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Sat, 11/07/2009 - 14:04 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Why can't you just accept the fact that Swedish people are not a pure race? That is the truth, and no matter what you try to lie here, we'll always note your Asiatic appearance because it is there. Simple as that!

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 14:01 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Yes, she's good looking, but simply not an example of an east asian with proper ethnic traits."

The girls does not have to be an example of an east asian with "proper ethnic traits". The point is that she does look better than the pure Europeans and also better than the pure Asians. Who cares about the rest?!

I don't!

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 13:06 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


I personally do not like to post pictures of women because I believe that by doing so we are only focusing on women's beauty as if we had nothing more than to offer and immediately implying that men from any race are beautiful if they have money and brains. So instead note men and women from different races. Also regarding your comment on Asian women, do you know that Lindsey Lohan and many other caucasian women have hair extensions and wear color contact enhancers. Look I am cacausian and I live in NYC so I am exposed to all those things. My best friend is married to a plastic surgeon, by the way he is Danish and she is African American, goes to show that we Europeans do not pay so much attention to these things than people in the US. However, I do have to say that the bulk of his clients are Caucasian women, not Asian, not blacks, nor any other ethnicity/race. So what does that tell you? That even average people and models have had alterations. Caucasian women, especially those of Jewish descent are notoriously known for having nose jobs and other enhancements. So to put down a whole ethnicity and say that they are only beautiful because of alterations is a very ignorant and uninformed comment since bulk of those who undergo plastic surgeries are caucasians. Anyways, here are some pictures from people from all races that are considered beautiful. Of course they are all either celebrities or models so they all have had alterations in one way or another. By the way know your facts:
Plastic Surgery Racial and Ethnic Distribution
Racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 20 percent of all cosmetic procedures in 2003, an increase of 1 percent from 2002. Hispanics led minority racial and ethnic groups in the number of procedures: Hispanics, 8%; African-Americans, 6% (an increase of 1 percent from 2002); Asians, 4%; and other non-Caucasians, 2%.

So 80% of CAUCASIANS are account for all cosmetic procedures done.


Sat, 11/07/2009 - 09:19 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

How do you know VC is not white?

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 08:45 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

No VC, it is not " a load of shit". I love it when envious and ignorant non-whites from the USA sit there and write lies, pretending to know something about my people when they obviously have no idea what they are talking about. You reveal your ignorance to every Scandinavian.

When you include people with Finnish and Sami admixture who live in the far North you will get a general average that doesn't reflect reality, or what people generally look like, so there is the answer to that.

Mongoloid admixture is rarely seen in Sweden except in those cases, and in fact, due to Sweden having never been occupied and invaded there is a racial purity here that is rarely seen in other places.

Sorry if that is not the truth you like but it is nevertheless the truth. I live here and I know better than you what we look like here. You have a false idea based on wishful thinking due to your own anti-white and pro-asian bias.

Actually, when you go to Germany you will see far more with mongoloid admixture than you do in Scandinavia. There is a small percentage that has it all over Europe.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 22:14 mary Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Gingerbread girl,

In fairness,if your going to say Emily is representing photos unfairly for comparison then you'd be well advised to do the same.
The girls in these photos 1,3 and 4 have circle eye lenses,possibly also eyelid glue so they're not fair and accurate representatives.




I'm not saying that to pick on Asians,as personally i do believe some Asians are beautiful,just for the sake of honesty and fairness.
You can find photos of natural attractive Asians who arn't "articially enhanced"
For those who dont know what circle lenses and eyelid glue are,heres some links

Personally,i find the looks of this girl very attractive.Shes got great natural look,beautiful eyes,great skin colouring etc

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 20:41 really.. really? Dascha from Domai

Who ever made that choice is a bit nutty.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 19:31 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Yes, she's good looking, but simply not an example of an east asian with proper ethnic traits.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 18:40 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Oh, I lost 10lbs and I have the GREATEST shape right now btw! I'm debating whether I should post photos or not. I mean I am really tempted to, since you had so much fun making fun of my weight. I don't think you'll have much to make fun of now or when I lose about 5 more lbs too!"

You will still be made fun of Godis. Women get off on tearing up other women. Get used it.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 17:53 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I like people of mixed races, and that is my case. BTW I'm not sure if she's mixed or pure Japanese, but she looks very beautiful.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 17:19 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"You are deranged. There is a tiny minority in Sweden that has some asiatic genes due to Sami and Finnish admixture, primarily in the far North (to give you an impression of the size of Sweden; turn it upside down and the tip will reach Naples, Italy).

Swedes on average don't have mongoloid admixture. Posting unrepresentative photos doesn't change that fact, and I have no idea what a Finnish mass murderer and the French President's Italian wife have got to do with Swedes."

This is a load of shit and you know it, Emily. The vast majority of the genetic evidence utterly disagrees with you. Sure, it says the AVERAGE admixture in sweden is very low, but it doesn't change the fact IT'S THERE. Even *if* it's all wrong, a good deal of swedes very likely do have asiatic traits due to historical contacts with finns and baltics. And those traits would be purely indigenous to Europe, not via some evolutionary degeneration that's prominent among asians or whatever sick little nazi-esque racial theories you've cooked up.

"You know, to me this sounds like an envious asian's admiration for a race that is clearly your superior when it comes to looks, and your desperate wish to attach yourself to it in any way you can."

All of the attempts to emphasize asian admixture in nordics are generally pretty petty, but it's simple reality, and it's especially relevant in regards to your hatred of asians and their physical features.

"I also bet it is the same deviant mind that posts the photoshopped troll photos of white people and compare them to artificial photos of plastic surgery altered asians who look like children."

Ah, funny how you call that one braindead spammer a "deviant mind" but then go on your usual tirade of comparing all attractive asians to "children with plastic surgery". You're such scum.

"Pure Swedes - the vast majority in other words - do not have mongoloid admixture. On the contrary, Sweden is one of the racially purest countries on earth, and is by far the best place to go if you want to find the white race in its purest form. That goes for Norway and Denmark, as well."

This is a desperate belief of your's and you know it full well. Either refute all of this genetic evidence of central asian admixture in swedes (which is VERY low on average, regardless) or accept it. I find it kind of hard to believe sweden as so homogenous in face of, once again, their close historical contact with finns and baltics.

The purest people in europe are technically the irish, by the way.

.....And there you go, spamming the same pointless photos again.

Godis: I don't know that much about these physical traits you bespeak of, in terms of the average looks of swedes. I haven't noticed it much myself, but again, it's likely higher in Sweden than in mainland europe.

Barbarella: As I said long ago, it doesn't matter if Emily's mind isn't changed in the least and she goes to the grave the same misanthropic nordicist as she is now. This makes great intellectual exercise and serves as good education to others on this topic.


Both of those groups of swedes and asians are pretty bad. They both have bad teeth and mouths, and the swedes are offset by atrocious tans. But then, those asians have bad lips.

You also don't help your case with posting that "attractive" asian model when she has such strong caucasian features (and could be part white), but that swedish model is pretty bad. She looks very manly, almost like a cheap porn star.

These are some much better examples of generally attractive, quite feminine asians with proper ethnic looks (all japanese):

...Yes, I know all of these women aren't perfect or highly attractive, but there's the general trend of femininity and looking just fine with such ethnic traits.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 13:34 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

No Barberella,

The funny thing is how you mispelled the little name you created for yourself. Perhaps you shouldn't pick such a HARD name to spell next time. It's not that hard to have a life and come on here and type something here and there once in a while! I guess you just aren't great at balancing out your life and managing your time now are you? Well don't accuse those of us who are good at that of not having a life.

Oh, I lost 10lbs and I have the GREATEST shape right now btw! I'm debating whether I should post photos or not. I mean I am really tempted to, since you had so much fun making fun of my weight. I don't think you'll have much to make fun of now or when I lose about 5 more lbs too!

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 10:11 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


I am glad to see that there are still people with common sense left in this world. I was about to suggest that myself. Emily only posts pictures of average people from other races but only compare them with supermodels from the Caucasian race, which does not equate. Why not compare supermodel against supermodel? Or average people vs average people. Her Aryan supremacy complex probably stems from living in some small town in the South of the US. People in Western Europe are far from that. Yes, there are countries such as Germany and Russia and a few others where racism is very prominent, that’s why they had leaders like Hitler and Stalin with many, many followers, but that is not the norm in cities like London, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Stockholm (yes, Swedish men are very fond of darker skinned women), Copenhagen, Oslo, etc, etc. I have heard countless of post of women like Emily who have finally gone out of their backyards and made a trip to Europe just to find out that when they walk into a nightclub in Paris or London, white men hit on black, white, Asian and Indian women just at the same rate. Interracial relationships are far more pronounced in Europe than they are in the US. Well there is a reason why France, my beautiful country, was the first Anglo country to abolish slavery, and it is even rumored that Thomas Jefferson married his slave in France after his wife passed away. Truth or not, the fact is that listening to people like Emily reminds me that there are still parts of the world where accepting diversity means eating tacos but hating Mexicans. I am Caucasian and I am blonde with green eyes and I do not have the kind of mentality that Emily has. As a matter of fact, many blonde women with serious careers do dye their hair darker just in order to be taken seriously. Maybe Emily is just so into the American Hollywood and fashion standard and can’t see anything further. Even French, English, Italian and countless of other European films do not follow the American blonde standard, still engrained in the average towners people’s mind. I live in NYC and here it is also much more like Europe in that sense. There is a reason why one of the hottest teenage stories (ah the times, I wish I was a teenager again, lol) portrays a brunette teenager with brown eyes, I am talking about Bella from Twilight, standards of beauty change overtime. The blonde hair blue eyes thing is dying, Hollywood is currently using as the fill in Bimbo characters who everyone laughs at. People are not laughing because they are jealous or want to have their looks people are laughing because some of people have stayed back in the past and forgot to travel with time like everyone else and still think, the standard of beauty is the bleach blonde Baywatch model. There is a reason why many people think Jessica Alba is one of the hottest girl and to be honest even if I fit the Nordic looks and have blonde hair and green eyes, I wouldn’t think it twice if I was giving the choice to be born again looking like Jessica Alba.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 10:03 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Wow Emily, you finally admit that Swedes DO have Mongoloid admixture? I will note that as a mental progress for you!

Now, to you maybe "Swedes on average don't have mongoloid admixture", because you too have it and can not see beyond it. But for someone like me, who has got PURE European features, you are an Asiatic hybrid. Do you get that? The photos you post prove your claims insane(with all those pig's noses!)Yuck!

now let's compare your "bad" looking Asians vs bad looking Swedes!


Do you see how ridiculous you are in your sad attempt to twist the reality?

Let's see it this way too:


As you can see, the Asian females on the photos above are superior to the Swedish ones. And if you like this image game, we can continue to play it. I'm very good in it, so you have been warned! LOL.

To all Asian people who visit this site: Please, do not feel bad about Europeans, because we (the REAL ones)do love you and respect you as we do respect all other human beings. People like Emily are brainwashed nazi losers, who feel the urge to insult on people in order to feel significant at some level.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 08:10 gingerbreadgirl Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Emily, for someone repping the superiority of white people, you seem unable to use any kind of logic when comparing the looks of different races, time and time again posting pictures of models and very beautiful women in nightclubs and contrasting them with regular and below average women from other races. It's pointless and proves nothing. Why didn't you post these pictures for instance:

Let's see what's on the menu today:

Why don't you post any pics of asians that look like that? ^^^

AKA all Swedes look like supermodels:

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 05:14 Harsh Reality Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


You're a religious lunatic that believes the world was created in seven days and that Jesus and Mary were this blue eyed nordic gods born among arabs/africans. If they existed shouldn't they have looked like the black curly haired, dark eyed, dark skinned people that live in that region.

Aishwarya is india's representative, she is purely indian and of 100% indian parents so what makes you say she is not indian enough. What gives you the authority to say that? Maybe not to your brainwashed ignorant, uneducated mind but so is Sushmita Sen Miss Universe, Lara Dutta Miss Universe, Priyanka Chopra Miss World etc etc. Beauty pageants like Miss World and Miss Universe are dominated by latin, asian and indian winners, never Nordic!

I do agree that the fashion/catwalk is dominated by ugly 6 foot tall amazonian blondes with massive shoulders and no hips as Erik has said but they're all Nordic so it's really contradictory when you say that Europeans are more beautiful, errrmmmm where's the beauty?????


You're a sick fat, ugly nordic woman with nothing better to do but sit and fart on the computer all day. No one is jealous or envious of Nordics looks, on the contrary it sounds like you're very desperate to put down other races in other to make yourself feel better. It's okay to say such things hidden behind the computer but if you said this in an asian country, you'd probably be lynched by asians, they're very proud of themselves and wouldn't want to be compared to a gai jin (japanese for white devil) or gwei lo (cantonese for white monster).

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 01:06 Barberela Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Funny, funny Godis....been away for a while, doing that crazy thing called living a life. All time spent on my computer consists of my finishing my degree, so it's been a minute since I've looked over this site.

The point was, as pertaining to the first sentence, was that she sounds the same, grovelling to Emily in hopes that Emily really will believe that she's beautiful, when it shoulsn't matter.

And the rest of those that are trying futilely to change Emily's mind. It's never done any good, and it will continue to be fruitless.

Fri, 11/06/2009 - 00:42 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Whatever the asian admixture in Sweden, it's obviously quite low, and the majority of asiatic traits in swedes comes from finns."

Yes, it is low in Sweden and much lower than in Finland. However, even in Swedes that Asiatic element is apparent in their bone structure. Not all Swedes, but some. I have noticed this over time as Emily kept posting more and more photos. I have noticed it a long time ago, when she first started doing it. It goes to show that if someone can see that, its quite apparent. Perhaps there isn't even admixture, perhaps in all honestly they just evolved similar features to deal with the same environment. I'm no expert on evolution so I don't know. All I know is I see many Swedes have a high frequency of wide faces (don't get me wrong many have long narrow faces as well), sometimes epicanthal lids, and their cheekbones often give it away as well along with their overall face shape and facial structure. There are cues in their bone structure and I even picked up some of them subconciously only realizing it over time what I have been observing. I always knew Scandinavians in general look very different from your average "Nordic". And even if Germans have a "dinaric" element to them as Whoever it was mentioned, that "dinaric" bone structure doesn't deviate as far away from the Nordic bone structure as the Asiatic features many Finns and some Swedes display do. It's as simple as that. Besides, just because a German person has a hooked or not a perfectly straight nose, doesn't mean that they have dinaric roots. It is common sense that Nordic's too have features among the population that are "off". Meaning one could be 100% Nordic with no dinaric or other admixture, and have a hooked nose. Nordics are not exempt from the "hooked" nose.

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 21:14 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


Besides the fact that you are extremely racist probably from the South of the US, lol, those Asian girls by default are not unattractive. Maybe in your twisted racist unenlighted mind they are. But rarety does not make something beautiful. The rarest animal in the world is far less from the most beautiful animal. Besides the fact that you are only expressing your opinion of beauty without any supporting data as expected from someone like you, you also forget the fact that Gentleman prefer blondes but marry brunettes (that's a book by Anita Loos if you didn't know that), why because the fantasy of the blonde which was perpetuated in the 60's has only been around for a couple of decades and is fading out. Brown and Red are the # 1 color hair dye in the US, welcome to reality sweetie. Lol. And by the way, you have never been to Sweden because all the maniquins in the Swedish stores in Stockholm are actually brunnettes and tan, goes to show how ignorant you are of what is really beautiful. Perhaps because you want the Swedish looks and don't have them is that you praise them so much. I should know because I am a blonde but dye my hair brown, indeed.

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 20:29 Emily Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

"Blondes comprise one of the smallest minorities on earth."

Exactly. Rarity doesn't make you desire something less, however. Actually, it works the other way around.

If diamonds were to be found everywhere and readily, would you treasure it more than if it is exceptionally rare?

Unattractiveness can be found everywhere


Beauty is much more rare, and if it manifests itself in a way that in itself is even rarer, such as in a North European girl, it is even more admired, simply because it is unattainable.

It is also envied for the very same reason.

Swedish girl;

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 20:15 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Noone here cares about the % of your Asiatic admixture, the point is that you do have it, and you can not change it, nor hide it."

You are deranged. There is a tiny minority in Sweden that has some asiatic genes due to Sami and Finnish admixture, primarily in the far North (to give you an impression of the size of Sweden; turn it upside down and the tip will reach Naples, Italy).

Swedes on average don't have mongoloid admixture. Posting unrepresentative photos doesn't change that fact, and I have no idea what a Finnish mass murderer and the French President's Italian wife have got to do with Swedes.

"In this case you should be more tolerant and respectful about the race that your ancestors chose to mix with in the past. Because you do carry the Momgoloid genes and that is a fact!"


You know, to me this sounds like an envious asian's admiration for a race that is clearly your superior when it comes to looks, and your desperate wish to attach yourself to it in any way you can.

I also bet it is the same deviant mind that posts the photoshopped troll photos of white people and compare them to artificial photos of plastic surgery altered asians who look like children.

Pure Swedes - the vast majority in other words - do not have mongoloid admixture. On the contrary, Sweden is one of the racially purest countries on earth, and is by far the best place to go if you want to find the white race in its purest form. That goes for Norway and Denmark, as well.



I think it's rather sad, this desire to attach yourself to another race, but when you compare them I cannot honestly say that I don't understand it.

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 18:05 anon125 Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Just to add on to the point about Prophet Joseph whoever this race of people were that Prophet Jospeh belongd to they were able to produce such a handsome heavenly looking man as Jospeh that even all the handsome men put together could not compete against him, were clearly a race that had something to produce such beauty.

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 17:39 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Well, regardless of whether or not there is archeological evidence for these characters the truth is that they would have been extremely far from blonde nor caucasian for that matter. It is very interesting that Apollyon seem to think blondes are the preferred color, however statistics say the opposite. There is an interesting post in the Wall Street Journal about that. I just love when people try to express their opinion and make it seem like is an statistical fact. Lol.

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 17:33 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

OMG. Are you really serious? Are you familiar with the theory of evolution. And also we have recorded paintings and writings from longer than 10,000 BC. The Phoenician writing system was adapted from the Proto-Caananite script in around the 11th century BC, which in turn borrowed ideas from Egyptian hieroglyphics. You know what at that level of ignorance is better not to even engage in a discussion. And by the way there is no archeological evidence for Jesus Christ. Writings are far from archeological evidence and all of the writings regarding Jesus Christ were made after his alleged death. Not even the Gospel of Mark was written by Mark himself but is an anonymous gospel.

As for the blondes being the preferred trait that is far from truth. Blondes comprise one of the smallest minorities on earth. The hot blonde idea is an idea perpetuated by Hollywood in the early 60's with Marylin Monroe being one of the biggest icon. Brunettes and those with brown or darker hair has always been the preferred feature. Actually the best selling hair dye in the world is RED, not blonde. Google it if you want to. Everyone is entitle to their own opinions and tastes but please when providing remarks back them up with statistics not personal opinions.

Thu, 11/05/2009 - 17:18 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Whatever the asian admixture in Sweden, it's obviously quite low, and the majority of asiatic traits in swedes comes from finns."

Noone here cares about the % of your Asiatic admixture, the point is that you do have it, and you can not change it, nor hide it. In this case you should be more tolerant and respectful about the race that your ancestors chose to mix with in the past. Because you do carry the Momgoloid genes and that is a fact!
