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Sun, 01/03/2010 - 01:22 Meghan The influence of the thin ideal in fashion magazines on women at risk for anorexia

As an ex-anorexic, I can attest to the media's influence on my eating disorder. It was as if it vindicated all my ideas about weight and attraction. It took me years to look at a healthy but curvy woman and not be terrified of looking like her. There was a time when I was told that my weight was close to the underweight mark, and I was ecstatic because I knew that all the models had similar BMI's. Now that I look through my old folders of "thinspiration" pictures, being of a healthy mindset, I am apalled. I am shocked that looking like a prepubescent boy was once my ultimate goal. But this is what I was always told was attractive, and it took a lot of work to find my true opinion of beauty.

I love this website. I have spent a lot of time researching similar things but there is a lot of information that is new to me here. Thanks!

Sat, 01/02/2010 - 15:24 Zethus101 Attractiveness related to head and face length relative to height

Dont forget that not only would head width change proportionately as head length changes as HughRistik points out, but overall, bodily proportions should change as well.

For example, the statue of Doryphorus. Change his head length to overall body ratio and this can create an illusion of either being "lithe" or "stumpy".
What I mean is, let's say Doryphorus was 5'10". For the study , having a shorter head length would leave room for his other joints to be longer (creating a "lithe" look). For example, his legs would be longer as there is "more to go around". Vice versa, a longer head would take away length from the lower limbs and other parts, creating a "stumpy" look, etc. Don't forget that the images in the study look strange because rather than take this into account, they just made the head longer, making the person taller. So all of the images are of different heights, so not having a fixed height and properly changing proportions invalidates the whole study.

I think sexual dimorphism explains this much better. It's like a man and woman of the same height, where the female will appear "lithe" because of factors as shorter head length, longer limbs and her male counterpart vice versa. That then is the proper way to study a head length to height ratio.

Thu, 12/31/2009 - 15:06 Danny Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I am of Hispanic descent, and i only find women like me or white attractive. i have light brown skin, when it's cold i look lighter but when the weather is hot(Florida, USA) i look really dark. its funny because i like to think that its due to the fact that my grandfather is Spanish(white) and my granny is central american(native mixed with spanish).

does race influence who an individual finds attractive? does anyone else have that going on with their skin color?(my friends look the same color all the time, and i know the difference between tanned skin color and what i mentioned)

Thu, 12/31/2009 - 11:51 Irene Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

You all sound like Nazis.

Wed, 12/30/2009 - 06:02 Per Inge Oestmoen Discrimination against unattractive women

About discrimination:

To choose the best partner we can get is not to treat someone unfairly. To make a choice is to distinguish between differences, because we are aware of the significance of these differences. Consciously or subconsciously.

If we become so afraid of hurting someone that we fail to choose and select for the best, then much is lost and nothing is gained. If everything is considered the same, then nothing has any higher value. To choose somebody or something over somebody or something else is necessary, because all is not the same. Misunderstood "human" values are inhuman if they lead to the elimination of differences that support and enrich life. That is truly to throw the baby out with the bathing water. To make a positive choice in favor or somebody or something is different from hating or treating someone unfairly. It can never be "unfair" to choose someone because she or he has desirable qualities.

Our human intelligence, which is rightfully being considered the foremost of our species, is an example of a quality that has been developed and can only be maintained by selection. The same with curvaceous bodies in females and masculine bodies in men. By selecting the most attractive partners that are available to us, we ensure that their attractive and desirable traits are being maintained in the population and the gene pool. The curvaceous bodies with feminine hourglass hips and cat-like softness of movement represent the highest degree of polarity with the masculine, more straight and "hard" form. These differences are crucial to attractiveness, bonding and mutual satisfaction from sexual togetherness. To select for the differences, by choosing partners who have these qualities, is not unfair discrimination. Rather, it is a healthy and beneficial choice which ensures that the sex differences will be kept for eternity.

Therefore, it is most fair and most healthy to choose partners that possess strong sexual characteristics.

Tue, 12/29/2009 - 23:49 rauracle Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

Um, no. Anorexia as defined means a refusal to maintain a weight above normal for height/age. So these people are thin. Of course, you can have an eating disorder and still not be thin, but it's probably ED-NOS and not anorexia as defined by the DSM.

Mon, 12/28/2009 - 18:36 meg Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

Erik, you have too much time on your hands. If "research" is your thing - and your treatment here is by NO means research - why don't you apply to grad school and learn how to do the real thing? Much more satisfying and people actually respect you. :)

Mon, 12/28/2009 - 09:33 Paula Gay fashion designers

I applaud your critique on the beauty ideal for women, because women are according to the fashion kings the most beautiful when they look like men. And Yes,
Danielle, when I look at fashion models, I think most of them look like drag queens.

I don't agree with the people forcing us to believe in this random beauty ideal. But, this site isn't completely fair either. In the attractive women section, only white women are displayed.
That's unintentionally racist and not fair. There are so incredibly much beautiful non-white women, that I think you should put some of
them in your attractive women section as well. Otherwise you're just not realistic like you claim to be and just as mean as the fashion designers.

Sat, 12/26/2009 - 01:07 Grace Kelly Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

My height: 5'6
Bust measurement: 34 DD
Waist measurement: 27
Hip Measurement: 37.5

Medium frame, 125 lbs.

What body shape do I have?

Fri, 12/25/2009 - 12:08 Dead Cathedral Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

The topic of homosexuality keeps coming up. It makes sense that the industry is dominated by gay men and therefore their taste in women is different than ours’, but has anyone ever made a comprehensive study? As in “the results show that 60% of famous fashion designers have admitted to being gay”, accompanied by a comprehensive list. I’m just wondering if anyone has been systematic about this.

Thu, 12/24/2009 - 12:16 Dead Cathedral The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

Grace is not a stunner, but she's definitely more sexually attractive. Her boyfriend must be happy :)

Thu, 12/24/2009 - 12:09 Dead Cathedral Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

"I admire your patience in dealing with the attacks and poor arguments."

Same here.

Thu, 12/24/2009 - 12:02 Dead Cathedral Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Has anyone anywhere compiled a list of the "homosexuals who dominate the fashion industry"? I know it's a stereotype, but has it been systematically verified?

Wed, 12/23/2009 - 11:12 mike Guinevere: attractive slender nude

Sophie strauss is one of the hottest females on the planet! She has it all. She looks amazing in clothes or in her god given birthday suit. She is the only women who in porn or in real life I would leave my wife for. I wish that she would only do anal.

Tue, 12/22/2009 - 16:07 Angie What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

You know Kris this is called JEALOUSY, you wish you were like all these models, beautiful, rich, and gets anything they want because they are beautiful unlike you, I'm guessing, you need to get a life, because they have one!

Tue, 12/22/2009 - 05:05 Asiya Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

emily- uh i don't think so. I'm asian and the mask fits me almost perfectly (my eyebrows are more arched than the mask's)

Tue, 12/22/2009 - 05:05 Asiya Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

emily- uh i don't think so. I'm asian and the mask fits me almost perfectly (my eyebrows are more arched than the mask's)

Tue, 12/22/2009 - 01:40 derek Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

Why should blame only the homosexual designers? Why not blame all, I guess the article being too much specific. It's like you're having purpose behind this.

Though some people born skinny, not skinny because tryin to look skinny. And btw they still look good. And you know what, people not that stupid, they still realistic.

Mon, 12/21/2009 - 10:42 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Also normal bmi is 18.5 to 24.9.

Mon, 12/21/2009 - 10:39 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


"Even if by some chance i was wrong and did read something into Pauls comments that he didn't mean,i still dont see why you would take this personally."

I took nothing personally. You need to stop pinning things on people they did not say. If i took it personally I would tell you.

"And stop attacking me, my weight, the authenticity of my picture you're only making a fool of yourself by attacking every woman that posts here, first it was VC then Godis then me and now Mary. You're clearly both sexists and it's evident that confident women intimidate you."

LOL! You are a confident woman? You can't even handle criticism and you are a confident woman? Paul is far from sexist. If anything he is trying to get through all the layers of brainwashing most women are subjected to on a daily basis. But women these days like their bondage. They think it gives them power for some odd reason.You pulled out an illogical fallacy as your defense. You cannot prove we are sexist simply because we questioned you. That is much like Democrats who simply accuse people of being racists because they don't agree with Obama. I am a woman genius. Obviously not a mainline, brainwashed, thin obsessed, beauty obsessed woman but still a woman. Hell, I even get laid too imagine that? The subject matter is in front of you. Debate it or go elsewhere. Frankly I'm not inclined to take anything you say seriously. I've been 170 pounds at 5'7 before. It's bigger than what Hendricks looks like for certain. I won't give you the time of day anymore because it looks to me you are just another human being looking for something to lord over someone else. Your stance against Racism is much the same. You just like being better than others but when it comes down to it, if racism benefited you, you would be as racist as most middle class whites are.

"You can eat yourself to death if you want to, I am not going to, at least not when someone in some other part of the world is dying of hunger."

Don't equate what you do with somehow being socially responsible. What you care about it looking good. That's not a problem but quit acting like you are Mother Theresa because you are thin. It's stupid considering there are obese people doing more good for their community than someone who is just keeping themselves thin. As I said before I'm 135 pounds at 5'7. I'm not fat and I would readily admit it if I was fat. I've got no reason to lie about it cause I don't look down on fat folks. Life is life, there are worse things in this world than being fat. Bottom line: Hendricks ain't fat. And please don't bring Monroe into these conversations. By today's standards she is considered a grande dame fatass.

Mon, 12/21/2009 - 08:49 Voice of Reason Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

Thers is some confusion about the accuracy of my BMI and yes I do admit I wasn't particularly accurate but I wasn't lying about my BMI, no one's weight is constant, it can shift a kilo here and there, usually it is 115 lbs, it was 120 lbs at the time the picture was taken. This makes my BMI 19.5 which is in the middle of the normal range ( between 18.5 to 24). Christina is nowhere near this mark, she is at least 160 lbs to 170 as mentioned in a magazine and if she is 5'7 then her BMI is 25.5 which falls in the overweight category.
Also my dress size is UK size 8 not US size so I'm probably a size 2 in the US standard.

Paul and Rawr,

Miss Hendricks is not a role model for healthy women. And stop attacking me, my weight, the authenticity of my picture you're only making a fool of yourself by attacking every woman that posts here, first it was VC then Godis then me and now Mary. You're clearly both sexists and it's evident that confident women intimidate you. This is about Christina Hendricks weight and whether she is a healthy role model. You're both a bit deluded if you think she is because the woman is clearly fat and in doing so you're promoting OBESITY, DIABETES, HEART and ARTERY diseases.
You can eat yourself to death if you want to, I am not going to, at least not when someone in some other part of the world is dying of hunger.


Thanks Mary, clearly you can see where I'm coming from. I am not underweight and it's bizarre when some random stranger on the internet tells me that I am unhealthily anorexic and Miss Hendricks is healthy. I was compelled to post this picture because I am being told I am anorexic lol.


I'm sorry if I called you plump, you look healthy and sound intelligent. It's good that you take care of yourself and eat healthily because I think that's very important.

Mon, 12/21/2009 - 04:27 Louis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1


When discussing what models "should" look like, we must discuss the primary role of supermodels, which is to sell a high-end product, or at least lend it an air of exclusivity. A pair of Louboutin pumps carry with them a mystique that a JC Penny product could never hope to achieve. A dress by Dior evokes images of runways and red carpet events. A dress from Target simply does not. It could be reasonably argued that a supermodel and her Valentino gown represent an ideal that we find alluring in their deviance from the ordinary. A woman with Giselle Bundchen's facial features and physique is even more rare than a $10,000 gown. That rarity is part of what makes them both extraordinary, and coveted.

Mon, 12/21/2009 - 02:20 mary Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


My comments were to Paul.I dont know why you took it personally and wished to start an argument.
If you say thats not what you were doing,but your comment did seem to come across with some anger to it.

He did give that impression because he still said that after he saw her photo in which shes clearly far from underweight/anorexic looking.
Even if by some chance i was wrong and did read something into Pauls comments that he didn't mean,i still dont see why you would take this personally.

BMI is inaccurate.While there may be some value and merit to it, its a far from perfect system and something better needs to be used in its place.
You might argue that its correct alot of the time or some of the time but to me thats not good enough.Something more accurate needs to be developed in its place.

Sun, 12/20/2009 - 20:31 Rawr Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

"You did give the impression that you had a black & white view that a body type like Christina Hendricks was healthy but said that a Voice of Reasons was underweight."

No, he did not give that impression. I'm sorry but you are just inferring data from the absence of data. That is a completely illogical argument. He was very correct in questioning her BMI as her measurement would be inaccurate. At best she just doesn't know how to do math. At worst she is lying. Which is it? Furthermore the average size 8 is not a 35 inch hip. It's closer to 38 in most clothing lines. If you are going to put yourself out there as a "body rolemodel" you are giving others free license to question you about that body. I think it would have been smarter had she just kept her mouth shut and not put herself out there.

BMI is not woefully inaccurate for the general population. The correlations between BMI and longevity are there. While there are some people for whom the BMI does not apply the measurement in and of itself is not faulty. Exceptions do not prove a rule to be false.

I think you are reading a lot into what Paul was saying and projecting certain issues you have with the people around you. Paul didn't say any of what you claim he did. You cannot infer an opinion simply because none was given.

Sun, 12/20/2009 - 18:32 mary Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds


Its good that your also attracted to women of different body types.You claim i have misread into things but if you be honest with yourself i don't think this is fully the case.
You did give the impression that you had a black & white view that a body type like Christina Hendricks was healthy but said that a Voice of Reasons was underweight.
Media gives the impression that the only ideal type is the skinny model look but in your comments you seem to give the impression that the only ideal type is the Marilyn curvy type.Both opinions are incorrect and black + white.

I disagree with your opinion about anyones opinion being more important then anothers and im not going to change your mind and your not going to change mine.
Beauty is about aesthetics not pornography.There is nothing beautiful about porn.
Sure,there is a sexual aspect to beauty too because men are attracted to women & viceversa however overall, beauty is much more larger then about sexual feelings and encompasses nature,architecture etc.Beauty=art.All opinions are equal.

The BMI is wrong and inaccurate.By "onesizefitsall" i didn't mean that there was one measurement for all people but instead that all people were measured on a "onesizefitsall" scale of height+weight only without considering other factors.Read these articles.

You shouldn't change your weight to fit into a bunch of stats.Measurements like BMI can be and are often wrong as i mentioned.
All that matters is how a person looks visually and feels.
If someone says they feel healthy and have no breathing problems,heart problems or feels like they are weak or dizzy etc-in otherwords if someone is in good health and they dont have 50 people everyday telling them they are obese or anorexic-then you dont then lose or gain weight just to fit into a bunch of ridiculous numbers.You should trust your mirror and health not numbers.

Its somewhat strange for you to say that Voice Of Reason needs to gain weight because actually in the modelling industry Voice of Reasons body from that photo would usually be considered too large
(no offence Voice of Reason,you look great,i just mean the industries stupid opinions)
and only suitable for plus-size modelling or promotional work.
These are the type of body type and weight that the usually want.



Regarding Angelina Jolie,It was you who misunderstood.I was surprisingly actually agreeing with you that the medias high opinion of her was overrated.
