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Wed, 08/05/2009 - 09:08 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Emily on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 18:02.
"Barberella, it's no use responding to these people because they are simply baiting you. It's funny, I see it more clearly now when it is happening to someone else"

Ofcourse no use responding to something you wholeheartedly agree with....LOL

"These people who probably have noses the size of a large pizza plate come to a blog named "Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose." LOL

Why do you think they check this thread? Because they love their fine, huge black noses? Hardly. They are envious and hateful. They try to conceal it but it's not nearly working"

So the argument is no one is allowed to not be enamoured/swept away by fine features because its not humanly possible its against nature and if they do feel such a way its not what they really feel there only secretly trying to "conceal it but it's not nearly working" as no other truth other than this one is humanly possible. It wasnt without good reason even Erik Holland noted your pettiness. Now I know I really am dealing with a bunch of JOKERS!

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 05:55 Emily What is sexy?

I forgot to sign again. The comment about Amy Adams is mine..sigh.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 05:54 Emily What is sexy?

I love Kate Beckinsale in the film Pearl Harbor. She was very feminine, sweet and lovely in it, I think. She is sexy in a classy way, just like Amy Adams, for example, or Nicole Kidman.

This is Amy Adams. She is feminine and sexy in a cute and sweet way, I think;


I especially like women who can be sexy in an "old-fashioned" way, with style, sweetness and allure, like the stars in old film noir movies, for example. I don't like vulgarity. Today sexy often seems to mean vulgar, when in fact the opposite is true.

Suggesting something is often much more sexy than flaunting it. At least I think so. Since I'm not a man I'm not an expert, hehe.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 04:45 anonanon Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

of course the Nordic nose is the perfect nose

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 04:20 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"I am simply intrigued by myself and other women"

Yes, you are intrigued in that you love to talk about yourself and could easily write a 500 page book on the subject. Intrigued in that you love to talk badly of women far more attractive than you, especially Scandinavian blonde and blue-eyed girls. Envy? bet.

As soon as someone is slender you say they are not hourglass shapes, it seems. Well, you might be a semi-fat hourglass shape, but you are also someone who mostly Middle Eastern men would find attractive.

You complain that men won't be serious with you. Well, would you be serious with you if you were them?

Men obviously prefer slender, in shape women who don't talk about themselves all day long, and that is why they won't be serious with you. You are just not the kind of woman they want for a serious relationship, and I can see why.

I haven't met many men since I have always been in serious long-lasting relationships, so I never needed to, and men who met me have always wanted to see me and be with me in genuine, serious relationships.

I am totally unfamiliar with the reality you describe, and I don't blame everything on the men you meet. Surely, there has to be a common factor since they seem to treat you with disinterest and a lack of respect.

Men detest egotistical women, just like women detest egotistical men. You are 20 and you already look like that, by the way? You are short, too, so that doesn't help. Your metabolism won't increase with age, you know. Go out and jog, and go to the gym and get a decent body, instead of spending your time in front of a computer talking about yourself and eating popcorn all day.

By the way, skin colour doesn't prove race. You got that wrong. There are gypsies in Romania who have fair skin, for example.

All you have shown is that your ego-centricity has no limits, you are unattractively overweight, and you have been dishonest in describing your face shape.


"Plus, yes I do wish that you get a hooked nose."

"If you were to break your nose I would hope it would turn extremely big and robust."

"I am naturally nurturing"

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 22:10 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I forgot to put my name, but I wrote the above.


"I think that every woman masculine or feminine is like this to a certain extent."

I don't really believe every woman is naturally nurturing, but I think it should be that way.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 21:52 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Oh and Emily,

Stop claiming I wish harm to people. You are overexaggarating my statement about a broken nose. You're being a drama queen. It was a way of expressing my anger and also a harsh way to make you realize that you too could end up with something you so hate. I was just trying to show to you that you could end up with a bad nose, so you shouldn't make fun of people with bad noses. It's as simple as that. Many people break their noses.

I wouldn't hurt a fly. It is not in my nature to be insensitive like that. However, on here I feel like I have to be. I feel like I have to put up a certain image just to get you to pay attention to what I am trying to say. If I am not wild and outlandish you will simply dismiss what I say. At least this way you are paying attention to something.

I am naturally nurturing and will be the first person to take care of someone when they are sick or in need of help. I treat animals better than most people treat other people for God's sake! I have my flaws, and sometimes I am insensitive, but everyone even tells me that I have very motherly instincts. It seemed that they have just skyrocketed these past few years. I am literally turning into my mother, just the other day I called MY parents to make sure they were ok and coming home soon!

Sometimes I even worry about complete strangers. At work I always get 100% customer service reviews because I feel really bad if I can't help people find what they need! It's just in my nature to make sure someone is taken care of and happy. I think that every woman masculine or feminine is like this to a certain extent. I don't see how they can't be. I never understood how some women don't want children either. NEVER! I understand it from a logical point of view, but my emotions are too attached to family and relationships to live without certain ones

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 21:23 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"and a teacher she had in school once who was mean to her, but at the same time seemed to appreciate her looks"

What is that supposed to mean? I don't get how that is related to anything. I just feel it is a strange example to use really...

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 21:22 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I didn't mean that you wish I would attain those features somehow. I mean you wish I had those features in the first place, so putting me down would be easier for you. I am not the ultimate narcissist, you are. You are the one that constantly speaks of the Nordic race, and no other race. You claim you have to defend your race and the misconceptions that people post about them on here, however you are really defending yourself. I posted those photos for many reasons, one of them to dispell your notion that I am a round faced, hooked nosed ugly Romanian. As you can see I look just as normal as any Nordic from face shape to skin tone, to body type. I don't have a super round or robust face, or any of the other ideas you give anyone about me. Just as you defend your Nordic race, I defend myself and the fact that your ideas about my ethnicity are false and exaggarated. I am not the exception either, there are many other "Romanians" like me. You are ignorant to the extreme.

Ultimatley, I do want to know if I am considered feminine or masculine, my posts are not based on narcissism. I don't think Erik is the ultimate expert on the subject,if there even are any experts on this subject, however if he decides to give me his opinion, I would be interested in it. Similarly, I am always looking for ways to boost my health and attractiveness. I strongly believe in self-improvement or self-evolution. I would love to know of any healthy ways for one to be more feminine. I don't see why there is anything wrong with this. My comments were not addressed to anyone but Erik. I don't even have to answer you in the first place.

I am simply intrigued by myself and other women. What really makes someone attractive? This is a subject I am interested in and something I want answered for reasons ranging from philosiphical to self-gain. However, I don't think the answer is as simple as Erik and others are making it out to be, not that he claims he has all the answers. A lot of factors determine someone's physical attractiveness, some we may not even be aware of at this point..
I do have self-esteem issues just like anyone else. However, I think you guys are blowing it out of proportion. I'm fine. But I have my issues as well. Either way, you two (Emily and Barberella) read my posts as if I am a desperate insecure girl looking for answers. It's easy to misread emotions or the way something is meant to be said, when there is no expression to see on someones face or tone of voice to hear that indicates exactly how they mean what they are saying. Facial expressions and voice tone probably make up most of the meaning of anything that is said. Therefore, you see me a certain way, but I see my posts in a totally different light. I see myself as someone who honestly wants to learn about herself and is giving Erik all the facts so he can accuratley assess what I want to know for myself, without revealing too much (I would never show him my face for example, or anything too personal). You act like I am begging Erik for an answer and that whatever Erik says will make my life or break it. Hardly. I would not allow my perspective of myself to be determined by anyone but myself. I will however allow their perspectives to shape my perceptions of myself, but in the end I utlimatley define myself by becoming who I want to be to the extent I can.I want to know his opinion, simple as that. It doesn't mean what he says is true, but it's always nice to get feedback and see other people's points of view.I try to keep an open mind although naturally I am a very stubborn person. This goes against my nature, but is my ultimate goal. I believe the foundations of genius lie in open mindedness, not that I'd ever be a genius, it is just my philosiphy.Back on the subject... I know what I think of Erik and what I think of his advice. I think Erik is helpful and knows some truths to what beauty is, however, he like the rest of the world isn't even on the verge of understanding beauty 100%, and neither am I. At least he knows something about something though, and I find that valuable.

"Godis, I'm not commenting on your looks, I'm actually asking if you'd consider speaking with a counselor or therapist. If you say that guys only think you're beautiful until they try unsuccessfuly to get in your pants, I would say that it is typical of girls with low self-esteem to attract the kind of men that will degrade you and demean you"

Here we go with the self-esteem issues again. I'm sorry Barberella, but I think what you don't understand here is that I do not allow men to demean or degrade me. I don't let them get in my pants, that is the point. I would be allowing a man to demean and degrade me if I had sex with him knowing that he is in the relationship primarily for sexual reasons. That is one reason I don't have sex with men, even those I have been dating for months at a time. Men will go through a lot for that, I don't give in. I believe I have high self-value overall. If I had low self-confidence I would do anything, even have sex with someone, to feel wanted and appreciated.

Yes,I have my moments where I don't feel good about myself. Like for example, when I realized that I have a lot of masculine qualities and therefore must be masculine and not attractive at all. I can be a drama queen and sometimes I have my reason for being one ranging from boredom to experimentation with people's reactions. However,deep down inside I know very well I am just fine, but that doesn't mean I have reached my potential in terms of my attractiveness. I'd also like to note that the reason I have been concentrating on myself more than anything else lately is because my attention has slowly shifted away from what makes populations of people attractive to what makes me as an individual attractive and how my attractivness can be improved. In the end it doesn't matter if a population of people is on average attractive. I would love to know the reason why certain populations of people are more attractive on average, however in the end it doesn't affect me. I am unique and I don't easily fall into any population of people, just like most people don't. Very few people will carry all the stereotypical traits of their ethnicity and even if they do, those characteristics will be unique and eventually judged individually.Very few Nordic women will have the typical Nordic nose, the typical Nordic eyes, the typical Nordic bellybutton, the typical Nordic body shape. Do you get my drift? Similarly, if they did it might be fascinating for an hour, or a week, or a certain period but soon become boring. Besides, one stereotypical Nordic nose may shift towards attractive while another won't. It's all in the details in the end and how all the features harmonize together. No one has the same combination of features or features alone, even if they are similair. When it comes to beauty one slight detail can make one person more attractive than the other. Even when it comes to twins there is always something about one that makes her more attractive than the other. Why is that? On the other hand, in the end, one woman alone cannot win the most beautiful woman in the world award. This is because although the majority of people in the world are all intuitivley attracted to a certain set of features, every person has his or her preferences tailored to their own needs. A man with a small button nose, may find a woman with more of an elegant aquiline nose more attractive subconciously in hopes that his children will ultimatley have a more balanced nose. On another note someone may admire a certain type of nose for its character, therefore this person doesn't want a mate that will balance everything out, but add a distinct feature they would like to see passed on for their own subconcious reasons. We barely know how the brain works and how attraction is related to that. I believe everyone's brain is wired a specific way for specific reasons relating specifically to themselves and their interests.

You also think I have low confidence because I think I am overweight. This is an example of my point before. The way you read it was not the way I intended it be interpreted. Had you understood my tone better, which is partly my fault for not expressing better through my words, you would understand that I hold no emotional attachment to the words: I am overweight. I am simply overweight. This means nothing to me except that I simply have been slightly negligent in managing myself and the result is some extra fat around the hips. I don't weigh what I should for my height and age. It is simple as that. My weight is only a slight problem. I went to college and got fat, it isn't something uncommon in the United States unfortunatley. However, I am confident in my ability to become healthy again in terms of eating right and exercising. It is all a matter of making up my mind to stop being lazy. Don't worry lol I'm not anorexic, I find a woman is most attractive at the weight she was created to be. In the end I simply stated that I am overweight, because my weight makes me appear more masculine. I appear more masculinized than if I were at my appropriate weight. I actually am at a strange point right now, because my weight is fluctuating up and down as it does before I really start to lose it and go back to normal. When this happens the first place I lose that weight is in my breasts, which is also the first place I gain weight. So my breasts appear smaller compared to everything than usual. My body hasn't had time to catch up, and therefore looks bigger in relation. That is why I appear more masculine than usual, not to mention my chubby arms are the worst! Either way, the point is that I want to know if I am feminine or not and since I am overweight I believe it is an important thing to add. I embarssingly weigh almost 140lbs which is far from the 115-120 pounds I should weigh. 140 would be fine if I was a few inches taller but I am not. This is the heaviest I have been in my life, I am lucky I put weight on pretty well and in the right places. However, I am sure that if I were 5 pounds heavier I would really start to lose any shape I had.

I also agree on your view related to obesity. Being overweight or obese should not be a lifestyle choice. It is a health problem. People were not designed to carry more fat than they can handle around. Obese people will not function in the world as well as people who are at a healthy weight in many aspects. This is simply because the human body was not designed like that. I will just state again that a person is most productive and attractive at their healthy weight range. I do not support promoting women who are overweight as beautiful. I realize I may sound a bit harsh and insensitive. I myself can gain and lose weight easily, so although I gain weight, especially after I reached the age of 19, I never had trouble losing it. I suppose I never will as my mother is almost 50 and never really struggled with serious weight gain. So I understand for someone like me who has not gone through the emotional issues attached to weight gain, it is easy say such things. I believe weight problems start at a young age, and are usually the result of poor diet choices by the mother for her children whom have no control or understanding in relation to their eating habits. This may also be a cycle in the family, where the mother has such bad eating habits she cannot overcome them and as a result she passes them on to her children by feeding them what she herself eats, and therefore conditioning them to eat a certain way. Another way this can happen is if the parents are too busy to pay particular attention to the foods their children and they themselves eat, therefore ignoring a problem until it becomes hard to reverse. Successful weight loss is all in the mind, and it is hard to rewire the brain after it has been hardwired by a lifetime or childhood of bad diet choices.I believe eating habits are some of the hardest to overcome or change, not to mention it is natural for our body to want to store fat as this is a survival mechanism to avoid any possibility of starvation.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 17:59 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, I'm not commenting on your looks, I'm actually asking if you'd consider speaking with a counselor or therapist. If you say that guys only think you're beautiful until they try unsuccessfuly to get in your pants, I would say that it is typical of girls with low self-esteem to attract the kind of men that will degrade you and demean you.

I think the over-analysis of your looks on this site should stop. Yes, this site deals with feminine beauty, but in the context of fashion models and beauty pageant contestants, and the over masculinization of women in these realms, as well as a possible solution to fixing what has become a horribly twisted ideal.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 17:43 Barberella What is sexy?

Of course, I did not mean to post the bathing suit pic three times, my apologies, I meant to post the following 2 pics ....



Sorry for the mistake, I might add that there are also some photos of Dita Von Teese, where she appears more glamorous and sexy, than the Bettie Page wannabe that she usually looks like.




Once again, sorry for the previous post's errors

-Barberella (Veronicka)

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 17:31 Barberella What is sexy?

Sexy......? I say Kate Beckinsale, because of her more than the average typical femininity, maturity (as opposed to "girliness"), and overall class, I think classiness is another precusor of sexiness, it diferentiates it from cheapness...





Tue, 08/04/2009 - 15:22 Emily Seasonal variation in men’s ratings of women’s attractiveness

(Referring to the Forbes link.)

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 15:20 Emily Seasonal variation in men’s ratings of women’s attractiveness

I think that study is strange. The world is full of very handsome men. Well, at least here where I live, but also in the countries I have lived in and visited in Europe.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 13:22 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Why you are so stubborn, I can't decide, I think you are beginning to mentally self-destruct."

Godis wants a non-stop debate about herself. As soon as we all agree on something the focus on her will be gone, so she has to come up with crazy statements to fuel the debate, cause confusion, and direct attention on her.

It was her finger, next it will be her toe, or right ear that bothers her, and a teacher she had in school once who was mean to her, but at the same time seemed to appreciate her looks, and what does it all mean.. This nonsense could go on forever. I will just ignore her.

Note that it is all about her, and how you now focus your energy and attention on her, and on figuring her out. Narcissists love that. The only thing they really cannot stand is indifference.

Godis, I don't want you to have a watermelon head. Unlike you I don't wish people ill, you see. The very negative impression you have made here is entirely your own doing.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 04:58 Ingrid Seasonal variation in men’s ratings of women’s attractiveness

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:52 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I wasn't exactly sure where to bring up this topic, but I had the misfortune of watching a new reality show on Fox, called "More to Love", a show that celebrates the beauty of "Real Women", i.e. obese women. I realize that this will sound insensitive, but I don't really care. Obesity is NOT a "life-style choice". It is a serious, and often fatal health condition. Overweight people in the US would now like to recieve disability benefits, and some have threatened to sue certain sports venues because the seats could not accomodate them, stating that it was discrimination.

For most overweight people, it is a choice, a choice to eat unhealthily, and engage in a sedentary, lazy lifestyle. I'm sorry, I've had friends and family members, for various reasons, start gaining weight, but then, made a concious choice to lose it, through hard work, determination and support.

Americans have become so selfish and self-indulgent, that they'd rather lower their standards, than set the right example. It's no wonder the rest of the world sees us as a joke.

More free money for lazy people? Isn't there enough of that going on here as it is?

Telling women that it's OK to be overweight is the same as telling them to be anorexic, in theory. I'm a "Real Woman", I have curves, I'm not underweight, I'm at an ideal weight, so that should be a good thing, right? Apparently not.

This is an extremely dangerous attitude, as well as irresponsible. Not to mention the Fox network exploiting women, whom you could see had some serious self-esteem issues.

Just had to get that off my chest...

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:25 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Barberella, sorry but yeah, my post adressing you and Emily both but I wasn't specific. Mostly because I am ranting on. But, I do have a life. Again, right now I am studying and doint this stuff in between my breaks. I also multi-task A LOT. And I'm not calling you creepy. Emily saved photos of people on her computer before, and they reappeared after they had already been removed from online.


You mentioned if I was attractive I should get feedback in real life. Well, yah guys always tell me how beautiful I am until they find out I won't do anything with them. Then I'm not so beautiful anymore, and yes when guys leave you because of your beliefs it eats away at your self-esteem and makes you really lonely because you're the only 20 yr. old girl without a guy because you wont do what it seems most 20 yr. old girls do.

Anyways, yah I have self-confidence issues. But I would really like to know why I am such a strange feminine-masculine hybrid as well.

and I don't doubt you are attractive either Emily, but I also don't doubt your ignorance on the attractiveness of people that don't look like you, a blue-eyed blonde Nordic.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:18 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

lol and my belly button is not usually that round, its more oval, but im fat lol

My ribcage is also covered in fat, so it looks huge. But either way, this just shows that:

a) I don't criticize any of Eriks work because I'm super manly or jealous or anything
b) I'm white
c) I don't have a watermelon head or anything Emily is hoping I have

I also want to note Barberella that I think Malin Akerman is very beautiful as well. She has a really pretty feminine face, but well defined, which is always a plus. She always reminds me of Barbie, but not in a bad way.

akerman088.png Pictures, Images and Photos




Don't they look almost exactly the same? I do agree that out of any Europeans, and any Northern Europeans: Germans, English, Irish, etc. Barbie most resembles Swedes. However, that doesn't mean every Swede looks like that and that there aren't different kinds of beauty besides just Barbie's type of beauty.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:12 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis, you're not overweight, for gods' sake. I never doubted what you said you looked like, I doubted your ability to assess facial shapes. And I stand by that statement. You seem to have a low self opinion, it's sad. I'm not Emily, either!! Yes, it appears that you're pale, I never said anything about the looks of you. You keep referencing things that Emily's said to you, and it is not relevant to my comments.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:03 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

I'll also add, that I'm not "creepy", why on earth would I save that image on my computer? You are extremely self-obsessed, Godis. I have a life. I had a minor surgical procedure done (tonsilectomy), which is why I've had the time lately to post here. I'll continue to visit this site, but it's back to work for me in a few days, so you'll hear less from me. But you will still hear from me, and like it or not, if you continue to post inaccuracies, I'll continue to correct them.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 02:00 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I don't mean to insult you. I get what you mean. The problem is I guess that photo is a bad representation. As I said, photographs actually elongate my face. If you compare my face to most people's it is almost half as short, but almost as wide. Although it is not robust or boxy. So, I still do think I have a round/combination type of face. I am not stubborn. I did learn something about my face. It is a combination type, and not just plain round like I believed before. I agree that there is an oval element to it. But trust me if I sat in front of you, you would be startled as to how diff. it looks in reality than the photo above. However, its the best I could do to capture it.

Mostly though, I was trying to prove to Emily as well I do not have a super round, broad, boxy, face as she percieves Eastern European faces to be. The post more than ever was aimed at Emily. I agree with you my face is oval. However, sometimes it does lean towards the round side, especially when I'm chubby. lol

Oh and I'm removing those photos soon, please don't save them on your computers. Either way, it won't help anyone if they do.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 01:53 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Here are some more photos of my hourglass figure that I am also not lying about.







Please note: I actually appear chunkier than I usually am. I am technically overweight. I mean I'm not really fat, but I am chubby and *technically* overweight, as my body mass index is not where it should be. When I weighed around 115-120 I looked my most feminine. My waist has disappeared a bit. Here is a photo showing that:


So yes I am an hourglass shape. You can see as to why I am so confused about my femininity-masculinity, because I look feminine but have high testosterone levels and it is more than finger length that determines this!

I hope you can dispell the idea that I also am barely caucasian as well Emily. Although the camera on my computer distorts skin tone, you can clearly tell I am pale. On top of that anyone that recognizes skin tones can tell that is the skin tone of someone with light hair. I am actually paler in reality!

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 01:41 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I don't know if I'm ever going to try to have this discussion with you again. Shall I show it to my co-workers, who work in the salon/spa that I do, the ones who are professional estheticians, make-up artists, and hairstylists? Those of us who work in this industry are required to know how to ascertain facial shapes. It is essential to our livlihood. If I could not analyze or assess facial shapes correctly, than I would have sought an alternative profession some years ago.

I work in a very upscale, downtown salon/spa in a major city, with very picky, elitist clientele. I'm not a small town, gum-smacking, gossiping "beautician". I make a very decent living doing what I do. The first thing that one learns, as he or she is training in this profession, is facial anatomy/physiology, for the purpose of ASSESSING FACIAL SHAPES CORRECTLY.

Why you are so stubborn, I can't decide, I think you are beginning to mentally self-destruct. You have just outlined your face, and the shape is oval, so congratulations, you have the ideal face shape. I'd assume you'd be happy to hear this news, as it appears that you are miserably insecure. If it appears that I am no longer being polite when speaking with you, it is because of your obstinance. You claim that you want to be evaluated, so you can "learn", and when someone tries to teach you something, you deny what they say. Unbelievable.

No matter what you claim, you are inept at evaluating facial shapes, whereas, Emily and I have proven numerous times, that we aren't.

By the way, there is a very strong corelation of artistry in my profession. "Unlike you, I pay attention to detail.", is what you said.
How do you know this? I pay very close attention to detail. Have you ever had a bad haircut, or a botched highlight service? THOSE people didn't pay attention to detail, I can assure you. The cosmetology profession is one part geometry, one part anatomy, and two parts ARTISTIC TALENT.

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 00:38 Barberella What is sexy?

Someone previously posted on this page, that the difference between "sexy" and "attractive" is perhaps not just the models themselves, but the overall assessment that the "sexy" women seem more mature, not mature as in older, but in the percieved attitude that they exude. "Attractive" is a more general assessment, whereas, "sexy", "beautiful", "pretty/lovely" and "cute" are a more specific description. Someone who is attractive, overall, can often also be described with the above mentioned adjectives, depending on whatever image it is that they want to project, or, in the context of modeling, what they are trying to sell.

If one were trying to sell lingerie, as you've previously discussed, "sexy" is obviously the image that one would hope to exude. Unfortunately, the over-masculinized women chosen by gay men( people who will never have any desire to see a sexy woman, let alone know how to ascertain who is sexy in the first place) are poor representations of the entire concept of what is sexy. Sexiness is, as mentioned here also, is the distinct traits of a woman: breasts, hips and buttocks, that are the core traits of femininity. As a woman, what I find sexy in a male are the masculine, distinctive differences: broad shoulders, muscular definition, facial definition, things that are opposite of femininity.

The androgynous VS models can be "manipulated", looks wise, to suit a variety of images. Maybe that's another reason that those looks are sought out? The "sexy" models on this page are all extremely attractive, in my opinion. Sexy yes, but it is their overall femininity that makes them so. The main difference that I see here, in contrast to the "attractive women", is that there is a percieved slight masculization in their faces. I personally think that women, with, for example, elegant contoured cheekbones, or a fine, but defined jaw is more "attractive", but I still think that when it comes to looks below the neck, the small waist and ribcage, and the noticable swell of feminine hips and buttocks is still the most attractive, and sexy overall.
