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Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:24 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, pity is not an argument. Personal attacks, saying I am such a terrible person, is not an argument. Try to use arguments instead of ad hominem attacks. Surprise me. ;)

Emily, I don't have to argue that you are a horrible person. The majority of people that read your crap can see that for themselves. Except for Barberella, which is like your long lost twin or you. Even a person from Sweden, called Line, doesn't believe you are from Sweden, because Swedes in general don't think like you... The majority of them know they are good looking, and they let their features speak for themselves. They don't need to convince with words, their physical body's do the convincing.

The only reason I argue with you is because I cannot stand the fact that such an ignorant person exists on this planet. You're comments are right down there with anything a red neck or kkk member has said.

"Surprise me;)"

Haha. You're funny. You are the one that resorts to personal attacks as often or more than me. Beyonce is a primate, Ekaterina is a dog, Romanians are all gypsies, Indians crap anywhere and everywhere, Asian babies all appear to have downsyndrome. Ok.

I don't have to prove to anyone with any argument that you are a horrible person. I wasn't trying to argue anything. I was simply trying to tell you that your comment pains me as a human being. I am not simply shocked anymore, but really scared.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:02 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh, and its funny how you claimed I ignored a lot of girls with "delicate" noses. No I didn't. The majority of photos you just posted feature women with robust noses. There are only a few here and there that don't.

For example in this photos, both these girls just have a weird nose and forhead area:


See the girl on your left, her nose is almost pinched in the area where the forhead and nose bridge meet. Then it comes out rather unelegantly, forming alomst a tiny bump. You see, this makes it seem as if her brow ridge were more protuding because of the contrast between the forehead and pinched bridge. So she actually looks masculine and even angry despite the fact that she is quite feminine. Hey, not everyone's nose looks good at every angle. But since you claim Swedes have such delicate fine features and then post these photos to prove it, I must hold you up to it.

Haha. You claimed only one had a bad nose, but really they both do. You let little things fool you. You absolutley ignore the negative.

If you claim what you claim, be prepared to be scrutinized for it. Your claims are so outrageous there is no way ANY race can live up to them. Not even Swedes! But like I said Germans for example are closer...

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 13:46 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Photo of Alicia Silverstone that won't display:

Alicia Silverstone Pictures, Images and Photos

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 13:44 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh look! Alicia Silverstone looks like CRAP in this photo and she STILL has a better nose than the majority of the Swedes in your photos:

alicia silverstone Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh look average girls with better noses! None of these women are Scandinavian:






Wow. Those were actually kind of hard to find, and I even looked for primarily Nordic women. I never realized how uncommon a decent nose is even in Nordic countries. I'm never going to complain mine ever again! It would be ridicilous considering the noses of some other people!

Either way, as you can see these women have better noses than the Swedish ones. I believe Nordics like Irish or German have better noses on average, and that is where I found the majority of the photos above.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 12:59 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


I used to think you were intelligent. Now I have 3 hypothesis:

1)You have severely below average intelligence because you argue pointless arguments against something that it seems you don't understand. Someone else must be typing out your arguments for you making them legible.

2) You are so desperate to stay ignorant that you will argue anything, even the stupid arguments that you have left that make no sense.

3)You are a five year old girl who has the mind of a 3-5 year old. Your older brother or sister thinks what you say is hilarious and decides to help you type out your nonsense on this site just to see the responses your insanity gets.

I am done arguing with you. You are an outrageous person.

You post photos of MORE Swedish women with robust noses to prove that Swedish women don't have robust noses. There are like 1 or two in there that actually have good noses.

You mention Romanian noses again. This is not a valid argument anymore. I have not compared Romanian noses to anything to make any point in my last post. Get over it and get a better argument.

Are you so dull that you still don't understand that I was referring to one specific photo of Kay Francis? Again, you act like a chicken without a head and go on posting DIFFERENT photos of Kay Francis' nose that I haven't referred to, to make an argument against NOTHING! Because I never said Kay Francis' nose in general is more romantic, but that in ONE specific photo it is. The photo you never post up to counteract my argument. You have to post OTHER photos up that I NEVER referred to. I swear you are like a chicken with no head that impulsivley does things like post photos and argue the same arguments that make no sense because of reflexes disattached to a logical thinking brain.

So Swedish women are the most beautiful women in the world right Emily? You complain that I use photos of celebrities that are professionally done or whatever. It doesn't matter. First of all, this complaint of yours simply proves that you obviously see that the photos you yourself post of perfect Swedes are less than perfect especially in the nose area. Secondly, you state yourself over and over that Swedish women are the most attractive on Earth. Well, if you have selected photographs of the most attractive women on the planet I believe they could compete with celebrities no? Because celebrities are selected for their attractiveness, but we have many celebrities that aren't even that attractive, and so it should be NO problem for the majority of Swedish women to compete since they are ON AVERAGE extremely attractive according to you right Emily? I mean it is your own statements that make it ok for me to compare them. The most attractive women on the planet on average should be able to compete.

But seriously, lets get real. The noses I posted of celebrities are accurate. Would you like me to post bad photos of each of those celeberities without makeup on to prove that still their noses are less robust than Swedish ones? I can even post photos of non-celebrities with better noses, but I simply don't have the time to find those. However, if you push me far enough I will just to prove you wrong once again. You are an unbelievable person. But please don't take that as a compliment, it is not.

There you go headless chicken with your all time favorite argument. It's like your throwing a tantrum every time you say this:


If you have never been jealous in your life well golly gee you must be above human. Of course though Swedes and Nordics in general are superior to humans right? But mostly Swedes because you are Swedish right Emily? Because if you were German or Dutch or Finnish than THEY would be the most attractive country on the planet, right?

Are you one of those people that believe some kind of super intelligent amazing beautiful powerful aliens came down to Earth and left some of their DNA here which resulted in these above human superior evolved Nordic people who rule the world because of their BEAUTY! Swedish people didn't evolve from monkeys did they? They are too good to be categorized as human, perhaps angels would be better right? Come on Emily, Come On! Get real. Nordics, even Swedes are more attractive on average. More attractive than Romanians or whatever. But don't act like you don't shit. Everyone does. People like you annoy the hell out of me. Would you like us to pave our roads with gold when you visit to? Surely a person of your superiority and beauty would not walk on anything else?

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 09:04 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

By the way, the photo of Megan Fox you used is pre-nose surgery, it seems. So I guess Megan disagrees with you and was not satisfied with the nose you chose as an example. lol

Not that there was much wrong with her nose before, but she wanted a smaller and straighter one, apparently, since it makes her more feminine. I guess the larger and bumpier Romanian-style elegance is kinda ruined now, then. ;)

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 06:57 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Hm..only professional studio photos? Are we getting desperate? :)

Look, no matter how desperately you want it to be true the Swedish noses are not in any way more robust than the other noses you showed. If anything the Swedish girls had smaller noses on average. Have you any idea how weird you look right now? The only thing you havemade a case for is that Swedes look lovely and have pretty noses. The Swedish girls actually often look prettier and more feminine in spite of their candid photos.

The usual studio photos of half-asian models (using the usual 500 watt bulbs) who all have had more or less extensive plastic surgery..really. The typical asian nose has a nose bridge that is underdeveloped, sunken. Hardly appealing, I think.

Typical Indian noses, not on a plastic surgery altered model/movie star under a 500 watt bulb.

Typical Romanian noses.

You can repost the same photo of Kay Francis as many times as you like. Each time you do that I will show what an unattractive, large, unfeminine and robust nose she has and point out that you know that. And then you think Swedish girls' noses are robust?? Jesus, can you get any more deluded. Your bias is clouding your judgement. Do you even realize what you say?

Kay Francis, the truth godis, a biased Romanian woman who likes to argue that Romanian large, gypsy-influenced noses are more elegant and refined than Nordic noses, doesn't show;

You insist on using Ekaterina's over-sized and unattractive nose as an example of an elegant nose even if her nose truly is robust in comparison to the fine and delicate Swedish noses. I think it almost looks broken, or like a bird's beak.

Elegance, according to godis;

This Swedish girl on the left has the same kind of nose you find elegant, yet you ignore her and others with the same type of nose just because you cannot stand Scandinavians. That jealousy of yours (you know you said you are a jealous person, right?) isn't working for you right now, is it?

And this girl on the left has that type of elegant nose, yet you ignore her and others who have the same type of nose since you hate Scandinavians. You focus only on the ones who have small and upturned noses, clearly just ignoring all the others since they disprove what you say.

These girls and MANY others were also ignored by you. Gee, I wonder why. You just ignore all the photos of Swedish girls with elegant noses, cherry-picking those with cute and upturned noses in order to make your case. lol

There are different types of noses here. Some have elegant ones and others are more cute. The thing they have in common is their femininity and fine form. I like to focus on femininity, and the larger types of noses that godis likes are not very typical for the feminine face, I think.


Tue, 09/15/2009 - 04:34 Emily Eva Herzigova

I have looked at more photos of Eva, and I think Erik is correct in that she is not a very feminine woman, but that she is as feminine as the homosexual fashion designers will tolerate. She has an appeal largely due to her open, warm and friendly face that makes her attractive, I think.

In some photos she looks sweet and rather feminine, but in others you see that she is masculinized, too. I thought the last photo of Nikky was bad in that it made Eva actually look feminine in comparison. Everything is relative. I think the photos you posted, Barberella, show her from her most feminine side, and it is those kinds of photos of her that I like. Some models, like Kurkova, rarely ever look feminine since their faces tend to ruin it.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 03:43 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Godis, pity is not an argument. Personal attacks, saying I am such a terrible person, is not an argument. Try to use arguments instead of ad hominem attacks. Surprise me. ;)

No one says you should use downtrodden or malnourished people as examples.
There are many wealthy blacks I could use. What's your point? Black is black, whether well-off or ordinary. If anything, ordinary well-nourished blacks are more genuine since they won't have altered (plastic surgery)their physical appearance, the way a wealthy black woman can do, so your argument works against you.

Well-off Swedish integration minister with her roots in Congo, Nyamko Sabuni;

Other wealthy blacks;

More blacks;

I think Erik's assessment is very correct. Physical appeal and attractiveness are linked to physical evolvement. Where there is less evolvement there is less appeal.

There are attractive black women, and they will be less coarse and more gracile with less prominent noses, thinner lips, smaller teeth, less protruding jaw, lighter skin and less wolly, wild hair. In other words, those who have more muted black traits, instead approaching the evolved Nordic white ideal, will seem more attractive than those with pronounced and heavy black racial traits, I think.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 01:09 Barberella Eva Herzigova

I think these photos are a bit more fair. Erik's are a little biased.

Eva Herzigova Pictures, Images and Photos

Eva Herzigova 2007 Pictures, Images and Photos

Eva Herzigova Pictures, Images and Photos

eva herzigova Pictures, Images and Photos

There is no denying that Eva's more recent pictures show a woman who looks in desperate need of a feeding tube. This is a sad reality of the world that is high fashion modeling. And the fuzz on her arms in the more recent pictures is a symptom of anorexia nervosa. It is the body's way of "preserving" warmth. Usually when someone gets to the point that this occurs, they are gravely underweight and unhealthy.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 00:52 Barberella Eva Herzigova

"The subject Barberella mentioned...", is what Godis? I've mentioned nothing on this thread so if you're referring to something else than address it there.

"I have actually tried to act stupid or make myself look worse around my one friend who liked this guy we were hanging out with, because he liked me not her. On the other hand, I have found myself upset when a guy I like will even look at a prettier girl than me."

This is so lame Godis....jeeez! Self-esteem, anyone? This is why you're mental stripping doesn't work in your favor. This is far beyond what people care about. I feel bad for YOU if this statement is true at all. If my commenting on it seems inappropriate, perhaps your mentioning it is inappropriate. It falls under the heading of "Too Much Information".

As far as Nikky vs. Eva, I used to think Eva Herzigova was quite pretty, but she is far too thin now. I think extreme thinness adds quite a lot of masculinity. She looks far too angular now in the face, and she also looks older than she is as well. Nikky looks trashy to me, even if her body is more feminine than Eva's. Eva is on the more feminine end of the spectrum, as far as fashion models go. I don't think Nikky would make it, not because she's too feminine, but because she's just not pretty enough.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 00:34 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures


"The black race is seen in its purest form in Africa - not in the US. Their attire has nothing to do with anthropology"

I was using an analogy. The analogy was that you cannot compare a rich well nourished educated woman who has professional photos taken of her and dyes her hair to a woman whose skin is constantly exposed to the sun, who has no hair, who has no education, and who most likely has a horrible diet that is either not nourishing enough or high in fat. I compared diamonds to bones to make it simpler, creating an analogy. I don't know if you truly cannot understand this because even if you were being sarcastic I would not catch on since you are such an outrageous individual in the first place.

Besides, even if you just wanted to compare the bone structure you have to realize that things such as diet have a large effect on that.

Emily( the other one)

"Isn't the sex of a child determined by the man's sperm?"

I understand this, but we don't know enough to say that is the only factor in determining a child's sex. It is probably more complicated. For example, maybe a female fetus will struggle to survive in the environment a high testosterone mother provides. Therefore a woman like that is significantly more likely to have males, because a male fetus can survive in that environment. I am not saying this is so, or that this even makes sense. I am saying that hypothetically, something like that could effect the sex of a child and it could be related to hormones. I am simply stating an observation that myself and others, some noted scientists, have noticed, and that there may be an explanation behind this and we should keep an open mind and look into it, rather than close the books and halt studying it because we believe we know it all already.

Tue, 09/15/2009 - 00:21 Godis From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"The fact is that the black race is the most primitive one - being closest to our primate ancestors - the least evolved one, the coarsest one, and also the most masculine. That is why it is also considered the least attractive one, just as Erik explains, since evolvement and appeal go hand in hand."

Even if we were positive this statement was 100% true, it was so cruel and cold I shed a tear. It truly makes me wonder... What if I were born black? What if Emily had been born black? Would she be able to type these very words?

I have to say Emily that I feel sorry for Swedes in general, because my overall impression of them is not the one you give me with your comments. They are generally open minded and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Thank God I don't base my idea of them on one person, YOU.

"You people need to lay off with the "racist" nonsense. Preferring the white race in terms of looks is not racist, it is a matter of taste. Just as you have a right to your preferences, so have others. I know, it is hard for you to grasp, probably.

Crying racist is getting old and fewer and fewer are jumping on cue as soon as you shout it anymore, since you have abused the word too often. It is losing its potency.

It is not anyone's fault that you are unattractive compared to whites. Blame evolution. If you cannot face that without labeling people racist I suggest you choose another site that is more politically correct and less honest. This site deals with physical appearance. Try to understand that."

I hope one day you will have to grasp the feeling of inferiority.It seems as if you have never felt inferior to someone in your life. Perhaps it will humble you.

Although I am Christian, the idea of multiple lives DOES appeal to me at this time. Although I don't believe one should be punished in their *next life, I wish in your next life you would be born one of the most "primitive" human beings to walk the Earth. Although, your primitive mindset and ideas actually seem to make you come close to such a human being.

I am very disappointed because I don't really believe you are the way you seem on here. I don't know why you act like this, I only wish you would stop. I am sure you really don't have that much hatred or those exact opinions on other races. I feel you are just aggravated, which is not anyone's fault but your own for letting others aggravate you that way. I myself have fallen into the trap of acting opposite of human when aggravated, but at least I can understand my mistake and try to move on.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 23:55 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Here are a few photos of pretty FEMININE faces you posted with nose far from robust:

This girl is really pretty.


This girl too:


Mon, 09/14/2009 - 23:48 Godis Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


In a sense I am slowly starting to see that many times Latin women can be just as feminine or more feminine than Nordic women. But I don't agree that Scandinavian women are as masculine as you make them sound on average. Actually Scandinavian women are more feminine than women of most other ethnicities on average. The problem is they are not as feminine as Emily claims them to be. Nor are they REALLY the most attractive women on the planet. You know what makes a Scandinavian woman attractive?

1)Slender tall build. Believe it or not height can be attractive on women. Although shorter women tend to be more feminine, tall women have an elegance to them that is harder to achieve by short women. I always envied taller women, although my height does make me feel delicate(when I'm in shape) and feminine especially around guys.

2) Attractive coloring such as light blonde-light brown hair(except for that weird yellow color that occurs naturally on some), blue eyes, and pink or tan(because they tan A LOT there I hear) skin. I personally don't like skin that is literally pink, but most people do. Especially males. I can see how rosy colors are attractive to males. After all the color pink has always been associated with females...I rest my case that warm colors are the colors that appear more feminine and not cool colors. Although cool colors will always add interest especially paired with warm colors. Often times, this is better than just having "feminine" adds so much more to a woman's beauty...

3)Good diet. A good diet will make everything nice. And not only do Scandinavian women have nice skin due to a good diet, they are in shape. Often these days it seems being in shape is even more important than having a feminine figure. I see it all the time.

4)Makeup, hair dye, and nice clothes. Look at Emily's photos. Rarely will you see a woman without makeup, nice clothes, and dyed hair.

5) Good education, wealth. An educated and wealthy person won't be working in the factory or worrying about paying the bills. Remember ladies, worrying and stress will cause wrinkles, and in general will make you look like crap. If you look at the photos Emily posts of attractive Swedes, they all obviously are at least average to above average in the money area.

6) Fine features. Generally, Scandinavian women have fine features. However, as Emily posts more and more photos I question this. Often times I see noses that are small but are slightly robust, cheekbones that are quite large and often high, and strong jaws. But I still believe that Scandinavian countries have a higher frequency of fine features compared to any other European countries besides Germany, Ireland, and various non-Scandinavian but Nordic countries.

This leads me to my next argument. I have argued with Emily about this robustity I see in Swedish women in the photos she posts. She accuses me of trying to portray a "Romanian" nose as more attractive than a Swedish one. This is not true. And I prefer to leave the Romanian nose out of this. I have agreed that Romanians do not have more attractive noses than Swedes on average, so the fact that she has to constantly make fun of Romanian noses puzzles me. It is supposed to be a poke at me(which doesn't do much considering I am satisfied with my nose in general as are other people a.k.a. all the men including pure Nordic ones who have found me attractive) and generally irrelevant to an argument. So, although I feel I am stating the obvious I will continue this argument on here because I feel the rhinoplasty section is more relevant. I also am going to show Emily how Swedish noses are far from ideal on many occasions. This time I will not be comparing them to more elegant bumpy/hooked noses, but I will compare them to straight noses so Emily cannot say I am trying to prove anything. The only reason I have not done this before was because I believe it is obvious, while it is not obvious for bumpy/hooked noses. In fact I will compare your photos of attractive Swedish women and fine noses to photos of PRIMARILY Nordic women.So here goes:

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone Pictures, Images and Photos

alicia silverstone Pictures, Images and Photos

Melissa Joan Heart:

Sabrina the teenage witch Pictures, Images and Photos

Melissa Joan Heart Pictures, Images and Photos

Julianne Hough ~ Clove Pictures, Images and Photos

Julianne Hough Pictures, Images and Photos

Liv Tyler

Lord of the Rings Pictures, Images and Photos

Arwen form Lord of the Rings Pictures, Images and Photos

Evangeline Lily (love that name btw!)

Evangeline Lilly Pictures, Images and Photos

evangeline lilly Pictures, Images and Photos

Mackenzie Rosman:

Mackenzie Rosman (Ruthie) Pictures, Images and Photos

Mackenzie Rosman Pictures, Images and Photos

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman Pictures, Images and Photos

natalie Pictures, Images and Photos

Megan Fox:

Pretty! Pictures, Images and Photos

foxxxy Pictures, Images and Photos

Randoms with romantic elegant noses:

(Asian woman with features shifted towards European norms)

From this section on Eriks site(highly doubt this woman is Scandinavian):


Another girl from Eriks site:










Now compare to YOUR photos:


( I can see how this one may not count as she is very masculinized, but you posted the photo of her trying to prove "fine" features)













Do you see the difference? Despite the fact that the noses of the women I posted above are generally longer and less upturned, the nasal bridge is thinner and more refined. In the majority of the photos you post of Swedes, the nose has a certain thickness or strength to the bridge that makes it appear more robust. Sometimes the bridge isn't even thick, but it is the way the cartilage sticks out or portrudes at the bridge. I can't quite explain it, but I am sure MOST people can see the difference. A tiny nose doesn't always mean a more delicate less robust nose.

Now you seriously want to compare THIS nose to the one I posted?






Do you in all HONESTY not see the difference? It is obvious. The nose of the Swedish girl you posted is dramatically different than the Latin woman's or Ekaterina's nose. Simple as that. That Swedish nose is pretty robust, while the photos of the noses I posted up have bumps or humps, they are not robust in general and not even close to the robustity of many of the photos you post up of Swedish women.

On another note I would like to adress the reoccuring issue regarding Kay Francis' nose. Why can't you understand that I am referring to one specific photo? I don't care how Kay Francis' nose looks. In that specific photo her nose matches my description. It wouldn't matter even if it were photoshopped. I am not referring to Kay Francis' nose in general, just her nose in that specific photograph. I have only posted that photograph of Kay Francis. I have stated this over and over. Why can't you understand? It is simple. You post photos of Kay Francis' nose and it is not relevant to anything unless it is the photo I was referring to, which it never is.


I also don't understand why you always look at the beauty of a people as a whole rather than the beauty of an individual. If a man has to choose between an Asian woman that is more feminine than a Swedish woman, which one will he most likely choose? The Asian one, despite the fact that the people of her race are less attractive on average. Why? Because he is not choosing the whole race, he is choosing the individual.

Which one would you choose?



I rest my case.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 23:28 Barberella Maria McBane

Violet Corpus, YOU spew the hate you so unabashedly accuse Emily of doing, yet with foul language and ad hominem attacks on her character, though she has never done this to anyone personally, or otherwise. Name-calling and the foul language you employ will never give you the credibility that she has. The reason her comments inflame everybody is because she is WHITE and promotes the looks of whites. If she were Black, Asian, Latin, Indian, etc. no one would fault her. This is a double standard and it shows lack of tolerance, equality and fairness that everyone expects and demands. I'm white and will allow NO ONE, ever, to tell me that stating not only pride, but preference for other whites is wrong, or hateful. It is neither. You are entitled to your opinions and you state them without hesitation. Well I'm entitled to mine as well. So is Erik and Emily. There are a lot of people who prefer the looks of Northern European women and there is nothing, NOT A THING, wrong with that. If you are so disillusioned with the content of this site, why continue visiting it? You're not disuading anyone from their views. Why bother? Go somewhere else.

"Emily", (by the way, could you have at least used a middle initial or something), you don't have the first idea of what racism is if Emily's (the real Emily) opinions sound racist to you. Read through this site and you'll notice that she's said that in regards to LOOKS and BEAUTY she believes strongly that Nordic looks are best, and has stated why this is. She's on point too. Why else would so many others around the world emulate these looks?

Does she need me to back her up? No, I don't believe so. But I take it personal when I see someone who is white be so endlessly hassled for expressing pride in herself and others like her. I share her views on a great many topics. I have little tolerance for those who wish to infringe on MY rights to express my opinions, or who wishes to shut down anyone who wishes to share theirs.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 22:07 Line Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Are you even scandinavian yourself? your name is not very scandinavian btw. i i would know. and btw i dont think you have ever been to scandinavia. trust me i would know what a scandinavian/nordic look like. And i find us to be more masculine then our southern neighbours. We are taller. not very feminine. bigger bones. thinner lips. broader noses. thinner hair, lower eyebrows and the list goes on and on. Im not saying that nordic people are not beautiful because they are but alot of nordic women wish they looked more latin or whatever.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 21:49 Line From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Du har noen seriøse problemer. Utrolig hva folk bruker tiden sin på spørr du meg. Snakk med en psykolog. Et godt ment råd.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 20:59 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Just to clarify my point; there are suitable examples of pure blacks in the US too. However, showing photos of racially mixed people who look almost hispanic instead of black, or of people who have had plastic surgery or other procedures that serve the purpose of hiding and diminishing black racial traits are totally unsuitable as examples of blacks, obviously. This excludes most models and movie stars.

All we need to do is find photos of African or African American women who are truly black in order to examine what blacks look like, so posting pictures in order to misrepresent the truth is rather silly. This goes for Asians as well.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 16:53 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"I purposely posted pics of African Woman and African American women. Even though African American women are more mixed, I still feel that we should be included in the conversation."

Not as examples of pure blacks. That is dishonesty, and even though dishonesty doesn't bother you, it ruins any credibility when it comes to anthropological facts regarding the appearance of the black race.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 16:49 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

"For instance, comparing Asians to children with downs syndrome, the way you attacked East Asians, the way you talked about Romanians, etc. Those negative things you said, all point to racism"

How is the truth racism? So objective truth regarding physical appearance is racism, as long as it is not what you want to hear? I see..very credible argument.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 14:48 Emily (the othe... From ape to human – the journey in pictures

To dex:

I purposely posted pics of African Woman and African American women. Even though African American women are more mixed, I still feel that we should be included in the conversation.

To Emily:

People attack you, not because they say within themselves, "Oh no! My Politically correct values are being threatened! What will I do?" It has nothing to do with that. It is the way you say things that indicates your racist leanings. You can just say things, and that would be fine. For instance, comparing Asians to children with downs syndrome, the way you attacked East Asians, the way you talked about Romanians, etc. Those negative things you said, all point to racism.

I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, seeing as how English is not your native tongue, I thought that maybe you were saying things that maybe didn't translate well. But your repeated attacks against specific peoples are troublesome and distressing. I am not a troll, I have been following this site for a while now because there are somethings I agree with, some that I don't.

To Godis:

Isn't the sex of a child determined by the man's sperm?

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 11:55 dex From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Since there are two Emily's now, what should will call you? Emily A?

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 11:53 dex From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Emily everybody in this site knows you're a racist, you don't hide very well. It's ok that you a preference for the white race, but don't insult my intelligence but trying to say that you are not a racist, a non-racist wouldn't use the language you use, and it has nothing to do with political correctness, what you written in previous post is racist there no context that says different.

Mon, 09/14/2009 - 09:55 Emily From ape to human – the journey in pictures

I have been wondering why these bitter trolls come here over and over in spite of the fact that they will not get what they want from this site.

Deep down they know the truth is being presented here, and even though they hate that truth, and no matter how infuriating it may be, the truth is also very much a potent draw.

After all, being fed political correctness and lies can't be that exciting and also somewhat humiliating, I imagine. It must also be annoying that not all white people can be manipulated and told to act like puppets on a string. No wonder you vent your aggressions and hatred here.
