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Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:49 DN Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Why arent there websites where we examine how to pass on respectful ideaologies, good social awareness of others and kindness to our children?

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:44 DN Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Maybe if it was Black or Asian people who conquered most of the world and held power in different places for hundreds of years, economically and militarily, we would all be having discussions about whether people's features contained elements typically linked with being "black" or whether our skin was dark enough.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:37 DN Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Sorry, meant to say, "people just have arbitary views and make arbitary decsions".

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:36 DN Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

You are pretty. I can tell from your posts that you are happy with the way you look. Its a shame that people wrote such illogical and unkind things although many like myself can see otherwise. Agencies may be make choices but doesnt mean they are wise. There is no logical reason. People just have arbitary views and make decisions.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 08:29 DN Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Thank you brownielocks.

I dont believe anyone in the fashion industry will take it seriously enough to do what the Website creater wants because the "scientific" supporting information used is outdated, providing support for those who wish to be racist. Very few of us are 100% any nationality if any, so I do not see why there is time for people to wage campaigns on the idea of two people from another race falling in love and having a baby. Why do we have to erect false ideas in order to feel better than one another? "Race", "colour", "wealth", "intelligence", "beauty"... I have the news on here and in other countries they dealing with wars, natural disasters, poverty and oppression. Here in England, Im sure many children are ok, but some are dropping out of the (education)system causing havock, I recently met a woman who lost a baby and there are people whose marriages have broken down, leaving children to deal with seperation and this is in England. There are more important things to be concerned with, even in our immediate sphere of day-to-day life.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 07:19 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

That dog is a Bull terrier....not pitbull or pitbull terrier. Thats what i know.
I want to wish you the best of luck and for all of our sakes i want the incredible Nordic race to flourish and increase in number. I love them :D

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 07:09 Peter Musings on setting up alternative fashion industries

You have amazed me with your potential to be "respectful" by your last post here. I have an answer/something to say for every Question here but i don't want to discuss it here.
If you want you can e-mail me at peter13041 [@], if you want to talk/discuss more :)
I am really sorry if i offended you.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 06:44 Paul Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Agree with everything you are saying except the comment here:

"The Vogue Italia issue sold well because of it freak novelty. If the magazine regularly started featuring lots of African models one wonders how long will it be before it goes out of circulation."

While digressing from the main point, I have to say you are off on this analogy. You are basically stating that if lots of African models were featured in these magazines after a while they'd stop selling. The only way how something like that would happen would be racism of a massive scale. Something that I honestly doubt in this day and age.

Bad call Erik.

However, the the "all black" issue of course was done as a gimmick rather than a serious call to change.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 06:10 Paul Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Just reading huggins' first few sentences on Katie made it obvious that she was a girl. I notice how women who are obsessed with fashion always miss the boat on understanding anything of what is truly attractive in females and prove the point further on how totally off the scope the fashion world is with feminine beauty.

Katie Green doesn't have to lose a pound. She looks great at the weight she is and if you do a BMI check on her she is 100% healthy at 5' 10. As a man, I don't give a damn about a women "toned up". I care about women with hips, butt, breasts, etc... You know, the qualities only women not men posses. Any 100% heterosexual man who looks at Katie wouldn't say she would have to lose a pound except for homosexuals who fear femininity and women who are too obsessed with the sickness of the fashion industry.

Funny too. If you take Katie's stats and subtract 28 pounds, that puts her BMI very underweight. Just like the homosexuals like it.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 06:08 Paul Women ‘too fat’ to model: Katie Green and Traci Moslenko

Just reading huggins' first few sentences on Katie made it obvious that she was a girl. I notice how women who are obsessed with fashion always miss the boat on understanding anything of what is truly attractive in females and prove the point further on how totally off the scope the fashion world is with feminine beauty.

Katie Green doesn't have to lose a pound. She looks great at the weight she is and if you do a BMI check on her she is 100% healthy at 5' 10. As a man, I don't give a damn about a women "toned up". I care about women with hips, butt, breasts, etc... You know, the qualities only women not men possess. Any 100% heterosexual man who looks at Katie wouldn't say she would have to lose a pound except for homosexuals who fear femininity and women who are too obsessed with the sickness of the fashion industry.

Funny too. If you take Katie's stats and subtract 28 pounds, that puts her BMI very underweight. Just like the homosexuals like it.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 01:58 russkie Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I would take this girl home in a heartbeat! She is a bombshell!

Im speechless now..... :D but excited in my pants.. gtg

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 01:54 Euro Guy Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Thu, 03/05/2009 - 01:42 Russian Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Its funny how so many people can spend this much time commenting and posting pictures on this ridiculous page of b/s...especially people who dont really know anything about the person in 'real' life but instead choose to judge her based on the worst possible photos that someone found from her facebook/google page...i know Ekaterina in person and she is fucking gorgeous no matter what hateful bitches say! They are just jealous that they haven't done modelling (or have..doesnt really matter) and choose to sit on there asses instead and write dumb fucking pointless comments on a page that was created by someone who is bored out of there small fucking barely-existent brain. Don't be a hipocrit to people who you don't know in real life and base your comments on bad photos of them especially...Kate is a strong, intelligent, sophisticated, beautiful woman! She doesn't only have the looks but also the brains and attitude to back herself up and down-grading comments are worthless to her...btw..she does not want to be a proffessional model...she actually has brains to do more important things than pose for a photographer who jerks off to pictures of models (and comments about there looks on gay-ass websites like this one)b/c he can't get any pussy himself! And to all the hatin' bitches..go blow someone.And stop spilling all your PMS on this page..take some painkillers to ease the pain of looking in the mirror...

Thank you..and this was a waste of time but it was worth saying..

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 01:17 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"You have to be held to higher standards. When Godis trashes my arguments or the discussion with poor comments, I have few reasons to mind because it shows what kind of arguments my critics have: empty ones. Now if she were as annoying as Peter, I would warn her, but there is so far not much to bother with the way she is. On the other hand, you appear to agree with many of my major arguments. I wish to convey that these major ideas can be defended rigorously, using neutral language and, when required, empirical evidence and academic arguments. If you come up with ridiculous comparisons and lowbrow comments in support then I have to deal with straw men that the people who defend my stances are unsavory characters and incapable of coming up with a decent argument. These critics will ignore all valid points made by you and all instances where you have clearly won the argument and focus instead on your bad jokes or absurd comparisons."

I think most people would have much less patience with these people, who are here only to disrupt, divide and ultimately destroy the site, in my opinion. When they have got rid of me they will continue their attacks on you and anyone who dares to say anything they disapprove of. It seems you are aiding them in that.

The provokations they have subjected me to are excessive, anyone sees that. I think you have to take responsibility for NOT moderating these threads at all. It is virtually impossible to run a site where you allow troll comments to stand totally unmoderated, since their aim is to take full monopoly on opinions and silence others. You alolow them free range and reprimand me instead? What kind of strange and unusual policy is that?

When you clearly see that someone is ganging up on one person, whose opinions they disagree with, in an attempt to make this person go away by any means necessary, I think it's appropriate to moderate. You have chosen to not moderate their nasty comments, blatantly ignoring the flaming and trolling I was subjected to for a long, long time . You have let them know that this is fine, by doing nothing. This is how they see it. They do this because..they can, like a child would, unless limits are put in place.

In spite of this I have continued to write what I believe to be right. Godis's latest attempt, trying to turn Romanians into some kind of quasi Nordics, must be addressed, and that is why I wrote about Romanians and showed what they typically look like. Misinformation should not be allowed to stand.

"Another reason why you need to be held to higher standards is that this Peter character is trashing this site with useless and off-topic comments, and all he needs to mouth off is to see a new comment by you. You are dealing with a character that will bait you. If you decline the bait he will declare victory. If you take the bait he will digress into multiple off-topic issues and resort to foul debating techniques, forcing you to decline further discussion, again claiming victory. All along he will contribute nothing of value. Please don’t give him an excuse to trash this site more by bringing in the dog comparison."

Peter will trash this site no matter what I write. MY GOD, haven't you understood that yet? He has been doing that to me ever since the beginning. If I write that I love the beautiful colors of Nordic eyes and hope to see them preserved in Nordic countries he immediately start posting large photos of Indians with bright eyes of different colors. It doesn't MATTER what I write, he will always troll as long as I am here. Period.

"Peter has not read my book and I am not sure if he has read the articles on homosexuality that I have posted online, but even if he has he has shown no understanding of them in his comments left at this site."

Maybe he has understanding but disagrees with you and can't express those disagreements very well.

"Ekaterina is a girl, not a woman. You have made your argument about her looks. Now leave her alone. Girls tend to be more sensitive about their looks and negative comments about them, if necessary, should be worded as neutrally as possible."

She was the one not leaving ME alone. I ignored her previous troll comment, yet she persisted in her provokations and reposted a photo of a model, making fun of her and me. She wants to model but cannot be subjected to any negative remarks. Well, in that case she should choose another profession.

You use many pictures of girls of similar age here on your site, by the way, many of whom may be deeply offended by your words and opinions of them. I don't think you are in any position to tell me to leave anyone alone as long as you do the same thing. You earn money on the links to their nude pages, even, so you cannot take any moral high ground here. You have seen the comments men and others here post under their pictures, but you seem to think that's fine, disregarding the fact that the girls can also read them.

"Regarding native language, I don’t have any. It is difficult to explain and irrelevant here, but I grew up being exposed to multiple languages, unable to call any of them my own."

How very unusual. Could you tell me where you grew up, perhaps?

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 00:03 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily: You have to be held to higher standards. When Godis trashes my arguments or the discussion with poor comments, I have few reasons to mind because it shows what kind of arguments my critics have: empty ones. Now if she were as annoying as Peter, I would warn her, but there is so far not much to bother with the way she is. On the other hand, you appear to agree with many of my major arguments. I wish to convey that these major ideas can be defended rigorously, using neutral language and, when required, empirical evidence and academic arguments. If you come up with ridiculous comparisons and lowbrow comments in support then I have to deal with straw men that the people who defend my stances are unsavory characters and incapable of coming up with a decent argument. These critics will ignore all valid points made by you and all instances where you have clearly won the argument and focus instead on your bad jokes or absurd comparisons.

Another reason why you need to be held to higher standards is that this Peter character is trashing this site with useless and off-topic comments, and all he needs to mouth off is to see a new comment by you. You are dealing with a character that will bait you. If you decline the bait he will declare victory. If you take the bait he will digress into multiple off-topic issues and resort to foul debating techniques, forcing you to decline further discussion, again claiming victory. All along he will contribute nothing of value. Please don’t give him an excuse to trash this site more by bringing in the dog comparison.

It is self-evident that East Asians have less dimorphic secondary sexual characteristics than Europeans. But this is natural for them and cannot be described using terms such as arrested development and underdeveloped. You may use “arrested development” and “underdeveloped” if you prefer, but in any case, a comparison of adults with babies is uncalled for and simply provides an excuse for people like Peter to leave comments. I know you are not concerned whether you displease Peter, but you can at least try to give him fewer reasons to comment on your postings.

Peter has not read my book and I am not sure if he has read the articles on homosexuality that I have posted online, but even if he has he has shown no understanding of them in his comments left at this site.

Ekaterina is a girl, not a woman. You have made your argument about her looks. Now leave her alone. Girls tend to be more sensitive about their looks and negative comments about them, if necessary, should be worded as neutrally as possible.

Regarding native language, I don’t have any. It is difficult to explain and irrelevant here, but I grew up being exposed to multiple languages, unable to call any of them my own.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 22:12 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Erik, what is your native tounge? Considering that you yourself brought that up I would like to know.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 22:04 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ekaterina, you do not look good by our standards. You look like a typical Eastern European with a poor profile, and now when I see your teeth they seem strange, as if they are too short. Not flattering. As a model you are sub-standard and this has nothing to do with your weight but with the fact that you don't look good enough. That is what you were told. As for trolling, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

The real model does not have a perfect face, I have never said so. I compared her to you so I didn't think I needed to look long and hard for a perfect face in order to show someone better and more appropriate for the job of modeling. She has an interesting, open and sweet face, without a feature that totally ruins it, as far as one can tell in that picture.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 21:52 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Regarding the gypsies, the gypsies have Hindu origins. I didn't know this, actually. When you compare them it seems very likely so I accept that as fact. You can look it up in Wikipedia. There are many gypsies in Romania. To me it is clear that they have infuenced the gene pool of Romanians.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 21:46 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Yes, Peter, that is a pitbull terrier.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 21:45 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

So it is OK for someone to call me a cow and a whore? Where is your reprimand to godis who has been writing overboard troll comments here for a very long time, aimed only at provoking me, and lacking argument totally, diverting the discussion to self-esteem issues and Nazi Germany? Interesting.

As for Ekaterina, she has had a bad attitude from the start and tried to shut up discussion. I ignored her comments lately, but she insisted on trying to provoke me to answer by reposting the same photo of a real model who happens to be far superior to her in looks, making fun of HER nose. Ekaterina happens to resemble a pitbull terrier and that is what came to mind.

You are welcome for the comments I made in your defense when Peter jumped at you. Maybe you deserved his critisism far more than I realized. After all, he has actually read your book.

I also happen to believe Asians do look childlike and underdeveloped. This is a fact, and I stand by it. I have also through pictures and arguments proved that they do, especially in comparison to adult white women. It is a well-known fact that they appear arrested in development to most people here. Displeasing Peter is not something that I am concerned about. He can take responsibility for his actions. I don't.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 20:56 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily: You need to stop coming up with bad jokes such as invoking a comparison to dogs to describe someone’s face shape or comparing adult East Asian women’s bodies to those of babies. These are absurd and lower the level of the discussion to the point that they invite people like Peter to trash the thread with useless comments, digressions and other nonsense. I know English is not your native language but neither is it mine. There are better ways to describe negative or unflattering facts or opinions, and you know it.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 19:57 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

and Emily darling that is not a pitbull dog!!! LOL

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 19:53 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ouch that was really really low....How could you compare Ekaterina to a dog? She is pretty and feminine looking. I suggest if you can't post a pic of your beauty then just shut up!
You are in the minority by considering her unattractive.

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW DO you ever STOP!!!!!????? WHAT THE F!!!! Seriously!!!!

Before it was East Asian and Indians then it was Slavs and now its Romanians???? Do you realize what your doing? Whats next ? South Europe and then whats left a small population of north Europe?

You have totally ignored my previous posts for obvious reasons. STOP praising this blond hair and blue eyed shit! ITS tiring! I posted pics of many Indians with real light, green etc and you didn't say anything. I posted my pics you didn't say anything. You only like to attack and not appreciate! If i had a hooked nose you would have attacked me! If i posted a pic of people with contacts you would have attacked. But you are easily silenced by the truth!

I don't understand at one hand your praising blue eyes and blond hair and at the other you are attacking people for trying to "get that"???? WHY should people not share this preference?

Oh Emily! you are getting your attention quota well fed here! I have never met a Nord like you (if you are one)...actually wait Erik is another...not sure if he is a Nord though.
But Nords have always appreciated my beauty and been very "accepting" people. The evolutionary/geographical histories of different ethnic groups have been different. SO WHY COMPARE THEM? In the other post of slutty white women you were talking about fairness in comparison. Do you leave room for any?
Why are you comparing other populations to your Nordic standards? What the hell. PLEASE GROW UP!
Learn to be nice and learn to accept variability and uniqueness.
I can go the same road as you! You think Indians look dirty/muddy because of their brown skin...I can say many things about Nordics but i love this group of people and will not follow you into the gutter.
ahhhhh anyways love to all!

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 18:17 Andrea Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ektarina you resemble television star Allison Mack.

Wed, 03/04/2009 - 18:13 Andrea Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily how do Romanian women have any "Hindu" influence at all? There are no Indian people in Romania.
