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Mon, 05/18/2009 - 21:01 niki The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

damn.. i bet you must be ugly or fat or something to be tearing these beautiful women apart. they might now be perfect but who is and who would want to be anyway.. im glad victoria secret doesnt have perfect models id never buy anything

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 18:01 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

""Well, I am not exactly here to write love letters, you see. Nor am I here to prove my looks or femininity. Judging my looks on the basis of what I write here is hilariously idiotic. Your comment is another bait, I know. That is apparently the only thing people like you can come up with.""

"Ha! Haven't you ever heard the saying, "Judge lest not you be judged?" Or how about this one, "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Well, guess what... it's true. When you judge other people, you cannot expect to not be judged in return. We KNOW that it not what the site is about, but that is missing the point. If you are willing to judge other people so harshly, don't be surprised when others want to judge you as well. Talk about being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it!"

I'm not judging people writing here or attacking them viciously and relentlessly just because they may disagree with me. I'm able "to take it". The thing is you don't even realize how bitter and envious you look when you resort to personal attacks. By all means, go ahead. It doesn't do anyone any favours, though.

""I have no idea why my looks, or the looks of anyone else who writes here, should be an issue. I'm not that insecure that I need to discuss my own looks here.""

"You have made the looks the issue of this site, and you expect it not to be an issue when anyone comments here?"

This site is about feminine beauty - not about MY looks. Since I don't need to talk about my looks all the time one could infer that I don't suffer from self-esteem issues in that department, and why that could be is not that hard to understand, I think.

Insecure people who look for confirmation here won't get it, since the site is not about boosting the self-esteem of people with psychological or self-esteem problems, but about promoting feminine beauty in the media, and about the lack of a balance in the media, where an unhealthy and very unfeminine ideal is being promoted at the expence of other, more natural ideals.

""I am proud of my heritage and of my people/race, and I which to see it preserved. I see lots of people benefitting from white-mixing, and very little coming our way, so it is very one-sided, I think. The recessive nature of white genes also makes it necessary to breed more within the race, unless you want to see it disappear. This is a biologic, evolutionary fact, no matter how politically incorrect it may be.""

"You do realize it will take thousands of years before that happens right? "

No, I don't. Evolution can be quicker than you think. Even now the amount of babies born in the US with blue eyes is declining, so it is happening right now. Race-mixing advocates like to say this is not real, but it is. Only an idiot would think that you can open the doors to mass-immigration by other races/ethnicities without any consequences to the white population living there originally.

""I also don't like the hostility and yes, racism, that I see towards whites, nor the double-standard that is often applied to what whites are allowed to say and express in comparison to what other ethnicities and races are allowed to say.""

"Oh, cry me a river. Compared to what other races have had to deal with whites had (and still do have) it easy. Most people that I meet of other races and ethnicities (sp) are not racist towards whites. That is not to say that I haven't met a few non-white racists, but honestly the percentage of racist whites I have met is higher than the percentage of non-white racists."

I know that other races have suffered, especially in America, which is not my country so I'm not a part of that, although I'm beginning to see the extreme agression and hostility other races have towards whites there. I don't think it should be a contest, by the way.

You can't say that you have suffered so now you are within your moral right to treat others badly. If you treat whites with hostility and aggression this is what you will get back - not sensitivity. I have never treated people badly and I don't see why whites today should have to pay an eternal price for the sins of others.

""This is not to say that men and women don't share qualities. They do. I just think the homosexual ideal of totally androgynous men and women, approaching one mono-gender, is appalling and revolting, and also abnormal if it is allowed to dominate the way it does in the fashion- and beauty industry. The modern, downright masculine female ideal promoted by homosexual men has gone too far, and that is what this site wants people to realize, I think.""

"By its very nature the fashion world is going to be abnormal. Even you admit that most people cannot fit into your standard of beauty. If the fashion world adopted your standard as the norm, it would still be "abnormal."

No, it doesn't have to be. It will be what you make it. "MY" standard? I'm not running this site. I think the standard here would be fairly easy to fit into. Less masculine, anorexic and overtly androgynous women, and more focus on softer, more feminine women with more normal weight, cannot be that hard to "fit into".

Trying to make people appreciate more natural and feminine women, and less hard, overly thin an masculine women, seems to me perfectly reasonable. The almost total disappearance of these women as standards of beauty in the media is what is worrying. That's what you get when homosexual men are allowed to set the standard, apparently.

"appalling and revolting, careful: your contempt is showing! If this site is more about appreciating feminine beauty, as you CLAIM it is, rather than putting people down, then why do you feel the need to call such womens' looks "appalling" and "revolting." "

The attempt to make clearly masculine and androgynous women rolemodels, and to promote more or less one mono-gender, is what is appalling and revolting. Yes, I feel contempt for a gay-run industry who wants to tell us what we should look like, and which has as its goal to promote masculine, anorexic women, and which consistently promotes women who look anything BUT feminine, or even normal, sometimes. One look at the sickly and ghostly runway models would prove my point.

It is one thing to use different kinds of women, also more masculine ones, but you see, this is not what they do. They aggressively promote ONE ideal, making feminine and curvy women some kind of outcasts in the eyes of the fashion world. That's not healthy, nor right.

You can be elegant, tall and slim and still be feminine and a little curvy. VERY important to remember, and that's something I think they constantly ignore. They want androgynous or masculine and sickly thin women - period.

""Some here who feel inferior (many attacks here, outwardly aggressive or hidden behind false graciousness, reek with inferiority complex) and hate the fact that good looks tend to depend on white genes seem to take pleasure in personally attacking those who have a personal taste that doesn't conform to their own looks/ race.""

"I actually came to this site in a moment of weakness when I wasn't feeling very good about my looks. I'm feeling"

And THAT is the problem! I think many women with very low self-esteem do visit here in the hopes of feeling better and more feminine and attractive.

It is not a good idea. This is not primarily a self-help site, or a forum for people with self-esteem issues. On the contrary, since it deals with perfection, in a way, and with beauty ideals and feminine role models, many would feel worse after visiting here.

Those who have healthy self-esteem and who want to talk about femininity and beauty in the media, and who think the homosexual ideal of masculine and anorexic women has gone overboard and wish to address that - without investing their own personal self in it - are more likely to find it to their liking.

The tone here tells me too many have deep inferiority complexes and issues with their bodies. I do NOT think this site is suitable for these people, and they should address their own problems somewhere else, instead of venting their anger and frustration on those who are here to discuss beauty and femininity in a rational and more detached way.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 16:23 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hi just noting,

I agree there is a bias towards white features but it's not like they have a totally Nordic looking actor speaking in Spanish. Mexican's are mixed white, natives or African so they are going to have actors with a mixed look but as I said I haven't a clue about Mexican telenovelas.

But I have watched some Indian movies and Indians are known to worship the white skin, at least that's what racists would jump to say. I was reading a blog about a white guy trying to make it in the Indian film industry but the guy didn't have much luck. After much perseverance, the only role that he got offered was a 2 minute unpaid role as a rapist! Just being light skinned and light eyed doesn't necessarily get you a one way ticket to becoming a celebrity and earning millions.

There is a bias towards lighter featured Hispanics and Indians in their own industry but then there are also a lot of equally succesful actors with dark features as well eg Shilpa Shetty winner of Big Brother UK and Bipasha Basu who dated footballer Ronaldo etc, etc.

You need to have that X factor or charisma and not many people have it.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 16:23 Emily Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

"This is the reason why I doubted you were hispanic because you just seem keen on linking beauty with white superiority."

People need to stop using the word "superiority" every time time we talk about whites in any postivie light. As soon as anyone has something good to say about whites they must be punished by being called "supremacists", and that they want "white superiority".

Not allowing ANYTHING nice being said about whites, without bullying the person saying it, IS racism and discrimination.

This tactic has to stop and people who resort to it need to be called on it.

If you believe that whites are more beautiful you are perfectly within your right to say that without being harassed and accused of racism, just as you are allowed to say that another race is more beautiful if that's what you think.

I am SICK of this double standard, as I have said before, and this kind of low-brow attacks need to stop. I don't know what is going on in America but it is clear to me that people there seem to be trying to suppress and scare people form saying anything good about whites. Funny, the ones who love to cry racism are the ones who practise it the most, it seems.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:52 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"A darker complexion is one reason that Asian and Southern European women age much better than Nordics."

I have lived in Italy and I can personally testify to that being not true at all. On the contrary, the impression I had was that Southern European women look much more coarse and "little old lady" like much more frequently and earlier than Nordic women do. Since they are shorter and shubbier to begin with they tend to lose any girly looks quickly and can look matronly and very coarse early on.

Asian women do tend to look young longer than other women do, so I think that's a fair statement.

"Swedish men are well-known for being more obsessed with their personal appearance than other European men to the point of being like women"

I've never heard that ridiculous statement before. Since I'm Swedish I can say that it's not true. Ethnic Swedes aren't vain. They keep clean but they don't stay all day in front of a mirror. Italian men, on the other hand, are well-known for their vanity, so that would be a better example

I guess many who write here are Americans and therefore sometimes ill-informed about Europeans in general, both when it comes to looks and in regards to other matters.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:40 Emily What form of women’s body shape was preferred in medieval Europe?

"Regarding Rubens, one has to remember that he also painted very robust and extremely manly men, so his women suddenly appear more feminine in comparison. He also painted women without the rolls of body fat, as seen here;"


17th century art;


18th century art;


Mon, 05/18/2009 - 12:35 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Voice of Reason,
I live in America and have seen Hispanic television. AH is right that European looks are preferred by both the producers and audiences. Many of Hollywood's "Hispanic" stars like Penelope Cruz and Antonio Banderas are white Spaniards or, have a white American parent like Jessica Alba, and are quite popular among Hispanic-Americans, the majority of whom have substantial Native American or African ancestry.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 12:09 just noting Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

re Deepika:
I am a white American, and I far prefer Aishwarya to Deepika. Deepika is beautiful, but she just looks like a white chick with a tan. Aishwarya has a unique, exotic look and you can tell in her photos that she has presence. Deepika doesn't come across as having any more personality than the average woman.

your photos,
You keep using the same photos of beautiful Nordic women and unattractive Asian girls in thread after thread. It doesn't do wonders for your arguments.

"instead with the greenish-yellow snakebelly color often seen. It lacks the translucency of the skin of whites."

A darker complexion is one reason that Asian and Southern European women age much better than Nordics. Compare a 50 year old Japanese woman and a 50 year old Swedish woman and the Japanese woman will have fewer wrinkles and is likely to be slimmer. You say that Asian men would instantly snap up a Nordic woman if he could, but my Asian friends have told me that many Asian men believe that white women age faster and don't keep up their appearance after the first bloom of youth. And that they're likelier to be overweight.

"BUT, many non-whites seem to be awfully keen on promoting race mixing, ignoring what it does to the white race."

Here in America Asians and blacks are much likelier to object to interracial mating than white liberals. And since American liberals get a lot of their tiresome ideas from Sweden I seriously doubt white nationalists abound there. In fact Denmark and Finland have elected leaders that are far more hard-nosed about immigration and multiculturalism than Sweden.

Androgynous Asian men,
Swedish men are well-known for being more obsessed with their personal appearance than other European men to the point of being like women(see below). Sounds pretty androgynous to me. A Finnish man once told me that in Finland they say all Swedish men are gay (see yahoo link and scroll down). According to this poll (see below) Swedish men are almost the worst lovers in the world (second only to the Germans). Granted Americans are fourth but I never claimed that Americans were world leaders in beauty and sex appeal. One of the tacit aims of this website is to promote Nordics as the most feminine of women and the most masculine of men. But the reality is that among Swedes, at least, the women tend to be radical feminists and the men tend to be effeminate fops compared to Italians, Koreans and even the British. There's more to femininity and masculinity than looks.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 09:30 Shalini Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Oh and Emily,


Racism is soooo 1900's! Your clearly an uneducated red-neck, who has nothing better to do then come on a website for "Nose Jobs" that feature "Ethnic Women" and then try an insult. Your truly retarded. You said "If eyes look black then they are black to me", your probably one of those idiots who thought Earth was flat and Jesus was caucasian.

Why don't you go back to your trailer and hurl abuses that nobody cares about?

I find it hard to believe your even a white person. I feel ashamed to even know a person like you exists. Don't worry, for all your racism, one day you will be born again, and you will most probably be born a black/ASIAN/african person who gets tortured for all the disastrous things you've done and said in this life. If not, it will come back to you a lot sooner in this life in another form and you will pay.

Karma will come back around, and it will hurt!

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 09:13 Shalini Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I agree with Erik 100 percent!

He did NOT say that Aishwarya Rai was unattractive, ugly or in need of a nose job. All he said was Aishwarya Rai has a hook nose which is clearly evident from her side portfolio. Personally i feel when Aishwarya smiles showing her teeth, her hook nose becomes evident.

She does have a hook nose, just like other celebrities like Paris Hilton. Aishwarya rai has a really small hook nose, which makes her face look cute. However the majority of south indians/Sri Lankans with hook noses have large or long hooks, which are unattractive and this is the reason that many South Asians undertake nose jobs, to create a petite small nose.

He is not using Aishwarya as an example of a bad nose, he is merely pointing out the reason why many undertake rhinoplasty/nose jobs in India.


Mon, 05/18/2009 - 08:12 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


Beauty is dependant on a lot of factors (excluding race) and they are:

Age- Younger is better than older.

Physical fitness- Healthier is better than sick.

Balanced Hormones- These are what are responsible for secondary sexual characteristics as in masculine and feminine features. More masculine or feminine is better than less masculine or feminine but not excessively (Arnold Schwarzenegger = not handsome).

Symmetry- As in how one half of the face looks in relation to the other half or how all the features in a face correlate to each other. Google Marquadt's mask.

Averageness- Average size of their features, average is better than too small or too big, also evidenced by research.

Pedomorphic look- More childlike facial features is better, this is true for girls and young boys but not necessarily older men, this has also been researched again.

None of these factors are related to race so at least understand the science of beauty. This is the reason why I doubted you were hispanic because you just seem keen on linking beauty with white superiority.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 05:02 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


I have given you an example where I have stated why and how the features combine but you seem to want to convince me that the actresses are better off because of white features.
According to your reasoning, all white people would be the epitome of beauty then why isn't every single white person in the world an actress or a model?

I live in the UK and have never seen a mexican telenovela so I am not quite awestruck by white features because I am used to seeing real and typical white features and they are not pretty all the time. I am watching Britain's Got Talent while typing this and the amount of weirdos on there is just awful. Heard of Susan Boyle? The lady with 70 million youtube viewers or Melinor Emman, Sweden's Eurovision contest hopeful. Both are very, very talented but not the best looking people.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 02:38 AH Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

to Voice of Reason

I didn't mean for my post to be confusing, to clarify I don't discriminate against any minority. I failed to articulate how ironic it is that you think I'm demeaning my own race when most of Latin America is mixed, and I tried to explain how things are like in some parts.

P.S. In my original post I tried to explain how being mixed with whites is beneficial to other races. I also didn't understand your reply "mixed race actresses are good looking because they have the best of both worlds and not as you would like to believe otherwise" wasn't that the point? would these actresses be as pretty if they didn't have white features? I don't understand your objection.

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 23:10 Hannah Part of a revamp of the attractive women section

Kimberly is hot! Why is she being taken down?

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 16:59 Amanda Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

I am 5'6'' with a 42 inch bust 27 inch waist and a 42 inch hip circumferance. Does this make me an hourglass shape?

PS I know that the hip and bust sound rather large but i guess i am big boned in those areas because I have only a 19% body fat percentage. I am a DDD cup and a pants size 8/10.

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 13:07 just noting Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks


Folks here can sometimes hyperbolize somewhat when calling masculinized models trannies but that sex blogger really does look like a man in drag. She certainly looks like she had high prenatal testosterone (and high testosterone now) but part of it may be that she knows she's unlikely to get a good looking guy to commit to her. Also it's quite possible that the whole point of the promiscuity detailed in the blog was to launch a media career via the blog and the exploits may even be made up. My opinions of her promiscuity mirror yours and I'd be unable to stand living that but some very mentally and emotionally masculine women don't mind. I know a woman like that whose face and body (when she was young, she's now in her 40s) would be considered feminine even by Erik but she was also one of the most aggressive and dominating women I've ever met. Definitely high T.

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 23:10 brownielocks Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

If Erik asks you repeatedly to go away, why don't you? It's what I did. I still come back occasionally, then wonder why. (BTW, the fact that Emily is still on the face of the earth depresses the sh!t out of me.) You've got to realize that combating online ignorance is a massive waste of time. And I could understand giving it this much time and effort if the site was a legitimate threat, but is it? How many fans do you think are out there? Do you think Erik has his own hypermasculine army out to take over the world? I almost wet myself laughing at that image. But seriously, let's count up. Erik has: 1. Emily. 2. Cute but trashy, low rent models that he tries to pass of as "the be all and end all" in feminine beauty. 3. Half baked pseudoscientific method which he tries to defend, and only to end up having to backpedal and move the goalposts. All these things are more liabilities than strengths.
The site is private property, indeed. If a man wants to stand in his own living room and spout ridiculous, condescending bullsh!t, usually I can't wait to get out. Why keep coming back? Associate with minds that are worth your time, and Eik will associate with minds that are worth his.

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 11:36 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hi Meredith,

I have to say that you have used pretty strong wording to address these people so I was pleasantly surprised to read you are actually white.

But then it is true that the majority of whites are not racist, there are a few bad apples and these tend to come from people of lower socio economic strata and intellect. This may sound a bit condescending and I wish I could phrase this better but oh well.
I am of mixed ethnicity (white and asian) so it is a touchy topic for me.
My husband is blue eyed and blonde and he actually has reverse racism, the other day he said white girls are not very attractive and I was like, why? There are a lot of beautiful white girls but then I guess it's just one's own preference.

Hi just noting,

You have used pretty strong words as well. Megan Fox was definitely a lot more wholesome and natural in the TV series and previous movies but she seems to have adopted the sultry (sex pot) look and as this is associated more with older women, she does look way older. Maybe this is a look that works for her as Transformers was quite succesful. I guess this is another point that this website is missing.
Fashion is dictated by economics and not really by a particular designer. You will obviously use models that sell clothes or magazines than one who doesn't sell any and that's a fact of life that anyone with basic business sense has to accept.

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 09:35 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Just Googled Channing Tatum Wait, he has a somewhat broad nose. Doesn't that make him wretchigly ugly? Personally I'll take him and his broad nose any day of the week!

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 07:31 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Voice of Reason,
I agree with you about the frequent beauty of mixed race people and that bone structure is more important than skin and eye color. However Megan Fox is not a good example due to all the plastic surgery she's had. I think she looked better as a sweet natural beauty than the fake sex pot she wants to be. I was surprised to learn that she's only 22 because she has the hard look of a woman who's at least 30.

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 07:16 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Channing Tatum is so hot I just checked his ethnicity and guess what.

Born in Cullman, a small city in Alabama, Tatum has one sister. He has African, French, Irish, and Native American ancestry

Emily, you tried to pass a person with African and native Indian ancestors as a Swedish guy. Uh oh! Your ideal swedish male white beauty happens to be an African Native Indian. Isn't that a bit ironic?

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 07:04 Roselip Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

link | Submitted by Emily on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 07:32.

I have no idea why my looks, or the looks of anyone else who writes here, should be an issue. I'm not that insecure that I need to discuss my own looks here.

Are you sure? LOL

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 06:51 Voice of Reason Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hi AH,

I can see the point you are making and that is there is prejudice and bias everywhere against certain ethnicities but your reasoning is that because there is prejudice in Latin America, you also have the right to discriminate as you are a Mestizo, which is a bit illogical.

I am not trying to put words in your mouth but your post is confusing.

Racists love arguing that mixed actors and models benefit from the white parents while completely ignoring the fact that mixed kids have 50/50 DNA and this is what makes them good looking.

Let's say for example the white father has typical caucasian features like big round eyes and a sharp longish nose. The mother has typical asian features as in exotic eyes, pert nose, delicate delicate bone structure. Now the child will be born with mixed features as in big exotic eyes, short but sharp nose and a delicate bone structure. Example is Kristin Kreuk, the actress in Smallvile.

I have noticed that Emily tried to pass of Channing Tatum as a swede when the fact is he has native Indian ancestry. You can see the jawline which is similar to Angelina Jolie as she too has Iroquis ancestry. Meghan Fox has Cherookee ancestry and you can see that she has those sexy features, a similar jawline. Also Halle Berry, Keanu Reeves etc etc, the list goes on and on.

In short the native Indian features have actually exoticised more bland white features and they make for a very striking looking person. Everything is a bit more exaggerated, higher cheeks, more angular jawline, more arched eyebrows, more poutier lips. These features are also synonymous with high hormone levels which is also an indication of a person's fitness as well.

Bone structure is much, much more important than colour of eyes and skin for photographing or filming and that's the reason why there are a lot of mixed race people in the glamour industry.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 16:14 AH Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Hi, Voice of Reason

I'm not demeaning my "race", I'm a mestizo which means I'm already of mixed origin between European and American Indians. Also have you ever been to any Hispanic countries, most mestizos have a bias toward black or pure "indians", there is a great irony that some discriminate against another minority, but that's a reality and as evident on many telenovelas most of the cast they choose are white or mestizos with Europeans features. If you think I'm demeaning my own kind, then the rest of Latin America is as well.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 13:20 just noting Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Interesting blog run by a Swedish man in Stockholm. Despite being surrounded by Nordic women he runs a blog devoted to the beauty of black women. Sort of like Erik's evil twin.
