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Tue, 10/06/2009 - 02:44 mule Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

funny thing is that people here put up a pictures of ugly asians from thai and philipines, those asian countries known to be mixing with white for centuries and generations even tll today, and pretty much all southeast asian countries like indonesia, singapore, malaysia, etc. there are a lot of mix breed asian-white all over asia, even japan, the only country that exempt from it is korea, and they have the best looking asian alive

while black and white-mix produce better looking people, just look at brazil and other south america, they look hot (body) and gorgeous, I think white-asian mixed produce worst looking people over time, while black-white mixed produce better looking generations
that's my observations, I've been all over asia and south america and witnessed this phenomena myself, just check out michael jackson family, I think michael's dad was biracial, because michael said that his dad has blue eye, and his family seem to looks better over time, and michael's kids are the most gorgeous in hollywood, you can see it yourself and there are a lot of examples of black and white mixed produced better looking people over time while asian-white mixed is the opposite

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 12:13 Markus Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Elle's finer features are further accentuated by better lighting and makeup. Monica's face is more feminine but lacks those advantages, making her look a bit pudding-faced. Also, Elle is better at posing for the camera, not surprisingly: whom do you expect to wear a more interesting expression on her face, a highly experienced top-billed model, or an inexperienced girl getting paid $100 to pose nude? (Various comments on this site say that the top models look intelligent and fascinating, while the nudie-girl ones from eastern Europe look moronic and boring. Sheesh! It's called acting, and the higher-priced models have to be good at a very limited subset of that craft.)

Elle is more fit and tanned and skilled and experienced, and has better lighting, makeup, direction, and perhaps Photoshopping. Monica is in merely okay shape, pale, and seemingly inexperienced, and has mediocre lighting, makeup, and direction -- and might not be Photoshopped at all. Monica's face and body are unequivocally more feminine and to my taste more beautiful.

I'd love to compare interviews of top fashion and swimsuit models with interviews of these feminine no-name eastern-European women who strike people as bovine, weak, excessively submissive, or imbecilic. I'd bet money that the poor no-name women tend to be better-read, more intelligent, stronger, and more independent-minded.

Another thing: I recently took a test meant to determine one's masculinity or femininity (it's on a BBC web site). It includes pairs of pictures (women for people who find women more sexually attractive, men for people who prefer men), one picture in the pair a slightly altered version of the other, its features doctored to be slightly more masculine (if of a woman) or more feminine (if of a man). I usually found the masculinized versions of the women just marginally more attractive, to my surprise. Now, I am a tad on the androgynous side for a guy, but is it that, or is it that so many of the women whose images I've been presented with as the epitome of beauty are somewhat masculine?

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 11:24 kwoon Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I tell you guys the truth, the ugliest asians I've seen my whole life in asia, are the ones with european ancestry, not the 1st or the 2nd generation of them, but after the 3rd 4th generations of asian with european/white ancestry look the most hideous looking.

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 00:47 thisisnuts From ape to human – the journey in pictures

bookworm, your right, if I call you a racsist than I'd have to say it to a lot of other people I guess, so I won't and just say that it was your bias. I think it's because from what I read that your saying that examples of Asian beauty are Finnish, Esotonian, and East Baltic women. Even if they have some Asain in their background doesn't mean they should be judged as being Asian or Asian looking. I get that theres like 10% Asian DNA or whatever but I still think they look more White, Caucasian, European than anything else. And I also thought you implied that their more "Nordic" than Scandinavians. I think the model statement, how the Asian model should represent how Asian women look after childbirth compared to white women was a lot off. All models, cause they're freakishly thin and tall, are going to bounce back better than "average women", and if their natural body shape and metabolism didn't work in their favor, models have money for personal trainers and when push comes to shove, a plastic surgeon to lift whats fallen and suck out whatever shouldn't be there. So yeah, that's what it was that I was referring to, and it wasn't rascist, but definitely biased.

I think this site's pretty cool, in terms of interpreting beauty. I wasn't looking for this or anything like this. I was just looking for art! It kind of sucks you in. The comments are very interesting too. I wasn't trying to just happen on it and start putting in my remarks to create any more dissention or controversy. So if I said anything previously that someone is going to interpret as my being an asshole than I apologize in advance.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 20:44 .......... Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

This website is bullshit. It is written purely according to the white, nordic standards of beauty which the authors of this site have mistakenly believed to be a universally applicable norm. It is not. Standards of beauty vary greatly based on the society in which they are found. If any the nordic "purists" who dominate this discussion board were born into a different culture, they would have a completely different concept of what beauty is. You can't scientifically categorize beauty, as the meaning of the term is entirely objective.

But as it is, you all have set a pretty high anorexic, pasty, hair straightened bar of narrow and highly idealized beauty for yourselves. Good fucking luck with that. Have fun salvaging what little will be left of your "perfect race" in the next century as an increasing number of white and black people marry for an interesting new thing called "love", and not for precise waist and bust ratios.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 17:23 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

and I don't have anythings to against white. why should I? I only trying to let you guys see the other races also have got the good side too. how about "callmewhatyouwant" or "Emile" say ghetto stuffs about the other races I don't see you say anythings against them?

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 17:18 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

thisisnuts :

who is racist? don't you think the cristeria of this site is very much sounded like "lebensborn"?
I sureI'm not racist. and that's all what I want to say here. I just don't believe there would be only one race which master in everything's.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 15:45 thisisnuts From ape to human – the journey in pictures

bookworm, women of all races can get out of shape and overweight after childbirth. It is not just white women who always do. You showed a picture of a model who stayed thin after childbirth. All the white models I've ever seen always seem to too. In fact, I see all the time white women who bounce back quick after giving birth. You make the kind of statements against whites you blame Emily for making about Asians. You have the weakest arguments here. Your kind of a rascist to it seems like.

Alot of grabbing at straws for the sake of arguing all the time here.

Godis, it's not fair that people are saying that your fat. Stop comparing yourself to the other girls. If the Jane Fonda sci-fi heroine does post her pictures, she's as immature as she says you are and even if she looks hot, it won't matter someone will find things wrong with her and tell her the kind of stuff she tells you maybe, drop it girls! Your all hot!

My grandmother said to the girls in our family "For every woman on earth, there's at least one man who thinks your perfect."

I'm a white guy, and I like white girls. I don't get the whole Asian fixation. Even though Emily said some things about them I wouldn't say, I think there girls are too "dainty", thats a nice way of putting it lol! I found this site looking for Jennifer Jenesko and Olivia art. This Erik dude is on point saying that women in art are more feminine than most of the real ones!

Not a troll, just someone who tripped over this site and finds alot of the discussion kinda interesting.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 14:52 Raul Gomez Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

Feel free to explore the best naked celebrities photos and censured content.

Take a look here, Reign Celebrity:

Really I try to add better content to it, so feedback me with some coments. Regards

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 14:24 kpop fans Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I disagree with statement that whites contributed most in gene mixing, the asian countries that mixed with white the most such as philipines and much of southeast asia, their population aren't turning into better looking than the rest of asia,quiet the contrary, in fact the ones that least mixed with white is best looking, maybe whites and black mixed produced better looking blacks but that is not the case for asian

the most miss perception is that white is the source of beauty, while the pattern is universal, they are not the source, and people that trying to improve their look not because the want to look white, but because the pattern of beauty is universal, it applies to every human

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 12:59 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

No offense but your relative looks fairly large pre-pregnancy. Most women lose their baby weight pretty quick barring they aren't overeaters by nature. Most western women are food addicts and eat pure garbage. Of course they are going to gain weight. it is a myth that pregnancy weight somehow completely changes a woman's shape and she is forever tainted by it. Furthermore you are a complete asshole for putting her picture on this website. If she ok's it then it's fine but otherwise you have no right whatsoever to subject her to that kind of scrutiny.

Sun, 10/04/2009 - 12:43 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emilie, the thing that I trying to say is the white women get a good shape when they are young and they are get fat after a pregnancy. the asian women are skinny and retain a few extra pounds after having a baby, and most keep some of their extra curves which make them get a better shape.

here. I will show you a picture of one of my relative. she is pretty in any cases, although she is quite fat now ater gave birth a baby.


Sun, 10/04/2009 - 11:36 Marcos Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Fashion is the environment of paedophiles and gays. Check the site and see.

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 19:17 Rawr The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

"Can a woman have boobs that are too big? Is wide hips good or bad?"

You are asking an entirely subjective question. I'd say your boobs are too big if you have to carry them around in a wheelbarrow. Your hips are probably too wide if you can't fit through most normal doors, otherwise i wouldn't worry too much. Everyone has their own opinions on what is or is not enough. Does it really matter though? I doubt you will be having sex with Erik, Godis, myself or anyone else postulating on this site so does it matter what we think? Hey, what do you think? That's what you should be asking yourself. Do no harm to yourself or anyone else in life and you will do well.

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 19:13 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures

EMILY! Try not to be an ugly nordic racist eh?

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 15:21 Arkhan Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Your website is almost criminally stupid.

You rank right up there with Scientology, Jack Thompson, the Kansas Board Of Education, and the Westboro Baptist Church in the amount of idiocy you spout.

That'd almost be impressive if it wasn't such a bad thing.....

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 15:04 Arkhan The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

Gods.....I've been looking through this series of articles slowly getting the impression that they're idiotic and that "Admin" has no idea what they're talking about (tho I'll admit Gisele has no business being a model). Then I get to this article.... This one just PROVES how retarded this is. Alessandra Ambrosio is 100% hotter/cuter/sexier in every one of the photos posted here than any of the comparisons... and Heidi Klum wins 90% of the comparisons no contest too.
I hope the rest of this site isn't this dumb.

You're not exactly comparing feminine vs masculine, rather you're comparing sets of racial qualities vs your prefered set of racial qualities.

DIACF please.

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 14:17 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Try not to use the fake studio portraits of plastical surgery altered half white models and show them off as asians. They are unrepresentative. All you do is telling people that real asians aren't good enough as examples of asians.

You also used Swedish Princess Victoria as an example of an ethnic Swede - which she is not, even if she has Nordic blood, too. The royal Swedish Bernadotte family is originally French, and Victoria's grand mother on her mother's side is Brazilian.

Actually, non of the royal children look particularly Swedish. Here is their brother, Prince Carl Philip;

Their sister is blue-eyed Madeleine who looks a little more ethnically Swedish.

Let's look at some photos of Thai princesses. Not exactly a sight for the gods, I'd say.

And a Japanese princess;

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 08:05 john Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

my height is 72" and my eg is 40" . is it good combination

Sat, 10/03/2009 - 01:50 karicha The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Can a woman have boobs that are too big? Is wide hips good or bad?

Fri, 10/02/2009 - 22:25 Rawr From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Please listen to me. Stop listening to the catty racists and listen to me now. I might be one of the only people you converse with who happens to know what humans look like so stop and listen. There is nothing wrong with your body. You are not fat. You are thin. You are actually thinner then the average female. Even your "Fat" pictures are thinner then the average woman in the western world. You are doing serious damage to your mental health by listening to these people and posting your picture for them to see. You have nothing to prove. Women will never be kind to you because they are in competition with you. You refuse to remove yourself from that competition so you will be forever locked in a destructive cycle with these women. Stop competing with women. It is not healthy. If you must compete do it in a meaningful way such as work or sports. You need to walk away from these people. They are as crazy as you. Go seek comfort from your family or whoever it is in this world that loves you.

Fri, 10/02/2009 - 22:12 Rawr The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

Bottom line: A company can hire whoever they want to model their lingerie. It doesn't matter what you or I think about it. Their company, their call.

Fri, 10/02/2009 - 22:04 Rawr The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

"There are better candidates out there, with naturally large breasts, a small waist, and wide hips."

Oh? GiGi has large breasts, a small waist and wide hips. It looks like she's qualified.

"These women will not appear matronly"

Says who? There are many women who have given birth who have the features you speak of.

"I think it is a turnoff for some men."

Considering you don't even know what the human body looks like i do not think you are in the least bit qualified to say what men find attractive. Go out and look around on day child. You are going to discover men sleep with women you find dreadfully unattractive. There is actually a whole subset of psychological literature you can find that shows men are attracted to women who look and act like their own mothers. Looking like you have had children isn't a problem apparently.

"If you notice she is posed in every other photo. In the photo above to the one where is in water, she appears less wide because she is posed at an angle. She looks good in that one, but that is not the reality, its posing. She is much wider and rounder in reality."

Duh, every photo is posed but if you seriously think that women is in any way "wide" you have a vision problem or something is wrong with your visual output hardware. Look into that, I'm pretty sure you just have some form of an eating disorder coupled with extreme ignorance toward human anatomy. Believe it or not most females have a rounded stomach. This is due to a layer of fat which covers the uterus to protect those organs. Some women have tilted ovaries or uterus which also lead to roundness. Both of these factors are perfectly healthy and normal (Tilted reproductive organs being less common but only coupled with reproductive problems about 20% of the time, this is no more prevalent then female reproductive problems for those without this issue) Agian, you simply have no idea what human females tend to look like. You just see images and believe that's what normal women look like. Once agian, you wanna see some fat women? BEHOLD!

And you can call them fat, they are proud of their fat. You need to kick your unhealthy programing. Rounded bellies are VERY normal in females and were worshiped for centuries in art. Nor does that lady have a saggy side boob. You just have no idea what boobs look like. Go educate yourself please.

Fri, 10/02/2009 - 17:53 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emile : the nordic women have got a good shape when they are young I know. I got the relative who had pretty good shape and she turned to be mrs. piggy after gave birth a babies. the asians seem different.

look at this thai model. this is her shape before married. she looks like she is skinny.

this is a picture after she gave birth a child. she married a european man. both of the kids in the picture are her childrens.

her shape turned to look like the caucasian women.


Fri, 10/02/2009 - 08:43 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To me, asians are childlike, unfinished. A girl that is twelve has almost the same body as the one who is 25.

They are very short, flat, with poor hip development and tiny breasts. This is contrary to everything that adult femininity is about. There is the femininity of a gir,l and then there is the femininity of the sexual, fully-developed woman.

This is not feminity - it is arrested development. Pubescent girls..are they feminine? No, because they are not developed yet. If we take people who have no body and call them feminine why not call children feminine? We don't call children feminine since we instinctively know that we sexualize children if we do.

The exact same thing applies to asian women since they have the exact same look as pubescent white girls.

Do you know what is the difference between these white pubescent girls and the Thai pubescent girls? The Thai girls will look the same when they are 23. That is lack of evolvement.

The difference between adult and child should be greater. You shouldn't have to ask yourself if this is a pubescent girl or a woman.

Typical asian body, around 5' "tall" (minus probable breast implants);

Anita Ekberg, Nordic girl. You never have to ask yourself if she is a minor or a woman. A man doesn't need to ask a girl like her to show her driver's license.

Whites and asians don't compare. White women look like real women, and actually have a body.
