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Thu, 10/01/2009 - 21:03 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, if you were only "slightly" thinner, then please explain why the belt that fit around your hips now has to be worn higher, on your waist, with what appears to be the same amount of the overlap of the belt left? What it appears to be is that your waist is now approximately the same circumfrence as what your hips used to be. Did you think no one would notice that? Is this an indication that your waist now has a measurement comparable to what your hips used to be, which means that your hips are proprtionately larger as well? That's what I see, with absolutely no bias. It is a picture, and it can only be interpreted ONE way, in terms of how the belt fits.

Once again, it amuses me to think that a comparison to Anita Ekberg is relevent. You, godis, and she, Anita, have entirely different proportions. Added height means that extra weight is less noticable. Godis, I'm glad to hear that you're working on getting to your ideal weight. When and if you do, give yourself a pat on the back, ok. And do NOT criticize me for having certain preferences. You state what you prefer, don't you? I happen to prefer a more toned, slender look, and think that women generally look better when they're at their ideal weight. I believe that it was you who posted photos of Christine Hendricks, and then said that you felt she looked much better at a smaller size, which is true. It usually is. Just because I said that I thought you looked much better in the white skirt is no reason to get defensive. Once again, not that it matters in the case of someone as dense as you, but, if you don't welcome the criticism of your recent photos, then don't keep posting them.

Finally, I think you're seriously disturbed. You HOPE that Emily and I would gain weight by eating as much as you. That's typical. Godis needs people to look bad so that she can look comparativley good, I guess. She has an obsession with Emily, if it isn't evident by now. She needs Emily's approval of her figure. She NEEDS Emily to believe she has blonde hair, pale skin, and whatever else it is she's been trying to convince Emily of (for months). If someone doesn't think she's hot, they're either biased or gay(if they're a guy). She thinks that no other woman on this thread could possibly have as feminine a physique as she. She keeps accusing people of being creepy by saving her photos, but then keeps reposting and reposting and reposting them!! Godis, your photos haven't changed, nor has the perceptions of them either. I know that it gives you some sick, creepy comfort for you to picture me, or Emily as masculine, or overweight. I can affirm that I'm neither. And you'll finally get your wish, pictures of Barberella, in a bikini. Not fat, not at all masculine. I'm happy to say that I get to spend the next 10 days in paradise, while Godis wishes for people to be ugly so she can be pretty in comparison. How sad that is.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 12:26 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

No more photos, either, Godis!! For the love of all that's holy, please no more!!

I'd hate for you to do that, and than come back from Hawaii, with photos of my own, just to show you how grossly ignorant you are. I'll be sure to do that, just so you know that you should be embarassed for EVER having accused me of being jealous.

I'm seriously contemplating this so that this fool shuts the F*** up, once and for all!!

Aloha, everyone, see you in a week and a half!!

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 12:21 Barberella From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, you said numerous times that you liked Kant, you said "My favorite philosopher's Kant." Now, you're saying that you disagree, it's not my concern why you change your mind.

I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and never gain a pound. I've got an hourglass shape except I don't have any extra weight on my frame. I think that a .67 WHR is feminine, yet slender. I think it looks preferable to an hourglass that's not toned. I'm sure that you'd like to think that I'd get fat easily, for your own amusement. Sorry to disappoint you. That's not the case at all. I take pride in my appearance. If you think that your body even comes close to comparing to Anita Ekberg than you need to lay off the crack pipe! LOL!! Do you even understand how ridiculous you sound comparing yourself to her? She was tall, yet proportionate. Even if her frame is "bigger" than yours, she still had a leaner, toned appearance.

You continue to add laughter to my day, oh thank you Godis!

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 11:23 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

[img]do you think the estonians don't have mongoloid blood like the Fins?

finns don't have mongoloid blood.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 11:17 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

the picture of the girl aboved this comment is dutch celebrity. I think she seems to be the only one blonde that have narrow face and a well-developed chin. the less of them that I have seen all fall into the same category of the blonde nordic with the round face or the chubby oval face.
example below.

chubby and round are not racial traits. You are a new level of ignorance.

all nordics that you have posted so far are more caucasoid than all your south asians and arab examples.

as for your thai actor it's pretty obvious he is not fully thai

looks mulatto

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 10:55 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

allmewhatyouwant : I will show you a picture of the blonde anglo-saxon which I find she looks fully caucasoid. ...anyway like I said at period. even among the anglo-saxon women. the blonde one also tend to have round face and a short small nose as the blonde nordic. its quite dificult to see the blonde with a high nasal and narrow face. anyway I think the girl in this picture below looks fully caucasian.

Of course, all your pictures of blonds are of front view. Curiously you have no side view to prove your point.

Nordics are far more caucasoid than arabs and south asians.

No matter what you say. Nothing in this world gets more caucasoid than nordics

Arabs and south asians are incomplete caucasoid. As if they were still developing their caucasoid traits.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 10:38 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

all in all as I have stated at period. I like all people of all races. no matter round, chubby, square, narrow or long face are look nice to me. this estonian singer is my favourit singer. I know she looks fully caucasoid but she is estonian. do you think the estonians don't have mongoloid blood like the Fins?


Thu, 10/01/2009 - 10:22 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

callmewhatyouwant : by the way have you ever heard of ainu people? I think their men are cool too and have a mascular shape.


Thu, 10/01/2009 - 10:06 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

callmewhat you want :

that guy is comes from southern of thailand. he isn't tourist he is thai actor. I found his pic in the asian celelebrity board.

and to thai woman picture. I don't know how you consider which people has got epicanthic folds? her eyes appeared large in my perspective.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 10:00 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

the picture of the girl aboved this comment is dutch celebrity. I think she seems to be the only one blonde that have narrow face and a well-developed chin. the less of them that I have seen all fall into the same category of the blonde nordic with the round face or the chubby oval face.
example below.

blonde german.

blonde dutch.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 09:53 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Everything that you bring is fake

rounded face and wide set eyes

nose job

lol this guy is probably a tourist

this woman has epicanthic fold

indians do have white admixture. mainly north indians.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 09:50 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

allmewhatyouwant : I will show you a picture of the blonde anglo-saxon which I find she looks fully caucasoid. ...anyway like I said at period. even among the anglo-saxon women. the blonde one also tend to have round face and a short small nose as the blonde nordic. its quite dificult to see the blonde with a high nasal and narrow face. anyway I think the girl in this picture below looks fully caucasian.


Thu, 10/01/2009 - 09:37 Callmewhatevery... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I still curious one thing. the saami, Finn and Estonian have got mongoloid blood but how come they have got very blonde hair?

Maybe because they don't have mongoloid blood. Furthermore, Most saamis have both black hair and black eyes. lol you trust so much in your google searches. You like to define a race of a country by looking at the twenty first google results.

this woman is totally caucasoid

she has high nose bone; has deep eye socket; has a pointy chin; doesn't have prognathism; her face isn't flat; she doesn't have epicanthic fold

You just say that she's got mongoloid blood because she has short nose and straight hair. lol south europeans also have straight hair.

the mediterraneans and the arabs seem to have more caucasoid features but you have never seen them have blonde hair except the one who with the nordic features.

Why arabs are more caucasoid? Many arabs are still at some extent a transition between negroid and caucasoid and they usually display that. Nothing gets more caucasoid than nordics and europeans. Arabs are somehow primitive caucasoid. Many have sunken glabella and undeveloped chin just like negroids.

lol you just think that arabs are more caucasoid because they have longer noses.

for example, board face, short small nose and stright hair. those with these traits seem to have blonder hair than the one with a strong caucasian features.

However, doesn't the nappy hair of arabs make them less caucasoid and more negroid?

my curiousity is going to be... if they didn't have a blonde hair because of they have something in their blood involved the mongoloid in central asia so what reason could it be?

Maybe because they don't have mongoloid blood.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 09:04 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

malay child.

Imagemalay child.

thai guy.

Malaysian girl.


Thu, 10/01/2009 - 08:48 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily - the asians in south east asia and south asia don't have epicanthic folds. I will show you something.

Thai celebrity) burmese) indonesian



this one is thai celebrity she is not even part white. her grandfather is east indian.


I think this filipino woman is very pretty as well.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 08:15 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, don't you think that Anita Eckberg's shoulders are too big? I think they are alright but isn't that masculine?

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 07:59 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures


No one says Swedish girls never dye their hair a lighter blonde tone. That doesn't change the fact that many don't, and many have naturally wheat blonde hair. My hair for isntance is a natural golden/honey blonde tone. Your arguments are a tad bit immature.

The photos of you show a not toned, overweight body. I don't mind some overweight, but your photo just isn't attractive, not now and not the other ten times you showed it here.

You looked great before so I hope you quit food binging, or whatever it is you do since you gained so much weight in just a few months. The Swedish woman is sculptural and toned in that photo. You just don't compare at all, I'm sorry.


The reality is that some people here find it hard to adjust to real, candid photos of asians. They try to invent any ridiculous excuse not to accept those photos, even if that is the reality of what asians look like. To me, this is just admitting that there is a problem with asian looks.

It's funny, when I post photos of Swedes the argument is that they are too well-off and now the argument is they are too poor so those asians are not valid examples. Pure desperation, in other words.

These are photos of South Koreans, since you find North Koreans to be so invalid. I wonder if they would agree with you. My feeling is that North Koreans would be deeply insulted by your words.

Since 62% of young women in Seoul have undergone plastic surgery according to one survey (double eyelid and nose job being the two most popular ones) I think photos of North Koreans can be more truthful sometimes since they are more natural.

South Koreans;

Notice the larger and more open eyes of the girl standing in the back next to the white guy? Even if you cannot say for sure that they are fake this IS exactly what plastic surgery-altered asian eyes look like (see my photos of before and after p.s.). That is the problem with South Korean photos. The girls in the front are more natural.

Notice the more gracile and refined face of the white woman. Asians have very large, round, puffy and coarse faces so they will often look more heavy-set and less refined. I have seen this so often now so I can say that the claim that asians are more refined is a myth. They are actually more coarse.

The white teacher below is much older, but she still looks more refined and less coarse;

Another example;

There is little sculptural qualities in the asian face, and in profile they just disappear. I actually don't mind their tiny underdeveloped bodies and the over-sized heads so much, but their eyes it the definite deal-breaker for me.

I love sensitive, warm, expressive and well-formed eyes, and I think their importance is vital. Asian eyes often don't say anything. They are generally unexpressive and emotionless, and black.

S. Korean women soldiers.

This one is probably of S. Koreans, too, actually.

S. Korean child

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 07:50 bookworm From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I still curious one thing. the saami, Finn and Estonian have got mongoloid blood but how come they have got very blonde hair?....many of the estonian people aren't even blonde but almost white hair. the mediterraneans and the arabs seem to have more caucasoid features but you have never seen them have blonde hair except the one who with the nordic features. for example, board face, short small nose and stright hair. those with these traits seem to have blonder hair than the one with a strong caucasian features. my curiousity is going to be... if they didn't have a blonde hair because of they have something in their blood involved the mongoloid in central asia so what reason could it be?

Saami girls.


and most original blonde regardless of the race or ethnicity seem to share the same facial pattern. a
short small nose, round or board face.

Estonian singer.




now look at the cuban-american celebrity sarah pacton.






do anyone notice same similarly things in their faces?
syrian girl.
blonde syrian

or the blonde spanish like this girl.

this is a picture of the some people on flickr. he told me this is a picture of his niece. he is hazara. -the Hazara are primarily a mixture of afghan or middle eastern and mongol people. I have seen a picture of his daughter she looks caucasian but he doesn't allow me to put her pic on here except the picture of his niece.


Thu, 10/01/2009 - 02:05 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

The conclusion: Emily is biased.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 01:56 Godis The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

As for GiGi not being attractive to the average heterosexual male-LAMFOROFL you are one crazy woman. I know hundreds of men who would line up to sleep with GiGi in a hot second

I never said she wouldn't be attractive to heterosexual men. However, in my opinion she would not be ideal for lingerie modeling. There are better candidates out there, with naturally large breasts, a small waist, and wide hips. These women will not appear matronly. I think it is a turnoff for some men. In one photo, the one where she is less angled and is in water, her hips and waist start to sync into eachother making her have a more rounded appearance. In a sense she has a somewhat rounded belly, a circle. If you notice she is posed in every other photo. In the photo above to the one where is in water, she appears less wide because she is posed at an angle. She looks good in that one, but that is not the reality, its posing. She is much wider and rounder in reality.

Again, her breasts are fine, the thing is from the side they slope really badly and sag. Lingerie model material breasts shouldn't do that. I'm sure many men would find her attractive, but there are better qualified women out there for lingerie modeling.

Actually from the front she has really nice breasts, but the side boob is a WHOLE different story...

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 01:40 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Scandinavia consists of TONS of blondes. No they don't dye their hair! It's all natural. I get highlights so I must not be a REAL blonde, I must be a FAKE blonde. Because there is no such thing as blonde hair getting darker with age. You know, not in Scandinavia. Well, this chick sure has some roots if that is true:


You know I don't even dye my hair. I just get highlights over my natural color. I don't need to dye it to make it appear blonde. I just need highlights to add a lighter element to it. I also get it because I have a ton(too much) of fine limp hair, and it lifts it. But no I must be a fake blonde. Ok.

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 01:35 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

My face is also more rounded off and less angular than Anita's. But I'm revolting and she is a symbol of femininity! OK!

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 01:29 Visitor From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Anita Ekberg: The photo Emily repeats as a sign of the curvy and feminine women in Sweden:


linke if photobucket deletes(I'm too lazy to not use photobucket):

Me overweight:



Me slightly (Emily thinks there is a huge diff. but there isn't) thinner. At this point I was still not at my ideal weight, I think anyone can tell that:


So, how is my body revolting, while Anita's is curvy and beautiful according to Emily? Is there a bias there? Because I actually think that my body even overweight is more delicate than Anita's...

Thu, 10/01/2009 - 01:15 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

It is very interesting to me how Emily posts photos of Anita Eckberg claiming, "We like curves, blah blah blah", when she scrutinized my body for being slighlty overweight. First of all I have a similar body type to Anita. The only difference is that IS similar to my body when I am overweight, and that is Anita's body at a pretty normal weight for her. So her body is naturally just bigger than mine. She appears taller and bigger boned than me. When I am on the thin side I have her body only smaller and more delicate. I have to say when I am thinner my body is even curvier, because my breast weight settles and my waist is tiny when skinny. Either way, I don't understand why Emily and Barberella scrutinized my body. I had some fat here and there but overall it was still a pretty shapely hourglass body. It wasn't even at the point where I gained so much weight I was shapeless, although close.

Either way, they claimed false things like, "You tend to put on weight." They know shit. If they ate what I ate on a daily basis I'm pretty sure they would be 100lbs overweight not 20lbs. I had trouble gaining weight as a teenager, and although my metabolism slowed once I got around 18, it is still a good metabolism especially since I effed up my metabolism from a long time ago. Besides I have had small periods in my life when I ate healthy and really took care of myself. I looked my best then, with the right amoutn of fat in the right places. I just love how Emily and Barberella attacked my body the way they did, and then Emily posts a photo of a "curvy" Anita Ekberg. Ok.

And I'm sure in response to this she's going to post the worst photos of me she creepily saved to her computer. Well, I'll post the better ones. And I lost 10lbs for your information and I'm debating whether I should post any photos up EVER again or whether I SHOULD post some right now or whether I should wait until I get to my ideal weight...

I just want to show Emily she is WRONG about me. I am not jealous. I am an average girl. I guess I'm a pretty girl with a nice body. That's all. I have no reason to be jealous about anything.

Wed, 09/30/2009 - 23:14 mary From ape to human – the journey in pictures


Actually i stated that i found two pictures of swedish girls more attractive then the swedish cheerleaders and the asian cheerleaders.
Im wondering if your only seeing what you want to see because you completely left that out.You seemed to ignore parts of my comments that were favourable to swedes and just picked up the parts you didn't like.
You also ignored or perhaps didnt see that i suggested that it wasnt good for anyone to write such caustic comments directed to any nationality INCLUDING nords.

If you also looked at my comment to bookworm you would see that i said that nords along with east russians are beautiful though each in different ways.

You took my comments with a incredible amount of suspicion without even realising that i think many nordic women are feminine and beautiful and i appreciate nordic beauty.Many have beautiful hair,eyes and skin tone.Dont ignore what i just wrote and then attack from suspicion that everyone hates the "awful truth" and is trying to bring your race down.
My point was that i find some swedish women feminine and i also find some asian-mainly chinese,taiwan,vietnamese women feminine too.
Apart from some i guess could seem "underdeveloped" to me many of their bodies are petite and slight.To you,you might consider that all underdeveloped.
I have my opinion and you have yours and i'm not going to change your opinion and your not going to change mine.

You also conveniently ignored or overlooked that i actually said that numbers wise,as a population, nordic women were more attractive to me ie:there are more beautiful,feminine nordic women then asians.
Now would someone say that who has a hidden agenda,is a nord hater,and hates the truth as you seemed to accused me to be?
No,they would say all asians are beautiful,swedes are ugly etc and try to pick the worse,most biased pictures they could find.
They certainly wouldn't be saying that they find nordic women as a general population more attractive.

You can't seem to understand that someone can find more then one nationality or look attractive and that it doesn't have to be a competition.
I'm neither swedish nor chinese,korean but croatian and can objectively say that i appreciate the beauty in swedes,chinese,koreans and other nationalities too of course.
When your secure in yourself you don't feel threatened and you would have no reason to feel that way because your probably more beautiful and feminine then most people.

As for comments of putting up the photo of the cheerleaders pulling the funny faces thats getting too suspicious.I didnt specifically choose that one out because of them pulling faces.I just downloaded one and put it one the page.
I could have put the other one up and to me my opinion would still be the same and your opinion would still be the same.
I also left photos of asians that i didnt put up too.I didn't sit there and scrutinise each photos in fine detail so i could pick them according to my biases lol.
I also didnt make the photos smaller.I always put ALL photos at times 400 regardless and how they turn out is how they turn out.

You also hastily and sarcastically made assumptions that i would say that the asian girls from sweden should be excluded too and would say that they were malnourished instead of actually asking me.If you had of actually asked me instead of attacking i would have told you that those photos are totally fair and any other photos of asians or other living in sweden was fair too because they have very good living standards.
I was only saying that it isn't fair to compare women from north korea who really are all malnourished.Look it up what they live like.Also for anyone else who is living in poor conditions.

Emily,i get the feeling that you would be suspicious and catty even if someone agreed with you which is what i actually was doing in part.I find many swedish women very beautiful especially the photo of the girl that Bookworm uploaded.
Personally though i also believe in God and i believe that he made beauty in many different packages and nationalities both outside and inside.

Femininities good topic,but it shouldn't be taken this seriously.
