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Fri, 05/22/2009 - 01:19 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"I don't find dark eyes ugly (I assume you mean dark as in dark brown). Sometimes very dark brown eyes, approaching black, can look hard. I don't find hard eyes attractive, and the colour brownish-black IS hard when it comes to eyes.

I find shades of blue, greyish-blue, green without brown in it, and blue-green (sea green) to be the most beautiful colours. Not only because these colurs themselves are outstandingly beautiful and bring to mind the sky and the sea, but because they are softer and more gentle, making the eyes look more gentle, romantic and sweet.

There are many beautiful women who have different shades of brown eyes, so I'm not saying that the dark brown colour somehow excludes you from looking good. Women would look dramatic, sexy and temperamental, but sometimes less romantic - unless they have other, softer qualities in their face to go with it.

This is especially so in women. Men, who naturally look harder and more masculine, often look good with brown eyes, too. The important thing is that the white area around the iris is clear and white, I think."

Really, you find dark brown eyes hard? In general, science has shown that people tend think people with bigger pupils appear more beautiful. I would imagine having extremely dark brown eyes would make one's pupils look larger than they are, which would be attractive, but you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I often feel like very very light blue eyes look hard, but again, that is just my personal preference, and I am looking at guys. I like my eyes which are blue, but sometimes turn a little green too.

Anyhow, I'm way too sleepy now, and I have to get up early to spend a fabulous weekend dancing. I don't think I'll be visiting this site again. The white superiority bias is so evident, that I know nothing I say will change that,

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 01:04 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"Then you presume that the 50/50 % is the same as gaining other words, that all races benefit equally. I don't think that is the case.

I would argue that racially mixed, good-looking people more often than not own their looks to their white genes. In other words, they look good since they approach the looks of whites. The more they alienate themselves from the looks of whites the less good they look, generally speaking.

The fact is we are not benefitting equally. Whites often give much MORE than they receive in terms of looks, while pure blacks and asians might benefit quite a lot from race mixing. This is often at the expense of whites, who most of the time will have much more beautiful children with another white person, not to mention that the gene pool will be corrupted and fewer truly white children will be born in the future if we increase the race mixing. An inconvenient truth for the politically correct.

Is race mixing really a fair deal..?"

Um, seriously? I meant to post something about my college friend earlier, but I'm not sure I did. IMO the third and fifth photos you posted are the most beautiful of all the photos you posted. I say that because they illustrate what my friend gained from her father's side of the family (the black side). She gained a strong bone structure and high check bones from her dad as well as big full lips and thick curly hair. From her mother's side, she got freckles and pretty red hair. Some would argue that she got the better deal out of the black side of her family because of the gorgeous bone structure she inherited.

As for the other pictures of the mixed race people you posted at the end, it just makes you appear to be good at cherry picking, that's all. There are plenty of attractive mixed race people to be found, and my friend is just one example.

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 00:46 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

""I am proud of my heritage and of my people/race, and I which to see it preserved. I see lots of people benefitting from white-mixing, and very little coming our way, so it is very one-sided, I think. The recessive nature of white genes also makes it necessary to breed more within the race, unless you want to see it disappear. This is a biologic, evolutionary fact, no matter how politically incorrect it may be.""

"You do realize it will take thousands of years before that happens right? "

"No, I don't. Evolution can be quicker than you think. Even now the amount of babies born in the US with blue eyes is declining, so it is happening right now. Race-mixing advocates like to say this is not real, but it is. Only an idiot would think that you can open the doors to mass-immigration by other races/ethnicities without any consequences to the white population living there originally."

You initially said that white genes will "disappear" and therefore it is necessary to breed more within the race. You did not say what you said later, that there would simply be less white genes around. Actually blue-eyed and blond-haired genes will never die out or disappear, though we may see fewer in the future. The whole scenario of blonde extinction is nothing more than an urban legend, one that has apparently been around for a while: So, I was actually incorrect when I said it will take thousands of years. It won't happen at all. See this site for some more info about genetics: Also, this article is just cool (dizygotic twins, one black, one white):

"Trying to make people appreciate more natural and feminine women, and less hard, overly thin an masculine women, seems to me perfectly reasonable. The almost total disappearance of these women as standards of beauty in the media is what is worrying. That's what you get when homosexual men are allowed to set the standard, apparently."

While this is the trend in the fashion industry (at least in runway), I don't think it is the trend in the media in general. Even the fashion industry is trying to move away from overly skinny models due to some recent high-profile deaths. I believe the Milan fashion show is requiring models to be above a certain BMI now (still too low, but it's a start). In the media in general, we see actresses with all different body shapes (even if most are skinny, their shapes differ due to genetics). The tagline of the moment seems to be "real women have curves." Actually real women have many different shapes. I'm not that curvy, but I'm certainly a real woman, and I'm sure there are plenty of men out there that will appreciate me the way I am (esp. since the lower estrogen level allows my testosterone level to be expressed in my sex drive). Speaking of sex drive and testosterone, wouldn't it be an evolutionary advantage for a woman to have a strong sex drive if she wishes to see her genes pass on?

"It is not a good idea. This is not primarily a self-help site, or a forum for people with self-esteem issues. On the contrary, since it deals with perfection, in a way, and with beauty ideals and feminine role models, many would feel worse after visiting here.

Those who have healthy self-esteem and who want to talk about femininity and beauty in the media, and who think the homosexual ideal of masculine and anorexic women has gone overboard and wish to address that - without investing their own personal self in it - are more likely to find it to their liking.

The tone here tells me too many have deep inferiority complexes and issues with their bodies. I do NOT think this site is suitable for these people, and they should address their own problems somewhere else, instead of venting their anger and frustration on those who are here to discuss beauty and femininity in a rational and more detached way."

Well, like I said, it was a moment of weakness. I had been through a recent break-up at the time, but I'm over it now. FWIW, I wasn't actually looking to the site for any sort of "self-help." I was merely looking for pictures of the female form in it's natural state in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, just out of curiosity and out of an appreciation for the diversity in life. Appreciating diversity in beauty does have the side effect of making me feel more beautiful as well, but I wasn't really looking for anything validating in terms of a & b are beautiful and x & y are not. I find it kind of strange actually. Really, I'm overall pretty comfortable in my own skin. Every now and then, I have an "ugly day", but I also have "pretty days" too. I admit to being offended at first by the site, but really, now I just treat it with a grain of salt because it is all opinion after all. Beyond one man's opinion, I don't think there is any scientific merit to the arguments made on this site, so why bother, I guess.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 07:46 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Clemente Russo is hot and that is the tackiest wedding dress!

What was the theme of the wedding? White trash or Pimps and Hos? LOL.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 07:24 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hi just noting,

Matches between a masculine man and a feminine woman have a higher rate of failure than between masculine and stronger featured women.

Men tend to settle down with women who have a similar face structure as their mother which in turn translates to women that are a female version of themselves. That is why a lot of couples look like brothers and sisters. How does this happen? When you are an infant, who is the most beautiful woman or man for you? Your mother or your father! As an adult you will look for partner's who have your parent's facial bone structure(not necessarily colour of eyes or hair).

Eg, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

Masculine men will choose masculine women and feminine men will choose feminine women.
This is not the norm but the chances of a succesful marriage are higher when this happens. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 06:44 just noting Stephanie Naumoska: thinness not enough for high-fashion modeling

Yeesh, she still looks anorexic to me. Her arms look as though all the muscle has been eaten away, as happens to starving people whether they are anorexics or famine victims. I'd like to see her lift 50 lbs.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 06:33 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

re hmhm,
I've known scientists over the years and most had a definite preference for the cute, neotenous features that Erik likes. Of these most were convinced that their preferences were universal and that every man was after the hypergirly type that they liked. However in my observation the average man are less interested in how objectively feminine a woman is based on her hormone levels, but how masculine she makes him feel. Consider for example Clemente Russo.


A boxer who won a silver medal in the 2008 Olympics, he is a very masculine man as well as nationally famous in Italy and surely has his pick of women. Here are his wedding pictures.ImageImage

Ignoring for now the incredibly tacky wedding outfits, I may be much more forgiving than Erik in these matters but the bride obviously has above average masculinity for a woman. However, next to her lantern-jawed groom she is almost dainty and there's no question who is more masculine between the two of them. Doubtless he wants his wife to make him feel masculine but because he is so masculine already he will be masculine compared to almost any woman whether or not she is particularly feminine. Also, very masculine men sometimes have trouble relating to very feminine women and find a that they have more in common with a guyish chick instead of a very girly girl. Also, a highly masculine man like Russo probably wants much more sex than a high estrogen type will like and is likely more sexually compatible with his surely high testosterone bride. Her visage is a bit scary but considering that her groom gets into the boxing ring with huge, strong men who want to bash his brains it's clear that he doesn't scare easily.

Basically, although nearly every heterosexual man wants a woman who is feminine compared to him not all of them want super-feminine women.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 23:09 mnbmmbn Are faces more attractive when they are closer to the average of their ethnic group?

Erik is dead-wrong in saying anime characters have facial shapes shifted more towards european norms. Anime characters, the majority of the time, have round faces with straight sides that taper in a point. This is a good example:

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 21:03 Just Wondering Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Erik, is there a non-Euorpean/Caucasian woman who you would consider beautiful?

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 16:03 Visitor Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

You know, I would love to see what you look like since you are obviously so unattractive no woman wants to go out with you and you need to curb your frustration by dissecting pictures of womens naked bodies "in the name of research". Seriously, upload a picture of yourself naked and we will tell you how masculine you look. Women are not measurements and ratios, they're people. No-one cares about image to the point that they are going to ask to check a womans waist to hip ratio before dating them. Theres such a thing called personality and since you decide to spend your time sifting through porn judging pictures of women like they're objects, you clearly have a shitty one. As is blatently obvious from the comments above, no-one was comforted by this website. So delete it an go get some therapy for your mother issues.

Fuck you very much

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 09:25 hmhm Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"However, life is not black and white and anything written here is not black and white. Truth of the matter is even most scientists can have trouble being completely detached and objective. Even without realizing it people are more keen to believe what they want to based on their personality, the way their brain works, their life experiences, etc. So I believe that most everyone that writes here is somehow biased."

Having spent eight years of my life as a scientist in training, I totally agree with this. I have read so many articles about beauty hailing the neotenous feminine face, which is the kind of beauty I see here and the kind of beauty white females have. But how does that explain that the women considered the world's greatest beauties are the following?

Catherine Zeta Jones

Monica Bellucci

Aishwarya Rai

Elizabeth Taylor

Angelina Jolie

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 09:07 hmhm Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"I could use photos from Iceland, for example. People there are some of the most beautiful on Earth, well-known for their good looks."

Iceland??? I don't know... Try Brazil. Or Italy. Or Spain. Or France.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 09:06 hmhm Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

dude, i don't know what you're talking about. i know a lot of mixed race people who look good. so what if they get most of their good looks from their white genes? they still are better looking than mos whites and your beloved nordic race. and both the whites and the coloreds agree about that. except maybe you.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 08:45 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


You come from the same breed and have the same hatred and contempt as KKK or Al Qaeda.

You are no different from some muslim radicalist preaching the islamic superiority.

Initially I was fooled into thinking this was a site about feminine looks but really it's all about white looks, superiority of white looks, the inferiority of every other race so how dare you tell me not to be political when your motives are completely political?

The sensible thing would be to dissociate and ignore such vile people but it just disturbs me to know ignorant, racist and bigoted people like you exist even in today's progressive world.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 08:08 hmhm Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

she may have a broad nose, but, come on, she's more attractive than most of the women in your attractive women section!

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 08:04 hmhm A woman with small breasts

She's cute.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 07:57 hmhm Maria Sheriff

She is ugly.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 07:52 hmhm Attractive umbilicus (belly button) in women

Even belly buttons are not safe from scrutiny. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sad world. Poor belly button.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 07:50 hmhm A novel approach to promoting feminine beauty

LOL, LOL, LOL. Gawd, how silly can we get?

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 07:33 hmhm Amy from spunky angels

She's got a hot body, though!

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 07:25 hmhm Amy from spunky angels


Wed, 05/20/2009 - 07:23 hmhm Julija Ribkina

you're not the only one who thinks that, trust me.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 02:06 Godis Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Well, I'm a bit tired of this website. Occasionaley I just don't really want to address anything. I find it funny Erik that you claim I'm probably just mediocre amongst idiots. But the truth is I personally never believed I was mediocre and I hope that my current and future accomplishments in my life will reflect that. In fact even from a young age I used to tell my mother that God has a special purpose for me. My parents always told me I was wise beyond my years and interestingly enough gave me a name (it is foreign, but I don't want to mention my real name here anyways) that literally means: wise one. This was when I was a baby and they barely knew "me".

Anyways, I believe there are many dimensions to what we label as "beautiful". I feel that many people, Erik included, are looking at things in a very 1 dimensional way. Thats just the analogy I am going to use.

About the race mixing thing, I personally am attracted to white guys. However, I do believe mixed people are often better looking. Of course this is just from my personal experience and what I have noticed from my personal observations. Besides that, I believe that some people are attracted to those more like themselves, others are attracted to those more different than themselves, and some sway either way. I also believe there are many features that ARE more so objectivley attractive based on the fact that there is a universal appeal to them. These features often can probably be correlated to youth and fertility.

And for you Emily, this really has nothing to do with looks. However, when I was little I watched a very good movie and it was one of my all time favorite movies. It's called "A Little Princess". I want you to watch it, just because I want you to understand why I am so defensive and where my attitude comes from. I understand this site is about looks and nothing else. However, life is not black and white and anything written here is not black and white. Truth of the matter is even most scientists can have trouble being completely detached and objective. Even without realizing it people are more keen to believe what they want to based on their personality, the way their brain works, their life experiences, etc. So I believe that most everyone that writes here is somehow biased. I just want you to watch this movie because I want you to realize that "every girl is a princess". Going with that no girl, no matter how ugly, should be seen as only that, as "ugly". I feel that you often only focus on the "ugly" in others physically and in other ways. Look beyond an ugly face and a person's true beauty will often come out. I believe that if you believe you are beautiful, literally that will manifest in the way others see you. However, no matter how beautiful you believe you are, those that fail to see a deeper beauty will never see it. Don't fail to see the deeper beauty, because that is where the true essence of beauty lies.

When I see a girl with a hooked nose or hard eyes or dark skin, or masculine qualities, I don't see an ugly girl. I see a woman who has a strong look to her, and that strength in her appearance would appeal to me. If I had those qualities I would strive to live up to them, to let my physical reflect my inner qualities. I would strive to be strong and well respected. I once told one of my friends, hey you may not be the most beautiful girl in the world, but you don't need to be. There are millions of beautiful girls on this planet. You need to be you. Your beauty is your own and what you make it to be. Although the world may see your nose and call it hooked or manly, you say no, my nose is strong and it gives me character. It is a reflection of ME. There are many women with cute dainty noses, and with plastic surgery even more now. However, I will always have my nose and it will always be an expression of ME. If you appreciate it thats fine, if you cannot than leave me alone. There is more to beauty, and if you are a woman who takes care of herself and respects herself and tries her best to look her best and be her best, that is all that is needed in life. A man would be a fool to go for the next bimbo that may appeal to his penis more over the woman who respects herself and is respected, that woman should appeal to his heart and mind more. It is in our hearts and minds where true beauty lies.

So I may sound really gay and stupid now. I don't care. That is my honest view of beauty. In fact I think something out of place like a mole, or bumpy nose, or hard eyes, or something weird is great because these days we have so many "plain janes" we pass off as feminine who look great. However, there are few women who are beautiful, attractive, and have a trademark quality. Pretty gets boring fast. Pretty with a signature features rarely does...

Here is the movie the little princess if you want to watch it. Youtube part 1:

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 01:52 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Sorry, I just read your other post in reply to mine and didn't realize that you weren't one of the site administrators. Honestly, you just seem so invested in these issues that I mistakenly assumed that you had a personal interest in it and co-administered the site with Eric.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 01:04 Meredith Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"People need to stop using the word "superiority" every time time we talk about whites in any postivie light. As soon as anyone has something good to say about whites they must be punished by being called "supremacists", and that they want "white superiority".

Not allowing ANYTHING nice being said about whites, without bullying the person saying it, IS racism and discrimination.

This tactic has to stop and people who resort to it need to be called on it.

If you believe that whites are more beautiful you are perfectly within your right to say that without being harassed and accused of racism, just as you are allowed to say that another race is more beautiful if that's what you think.

I am SICK of this double standard, as I have said before, and this kind of low-brow attacks need to stop. I don't know what is going on in America but it is clear to me that people there seem to be trying to suppress and scare people form saying anything good about whites. Funny, the ones who love to cry racism are the ones who practise it the most, it seems."

The problem isn't simply that you have good things to say about whites or even that in your opinion white beauty is better than (synonym for superior to) beauty in other cultures. However, when you claim to have the only objective view on the matter (opinion, by its nature is not objective), and claim it is scientifically proven (when it really isn't), that is when it becomes a problem. I have a Spaniard friend who doesn't date Hispanic women. He is only attracted to white women. That is just his opinion, and I have no problem with it. I'm sure there are other men that date only black or only asians, and nothing is wrong with this either. If they started claiming that blacks or asians were objectively more beautiful than people of other races, then I would take issue.
