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Sun, 02/15/2009 - 15:44 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

However, I think we should stray from the "race is a social construct" argument, because I don't think you understand what I mean by that, and what I am trying to demonstrate with it.

I'm not saying that Asians and Black people are exactly the same as White people. All I am saying is that those differences lie on the outside. We are all human beings, and therefore I sort of take a "color blind" attitude to the whole thing. A person's ethnicity doesn't change how I feel about a person or what I think about them.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 15:40 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

*sigh* I guess I should have been more specific. I should have said something like "White is a color and the nature of our faces and our bodies".

I would not consider Asians "white", even though they're skin color is light. They have features that are different from those that considered features of a white person.

This does not disprove that race is a social construct. Asian people are still human, even if they are not white. They're not a different species.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 15:32 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"being white is not a mental state, or a matter of opinion, it's a color"

Is it? Then many 100% Asians are white, according to you.

Well, yes, since "race is just a social construct", anyway, right? Your comments speak of ignorance. You just lost all credibility.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 15:22 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

It shows a weakness in both your character and your argument to declare me unworthy of discussing this with you. What way is that to spread awareness? If you actually want to make sure I preserve our race, you should try to convince me it is absolutely crucial for me to do so. Otherwise, I'll just keep doing what I've been doing.

On my end, I don't really care if you won't agree with me. It's clear that nothing is going to change your mind anyhow. Your opinion that I should not fall in love with men of another ethnicity doesn't actually prevent me from doing so. Until you change the laws to say that I am only to marry another white man, I really don't give a damn (However, my luck would have it that I happen to be engaged to my blue-eyed, blond-haired Czech man).

I can see what you are saying about survival. You're worried that white people, in the purest of senses, might one day not exist anymore. I do understand and see how this is a possibility, however, I do not see how this would be such a tragedy.

I am white because my skin is white. Not you, not any person can't deny me my whiteness. No matter how much I don't sound white to you, the fact remains that I am about as white as you can get without being an albino. I was born white and I will die white. Unfortunately, even other white people are not always going to agree with you :) It's hilarious to say that those people are not "as white" as you are, seeing as being white is not a mental state, or a matter of opinion, it's a color.

Anyway, I'm glad we had this little tete-a-tete. It unveiled a perspective I hadn't previously come across.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 15:03 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"I personally don't believe any one race is better than any other race"

Being "better" is not the question. It is a question of survival, s u r v i v a l, of an ethnic group/ race. Either you are incapable or unwilling to understand this simple concept, so this is pointless.

Those with an intellect will see and understand my point on the basis of the main comment I made. I won't respond further to you. I don't have anything in common with deniers who claim to be white and who say that "race is just a social construct."

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 14:51 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Uhm, I never implied we /should breed with animals, not sure how you got that out it. Animals ARE a different race/species than humans, therefore, it actually WOULD be inappropriate to mate with one and create offspring (even though that is physically impossible). This is not the case for different human "races", we are all human.

The different breeds that exist inside the cats and dog species are much like what we call
"race" among humans. There are many different breeds of cats and dogs. Different breeds of cats and dogs look different, but are all the same animals, the same species. They can have different fut textures/colors, different body types and different facial characteristics, but all dog breeds are dogs and all cat breeds are cats. Different breeds among cats and dogs is much like what human "races" are among people.

If not, why should we do it to humans? Why destroy one race in favor of the others?

I personally don't believe any one race is better than any other race. I believe that we are all equal under God. You obviously disagree with that. Out of pure curiosity, why is that? Isn't it awfully... well, a little full of yourself and your own race? What makes whites better? Is it just because you perceive our features to be more physically attractive than those other other races? Is that the only reason we need to "preserve" ourselves, for the sake of beauty? Why is beauty so important?

Also, why do you believe that the only reason Asian/Black/Hispanic/ect would ever want to marry/mate with a white person is to "contaminate" our blood? You don't believe that a person of another race could ever genuinely love a white person simply because... they love them? You really think that all people of all other races are just out to get us and ruin us out of jealousy?

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 14:34 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

So are cats and dogs and other aniumals we love. So we should disregard their differences and inter-breed? Why not just one big, happy dog and cat race? Let them get at it anyway they want to. After all, the differences are just an optical illusion, right? Give me a break.

If not, why should we do it to humans? Why destroy one race in favor of the others?

You can call it anything you like. The fact remains that we as a RACE has a right to self-defense and to survival, just like any other ethnic group. Informing people of the dangers is a first step.

The promotion of race mixing is often race HATE.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 14:24 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I am white. In fact, i am extremely pale, with pinkish undertones. I also have light green eyes. I do have medium brunette hair, does that make me not white enough? lol. I come from German and Irish decent.

race, among humans, is a social construct. Let me demonstrate. What makes different species in animals are not just physical differences. It is differences among their instinct, their digestive tracts, the bones they have, the way they move, ect ect ect. Among humans, the only difference between "races" is our outer appearances. Beyond that, we are all exactly the same.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 14:15 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

The "big deal" was addressed in my comment. I doubt very much that you are white, petite. You were the one saying that race is just a "social construct", right? lol

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 14:03 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Also, two more things.

I think that part Asian baby you posted a photo of is adorable!

And, there is no doubt that ugly white/Nordic people exist without the "contamination" of other races.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 13:52 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

OMG this Emily is very.........%$^&*%!!!
Erik can you please ask her to be respectful??? If not then please block her. I mean she is posting pictures of babies and trying to prove her point. So offensive. Unless Emily is the "alter ego" of Erik...
I am not Asian but everything you said is so disrespectful. Woman do you really think the majority of Indians want to/are marrying your "kind"? You PREACH about other Nordics being aware of intermixing with races YET you provide no PROOF that you are indeed breeding/multiplying. Are you the proud mother of at least 10 blond haired children? If not then please SHUT UP!!!! As i said your all talk and no action.
So what do we have your using the term white race? not Nordic? What about Slavic people then? can they mate with Nordics? South Europeans?
Honestly Emily...I can only speak for myself and say that i do not want any Nordic traits...Don't want to change anything about me. Ok there is one or two but then i am sure some Nordic would want one or two characteristics from another race. But i do not hate my appearence and wish i was a Nordic man. So please don't talk in absolutes! I am glad i came to know someone as "disturbed" as you. You mentioned before that race mixing is not an issue in Scandanavia then why is it the focus of your posts? Hmmmm......

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 13:34 Petite Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

The use and exploitation of anorexic models who need drugs in order to cope with their life style and lack of food intake should not be allowed, in my opinion.

With that, I have to agree.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 13:31 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I don't control who it is I fall in love with. Currently, I am in love with a young Czech man (blond haired and blue eyed, very beautiful), but I have in the past been very much in love with a man who was half Indian, half German. He had a darker complexion. I still though he was very beautiful (hard to believe?), and he was a wonderful man in spirit.

I simply don't think about people's appearances much when it comes to whom I fall in love with. I don't understand why I should care. I don't limit myself to only white men. I do not see why I should. I, for one, am not concerned about the "purity" of our race. Also, I do not really think that other skin colors or characteristics are "contaminating" our race. I have seen many "mixed" people who are very beautiful. You may not agree, but that's irrelevant. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In any case, what is the big deal? What exactly is the threat? That our race is going to become "uglier"? Is that really it? It seems trivial to me.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 13:30 Emily Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

"I have never made the argument that the fashion industry should not be allowed to employ very thin models."

If you allow it that's the only kind of model they employ. That's the problem. The industry has clearly shown that they are generally incapable of self-regulation, and of using models with normally thin and healthy body shapes.

The use and exploitation of anorexic models who need drugs in order to cope with their life style and lack of food intake should not be allowed, in my opinion.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 13:12 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

You are the bigot - not I. Wanting to protect your race is not bigotry. Failing to understand the special need for protection of the white, recessive race is both stupidity and bigotry, however.

"I for one look for a man with whom I am compatible with, whom I share interests and ambitions with, and most importantly a man whom I LOVE"

Very touching and romantic. So do most normal, feeling people. You can find those things within the community of your own race. You don't need to participiate in race destruction in order to find love and happiness. Compatibility you most often find among you own so you have no real argument.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 12:59 Petite Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Emily, you are so unbelievably bigoted. What are you, some sort of neo-nazi that believes in a "supreme race"?

When did beauty become so unbelievably important? Why are you so concerned that we as white people are letting ourselves be "contaminated" with the "ugliness" of other "races" (race is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. We are ALL human).

The biggest thing is: Do you seriously look for a mate with the beauty of your potential children in mind? I for one look for a man with whom I am compatible with, whom I share interests and ambitions with, and most importantly a man whom I LOVE. Are you seriously putting a limit on whom a person can fall in love with? Your theory that other races are trying to purposely mix with our race for the sole purpose of "benefiting" from making their children more beautiful is such bologna! PEOPLE MARRY EACH OTHER AND HAVE SEX BECAUSE THEY ARE IN LOVE. It's not some kind of inter-racial conspiracy!

Don't be so ridiculous.

The REAL truth is that we are all human beings, all capable of love. No "race" is better than any other "race". WE ARE EQUAL. And as such, we can all fall in love and mate with whomever we desire.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 12:03 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"To be honest, I agree with the fact that white Nordic beauty is the standard in TODAY'S SOCIETY(!!!).

However, that standard changes over time."

Don't bet on it. The Nordic race has been admired for ages. It's not just a modern thing. Mongoloid-, Indian- and black traits don't compare.

The white race is the only one that stands on its own feet in terms of looks. The other races need our genes to improve their looks, damaging our gene pool in the process.

Asians, blacks and Indians have EVERYTHING to gain from race mixing (look at them), and we have everything to lose - including our own race. Our genes are recessive and need protection. We cannot afford race mixing the way we see it right now - they can.

Nordic children should not look like this if we want to survive as a race;


This is what a Nordic child looks like;



I object to the destruction of a race just so that others can benefit. I don't see any sane reason to accept this development. In fact, it would be self-destructive to do so. Other races wouldn't accept this if it was happening to them, and neither should we.

I only hope that more white people realize what is going on, and that race mixing does not benefit them - only the others, who are desperately in favor of it (read comments by non-whites here, for example).

Other races feel envy and hatred towards whites, and at the same time admiration. They want to merge, mix, with us, and if they outbreed us they don't care. That is the ugly truth.



These unattractive, childlike and underdeveloped dwarfs in only one color should not be allowed to damage the white race.



Asians LOVE white people and want to emulate us as much as they can. They even prefer mixed people - Eurasians - to their own! That's how self-loathing many of them are.

I truly hope we value our own race more than they do theirs. They shouldn't be allowed to improve their appearance at our expence. We don't want mongoloid traits. Asians, Indians and blacks want what we have, and often encourage race mixing. Gee, I wonder why?

It can be tempting to look for women outside your cultural- and social circles when you fail with your own kind, but to mix with other races is irresponsible and selfish. Surely there must be someone who wants you among your own? The first thing a Swedish man thinks to himself when he sees another man with an Asian woman is "He wasn't good enough for a Swedish woman. He couldn't keep her". All men here know it's a last option. They joke about it. Such a man loses all his status in an instant.


Unless you want children who look like this and who will make us look like semi-mongoloids in a couple of generations stick to your own race, the only truly beautiful there is unless it is destroyed.


Should Nordics look like this?


Or this? Do we want to breed out Nordic beautiful facial traits, blond- and red hair, blue- and green eyes, and our skin color in exchange for THAT?

Remember..they want to look like us. So let them have their beloved plastic surgeries but don't let them take our genes and destroy our race. Nordic/white looks is recessive and easy to destroy when you race mix. Asians and others know this but don't care.

They want you to race mix and destroy thousands of years of evolution in just a matter of generations. THAT is how SELFISH they are. They are not ignorant - just maliciously indifferent...




Sun, 02/15/2009 - 09:14 Petite Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Wow, Godis, I agree 100%

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 08:07 anon Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"Feminine beauty is underappreciated in contemporary Western culture"

"However, it is well-known that Scandinavia has a very high amount of beautiful people compared to the size of the population. Actually, Scandinavia is world-famous for it"


Sun, 02/15/2009 - 06:52 Peter Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Your only 20? bless! You sound so mature :)
I am 24 but also get that i am 20 or 22 (not a huge difference hehe) But i actually like it! We really defeated that Emily person didn't we? :D
Just curious where are you from? You really have a good eye for beauty.
Godis i am really concerned with Erik's homophobia as well....I recently read his website (homosexuality info) and was shocked. So many assumptions, stereotypes....He based everything on "extreme" gay porn. I couldn't believe it. Erik if your reading this...I don't participate in many of those activities - is that because my femininity prevents me from doing so? Do you seriously think that most regular gay men do all that stuff?
Ok i know this will sound really "bad" I am sorry to all the Hiv+ gay guys....but i need to ask Erik this. Do you think that the gay guys who participate in those activities in porn are not in their "right state of mind"? Due to medications/disease?
Erik you need to educate yourself before attacking your "opponent".

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 04:07 godis Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

And just for my opinion on beauty:

Beauty is just like music. Everyone can agree that certain sounds are pleasant and certain ones are not, even unbearable. However, everyone enjoys a different type of music because everyone is at a different point in their lives. Sometimes their taste changes, sometimes it doesn't. However, everyone is going to like something different. Beauty is not narrow. That does not do justice to Beauty. Beauty is full of possibilities.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 03:53 godis Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

You're full of shit Erik. You know what I think?

I think you have some very deep self-esteem issues. And I am sorry to say that I have even hypothesized that you might have been sexually abused when you were younger. I have looked up the book:"The Nature of Homosexuality: Vindication for Homosexual Activists and the Religious Right." It is a book by someone named Erik Holland and he touches on the exact same points you do it seems, so logically I believe it is your book? From what I have read from the reviews it seems as if you almost have a phobia of homosexuals. You see them as perverts and a weak link in the scheme of human reproduction and well being. I don't really have an opinion on homosexuals. I believe they are people and I believe they should live as any other person does and that they should have the freedoms as anyone as long as they follow the morals of society, just like anyone else. I truly wonder what has disturbed you to this point. I don't know why people are the way they are and why they do what they do. However, I believe there is a reason for everything. Whatever your reason, I just ask you to search deep within yourself and ask yourself what you are really doing?

I came across this website by accident. When I read it I was shocked. Naturally as I read it I would run up to the mirror to see if I would "measure" up to these standards. The truly ironic part of all this is that I measure up in almost every single way in all honesty. However, the paranoid feelings I would have? My God, it changed the way I looked at beauty and in often times in a good way. I did learn to appreciate feminine beauty from this website, softer beauty. In a way I learned to appreciate aspects of myself I thought before to be weak. One thing I used to hate is that everyone always thinks I am younger than I really am. I now learned I just have very feminine features that are soft, and this site has really made me change the way I look at myself and appreciate myself more. However, at the same time I would always wonder: wait so is my rib cage thick or thin? are my shoulders wide or not? Is my face too defined? I was becoming soo paranoid, even though in all honesty I don't think half those things were wrong with me. Either way if it affects me this much, as I am a pretty average looking girl as you post up on this website. I can just imagine what other women go through when reading this. Women that don't have "population typical" features. Women who do have high cheekbones, wide shoulders, thick waists, height issues. I have a lot of friends from a lot of backgrounds. I don't think they are unattractive even though they don't measure up to YOUR standards. This website just makes people paranoid though. I felt guilty even analyzing my friend's features but I couldn't help it. But I'm over it, because I learned something about beauty. Beauty fades. I'm around 20yrs. old. In a few years I won't be so beautiful. I am just going to appreciate what I have and take care of myself and concentrate on more important things.

As for your mother, I don't know if she was attractive because I have never seen her. But I doubt she ever measured up to these standards. Erik, I doubt you measure up MY standards. And there it goes, the game of life. It's easy to type away at your computer. However, this isn't how true life is, and if this is your reality, I pity you.

As for Emily. I am done with her and this website. I am done arguing about useless things. Emily can have her opinion or hey her FACTS! Because maybe she is 100% correct. Maybe the Nordic people are the most beautiful and others don't come close. Hey! Congratulations! Be fruitful and multiply and have more children. I have some Nordic in me but I'm not pure Nordic! Hey, oh well. Emily can post pictures up and type away to eternity. I wonder when she will realize how much time she has wasted trying to prove something that doesn't matter in the end. I wonder how much longer she will let her ignorance go on.

I am done with this website and the whole beauty thing. Great, we should study what makes one beautiful. However, I won't participate if it is being done in this manner. I do believe your website has good points and it has opened my eyes. However, I do believe it is very pseudo-scientific as well, so that it fits the author's points. And so Erik you will have your website until you are old and withering away. I wonder if you will have children? I wonder what your daughters will look like? Well, they have a lot to live up to after reading daddy's website. Good luck!

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 03:20 Rick Cain Phillippa Diedrichs: very thin fashion models do not help advertising

Not surprising. A super sexy model can be very intimidating. A consumer can almost feel that they don't deserve to wear the underwear because its obviously only for someone with a perfect body. Even in the male world its like that. The hoity-toity underwear from calvin klen still has the washboard abs models on the front, but Fruit of the Loom puts less idealistic males on their product. Its kind of nice to see regular guys for once....well not regular guys, they're still more handsome and fit than me, but compared to the supermuscular adonis with no body hair its more real-world.

Sun, 02/15/2009 - 00:49 Petite Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Yet, men who do not agree are somehow abnormal. Hm.

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 23:23 Erik Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Dora: If you think Albert Einstein made some good contributions, read this.

Petite: I have never claimed infallible judgment of women’s attractiveness.

Godis: What is the point of me answering how masculine I am? If I am effeminate then you would not expect me to admit it. At the same time it is easy for me to claim to be masculine. Regardless, the masculinity-femininity of my mother is irrelevant. When she was a young adult she looked very similar to Melisande (more of Melisande). i.e., slightly masculinized but still attractive to a lot of people. Looking at my mother’s pictures when she was in her twenties, I see an attractive woman, and my mother even had beauty pageant organizers after her, but her family was conservative so she didn’t participate. Her slenderness did not prove to be a problem in the long run. She gained fat in the right places (bust, hips) after having two sons, and never became overweight. In any case a child couldn’t care less how masculine or feminine his mother is; I certainly don’t; what matters is how a mother treats her child, and I am not complaining.
You said, “I agree, the fashion industry should not be allowed to have such stick thin requirements,” but you are agreeing with someone else, like Emily, on this because I have never made the argument that the fashion industry should not be allowed to employ very thin models.
