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Mon, 08/03/2009 - 23:17 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Wow. I have no trouble in drawing class. Not to mention I am not studying art or drawing, I am doing other studies related to other things. Drawing is my passion, it's something I do to escape from reality. It's something I reserve for meditation, not work. My future career is not based on drawing, although it will be based on creativity.

I draw very well. I can draw realistically very well. I am very natural. It does not matter how I define a shape, as an oval or a circle. My brain recognizes that shape intuitivley, it does not need to associate a definition. I just draw what I see, it doesn't matter how I define what I see. Either way, what seperates me from you is that I pay attention to details The way the jaw and chin connect, how far the cheekbones go past the forhead or if they morph into the forhead, etc. You look at the big picture. You see the length, the width, and a shape and you believe it to be a specific shape. I don't work that way. I am overall a big picture kind of girl, but when it comes to art I am very detailed. It is refreshing, because I usually have to see the big picture to understand things. I need to know the goal to work towards it. With art I pick apart every detail, and all the details make up the whole, whether I see the whole right away or not.

Anyways, I have a crappy camera because it is on my computer. My camera broke and I haven't gotten around to buying a new one for like half a year now because they are so expensive for me. Either way this is the best I can do. Here is my face shape. Please don't be creepy and save it on your computer:

You think I'm lying about everything, but I'm really not. I do concentrate on my good points when I write, don't think I don't believe I have flaws. I do. I just rarely mention them here, although I can admit them.



I'm wearing a black headband, as you can see. And it seems my head is slightly angled, but it wouldn't make a big diffrence if it was straight because it practically is straight in the photo. The only thing you can't really see is as much of my other ear, but my ears are pretty pinned back, even when I look straight you barely see them. I think it's called occipitul flattering, and mostly only Eastern Europeans exhibit that.

I think my face is round, because its hard to see, but if you look at my chin, it is rounded. Anyways, I traced it for you. I also have a broad forhead. If I get a better camera I will take better photos. My chin looks a little more rounded than usual, and a little big, because my face was pressed into my neck a bit, making my chin disappear a bit, its hard to take photos on your laptop. Either way, it gives you a good idea on my face shape. It's rounded, not oval!

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 14:51 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

And as far as Godis and her assessment of face shapes: if she is an art student, she will have a rude awakening in her Life Drawing classes, but then I can also see her arguing with her instructors, too.

As an artist, Godis, I think that it's very important that you get a grasp of this now.

Good luck to you, and I do not mean that facetiously (sp?)

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 14:42 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

That is what a feminine, softly curving backside should look like, I agree. Whatever has come over men here in the States, maybe it's the whole "ghetto fab" culture, where whites, for whatever reason, are adopting the latin/black "hip-hop" culture, and are exhalting these "fat" asses. Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez style butts are in fashion right now. Although I might add, in spite of this "trend", Latin and Black men have no problem commenting on my "nice ass" (nice language, huh? But that's the term they use.) Of course, their women become incensed with envy and jealousy, because even if countless numbers of hip-hop videos display those kinds of backsides, if the truth be told, their men would really rather admire the type of body/backside that are characteristic of fair, properly proportioned white women.

nice butts Pictures, Images and Photos

A bit of an extreme example, I realize, but I think it proves my point.

Respectfully, Barberella (Veronicka)

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 14:10 Barberella What is sexy?

Astute observation, I couldn't agree more! That was actually hysterical.

Saira mohan Pictures, Images and Photos

If this is the new "global standard of beauty", than we have greatly lowered our standards....

Most normal men, at least the one I date, and those I've dated in the past, would not give Saira a second look.

Political Correctness rules, so of course a multi-ethnic model will be proclaimed the "beauty standard", when in reality, a red-blooded heterosexual man would pass her up in favor of the feminine blond that Emily showed as an example. When supermodels begin to look like Borat, we seriously need to re-examine our values.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 13:42 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I agree, the limitless borders of the US has allowed this to happen, more and more, every year. Non-white immigrants (mostly illegal), literally suck our welfare system dry, and spread crime and poverty. I live in a suburb of a large midwest city (on the Great Lakes), and have noticed that even the "suburbs" aren't safe anymoe. HUD wants to continue building projects, to contain the ever increasing amount "low income" (by choice) "minorities" while pushing the hard working class further and further away from the cities that WE founded, in a country that WE (Europeans) founded. Their endless tirades of how unfairly they're treated by whites is enough to make me feel nauseated. They can bitch about whites all day long, but have no problem taking advantage of all the FREE money, food and housing that WE offer them.

Your pics of Heidi proves something else: Heidi is all but disappeared from the genetic profile of her sons. Where has she gone? Unfortunately, the "white guilt" says, "well, what's the problem? We are all one!" I'm not buying it. Non-whites generally don't want to befriend or date whites because of their "fondness" for us. They wish to exploit us.

Blacks, Puerto Ricans, etc. like to hit on White women, we have a lovliness that has fascinated them for eons. But most white women I know, who date outside their race, realize this, but because of poor self-esteem on their part, don't mind being someone else's status symbol. It's sad.

Barberella (Veronicka)

Thank you once again, Emily, for having the courage and the fortitude to speak the truth.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 07:45 Emily What is sexy?

Is it just me or...?

Saira Mohan, the new "global standard of beauty" for women, and Bruno seem awfully alike.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 06:36 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

"Emily, on another thread, I had posted a reply to "booty man", who said that Northern Europeans had flat backsides, not sure if you saw it: A Swedish girl...."

Booty man is probably a borderline fetishist who finds that nothing short of Kim Kardashian's giant backside is sexually stimulating. Men who need that kind of over-stimulation are probably often great consumers of pornography, and therefore become desensitized.

Nordic girls generally have nicely rounded, medium-sized backsides, but not often the giant, violently protruding primate backside seen among blacks and some latin women with black admixture.

Swedish girl;

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 06:21 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Godis, if what you describe of yourself is true, you must be a pretty and feminine young lady, ok?"

She is not describing herself. She is describing her Drew Barrymore and Katherine Heigl posters. lol

"BTW: I still think you're nuts if you think Charlize, Kathrine, and Marilyn have round faces. An oval is an elongated round shape. They all really are ovals. Are you disagreeing because you can't bring yourself to agree with Emily, because of personal reasons? Just wondering."

I actually think she really believes they all have round faces. She has been harping about round faces for a very long time now, and sees them everywhere.

She has one herself, so maybe she wants to include stars in "her" category. A very immature way of thinking that I don't believe is at odds with her general immaturity and teen mentality.

It is obvious that she simply cannot/ will not assess face shapes correctly. She doesn't understand the basic technique of visually measuring height and width of a face, and then compare the differences.

If the difference is small = round face. If the difference is larger = oval face. If the difference is notably large = long face.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 04:56 same random Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

On the contrary, I believe attractiveness is more important to women, in the wild females are the ones who choose the attractive mate, that's why we - men, should start caring about our looks more than them, hahahaha

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 04:12 Emily What is sexy?

I'm sorry, I forgot again to sign my name again.


"If one had to examine women’s intelligence, one could have them take a WAIS-R test. I don’t think you would call this objectification either. If one had to assess women’s physical attractiveness, then what option is there other than looking at the women? What makes this objectification? Don’t tell me that assessing attractiveness itself constitutes objectification. Attractiveness assessment is required in a number of scenarios, and is imperative if one is to combat the negative influence of skinny high-fashion models since the negatively affected women have come to believe that attractiveness lies in skinniness."

People generally dislike any test they feel sure they would fail.

Women who feel they don't live up to the standard will object. It's human nature. I think there is objectification of women, but not at all in this context.

There is a sick, unhealthy female ideal now, that aggressively promotes masculinity and androgyny in women, and this is something that Erik tries to make us see and object to.

He couldn't demonstate the homosexual female ideal in all its twistedness unless he also gives us examples of what femininity is, for comparison.

The glaring differences between "old-fashioned", normal female bodies, and the masculine and anorexic model and beauty queen become obvious, and men and women will realize that they are being fooled into accepting a sick, unnatural female ideal that only people who have no intention of ever breeding with these women could be so blind as to promote.

Heterosexual people have nothing to gain from a warped, twisted female ideal. The beauty in femininity should be valued more, I think, and the admiration for what is feminine, as opposed to what is androgynous, should be encouraged.

The differences between the sexes should be seen, understood and cherished - instead of being obliterated.

Swedish girl;

Sara Moihan, a model of mixed race put forward as a physical ideal.
"Saira Mohan is one of the top models in the world. Half Indian and Half Irish-French, Saira has been incredibly successful in the world of modeling and fashion.

Newsweek magazine recently called her the "new global standard of beauty"." ;

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 03:24 Emily What is sexy?

If one had to examine women’s intelligence, one could have them take a WAIS-R test. I don’t think you would call this objectification either. If one had to assess women’s physical attractiveness, then what option is there other than looking at the women? What makes this objectification? Don’t tell me that assessing attractiveness itself constitutes objectification. Attractiveness assessment is required in a number of scenarios, and is imperative if one is to combat the negative influence of skinny high-fashion models since the negatively affected women have come to believe that attractiveness lies in skinniness.

People generally dislike any test they feel sure they would fail.

Women who feel they don't live up to the standard will object. It's human nature. I think there is objectification of women, but not in this context.

There is a sick, unhealthy female ideal now, that aggressively promotes masculinity and androgyny in women, and this is something that Erik tries to make us see and object to.

He couldn't demonstate the homosexual female ideal in all its twistedness unless he also gives us good examples of what femininity is, for comparison.

The glaring differences between "old-fashioned", normal female bodies, and the masculine and anorexic model and beauty queen become obvious, and men and women will realize that they are being fooled into accepting a sick, unnatural female ideal that only people who have no intention of ever breeding with these women could be so blind as to promote.

Heterosexual people have nothing to gain from a warped, twisted female ideal. The beauty in femininity should be valued more, I think, and the admiration for what is feminine, as opposed to what is androgynous, should be encouraged.

The differences between the sexes should be seen, understood and cherished, instead of being obliterated.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 02:52 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Non-whites are genetic cannibals.

Through race-mixing they consume us genetically, and many whites let it happen since they are so brainwashed by the modern multiculturalistic, one-race/one-world poison, whos only true purpuse is the annihilation of one group of people.

Genetic cannibalism is a win-win situation for non-whites.

They ethnically cleanse whites and at the same time gain genetically and physically. They become more intelligent and beautiful thanks to our destruction.

The very thing they hate and wouldn't mind destroying is also the very thing they exploit and feed from.

Heidi Klum with her two biological sons.

"Start acknowledging and accepting that a non-euruopean has no reason to be interested in the genetic preservation of the white european race for the simple reason there not of that race"

Non-white person on the issue of racial preservation.

Whites should throw non-whites out of white countries and leave non-whites to fend for themselves, instead of counting on our help all the time. Close and guard the borders. These people are our enemies and should be treated as such.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 02:31 Barberella What is sexy?

I'm kind of impressed Erik, this is probably the most attractive group of women that you've posted. All pretty, and feminine. They look great. Maria is more "cute", though, than sexy. The rest are definitely pretty sexy. Props for posting the burlesque dancer, she is pretty classy, I think.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 01:51 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Curvy Scarlett

Scarlett Johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Scarlett Johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Scarlett Johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Scarlett Johansson Pictures, Images and Photos

Although she has been called "fat" by some in Hollyweird, she seems pretty feminine to me.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 01:31 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

An example of a woman with masuline facial features, but a feminine physique...Jessica Biel....pseudo fem?

Jessica Biel Pictures, Images and Photos

Jessica Biel Pictures, Images and Photos

jes Pictures, Images and Photos

She no doubt has a masculine face, and a tendency toward a broad upper body, but she is lovely and her lower body seems to make the cut...

jessica biel Pictures, Images and Photos

She is another who may be pseudo fem, though she has more masculine features than Charlize. I'm also not sure of her ethnic background, as Erik has explained that that too, plays a role.

-Barberella (Veronicka)

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 00:45 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Angelina is attracive because she has facial symmetry, angular or not. The media also has a tendency to tell us who is attractive, that is probably why you said "Angelina's attractive, I don't know why.". Because we are told this maybe? I'd say she's attractive, but masculinized. She is nowhere near as masculinized as Karolina. She is extremely thin, with a less than impressive backside, but it is still more feminized than Alessandra (who looks like the actor Matt Dillon when he was younger, lol), Marissa Miller, and Adriana, though I do think Adriana, especially as she is becoming more of a woman, has a cuter face, possibly with some pseudo feminization. Erik's the expert on that, not me. I'm making an educated guess.

Why do you think I'm Emily? Just curious....

As far as your utter fixation with your own feminity, why don't you visit a doctor, discuss your concerns, and see if there isn't any type of blood work (I'm sure there has to be), and then let your poor little head rest? It seems like this has become an unhealthy obsession. Just because you liked Barbies and also playing basketball doesn't necessarily mean that you're "pseudo" feminine. I too did the same things as a child, a lot of little girls like to play with are overanalyzing this, you do realize that excessive stress and worry can throw hormones out of whack? The point is, a doctor, not Erik, is the one you need to be asking this of.

I am very confident in my femininity, and fertility, even though I've not yet started a family, because I have no reason to suspect I'm not. There's no family history of it, I have regular cycles, etc. and see no reason to upset myself with all these "What ifs?" I'm several years older than you (26), and I guess that I have a healthy self-esteem, and see no point in worrying about things that may or may not happen.

Godis, if what you describe of yourself is true, you must be a pretty and feminine young lady, ok?

BTW: I still think you're nuts if you think Charlize, Kathrine, and Marilyn have round faces. An oval is an elongated round shape. They all really are ovals. Are you disagreeing because you can't bring yourself to agree with Emily, because of personal reasons? Just wondering.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 23:59 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Very true, Emily. They don't care. I wonder what the motivation is of the one "non-European", who reads this thread, and then tries to bait those that truly have what they don't have,but obviously covet. At least not without plastic surgery. As far as the "Joker" bait, better to be the Joker, than the joke itself.

Living here in the US, I can tell you that I am so sick of the "White Guilt" that we (Whites) are supposed to have, when the minorities are more rascist than ANY white person that I know. Well, I'm guilt free, thank you very much.

I know that you've been putting up with this for a while, and I don't understand why people whom this website is obviously not catering to continue to visit it, and insult those of us who are honest in our convictions. Again, no White guilt. I will not try to sympathize with people who have such an obvious hatred and envy of whites. It's as though they thrive on arguing these non-issues. It is unproductive and meaningless.

Yes, I do realize that there is beauty and goodness in all cultures, races, ethnicities,etc. I see nothing wrong with having the continued hope that there will still be distinguishable races, not one muddled race. The minorities are not really minorities, are they? They don't have to wonder, like you and I do, if our traits, culture, customs and way of life will disappear. That is why they don't care. They will still maintain their double standard and hail "RASCISM", each and every time.

Barberella (Veronicka)

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 18:02 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Barberella, it's no use responding to these people because they are simply baiting you. It's funny, I see it more clearly now when it is happening to someone else.

These people who probably have noses the size of a large pizza plate come to a blog named "Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose." LOL

Why do you think they check this thread? Because they love their fine, huge black noses? Hardly. They are envious and hateful. They try to conceal it but it's not nearly working.

Listen, the truth is that these people would do anything to destroy the very thing they envy and can't be.

White people should take note of the comments made in this thread and stick to their own people. Do not race mix with people who want your destruction!

The only true thing the black one wrote here is;

"Start acknowledging and accepting that a non-euruopean has no reason to be interested in the genetic preservation of the white european race for the simple reason there not of that race"

THAT should be an eye-opener even to the most naive.

Unless you yourself is part of a race you don't care what happens to it!? What a nice attitude, and how unselfish.

They should say that in the UN the next time they want our help in some godforsaken African country.

"We're not blacks, what do we care if you die out of AIDS, Malaria and starvation..bye, bye, nice knowing you!"

That's your attitude, so why not make it ours. Or, you count on us being bigger persons than you?

My question is, why should whites care about blacks or asians since they clearly don't give a dmn about us? Wake up, people.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 17:33 lisa A woman with small breasts

So, "Jim", you are a jerk!!! Are you saying that "pear-shaped" women like myself are NOT attractive to men??? Well, f**k you, because I have a very handsome, hunky Cuban boyfriend (although he really looks like a dark and handsome American guy-he doesn't even have a Hispanic accent!)that is NUTS about my pear-shape-wide hips, round ass, thicker legs, and my 32B cup-which HAPPENS to look like a FULL C-CUP in a nice push-up bra, let alone NAKED-thank you VERY much, sir!!!

I think you should really consider the facts about what REAL men like before you open your fat mouth, jerk!!!

BTW-what do YOU look like????

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 11:48 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose 08/01/2009 - 11:21

by Emily link

''Barberella is right. As soon as a white person expresses pride in their race/achievements/looks it is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. You immediately get attacked for it, aggressively. I have seen the very same thing many times. It is something whites notice often. There are unacceptable different standards for us than for others''

Ranting and Raving non-stop at people about how non-europeans are against ''white pride''no one is going to think your doing it because you want to genetically preserve your race but they are going to think there is clearly something wrong with you.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 11:38 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Emily on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 11:21.

''Black pride...great.

Asian pride...excellent.


White pride....................................huh? Racist!''

Start acknowledging and accepting that a non-euruopean has no reason to be interested in the genetic preservation of the white european race for the simple reason there not of that race and not slyly use there disinterest against them in a distasteful manner. Why do you desperately expect them to show an interest in the genetic preservation of a race they dont belong to? Hidden agenda? Start acknowledging and accepting when non-europeans say they have NO problem with the genetic preservation of the white european race as just that that they have no problem with the genetic preservation of the white european race and leave it at that. For Gods sake grow up.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 11:30 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Emily on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 11:21.

"How exactly have I bitten the bait when youve expressed pride in your nationality/race, what bait is to be bitten?"

''Barberella is right. As soon as a white person expresses pride in their race/achievementslooks it is like waving a red flag in front of a bull''

One of your classic tricks again creating scenarios out of thin air and imposing them onto peoples minds as factual reality. No one with common sense would wave a red flag in front of a bull without first acknowledging there asking for it unless ofcourse there you....LOL

Wake up joker smell the coffee!!!

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 11:22 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 04:07.

''And I personally think that Emily writes way better than I do. As you can see it's late here, tonsilectomy's suck, let me tell you, as I am normally trying to sleep at this time....

And once again anonymous, you felt the need to respond to each and every one of my posts, never making any valid points (or at least none that I could decipher..), and resorting to name calling. Who's the real drama queen here, huh, Joker?''

You got one thing right about yourself and thats signing yourself off as 'Joker' because thats exactly what you are a 'Joker'! So yeah the 'Joker' is the real drama queen here and wake up the 'Joker' is you! :-)


Sun, 08/02/2009 - 11:21 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 03:35.

''Anonymous, if all you can do is call me and Emily "Joker"''

If the cap fits then you should wear it and it sure fits you.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 04:07 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

And I personally think that Emily writes way better than I do. As you can see it's late here, tonsilectomy's suck, let me tell you, as I am normally trying to sleep at this time....

And once again anonymous, you felt the need to respond to each and every one of my posts, never making any valid points (or at least none that I could decipher..), and resorting to name calling. Who's the real drama queen here, huh, Joker?
