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Sat, 08/01/2009 - 08:59 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 01:08.

"And anonymous, if no offense was taken, why respond to either post? Obviously, something struck a nerve...."

So the evidence you present for "Obviously, something struck a nerve...." is "anonymous, if no offense was taken, why respond to either post?" what a joker. I responded because you were attributing things to me that were not true, am I not allowed to correct false allegations? There you go again attributing things to me that I have never felt, Nothing you say or argue has struck a nerve with me but something is clearly biting your ass and something has clearly struck a nerve with you, something you obviously dont like. I know exactly what it is. LOL.

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 08:54 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"If you have no interest in semantics games "love", then why did you make the remark about looking less ethnic is not looking more European, when you know they mean EXACTLY the same thing?"

That is called responding to a comment thats not semantic games . I know what it means and I know it doesnt mean exactly the same thing so again dont attribute things to me that I dont believe, never have claimed to believe and dont attribute a thought process to me that I dont think and force me to percieve things the way you percieve them and want to percieve them. Wanting to look less ethnic is not the same as wanting to look specifically european.

"And hell no, I don't want nor need your approval. It's just that you, and the likes of you, are SO predictable, biting the bait as soon as a white person expresses pride in her nationality."

Listen to yourself going on Joker. Read my comments again what is with the likes of you that even if one can tells you a million times you they have nothing againt you freely expressing yourself and have pride in your race and preserve it you will still come back with "are SO predictable, biting the bait as soon as a white person expresses pride in her nationality". No one is bitiing the bait dear except you and if one was biting the bait then obviously its because you have put the bait out to be bitten and why would one do that because obviously somethings struck a nerve with you.

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 06:45 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

When I talked about hooked noses godis suddenly lost it and said to me that she wished that someone would punch me in the face and break my nose so that I would get just the kind of nose shape I dislike.

This is the kind of person she is. Someone who could actually wish physical harm upon someone else because that person prefers a straight nose to a hooked one.

She clearly took personal offense, and the reason, I believe, is that she yourself has a hooked nose. She is an envious Romanian who looks nothing like the girls/ethnicity she likes to bash.

Godis obviously cannot understand face shapes.
Using her criteria, the vast majority of stars have round faces - not oval ones - which is ridiculous since it is not even the universally preferred face shape.

A round face must have a distinct broadness to it, and the difference between length and width MUST NEVER be too large. Godis repeatedly includes faces where width and length differences are too large.

Overweight can mask the true form of a face, as can be seen in Marilyn.

The bone structure and skull shape remain the same, though.


Aishwarya Rai has a round face. She is older than Charlize Theron. So why doesn't she mysteriosuly develop into an oval face? Because her bone structure would never allow her to become an oval.

Aishwara Rai;

Examples of oval faces;

Marilyn Monroe (Without the puffiness);

Katherine Heigl;

Charlize Theron;

Kate Winslet;

Lana Turner. Here we really might speak of a borderline round face. I don't think she quite cuts it, but it's a close call.

Round face Cameron Diaz;

Round face Zeta Jones;

A round face Myrna Loy;

Examples of round faces;

Romanian girls;

Other Eastern Europeans;

Asian girl;

Indian girls;

Asians. An interesting thing to note is that Asian men are disproportionally round-faced compared to other men.

Godis called round faces "undesirable trait". She is wrong, though. There are many very pretty girls who have round faces. These girls are Ukrainian and Russian;

As you can see there is no need to try to misrepresent oval faced Hollywood stars. Round-faced girls hold their own quite beautifully.

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 02:53 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Roman noses are often hooked or bumpy, yes:


But, my nose is more this type of roman nose:


and like this from the front:

Katherine Heigl Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't like it because as you can see from the side it's sort of jutty, it just juts out. I like it from the front though. I'd much prefer to have a profile like this except slightly less upturned, than the roman nose above:

Nicole Pictures, Images and Photos

My eyes are this color:


When I wear mascara they get darker, to like this color:


It depends, if I'm wearing red or burgundy or something, they appear greener even with makeup on, if I wear black, they can get so dark from far away they appear black, like this:


Sometimes they appear a yellowish honey color. They do what hazel eyes do, they change color constantly and sometimes even depending on the season. Lighter in summer, darker in winter.

I am just stating all this so you can see that I am not being biased whatsoever. I share features in common with Eastern Europeans, Central Europeans, Northern Europeans, you name it, I really do. I'm not jealous of blondes, I am one. I don't have brown eyes, although I wouldn't think myself any less attractive if I did. Dirt green for an eyecolor isn't the most mezmerizing to have. I'm pretty, but I'm not frikkin Elizabeth Taylor. I'm just being honest, so don't accuse me of being jealous.

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 02:30 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

She was pretty cute! Now she's strong and elegant, although she did go through a freaky time wearing blood vials and kissing her brother and stuff:

Angelina Jolie Pictures, Images and Photos

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 02:28 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Audrey Hepburn had more of a square-oval type face:

Audrey Hepburn Pictures, Images and Photos

Audrey Hepburn Pictures, Images and Photos

She also had stunning eyes:

Audrey Hepburn Pictures, Images and Photos

Most people have a combination shape type, and not a straight out face shape. Liv Tyler for example has an oblong shape, but it is combined with an oval shape. Audrey Hepburn's shape was a square combined with an oval shape, similarly Angelina Jolie has a rectangle/oval face shape:

Angelina Jolie Pictures, Images and Photos

Although when she was younger, the fat placement made it appear round/square like:

Angelina Jolie young Pictures, Images and Photos

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 02:16 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Also, I'm sorry I don't want to go on with the face shape thing but I still believe that yes, even Marilyn Monroe has a round face, as well as Heigl. This is because the chin is rounded. Let me try to demonstrate. BTW, I think Marilyn Monroe was so much prettier pre-nose job. I mean she looks best with a natural blonde hair color, and her old nose.

Young Marilyn Monroe Pictures, Images and Photos

young marilyn gif Pictures, Images and Photos

Norma Jean Baker Pictures, Images and Photos

The reason I think Marilyn's face leans towards a roundish-oval face, or round face is because her chin is rounded. Many times the rounded chin is what seperates the oval from the round. Rounded chin, therefore round face examples. Look at the way the jaw goes into the chin. In oval faces the curve from the jaw into the chin is more pronounced, and the chin looks more pronounced. In rounder faces the curve is less pronounced and the chin blends into the face easier, except when smiling or talking or when angled a particular way. Many times yes rounded faces appear oval,but there is a slight diff. I guess its a combination shape type thing.:



The reason Marilyn appears to have a more oval face in the photo you posted above is because she has fat underneath her chin elongating it, and making it appear a different shape. When I gain weight in my face, the first place I gain it, is a slight fat underneath my chin. If the rest of my face doesn't catch up, my face will appear more elongated.



Now compare those two to Megan Fox:



As you can see Megan Fox's angle from the jaw to the chin is slightly sharper, and this makes all the difference. Although Megan Fox's face seems oblong many times it is not as you can tell from the photo above. A good example of an oblong face is Liv Tyler:



Marilyn has a more broad round face:


BTW: This is my natural hair color actually. In the summer it gets like 1 or 2 shades lighter into a blonde, but I add highlights to it to get it to a pretty light blonde. So I guess technically I'm not a blonde anymore unless its sunbleached, but I was when I was a kid, in fact it was white blonde up until the age of like 5:

Norma Jean Baker Pictures, Images and Photos

yes, its a very mousy color, hence why I get highlights to make it come alive lol

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 01:08 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

And anonymous, if no offense was taken, why respond to either post? Obviously, something struck a nerve.....

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 01:00 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"Wanting to look less ethnic, and wanting to look specifically european/Northern European is two different things."

Are they, anonymous? That's utter foolishness. And what do you suppose looking "less ethnic" actually looks like? It looks European!! Are you serious?

If you have no interest in semantics games "love", then why did you make the remark about looking less ethnic is not looking more European, when you know they mean EXACTLY the same thing?

And hell no, I don't want nor need your approval. It's just that you, and the likes of you, are SO predictable, biting the bait as soon as a white person expresses pride in her nationality.

When you can conceptualize a counter-argument that is intelligable, I will be here....

Until then, gloss over my posts, as it is abundantly clear that you don't understand them.

Sat, 08/01/2009 - 00:55 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I'm obsessed with my finger length because it seems to be an indicator of hormone levels, and someone who has high tesosterone levels is more likely to be infertile. It doesn't matter what I look like on the outside, it is important to be feminine overall. Women with high estrogen levels are 30% more fertile than women who don't. I am only 20, but I have a friend who is 24 and trying to concieve. She is having a lot of trouble doing it. I haven't asked her what the problem is because I feel that is somewhat insensitive, but everyone knows she is the one that is having fertility problems and not her husband. So, I guess I've developed this fear because having kids is like one of the most important things in my life for me. I really want to have kids and infertility would be my worst nightmare!


I could care less if you don't believe me abou tmy blonde hair. I like to analyze myself because I like to learn about myself.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 23:48 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

More oval face shapes.....


Angelina Jolie Pictures, Images and Photos

Audrey Hepburn Pictures, Images and Photos

Ally Pictures, Images and Photos

Meg Ryan Pictures, Images and Photos

All these women can fall into the oval faced catagory, with slight variations, a "perfect" oval face is rare, some are a longer oval, some more heart shaped, some a little more square, some even a little rounded.....

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 23:17 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

One more thing Godis: You do seem to be obsessed with the whole finger length thing, why is this? I already mentioned that if you are built like Lara Croft, or a traditional pin-up, than the finger thing shouldn't matter. If this sounds harsh, than I apologize in advance, but you do seem like you are lacking in some self-esteem, and self acceptance. I doubt seriously that consuming phytoestrogens is going to compensate for what you percieve as some "lack of" on your part. I'm guessing your age to be late teens/early twenties, so maybe because you are (presumably) young, you are questioning such things.

The whole "Erik I need you to tell me if I'm masculine or feminine because of my finger length" thing is bordering in hysteria. Who cares? What if he said that it meant that you were masculine in that regard? He has reiterated several times that it's the OVERALL appearance of a person's looks that is a determinate of one's femininity.

No matter how feminine or beautiful someone is, it means nothing if you lack confidence, which it seems you do. If I'm out of line by making these assumptions, then just remember that you were the one who brought these issues about yourself up. On an open forum, where you had to have assumed they'd be discussed, I might add.

I haven't offered any physical descriptions of myself because I'm very confident in my looks and femininity. Of course I have certain traits that deviate from the "ultimate" feminine, but I am extremely feminine and good looking overall. I won't go running to the mirror every time I read something on this blog that may contradict a "feminine" ideal, because I am FEMININE OVERALL. And that's what's important.

Regarding analyzing face shapes, Emily showed you, and I tried to explain. But you said you'd still think you were right no matter what, and if that's the case, than you'll be the only one who does.

I mean no disrespect, but this is a site intended for adults to openly discuss women's looks, and we have the right to agree (or disagree) with one another, with no hard feelings.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 20:18 Barberella Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

I am correcting myself, Miranda's face seems heart or diamond shaped, but her nose seems more "bumpy" than "bread".

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 20:09 Barberella Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Rose McGowan is very feminine, and attractive, and is also in Erik's attractive woman section. She has very fine features, not too prominent, as in masculine. Katherine Heigl is feminine. She's also in the attractive woman section, so Erik and I happen to agree on that, apparently. And Charlize is on the title page of that section, although as Erik's pointed out, she has some psuedo fem features, but attractive and feminine, nonetheless. Why do you need Erik to verify this for you? I'd like to say Malin Akerman, but Erik might not agree. She is fine featured, but maybe masculine. Who knows? I know what I find feminine and attractive, and that's good enough for me!

Malin Akerman Pictures, Images and Photos

Malin Akerman Pictures, Images and Photos

Malin Akerman Pictures, Images and Photos

Notice how her "Watchmen" look hardens her features, which I believe was the point, as she was supposed to be a "bad ass"

lucha Pictures, Images and Photos

That is just my, not anyone else's opinion....

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 18:05 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Er...that was JeNNifer Janesko, sorry for the inferior typing...

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 18:03 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

A testament to the claim that pin-up art will always be superior to the so-called "fashion" icons we are bombarded with every moment.....Jeffefer Janesko

yes Pictures, Images and Photos

Kiss my question mark Pictures, Images and Photos

What femininity is.....

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 17:56 Billy Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean long as we have free religion, no one is superior to anyone for their religious beliefs. Once again...marriage, when it comes to "religious matters", does not apply to the practice of marriage I have been discussing. I'm going to make this as clear as possible. I have been talking about legal marriage. Religious organizations can marry or not marry whoever they want. In fact, Unitarian Churches routinely marry homosexuals, but that does not apply to this debate, because those marriages aren't legal. You're engaging in a fight that doesn't even exist.

Homosexuals do not have the right to registered partnerships in this country. Read your own quote from Wikipedia. There are very few states that have offered registered partnerships, civil unions, or any of the like to homosexuals. As I have said several times now, I think that civil unions are a fair compromise at least in the immediate present, but, because I am not gay and certainly not a deciding voice for the gay community, my assessment of what is fair is not really at issue.

You say you're a Christian? What about John 13:34: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." This was Jesus's commandment to his disciples; the one rule that would replace all previous rabbinical law. Nothing trumps it. Even if you believe that you are in a position to judge anyone else (which of course the New Testament strictly forbids) you must do so from a position of love if you want to represent Christ's example. Also, though Paul was careful to say that marriage is not a sin and that in the following quote, he did not speak for God, he advised against marriage in any form: 1 Corinthians 7:32-33, "But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife." So marriage may not be as universally celebrated among Christians as you think, or at least it has not always been as celebrated as it is today. Paul did, however, believe in love: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered." If "love" is the sole commandment of Christians, are you sure you are one?

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 16:50 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

And I'd also venture to say that Bettie is of N. Eurpean descent, if you notice the nose, face shape, and skin and eye color. Her hair was tinted black. That is not why I say she's beautiful. She is because she is feminine. And I forgot to mention the Drew Barrymore aspect of the face shape. Katherine Heigl+Drew Barrymore= a diamond shape, but that may be way off. There are so many other variables.

Emily, look at the self-esteem section, I posted more pics, one that will blow "booty mans" theory out of his murky

You'll know the one I'm referring to....

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 16:32 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

By the way, as I just read this thread since last night, after posting the pics I just did, I would have to say that Marilyn is oval faced, I still think Charlize is, Meghan (?) has a long, but oval shape. Emily's pics of Marilyn showed her through various parts of her life, when her weight had a tendency to fluctuate, but the basic shape is oval. Are you asking me if your face is oval in contrast to Katherine Heigl's? I can't say. I'd say her face is pretty much oval. What Emily has said, that you might have glossed over, for whatever reason, is that their probably isn't one "perfect" oval shaped face. There are many other variables. When I said that I assessed face shapes "all day long", I was saying that I'm a hairstylist, and that is a part of my job. That makes me no expert, but it means that I tend to think about it more than the average person, because it's part of my job. Knowing something about anthropology, as I'm sure you've brushed up on it since coming to this site is this: Sweden, parts of Norway, and small parts of the populations of the British Isles have a skull type called Halstatt (sp?), or Osterdal, and that type is the most common in Scandinavia. It is probably safe to say that Emily is of that type, since she is a Swede. It is the "most Nordic" of all the Nordic types, and opinions aside, is the most desirable. I am in no way trying to insult anyone who is non-Nordic. I am half Dutch, half Irish, as my parents are extremely interested in their specific national origin, and has researched this extensively. Too many Americans have lost touch with their European roots, and that is sad. Well, that was a little off topic....I think that Emily has a lot of good information to offer, but I think that the animosity is to the point that no one will listen, which is unfortunate. Back to the question: If your face shape resembles Katherine Heigl's is it oval? I'd say yes.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 16:06 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, as I do not want to offend you by saying that Romanians cannot be beautiful, I found these pics for you....

romanian girls 04 Pictures, Images and Photos

romanian girls 03 Pictures, Images and Photos

romanian girls 02 Pictures, Images and Photos

Hope that clarifies....and as mentioned before, one of my all time favorites...........



Hope that covers it.....

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 15:37 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Although leaving her modeling career behind in the '50's to live a religious life, one cannot argue the beauty and femininity of Bettie Page.....



more Irish and German girls....





And for the guy who said Norther Europeans had "flat backsides", a Swede


Fri, 07/31/2009 - 14:27 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"And yes I'm a natural blonde, it has darkened over the years though and I don't care if Emily doesn't believe me on that. I have no biases against pale skinned blondes, I happen to be one of them for God's sake."

A bait, I see. The narcissism needs nourishment..

You were the one saying you bleach your hair, and you said you have a roundish face, a hooked..excuse me..Roman..nose, and hazel eyes, and you also speak very aggressively against blondes, so no, I don't believe you.

You're just another envious brunette/brown-eyed/hooked nosed/round-faced b***h who wants to diss Nordics and try to say you're blonde so we should take you seriously and not see how full of envy you really are. I'm sorry but I cannot stand liars.

You constantly, non-stop, badmouth Nordic girls, especially Scandinavians, since you know they are widely regarded as the most beautiful.

Yet, non one ever speaks of Romanian women and their beauty, now do they? Probably for a reason. Most of them look like hell compared to Nordics. Sorry, if I sound rude but you deserve it.

You are also one of the most egotistical neurotics I have ever seen. You can literally write page after page about yourself, and if you post photos of other women it is only to compare them to yourself.

Erik knows that if he answers you he will get another ten large comments full of boring self-analysis. That's all you are good for, and you still have no clue what a round face is. You try to say you are confused and don't know whether or not you are feminine or not since one of your fingers doesn't have the right size. You're a joke.

The only reason you do this is to make people talk about you and discuss you. You know what? We don't care about your finger size and we don't care about your looks. My god, don't you have friends? Ask them what you look like if you are too blind to see. If you have to ask again and again, one has to conclude that there really is cause for doubts. Answer: No, you are not feminine. Now go away, please. lol

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 14:07 Emily Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

"Marriage" as a word has nothing to do with gender but is defined as the intermingling of two substances into one."

Oh, stop the semantics. It is intellectually dishonest. Marriage, when you talk about religious matters, IS the union between man and woman in every religion - not betweeen two ketchup bottles, or two men, or women..

Homos deliberately intend to blur and confuse the issue since it would open the door to marriage. I'm sorry, I don't believe you for a second. When you give homosexuals their right to registered partnership that is suddenly not enough. They constantly want to move the bar, and they do intend to try to force the Church to marry them, so stop the hypocrisy.

And, yes, two Christians of the opposite sex have the moral right to be married, and the Church marries them with joy. Don't try to ever make heterosexual and homosexual couples the same when it comes to marriage within the Christian church, because you are not equal to us, and never should be or will be, and that is the end of it, as long as we have free religion.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 09:56 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 00:49.
anonymous: say what you will, but I don't believe I spoke for ALL non-Europeans, but there are a vast majority who do.

I am saying what I will. I never denied there are people who try to emulate the looks of Northern europeans. Emulating something proves one is trying to look like that thing they are trying to emulate but it doesnt prove or isnt prove of a relationship/linkage b
between that which is emulated to beauty. If you believe the link is beauty then that is what you must prove.I pointed out that NOT all non-european women emulate the looks of Northern europeans which is a fact.

"Just check out the "Tyra Banks on Honesty" thread for further discussion of this. Tyra even admits that her hair is a weave because her natural hair would not have been "marketable" in the industry (modeling) that she had pursued. She also interrogates the Korean American woman, who got eyelid surgery (to look less Asian, as the woman admitted), on the "real" reason that she got the surgery.That real reason was to be more European looking."

Wanting to look less ethnic and wanting to look specifically european/Northern european are two different things.

"Im assuming that you are non-white, and are taking offense because a white woman daresto say that the looks of those of her race are beautiful and worth preserving."

Never assume especially if your going to attribute false beliefs/feelins to people.I am non white-european.I have took no offence to anything though it appears that you
clearly have too offence and greatly wish that I would take offence as it would justify your statement "and are taking offense because a white woman daresto say that the looks of those of her race are beautiful and worth preserving" and hence are clearly trying to attribute things to me which I have never felt nor said.You can dare to say what you like dont let me stand in your way honey, and you can preserve the looks of your race all you like no ones has ever stopped you in the past, there not going to stop you now,but theres no point in telling me how you wish to preserve your northern european race. I am not northern european and hence have no interest in what you do to or with your race.

"There are countless sites on the net proclaiming Asian, Latin, Black Beauty,etc. and those sites are considered perfectly fine. Well I happen to believe that N. Europeans are beautiful just as they are, but I'm not supposed to say this. Too bad."

You believe "N. Europeans are beautiful just as they are" but your "not supposed to say this" but you've just said it. I dont have any interest in semantic games love. You can believe what you like you are free to hold onto your beliefs. You know who you find beautifull,I know who I find beautifull and it isnt the Northern Europeans/Europeans and I also know that I dont need/want your approval but it appears you want mine.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 08:12 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"And Emily I just LOVE how you always try to associate any undesirable feature to Eastern Europeans."

Godis, I just love how you try to apply a typically Eastern European trait (round face) to those who clearly don't have them. :) A round face may not be the ideal, but it is a trademark of the E. Europeans. There are round faces in the West, too, but it isn't typical the way it is in the East. Also, there are pretty girls with round faces, too.

Katherine Heigl, Marilyn Monroe and Charlize Theron all have oval faces.

Megan Fox is approaching a long face, it seems;

One thing to note is that overweight tends to make you appear more round-faced. Marilyn often put on weight. When she was slim her face had a clear oval shape, and that was her true shape.

A bloated Marilyn with hair obscuring her face. Now appearing clearly roundish.

Charlize's face has always been oval. My photos show conclusively that she has an oval face.

Here are more photos of round faces (not all are round but you will get the point)

Eastern European girls;

I also found a Swedish girl with a roundish face:

And another who might be a round face but it's hard to tell from an angle:

Grace Kelly had fine, delicately sculptured facial features and that is what matters. She is not at odds at all with what I have said about the ideal feminine face. She is a little broader than usual, but she is never coarse.

Fine features can be found in round faces, too, as this E. European girl demonstrates.:
