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Thu, 01/14/2010 - 15:35 Aldo Renato Even more women related to the "clothes hangar" argument

To paraphrase Queen (the rock group), flat-chested girls make the rockin' world go round!

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 16:44 Neil Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

From the point of view of genetics I would propose the reason so many mixed race people are attractive is really because they are the product of two highly inbred parents and the infusion of new genes greatly strenghtens the offspring. Most races are highly inbred as they come from geographic regions founded by a limited number of ancestors so that most people are related . Thus if two people from different ethnicities reproduce their children are likely to combine sets of genes never seen in either race alone - hence they are healthy, intelligent and beautiful on the whole.
Thus mixing races is the desirable way to populate the earth rather than inbreeding within ethnicities to the point where "everyone looks the same" and kids are weak, ill, allergy prone etc as we now observe.

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 16:42 Neil Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

From the point of view of genetics I would propose the reason so many mixed race people are attractive is really because they are the product of two highly inbred parents and the infusion of new genes greatly strenghtens the offspring. Most races are highly inbred as they come from geographic regions founded by a limited number of ancestors so that most people are related . Thus if two people from different ethnicities reproduce their children are likely to combine sets of genes never seen in either race alone - hence they are healthy, intelligent and beautiful on the whole.
Thus mixing races is the desirable way to populate the earth rather than inbreeding within ethnicities to the point where "everyone looks the same" and kids are weak, ill, allergy prone etc as we now observe.

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 16:42 Neil Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

From the point of view of genetics I would propose the reason so many mixed race people are attractive is really because they are the product of two highly inbred parents and the infusion of new genes greatly strenghtens the offspring. Most races are highly inbred as they come from geographic regions founded by a limited number of ancestors so that most people are related . Thus if two people from different ethnicities reproduce their children are likely to combine sets of genes never seen in either race alone - hence they are healthy, intelligent and beautiful on the whole.
Thus mixing races is the desirable way to populate the earth rather than inbreeding within ethnicities to the point where "everyone looks the same" and kids are weak, ill, allergy prone etc as we now observe.

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 16:41 Neil Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

From the point of view of genetics I would propose the reason so many mixed race people are attractive is really because they are the product of two highly inbred parents and the infusion of new genes greatly strenghtens the offspring. Most races are highly inbred as they come from geographic regions founded by a limited number of ancestors so that most people are related . Thus if two people from different ethnicities reproduce their children are likely to combine sets of genes never seen in either race alone - hence they are healthy, intelligent and beautiful on the whole.
Thus mixing races is the desirable way to populate the earth rather than inbreeding within ethnicities to the point where "everyone looks the same" and kids are weak, ill, allergy prone etc as we now observe.

Mon, 01/11/2010 - 21:25 Sabina Welcome!

I was wondering what you thought of the girls on If you register for free, you can view a lot of semi-revealing sets, although not the most revealing. I'm still a little confused about the Masculine to Feminine specturum of facial and bodily bone structures, and how much they are linked, and I would love it if you did an article on some of these girls, as they seem to confuse me a lot. Some of them strike me as incredibly feminine in the face, yet masculinised in the body and vice versa, but I would need an expert's opinion.

Sun, 01/10/2010 - 19:16 myasianwifeishot From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I agree,I dont care what Emily looks like because her views make her very unattractive to anyone other than white supremecist nazis.

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 09:33 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Quit listing your cup size if you want the answer. Take a tape measure and measure all the way around the fullest part of your bust. This is your bust measurement. Your bra size equates to something different depending on the brand. A 34DD would be 39 inches, a 34C would be 37 inches (depending on the brand). See the problem? None of you would be an hourglass. There's nothing wrong with that but then again I don't know because you haven't measured correctly to begin with.

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 02:27 screwdestiny Who has the body? Alessandra Ambrosio or Dasha from Hegre Art?

I don't understand being so hard on Alessandra. It's true, her but is nothing to look at, and she's not terrible curvy. But she has a beautiful face! I think she looks very womanly. Since when are women never allowed to have a strong jawline? It defines her face beautifully. Femininity comes in all different forms. I will give you that Karolina Kurkova and Marisa Miller have more masculine than feminine features, but I just can't see it with Ale.

And as for Dasha, wow, some people on here are really rude. I didn't focus on the way the video was done, I just focused on her body, which is what this post was about. And she has a great body. It would definitely be considered on the thick side by any modeling standards, but she has perfect proportions. Feminine and lovely. She would be a fabulous nude art model. And there's nothing wrong with pale skin. Sure, Ale looks good with her tan now but her skin's not going to look so good in thirty years, while people who don't give in to the "You must have a tan to be beautiful!" bullcrap will not be dealing with skin cancer and leathery skin.

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 00:06 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Haha. I'd like to see Emily's reaction to this. According to this the priciest hair is EASTERN EUROPEAN and EASTERN EUROPEAN hair is the best choice for blondes. Yes. Because blonde hair is better in Eastern Europe. Northern and Southern Eastern Europe is obsessed with hair. Even my fine blonde hair is better than the average head of blonde hair because I have soo much of it! Compared to most of the natural blondes I know, even the ones who have retained a light blonde color throughout puberty, don't have as much hair as I do.

"Beyond the cost of the hair (she says the best for a blonde are Eastern European locks, which are the priciest), the application can be time-consuming"

Fri, 01/08/2010 - 21:54 Samara Julija Ribkina

Her cheekbones don't look high to me.
I'd like to see what she looks like without the make up and stage lighting.

Fri, 01/08/2010 - 21:45 Samara Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

I really like this site and I appreciate that you have put a lot of work into it.
What really spoils it for me is the homophobia.
I agree with you on so many things, but this fear of homosexuality has ruined my enjoyment of your work.
Just tell me, do you hate lesbians as much as you hate gay men? Just curious.

Fri, 01/08/2010 - 21:37 Samara Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

Shame, she's a very pretty woman but imo she is far too thin to look attractive. She's scary-looking. She may not have an eating disorder but her BMI is too low and she does not look healthy.

Fri, 01/08/2010 - 04:19 Fang The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Hunter, Yamila and Sims. None of them look like male-to-female transsexuals to me.

I spend a lot of time with male-to-female transsexuals and female-to-male. Believe me, they're undeniably female. Not just their bodies, they have female faces and your reactions seem unnecessarily harsh and knee-jerk.

Although I don't disagree with your praise of feminine beauty, I like curvy, feminine women too. But really you're too harsh. Your judgement seems to be that these magazines are wrong. But they're selling, so obviously the other hetero men are just ignorant. Sounds faulty to me.

Thu, 01/07/2010 - 03:47 Jessica Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

***shape, not measurements lol. It's near 3AM and I'm very tired

Thu, 01/07/2010 - 03:45 Jessica Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

@ Grace Kelly:
Could be a heavy bottom hourglass, slightly on the edge of a pear shape.

What are my measurements?
Bust: 34C
Waist: 23
Hips: 34
Frame: 6.25 (medium) and I weigh 122 at 5' 6½".

Thu, 01/07/2010 - 01:03 Kakee Maria Sheriff

zonneschijn is an idiot. Whites have not been formed by the mixture of middle Easterners and Central Asians. Indeed Middle Easterners were formed by the mixing of Europeans, Ancient semites and negroes. Central Asians were formed by mixing of Europeans and Mongol like populations. And those Bollywood babes and Arab babes look nothing like the average Arab or Indian. Indeed they look more similar to Europeans than to their populations. In other word a shift towards the European facial norm is needed in these populations to look beautiful (there are few exceptions). In other words Europeans the original attractive people who have spread their genes and improved the looks of people in the middle East and South Asia.
Have you seen the average person on the street of Cairo or Mumbai? They are so so freakin fugly with primitve features. How can you compare them to space age looking angelic Nordics?

Wed, 01/06/2010 - 17:45 Leoni LT From ape to human – the journey in pictures

The "incendiary blog" contained direct links to where the source information was derived (FBI, etc).

Instead of spewing rabid insults like a typical anti-white, why don't you provide data which disputes my positions? It it because (gasp) you can't find any? Until you present a proper rebuttal instead of emotional rants, you have no case.

No, it actually looks like my "kind" is becoming less ostracized surprisingly quickly. The BNP is an example. Many Whites are waking up to the multicultural lie and "anti-racist" hypocrisy. Of course, you are too prejudiced and close-minded to see for yourself, but there's a thread on Stormfront asking why some (admittedly) once liberal, anti-racist Whites became White Nationalists. Many did so because of two common reasons:
(1) when they actually moved to an area populated by non-whites (or non-whites took over their neighborhoods), they saw that the non-whites on TV (blacks, in particular) are NOT like the everyday non-whites
(2) they became aware of the mounting anti-white prejudice in White societies (an example of which is Affirmative Action, which gives non-whites an advantage in job-hunting on the basis of their race - now, isn't that . . . racist?).

I truly believe that what you call "racism" - a better term is ethnocentrism - will win out in time. After all, it looks like ethnocentrism is a BIOLOGICAL CONSTRUCT. You can fight nature only so long.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 20:18 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

You have once again linked an incendiary blog. Link the DOJ and their data not an opinion piece.

You will never ever find me on Stormfront. I'd rather not subject myself to the abuse of racist, ignorant fools. You will never change your mind even if confront with the data that disputes your positions because you are already so biased. it is a waste of time. Your kind will be ostracized with time. There is no point in speaking with you.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 19:22 Leoni LT From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"[Far] more intelligent people have explained the misreading" huh? Okay, mention those people and post links. If you've noticed, I've posted plenty of links - you, zero. Insults won't get you anywhere.

Oh, and since you don't trust Stormfront and David Duke due to your preexisting prejudices, here's an article presenting an in-depth analysis of interracial crime statistics, complete with direct links sources:

I don't think people here appreciate us going too long off-topic, so if you want to argue more, I'll see you at Stormfront. Also, I dare you to bring up these "far more intelligent people" on Stormfront's Terry Tremaine forum. We'll see how well you fare against seasoned debaters.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 14:46 Mora Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

For Emily and American Girl...

Really girls, beauty does come from the way you look, but it's more important to have personality. And when I say personality I'm not talking about "oh she looks gorgeous" or "oh she is popular", that's the way stupid people think. There are a bunch of girls out there who look ok, but they are so dull, and maybe a guy will date them because they look "hot" but they are not even capable of mantaining a relationship where the guy gives his life for them, they are superficial and inmature, and they are not what a man is looking for. An imponent personality is hard, not sweet,"romantic", or cute. A person that has a strong personality is much more attractive, I mean she is inteligent , she has beautiful feelings, and she is too much for a guy. For example Natalie Portman, she studied at Harvard, she is beautiful , and she has a lot of attitude, she can stand out everywhere. I can't name many celebrities that really have personality, because I don't believe they are inteligent people, come on they act for making money... THEY ACT.

About the eye colour discussion, they depend on who is wearing them. And you should know that by now. And yes there can be soft faces with brown eyes, examples are Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Emma Watson. End of the conversation.

All this stuff about being femenine or masculine is shity, I mean , either you are a woman or a man . There are a lot of genetic variations, and maybe a femenine body attracts more men, but actually even if Giselle Bundchen or Alessandra Ambrosio have a masculine faces they are attractive. If all woman had the super femenine faces you describe , I think that we will all look the same, we will be like identical viruses. Some woman should start to catalogue men, just as you guys do it, and maybe then you will start worring about your appearance and not about the appearance of the woman around. If you will answer that your intention is for woman to distinguish between femenine and masculine and that's all , maybe you should take into consideration that your page comes out in google when you write " beauty" or "femenine" and that your articles are not exactly what a woman that searches for those words are looking for, you should change to something like " masculinization in woman".
I mean the articles are not bad at all, they talk about facts that are interesting, but if you are talking about something so serious (the body of people) , you should make sure you don't exposethe page to the wrong readers. I mean Heidi Klum, Giselle or the other models didn't chosed their faces when they where in their mother's whomb, even if their faces are somehow masculine they continue being beautiful. Another thing , I don't believe that all the people that acces the web page are expecting to see all those porn stars that you posted, I know that you use them as an example , but the page is really accesible for little girls .

To the readers :
If you are not a plastic surgeon, or someone really interesed in aesthetics ( in a mature way) stop reading this kind of pages, and stop worring so much about if you have a beautiful face or body, you better start going to a gym , or make something good about your hair ... I don't know ... start making all those things that make you feel beautiful, there's no way that you can change your skeleton , there's no way that you can make your legs longer , there's no plasic surgery that will make you look taller or shorter. Love yourself and take care of your body. If you think you need a plastic surgery like a liposuction , a rhinplasty or anything just get information and talk to an expert and do it. Reading this kind of things will take you anywhere, making something about will.

atte: someone who thinks this page is not objective.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 11:03 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"Racism outdated? Hah! Then why, according to the US Department of Justice, are 90% of interracial attacks BLACK-on-WHITE? Hmm? "

When you post the actual stats from the DOJ and not the rhetoric from David Duke, Storm Front and other hate mongers maybe I would buy it. Other far more intelligent people have explained the misreading of the stats. Freaking Luddites. The future will remember you as you are-ignorant.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 04:22 Leoni LT From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Ignorant people like "rawr" made me turn to White Nationalism in order to escape from their PC, delusional, hypocritical, anti-white, and ultimately self-destructive multicultural rhetoric. Racism outdated? Hah! Then why, according to the US Department of Justice, are 90% of interracial attacks BLACK-on-WHITE? Hmm?

Oh, I forgot. Only Whites can be racist. [Insert rolls-eyes emoticon.]

The sad reality is that Whites have been taught by our educational system, media, and corrupt politicians to accept & tolerate everyone and to forget our racial identity, even though non-whites are NOT held to this standard. In fact, non-whites are encouraged to be proud of who they are and are given special incentives and favors on the basis of their race. It's a sad double standard.

Learn more here:

Rawr, I'm happy to tell you that you'll be less ignorant after spending some time on Stormfront. :)

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 03:55 Jordan From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I've just finished browsing over these pages, and I must say: no offense, but the people who are trying to make Asians look best are a bunch of clowns. How low do you have to stoop to compare extreme examples of ugly Nordic women to extreme examples of highly photo-shopped, cosmetically-and-surgically-altered Asian models (some of which have very obvious White ancestry)?

The Nordicists displayed honor and fairness by comparing pictures of average White women with average Asian women. Now, that's commendable. Asianphiles, if you can't win your debate by doing the same, then do the honorable thing and throw in the towel.

Sun, 01/03/2010 - 01:49 Meghan Gisele Bundchen slams skinny fashion models

The fallacious arguments against this are hilarious. "ur just jelus lol"
It is unfortunate that people are unable to see the profound effect the media has on society. This study done in Fiji shows some surprising results that truly back up this claim. Anyone who thinks that Erik is over exaggerating or is unnecessarily researching should read this.,2107,50700-81467-578111-0,00.html
