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Thu, 12/17/2009 - 18:42 Voice of Reason The face of a Neanderthal woman

"Fear mongering racial politics".

That basically sums up what the gutter press tends to print, any sensationalist news item aimed at spreading prejudice and bigotry is lapped up instantly by the masses.

I know this is not related to England but if you check the REAL CENSUS RESULTS in England, whites account for 92% of the total population and minorities only form 8%. These are the home office figures but according to the tabloids like Sun and Daily mirror, they make it sound like the minorities are the majority now despite only being 8%.
It's only the gullible who fall for such news, news is biased, some are very heavily biased and others to a lesser degree, no news is ever really unbiased.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 18:16 Voice of Reason Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


I think you're being a bit mean here, why the bitterness? You sound like a rational intelligent person and I admire the way that you've posted your rebuttal and argued your case but I sense a lot of bitterness towards others, I can understand if you posted the bitterness towards deluded bigots such as Emily and others, and to a lesser degree Erik but I don't think Godis or VC deserves that sort of treatment.


You come across as reasonably intelligent and your figure is reasonably feminine bordering on the plump side, but then you seem to seek affirmation and that in itself is a sign of insecurity. If you wish to be truly happy, you would be happy with the way you are.
I am probably going to open a whole new discussion here but for me Christina Hendricks is clearly fat and that's the practical truth, she's not morbidly obese but she's still fat.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 17:13 shelly What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

i have a very slender body and i meet all the right requirements, and i really want to go into fashion modelling. But i would never do all that stuff just to get noticed, like starve myself and have sex with a famous guy whos 10 yrs older than me. I have limits. I just hope that if i ever get into modelling they wont force it onto me.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 15:18 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

"I have at least average intelligence actually. In fact according to a few standardized tests I am pretty above average in intelligence."

Note I preface with "I THINK". I don't care what a standardized test you took says about your intelligence. Dumb does not correlate with an actual number on a standardized test. I think you have no understanding of the world around you. The mere fact you think your test scores prove you are are not dumb shows how little you understanding testing. Modern education is not about intelligence it is about the regurgitation of information.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 15:05 Visitor Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

"I think you are just dumb."

I have at least average intelligence actually. In fact according to a few standardized tests I am pretty above average in intelligence.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 11:12 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Oh and Godis, I hate to send to into a tailspin of self-loathing, but your boobs aren't much smaller than hers. She's wearing a pushup bra and arching her back, of course they look big. Your breasts are not small, better get worried. You are attracting all those nasty men with fetishes and you won't be able to run.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 10:58 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

"I'm not going to respond to this right now because I am really busy, but all I can say is that if you do not notice a weight difference between the first and second photo I posted of Christina YOU need to get your eyes checked, not I."

If the woman said she didn't lose any weight I'd buy it. Most women are happy to say they lost weight. It came from her own mouth. If you don't like how fat she is go take it up with her but the fact remains you are an unhappy, not very bright young woman bitching on the internet about how fat a very successful, loved woman is. What do you look like? You look like a stupid, catty female. Then you tried to make the whole issue about yourself "Oh they called me fat". Well, you deserve it. You keep calling so many other women fat who are not fat. What do you expect? You are just getting what you give.

I think you are just dumb. You keep calling people fat who aren't even close to it. Fat in medical terms means a BMI of over 25%. That's the medical guideline. There is no way this woman's BMI is over 25%, she is tall (5'7 to 5'8) and weighs around 130 to 140 pounds according to most of the people who know her. That's not fat, to even proclaim it is stupid. Bottom line, you are discussing something of which you have no knowledge. Go learn the facts before you make an ass out of yourself. There are plenty of girls who come to this site who have problems. You do realize you may be contributing to someone's screwed up image of themselves? Frankly, I don't you'd know what fat was even if a 300 pound woman came and sat on your face.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 07:08 Jellybean Natalie T. from only tease

It's not true that most Germans are not blondes.It's probably more like 50/50. I suspect there are the same percentages of blondes among ethnic Germans as there are among Scandinavians. And I'm sure Poles do have naturally blonde hair, many of them. Look, any woman born with blonde hair is going to have to keep coloring her hair blonde no matter how platinum she was in the beginning, so all these blondes (Germans, Scandinavians, and Poles) are all helping Mother Nature along with what She intended.

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 00:09 Visitor Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Just look at them:

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Lady Justice (Christina Hendricks) Pictures, Images and Photos

She must have horrible back problems

Thu, 12/17/2009 - 00:06 Visitor Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I'm not going to respond to this right now because I am really busy, but all I can say is that if you do not notice a weight difference between the first and second photo I posted of Christina YOU need to get your eyes checked, not I.

Are you a female or male Rawr? Because in my opinion you are the one that was just acting catty.

However, looking back I guess I do kind of project my issues a tad bit. I mean I did gain weight in the past few years and it really took a toll on me for some reason? I just felt incredibly unattractive even though it wasn't all that bad. Even now that I've lost like 10lbs of that weight,(and actually don't want to lose anymore, orginally I wanted to lose 20), I like the way I look but I still feel like my old self. It's weird.

Anyways, Christina Hendricks looks good at that weight. Yes. Very good. However, if she did lose weight I don't think she'd look any worse. In addition it still would make her hourglass slightly more defined. Also, I still think her boobs are too big. Sorry, I just do. I'm sure males don't mind breasts that large, and the majority of males prefer large breasts. However, I just don't think a girl needs boobs that big! haha

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 22:12 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Excuse my typos educated people out there. I'm tired and I don't have the energy to do thing right at the moment.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 22:10 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

And godis, no offense but your eyes do not work. Those two pictures you posted are of the same woman, at the same weight. She admitted to losing a few pounds for her wedding I think two months ago. Those pictures are at least a year old and she proclaimed then she had lost no weight. Know what you are talking about before you start typing. Most of the people who work with her say she is a size 6 or 8 u.s. That's not even close to big. As for photoshopping, you can find candids and she has the same figure.

See? That's from a few weeks ago. No photoshopping, no smoothing. As for you ever being fat, your an idiot. We get it. Just stop putting yourself out there if you don't want the insults. Your going to get them because you are too silly to see how catty you are. You get what you give and you deserve it. If you think your worth to men is what you look like guess what you are going to attract? Enjoy your bed silly, cause you made it.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 22:00 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

"Now yes, I have said Christina Hendricks would look better if she lost a tad bit of weight, because she would. Why? She has probably the best hourglass figure I've ever seen. However, she has too much fat covering it up. If she were to lose just a bit of weight her hourglass figure would be even MORE defined, which is amazing actually because she has a very defined hourglass figure to begin with."

You really need to quite projecting your issues on to other people. It's painfully obvious you have no idea what human beings look like. I've told you this before. Fat is not covering that woman's hour glass figure SINCE IT"S PAINFULLY OBVIOUS SHE HAS AN HOURGLASS FIGURE SO HOW IN THE HELL COULD FAT BE COVERING IT?! We can see it, obviously it's not covered.

"Her breasts, in my opinion will appear more to men with a fetish for overly large breasts. They look good in porportion to the rest of her body, but they are just too big! "

Could thing it's just your opinion, liking large breasts is generally not considered a fetish in the DSMV.

"I know the majority of men would not necessarily like breasts that large. "

Now you claim to speak for the majority of men? You need to quit while you are ahead. I doubt you know what your own man wants let alone anyone else's.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 21:39 Rawr The face of a Neanderthal woman

"I still feel we should retain all the races. I'm not against race mixing, but I don't think it should be done soo extensivley it should completely dilute the different races. I think we need to keep a balance. I don't know what I'm saying, I don't know enough about evolution to know what would be most advantageous for the human race. However, it makes me sad to think whites will be a minority. Really really sad."

Yep, you don't know what you are saying at all. Most whites are not race mixing, they just aren't reproducing. As a society grows in affluence it normally declines in population. There turn out to be other forms of recreation beyond sex and one doesn't need dozens of kids because it is more likely your offspring will make it past 15. Therefore people have less children. The only reason I can see you having some kind of problem with population dynamics as they stand is if you think there is something inherently better about whites and you feel there should be more whites than other races because of that. Race mixing, though accepted in western society is not as widely practiced as you seem to think. Furthermore Whites as a minority is a HYPOTHESIS. It was first slated to happen in 2011. Notice they just keep pushing it back? Fear mongering racial politics at it's worst and you bought it.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 20:04 fidgety Why are children used to model clothes for women in their 30s and 40s?

my god i've never seen so much misinformation in one place! i am a gay man and i can tell you how it is. first off pederasts/pedophiles are NOT gay men. they are pseudo-straight men. and as such yes they prefer younger men as they simulate women more, with their gracile bone structure. real gay men, feminine gay men, prefer about mid-20s. this makes sense, since feminine gay men have female brains most experts believe, and females would likely also prefer this age as its right in the middle of a man's fertile period. second yes, adulthood starts at the start of puberty and the end of puberty is about 14 for women and 16 for men. those of you calling teens and eraly twenty something women 'children' and women in their 40s and 50s 'women' have it completely backward. the DEFINITION of a woman is a human female capable of bearing offspring. that puts the age at 12 to 42 or so. and for men its a similar definition, which puts manhood at 13 (first ejaculation) to 50 (avg onset of erectile dysfunction). third. if they were just studying gay and str8 men's reactions to people's faces, i'm very very very very surprised that EVERYONE doesn't prefer the late teens faces as i believe they clearly are just objectively more attractive. how can they not be, with the full lips, small mouth to nose gap (a big one makes u look like an ape), a slim face, perfectly shaped nose, etc ? however if the images were of full body shots i'm almost sure the str8 men would still prefer mid teens while the gay men would jump to late 20s or early 30s. if both face and body were shown i'm sure mid 20s would be where the avg gay man came. perfect union of handsome face and masculine body. anyway, please don't confuse pedophiles with gay men. they are in YOUR camp (i.e. they're str8 men. thats why they like femininity. they like young teenage feminine acting drag doing men). this study probably didn't weed them out. also remember that men's faces age and weather and grow older much faster than women's. men's skin is not as good at holding up at womens. i believe thats why god/nature/whatever gave men beards, to counterbalance this. to give natural sunscreen and also cover up the fast progressing ugliness that comes with age. so that might also be a factor. but i believe male looks/feccundity/libido all peak in the late teens and this is WHY nature/god/evolution gave them better faces; as their bodies are lacking at that age since they have had less years of exposure to testosterone and thus look less masculine in bone structure, nature/god made up for this gap by giving them VERY handsome faces. with women, fertility/fecundity/libido/sexiness peaks around 15/16/17 i.m.o just going from what i've heard EVERY single str8 man EVER say to me, if they've happened to expressed an opinion to me. the slimmer bone structure at that age is something that works FOR them, not against them, as it does with men. anyway, this is my two cents.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 20:01 Godis The face of a Neanderthal woman

Start having more kids white people. haha

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 20:00 Godis The face of a Neanderthal woman

Wow, this kind of scares me.

They are prediciting a date when WHITES WILL BECOME A MINORITY!!!

I am sorry I am not trying to be anything like Emily, but I do not want whites to become a minority EVER! That's scary to me.

I still feel we should retain all the races. I'm not against race mixing, but I don't think it should be done soo extensivley it should completely dilute the different races. I think we need to keep a balance. I don't know what I'm saying, I don't know enough about evolution to know what would be most advantageous for the human race. However, it makes me sad to think whites will be a minority. Really really sad.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 14:34 Godis Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Oh and excuse all the mistakes in my writing. English is far from my first language and for some reason latley my English has really be regressing I don't know why:(

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 14:28 Godis Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

BTW, she is also additionally totally touched up and airbrushed in that gray dress. They did a little "smoothing" out.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 14:16 Godis Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


I'm sorry but no, I really don't see much sexual selection going on today. Even though there are 2 women to 1 man, almost no woman is going to be totally left out of sex and almost every woman will be able to produce offspring unless there literally is something physically or mentally wrong with her. In all honesty, I do not think it is just desperation on a man's part. Men ARE selective, but on the other hand they aren't. They are selective when it comes to the women they decide to commit to. They aren't necessarily selective when it comes to the women they have sex with in general. If no protection is used, all those women are potential mothers and therefore, whether the male found her extremely attractive or not, she will pass on her DNA. There are tons of single mothers out there. Tons!

In addition, sexual selection today is based on a lot more than physical characteristics. Back in the old days when we lived in caves we were just starting to develop a system of communication. We could only attract eachother by certain sounds lmao, behaviors and physical appearance. These days we can effectivley communicate. I will have a better understanding of who is intelligent and who isn't, who is funny and who isn't, who has a good personality and who doesn't. Women base who they are attracted to on qualities like intelligence, humor, etc. more so than men. However, men too base their ideal woman on more than the way she appears. A woman may look really really good but if she turns out to be a complete idiot, a man will not commit to her. He'll bag her for sure, but he won't commit to her. He would probably commit to a slightly less attractive woman with a higher IQ. Why? Well, I would assume we are hardwired to find intelligence very attractive considering it is what our great success as a species depends on almost solely.

And I'm sure you'll be like, well what about smart and attractive women? Well, yes they do exist, but from my experience, especially lately they are not as frequent as we think. Most of the intelligent women I know are not very feminine, and just not very attractive. I mean even the ones that take care of themselves. And I know they have all these theories about how women with lower WHR are smarter and more attractive and more fertile etc. I bought into that, a lot. Now, not so much. Because experiences tell me over and over again, that it turns out masculine women tend to be more on the intelligent side. I don't like this personally because I'm not masculine. But I have to admit, I have average intelligence. But then again so do most women. Just from my observation the more masculine women are the more unintelligent or really intelligent they are, but no real intebetween. Normal to feminine women seem to fall in the middle towards average intelligence. Those are just my personal observations from my personal experiences, but they are very repeated observations.

So, therefore everyone has to take into consideration that other factors these days contribute to sexual selection besides physical appearance. And when sexual selection does occur it usually happens because a man has committed to a women and WANTS to have children with her and wants his children to display her qualities. However, generally, men aren't that picky about women especially if its just a one night stand, or two, or three. This isn't new either. Men have always been like this.

Now yes, I have said Christina Hendricks would look better if she lost a tad bit of weight, because she would. Why? She has probably the best hourglass figure I've ever seen. However, she has too much fat covering it up. If she were to lose just a bit of weight her hourglass figure would be even MORE defined, which is amazing actually because she has a very defined hourglass figure to begin with. Her breasts, in my opinion will appear more to men with a fetish for overly large breasts. They look good in porportion to the rest of her body, but they are just too big! I know the majority of men would not necessarily like breasts that large. In addition, although a woman should be feminine I personally think that men do find a subtle element of athleticism in a woman. This isn't surprising because to ensure her survival a woman has have some athletic ability. If I saw Christina Hendricks even try to run I wouldn't even believe it. She would just look gross if she ran. She needs to tighten up a bit. Sorry, but she does. A woman CAN be at least minimally athletic and feminine and in fact this is ideal. Think of it in terms of survival.

Besides, why are you calling me out? Call Emily and "Barberella" our for calling me fat.


I've lost weight, but looking back I'm not THAT fat.

Anyways, look at Christina Hendricks. A thinner version and fatter version. Which one do you like more?

I mean fat can make a woman more feminine OR more masculine. It depends on the woman. I think fat adds bulk so it masculinizes a woman by making her look thicker, more husky like. However, fat has certain qualities that femininize women, even men. Look at any overweight male, and they will appear very feminine. But I think that if Christina loses weight she would have more of an advantage because she would be more defined and delicate looking, which translates to appearing even more feminine, which is just wow for her.

Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Christina Hendricks Mad Men Pictures, Images and Photos

See when I gain weight I become more masculine looking. I mean because although I gain it in the right places, like the hips, etc. that fat still catches up with you and eventually makes your waist less defined and just overall bulkier looking. A thinner version shows a better hourglass figure, smaller waist etc. See she looks better.

BTW, looking at her now, I'm not impressed with her face. AT ALL.
Christina Hendricks Pictures, Images and Photos

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 12:03 Paul Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

You must've had some really bad experiences with men if you think that most guys would screw anything. Those are called desperate men which there are women like that too. That is not to say that having a very active sex life with many partners is what this is, rather it is actively having sex with another people regardless if you actually dig them or not. I personally cannot get it up for a woman unless I find them attractive.

As far as women with an hourglass figure not being selected for as you say... you have to consider the massive influence the media has on many people which is directed and guided by the fashion industry. Everything from movies, television and magazines have been following the guidelines of the fashion industry for decades now. This has programmed generations of men into thinking that more feminine bodies (wide hips, prominent backsides, etc...) are not desirable and are "fat". This is also a main reason why people of color are more vocal about desiring more feminine women because the fashion industry is not really advertised to them and thus many have not fallen victim to it.

Also, I asked this in another reply of mine but I assume you haven't read it, was it you that made that comment about Christina Hendricks and that she should lose weight to be more feminine? If it was, then I'd have to disagree with you greatly. That woman has an amazing figure and I think she is drop dead gorgeous. If she were to lose 20 pounds like was suggested in that post then many, many grown men would cry. Trust me. Take it from a heterosexual man.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 11:36 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I preferred the fashion models. Curves win the day for me and the second table doesn't have much of anything going on. The faces didn't even fascinate me.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 09:04 canifu Melisande aka Guinevere

Melisande is hot!!! Anyone who criticized women in general is and will always be a dumbass. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so far alot of you are blind as the three blind mice!!! Dumbass

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 01:24 anonjuan The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Every woman pictured on this page(even the writers examples of what he/she considers to be feminine)could be considered to have a masculine face if you imagine hard enough. The "more feminine" examples are all porn stars. I suspect the writer might be a hopeless virgin.

Enjoy your hand.


Wed, 12/16/2009 - 00:18 Jay The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Well I think that Adriana is just plain beautiful.
