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Sun, 11/15/2009 - 17:07 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"First off, you should provide some examples of white supremacists using melanin levels as a causational factor in intellect and behavior. If you've seen them, then go ahead and provide examples, but I find it highly unlikely they're as common as the lines of thought black nationalists and supremacists tout."

If you spent more than 10 minutes pursuing Stormfront you'd find your theories shot down. As I had done deep research on this subject I know what I'm talking about. Don't tell me what I have and have not seem.

"Black nationalists/supremacists are treating such a freakishly trivial biochemical trait as so important, basically. In such a regard, yes, I genuinely think drumming up skin color differences is worse."

And I genuinely think you are racist now.

Sun, 11/15/2009 - 16:44 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Honestly VC you need to check your emotions. Your statement on it's face was just stupid. Somehow that man's black nationalist stance is worse than white racist arguments? I'd call you a racist if you really believe that."

First off, you should provide some examples of white supremacists using melanin levels as a causational factor in intellect and behavior. If you've seen them, then go ahead and provide examples, but I find it highly unlikely they're as common as the lines of thought black nationalists and supremacists tout.

I reacted rather forcefully because I feel as though this type of racial supremacy is vastly more overlooked compared to typical white supremacist thought, and from my experience, I haven seen unbelievably few white supremacists who talk about melanin levels in this manner. Black nationalists/supremacists are treating such a freakishly trivial biochemical trait as so important, basically. In such a regard, yes, I genuinely think drumming up skin color differences is worse.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 22:51 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Honestly VC you need to check your emotions. Your statement on it's face was just stupid. Somehow that man's black nationalist stance is worse than white racist arguments? I'd call you a racist if you really believe that.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 22:22 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Rawr, I genuinely almost never see white supremacists using skin color as an indicator of mental traits. They focus on it almost purely on an aestethic basis nowadays. (IE slurs like "shitskin", "muds" etc.) Or Emily's obsession with it."

Because you have not done deep research on White Supremacy. Simply because you have not seen it does not mean it does not exist.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 21:55 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

And at the end of the day, it does seem true that much of the phenotypical variance we see among humans is due to variations related to a more primitive, ancestral form. However, we can see that some of them are related to masculine beauty- IE, browridge prominence and ruggedness- while some aren't, like jaw and cheekbone size.

It doesn't make anybody less human than anyone else, and has absolutely no causational effect upon mental traits. It's very well known in physical anthropology, in fact. Look up the definition of an anatomically modern human, for example.

It's really not a big deal at the end of the day, but it's not the most flattering way to describe phyiscal variation among humans.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 21:53 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Rawr, I genuinely almost never see white supremacists using skin color as an indicator of mental traits. They focus on it almost purely on an aestethic basis nowadays. (IE slurs like "shitskin", "muds" etc.) Or Emily's obsession with it.

And Godis, the variance in ancestral physical traits among humans certainly has no causational factor on mental traits in the least. Technically being muscular is more convergent upon ancestral forms, considering how much more powerfully built they are compared to us.

White supremacists or racialists or whatever will drum up traits like the greather prognathism of blacks, but usually being wholly unaware of how traits like large jaws or cheekbones are technically just as ancestral- and are virtually unaware of how whites typically have much more prominent brows than blacks. It just so happens that prognathous jaws are the most visibly ancestral trait on humans. (and I sincerely doubt nasal structure can be ranked on such a scale)

You're also quite right about those scientists, especially in regards to Darwin- in old age, he had a very prominent browridge, even for an old man.

And I can't forget how Emily thinks asians are evolutionarily undeveloped and that there's something wrong with them. Begs asking why all of their countries, with the sole exceptions of north korea and China, are first world, among alot of other things.

Sat, 11/14/2009 - 08:24 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"I don't know about the FBI being involved with white supremacy groups? That is creepy, but I am very skeptical. I don't want to go there. However, I do believe there is a lot of corruption in the government but in regards to white supremacy. I don't know."

It's not about what you want to believe. Life doesn't work that way.

'I disagree. I think today they focus on other factors such as skull structure, bone structure, physical features, etc. that relate to behavior and intelligence.'

Have you been to Klan meetings? Have you gone to prisons and spoken with Aryan Nation members? Have you sought out college professors with ties to The Knights of Malta? Really, unless you have been there, done the research I have done and read what I have read, you don't know. I wasn't daydreaming when I did what I did. Thank goodness I never found myself in harm's way. I know what I've seen and I know what I've read. I don't give a shit what Emily does. She is not the sole representative of white power on the internet.

Fri, 11/13/2009 - 23:35 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"I've seen quite a few dissertations on how White skin makes one more intelligent"

I disagree. I think today they focus on other factors such as skull structure, bone structure, physical features, etc. that relate to behavior and intelligence.

They claim the "bone structure" shows how some races are less evolved or more primitive, not skin color.
It's what Emily does all the time. She claims certain races have less evolved bone structure and are therefore less evolved in general. That is why I posted photos of Bill Gates, Pythagoreas, etc. to prove to her that what she considers more "primitive" bone structure, (which is basically any type of bone structure that falls outside the Nordic bone structure), is the same bone structure held by many of the geniuses that have lived and contributed greatly on this Earth.

Even Darwin, the father of evolution, has "primitive" bone structure and features according to Emily and many other white supremacy groups. However, that doesn't stop them from using Darwin's theories on evolution to support their bullshit.

I don't know about the FBI being involved with white supremacy groups? That is creepy, but I am very skeptical. I don't want to go there. However, I do believe there is a lot of corruption in the government but in regards to white supremacy. I don't know.

Fri, 11/13/2009 - 23:34 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"I've seen quite a few dissertations on how White skin makes one more intelligent"

I disagree. I think today they focus on other factors such as skull structure, bone structure, physical features, etc. that relate to behavior and intelligence.

They claim the "bone structure" shows how some races are less evolved or more primitive, not skin color.
It's what Emily does all the time. She claims certain races have less evolved bone structure and are therefore less evolved in general. That is why I posted photos of Bill Gates, Pythagoreas, etc. to prove to her that what she considers more "primitive" bone structure, (which is basically any type of bone structure that falls outside the Nordic bone structure), is the same bone structure held by many of the geniuses that have lived and contributed greatly on this Earth.

Even Darwin, the father of evolution, has "primitive" bone structure and features according to Emily and many other white supremacy groups. However, that doesn't stop them from using Darwin's theories on evolution to support their bullshit.

Fri, 11/13/2009 - 22:38 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"White supremacists very rarely make arguments of racial superiority on domains of behavior and intelligence in relation to skin color. I've pretty much only seen that back in the time of slavery."

You don't have a lot of experience with White Supremacists I take it? Those arguments "of racial superiority on domains of behavior and intelligence in relation to skin color" are still used in many white power circles. I've visited the more ignorant of their kind in prisons. They are the face of modern white supremacy, in truth it's not a good representation. Most high level KKK groups (I.E. The Knights of Malta) are not populated by low-level hillbillies. There are many who hold PhD's in that group. (Although from my research most modern militia/white power groups are thoroughly infiltrated and run by the FED. One good example is the Viper group of Michigan, proven by and large to be run by the FBI. Strange stuff when you get into it deeply. Puppet masters pulling the strings.)

I've seen quite a few dissertations on how White skin makes one more intelligent. Granted you have to be quite foolish and uneducated to believe it but that's what many of the authors of these papers are counting on. Most people are quite ignorant.

Fri, 11/13/2009 - 16:11 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"I did bring that up. Notice i said "More minorities are getting work done but by and large minorities in this country tend to not be in the economic position to do so."

Calm down."

Sorry I overlooked that. But I don't see how I was acting over-emotional.

"How is it somehow more disgusting? It's the same argument White Supremacists make except we are just reversing roles."

White supremacists very rarely make arguments of racial superiority on domains of behavior and intelligence in relation to skin color. I've pretty much only seen that back in the time of slavery.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:38 Jake The face of a Neanderthal woman

godis, it is no point arguing with you as you are a high entity and I could never compete with you, your godness but with the snow bunny I can go chin to chin.

It amazes me seeing the odd few deny something when it is a fact. All my points in the other posts can be proven/seen by anyone. OK, I admit it, I do have some black friends too but I see them more as pets as they behave like it. Actually I have 10 good black friends...
1. Tyrone - Mugger - Nice guy but watch your valuables
2. Winston - Mugger - OK guy but watch your pockets
3. Desmond - Granny rapist - Watch your ass with this one!
4. Trevor - Jamaican druggie with a gun in his jacket
5. Devon - Loves to stab strangers, mainly teens
6. Jermaine - Raped his sister, mugged many whites, uses drugs
7. Leroy - Mugging champion
8. Rufus - Mugger, fraudster, thief
9 Tyrone (2) - Mugger
10. Desmonde - Mugger, car jacker

All have been to prison, all have stolen, all have used drugs and all are black. Sad to say my buddies (pets) are bad but I do care for them. Anywhere in the world you can say any of these 3 words and people think the same thing:-
1. Pepsi - Nice refreshing cold fizzy cola drink
2. Pussy - Cat (Pull that tongue back in!)
2. Mugger - Black "person" but more thought of as a "Ni--er" or "N-gN-g" or "Go--iW-g"

Huh? And yes they do hop when they walk. Where do you think the word bunny comes from as in "Jun--e B-nn-"?

90% of crime in America is committed by our black brothas. Drugs, knives, guns etc. are all a big problem in the good ol' USA due to you know who. And all the decent folk are sick and tired of it. In all the years 7 of my black friends/pets were shot dead by you guessed it... brothas!

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:24 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"That shit is more disgusting than some of the stuff I've seen parroted by many white supremacists. "

How is it somehow more disgusting? It's the same argument White Supremacists make except we are just reversing roles.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:20 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Rawr: Yes, that is pretty much why I attack these people. But your arguments about plastic surgery are pretty poor- did it ever occur to you that so many whites get these plastic surgeries on comparisons to minority groups and poor non-white nations because of more disposable income?"

I did bring that up. Notice i said "More minorities are getting work done but by and large minorities in this country tend to not be in the economic position to do so."

Calm down.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:16 Jake The face of a Neanderthal woman

Voice of Reason

"...I work as a promotional model (yes I am a model)"
Ohhh, lol. Now I truly understand why you got all uptight about it. Yep model, yea sure... cough ... they all say they are models. Now I know where I saw you "model", it was on the snow bunny blog. Hmmm.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:10 Jake The face of a Neanderthal woman

Voice of Reason

"...BTW I am not african"
OK, so you are a snow bunny. I understand now :-) Is animal sex legal in your state?

"...I am only too ashamed to admit I am a married white woman"
You don't need to be ashamed that you are married to a as most of them don't usually marry their biatches and just use them as trash. You lucky bunny chaser!

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 16:19 VioletCorpus Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

It's not to say I'm leaving for good, but I'm just not going to be on here that often.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 16:18 VioletCorpus Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Other Emily:

I plan to take a break for now. Nothing much new is happening on this site. My arguments seem to stand pretty firmly, and like I've said before, they can serve as educational in this regard.

On learning evolution, I can't really reccomend too much of anything specific to you off hand. My best bet is to avoid people like Richard Dawkins for now and look up primers on evolution on Amazon or go to the science section of a bookstore. Chain stores or used will be fine.

I should also note that, in regards to Emily's most recent tangent, I'd say those terrible long nosed semites and romanians and the like actually *do* fit this beauty mask better considering the projection of the nose. But this nose probably isn't that masculine, and might look proper on a larger face. But, in regards to facial symmetry, I'm not sure how side symmetry works in terms of nasal projection.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 16:14 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Melanin theory is a hardcore fringe science that has virtually no basis in actual science, outside of the ramblings of depraved black supremacists. That shit is more disgusting than some of the stuff I've seen parroted by many white supremacists. That garbage would entail people with the darkest skin on earth (like sudanese and senegambian blacks) are superior to everyone else. Blacks vary greatly in skin color. Your outlook would entail a ridiculous hierarchy with the inky black ones on top and the tan ones on the bottom.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 16:04 VioletCorpus Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


"VC is now resorting to insulting the intelligence of those whom English isn't their first language though gods know what that has to do with anything...And of course, Cecilia, this is typical of godis to think that anyone who agrees with Emily MUST BE EMILY, since she's resorted to inventing alter egos (due to a malfunction in her distorted perceptions) so therefore, everyone else does as well..."

I might have been a tad off crude at times with regards to the callmewhateveryouwant's english, but his reasoning skills seem to go beyond simple language barriers. He's the only one with poor english here. The only person I've insulted outright other than Emily lately is Cecilia, because she genuinely acts outright stupid.

Hmmm....can't understand how or why Emily shows pics of Romanian women because she doesn't like you personally, do you really think the sun shines out of your ass, or what? It's all about you..I'd almost forgot. You, ALWAYS being the (cough cough) better person have never made fun of Scandinavians because YOU don't like her personally. When I read that, I laughed and laughed, thank you for continuing to supply my "joke of the day", you can never have too many."

Godis has made some sadly off-color and rude remarks about scandinavians, but some of it's understandable due to how extreme Emily has been. In Godis' case, well, she's said she's half romanian. I haven't followed the discussions so extensively, but from what I've seen, Emily has only really attacked romanians when Godis' background has been brought to light. She never lets up on them. It's creepy.

"So, guess some things never change, anyone who appreciated Nordic beauty is a Nordic fetishist, real cool argument, and so smart. It makes me a think that maybe everyone else here has no more valid points to make. Guess "Nordic Fetishist!" is the best anyone can do. Sad.

This thread is about the beauty of the VERY sought after Nordic nose and yet you all post pics and make absurd arguments against this theory though none of you have yet to prove it to be false."

At this point, I guess I've grown rather desensitized to people who make such retarded generalizations of the discourses here wherein I'm actually addressing this comment.

This goes beyond an appreciation of nordic beauty to the point of reviling anything that falls even minutely outside of it, and forcing this ideal down everyone's throats as an intrinsic ideal of human beauty with barely any evidence to back it up, with a healthy dose of nationalist politics injected. "Nordic fetishist" is merely a label to describe people who believe this. I, and many others, have made many, many valid points here in regards to this. It's just evidence of your profound lack of reading comprehension and willingness to listen for you to label all of this as "absurd".

"Emily continues to show how this is true, and sorry but it is, to a lot of people."

No, she doesn't. She does nothing but spam the same pictures, moronic, inane arguments over and over and over and over again, and will periodically have meltdowns where she'll attack virtually anything non-nordic. She spams pictures from google image searches and uses this to generalize massive countries and ethnic groups. She'll wave around the same tired pictures of nordics as shining ideals of human beauty, based on her OWN preferences of this. I could go on and on. She does all of this because she's genuinely sick in the head.

"Oh no!! I'm defending her again, such a terrible person I am,"

You're not a "terrible person", but I genuinely have to question your outlook on humanity when you defend someone like this, on such a shaky basis.

"it's a good thing I could care less what you all think."

Ok. Have fun defending a deranged nordicist like her and not caring what people think of that.

Rawr: Yes, that is pretty much why I attack these people. But your arguments about plastic surgery are pretty poor- did it ever occur to you that so many whites get these plastic surgeries on comparisons to minority groups and poor non-white nations because of more disposable income?

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 15:16 Interesting Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Interesting what caucasians have researched about black people in regards to Melanin....

This video is a little bit out there, however the doctor speaking gets her information from a series of studies done by scientists. You might benefit from watching from the beginning.

By the way, I am caucasian, not anti-white, I am not anti any race actually.

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 08:05 Emily (the othe... Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

Oh yeah, before you leave, your last comment was really informative! On an unrelated topic, do you have any resources or particular books that would be interesting to study evolution? Anything that is like, unbiased? I am asking because I really want to start learning more about anthropology on my own. Thanks!

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 08:02 Emily (the othe... Stephen Marquardt Phi (Golden ratio) mask formally refuted

No VC, stay! If you let people like Emily drive you away, then this site will just be overrun by people like her!

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 06:08 faisal Jenni from Femjoy

send me her u jenni.

Wed, 11/11/2009 - 20:05 Rawr Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

some of you would do well to watch this. It's a white man, maybe you won't feel so threatened.
