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Mon, 11/09/2009 - 13:22 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


Again, I'm WHITE, not Asian, nor black nor anything else, I'm just NOT RACIST LIKE YOU, so you are directing your comments at the wrong person. By the way, how are these ugly white for a change. By the way, statistically there are more Asian people in the world than white 60% Asian, and I am sure % wise there are more beautiful Asian people than white, do the math. Of course your Neanderthal unevolved brain does not compute the fact that more than 40% of the people in the world do not have internet access and cannot post pictures online for you to access. Ah, but I am talking to a Neanderthal so what can one expect. Lol.




Mon, 11/09/2009 - 12:53 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"I thought large heads were attractive no?"

Some people like big heads, other people don't and, luckily so. If we were all to like the same thing it would be a chaos, righ!

By the way, you have very beautiful eyebrows!

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 12:25 Emily Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Oh sure. it is racism only when you find asians unattractive, not when you post troll photos of white people pretending they are real photos.

I didn't hear any complaints about racism then? Gee, I wonder why!

By the way, I guess it is racism to choose vanilla flavoured ice cream if there is chocolate flavour available too. You people sound like a broken record.

This is the reason asians love plastic surgery and white people. Hint, they don't look like the models in the photos presented here by asiaphiles.

Asians love plastic surgery and her eis why:



Abnormally large and puffy heads;

Teeth that often don't fit their jaw, even in celebrities. They actually think this is attractive and cute;

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 12:25 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Thanks for the input Moe.
My hair is now all over brown and I'm doing well :)

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 12:15 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


I am French and was born and raised in France also I am a Caucasian woman. People in Europe seem less obsessed than people in the US with their looks and having been all made up. One thing I would like to address thou is regarding your comment that SOME Asians are beautiful which goes to imply that the MAJORITY of Caucasians are beautiful, which is far from true. Percentage wise there are beautiful people in all races. However as you point out the Caucasian race is usually the most wealthy in general so they have more money to get the right products, clothes, etc, etc. The reason we see more Caucasian top models is not because Caucasians are more beautiful is because of the long history of racial discrimination throughout the world and because the fashion market is still dominated by Caucasians. So when critically evaluating beauty in a women and/or men, one would have to set all natural conditions at the same level. Are all of them well groom with the same type of clothes suited for their body shape? Are all of them eating the right things, which has an effect on the way the skin looks, etc, etc? You cannot compare a poor woman in any race with a rich woman that has access to the right cosmetic products (face cream, hair shampoos, make up, etc, etc). So I just find ludicrous that people are still posting pictures of different races and comparing them because it by definition does not represent the reality of the matter. If one only looks at facial structure from a series of pictures of women from the same social class and without any make up one could make a much better comparison, however this is very tough. Bottom line is that whatever picture you post does not represent the standard population neither it is comparable to any race or another because the conditions are not set the same for all individuals.

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 11:51 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"The girl on this photo has huge head,protruded forehead (a birth disorder characterized mainly by brain abnormalities- large head and facial anomalies?),wide jaw, fleshy face, and a bulbous nose! If she faces the camera, her epicanthic folds will show off too.

Her features are far from fine and feninine."

I actually like her and the pose....I think its sweet :)
I was impressed enough to pose in a similar manner but didn't do a good job i think!
I thought large heads were attractive no?



Mon, 11/09/2009 - 11:37 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


Again you are very ignorant in these matters. 80% OF ALL PLASTIC SURGERY IN THE WORLD IS DONE BY CAUCASIAN WOMEN. Is that clear or should I use a bigger font. I just can't believe how racist you are. I mean I am caucasian born and raised in France, lived throughout all Europe and people are way above your Neanderthal way of thinking. Because it seems I am speaking to a Neanderthal it is useless to continue this conversation, so considered it terminated.

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 11:33 mary Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


I agree with you that alot of society seems to measure womens value by their looks and mens value or beauty if they have money or brains.
Personally though,i dont agree with this and im just as likely and happy to post mens photos as womens and Erik should have more articles about masculine beauty and mens pictures if hes going to have articles evaluating feminine beauty.

I do know caucasian women also use artificial means to make themselves look better(or so they think) and i would have said the same comment if Gingerbreadgirl had 3 photos of white women with breast implants for example.
Im sorry for any hurt that might have been caused to you by my comment,that was not my intent.

Your correct,it would be an ignorant and uninformed comment to "put down a whole ethnicity and say that they are only beautiful because of alterations" however where did i state that?That is not what my comment stated.What my comment stated,if you read over it again and carefully,was,"I'm not saying that to pick on Asians" and "personally i do believe some Asians are beautiful" and "You can find photos of natural attractive Asians who arn't articially enhanced"(which Gingerbreadgirl has now done)
How does that match up with putting down a whole ethnicity and saying that they are only beautiful because of alterations?
Thats not what my comment said at all.

Regarding plastic surgery statistics,i dont put much stock in them, as they dont actually accurately decribe who wants or needs plastic surgery, only simply who has had it and who are the people that have had it?The people that can afford it.
That study is an American study and Caucasian Americans,i assume(me not being american),statistically wise(as a whole,not as individuals)are the wealthiest in USA.So studies like that just say to me that 'white" americans are the highest consumers of cosmetic surgery because they can afford it the most.
Noone can know,if another ethnic minority,just say hispanic for example,were the wealthiest as a whole,whether those statistics would be different and whether hispanics would be at the top statistically as highest consumers of plastic surgery.
Studies like that just represent who's had it.It could refer to who needs it,but in much more likelihood it refers to who can afford it.
Only when you've got a level playing field financialy can you really know which ethnicities get plastic surgery the most.

Thanks.Thats much better and natural.
I agree with part of your comment.I think some Asians can hold their hold their own just fine beauty wise and dont need any caucasian genes to "improve" them

That Marquardt’s mask is completely ridiculous.The woman had a feminine face to begin with.The only real differences were on the front view her chin was more square and on the side view her nose was larger.
The only masculine feature about her was her chin.
So apart from her chin making her look tiny bit less masculine, which she wasnt to begin with,changing her nose size,lip shape and eyebrow shape did not make her look more feminine.It just changed her from a feminine woman to a feminine woman with different eyebrow shape,smaller nose & different lips.
Those types of eyebrows,nose and lips might be the preference of the person who designed the mask but personal preference doesnt mean those features are more feminine in actuality,it just means thats what the designer prefers in features and is confusing preference of certain facial features with femininity.

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 11:08 Moe Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

She isn't expressing her face with power it's half way expressions she is pretty she could model with her body and all that jazz, 18 isn't too late but get some fierce look not half way all or nothing you know. Anyway also you may want to do something with your hair it's two different colors they like you to be bland so they can make you up and play up any quirks or uniqueness you have.

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 11:06 Emily Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Here we go again. Asian model photos in artificial studios do NOT show what asians look like.

Also, why is it that the asians's facial features always shift towards the white standard of beauty in ALL photos chosen by asiaphiles?

That's not what asians typically look like. Their mongoloid traits are FAR more pronounced unless they have white admixture, and as they detest these mongoloid traits themselves they deliberately pick photos of asians who look as little mongoloid as possible.

Their problem is that those photos are not representative.

You cannot exclusively choose photos of half-asians, plastic surgery altered asians and photoshopped model photos, and pretend they are some kind of true representation for what asians look like.

It's not a question of looking good or not, it is a question of HIDING the mongoloid/asian racial traits as much as possible.

The reality of what the mongoloid race looks like is not good enough for asiaphiles. That's something they should deal with instead of misrepresenting the mongoloid race, making it look like some kind of quasi-white race.

Besides, someone here has repeatedly been posting photoshopped troll photos of white people, passing them off as Swedes, and at the very same time posted artificial photos of fake half-asian models in studio settings.

I never even ONCE saw any complaints from the asiaphiles here about unfairness. GIVE ME A BREAK and shut up already in that case about fairness. You don't give a damn about fairness.



Mon, 11/09/2009 - 05:14 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

If you don't let yourselves get carried away by the hair and the skin depigmentation, you will see that they do look like the type of Asians who have big heads, fleshy faces, fleshy noses and protruded teeth. Some people find it unattractive, but some people don't even notice it. Personally, I think it is insane to blame people for the way they look. Also, I would like to clarify that not all Asians look the same, and perhabs there are some attractive Swedes as well. The world is full of variety.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 23:44 Gingerbreadgirl Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

"I'm sorry but many of the women in your photos are not attractive. They are just well groomed. You are essentially doing the same thing Emily is doing. Emily posts photos of average Swedes with average bone structure that are well groomed and taken care of. Then she tries to pass them off as godesess and gods."

Godis, I don't agree with you. Do you honestly believe that the asian women posted above have simply brushed their hair and ironed their clothes to look like that?...
Emily also doesn't post pictures of women that are "only" attractive because they follow good hygiene practices.
Here are some of emily's pics;

And these were the pictures of asians that she chose to contrast:

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 22:49 Elle Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted


I am glad that you brought up the factor of a person being well groom and what it has to do with beauty. Unfortunately being well groomed is part of what people factor into the equation when believe a person to be beautiful. One of the reasons many hilbilly caucasians believe other ethnicities are not as beautiful as they are is because due to political and economic circumstances in their respective countries these women and/or men aren't as well groomed. Did you ever see the movie Monster? Did you see how beautiful Charlize Theron was reduced to a hideous trashy caucasian women. They took off the make up, put some rag clothes and gave her a bad hair do and made her gain a few pounds. There are beautiful people from all ethnicities, however being well groomed is part of the equation when evaluating beauty. A heavy set, badly dressed and acne-faced women is hideous no matter what ethnicity she is from. Now I ask you this question. Is this girl in your school well groomed? Most likely yes. Unfortunately, one would have to set every women from every race under the same conditions to determine which one is trully beautiful or not, of course that is nearly impossible. Beauty is not just the result of a single factor, but many factors working together in harmony. All the way from genetical makeup, the things you eat and even the products you use in your hair or face. Is impossible to evaluate beauty objectively because one would have to set all the conditions to the same level in order to obtain an accurate evaluation, from the things the person eats to the kind of shampoo they use to the clothes they wear. A person may have a nice facial bone structure as defined by Stephen's mask however if that person is 50lbs overweight has clothes that even for their overweight features do not emphazise their best attributes, has a propensity to dark cirlces and on top of that smokes which can cause dark circles to be more evident and also has a bad hair do, that person would not be considered beautiful no matter what race.

The fact that in your town people are conservatives (another word for racist)just goes to show their low level of education in many different matters. Germans are notoriously known for their racist views, however not everywhere in Europe is like that. As a caucasian women I have to say that it is ridiculous that we are still debating race in this darn age.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 22:19 Godis Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Gingerbread girl:

I'm sorry but many of the women in your photos are not attractive. They are just well groomed. You are essentially doing the same thing Emily is doing. Emily posts photos of average Swedes with average bone structure that are well groomed and taken care of. Then she tries to pass them off as godesess and gods.

However, I know very many 100% Asian people who are extremely attractive. I think I have mentioned on here before there is this girl at my school who is 100% East Asian who is just GORGEOUS! My school is compromised of primarily Caucasian and specifically German individuals. If you are not white and at least a little bit German, you are in the minority. A HUGE group of Germans settled here a long time ago. In addition I live in an area that is compromised of primarily conservative people. I mean this is probably the most conservative city in the whole state although the state itself isn't extremely conservative. So dating someone of a different ethnicity whether it be black, asian, or hispanic is frowned upon here. That hasn't stopped many guys from here from dating this Asian chick. Goes to show that beauty has power. I'm not just saying these are ANY guys either. These guys are HOT!

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 21:20 Gingerbreadgirl Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Well, then take your pick of any of these:

Women walking around Tokyo and Shanghai:

Actress from Crouching Tiger, both parents are chinese:

...I object to comparing models, and cream of the crop women that will be maybe 1 in every 20 of Swedish women, and comparing them to below average asians while ignoring the above ^^^^; that symmetry is just as abundant in Asia. I really don't think that Caucasian are doing someone a favour by mating with them and donating their caucasian genes as Emily has often stated. Asian genes produce very beautiful and symmetrical individuals of their own with no input from Caucasian genes.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 20:48 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I agree. Those two girls do not have ANY Asiatic features. In fact they have very typical Nordic features. Quite the opposite.

I wouldn't say they are unattractive. I think they look OK. The photo is just being taken when they aren't quite prepared.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 20:30 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Those swedish girls don't look asiatic in the least. They're just unattractive.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 16:52 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

If that is how Swedish people look, I can't help it but point their Asiatic appearance out. I'm sure that there are more people in other parts of Europe who share the same Asiatic traits, but at the same time they are obsessed with the idea of racial purity and white superiority?! LOL

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 09:35 Emily The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

"I'm mostly heterosexual"

"as such I do find some "passable" transsexual women attractive"

To even SUGGEST to me that Alessandra isn't just flat out gorgeous looking (despite whatever jaded concept you have of "feminine" features) is just demeaning to my personal tastes.

Alessandra is manly looking. If that is your taste it is your taste that is demeaning to you - not other people pointing out that she is manly, which in fact she is to most objective people, especially compared to a feminine woman like the one next to her.

I think we can find the reason for your taste in the first sentence of yours. Men who are not exclusively heterosexual generally seem to find women who are more masculine attractive. This fits with with what Erik has said all along.

I think that is only logical. Masculine features in women are not off-putting to someone who is also sexually attracted to men. An unusually strong jaw in a woman, for example, will not be something that diminishes attractiveness.

I can understand that you find Alessandra attractive. She looks just like a "passable transsexual".

Most heterosexual would be extremely repelled by features that would make them think that the woman had actually been a man at one point, I think.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 08:51 Rawr The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

"I work with a woman that is cross-eyed and others at work make fun of her and by her shy nature, I can tell this has been a problem all her life."

Maybe you should try telling your co-workers to STFU. This kind of behavior should not be occurring in a professional environment.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 03:54 Lando The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

I find this entire page completely ridiculous (although some of the pictures are nice). I've seen similar pages before (although many used real women to compare to someone like say Madonna, who apparently isn't "feminine" enough (i.e. curvaceous with large breasts) and therefore "ugly" compared to some woman with jumbo natural breasts and curvy hips. I'm a man. I'm mostly heterosexual (as in I'm generally attracted to "females" as such and not "males" as such and by that I mean appearance, personality, etc. not necessarily genitals), but as such I do find some "passable" transsexual women attractive. To me, pretty is pretty regardless of what's under one's undergarments. However, this idea of what is "feminine" is just patent absurdity and anyone that finds themselves making statements about a person not being "feminine" enough has psychiatric problem that needs addressing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like all kinds of different body shapes and facial features.

To even SUGGEST to me that Alessandra isn't just flat out gorgeous looking (despite whatever jaded concept you have of "feminine" features) is just demeaning to my personal tastes. Yes, I find her too thin (seems to be an issue in general in modeling), but the woman's face is utterly beautiful looking, including the first photo and especially that one in some ways as she looks much more natural there. Now if you call that masculine, then I guess I like masculine because she is night and day more attractive looking than ANY of the "women" you present here (given you refer to Daria as not all feminine and the fact that I find her the prettiest of the bunch you compare to Alessandra, I guess that reinforces this idea again, although personally I think your idea of what is "feminine" is the real issue. Most people get their ideas of "feminine" from a cosmetic counter and are often scared to see women in the morning without makeup. This is also ridiculous. How secure is someone in their sexuality if they cannot simply be what they are to begin with? If I find a woman attractive, I don't give a CRAP what other people think. I work with a woman that is cross-eyed and others at work make fun of her and by her shy nature, I can tell this has been a problem all her life. I think she's cute and has a nice body. If that one little thing is all people see then they are the ones that are blind. As for Alessandra, I also personally find that she also has great legs and a nice "booty" despite what you seem to think. I like booties big and small, personally. Hers looks rather tight/athletic and that's nice too. I don't need fat on the cheeks to find them sexy. If you disagree, so what? Why do you feel the need to create a web page just to try and put down someone else's appearance?

I mean who the heck are YOU to judge other people anyway? Your replies don't respect the opinions of the people you are replying to. You seem to think your own personal opinion is the only one that works and push away all others that disagree with you. I find that is the general problem with ALL people in this world. Most fights, wars and conflicts in general come down to SOMEONE feeling upset that other people around them do not think like they do. If they cannot change the way those people think, they seem to conclude they should beat them into winning an argument or killing them failing that. Either that or it's greed and lust that are the motivations for not treating others with respect. For someone that seems to have an issue with homophobic types on these forums, you seem to show similar narrow-minded tendencies when anyone happens to disagree with your own opinions of "beauty". You can find whomever you like to be attractive. That doesn't mean you have the right to tell *ME* whom to find attractive. I find a lot of women attractive, some curvy some not so curvy. But if insulting Allessandra is the only way you can feel good about yourself, then I say the problem is definitely your problem, not hers. For no matter how stuck up she might be, she isn't running a web page to insult YOU. In short, try to grow up a little.

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 00:08 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"No VC, it is not " a load of shit". I love it when envious and ignorant non-whites from the USA sit there and write lies, pretending to know something about my people when they obviously have no idea what they are talking about. You reveal your ignorance to every Scandinavian."

First off, I'm white. I've stated this clearly several times before. You might have picked up on it if you wern't insane.

It is flat out wishful thinking on your part to say that this is relegated to a few people in the north or whatever. This is what genetic testing consistently finds over and over again on swedes. It is admittedly very low, less than 5% on average, and probably occured so far back that whatever typical asian traits that would bestow would be largely eroded, but it is still there. Virtually every swede would have this ancestry, no matter how small, due to their small population numbers and close relations.

You'll have to prove all of these genetic studies are just on people in the north or on finns or whatever. This kind of intermixing certainly does NOT require invasion or occupation to come about.

Even if it, by some fluke, isn't asian admixture, (to be clear, it comes from central asians) then it would be undoubtedly from finns or baltics or whatever. That is where these genetic profiles are highest among europeans. Sweden, despite it's remote location, (albeit norway is even more remote) is remarkably close to the baltic nations and finland. It's basically right next to them. Unless there's no evidence of intermixing between any of the groups until recently?

Plus, even if this wasn't evidence of asian admixture and was purely indigenous, this would show that the more asian features of finns and baltics is an indigenous european adapation, and not some evolutionary degeneration or whatever sick-ass little nazi-esque theories you've posited on the development of the features of asians.

I'm also not anti-white. If you have the most meager amount of intellectual honesty, you'd see that clearly. But you don't. This is because you are genuinely sick in the head. I can't repeat enough as well on how hilarious it is for you to cry about supposed anti-white bias when you're basically anti-anything non-nordic.

I also do wonder how this ancestry would be more apparent in germans, or be more apparent in the rest of europe, when there's been no asiatic invasions or migrations in the past couple of millenia (IE the mongols, the huns) that have left even a remotely meager genetic imprint on europe's ancestry. That's because this ancestry is on the order of several thousand years old. You have no evidence for that notion. None.

I also really wonder how the mongoloid mixture would be more apparent in the rest of europe considering sweden's direct proximity to finland. Unless swedes haven't mixed with finns at all in history until recently, again.

Hey Emily, do you think finns and baltics and the like look the way they do due to asian ancestry? Or is it an indigenous adaption? You haven't trashed on them at all in your ramblings, please share.

I also think the people who say swedes typically have an "asiatic appearance" are idiotic, but I wouldn't trust, or believe you any more on the idea of asian traits being virtually non-existant among swedes any more than I trust, or believe you on the idea of swedes being the most beautiful people on earth, to the point of them typically looking like gods and goddesses straight out of the most fetishistic, idealized renderings of norse mythology.

You're such a sick human being.

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 16:08 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Nordics do not have Asiatic features or DNA on average. However, in certain areas the DNA is mixed in and apparent. This is primarily in Finland but that extends into Sweden as well. Populations do not have well defined borders. You can't take a marker, draw lines and say okay, everybody from here to here is like this, and everybody from here to here is like that. However, Emily thinks she can do that.

The truth of the matter is that some Nordics have that DNA. The Asian DNA has been traced and confirmed. Period. It's not like someone just pulled this out of their asses. You can find many scientific studies that can verify this. In addition you can find many "Nordics" that have Asian features. They do not look Asians. But they display one or two similar features at times.

Emily likes to think she is somehow "pure". I am still waiting for the day when one race or country of people will be proven pure. We all have a history, we all stemmed from somewhere.

Emily will always be in denial. She doesn't understand that mainland Europe does not have Asiatic traits or does so on a much much smaller frequency than the Nordic/Scandinavian countries. They just haven't had as much contact if any. No! Germans do not display more Asiatic features than Swedes! Are you kidding? If I tested every German for those genes and every Swede for those genes, the Swedes would overwhelmingly beat the Germans in terms of having the genes.

It's not hard. Just look at the history, the contact certain populations have had. Germans simply have not had this contact. Swedes have through the Finns and Baltic peoples.

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 14:44 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

have* excuse my typo.

Sat, 11/07/2009 - 14:43 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Because Emily is an obvious narcissist. She will never be honest enough to admit this as she views Asians as inferior to her race. If she admitted that Nordics do indeed has Asiatic traits she would in fact be admitting she is inferior. She will never do that.
