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Mon, 11/23/2009 - 04:55 LP What range of body fat is considered socially acceptable in the general population?

Look again. Without that industrial-strength corset and massive skirt her figure would not be nearly so flattering.

Sun, 11/22/2009 - 23:57 BP What form of women’s body shape was preferred in medieval Europe?

Can you all at least think about who was producing art for whom? Look at THE SOCIAL PRODUCTION OF ART. Most art, if not all, in the 16th century was produced for people who commissioned it: think people who could afford face-lifts, the equal of which in the 16th century was to have an artist paint them as they wished to look. In a sense, the argument in the paper is moot if this reality is not factored in in some way. Otherwise, this is mostly dribble. A good effort though I do not get the point as a passersby.

Sun, 11/22/2009 - 23:34 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

To the paranoid RETARD who thinks Emily requires alter-egos on here to agree with her, well dear "Karen", could you please tell us why someone might do that?

I think it's safe to say that Emily, Barberella, and Cecilia are all seperate people, seperate posters.

Please, before you embarass yourself anymore, get rid of that tired conspiracy theory.

Sun, 11/22/2009 - 23:11 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

VC....haha...lack of reading comprehension? I don't usually have any trouble there and don't think it's somehow developed recently, I think I continue to read the laughable posts of yours, and perhaps my interpretation is in disagreement with you, not a lack of what I'm comprehending. Guess that means your a retard then?

Nice way of discussing issues with those that don't agree with you....Retards. And you criticize everyone else here with some sort of expletive, name calling, rambling bullshit, it so tired. I have re-read posts here from the last couple of weeks. I don't post much anymore because this site reminds me why I have personal, professional and academic pursiuts that make playing games with a few of you a waste of my time.

You say anyone who likes the looks of Nordics are fetishists, but if someone liked anyone else's looks I don't hear that word used by you. It's a good thing I could care less what you think of me. Or who or what I prefer or agree with. Do I care if you and others' have relegated me to hell? Not really, couldn't say I care less.

You're getting so worked up it's a wonder you haven't had a stroke....calm down. People will like what they like, and say what they will....and they're not retards just bacause they don't agree with you. And by the're bringing up melanin why?

Sun, 11/22/2009 - 22:27 Visitor The face of a Neanderthal woman

I think it's safe to say Jake is a joke, or he's extremely disturbed and is looking for attention-that he's getting too much of.

Perhaps if people stopped respnding to this idiocy, he might stop writing it. Justifying his remarks with anything....particularly the heated responses he's hoping for-and getting, is perpetuating his behavior.

If it doesn't warrant his immaturity, it might go away. One can hope.

Sun, 11/22/2009 - 14:57 Apollyon Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

So far, the 'counter-arguments' (if they can be called that) amount to: a) angry ad hominem attacks b)misinterpretation and c)misrepresentation

Still waiting for a good counter-argument (i.e. a rational response not a hysterical one)

Sun, 11/22/2009 - 01:50 Clive The face of a Neanderthal woman

thunks peeple for stiking up for us as we seam to always get the bad end of stik. my mama always say it not the colar that matter but the heart so i listun to her and beleive this is true if evryone pleese think like her it be a good wurld thunk you

Sat, 11/21/2009 - 21:07 Rawr The face of a Neanderthal woman

"Also, Rawr, you might be right of how it's wrong of me to consider different forms of racial supremacy as so inherently worse than others, but I don't appreciate being called a racist because of that"

And you should know by now I don't care what you appreciate. If you say something stupid you will be told about it.

"You should know by now, with how I've argued, that I am not one."

I don't know you.

Sat, 11/21/2009 - 19:50 Visitor Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"(lowered attractiveness, lowered health- which Emily has argued for before)"

Are you saying you believe this to be the truth Violet Corpus, or is this just an hypothetical example to prove a point?

I don't think mixed race individuals are superior in any way. I do think that race mixing often results in a better looking person, simply because it seems the features balance out. For example, if a high nose bridged Nordic mixed with a flat nosed Asian, the child would hypothetically have a nice well balanced nose. However, genetics doesn't always work that way. Many times mixed children have a good morph of both parent's features. Many times they do not have extreme features because they balance out. However, this isn't always the case. Sometimes even mixed children will take one parent's more extreme feature of features. I know this half-English half-Japanese kid who is quite unattractive. His English father has a large hooked nose and his Japanese mother has extremely small eyes. I would say that both express extremes from their background. Nose shape in England really varies, so the father did have an extreme form of a hooked nose. The mother did have extremely small eyes, they were not the average size for Japanese eyes.

Either way the son got nothing inbetween. He posesses both of their strong features and he just looks strange no offense. On the other hand I know a half-Asian, half-French girl who is extremely pretty. Her father has a weird nose too but she didn't inherit it. Her eyes are very attractive and almond shaped. They still have an Asiatic appearance but that is what gives them their strikingly unique almond shape.

I also know a very attractive African American and Caucasian mixed girl. She is really feminine which is strange because her dad is HUGE haha. Her mom is Caucasian but I cannot tell how feminine she is because she is overweight and very round. Either way they produced a striking daughter.

Here is another beautiful mixed individual. Camilla Bell is half Brazilian and half Caucasian(not sure what specifically). She is not very feminine, but I personally think she has a nicely shaped nose, nicely shaped eyes and just overall appealing facial features. Her nose bridge is high and her nose kind of juts out but both Caucasians and sometimes Brazilians have pretty high nose bridges.

camilla belle Pictures, Images and Photos

Camilla Belle Pictures, Images and Photos

Sat, 11/21/2009 - 19:23 VioletCorpus Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"Also, racial mixing produces better looking and healthier people due to a wider gene pool selection. This is the cornerstone of Darwinism (for all you people trying to use Darwin's theory to support your idea of racial superiority). Anyone who refutes has no scientific understanding of Darwinism."

There's never been any evidence of this ever shown. Humans simply aren't inbred enough, wherever you go, to produce any evidence of hybrid vigor.

You use the label of racial supremacy to deride people like Erik, but you're essentially espousing another form- mixed-race supremacy. You'd probably be mortified if someone were to say that race mixing results in the opposite of what you say. (lowered attractiveness, lowered health- which Emily has argued for before)

Your comment does bring to mind how notoriously poor this site is at examining the psychological underpinnings of physical attraction, though.

Sat, 11/21/2009 - 19:19 VioletCorpus The face of a Neanderthal woman

It was only a matter of time before this site reeled in unbashed racist slime like Jake. Atleast Emily had the gall to only talk about issues relating to mental differences when she was driven over the edge, but a worthless cretin like Jake does it outright.

Also, Rawr, you might be right of how it's wrong of me to consider different forms of racial supremacy as so inherently worse than others, but I don't appreciate being called a racist because of that. You should know by now, with how I've argued, that I am not one.

Fri, 11/20/2009 - 21:01 Teresa Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I am 5'10" and 118 pounds. I have high-cheekbones. I have a small chest. But never in my life have I ever been called "masculine". Just because a girl is tall and thins does not make her masculine. I eat more than almost anyone I know, but never gain a pound. This is very degrading to girls such as myself.
I like to think of myself as beautiful, not manly.
I actually like being thin. I accept the fact that I will never have the shape of Scarlett Johansson or Jennifer Lopez. I not only accept it, I embrace it wholeheartedly.
I am told quite often that I am pretty, beautiful, and a large number of other such complimentary words. Both by women AND by men.
I think that this website has too much of a negative outlook on naturally thin girls/women such as myself.

Fri, 11/20/2009 - 19:41 Mia Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

This site is ridiculous. While I get the notion that some races have certain features that are better looking than others - Indians have prettier eyes naturally because they have darker features w/o makeup, Middle Easterners and Asians have black, silky hair, or Mediterraneans have gorgeous, naturally tanned skin - the idea that one race looks better than another is just stupid and biased. Here's why: if you live in Sweden, you see are exposed to more of the Swedish population and media than someone from Mexico, so you think that Swedes are better looking because you see more of them. This is about statistics: if you see more of a population, then you will see more good-looking people of that population. The same goes for people in China; they are exposed to more of the Chinese population and Chinese media so they think their people are better looking. This idea works in reverse: a person from Sweden only sees 1/100 of the population of China from the Olympics, and she assumes that this sliver of the pie represents the entire population. This is faulty logic. Another thing to consider: Asians frown upon athleticism in women so the more attractive women don't usually go into sports (this goes to you Emily for your posting of Olympics pictures). If you really want to get an idea of whether an ethnicity or race is good-looking, then you need to go to that region or country. What you see on the internet is only representative of a small portion.

Also, racial mixing produces better looking and healthier people due to a wider gene pool selection. This is the cornerstone of Darwinism (for all you people trying to use Darwin's theory to support your idea of racial superiority). Anyone who refutes has no scientific understanding of Darwinism.

For Erik: some of those Nordic women you posted were NOT feminine at all. Where is the fullness of the cheeks and the plump lips?

One last remark: White men love Asian women, and Asian women love white men. You don't need scientific evidence to know this. Just go to a Whole Foods store or night club and count the number of WM/AF couples. This is not about desperation, but more about opposites attracting in the looks department. Are black men who date white women desperate? No, they just like the way white women look, and this is the simplest answer. Men are simple creatures when it comes to sex; they see what they like and they go after it. Don't try to make it some complex, psychoanalytic reading when it isn't.

And now some pictures to consider of NON-Nordic feminine celebrities and ordinary women:












Fri, 11/20/2009 - 06:28 Silver Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Tchaikovsky was not gay. Get your facts straight.

Elle does indeed look like a man, Monica's body is much more attractive.

But super-feminine faces (like Monica's) have a blank, vapid look. (Otherwise known as stupid.)

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 21:40 Rawr The face of a Neanderthal woman

"Rawr you are a very bad person. You should say that they are wrong and not insult them. I think he is wrong but I will not go so low and insult people."

You broke your own rule.

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 19:25 mick The face of a Neanderthal woman

Rawr you are a very bad person. You should say that they are wrong and not insult them. I think he is wrong but I will not go so low and insult people. May god bless your house and may your phudi be used by many and there will be happiness all around. Thank you for your time sir. Greetings.

Thu, 11/19/2009 - 08:55 Rawr The face of a Neanderthal woman

"90% of crime in America is committed by our black brothas. Drugs, knives, guns etc. are all a big problem in the good ol' USA due to you know who. And all the decent folk are sick and tired of it. In all the years 7 of my black friends/pets were shot dead by you guessed it... brothas!"

You are an idiot.

This one statistic proves you wrong. You are truly a mouth-breathing moron. How do people like you even breathe on your own?

Wed, 11/18/2009 - 17:59 Suz The face of a Neanderthal woman

Well Jake you do have some good reasons there but you should still not talk about them as it is a known hush hush thing. I don't agree with everything you say but there is nothing anyone can do about these situations so just let it be and be on your way.

Tue, 11/17/2009 - 14:32 mary Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

Gee Erik,your site is still full of porn.Isn't it about time that you got rid of your porn and start using classy photos to put your opinions across?

Tue, 11/17/2009 - 12:01 CA Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

This website and everything it attempts to propogate is hilarious.
Keep fighting for such a worthwile cause!

Tue, 11/17/2009 - 06:53 DesiGuy Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts


Some of the most attractive women, my ex wife(a surgeon) included did not have great breasts. We had a great relationship. Nor am I qualified to talk on that, as my wife could term me average in manhood.

So for me my ideal girl is beautiful if:
-She is loyal and sincere to me as much as am to her and likes me as much as I like her.
-Actually all of the normal breasted girls(I would not even bother about that!) are beautiful in one way or the other like these beautiful girls and am sure, a lovely relationship is much more than the size of one area of the feminine body.

A girl is much beautiful as much as her guy loves her; his perception of beauty lies in the guy's heart and I would sweeten up to a beaut girl here...WOW! If the girl is beautiful and she feels her breasts are small, no problemo, BECAUSE SHE WILL HAVE MANY OTHER GIFTS.

Tue, 11/17/2009 - 00:38 Sridhar Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


A beautiful educative site.

thanks to the owner.

Mon, 11/16/2009 - 22:45 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Well Rawr, would I be racist in this regard if I saw white supremacists espousing the same line of reasoning? Because I think the idea of melanin levels determining such traits is worse than other aspects- it doesn't matter who's espousing it. I just happen to see black supremacists and the like do it far more often."

Firstly you do not acknowledge you have very little knowledge concerning white supremacist thought. Then you have the nerve to proclaim what I am seen in my lifetime doesn't exist.

Lastly and most importantly, to sit there and argue one racist argument is somehow better than other is pretty fucking stupid. It's racism, it's equal in all regards. It's just ignorance, it doesn't matter what argument you use. To sit there and nitpick and proclaim a Black racists arguments are somehow worse than those of the average White power ardent is to acknowledge validity in the arguments of White racists. If you do such things I naturally think you are a racist.

Mon, 11/16/2009 - 16:52 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Well Rawr, would I be racist in this regard if I saw white supremacists espousing the same line of reasoning? Because I think the idea of melanin levels determining such traits is worse than other aspects- it doesn't matter who's espousing it. I just happen to see black supremacists and the like do it far more often.

Mon, 11/16/2009 - 16:30 Alexandra What are the requirements for becoming a top-ranked fashion model or supermodel?

Some of them could use a boob job because they are really flat chested to pose for lingerie. My favorite shape is obviously Amy from Spunky angels, hands down.
