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Fri, 03/06/2009 - 08:03 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"What is the bright idea of trying to correct a portrayal of Romanians as quasi-Nordics? Some people know better, others don’t care. What will happen if some people actually believe it to be true? Nothing, "

Well, I think it should be corrected. Painting a false picture of Romanians, turning them into blondes and blue-eyed Nordics when they most certainly are not, but instead one of the swarthiest-looking people in Europe, is not something that should just stand uncorrected.

The truth matters, and the fact that some here ignore it in order to sound better-looking than they are is not acceptable. You say the misconception will be corrected once they interact with Romanians(!). Most of them will never interact with them, not here in Northern Europe, in any case, so the misconception would have been there if I had not corrected it.

You put blame on me for the flaming and trolling instead of moderating the threads here and tell people that this behaviour is NOT acceptable. That is very strange. Usually, respectable boards have moderators who don't accept trolling and flaming. Saying he or she deserved it is improper.

As for the young girls you use here they are the same age as Ekaterina, and have the same basic immaturity that comes with that age so you cannot say that she is an exception and the other 18-year-olds who "look" older are more mature mentally. They are not, obviously.

They are what they are....teens and very young adults. Also, even older women can get offended and hurt by things that are written about them, you know.

Anyone with a true and genuine concern for their feelings would for example blur their faces so as to protect their identitites when you use nude photos. In that way at least they would be spared the added humiliation of being identified on the same page where people discuss and value their body parts and general appearance. Since you refuse to moderate the threads some remarks are very low and primitive, and these could be read by the models.

When you discuss the faces these obviously cannot be blurred. The thing that strikes me as odd is that Ekaterina seems to be deserving of special treatment not given to other models of her age here. That shows a concern for Ekaterina, but not a general, true concern for the girls whose pictures are used here.

As for bright ideas, everyone has ideas that are not bright or important to others but maybe seem valid and important to the person bringing it up. For example, your view that Northern Europeans have low self-esteem and it is genetic, seemed less than well thought out to me. I ignored that one, and I most certainly would not troll and flame you over it, and had I been a moderator I would not allow flaming of you just because you might deserve it because it was less than "bright".

Fri, 03/06/2009 - 07:30 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Nice troll comment. There are those who have eyes that are so dark that they appear black. Technically they may not be but visually they are, and that is why I called them black, since that's what they LOOK like.

No, men here don't "love" to mate with inferior-looking, underdeveloped, mongoloid Asian women. A few have to take what they can get when no Nordic women are available to them. If you have seen the men here who import these women, you would understand that they obviously have problems competing with other men who are socially, financially or physically more attractive men. In other words, they don't choose non-Nordic women unless they have to, and when they do it is a last resort when they have tried and failed with their own women.

I imagine the situation to be very similar in the US, for example, where men sometimes have to import women from Asia or Eastern europe since they can't sustain a relationship with one of their own kind..







Asians have to be content with the scraps of our dating table. There are always exceptions but generally that is the case. I'm not saying this to be mean but since some here try to paint a false picture they need to be corrected.

Fri, 03/06/2009 - 06:07 lovely Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Emily, black eyes do not exist. So far, you have presented only ignorance. Maybe because you are not content with yourself and that is why you are jealous of other women. Just accept the fact that there are many desirable non-nordic women on this planet and your men loves to mate with them. Now you need to take some time to chill out and stop being arrogant and self centered.

Fri, 03/06/2009 - 04:15 Godis Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

Women inclined toward greater promiscuity or more promiscuous women tend to have higher testosterone levels (Cashdan, 1995; van Anders, Hamilton, & Watson, 2007) and a more masculine physical appearance than controls (Mikach & Bailey, 1999; Ostovich & Sabini, 2004).

Erik, I never understood this. I am a very feminine woman with a very curvy body, large breasts, large buttocks, small face with low cheekbones, feminine forhead, etc. However, I have a very high sex drive. Now I don't believe in sex before marriage because I am a Christian and for other personal reasons (believe it is irresponsible,don't want to worry about pregnancy, stds, etc.) I've actually had some guys break up with me because of this. However, although I am abstinent physically I do think about sex a lot. I have a very high sex drive and am easily turned on. I would have to say that I am very interested in sex and trying new things etc. But I highly doubt I have high testosterone levels. Seriously, I have a classic hourglass shape,and soo many feminine features, if not all are feminine. So, what is my case? How come I am so sexual but I do not physically display characteristics of someone with high testosterone levels?

Fri, 03/06/2009 - 03:28 Godis Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks


Do you think some women are "air-brushed" or photoshopped to look more masculine?

I came across some photos of Keeley Hazel because I wanted to see if she has had any plastic surgery. I came across this photo:

Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

Now her shoulders look very large and her backside very flat. I was wondering if this was just airbrushed to look like that because I can't honestly believe that she looks like this from the front:

Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

keeley Pictures, Images and Photos

Keeley Hazel Pictures, Images and Photos

And then so flat and broad shouldered from the back? I just want to know your opinion on it. I do believe some women are air-brushed to look thinner or more masculinized. I am not saying that thinner=more masculine, but I am saying that it looks like they are being airbrushed to appear more masculinized.

I know your theory is that homosexuals dominate fashion, but my theory is that women like masculinization because naturally they are attracted to masculine men. So they like to see masculine women because it is what is attractive to them. That is why I believe they air-brush women on covers of magazines to be more masculinized: to appeal to women. Women are the largest consumers, and magazines are a hot prodcut. What do you think?

Fri, 03/06/2009 - 03:09 Godis Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks


Speaking of Keeley Hazel is she 100% natural? I mean did she have ANY plastic surgery whatsoever?

Because if she hasn't HOLY CRAP that is amazing! She has a nice body.

Fri, 03/06/2009 - 02:55 Godis Please do not post direct links to this site at, plus other news

Another issue that is seldom discussed when it comes to displaying women’s breasts in public is the disturbing looks of the breasts in obese women and many old women. It is for this reason that I do not have a problem with allowing women to bare their breasts in public as long as they are not old or obese.

LOL Erik. One day I will be old and very offended by this comment.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 19:10 Zoran Please do not post direct links to this site at, plus other news

During that traffic surge, you must have made a nice bit of money from the adsense clicks? bootleg moviesonline roulettepoker sites

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 18:21 Erik Using adult actresses and nude models to infer what heterosexual men prefer in women’s looks

HughRistik: The Ask Men issue has come up before. Ask Men claims over 10 million votes cast. This may be an exaggeration but the votes were likely over a million and so it is unlikely that the results reflect nonheterosexual men heavily skewing the results. I also don’t think that voting based on personality/accomplishment has played a major role but it could have.

The obvious reasons why there are so many masculinized women in this top list are that they select from a pool of celebrities that are deficient in feminine women to start with. So people are voting on the best among these women and voting on pictures that are usually not very clear about the shape of the women (fooled by posing tricks, which you have mentioned).

Some of the 2009 results are in accordance with my arguments such as Keeley Hazell ranked #4, but Eva Mendez ranked #1 by 10 million people is very inconsistent with my arguments. I suspect factors such as the Latino vote disproportionately favoring people of a similar ethnic background and Ask Men massaging the calculations to appear in agreement with similar publications or not antagonize its advertisers, which is consistent with Ask Men removing the negative comments for the #1 selection.

Some of the comments you posted are indeed revealing. Negative comments about these models’ looks along the lines of ugly, hag, bitch and so on are uninformative and can be dismissed as indicative of jealously. But when the negative comments point out masculinization and the woman is masculinized, then they are indicative of genuine dislike. And whereas people may trash the looks of a feminine woman, they will not call her masculine.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 17:17 Erik Misleading and useless CNN video related to New York Spring 2009 fashion week

Paul: Racism would have nothing to do with regular use of lots of African models putting the magazine out of circulation. The reasons would be marketability and the preferences of fashion designers. High fashion is a predominantly Western phenomenon and the clients are disproportionately upper class people of European ancestry. Why would you use African models to cater to this demographic? Now, if the industry decided to use African models exclusively then rich people of non-African backgrounds would cater to it because there is no alternative and high fashion merchandize simply has to be obtained, but this is unlikely to happen because most fashion designers prefer white models. So a magazine that tried to be different by regularly featuring lots of African models will not make it in the long run because most others will not do this.

I know the Vogue Italia issue was a gimmick.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 16:32 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily: Regarding provocations or bait, they are best ignored. The reason people have been ganging on you is that you chose to respond to their trivial points and the manner in which you do provokes them. What is the bright idea of trying to correct a portrayal of Romanians as quasi-Nordics? Some people know better, others don’t care. What will happen if some people actually believe it to be true? Nothing, and this misconception will be gone when they interact with a representative sample of Romanians. It is a useless thing to be wasting one’s time clarifying. And the way you do it, you open yourself to the accusation that your argument is that attractive people are effectively not found outside the Nordic ethnic groups. Your actual argument is that by European and widely shared criteria of attractiveness, attractive individuals are found at a much higher frequency among Northern Europeans. Not one of your critics has disputed this, but they will accuse you of the straw man because of your style of arguments.

You may clarify how the average people of different ethnic groups look like, which is well within the scope of this site, but if you want to avoid flaming and nastiness, then there is a better way than your way.

You mentioned the example of Peter posting pictures of Indians with light eyes. You have wisely chosen not to respond to it. All people that have had sufficient interaction with Indians know that blue and green eyes (not Hazel mislabeled green) are very rare among Indians. In regard to your comments, posting pictures of these Indians proves nothing and neither does claiming how a very small percentage of people with light eyes translates to an absolute number in the millions because of the large population size. He will not continue to post these pictures if you just ignore them. This is how you should behave with lots of similar arguments and you will be less picked on.

Peter will not be trashing this website no matter what you write. I asked him to behave and he didn’t. Then I warned him and he still didn’t. I will be giving him a second warning. Since he has nothing of value to add to the discussion what is he going to do? If he behaves he will post a few comments here and there and then leave. If he doesn’t behave I will make him leave.

Regarding girl vs. woman, I have used pictures of 18- and 19-year-olds, but, with few exceptions, they look adult. Ekaterina looks adult also, but her girlishness has to do with her mind. She is not yet a woman in this regard and this is why negative evaluations of her looks are best worded carefully. If you go over unflattering comments about women’s looks that I have used, then my unflattering comments are usually along the lines of, to use Ekaterina’s example, there is a bump on her nose that most people will not find attractive. This is far removed from the dog analogy you have come up with. At my worst, I have used some sarcasm to describe that the Emperor has no clothes or compared the looks of top female fashion models to those of male-to-female transsexuals, but it is difficult to describe the masculinization using euphemisms, my language proficiency is limited, my comments are countered by the fashion industry singing paeans to the attractiveness of these women and they are nowhere as extreme as your evaluations at their worst.

If some people leave negative comments about fashion models or the more feminine women shown within this site, I don’t bother because they are usually a one-time incident by a given person. Multiple foul or lousy comments about the more feminine women are not a problem really because they show what best the critics can do, and if these women read the comments, my own portrayal of them as attractive will counter the negative comments. On the other hand, when a regular like you starts leaving lousy negative comments and you happen to mostly agree with my arguments then you have to be held to higher standards.

In your latest reply to Ekaterina, you have stated your evaluation of her looks – pretty but ordinary – in a very reasonable manner and this is how it should be. Your apology to her is also welcome and she has reciprocated. So that takes care of the matter.

Also, Ekaterina got it right why I put up the article on her. The real issue isn’t why Ekaterina has had a hard time being booked. She is just an example used to focus on the nature of the fashion industry.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 15:51 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Erik made this section for the purpose of discussing the modeling industry, not my 'case'. What he wanted to point out is that feminine beauty is not marketable in the fashion industry because they look for masculine females. It has very little to do with my appearance per se. Erik stated that there are many attractive girls with feminine attributes, such as myself, that do not get booked due to lack of masculinity.

You went beyond what this section was supposed to be about. You stooped down to such a low level - bashing different nationalities, comparing me to a dog, stating that I look terrible, that I have a horrible nose, etc. I honestly laughed at those statements. If you knew me in real life, you would realize that I take criticism greatly. I welcome it and take it with a grain of salt because nobody knows me better than I know myself. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everybody should realise that. What your problem is, that you do not know how to build constructive criticism. All you did was try and shoot me down. How is that going to help me improve myself in any aspect? (Not that I need to). I have honest friends who will tell me if something about me is off..and yet, they find me to be a very attractive person. As for me, I say what's on my mind. I appologize if I have in some way upset you. I am harsh. You just have to learn to deal with it.

I have opted out of the modeling industry because I don't take it seriously. I do not have a marketable look by the industry's standards because I am feminine and am the minimum height for getting signed by an agency. That is the only reason. It is not because I am unattractive. I still enjoy modeling for fun if something comes up. I do not engage in anything serious because I now understand how silly the modeling industry really is. I have greater goals for my future that will last me a lifetime. Unlike a modeling career, which would only last until I was in my early 20's if I was to succeed in it.

Yet again, you mention my attitude. Do you honestly think I would talk like that with people I network with? Those people are interested in my look and do not criticize me for enjoyment. I have heard uncountable times that I am very professional in what I do. The most important attributes in working as a model are reliability and class. I possess both of those aspects.

To conclude, I suggest that we both stop this nonsense because it is completely pathetic.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 15:44 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Might I add:

Their skin often looks muddy and not white is what you claim... Um... have you ever seen a vampire movie? Have you ever noticed that Romanians are portrayed with very very white pale skin in any of those movies? Dracula was based on a Romanian king named Vladimir. Have you ever noticed how white he is portrayed? Why... because most Romanians are very white unless they are mixed with Roma/Gypsy, but even then they can be very white.

I am very white, I even freckle. If I wasn't so white why did I just finish putting sunless tanner on a few minutes ago in an attempt to give myself more color and making myself look "alive" without resorting to damaging my skin with the fake n bake?

Romanians CAN actually tan and not burn. If they do not tan, they usually maintain a very white color. Either way it looks very "romantic" as you like to put it. What man can resist dark brown THICK hair with pale skin red lips and dark almond shaped eyes? Romanians also do not age as badly as Pure Nordic women do. This is because their skin has enough pigment in it to actually be able to tan nicely and not get super damaged. But like I said, they can be very pale as well.

Oh... sigh sigh sigh the ignorance...

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 14:58 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I don't intend to read all that nonsense, and those who have to resort to name calling and foul language are not worthy of anyone's time.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 14:41 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Ekaterina..this section was made by Erik - not me - and is named "Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?"

HE has invited a discussion about the reason for your not being booked by the agencies. HE has allowed user comments on this, and HE posted the first photos of you, CLEARLY inviting people to speculate and discuss the reasons for your lack of success. Now, my opinion is that you are not qualified since you don't have the looks for it, and I have explained why. It is not just a matter of age, height and weight, but basic physical appearance of the face.

I can understand that you find it hard and unpleasant to read, but this discussion was NOT initiated by me but by the owner of this site. This discussion DEALS with your "case" so to speak, and I am not trolling when I comment and judge your looks as I was invited to do by the person who runs this site. Even you must be able to understand this.

You seem totally unable to take critisism, and you also live under a false sense of grandeur since you are not particularly attractive in model standard terms. You are a pretty but ordinary girl. I'm sorry. The dog comparison was uncalled for, I admit that, but sometimes even I lose my patience. I suggest you don't read comments about yourself since they bother you immensely unless they are flattering. How you would have got by as a model with that kind of attitude is beyond me, but that is your problem, I suppose.

Contrary to what you believe you cannot stop people from talking about you if you model, and you DO offer your services as a model on that site, so technically you are fair game to discuss here. I commented on your looks as a model. Try to understand that. Not on you as a private person, but as a model. I only talked about you in that regard, and that is what this site is about, as you see. Models and beauty, and so forth.

Finally, your decision not to model seems in every respect the right one for you, so that is probably for the best.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:27 Ekaterina Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"Ekaterina is a girl, not a woman. You have made your argument about her looks. Now leave her alone. Girls tend to be more sensitive about their looks and negative comments about them, if necessary, should be worded as neutrally as possible."

Erik, I could honestly give a rat's ass about what a shallow Swedish idiot has to say about me. For all we know she could be sitting there, stuffing her ugly face with chocolate, and trying to make her miserable life a little better by 'bringing down' others. If you could see me right now, this makes me laugh out loud at Emily's stupidity.

"She was the one not leaving ME alone. I ignored her previous troll comment, yet she persisted in her provokations and reposted a photo of a model, making fun of her and me. She wants to model but cannot be subjected to any negative remarks. Well, in that case she should choose another profession."

Oh my dear, sweet child...
'It wasn't me! She started it! Waaahhhh!!'
Your behaviour is that of a 5 year old.
Anyway, let me try and teach you this in a mature, adult manner..
The photo of the woman you posted to compare to me, was brought up again. I then noticed that she also has a bump on her nose. Now, you must be idiotic not to notice that I wasn't making fun of her nose. The woman has a nice nose. Why on earth would I be hypocritical and make fun of her nose when I also have a bump on my nose that makes me look good? Take a minute and think about that.
I have already stated - I DO NOT WANT TO MODEL. Can you read? Modeling is a thing of the past for me. I do it in my spare time when I feel like it. And guess what? People book me because they find me incredibly attractive. My career? You have got to be kidding me. I bet you I'm far more mentally advanced than you and have post-secondary and career goals for my near future...Instead of sitting on my ass all day and flaming others for their appearance, which never makes a person who they are in any case. Now why don't you take another 5 or 10 minutes and let that process through your thick skull.
Negative remarks you say? I laugh at them because you do not know anything about me. My attitude is sarcastic, not 'bad'. Sarcasm is a rich thing, learn to live with it.

On a side note, you have fished out every possible negative remark out of your small brain, that your mind starts pacing around, looking for something to you go for my teeth.. :S
Dear Jesus, my teeth are beautiful, and so is my smile. They are straight and white. I'm sorry if you're used to seeing toothpaste commercials with models who have horse teeth..I am not one of them.

Short teeth:

What you think are 'good' teeth (ew):

Mine are a perfect balance between those 2 extremes ;)



I know who you are ;) Haha.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:20 hffhgfgh Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

By the way, I'm surprised you haven't been arguing about the beauty of white males. Wanna know why that'd be an even greater excercise in futility than this? Because pedomorphic traits and derived traits apply much less for males than they do for females, along with innate beauty standards for males being vastly broader. Maybe you're intellectualy honest enough to not see the insanity in that.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:16 hffhgfgh Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I see Emily has now gone off screaming about the "evils" of race mixing and how it promotes a "genocide" against whites. Nice to see your true colors. Looks like you're just some white nationalist scumbag.

"Sorry, I'm not going to waste my time going through that entire post, much less answer it."

WONDERFUL! I put out an actual response, and you ignore it. Nice intellectual honesty on your part, prick.

"NOT ADULT WOMEN but adolescent girls, I ones you showed here."

Listen you arrogant idiot.. I have said TIME AND TIME AGAIN how it is POINTLESS to focus on the extreme neotinic traits of many east asians, as these are tied almost ENTIRELY to testosterone differences, which are a TRANSIENT racial feature.

"Unfinished faces, mongoloid traits remaining, but higher nose ridge, white skin lacking life to it, instead with the greenish-yellow snakebelly color often seen. It lacks the translucency of the skin of whites. Hard eyes with the same color as usual, and the awful mongoloid shape. I'm sorry but it is not flattering to any face."

This is just YOUR opinion, as usual. Besides, I find it funny how you claim her skin lacks "life" to it, under your revoltingly elitist paradigram of nordic white skin being the ideal, when you can so BLATANTLY see she's blushing in her first picture. Besides, how can you argue the extreme nordic skin is intrinsically better than this? Many people would be put off by pale, snow-white, skin among nordics. To many, it reminds them of that of a corpse, that of a leper, that of bone, that of the diseased. I do not believe there is any intrinsic preference for any natural skin color among humans, but that is what many people can associate nordic skin with.

"The black eye color, the mongoloid eye form and the flat nose is VERY often passed down to whites when you race mix. It destroys the white race and improves the Asian race at our expence. White genes are recessive and the dominant Asian genes will almost never entirely go away once introduced."

Nobody naturally has black eyes, you fool. Many, many whites have brown or dark eyes, moreso than they do green, blue, or multicolored eyes. Are they a threat to the white race in this case?

"This is what your child with an Asian woman or man might look like if you are white;"

If an ugly white and asian mixed, then yeah. Nice to pull out the worst examples possible for yourself.

"The ONLY way true Nordics can get these mongoloid traits WITHOUT the Asian admixture is by having a child with the serious disease called Down Syndrome.

Is that not strange? Isn't that odd?"

There many finns with asiatic traits, like epicanthic folds, due to the extreme winter climates they evolved in.

"The arrested, ball-like and unfinished face shape we see in Asians shows up in white people with this illness. To me it's an indication that many Asians indeed ARE unfinished and underdeveloped."

Whites with down syndrome only superficially resemble asian facial features. Their eyelids are often deformed, droopy, wrinkled, and assymetrical, and their flattened facial profiles are as well. There are many physical deformities and genetic defects that can indicate racial traits from another ethnic group. Consider albinism. Whenever that pops up in a non-white ethnic group, what sort of racial trait does that recall? The white skin of northern europeans. Along with the blonde hair and blue eyes. And it seems as though that the darker the natural skin color of one who's afflicted with albinism is, the darker their albino skin is, along with their hair and eye color.

Consider this albino white man, who's skin is completely devoid of any coloration, and his hair is that of the elderly:

Compared to these albino africans:

Especially telling is this man, Salif Keita, a Malinese musician.

Here he is with various europeans:

Their skin color is identical. Many people who've disparaged racial traits of whites call upon albinism. Look at the writings of black supremacists and black nationalists especially. They frequently believe the idea of whites being a sort of mutated albino race. Albinism is most common among africans, in fact. Albinos are universally despised among africans, despite having pretty much the same typical skin color as europeans. Do you know how albinos are treated in africa? They're often considered diseased. Cursed. Monsters. They're frequently the victims of discrimination, violence, even forms of cannibalism, as seen in tanzania, where albino body parts are being trafficed for use in local medicines.

They sure don't seem to like this nordic ideal you screech about.

White features superficially resemble albino ones, but do I go around thinking whites look like albinos, despite being white myself? No. And consider leprosy- that often frequently depigments the skin of people to the point of being white, yet do I go around thinking white people resemble lepers? No. I doubt many others do as well, outside of a superficial aspect. Nor would this typically attack their attraction to white features, and vice versa.

I don't go around thinking all the asians I see look like people with down syndrome. That association rarely enters my mind. Maybe thats just your problem.

"They never mature into adulthood physically, except for being able to reproduce."


"They often remain childlike, with round, puffy,"

You're focusing on a transient trait, once again.

" too large and broad heads (with poor profile development) in comparison to their bodies."

Goddamn, your arrogance is amazing. Robustness has NOTHING to do with pedomorphism. The more testosterone one has, the more enlarged their facial features will be.

"I'm not talking about HALF-ASIANS that Asians LOVE to post pictures of - FALSELY presenting them as Asians - I am talking about 100% Asians."

There you go again. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR EVIDENCE THAT SO MANY OF THE ASIANS POSTED SO FAR ARE MIXED? MANY of them are from, and live in, ASIAN COUNTRIES, which are VERY HOMOGENOUS. WHERE would all the mixes be coming from? You're a goddamn liar.

"The mongoloid in pure form - undiluted - without the borrowed feathers of white genes, or the plastic surgery magic that models and actresses there almost always use."

You bespeak of extreme racial traits. Are you saying there are NO extreme cranio-facial traits among nordics that are frequently disliked by many other ethnic groups? A previous poster mentioned quite a few, posting a nordic woman who looked like a barbie doll, without any plastic surgery, with facial features seldom seen in any other ethnic group typically, that was very unappealing. Your response to him was hilariously half-assed.

"Nordics don't need Asians. Asians need Nordics to improve their looks."

You're right Emily. Unattractive nordics don't exist. They'd never seen improvement by breeding with attractive east asians.

"The proof lies in the fact that they always show photos of Asians mixed with whites."

Show some proof, you fucking liar.

"On their own they cannot compete unless they have operations (see picture above)."

Attractive east asians without extreme racial traits don't exist either, right Emily?

Your arrogance is fucking astounding. I'm amazed you can still continue in this discussion.

"They want our genes to improve THEIR looks, since they don't like their mongoloid traits any more than you do, destrying our looks and, more importantly, our racial identity in the process. And THAT does matter.

It destroys a race that has recessive genes, and by that definiton, it is genocide.

Do not contribute to it, please."

Oh my god. GENOCIDE. When a white person breeds with an asian, that's equivalent to murder? Don't you belong on stormfront or majorityrights, you lunatic?

"Also, what you call washed out colors happen to be what most men dream of, including yours,....honey blonde hair, the color of the sun..eyes that are bright and sky blue, sea green, or gray like the clouds over a stormy sea. This is just envy rearing its ugly head. Most women of other races never have these colors and they are so full of envy that they don't even realize how transparent they are."

Yeah, and many, many whites have black and brown hair, and brown eyes, moreso than ones with blonde hair or other colors. How do they factor into this? Are they a detriment to that wonderous nordic ideal?

"Washed out? Yes, in your dreams! If an Asian man could have any one of these girls he would drop any half-Asian or half whatever like a hot potato....unfortunately."

I'm sure you've been able to interview the hundreds of millions of asian men in the world on this, and how they'd go for these generally bland nordic women over anyone else, right?

"Also, something about Spanish and Italian women. If you for one second believe that that mixed race "woman" compares to a good-looking 100% Italian or Spanish woman who actually will look like an adult first of all, you live in a world far removed from anyone else. LOL LOL and LOL"

I happen to think that women is pretty attractive. Oh, what's wrong with me? Maybe there's alot dissent to your deranged ideals of beauty? Get the fuck out.

"Actually, I'm sick and tired of the fake race mixing propaganda you people spew out, showing half-asian models who have had tons of plastic surgeries. What does that prove? Those people in no way whatsoever represent REAL, ordinary people of mixed race.

That is NOT what they look like. Most look like hell, actually, like the two REAL pictures of Asian/white mixed persons that I showed here. I'll find more of these pictures, more real people of mixed race, instead of the misleading propaganda pictures of models and actresses we are constantly presented with, unless it stops."

You go Emily. You go girl. You go and show how all attractive east asian models posted here, or anywhere else, have white admixture, despite coming from asian countries. Do the impossible!

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:14 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I'll post those pics on here when I find them...

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:13 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Actually I am going to look for some pictures of 100% Nordic women that truly are attractive. Nordic women in general are beauties and you aren't doing them any justice with the photos you post. You post photos of either very plain or very masculine Swedish women that are well-groomed. There are some, but very few feminine and truly attractive women in your photos.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 13:03 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Also Emily,

Pick photos of more attractive Nordic women. In general they are not special just well groomed. Here is more of what I think of when I think of attractive Nordic women. These women are TRUE beauties:


This girl is not my favorite as it is hard to find photos. But she overall has a more feminine face than any of the girls you posted. She is very attractive.


This girl has a beautiful face. She was in Erik's attractive women section. Her body wasn't great, but her face is great. I really like how she looks and I think this is what an attractive Nordic woman looks like.


Although Charlize Theron is not 100% Nordic (she is French, French too have a high percentage of hooked noses), and you can see the French in her just by looking at her face shape and bone structure. However, you can see the high percentage of Nordic she has as well. It really added to her looks! Doesn't she look gorgeous? The fact that Charlize is not 100% Nordic is not suprising. Fromm my experience people that aren't 100% one ethnicity are usually more attractive. She is more attractive than most 100% Nordic women.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 12:48 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Thinking back,

I know of maybe one or two Romanian women I have personally seen with hooked noses. Actually not even hooked but bumpy. Most Romanian women don't even have relativley high nose bridges...

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 12:45 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

However, unlike your advice I do not suggest you go to Romania. The country is not very safe and someone like you would not have a good time LOL

I am pretty sure the twelve year old gang of little gypsy girls would beat the shit out of you once you opened your mouth. LOL

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 12:40 Godis Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Yes, Emily *rolls eyes* the Gypsies are Indian. I wonder how you can claim Romanians are soo ugly when you are so ignorant to how they look. But remember, there are Romanians that have no gypsy in them at all. Because like I said within any population there is a percentage of people who are comfortable mating with only their own kind. You act like OMG you discovered something so new here, but I mentioned it in my describing my ethnicity:

Here it is, second paragraph *yawn*:
"There is also a large percentage of gypsies (or ethnically Indian mixed with Caucasian)"... quotes herself

So anywhoo, after that went over your head, lets talk about how hard you tried to portray Romanians with hooked noses. Generally, some Romanians do have hooked noses. This is the result of the invasion of the Ottoman Empire in Romania. This gave some Romanians an overall Middle Eastern or Turkish look, just like Andreea mentioned. So let's see we have the Romans, Ottomans/Turks, Celts, Goths,*Other Germanic tribes, Indians, Mongols that could have all affected Romanian gene pool. The Romanians before all these invasions were Dacians which are an Indo-European group.Let's Remember that every Romanian does not have everything in their gene pool. Not every Romanian has Gypsy blood for the most part. The safest thing to say is that every Romanian probably has Roman and Germanic influence in their gene pool. And probably all of Romania also has the Ottoman genes as well.

However, like I mentioned before... Every ethnicity from my observation has hooked noses.
I would say that all Europeans (Northern, Central, Eastern, and Southern), Middle Eastern Groups, Indians,Pakistanis, etc. (excluding East Asians/Mongols), and North Africans have the highest percentage of hooked noses. You can probably say that Middle Easterners have a higher percentage than Northern European, but overall we have corrective surgery these days. It's easy to fix a nose, it's not easy to fix a bad face with bad masculine bone structure if even possible.

Here are som FAMOUS Nordics who have hooked noses. I can garauntee you that many Nordic women have hooked noses. I have observed this when I went to Germany, that a high percentage of women there have hooked noses. It was Northern Germany as well, so closer to the North than the South. Honestly, this is not surprising. Think of it this way:

The weather in the North is cold and dry. The weather in the Middle East is hot and dry. I am sure a nose like that has an evolutionary advantage in dry places, so I can see why both groups have preserved that nose. You are joking yourself if you don't believe that Nordics don't have hooked noses...

George Washington Pictures, Images and Photos

George Washington :)

Thomas Jefferson Pictures, Images and Photos

Thomas Jefferson


Random girl Emily posted up (bumpy nose)


Attractive Swedish girl with hooked nose

Your hooked nose argument is simply not an argument. There are people with straight noses and hooked noses in almost any population. I highly doubt that Eastern Europeans have a higher percentage of hooked noses as you claim. Even if they did this can be corrected, and it doesn't detract from the overall attractiveness of a face. A gorgeous girl will be gorgeous still with a hooked nose. An ugly girl will still be ugly with a straight nose...

So I don't see your argument. Oh this one is hilarious:

"They generally have coarser and heavier facial traits and less romantic faces than Northern European women"

LOL Romanian literally means Romantic Latin! Our language and everything about us is more romantic than Northern Europeans. I would consider most Nordic women plain compared to Romanian women or most Eastern European women in general. Romanians ARE romantic. They are a Latin group that exudes romance. LMAO

Honestly Emily, you cannot convince me or most men that have gone to Romania that Romanian women are not beautiful. I have been to the beaches and I have seen these girls practically naked. You cannot say they are not attractive.

And about the whole gypsy thing. I knew this guy that was half-gyspy. This boy was so handsome with his black hair, emerald green eyes, and dark skin. He had pouty lips and strong shoulders as well. I couldn't date him because he was practically a man whore lol But I swear I could just be sitting next to this guy and I would become wet:) Maybe I just like dominant looking masculine guys that look like Gods but I can't help it! However, I have had Nordic boyfriends who looked like Gods as well. One guy had golden skin(he was outside a lot and tanned), blue eyes, and curly golden hair. He actually had a bumpy nose too but it added to his character and his gorgeous chiseled face. So, Nordic men are attractive to me too, although I like darker colors on men.

Thu, 03/05/2009 - 11:51 Andrea Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Romanian looks don't have any similarity with Indian looks. They actually resemble middle Eastern/Turks.
