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Wed, 09/16/2009 - 23:25 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The above was written by me. I forgot to type my name in the box.

I would like to add that many of the Swedish noses I have posted up as examples are not unattractive. They simply do not fit my definition of romantic or elegant. However, many of them fit my defintion of cute or adorable.

Besides, a feature with an element of robustity to it does not make it an unattractive feature. That depends on the feature itself and the overall effect the robustity has on the face and the person in general.

There are absolutley no faces on this planet that don't have something slightly off about them. Some faces come closer than others to perfection, but no face, NO FACE, is perfect my friends.

Besides, if Swedes have an advantage, it is in symmetry. It seems that even photos not posted by Emily, of average Swedes, display Swedes with extremely symmetrical facial features. I believe that Swedes on average have more symmetrical faces than any other Nordics, and many other races. This along with their bone structure in general makes for a very attractive people on average. We all know how important symmetry is when it comes to attraction. I am not saying one is not attractive if one does not have a symmetrical face. I have a cousin with a unsymmetrical features, however she beats out other girls in the looks department simply because her features, while unysmmetrical, are stunning nonetheless. However, anyone can benefit from having a more symmetrical face. Rarely is the unsymmetrical feature not improved if it were changed to be symmetrical.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 23:15 Visitor Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


I did not claim that NORDICS have robust noses. I claimed that there is an element of robustity to Scandinavian noses. Scandinavians are "technically" Nordic, however I am referring specifically to Scandinavians and not Nordics in general. I have never been to Scandinavia, but I get my ideas from Emily's photos. Emily has selected photographs of what she thinks the average woman in Sweden looks like. In many, if not the majority of these photos, I have found that there is an element of robustity to many of the faces. This actually includes features such as the nose/eye area, the chin, the cheekbones, and the face shape in general. I have specifically focused on the nose because Emily likes to focus on the nose when she criticizes people of other races.

"If swedish girls have robust nose, than the noses of other girls are even more robust. That's the point"

This is simply not true. German women or Irish women for example do not have robust noses on average. If you were to compare the Germans and the Swedes, the Swedes would have more robust noses. This is the conclusion I draw from the analysis of Emily's photos and photos in general of Swedes on the net.

You sound like those angry southerners fed up with nordic people due to many propaganda depicting nordics as an ideal of beauty. You hate and love nordics equally. As long as you continue your stand, you turn out pro nordic. Once you realize that your theories don't work, you come with a new one. How many theories do you have?

You sound a tad stereotypical and ignorant.I don't see how my theories don't work? Just because I changed my mind about Nordic women being more feminine does not mean I changed my theories. In fact my theory as to why Nordic women have bigger breasts and hips remains the same: diet. Hormones from dairy products and meat. The same reason American girls today have full grown large breasts by the age of 8. However, the U.S. is a different story. We overdo everything in the U.S. The result is a high frequency of obese people. Anyways, I would like to state that there is nothing wrong with changing a theory and coming up with a new one. This is something scientists do all the time no? It's the evolution of ideas really and a very positive thing. The concept is simple. You replace something with something better. Why keep an old idea when there is a better one out there?

"Instead of proving that swedish girls have robust nose, you should try to accept and valorize the features of your people. You are trying to impose to nordics features which are common on your people. it's a unconscious way that you use to equate nordics with your people and to feel closer to them."

I don't have to try to accept and valorize the features of my people. The only features I have to accept are simply my own. Here in the United States we are very individualistic as opposed to collective. I personally find more value in an individual's physical features than a groups'. Afterall, when I will choose a mate it will be based on his individual features rather than those of his group. If I find a Spanish man that is more attractive than a Nordic man, why should I choose the Nordic one? Because this subrace is on average more attractive? What do I care if his race is more attractive on average? My children will get HIS features passed down, not his whole races'. I will choose the Spanish man.

"There is no point in proving that nordics have robust noses when others have yet more robust noses. Refined can be a very relative concept and whether the swedish girls have refined or robust nose it's just a point of view.
If swedish girls have robust nose, than the noses of other girls are even more robust. That's the point"

Refined can be a relative concept, however to a point it can be an agreed upon concept. I have stated before that other races have more robust noses than Swedish noses. This does not change the fact that a Swedish nose has an element of robustity to it, despite the fact that it does not have as high robustity as the average nose of other ethnicities. Besides, I am not really claiming that the Swedish nose is robust on average. I am just stating that I see a high frequency of robust noses in Emily's photographs. Since she is trying to portray the people in her photographs as the average "Swede" than it is only natural that I argue by using her examples and my observations of those examples...

I tried to tone my rudeness down. I really did. I tried to answer those questions as objectivley as possible.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 23:01 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

By the way Godis

You are proving that Emily was right all the time. She has said in an indirect manner that robust and hooked nose are some kind of inferior trait.

You bought it!

Now you're denying robust and hooked nose in everyone other than swedes. Why? Because you do think those are inferior trait. Self-hate.

You do love nordic people and hate them because you are not part of that world. Come up with theories which just you comprehend is the only hope left.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 22:47 Callmewhatevery... Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


You trying to prove something that nobody, other than you, can see.

Instead of proving that swedish girls have robust nose, you should try to accept and valorize the features of your people. You are trying to impose to nordics features which are common on your people. it's a unconscious way that you use to equate nordics with your people and to feel closer to them.

You sound like those angry southerners fed up with nordic people due to many propaganda depicting nordics as an ideal of beauty. You hate and love nordics equally. As long as you continue your stand, you turn out pro nordic. Once you realize that your theories don't work, you come with a new one. How many theories do you have?

There is no point in proving that nordics have robust noses when others have yet more robust noses. Refined can be a very relative concept and whether the swedish girls have refined or robust nose it's just a point of view.
If swedish girls have robust nose, than the noses of other girls are even more robust. That's the point.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 21:42 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"I'm sorry if anyone find my english to be poor. I envy Emily's extreamly good and variated language even though englisg is not your mothertounge, you write much better than many english-speaking people."

Do I? How are you able to tell? If it's not your language, I mean? ;)

Mitt arbete eller privatliv överhuvudtaget, är ingenting jag tänker diskutera här. Tycker nog att dina bilder är lite orättvisa. Jag känner inte till mycket om finländare, det medger jag, men jag tror det finns många som ser mer skandinaviska ut än så, så den typiska finnen är nog en aning mindre mongollik, kanske.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 21:02 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

A photo of Michelle Obama that explains why primitive and coarse features are unattractive;

Her teeth look almost animal-like rather than human, as does her entire look.

Heidi Klum with her two biological sons. This is the destiny of white people who mix with blacks. Their genetic identity is swallowed up by another race.

The girl is Heidi's child with a white man, the other is her son by black man seal;

It is hardly in the best interest of whites as a race to mix with blacks.

And here a photo of Halle Berry with her mom Judith Ann Hawkins, who was referred to as an "African-American" woman by one poster here. Well, not entirely the truth, I think.

Kardashian, a woman with very coarse and masculine features even though probably extensively "worked on" in plastic surgery. Yes, vulgarity and masculinity is nasty and revolting to me, and the exact opposite of femininity and grace.

With five tones of make-up on, making her look like a transvestite;

Compare her to Grace Kelly;

Or Naomi Watts;

or just three ordinary white girls;

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 15:48 mary Eva Herzigova

Eva Herzigova's neither really masculine nor really feminine but somewhere in the middle.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 13:58 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Why didn't my comments get included? Hmm, I'll just post it again. :)

The first picture:
Finnish-looking guy


Second picture:
Swedish artist Markus Krunegård with finnish roots.


Third picture:
Ordinary finnish girl.


Fourth picture:
Beautiful and blonde finnish model.


Fifth picture:
Sami Sirviö<3 , another swedish musician with finnish roots, hottest band member in the best band ever(if you ask me)- kent. ^^
He has nordic/finnish feautures.


I'm sorry if anyone find my english to be poor. I envy Emily's extreamly good and variated language even though englisg is not your mothertounge, you write much better than many english-speaking people.
Vad jobbar du med?

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 13:38 Cecilia The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I agree with all of your opinions Barbarella, all but one; the majority of finns that I see have had that typical "finnish" look. Kind of mongolian looking but still bright and often mixed with nordic influnces. I do often find this beautiful though. Very original "finnish" beauty.






Wed, 09/16/2009 - 12:06 asian_girl More on how well the public appreciates the looks of high-fashion models

one man's meat is another's poison.

When i was in my east-asian home country, i was blasted for being tall, thin, dark (olive skin) & having high cheek bones. Now that im in a western country, people sometimes stop me on the streets because they think im a model (which im not). Even some of those local asians here covet for my looks.

As a woman, i feel great :) whenever people appreciate my beauty, be it the homosexual-dominated fashion industry or the heterosexual males. and i think that applies to many women.


Wed, 09/16/2009 - 09:58 jarze The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I think all of those models are attractive (either labeled "feminine" of "masculine") except Yamila Diaz's nose, which is quite ugly. But also she is very feminine except the nose.
Though it was not mentioned by you, but someone mentioned Leonardo DiCaprio to be feminine-featured man, and I think he is more feminine than many other man. But then I compared Rachel Hunter and Leonardo DiCaprio and she was NOT more masculine than Leonardo.
And indeed there should be some kind of measurements or something, rather than saying it's obvious that those models are more masculine than the others.

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 02:38 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I meant to write disease, not desease. I wrote this in the morning so I wasn't really awake yet. :)

Wed, 09/16/2009 - 01:09 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"The men I know would never compare someone’s skin colour with a “serpent’s belly” (and a dead serpent at that)"

Are you saying you don't know Emily is a woman's name?

Nice job, putting my words totally out of context. Very low brow and foul tactic used by propagandists who want to misrepresent something by taking snippets out of its context.

I have also made many positive statements, and of course these were not shown, and neither were the often vile and nasty comments that were directed at me prior to the statements you quoted.

Each time I respond in such a way I have been provoced BEFORE. White people's skin is sometimes referred to as "pig skin", as some here would know, and therefore I said that asian skin reminds me of snake skin.

By that I stress that whites should not tolerate such remarks and turn the other cheek. However, on this site it actually IS permitted to use analogies since we discuss looks, and why something is unappealing can be explained by the associations it gives us.

Non-whites always pretend to be shocked when whites act the very same way they themselves act. I think that is pretty pathetic. They use one standard for themselves and another for whites, apparently.

Another example of your deceptively taking out of context my words is the Beyonce "a gorilla in a dress is still a gorilla", a direct analogy I made to the proverb your uncivilized president used when alluding to Palin, a white woman, when he quipped "You can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig".

Clearly a blatant racist message, pledging his loyalty to blacks at the expense of whites (I thought he should represent all Americans), directed at black voters in the context it was used. And boy, did they get the message. It was embarrassingly loud and clear. Palin had just days before used the word lipstick in a speech or commercial, so that word was on everyone's minds, and at that time directly associated with her. What he in fact told people is that he is not a gentleman.

The white race is recessive, and right now under attack through the race mixing that is slowly engulfing it. I love and want to protect my race, and it has become clear that this is not seen as something worthwhile by other races, who are more interested in gaining from white admixture.

The photos of pure blacks here prove why blacks feel the need to mix with whites in order to become physically less primitive, coarse and more evolved. This will of course be at whites' expence, as photos of Heidi Klum and her biologically almost black children with Seal will tell you.

"Emily, I think it’s better if you just say that it’s your opinion, instead of trying to speak for others."

Since you took my statements out of context it is impossible to answer that. You are incredibly deceptive in your tactics. Generally, my views on beauty and femininity are shared by a large majority of white people, who also think their race is far beyond the others in beauty and femininity. They may not be as brave as I am and say that out loud since they see what happens when you do.

This very entry also explains why this is true. Whites are the most evolved, and therefore deemed the most attractive. The asian race and the black race have a physical robustness and a lack of development that work against them. They both need white admixture to improve their looks, generally speaking. Whites don't. That is what sets us apart, and, I think, also the thing that makes us hated and envied.

Mongoloid traits are unattractive to many. Why is it that the word mongoloid describe both a race and a desease? Because they look similar, naturally.

A shocking thing to say? Well, the truth is what it is. I'm full of prejudice for saying that, right? Well, if you have eyes you will see why that word refers to these two things. In explaining WHY you don't feel something to be attractive you sometimes need to find out why that is.

In this case a desease makes whites look like asian-like. There are only two ways for whites to look like that. Either you mix with an asian, OR you have that desease. It is not attractive, and one of the reasons whites find those traits so unappealing. The asians who are attractive will have more muted mongoloid race traits and approach the standard for the Nordic white race. This must be humiliating, but before you start hating, remember it is not our fault. Blame instead evolution and nature that didn't make us equals in terms of looks.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 23:39 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh and remember:

Everything is in the mind, and the mind is the most powerful thing you have. It is not surprising than that true femininity and masculinity lie in the mind. It is important, in my opinion, to get in touch with both sides. I prefer to be more feminine overall, but there is no way I don't value masculine qualities within myself. I believe they enhance me as a person greatly, and so every male and female on here should let their feminine and masculine qualities enhance them, both physically and mentally.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 23:34 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I've come back and read some things and I realize that although I still stand by all my points, I am not proud of the way I have been acting on this site from the beginning. I just look back at some of the things I wrote and realize that I have been a complete bitch, although sometimes being a bitch is a good thing. Like my favorite character on Gossip Girl Blaire lol. Ok, back on point though, I said too many nasty things with a nasty tone, and for what?

I don't think anything that has been said or done here is worth it in the name of beauty. I think there are some very deep underlying issues here, some of which I have. I have learned about myself a great deal. I have learned I have a very nasty side, and that I have a lot of ego issues myself.

This site has taught me a lot about femininity. I appreciate this. I value both my masculine and feminine qualities and I want to enhance the good from both and minimize the bad from both. I think the best way to do this is to educate myself in the first place. This site has been an extremely useful tool in doing this. I can't say the same about any other beauty site.

However, this site is not without error and fault. I realize my criticisms are sometimes harsh, sometimes just stupid, sometimes quite accurate. I will constantly question and criticize. Sometimes it takes me a while to accept or see things. So, I am sure there will be times after this I will get nasty at Erik. I will try to tone down my nastiness. It really isn't a representation of how I really am as a person. I have been told I am very motherly. I love taking care of things, in fact I am eager to care for things. I LOVE cooking for people,taking care of sick people (I know this is a strange thing to love doing no?),taking care of and interacting with children,tending to plants, keeping one or two pets(LOVE animals, but won't have more than two, hygiene reasons). So, it is really strange to go back and read everything and realize this whole different side of me comes out on this site. I have always been witty or sarcastic, but not in such a nasty way and generally I care for people's feelings. I realize that on here I rarely do. I think we sometimes forget we are dealing with real people on this site...

So, I am not going to argue with Emily anymore or at least not for some time. I just feel that although I disagree and have even been disgusted with some of Emily's views and behaviors, that arguing with her the way I have been will not result in anything positive.I have said some very hurtful things and nobody deserves those things said to them. I regret some of the mean things I have said to Emily. I don't know Emily and I will never be able to fully understand her. I just really wish that she could see my points of view and others points of view at times. I can see some of her points, like the fact that Northern Europeans are most attractive on average. I think Emily is an intelligent and most likely attractive Swedish girl. But I have to say she has disappointed me.

Anyways, I'm kind of rambling on. Emily, I will no longer adress any of your arguments towards me. It's going to be hard because you know how to push all my buttons. But, I can't treat someone the way I have been treating you any longer. I want to apologize for any mean things I have said to you and anybody else. I am going to try to be a more sensitive objective, less sarcastic and mean person in the future. But, its soo fun to be like that! Anyways, I'm goin to take a few days or week or maybe even months off this site. I think everyone needs to back off a little actually. This site has become a focus of racial issues. It is not exactly what it was intended for. I think Erik does have too much of a eurocentric view on everything. I think Erik is a little biased in many ways. I think there is slight to moderate misinformation on here, some intentional. But I still think this site has valuable information on it. Anyways, see you all later. Hopefully when I come back here I will act more respectably! Hope you do the same.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 19:46 Rawr The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Oh wow, check your vitriol kid. You realize you insult anyone who looks like those women by saying that? I do disagree with Erik on many issues ,but there's no need to insult wide swaths of women to make a point. I happen to think they are all quite attractive. (and yes i think Erik is an asshole for referring to certian women as trannies. It's tasteless and unintelligent) Sad thing here is you probably know and love quite a few women who look similar to the women you just insulted. Ever hear of community responsibility? It's the reason I do not insult myself anymore. You want to play ball you better learn the game otherwise shut up and sit down before you end up insulting your mother too.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 18:51 Liza From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Hey Emily. I am fascinated by you. Are you real? I sometimes think no real person could possibly say the things you do. Maybe you’re just trying to get people worked up. If so, well done because it seems to be working.
If you are real, you might be interested in reading the following. You seem genuinely surprised and indignant when people refer to you as racist or bigoted. So I have compiled a sample of some of the things you have said. Some are just a bit insensitive, while others are downright offensive. And I’m sorry, but they do paint a negative picture of you, in my opinion.
So, Emily, real or not, here are just a few of your best bits. Enjoy!

Emily on black people:

On average the black race IS unappealing to non-blacks for the reasons stated in this entry.

The fact is that the black race is the most primitive one - being closest to our primate ancestors - the least evolved one, the coarsest one, and also the most masculine.

I'm jealous of primate behinds? LOL
It is not anyone's fault that you are unattractive compared to whites. Blame evolution.

Emily on Eastern Asians:

Some Asians do somewhat resemble Neanderthals.

Asian yellowish-white skin that doesn't show any sign of blood look like a serpent's belly. Dead - not alive.

Most look like hell, actually,

Her facial features look disproportionate and she seems to have the mental capacity of a 7-year-old. (about Asian in photo.)

The majority of people here don't like underdeveloped dwarfs with mongoloid traits, looking like pubescent girls when they are 25.

The mongoloid look is not attractive, it is disgusting and is in fact very much associated with a disease here.

Emily on other ethnicities:

The Indians are not attractive to most Europeans

Cheapness, vulgarity and latin primate style can be found anywhere.

Southern European women look much more coarse …than Nordic women do. Since they are shorter and shubbier to begin with they … can look matronly and very coarse early on.

Emily on the perfection of the Nordic race:

The truth is that the beautiful nordic woman is THE ideal that everyone envies.

Face cannot have what we need to hate us for it. That's not our fault.

Emily on race mixing:

They want our genes to improve THEIR looks, since they don't like their mongoloid traits any more than you do

The fact remains, who on earth wants to look like Asian mongoloids if they can help it? No wonder they want to race mix with us.

This is what race mixing is truly all about. Destroying the white race so that others can benefit.

It destroys a race that has recessive genes, and by that definiton, it is genocide.

Emily on Beyonce:
an ape in a dress is still an ape

Emily on Kim Kardashian:
This vile creature with one of the most masculine, coarse and unfeminine faces I have EVER seen in my life … looks like a transvestite…a gorilla has more grace and femininity than this.

She is chubby with short legs, fat thighs, a ridiculous and ugly behind, and I suspect fake breast.

Emily: comment to another poster:
you are Romanian (home of the huge, droopy and hooked noses).

Emily: comment to another poster:
Yes, laugh all you want to, Asian troll. That's all you are good for.

Emily: comment to another poster:
An asian/latin half-breed with fake blonde hair (wannabe Nordic) full of envy.

Emily: comment to another poster:
You just cannot stand your own Asian mongoloid looks, can you? Well, we whites don't want it either so keep it, please.

I would also like to point out, Emily, you often say that something is the truth, or fact, without offering evidence. When you do try to support your opinion with evidence, it almost invariably turns out to be some sort of subjective experience, not substantiated by research. For example:

"To say that openly is being racist, of course. I prefer to say it since it is the truth.

"Since I'm Swedish I can say that … Swedes aren't vain.

"I have lived in Italy and I can personally testify to that being not true at all. On the contrary, the impression I had was that…"

In essence, Emily, what you are saying is “I know that my opinion is true because I believe it myself”.

Similarly, pictures you found on Google are very interesting but they don’t really cut it as evidence for your claims, in any scientific sense.

You also often claim to speak for other people, for example:

"Having a physical preference is not racist - it is personal taste, and it happens to be shared by most men."

"This is of course my opinion, but I think it is shared by most Western men."

Emily, I think it’s better if you just say that it’s your opinion, instead of trying to speak for others. You certainly don’t speak for the majority of people that I know. The men I know would never compare someone’s skin colour with a “serpent’s belly” (and a dead serpent at that) or their backside with that of a “primate”. But then, I would not choose to be friends with someone who did that.

You also chide other posters for their prejudice, rudeness, malice, etc. I find this ironic, given the many quotations I have posted above. You have said to others, for example:
"No wonder you vent your aggressions and hatred here."
"The negativity seen in your words now have a subtle, but nasty and malicious tone"

I think you should read back some of your own comments, including those posted above, and ask yourself, honestly, in the cold light of day do not some of your own words appear aggressive? hateful? nasty? malicious? (I missed out subtle, because I don’t think that description applies in your case.)

Anyway, by your own account, you have been blessed with amazing looks. So here’s hoping life teaches you humility, grace and human compassion. Because they, too, are very beautiful things.


Tue, 09/15/2009 - 17:38 Mike The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

I would throw up if either Grace or Giselle showed up on my bed.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 17:30 Raya The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

The pictures of "other girls" that you post to compare to heidi klum are plain/average and just dog ugly. What the f is your problem? Are you totally blind? Jesus christ. Heidi Klum is not perfect or ugly but the girls you posted are very average looking, you obviously have very poor tastes. And that girl "Dana benn" looks like she ate one too many donuts, I almost threw up in my mouth. I'd rather look at Heidi's wide ribs and wide pelvis than those bags of donuts any day.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 17:17 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Oh my god. You are absolutely insane. Those girls are gorgeous and the one on the left has a perfect and elegant nose. You are right, you are a jealous person, as you admitted before. Insanely jealous and hateful."

Saying they have perfect noses over and over again doesn't prove anything. Few people have perfect noses, but you still believe that the majority of Swedes do even when they don't.

I claimed I get jealous sometimes, not that I am a jealous person. Everbody on this planet gets jealous. But you don't Emily. You don't sleep, eat, and shit either do you?

"This nonsense you spew is coming from someone who thinks Ekaterina's giant hooked nose is good-looking. You are an absolute joke, and also mentally ill, I think. You see things no one else sees. Your perception is totally removed from reality and your taste is so far off that you seem like a crazy person."

Yes, yes. I am a hateful mentall ill person who posts photos of kids and criticizes their appearance. I also make fun of whole cultures, relate children's looks to down syndrome, and I am the one that lives in a fantasy land where everyone like myself is considered "perfect" in every way.

I'M the one who needs a reality check right?

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 15:23 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh my god. You are absolutely insane. Those girls are gorgeous and the one on the left has a perfect and elegant nose. You are right, you are a jealous person, as you admitted before. Insanely jealous and hateful.

This nonsense you spew is coming from someone who thinks Ekaterina's giant hooked nose is good-looking. You are an absolute joke, and also mentally ill, I think. You see things no one else sees. Your perception is totally removed from reality and your taste is so far off that you seem like a crazy person.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 15:12 Emily Maria McBane

"Violet Corpus, YOU spew the hate you so unabashedly accuse Emily of doing, yet with foul language and ad hominem attacks on her character, though she has never done this to anyone personally, or otherwise. Name-calling and the foul language you employ will never give you the credibility that she has. The reason her comments inflame everybody is because she is WHITE and promotes the looks of whites. If she were Black, Asian, Latin, Indian, etc. no one would fault her. This is a double standard and it shows lack of tolerance, equality and fairness that everyone expects and demands. I'm white and will allow NO ONE, ever, to tell me that stating not only pride, but preference for other whites is wrong, or hateful. It is neither. You are entitled to your opinions and you state them without hesitation. Well I'm entitled to mine as well. So is Erik and Emily. There are a lot of people who prefer the looks of Northern European women and there is nothing, NOT A THING, wrong with that. If you are so disillusioned with the content of this site, why continue visiting it? You're not disuading anyone from their views. Why bother? Go somewhere else.

"Emily", (by the way, could you have at least used a middle initial or something), you don't have the first idea of what racism is if Emily's (the real Emily) opinions sound racist to you. Read through this site and you'll notice that she's said that in regards to LOOKS and BEAUTY she believes strongly that Nordic looks are best, and has stated why this is. She's on point too. Why else would so many others around the world emulate these looks?

Does she need me to back her up? No, I don't believe so. But I take it personal when I see someone who is white be so endlessly hassled for expressing pride in herself and others like her. I share her views on a great many topics. I have little tolerance for those who wish to infringe on MY rights to express my opinions, or who wishes to shut down anyone who wishes to share theirs."


This is one of the best and most well-written comments I have ever seen here. I am impressed. You say it so much better than I could since it is your first language. I think it is awful and revolting that white people are being bullied and intimidated from speaking their mind. It has to stop. This IS slowly turning into harassment and racism against whites, the very thing they accuse whites of, in other words. As for hatred, that is the pot calling the kettle black. I have never seen so much hatred than the one coming from non-whites attacking me because I am white and prefer my own race in terms of looks. I think whites should take note of this. We shouldn't tolerate being bullied and intimidated.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:42 Emily (other Emily) Eva Herzigova

Message to Emily:

You have been officially owned by Godis!

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:30 Godis Eva Herzigova

"This is so lame Godis....jeeez! Self-esteem, anyone? This is why you're mental stripping doesn't work in your favor. This is far beyond what people care about. I feel bad for YOU if this statement is true at all. If my commenting on it seems inappropriate, perhaps your mentioning it is inappropriate. It falls under the heading of "Too Much Information".

I'm sure you wouldn't understand. You probably feel good when someone likes you over your friend who likes them right? It's an ego boost.

Eff off.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:27 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

You know you really aren't like this, so please stop being like this on here.

Don't let your fears,ego, and pain transform you into the monster you are becoming. You are better than that. I can truly say I believe that.
