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Thu, 04/08/2010 - 07:45 diana Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

He's just a gay clown and she's gorgeous.

Thu, 04/08/2010 - 07:43 houses Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

I think she's a beautiful model, but this guy is a hypocrite...why didn't he make an entire colection with 50 year old models?

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 14:56 John Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

Why do you use pictures of african women from the 18-19 century and compare them with white women from 1970 and up?

That is like comparing the first Ford model car with a Lamborghini 2010 model!!


Kindly put some proper pictures of white females of poor (lower class society) from the same period of time or put black women from the 1970+ like you have done for the white women!

Get some class, do it right!

I hope you have this fixed coz otherwise you had done a good article.

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 06:01 !! :P From ape to human – the journey in pictures

no, you don't have to say nothing more - Asian one is so much sexier!
to Emily - you can go marry and have sex with one of those swedish girls you like so much. everyone knows the reputation of swedish girls about being of easy virtue, so emily, you are a good strategist calling all men to your side, since you are one of the swedish girls.

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 05:26 whatru From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I read some more, and well..idiots :) What looks pretty is what IS HEALTHY. What is attractive is "what" can produce healthy offsprings that benefit from the genes of both parents. All other things are embedded by culture and narrow-minded people. None of them are evil, there is no such thing as evil. But there is such thing as a mental disorder. Which one is yours? ;)

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 05:17 whatru From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Wow you guys and gals make me smile so wide :) I live in one country for a couple of generations, but ethnically I have different heritage than that of the natives here. I am "white" and so are the peeps here but still, different ethnicity. I was told by my parents I am "pure blood" - I wish I weren't. Can you imagine HOW BORING IT IS to not be mixed, at least with other "white" people? I wish I had a couple of heritages so I could take interest in many feeling them as my own, because taking interest in only one seems so chauvinistic, and taking interest in others makes me feel like outsider, lolz.
About your comments - firstly, about "black" people. I do not know why but a lot of the females you posted claiming "unattractive" have interesting, beautiful faces, that I think are pretty, not "unattractive". Maybe you guys a bit narrow-minded and forget that there is different tastes out there, different cultures, different people, right? Maybe it's due to the fact that I am an artist and I see a HUMAN BEING with proportions of the face, and your silly attempts to say "the face is out of proportion" when you compare Asian and Swedish girls, make me laugh. Their faces are both in proportions, you silly geese :) Besides there is that first photo-comparison, so the girl looks like Inuit ethnicity, not exactly Asian, just Mongoloid. And the Swedish girl next to her is unappealing to me because of her teeth - they seem to be too large and the bottom line seems chipped. Both girls are not beauties on that picture.
About Asian people - generally about underdeveloped - !child like! - females, and SOME males, it's true. However, the photo showing plastic surgery on the poor guy - the "before" one seems ok, but the "after" one made me shudder...he was MUCH BETTER before. Especially I hate the latest trends (that are "lastest" quite for some time now) to make the eyelids surgery to make eyes appear larger and more europeian like - ewwww. I must admit I do prefer Asian males to all the others, and no, my boyfriend is NOT feminine, in any way :) Unless you consider not drinking beer all the time like most others do is not being musculine. One more thing - yes, there is a thing about teeth with Asian people, they tell about this - there are problems with teeth, but I think it's due to their DIET, not their race. We have very different diet in Europe then they have in Asia, so let's not blame all things entirely on the genes. Also about crooked teeth in Japan - they are considered very cute, because they have different culture in Japan (naturally like everywhere else, but not to that proportion). People in Europe wear braces to prevent that look (not all of course, I have seen some celebrities that have crooked teeth, but again - no celebrity, none of them, is a role model for me, we all people should think for ourselves). In Japan that look is admired so even if you guys think it's ugly (and, so do I, sigh) - there are people who think it is cute.
One last thing about beauty coming to "Swedish standarts" - do you think making your lips very plump is very "Swedish"? I noticed most of the Swedish girls have thin lips. Full lips are Asian, but most of all "black" feature, so let's not consider "Swedish" thing is what the world is coming to. Look at Bratz doll - small eyes, tiny barely visible nose, really huge lips - it looks like African-American doll with light skin and hair to me. The time of Swedish beauty, the Barbie doll, are going down hill. No matter how you look or who you are, if you find at least one person who likes you, you are not lost.
PS I have not read all the comments, and probably will never visit this page again, because I wondered here to find the answer to my own features. I think being only one is boring, and what is more I do not find myself looking "typical" to my heritage, it is way too broad I guess. Only eye colour is what I could name is sort of "typical". After this page I see even though I have lots of common features with Swedish girls I don't have something from that side because my nose, even thin and feminine, is slightly longer than that of those girls, which, from your comment, I found to be the most important feature to tell apart the Swedish girl from all the others, hahaha.
Anyway, don't worry about your genes or look, worry about what people will think of you because of your personality, and improve. Cheers.

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 03:49 HadMatter The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Interesting argument Erik, but possibly you have picked the wrong target in Sports Illustrated.

If you look at most successful female athletes, you will notice a majority of them have a tendency towards masculinity.

This is purely because larger, stronger athletes have a natural advantage in most sports.

Conclusion: In a Sports magazine, you will find women who, even if they are not athletes, are more suited to sports than glamour modelling. I am not surprised, and neither should anyone be.

Mon, 04/05/2010 - 16:18 Wnl Gisele Bundchen slams skinny fashion models

If you who is said to be a "mere mortal" were as intelligent as you claim, you would have not made the numerous gramatical and spelling errors that occur all over your comment. Seems to me you are just another hater in the long line of people who hate themselves so they project onto other strong self aware individuals. I am a friend and fellow model with Gisele and can tell you that when it comes to being healthy she is the personification of that. And she never claimed to be perfect! But if there was such a thing as a perfect individual she's about as close as it gets!

Sat, 04/03/2010 - 03:04 Marissa And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

I recognize that this is a post from ages ago, and that I'm late, but as a female, a feminist, and a political lesbian, Erik has managed to offend me in nearly every way possible.

Erik: Because it would be inconceivably time consuming to point out all of the fallacious bigotry on this site, I've chosen one small statement to provide an argument against. You said in your earlier comment that "[t]he Satanic influence is observed in the fashion industry: sodomites, pederasts; starving, sickly and sub-fertile women." You later claimed that "sub-fertile" is not sexist, that you did not use the term as an insult, and that you personally are not sexist.

By associating sub-fertility with "the Satanic influence," you showed that you find sub-fertility to be a bad thing. Your tone was accusatory, and by associating the term "sodomite," which is generally considered to be an insult, with sub-fertility, you effectively used "sub-fertile" as an insult itself.

Fertility is only a useful thing if a species wishes to carry on. Historically, and in some cultures still today, men were and are often looking to have an heir, to continue their line, to pass down the, ah, family jewels. Without a fertile women, this is and was impossible. Obviously. Women were never aided by heirs, for all money was passed to the men of the family, and women changed their names when they married and were expected ti change families totally, so family lines were not all that important. Thus, fertility has been the one thing that women were good for for men: to give birth to the heir; to carry on the lineage. By associating a non-fertile woman with satan, you suggest that a woman who cannot carry a child is inferior, perhaps evil. Essentially, you were saying that a women who can't be useful to a man is inferior to one who can be. Sexism, my foe friend. It is inescapable.

Just to add to the previous argument about your utter misogyny, I'd like to point out that you consistently reference what a "heterosexual man" is a attracted to in a woman as being the ultimate standard for female beauty. It doesn't matter to you how women feel about themselves or their beauty; a beautiful woman is one who makes a straight guy horny, in your opinion. You are the epitome of the hetero-patriarchy, and it is infuriating.

In short, fuck you, you're a pig, you encourage me to eat less so as to avoid subscribing to your standards of beauty, and also, did I mention fuck you? Fuck you.

Fri, 04/02/2010 - 13:59 New York The curvaceousness of fashion models, Miss Americas and PMOYs over time in the twentieth century

It is cool to watch those models in the magazines. But our such cool attitude poisons the mind of young girls. It is truly said: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. But the poet didn't know at that time that this beauty factor one day results in anorexia. Does the beauty gained by all the methods followed by present generation remains for ever? When will we understand that all the creation in this world is beautiful in one way or other? Ask yourself.

Fri, 04/02/2010 - 13:44 New York Guide The influence of the thin ideal in fashion magazines on women at risk for anorexia

Is it fare to blame only the magazines? They are not written by aliens. The publishers only study the trend and follow what we want from them. It is the complex process of making impression and to be impressed. First we have created the feel good sense about slim figure then we oppose it. This results in the suffering of a generation. The animal inside us enjoys the cat walk of a zero size girl and at home we are tensed about the eating habit of our children. When will we recognize our hypocrisy? We send our children to schools and college to learn but in home we poison their brains through cheap ads and programs in TV or magazines. The general mind set should be changed first then we can guide them. For girls; it is better to have an out of ratio body with a sound brain than to have a zero size body without a brain.

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 17:55 Micha Why are children used to model clothes for women in their 30s and 40s?

A big problem I think is that some major companies make their items in collaboration with Chinese manufactures, but under the name of the company, so you can't really be sure what your robes or other sensitive things like that are made ok.

Sat, 03/27/2010 - 00:38 Shely The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

Ana is not suitable for high fashion lingerie modelling because she's not tall enough and has a high body fat percentage, She also has poor symmetry from one half of her body to the other. In other words, it's not enoough to just be feminine, it's even more important to have the symmetry and the long lean look. Fat creates its own estrogen which makes fat people more feminine than lean people. Many lean people look more androgynous because men tend to be leaner than women and also because they have less estrogen produced by fat.

I don't want to buy clothes and makeup modelled by fat women with pretty faces. Just find something else to jerk off to.

Mon, 03/22/2010 - 17:45 Prof. Daukwish Two non-feminine women

You make some intersting point here: see my website for 'repressed' troth on evolution:

Sun, 03/14/2010 - 17:07 Baba Anorexia and bulimia prevention programs: the most effective intervention

Got good knowledge about Anorexia. Here is another good article anorexic celebrities

Wed, 03/10/2010 - 14:32 Tron The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

You don't present any evidence whatsoever regarding how or why any of these women have masculine faces or bodies. You just start off your article stating that they have man faces. You are ridiculous. Also, Yamila Diaz-Rahi is insanely gorgeous. Do you honestly think that people would assume she's a transsexual?

Wed, 03/10/2010 - 13:52 Aden Ford Two non-feminine women

Are my breasts too small. I think about it so much I wear 2 bras. What should I do?

Wed, 03/10/2010 - 02:58 Randy Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

Very interesting site. Keep up the good work. BTW, some comments seem a bit dense.

Sat, 03/06/2010 - 11:04 CellarDoor Cute women 7

The way the nipples are censored out makes it look like they're barrels of guns. I can't not think about the Fembots from Austin Powers and their machine gun nipples when I'm on this site.

Fri, 03/05/2010 - 07:56 adam The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

It seems like no matter what anybody says to you, the authors of this site, you already have made up your minds. You have spent time on this issue and back it up with research.
This is why I believe some of the dumbest people are university educated types who think they know it all. If you’re not open minded you can’t be intelligent.

No matter how much research you come up with, the whole thing is still based on opinion. Sometimes common sense is better than any research.
You have listed some of the most attractive women in the world, and you're arguing that they are masculine. If anybody thinks they are attractive it's due to media influence.

I know whom I find attractive and whom I don’t. I do not need research, science or media telling me otherwise. I will argue about it forever, and I will always win, because it is a matter of taste and not reasoning. Other people have different tastes, but it doesn’t change mine.

I think you are so stuck on your theories that you don't see how ridiculous you sound. Though some of your arguments have merit, you just can't argue that Victoria Secret models are all masculine; it just doesn't hold. Now a lot of fashion models are not that attractive, I'll give you that, but V.S. models are among the most feminine and attractive in the modeling world. Just list a few women you think are more attractive then we'll compare the results, because I can't think of many.

I also would like to mention that I believe that some races ARE more appealing than others. This probably bothers many people especially women who are not considered appealing.
If general population tends to like some more than others, you just can't argue with that. It’s a fact of life, no matter how painful. Maybe one race IS better looking. To be politically correct, or not to be considered racist, a lot of people stay away from this argument. I'll say it again; it's a matter of taste and can't be reasoned with.

I am a Middle Eastern man, and I will always prefere Caucasian women over Asian or African or even Middle Eastern ones. This is my taste and is not influenced by media, no matter how much you like to believe it.

Now that I got that off my chest, I'd like to say I appreciate what you have done. Your site is truly insightful. I wouldn't bother sending this message if I thought it would fall on deaf ears. I hope that you would reconsider your argument and make some adjustments.

The concept of beauty is effecting our lives to a worrisome extend. People could really use sites like yours to get a healthier perspective on this matter.

Feel free to respond via email.

Wed, 03/03/2010 - 19:09 kristen Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Did it ever occur you that if she was French (born and raised there), it means she had to learn English as a second language and maybe learnt English in a different way than you do.. rather through conversations with people than books/parents? And some people are not very politically correct when they're talking?

I don't know the word "Hillbilly", but I live in Europe and English is my fourth language. As for conservatives = racists, maybe she came to this conclusion through observation or comparisson to Europe. There are many political parties in European countries that go from very liberal to very conservative. Most people are somewhere in the middle, and the ones that call themselves conservative over here without any hesitation are somewhat racist. Maybe that's where she's got this conclusion from. of course it's different when half the population call themselves conservatives because they are republicans.

maybe i'm wrong and she's claiming to be someone she's not. just offering another possible explanation.

Wed, 03/03/2010 - 18:45 kristen Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

WTF?! if you would start reading from top, you'd realize Elle was just trying to disprove Emily's opinions.. like saying only white n blonde girls are beautiful or those who are mixed with them and thus get part of their traits and even suggesting whites should not reproduce with non-whites because they only lose their perfection! how is that not racist?

we all know that there are ugly people everywhere, in Asia, Africa etc INCLUDING Scandinavia (yes shocking) too, but Emily does not see.

and some people she claims are mixed are not even mixed, but of course that's dismissed because you'd come up with.. yea, but somehow there MUST be some white blood, if not 1/16 then 1/32 is white, or plastic surgery. how to disprove that claim? everyone must provide facts of their family tree on the passport like the german people had to under nazi regime?

Tue, 03/02/2010 - 07:41 SG Welcome!

I was interested at first in your articles citing the science behind perceptions of beauty, but upon closer reading and looking at more articles, I seriously doubt the motives, logic and intelligence if your claims. Firstly, if hormones were the sole influence of female beauty looks could not be inherited and genetic influence would be minor. I also think that the women culled off porn sites that you claim are the true faces of feminine beauty reveal a lot about your motives. They are all what I would deem plain and common looking and do not have particularly feminine features at all; rather, the cold dead expressions of the manipulated drug addicts they no doubt are. The so-called masculine fashion models are generally representations of true beauty. Defining beauty is impossible because it is so subjective and cannot be pinned down, but generally I would day that it is something exceptional about a person, an exaggerated or extreme feature but not too markedly so. Beautiful women don't generally fit the golden triangle. And as for your absurd allegations of false breasts and rhinoplasty, I really think you have terribly poor insight and judgement. You are clearly a sad, lonely, homophobic misogynist who is threatened by beautiful women and spends way too much time masturbating over frankly quite plain women. Get a life and get over your issues.

Sat, 02/27/2010 - 23:20 Annie Feminists offended by Tom Ford perfume ad

lets get this sorted you asshole. Youre time wasting and trying to pick a fight. You ahvent addressed the original issue at all- you appear the sort of person who feels threatend by the fact that inequality in first world countries means things have to change and you might have to deal with it; which is sad.

As for you! You presented absolutely no factual information WHATSOEVER, your information was opinion based with no substance and HOW DARE YOU assume that women who claim assult are lying! "how can they prove it happened?" how fucking disgusting can you get- you want your god damned facts here they are- and there is much more where they came from- not written by feminists adn you know what half of them not even written by women, but since you seem to think its such a conspiracy I'm sure theyre secretly women... does that make you feel better? since your so damned sure your right I'm sure it will mean nothing to you any way, beacuse according to you the only facts that exist are ones that support your claims- which I'm yet to see myself.

The point of the matter is you have no concept of the what is wrong with the situation of sexist advertisment, or the topic of concern here- your actually yet to reference it at all; except for the point that tom ford is gay which is again- irrelevent. It is about the CONTENT of the image NOT about who created it- why is that so hard for you to grasp? The long and the short of this situation is when someone is exposed to these images theyre not sitting there thinking 'oh well a gay man made this ad so its ok'- they are reading it as series of expectations. Its selling them there ideals and if you dont believe that read the bottom link thats FuLL of facts that support the distortion of the image of women and how that affects BOTH men and women. SO get off your high horse and talk about the topic. Stop trying to turn it into gender wars because its old and completely beside the point which is SEXIST MEDIA.

Sat, 02/27/2010 - 22:14 Kye Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I don't think I've ever seen a more absurdly repulsive website in my life. It's not because I'm "envious". I actually do have extremely feminine features.

But that's not why I'm beautiful.

I think the owner of this site one of those people you find on the internet that people are warned about. "There are always creeps on the internet."
I'm going to see what I can do to get this website taken down.
