate. Just a sex bomb with plastic bags.

Tue, 04/20/2010 - 11:34 ahhh Lisa Welch

She's really beautiful

Tue, 04/20/2010 - 00:35 sexy lingerie The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

am I the only one who thinks heidi looks feminine in those pics?

Mon, 04/19/2010 - 17:43 Einstein's Desc... The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

if you want to see some truly beautiful women visit

Mon, 04/19/2010 - 14:03 tinaa Phillippa Diedrichs: very thin fashion models do not help advertising

I prefer normal women like the dove commercial and not skinny women.

Fri, 04/16/2010 - 23:15 Arleen Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

"Erik, I realize you are simply quoting plastic surgeons' terminology of "deformities" without calling these features deformities yourself; I am saying these features are not just not deformities but actually beautiful on the right face with the right matching features."

Thanks for that intelligent contribution, W.H. As Edgar Allen Poe quoted Bacon in his story "Ligea", "There is no great beauty without some...strangeness in the proportion."

Fri, 04/16/2010 - 07:58 johnny q Princess Alla

what a dumb beauty...but a bit vulgar

Fri, 04/16/2010 - 07:57 claire Princess Alla

Why princess? does she think she looks like one?

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 22:08 Asian Pride Tyra Banks on honesty

To the punk above who said that the Asian girl was mentally ill, bitch, I'd smack you! The Asian girl was beautiful before and after the eye-lid surgery. She is better looking than Tyra, which was why Tyra attacked her. Tyra is the one who is mental for getting jealous at someone who is younger and more beautiful. Money cannot buy back youth or beauty. It's sad to see rich celebrities trying so hard. Asians are proud because we do not want or need to try to be black or white. We have our own distinct beauty, and if we decide to get bigger eyes, it's the same reason as Pamela Anderson deciding to get bigger boobs. Was Pamela trying to be black when she got breast implants. LEAVE RACIAL COMMENTS OUT bitches! I am proud to be Asian, love my petite body, have straight black hair with big eyes and big boobs, and I would never want to be or look like another race!

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 02:32 Hostess Bucuresti Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

If she is still very beautiful at 52, what can I say. It's ok, she can be on the runway, I saw the show, she did a very good job.

Fri, 04/09/2010 - 21:51 chahcd Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

basically this website is saying every ethnic woman is ugly and masculine (LMAO) which just so happens to what me and most of my friends think is more beautiful. they are more exotic and less common looking. you are pretty much saying the common girl (since they often have average unspecial faces) and no beautiful supermodel cheekbones are pretty. you are saying all Italian women are ugly? all Native american pocahontas women are ugly? all latina women are ugly? brazilain women? because last time I checked they are for the most part very chiseled women with beautiful face structure. those races I mentioned also, just so happen to be some of the most frequent races referred to as "most beautiful". Maybe you are from america which has many normal plain jane faced type girls and you just hate any form of exoticness? I find exotic faces far more superior in beauty!

Fri, 04/09/2010 - 21:43 puhlease Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

sorry but this site doesnt prove a point for me. In fact it rea-ssures me why I look up to supermodels as beauty icons rather than your average "feminine" woman. if you wanted to prove your point could you have at least found better pictures of the so called pretty girls? lol because pale crack head looking women with rotten teeth and cellulite butts really doesnt prove your point. It only made the beautiful supermodels stand out more. Put it this way masculine/feminine, my eyes went straight to the supermodel pictures before the other girls. the other girls wouldnt even get noticed if a supermodel walked into the room! this site is gross, a big joke.
plastic surgery is done everyday to add more bone structure (aka cheebones implants,chin implants,face liposuction/fat removal) etc...I never hear of "doc please make my face fatter like a big bloated chipmunk" lol

Fri, 04/09/2010 - 20:12 VioletCorpus Does beauty lie in the eye of the beholder?

Been looking for this post. While the idea of some of these traits being cases of exagerated sexual dimorphism are valid, some of them most certainly aren't- for example, head binding, which results in a low, sloping forehead that Erik treats as instrinsically masculine.

Plus, just how many of these practices are the results of shaman forcing them on people? The burden of proof is on Erik for this one.

Fri, 04/09/2010 - 11:24 Observation The aesthetics of the buttocks in the white female

Very good read.. But whats up with all the advertisement comments.. unmonitored??

Thu, 04/08/2010 - 14:22 Mr. Epic From ape to human – the journey in pictures

You are a dumb racist bitch.
