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Thu, 02/12/2009 - 05:49 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

If the white race holds anything over any race, it is because they are simply lucky! Why should anyone be proud of something they had nothing to do with in the first place? What have you accomplished Emily? Being born a Nordic?

OH MY WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT that is! What an accomplishment it is to be BEAUTIFUL! What work and devotion you must have put into achieving this!Oh my!

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 05:46 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

It's funny too that a lot of this crap is based on Darwins work. Well, we didn't even interpret his work right! OMG people are so ignorant and blinded, and not because they can't see the light but because they choose to stay in the dark. And Emily will die writing comments on this stupid website and Erik will die posting on this stupid website. And I am out, and am going to do something more productive than waste time on this stupid website. Because I actually believe that Nordic people are possibly the most attractive race, but this website presents no noteworthy evidence for that! It really is more an embarrassment than anything else.

Darwin's ideas interpreted wrong:

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 05:21 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Look the leader of white supremacy, race preservation, and trash in the United States who is currently in jail is a disgusting pervert....

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 05:19 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


That person posted pictures of his family up to show his friends, not for some sick girl to post them on a sick website. You have no respect for people do you? Even if you were the most attractive woman on the planet I would find very few men that would be willing to reproduce with you. Maybe some of those men you posted up with the Asian women.... but thats about it. I showed this to my boyfriend and he told me he would puke if he had to talk to a woman like you. Maybe you are attractive on the outside (which I highly doubt for many reasons), but your mind is disgusting. Where did your Nordic parents fail?

-Oh, and by the way the whole race mixing ruins races crap was started by old men who are white supremacist trailer trash.

Watch this documentary, they don't believe in race mixing either:

They are called Prussian Blue!

Besides sweetheart, if you believe that the only reason white men mix with other races is because they are incapable of attracting the beauties in the North, than you should not be worried about your race being ruined. Obviously, the beauties and handsome men in Scandanavia wouldn't mix with other races because they are capable of attracting eachother so what is your worry then? You make no fucking sense...

You fear your race is being degenerated, yet you claim that the only race mixing occuring is between unattractive people. Well why do you care then?

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 04:02 Erik Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

Barbara: Jean Paul Gaultier is not really doing something outside the norm or taking a step toward something more realistic. I am sure he had a very hearty laugh, away from public, after ridiculing the notion of heavier fashion models by showing Velvet d’Amour. And he is undoubtedly mighty pleased with showing us how well he appreciates criticism of using 14-year-old girls for fashion modeling.

A good analogy is to consider the criminal banking parasites that have caused a global economic recession lately. They are sympathizing with our pain and telling us – usually through their puppets in the government – that they are working toward change or economic recovery, but this requires our cooperation in the form of providing them with hundreds of billions of dollars. What these vile parasites need to be provided with is a rope with a noose at one end that will be gently massaged around their necks.

Similarly, Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld and other homosexuals like them must be exposed for being directly responsible for the problems they are trying to “ameliorate.”

I did mention before that the feminists who complain about body image issues related to the very thin fashion ideal don’t seem to appreciate what wonders the fashion industry does for the esteem of masculinized girls/women. If I had the power, I wouldn’t try to replace it completely, but work toward alternatives.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 02:56 Erik Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Hotsauce: You asked whether Melyssa Ford, Esther Baxter and Vida Guerra look feminine to me. Based on your pictures they do, but if you looked around and found other pictures then they would look less feminine than in your pictures because of their muscle mass and miscellaneous skeletal features. Vida Guerra even has breast implants. You also asked my opinion on an article on Northern Europeans. Most of it is a reprint of a paper by Peter Frost, which I have cited within this site. I agree that the gist of Frost’s article is correct, namely that the rapid onset of hair color diversity and presumably also eye color diversity in Northern Europe reflects stronger sexual selection. The rest of the article is subjective opinion that I have no comment on. For instance, in your pictures, the backside protruberance of the women is emphasized and if you pick up magazines catering to African-American men, you will note that this is a common theme and that often the front view waist-hip proportions of the more sub-Saharan African women models are completely obscured, whereas European models tend to be shown from all angles. This difference is related to ethnic differences. Sub-Saharan African women have wider waists and narrower hips shape-wise but also more protuberant buttocks. How does one objectively compare attractiveness when there are such ethnic differences? People have their own preferences, but this does not require a comment here.

Sense: Your comment does not reflect any understanding of the article. The article does not rest its case on the “unfair ethnic comparisons.” It is clearly written, “the comparisons are not for the purpose of comparing the attractiveness of ethnic groups, but for determining whether one can come up with objective criteria to compare the attractiveness of individuals across populations,” “the illustrative examples and comparisons should not be assumed to imply typicality or average differences; the context of the illustrative examples is explained in the text and/or legends,” and the following:


Those who wanted others to believe that it is impossible to come up with objective and sufficiently exacting criteria to compare the attractiveness of individuals across populations would tend to display striking contrasts (Figures 1a-h), whereas those who wanted others to conclude the opposite would pick images that minimize differences across populations (Figures 2a-c). Therefore, it is not sufficient to just rely on pictures to answer the central question of this section of the site. It is necessary to also refer to average differences between populations, as documented in the anthropological literature.

You have accused me of having a superiority complex, but the article doesn’t conclude that groups can objectively be classified as superior-inferior with respect to beauty.

You mentioned Europeans brainwashing non-Europeans but psychological research shows that the concept of brainwashing is a fiction.

I know that there are plenty of white celebrities that have undergone cosmetic surgery, but this is irrelevant. What is relevant is the overall direction of the numerous cosmetic procedures. In all groups, the overall direction is toward greater attractiveness. However, in non-Europeans, by their own aesthetic standards, numerous cosmetic surgeries also tend to make them look less ethnic and shift their faces in the direction of European norms, whereas the ethnicity-altering cosmetic procedures among Europeans are in the direction of a subset among them – the Northern Europeans – not Asians, Africans or other non-European populations.

You explained the ethnicity-altering cosmetic procedures among non-Europeans in terms of the global domination of whites for centuries. You asked, “is it really a wonder why Europeans and their ideas about everything--from politics to beauty—dominate?” This notion is easily refuted. Northern European slaves in Rome were admired for their looks. Why? It had nothing to do with any kind of domination. If you live in the U.S. or Western Europe need I tell you about how well the non-Europeans in these regions have, on average, taken to respect for individual rights, freedom of speech and rule of law? Why would non-Europeans end up admiring European looks but have much less or no regard for or even hostility toward the secular aspects of European culture and many of its religious traditions if European domination is the explanation?

The explanation that I have offered is technical. People tend to have a preference for somewhat more overall derived facial features and Europeans have more overall derived faces. The phenomenon being addressed is a preference for somewhat more overall derived facial features – which just happens to coincide, to a great extent, with a shift toward European norms – not fundamentally a preference for European face shapes. Thus, for instance, East Asians undergoing upper eyelid surgery and building their nose bridge, etc. are not trying to looking white (which they couldn’t) and not trying to look whiter, but trying to look less ethnic. I am not playing word games here. 200,000 years ago, the ancestors of current humans didn’t have current Europeans to influence their sense of beauty, but they possessed a preference for somewhat more overall derived faces and so did their ancestors 300,000 years before them, and it is this phenomenon that matters.

You have also painted Europeans with the brush of being oppressors, enslavers and annihilators. How many Norwegians were among the American Conquistadors, behind the opium-related attack on China or members of the East India Company? Learn about European diversity. When the colonial expansions were taking place, identities such as ‘European’ or ‘white’ didn’t exist; the people occupying Europe did not see themselves in this manner. The misdeeds of a people should not be extrapolated to their neighbors. And think what would a number of non-European populations have done if the tables were turned, i.e., the non-Europeans had the military might and the Europeans living as ‘savages’ and ‘barbarians.’

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 01:46 Erik Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

What the Hell is going on here? Why don’t people pay attention to the topic, which in this case is whether it is objectively possible to compare attractiveness across ethnic groups? Some people have stated their preferences, but this is irrelevant to the part of this site that the comments here are supposed to address.

Some people have sex with dogs. What does this show about their ethnic group? Nothing! So why should a minority of an ethnic group having physical relations with people of other ethnic groups require any sort of explanation? If people can have sex with dogs or other animals, surely some humans from any population will relish having sex with people from another ethnic group. No explanation is required.

An instance when an explanation may be of relevance is when a majority or large proportion of an ethnic group prefers to mate with members of another ethnic group. This situation is not true of any European population when it comes to European and non-European mating. It is a safe bet that the majority of European men with Asian partners shown by Emily would prefer a white version of the Asian women they got, but one doesn’t always get what one prefers. Since unusual sexual interests are much more common among men, had Emily posted pictures of white women with non-European mates, then a preference for co-ethnics would be even more true of the white women than their white male counterparts. But none of this is relevant to the issue of an objective comparison of beauty across ethnic groups.

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 20:30 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Oh no Emily don't leave me!
I am sorry my Nordic queen the most beautiful creature in the world...I am on my kness forgive me your highness lol
Whatever Emily...i am not worth your time? I am the only one here (no disrespect to others) who has put you in your place without attacking your race or any other race, I like talking to you :)
Please someone teach me how to post pictures? I need to show Emily some of her Nordic sisters "betraying" her race...

Also one or two of the guys didn't look bad to me.

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 20:02 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Real evidence? As you wish. These are very typical couples that you see here and in other Western countries.

These types of men are typically what Asian women can get..if the woman is attractive and 10-50 years younger than the man. Needless to say Nordic attractive, young women wouldn't look twice at these. If you for one second think Asian import women compare to Nordic women you are insane.

Most of these Asians obviously can't get a decent man, even if she is attractive. If he doesn't look like a total nerd or their granddad he is probably a dominering abuser. I wonder if they tell these men that they love them before they are imported into the Western countries and make sure they get pregnant as soon as possible.

white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman white man with Asian woman

This will be my last reply to you. You are not worth my time.

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 18:30 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Ohhhhh someone is getting "heated"
Darling for every anti social, less attractive etc. Nordic male there must be equivalent Nordic females...unless your saying ALL Nordic women are beautiful, smart etc. AHHHHHHHHAAA caught you on that one bitch LOL. Sorry that just sounded funny saying it like that hehehe

Oh PUhhlleeezzzz girlfriend! the same argument is used for White girls who are into black guys that they are all ugly, fat etc. Sure this maybe the case sometimes but i have seen Plenty of very good looking Nordic females and males with people of another race that i wouldn't even think to look at twice.
For example i am in Dublin, Ireland right now and today while walking in the mall downtown i saw (at different occassions) two different very handsome/hot Nordic equivalent guys with very unattractive Asian females. YES dear Ireland has Nordic type people as well. These girls were not even close to average attractiveness for Asian females. I have seen plenty of pretty Asian girls. One of the girls had HUGE teeth and another was very short and had a very broad nose.
I was just really surprised...What is going on? Surely these handsome guys could find at least an average looking Irish white girl?
There is such a thing as rarity? Maybe its fashionable among white people to date outside their race? or something that isn't common. Asians are very few in number here so maybe the guy wanted to "improve his status" by dating non white girls?
I dunno a lot of questions arise...Yes looks are not everything but we are talking about looks here. Maybe these women had great personalities?

So please do not make this ridiculous point again! Unless you come up with "real evidence"
Regarding preserving Nordic phenotype, I might be the only non white person you will get the most support from. I totally support you on that one. BUT My Love the best you can do is breed with a Nordic male...other than that i don't think you can really do much to convince a Nordic male who wants an Asian female or a Nordic girl who wants a black guy OR is there?

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 17:59 Salim From ape to human – the journey in pictures

This is how Africans and Papuans/Aussie Aboriginal evolved

and this is how Eurasians evolved

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 16:50 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"I am SOOOO GLAD you changed the topic from who is more attractive to race mixing! Because you can never win this one! Because as you know it takes two to tango!...especially if there are other Nordic women around and the Nordic guy still picks an Asian woman? What does that say?"

It says that these men can't get or keep a Scandinavian girl. When you say "there are Nordic women around and the Nordic man still picks an Asian woman" you take for granted that the attractive Nordic women are available to him. You must be an idiot. You cannot reason or think straight.

I see these types here who have Asian women so I know what I am talking about. Almost all of them are either anti-socials, hopeless nerds with little sexual attractiveness, or undesirable for one reason or another, and most of them have been trying - and failing - for many years with Nordic women before importing Eastern European- or Asian women eager to get a free meal ticket into my country. These women are always second choice when the options run out.

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 16:15 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

For educational purposes these pictures are very important. These people have a public web page. If they were concerned with privacy they wouldn't have plastered pictures of themselves and their child for all the world to see. The preservation of my race is more important to me than the "privacy" of a Swedish man who decided to participate in the said degeneration of my race.

This problem is very much a real one for us - not for Asians. There have been lots of articles about this and I'm sure almost everyone has heard about the dangers of race mixing to the (recessive) Nordic race that I belong to. And to be honest, I don't give a damn what you think. It's easy for an Asian, Indian or black person to take a hypocritical high moral ground. After all, you don't stand to lose a thing. We do. So shut up.

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 14:21 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Until then enjoy this video my dear

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 14:06 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

So nice to hear from you! You have proven my point yet again. The Swedish man is handsome but the girl is not attractive. So out of all the beautiful women why did he end up choosing her? I mean arranged marriages are hardly relevant in Scandanavia.
Oh and i am referring to Canada and U.S.A. which have a lot of Nordic/Germanic women and they are crazy for black men. Darling where did i even refer to me liking Black men? although i referred to Nordic men...which you obviously read but didn't respond to :D
About race mixing, Yes i agree Nordics are beautiful and should be "preserved" but i am not Nordic and can't tell them to pick other Nordics if they think other races are more attractive.... or at least the ones that are breeding.
All i can do is not mate with one....which i won't be since i am gay hehe
I am SOOOO GLAD you changed the topic from who is more attractive to race mixing! Because you can never win this one! Because as you know it takes two to tango!...especially if there are other Nordic women around and the Nordic guy still picks an Asian woman? What does that say?
I win again yay!

Wed, 02/11/2009 - 06:15 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


Personally I think you are a degenerate. I hope you are not exploiting that family to prove a point on this disgusting website. I was actually going to take pictures of women from China and women from Sweden off of myspace and compare them for the purpose of this Asian vs. Nordic discussion. I decided I would click on random pages in the browse number menu and pick pictures from those random pages. I got some very beautiful Asians and some very hideous ones. Same with the Swedish. Either way, I had all the pictures and myspace webpage links saved and ready to go. Then I decided I would not allow myself to exploit innocent people just to prove a point on this stupid website. I would never want one of those poor girls I labeled "ugly" to come across this site and see a picture of themselves. I think it would ruin her and I deleted all those pictures. Even though those pictures are technically public domain I decided against posting them because to me their well being and self-confidence is more important than proving a stupid point. Even if they would never have come across this website and I was 100% sure of that I wouldn't do it, because no one should look at their pictures and judge them on something they had no control over from the minute they were born. Therefore, I believe Emily that you should be more insulted when someone is disgusted by your character than if someone was disgusted by the way you look. The way someone looks is not their fault. You could have been born Asian for all you know, and you might've been on this very same website defending your Asian race. However, you take for granted that you were born Swedish a "more superior race in terms of beauty" and you believe that entitles you to belittle other people based on their appearance. I know what you are going to say,

: This website is a shallow website based on beauty, if you don't like it go somewhere else. This website blah blah blah blah blah

Just because it is science does not mean that ethics are not involved. You can argue that is is alright for people to put Nordics down but not the other way. No no no. I looked this up and you first started your outbursts in the rhinoplasty section. You were upset because people were judging the "Nordic" race. Well, Erik on this retarded website decided that the Nordic nose was the best and therefore posted examples of why it was the best and why no other race came even close. That is why people were bashing on Nordics, to prove THEIR point. That is the only time the Nordic bashing started, because people of other races and SUB-races were being bashed on something that was lame and had no significan evidence. So go lick yourself or something and GROW THE FUCK UP! You claim other people are immature?

You are beyond immature.

Tue, 02/10/2009 - 15:49 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I'm not putting blame on one specific group. I am telling how it is. It takes two to tango, naturally. The result is what it is, and I don't like the result. Why should I? Asian (dominant) admixture is clearly damaging my race. By the way, you seem unable to write here without provoking and resorting to personal attacks.

Attacking your opponent instead of the arguments is a sign of weakness. You can't be older than 15. Your immaturity shines through your comments.

The fact that Asian genes are hurting my race is not something I take lightly. I think the Nordic race is a beautiful and unique one that deserves to be protected. Some men here import Asians because they are easy to control, dominate and also abuse. Therefore it's important to inform people.

Regarding black men - clearly an obsession of yours - this is not a major concern in Scandinavia. Maybe it is wherever you are. Women here overwhelmingly prefer white men. Black men with Scandinavian women is very rare here.

Half-Asian Swedish woman with damaged Nordic traits and clear Asian traits, resulting in an odd and unflattering mixture;

half Asian - half Swedish woman

Same woman with Swedish man,

half Asian - half Swedish woman with Swedish man

Their child, still very much Asian in type, in spite of the father being Nordic and the mother probably half-Asian, or less. This sort of thing cannot go on forever in such a small population without some serious damage being done.

Of course Asians love this. This kid will look much better than the 100% Asians do, but Nordics get the mongoloid features and a damaged race. I hope more people here will see this degeneration process and take it into account because it really is a shame.

half Asian - half Swedish woman with child fathered by a Swedish man

Tue, 02/10/2009 - 14:10 Just the truth Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Oh my can you compare a Hollywood goddess to a cheap pornstar?

Tue, 02/10/2009 - 12:12 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

People please ignore Emily! She has given up "debating" with me because she sees a losing battle hehe
Emily why are you blaming Asians for diluting your race? Are you really that blind and retarded? What about all your Nordic men that themselves are running after Asian women? surely they must like something?
What about your women who like Black men? Aren't you guys "polluting" your own gene pool? Come on with such beauty there has definitely been a loss of the brain? Otherwise why would such beautiful people not want to produce equally/more beautiful people?
So stop preaching to other people and preach to your own women who are coming onto and obsessed with black men!
If you want proof i got lots of it!
Also Darling i am the only one that can show your dirt here hehehe. Anything you throw at me i can take! Can you?

Tue, 02/10/2009 - 07:54 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"Never mind the fact that the vast majority of white celebrities have ALSO had plastic surgery"

There is a huge difference that you overlooked. White celebrities and whites in general don't have plastic surgery in order to look like a different race. Blacks and Asians do it because they want to look less black, Asian or Indian. They want to appear more white than they actually are.

Asians for example, IN Asia, are crazy about plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is booming in Asia and it is mostly geared towards making people look less Asian. There is even a term for what people there aspire to look like.. Eurasians. Eurasians is some kind of new "race" or look, a mixture of Asian and Caucasian, that is apparently more appealing to Asians who don't like their mongoloid traits themselves.

The problem with Asian/Caucasian race mixing is that it does nothing for OUR race. White people don't benefit from this. They "pollute" our small gene pool in order to look more attractive themselves, offering nothing of value in return. They are so many and can afford this admixture, but we can't. As a race Nordics/ Germanics are becoming more and more rare because of this mixing.

Racemixing going overboard does nothing for our cultures and identities. What if we mixed all cats or dogs, all races that we love, turning them into one race. How boring would that be first of all, and would we prefer just one race of cat and dog in the name of equality? Why should we do it to humans when we find it unacceptable to do it to our animals?

Swedish and Asian young people;

Swedish couples and Asian couple

Local cheerleaders in Sweden,

Swedish cheerleaders Swedish cheerleaders Swedish cheerleaders

These are cheerleaders at the Olympics in Beijing. Is this the best China has to offer, and how many people are there in China compared to Sweden? I think Asian women are extremely overrated. Some can look very good - especially if not 100% Asian - but most of them don't look anywhere nearly as good as Nordic people do.

Chinese cheerleaders

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 21:02 godis Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride


Erik is insensitive to the age of attractiveness issue because he himself was never at his peak of attractiviness. He is 34 years old, but I garauntee you that in those 34 years he attracted a little more than scum. Erik can't attract even the cows he posts on this website, much less a real beauty. And by real beauty, I don't mean a mascuinlized woman. I mean a feminine petite curvy volouptuous woman.

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 20:59 godis Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts


"thin women orgasm more frequently than cows (in my experience at least)"

"What kind of experience have you had with cows?"

Emily for a bitch, you sure have a great sense of humor:)

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 20:02 instant karma A woman with small breasts

This diamond in the rough of a girl makes Marilyn Monroe look like cubic zirconium and Jane Russell look like a man (and habib's photo-montage of hirsuite Iranians - coal!). We definitely forgive the eye make-up and the possibly trashy veneer in order to get to the jewel beneath. And to anyone in this forum who has critiqued her femininity ... suffice it to say - there are issues there, there are issues (fucktards!). What this woman does have overall is the lack of flaws: she is neither too petite nor gross in any way (especially having avoided the mis-guided notion to "tone-herself-up" -- and just for doing that she ranks as a genius - esp. when compared with the low-wattage I.Q. levels exhibited above! (Katherine Heigl used to look half-way-decent until she "toned-up" her trapezius muscle to the point that now her neck looks as dense as she is)); But I digress (Back to the woman w/sm breasts)... she possesses a perfect waist-to-hip ratio (0.7) and the 'ever evasive' near-perfect hip contour that many an androgynous woman would justifiably be envious of; speaking of contour the last photo (Profile view) demonstrates the loveliness of her head and face - beauty au naturale; and last but not least the T and A factor: as Pilate said "we can find no fault ... "

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 19:58 Peter Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

I really hate when you keep mentioning peak attractiveness is betweeen the ages of 18-25...I am sure you would have gone lower if legally allowed. I guess one reason i don't like it is because in a year or so i will be out of that range. Makes me sad to realize i won't be beautiful anymore :( (by some people's definition)
There are more men who are attracted to women and not girls...from my observations anyways. Many guys like MILFS, cougars etc...
I am a very feminine looking male (not make up or cosmetic surgery) and frankly look better/equal to many of your models :P, so as i get older i am going to become manlier? What about peak attractiveness for males? same age range?

I personally think its great that he used this model...whether you think middle aged women are attractive or not. If i ever get into fashion i will change this model issue for you Erik :)

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 19:24 Emily Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

Like all the rest of these fashion designers he prefers very young, anorexic and masculine models.

A few times he apparently throws in a couple of oddballs, a fattie and an oldie (as he considers them, no doubt), just to show us that he is open-minded and not just an elitist homosexual misogynist who greatly contributes to the abuse and self-torture of women. They feel they have to live up to the impossible, masculine, unhealthy and ugly ideal that men like him promote.

The only kind of woman he does NOT use is in other words a young, healthy, normal, slim and feminine one...
How odd..isn't it?
