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Thu, 08/06/2009 - 01:15 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

But it is clear which nose will look more feminine.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 01:14 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows

And really Emily honestly, I would never mean any harm to you. And I do have a little confession to make:

Those "pig" noses are sooo cute and I always wanted a cute nose like that. So there I admitted it, stop crucifying me over the nose thing. Although I do indeed like more elegant elongated noses, I always admired the cute slightly upturned nose. Ok. There is a bit of envy there. But to a certain extent, everyone wants certain features they don't have.

I like this profile because its soo cute:

Nicole Kidman Pictures, Images and Photos

That doesn't mean I don't admire a nice longer straighter less upturned nose like my own either though:

Katherine Heigl Pictures, Images and Photos

Katherine Heigl Pictures, Images and Photos

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 01:05 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I also wonder why you have to always post photos of such unattractive Asians. There are many attractive Asians, and I still believe that many times certain Asian features mixed with caucasian ones would increase the attractiveness of a Caucasian female. My examples:

Kate Beckinsale is a feminine woman:

Kate Beckinsale Pictures, Images and Photos

She has distant Asian connections. There is some Asian DNA in there believe it or not. I read that somewhere, you can verify it if you want. Kate Beckingsale has some Asian DNA.

Kristin Kreuk:

Has obviously recent Asian DNA

kristin kreuk 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 00:59 Barberella What is sexy?

Amy Adams is a perfect example!! She can be elegant....

Amy Adams in Disney's "Enchanted"

girl next door cute,,,

and very classily sexy as well!


Thu, 08/06/2009 - 00:48 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


"Your egotism is a turn-off to people who only see your rantings here."

When I first saw this sentence I had to go back up and make sure you wrote it because I was sure it was someone else on the thread referring to yourself.

"Now everyone can see that you have motive for envy. You are unattractive, and you have little success with men, supposedly because they are all beasts and want one thing."

Yes, Emily. It is these Swedish girls I envy. Oh how I wish I had their perfect toned bodies sigh

svedka Pictures, Images and Photos



and their perfect shaped faces... sighs some more...

oh wait according to Barberella, a NORTHERN EUROPEAN, I do have the ideal face type. Hmmm... so much for being envious...


That is so mean to call someone dumb. Maybe someone has trouble articulating themselves, but that doesn't mean they are dumb.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 00:27 Barberella The aesthetics of the eyebrows

My statement about getting hit on by black guys was in the context of that no matter how much blacks, latinos, etc. put down white people, they will ALWAYS hit on a pretty white girl, because they often see us as status symbols, something to brag about to their friends. As an American, Godis, I'm sure you're aware of this. On the rhinoplasty thread, Emily posted thumbnails of Swedes, and their was a pic of a black man kissing a Swedish girl on the cheek, saying "All men love Swedish girls!". My statement was in reference to that, how may non-white males are smitten with fair, light eyed white girls.

I only encouraged you to look at yourself in terms of self-esteem because it was you who said guys paid you attention, until you refused to put out. Obviously, I don't know you, so it was an assumption based on things most rever as common knowledge. How could you interpret that as an insult, when it was a comment made out of genuine concern, based on the things that you, yourself, had made about yourself.

"Yah, I have some self confidence issues...", is what you said a few posts ago.

Also, whereas Emily takes the criticisms and sometimes "attacks" by others in an adult way, you have a tendency to go off the deep end, and yes, we all know that broken noses rarely kill or permanatly maim, it was still a very extreme way of handling something she'd said to, or about you, that you found offensive. I think you personally could've handled that better. I believe it was those comments that she refers to when she says that she feels that you are immature, or insecure.

Godis, as you say, you want to continue to grow and learn about yourself, and sometimes that means hearing things that we feel are offensive. Though you may not see it now, you may one day thank Emily!

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 23:36 Barberella Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

by anonymous link

"Youv made the correct choice,it's better for you to be known as the 'Joker than the joke itself' because uderstandably you don't want to be known as the 'joke' because a 'joke' woudn't know there a 'joke' thats the reason your a joke, I mean Joker oops"

Is it just me, or does anonymous sound like someone whom gets weekend passes from the asylum? The amount of gibberish you speak is astonishing. Your posts are unintelligable. I not only doubt that you speak English, I doubt that you have an IQ over 75. The "joke", or "Joker" would be the one who sounds like they cannot speak and express themselves clearly, which is why I laugh every time you say "joker". It sounds so dumb, yes anonymous YOU ARE DUMB, AND NO ONE UNDERSTANDS YOU. You can keep calling me joker, I know it makes you feel smart and clever, but you're not smart and clever, which is why I called YOU a joke. You still obviously don't get it, it is still preferable to be seen as, ahem, "Joker", since you obviously don't know many other words, than to be THE JOKE, THAT YOU ARE. But of course, somone as dumb as yourself, wouldn't be able to grasp that, so I don't expect you to, honey, lets just hope that you get better and find some new vocabulary words.

Sincerely, JOKER

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 22:46 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

hideous Europeans and their eyes....

Intensifeye part three.


Intensifeye part four.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 22:34 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

dog eyes...

pink tongu, brown doe eyes and clean Pictures, Images and Photos

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 22:31 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Grey eyes look like dust, you say? And dark brown/black eyes look the eyes of evil comic book characters and monsters in horror movies. Just better to leave this one alone...

grey eyes....

Grey Eyes Pictures, Images and Photos

grey eyes Pictures, Images and Photos

grey eye Pictures, Images and Photos

grey Pictures, Images and Photos

and "dog eyes", right, blue and green.....

blue eyes Pictures, Images and Photos

Sayla eyes by blondleyooper Pictures, Images and Photos

beautiful green eyes...

green eyes Pictures, Images and Photos

green eyes Pictures, Images and Photos

Envy is a fickle bitch, now isn't she/

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 22:01 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

And as far as body hair goes, white women don't have a proponderance of excessive hisutism, but, adults are supposed to have some body hair, only those with arrested development fail to develop normal body hair growth.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 21:55 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Here's the reality.....

Dem Asian Women Pictures, Images and Photos

asian FOB women Pictures, Images and Photos

The one's that look good are either cartoons of themselves, or trying VERY hard to look European...

Asian Beauty Pictures, Images and Photos

Manny Sluggz Loves Asian Women Pictures, Images and Photos

Manny Sluggz Loves Asian Women Pictures, Images and Photos

There's your reality.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 21:43 Barberella Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Yes, Violet Corpse, homely, marginally attractive, but compared to Asians, the most stunning people in the planet. These, you realize are pics of regular N. and Northwestern Europeans, not the models, that all Asians have to post, in order to convince anyone that there's a single attractive one out of the entire population, lets see, more homely Irish girls....



Disgusting German women...



And the most hideous of them all, the Swedes....




Bitter envy was the motivation for your rambling post, every Asian guy has always said how much they love the looks of whites because fo the beautiful array of colors, not the same hair, skin, and eyes for miles....

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 20:41 Barberella Discrimination against unattractive women

I think there are averages where anything is concerned, my sister is very feminine, and her sons are very masculine. Their father is relatively masculine, and their daughter is too young for it to be obvious yet, whether she is feminine or not, but she takes after my sister and I quite a bit, and we are pretty feminine.

Besides heredity and genetic factors, there are other variables.

Besides Godis, whether a woman is masculine or feminine or not, does not determine the liklihood of what sex her children will be, as it is common knowledge that it is the fathers sperm that determines the sex of the baby.

It could be that Northern Europeans have good genes, and no matter whether the masuline/feminine element of either the mother or father, the children will be attractive with appropriate hormone levels. That is an extreme guess, but my mom's feminine, my dad masculine, and my brother takes after my dad, and my sisters and I take after our moms, aside from some facial characteristics, etc., the conclusion is that me and my siblings are all appropriately feminine(me and my sister), and masculine(brother).

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 17:36 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Take these photos, for example;

And these ones..

Yes, it's so apparent now that they really wanted to look more Asian, isn't it? (irony) Funny how they ended up looking Euroasian, then. A pure coincidence, I imagine.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 17:10 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"japanese and other east asians who first encountered whites found them repulsive, even their glorious "light eyes"- and east asians certainly have a strong appreciation for feminine beauty. The only thing they admired was their light skin- everything else was repugnant."

You don't actually believe that yourself, do you? I love it when non-whites come here and troll, pretending they don't envy white beauty. I could post countless before/after pictures of Asians who underwent plastic surgery - men and women - and then we would see what and who they try to resemble, wouldn't we..?

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 16:57 Emily The aesthetics of the eyebrows

Godis.. I have always suspected that your strange, aggressive and frequently incorrect remarks were the result of envy. As such I found it hard to take you or your comments seriously. I couldn't prove it, though.

Now everyone can see that you have motive for envy. You are unattractive, and you have little success with men, supposedly because they are all beasts and want one thing.

Strange then, that I have never noticed that. I was 20 not many years ago, and guys never treated me bad, ever. Not now, not then. People like you always blame others. You will never find faults with yourself in relationships. Self-centered people just can't.

I think you have a personality that is off-putting, quite frankly. Your egotism is a turn-off to people who only see your rantings here. Imagine what it must be like to hear you obsessing about yourself 24/7.

Or to hear you hoping someone would punch and break a pretty girl's nose just because you don't like her attitude. I bet that kind of talk really would have them running to the flower store.

You don't even have the decency to say it was wrong of you to call me names, and hoping I would be physically assaulted because "I made fun of someone's nose".

You STILL try to justify it. That's how totally cold and twisted you are, apparently, and I suppose guys sense that about you. That and an unattractive body only you could try to pass off as an hourglass figure..well, why would they care to stay?

Never mind the fact, godis, that I did admit in that thread that I had posted an immature comment about her.
You STILL wish, today, months later, that my nose should be broken. That is the kind of girl you are. Hateful, narcissistic, self-obsessed, vindictive, unforgiving and deeply envious.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 13:05 Violetcorpus Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Barberella, what was the point of posting all those photos of northern european women? The first set, most of them were homely, some of them outright repulsive, while the second set was just marginally better.

I'm also really skeptical of the whole topic of people of mixed race having more problems finding bone marrow donations. I see this almost exclusively discussed amongst people of recent mixed race parentage, yet never see this issue arise amongst other heavily mixed populations- IE, african americans, hispanics, indians, etc. Hell, I even saw this issue arise among someone who was a vietnamese-korean mix- are those 2 groups that far apart?

Emily never seems to quit. There have been innumerable comments in her other shit storms regarding how inane her beauty standards are, and how nordic fetishists endlessly overlook how whites don't have their own ethnic cranio-facial extremities- overtly long, narrow faces, IE the horse face look is certainly common among europeans, and overtly concave noses are certainly an extreme nasal trait of europeans.

As someone else mentioned, japanese and other east asians who first encountered whites found them repulsive, even their glorious "light eyes"- and east asians certainly have a strong appreciation for feminine beauty. The only thing they admired was their light skin- everything else was repugnant. I've never heard of inuits' opinions of whites, though.

Here's an example of japanese opinions on the looks of white women:,+which+was+quite+disheartening.++Occasionally+I+saw+women+with+black+hair+and+black+eyes.++They+must+have+been+of+some+Asian+race.++Naturally+they+looked+more+attractive+and+beautiful.&source=bl&ots=1NSeMjJZBG&sig=3oT3fL_svv4Dh5JkSIwg_AoCoRo&hl=en&ei=B7l5St2eEoeEMYGOnKMO&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false

They like the white skin and black hair, but hate the red hair and light eyes. They compare them to dog eyes.

There's also no mention earlier in this book of less pronounced eyelids in some of these descriptions of japanese ideals of beauty- occasionaly, you'll see some ideals that shift abit away from japanese ethnic traits, like mentioning small faces or praising the high noses of a couple of women on Perry's ship- but these seem quite minor, and preferences on facial size seem extremely variable. They also mention eyelids, and lo and behold, they don't have any, ANY preference mentioned for less pronounced eyelids- just for certain shapes. Contrary to how you've compared the idea of epicanthic folds evoking the looks of kids with downs syndrome.

And no, white genes certainly aren't universally recessive. As someone else noted, the traits of aborigines are overtly recessive in white-aborigine pairings. I'm not sure of the genetic dynamic that underlies this, though. Plus, blacks seem to be dominant over east asians, who are dominant over whites, so there's alot to consider.

Plus, whites certainly don't have a monopoly on universal markers of attractiveness, like facial symmetry- that's not even remotely a racial trait.

Emily also loves to overlook the excessive body hair of whites compared to blacks and asians, and the how poorly whites age compared to, well, virtually all other groups. Body hair prominence is largely related to testosterone, though, and the speed of aging is realted to a whole host of genetic factors unrelated to skin color- notice how east asians aren't much lighter, and are, in some ways, just as light as whites, yet age just as well black africans. Also in spite of their much lower testosterone levels.

See? These are largely transient racial traits, but Emily loves to ignore them and go on about the body structure of non-whites- IE, calling east asians undeveloped, fetal dwarves.

Please, for the love of god Emily, shut the fuck up. You have been proven so hideously wrong time and time again on the issue of ethnic facial traits, and most recently your pathetic attempt to say light eyes are ALWAYS interpreted as more feminine. (gray eyes are always more feminine? Like the vibrance of storm clouds? Uh... yeah. And I can go around and say gray eyes evoke the looks of, well, lifelessness, dust, etc. Gray is often thought of as bland color, you know.)

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 10:27 Godis The aesthetics of the eyebrows


I just love how you take a few of my words out of context and try to make the point that I am some evil person, when you come on here and criticize me for being fat. You claim I am a Narcissist, and someone with issues. So what do you do? You try to put me down even more. You claim you wish no harm to people, but often times words can harm someone more than anything physical can. Don't lose any sleep over it though, I could care less that you disapprove of my weight. Yes, I want to be back to my healthy size, but at the same time I don't look horrible when I put a little fat on. I do look a little "husky", but I think it could be much worse. I just find it amusing that you claim I wish harm to others when you have no problem poking fun of girls on here. You made fun of Ekaterina's nose and now you make fun of my body. Don't come up with the, "It's your fault for posting photos of yourself" either, because if you truly believed someone had issues and low self-esteem you would know better. According to you I have low self-esteem, so how are you helping it? You obviously know that if I truly was a person with low self-esteem posting photos of myself you would only be making my issues worse. You don't care though, however you do care if I say something mean to you. Why is there a double standard? Why are you allowed to degrade my looks, but I am not allowed to wish you had learned a lesson?

I also like how you are trying to portay me as someone only a middle eastern man could find attractive because I am a little on the chunky side. Is that a bad thing? Didn't Barberella mention herself, that she a Nordic woman got attention from BLACK men? Oh my! So then why is it so bad then that the type of guy that likes me would be Middle Eastern? You try to compare me to someone like Kim Kardashian, a girl who has a "primate" behind, is thick, and only has black guys after her. I look nowhere near close to Kim Kardashian. I don't have her thick lips and long face or anything like that. I do look thick but I am overweight, who doesn't look thick when they are overweight? For your information men ranging from white to middle eastern to hispanic to asian to black have admired the way I look, overweight or thin. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that an hourglass shape looks good on a thin or heavier frame?

I also don't understand your logic. You claim I cannot keep long term relationships? I have had 1 long term relationship lasting one year and a half. Finally, we broke it off because I had moved away to college and the long distance was creating issues. I am 20 yrs. old as you know. I assumed you were around the same age Emily. Either way, how many 20 something year old guys do you know that want a long term relationship when they can screw any slut on campus with relativley little effort and a few beers? Clearly you don't understand the mind of any late teen-early twenties year old male. Maybe I do because of my high testosterone levels LOL but I think it's just a bit of observation, a tad of experience and a lot of common sense.

I think you would find it surprising how close my features are shifted to what you would call "Nordic" looks. I'm positive if I posted photos of my face you would even have to acknowledge it, although then you'd go on a rampage about how I am a little German, even though my mother, whom I most resemble and who has the exact replica of my figure, is Romanian with minor Hungarian influence, so minor it is barely traceable.

Might I add that I hardly have to move away from my computer to go on a jog to lose any weight. All I have to do is take the soft drinks out of my diet and stop over indulging. I usually don't drink pop anyways, I just did during college for all nighters because of the sugar rush. Energy drinks are unsafe I believe, not that pop/soda is any better. I gain weight easily, but I lose it just as easily.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 10:10 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Emily on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 18:02.

"These people who probably have noses the size of a large pizza plate come to a blog named "Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose." LOL

Why do you think they check this thread? Because they love their fine, huge black noses? Hardly. They are envious and hateful. They try to conceal it but it's not nearly working."

Not everyone with "noses the size of a large pizza plate" need be envious of the thin straw stick "fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose." when you've got nordics who themselves who are....

Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?
link | Submitted by Erin on Thu, 12/25/2008 - 02:58.
Well, my nose is too thin. It is the typical nordic nose and I hate it. It's long, straight, thin and so boring. I would rather have a cute dainty nose. So a little wider and shorter which would make my eyes spaced out better too. See her nose is broad but her eyes are spaced nicely, I want that. Is there any plastic surgery that can do that?

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 10:01 anonymous Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

link | Submitted by Visitor on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 23:56.

"Really? I find that Charlize Theron has a very feminine face? I don't see what is not feminine about it really, only that it sometimes looks mascunilized,"

"I still do not see a lot of masculinization in Charlize Theron's face especially in those photos where she is really young."

Erik has argued fine facial features can add an element of "pseudo-feminization" to a womans face giving her face a more feminine appearance or making her face look facially more feminine than it actually is in "reality" and Charlize Therons face is such an example and this is probably where your getting confused. Charlize theorn has a fine shaped nose which is adding pseudo-femininity to her overall face. It is clear in looking at Charlize Therons overall physical appaerance she is not a feminine woman. Fine facial features may even make a face appear overall feminine when in "reality" it isnt but one would have to be well versed in masculinity/femininity to know where to draw the line. A feminine face is not going to look masculinized and the fact that you have said somwtimes you find Charlize Therons face " sometimes looks mascunilized" is point made.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 09:42 Veronica Pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6) for the uninitiated: the case of Caroline (Carrie) Michelle Prejean

What exactly makes her "unfeminine?"

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 09:39 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Emily on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 18:02.

"The only true thing the black one wrote here is;"

your far off the mark there.... and your talking about others trying to 'bait' you....LOL Your funny!!!

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 09:35 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Emily on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 18:02.
"Barberella, it's no use responding to these people because they are simply baiting you. It's funny, I see it more clearly now when it is happening to someone else"

No one smart enough needs to put the bait out to either of you when your openly advertising yourself as both 'bait' and 'baited'. In other words there is no need for anyone to do either job not when your busy doing it for them LOL.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 09:26 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

link | Submitted by Barberella on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 23:59.
"Very true, Emily. They don't care. I wonder what the motivation is of the one "non-European", who reads this thread, and then tries to bait those that truly have what they don't have,but obviously covet. At least not without plastic surgery. As far as the "Joker" bait, better to be the Joker, than the joke itself."

You'v made the correct choice its better for you to be known as the "Joker, than the joke itself" because understandably you dont want to be known as the "joke" because a "joke" wouldnt know there a "joke" thats the reason there a "joke" because there a "joke" and thats the reason your a "joke" ooops sorry I mean a "Joker". Tata.
