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Mon, 02/09/2009 - 19:09 Barbara Jean Paul Gaultier uses Inès de la Fressange to take some people for a ride

love your site. I agree with a lot (most, I think) of what you say. I often find myself over-analyzing myself in the way you analyze the models and other masculinized women. Part of me is grateful that the popular aesthetic is that of a masculinzed one, but that is out of selfishness and insecurity of my part-- I would feel even uglier if the truly beautiful and feminine women were being idolized in popular culture! pathetic? maybe, but honest.
I only wish there was a way to redo my development in the crucial years (I have polycystic ovarian syndrome--a insulin and hormonal imbalance).
I am an artist so I appreciate a good archetype as far as genders go, and am just trying to come to terms that my own body will never be what I wish.

Wondering, do you not see it as perhaps a slow step towards something more realistic when people in the industry do something outside the norm? Maybe JPG won't make a difference, but maybe other designers will be inspired to try something different?

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 13:04 Emily Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

"thin women orgasm more frequently than cows (in my experience at least)"

What kind of experience have you had with cows?

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 12:58 Kelley G Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

I am astounded that some men on the internet 'seem' to think that a woman needs to have huge boobs in order to be attractive. I have NEVER met one in person - and if they really feel this way then they're hiding it well. I am thin, very pretty, with great muscle tone, over 30, with very small perky breasts. I have been persued sexually by men my whole life. For Biff or Duke or any other white trash uneducated men who care only for their own immediate satisfaction and not for a woman's pleasure: Small breasts are more sensitive than big ones; thin women orgasm more frequently than cows (in my experience at least) and thin, small breasted women are typically in better physical shape than their more voluptuous conterparts...therefore considered by some men to be more attractive.

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 09:25 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Wishing they could look like this...


..when they instead look like this...

Chinese cheerleaders Chinese cheerleaders

Envy is a bitch. I'm sorry, too..for you. ;)

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 06:53 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Oh Emily Darling
Thank you for answering my Q about why white women are going crazy for ugly black men!
So in other words your justifying men of other races finding your Nordic women most attractive. You see by saying that your doing more harm to your own race! So in other words your saying Black, Hispanic, South European, Arab men should flock to Scandanavia and hook up with these blond angelic beauties. Sadly the progeny of this mixing will not produce the likes of the Nordic mother.
Darling they may be the most beautiful but also the "stupidest" in the world....I guess the dumb blond "phrase" applies?
Your women are well known for their "openness" and it is by their pea brains that the world population of whites is dropping! They don't want to breed anymore and the ones that do seem to be too fascinated by the media/porn hyped combination of white girl with black guy. Pity Emily speaking for all men and making them realize that Nordic women are the most womenly is working against your people. After all any man wants the "best woman" he can get? which is so easy these days.
And if you think only ugly, fat, retarded white girls go for black guys think again. I wonder what the Germanic Hiedi found appealing in Seal? off course there are thousands of other examples....
Sorry Emily

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 06:28 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I looked at the page in question and Erik has chosen photos that compare beauty in a fair and objective manner, so your critisism is not fair. This is just another case of a malcontent non-white who finds it impossible to accept the fact that white Nordic beauty is the standard that other women try to emulate through plastic surgery, bleaching of skin and hair, contact lenses, and so forth.

I always laugh at these accusations of bias coming from non-whites browsing this site. Apparently, unless someone compare photos of very plain white women and beauty queen pictures of other races - preferably racially mixed women purporting to show Asian-, Indian- and black beauty - they are not fair and impartial to the non-whites.

Throughout history white Nordic/Germanic women have been aesthetically the most pleasing to the eye for most men. They are more feminine, delicate and refined than the coarse, robust and primitive-looking black woman, mongoloid-looking and physically underdeveloped Asian woman, and all the ethnic sub-races within these groups. They also have angelic colors, blonde or red hair, blue- and blue-green eyes, milky white skin that blushes, unlike the dead white-green-yellow color of Asians, and this has attracted and fascinated men of all races ever since they first laid eyes on them.

Men in general are very generous and find beauty in all kinds of women, and that's how it should be. If they HAVE to choose they will most often choose the white Nordic type, however. Other women know this, and the envy and hostility they have towards Nordic white women is very apparent on this site.

There are beautiful women in all ethnic groups, but genereally speaking most of them will need white/Nordic blood in order to become even more appealing, whereas the white, Nordic woman does not need to be mixed with other ethnic groups or races. She is often more beautiful in pure form. That is the difference, and it has angered other women throughout history, who feel they don't measure up to the ideal that men prefer.

Sun, 02/08/2009 - 15:46 Not Impressed Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

This is one of the more pathetic sites I've ever come across. I'm being very generous when I say the webmaster is pseudo-intellectual using pseudo-science, there are so many holes in his thesis and findings he would be laughed off the planet if presented this crap site to actual scientist or scientific publications. Thanks, I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

Sun, 02/08/2009 - 02:48 Sense Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I would additionally like to comment on your page listing the ethnic (i.e. non-white) celebrities who have undergone plastic surgery.

Never mind the fact that the vast majority of white celebrities have ALSO had plastic surgery, are you not aware of recent history? Of say the last 400 years? Europeans have dominated this world. They have oppressed, enslaved, and annihilated entire people. The world has been at the mercy of whites for centuries. Now, knowing that, is it really a wonder why Europeans and their ideas about everything--from politics to beauty--dominate?!?!?

If you wish to perpetuate bigotry and hate then continue on your current path.

Ethnic celebrities alter their features in an effort to appeal to Euro-centric white audiences. Their own people generally aren't going to disown them for trying to fit in a white world, no matter their disappointment.

Sun, 02/08/2009 - 02:18 Sense Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

The unfairness in the ethnic comparisons lies in the fact that most of the European models are just that--models. The pictures of the "natives" (i.e. non-whites) are not glamorized or ideal, they are just random women. In case you haven't noticed, there are plenty of average and outright unattractive white females (some of which you've posted on this website and labeled beauties).

There is beauty in all races, and despite the centuries of brainwashing, whites do not have a monopoly on beauty. So please try to grow past your superiority complex before your life is spent.

Fri, 02/06/2009 - 13:05 Peter Maria McBane

You are so selective and biased its not funny! Its repulsive really
I am amazed Erik hasn't blocked you yet...Maybe if someone starts talking this negatively about his race maybe he will...
Anyways BITCH (yes i called you that) Where did i say Channing looks Native American? I said he has some native American blood so he is not "pure Nordic". I think he is hot much more than that Swedish model with abnormally robust cheekbones.
Darling if/when i learn how to post pics you won't be a match for me!!! I can play your game so well. Trust me don't start...
I have never said i find Nordic people ugly or don't like their skin color, eye color etc. I find beauty in all races. Many Nordic men want to "sleep" with me. They always say i am beautiful...actually i will be visiting Stockhalm soon. Oh i can't wait! But instead of Nordic women...I will be accepting attention from Nordic men hehe. How does that make you feel Emily??? don't be sad :D

Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:14 Emily Maria McBane

I posted a picture of this Channing that had mistakenly been labelled Fredrik Ljungerg. There is a resemblance so the original poster's and my mistake is not hard to forgive. Also, Channing does not in any way look Native American. Give me a break. He looks Nordic/Germanic. I don't think he'd look good in feathers. He's not the type.

Swedish Fredrik Ljungberg.

Fredrik Ljungberg Fredrik Ljungberg

Channing..Native American. Hihi.

Channing Tatum

Fri, 02/06/2009 - 11:18 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Even Nordic athletes look better than Asian cheerleaders whose job it is to look good.

Nordic women athletes Japanese cheerleaders

Fri, 02/06/2009 - 10:48 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

You can abase yourself and insult me all you want to. This site deals with shallow issues such as beauty and physical appearance. So why are YOU here?

Femininity is not the same thing as arrested physical development, or women looking like pubescent girls. Sometimes the truth is not what you want to hear. It is still the truth. I am sick of the false information about Nordic women that I saw here in many threads. This bashing had been going on without ANYONE saying a thing, except Erik. Had I been negative towards Nordics you wouldn't have said a thing since my views then would have been in line with your preferred version of the truth.

Indians, blacks and Asians cannot get over the fact that the Nordic/Germanic white woman is the standard of beauty. How sad. I must be a terrible person for speaking the truth. Political correctness doesn't allow that, you see, while bashing of white women seems to be encouraged and is never criticized.

Asians are not most people's idea of beauty. With few exceptions they need to be mixed with whites in order to look truly attractive, as do Indians and blacks. A pure Nordic girl doesn't need black, Asian, Indian and slavic blood in order to enhance her appearance.

They need ours, apparently, or why else do they always show pictures of half-white models and actresses when they purport to show Asian, black and Indian beauty? Asians constantly remodel their faces in order to look less Asian, so what does that say about Asian beauty? An ideal face doesn't need a complete make-over in order to look like something it is not.

By the way, the girls you posted look like the ones pedophiles are attracted to, so I don't think they help your case in any way. The "little girl" stereotype is heavily underlined. I don't think women who look like they popped out from the womb in embryo form and never developed are feminine or attractive.

East Asian baby

In the beginning they look like this...

Japanese school girls

And that doesn't change much over time...

Korean women soccer players Japanese cheerleaders

Thu, 02/05/2009 - 20:16 hffhgfgh Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Although Emily hasn't responded to this discussion in about a month, yet, considering how revolting and extreme her comments are, I felt a need to comment.

Nobody, after going through the literature and reading this site long enough, would deny women with features shifted more towards a nordic look are considered more attractive, but the point of contention should be the idea of just how shifted towards nordic looks an innate standard of beauty would be. You seem to be of the opinion that anyone outside of this "nordic ideal" you worship is hideous.

Just look at your comments. You frequently refer to men attracted to asian women as "pedophiles".

"By the way, the photos you chose don't in any way refute what I said. The first one looks like she's a prepubescent 12-year-old child. No breasts at all, totally underdeveloped body and yellowish-white skin without any life to it. Her facial features look disproportionate and she seems to have the mental capacity of a 7-year-old. Pedophile alert there, I would say.

The other one has ugly, short and fat legs and a flat "dollish", underdeveloped face with the same empty, idiotic expression. Her body does look more curvaceous thanks to the breast implants, but she is not a fair representation since most Asian women don't have that body-type at all. Most of them appeal to (Western) men who like adolescent girls - not adult women, since these women are often underdeveloped. Those men are also the sex tourists who flood Asia, naturally."

You even try to assess their intellect via model photos. What the fuck is wrong with you? You even make an outright lie that the majority of east asian models so many western men are attracted to are mixed. Where the fuck do you get this from?

It should also be noted that the nordic body types you bespeak of can changely greatly from generation to generation, and unlike cranio-facial features are skin color, don't take thousands of years to change on their own and can't really be considered true ethnic features.

Either way, you provide almost shit evidence to support the idea of almost anything outside of your "nordic ideal" being so innately despised. All you do is pick numerous masculine looking asian models, dump photos of numerous average-looking swedish women, and dig up the most homely, ethnic looking asian women you can find. Besides, this discussion is largely about EAST ASIANS. And it's hilarious how you call east asian women's facial features "masculine"- regardless of their overall physical attractiveness in terms of facial features, it's BLINDINGLY apparent east asian women, on average, have much more gracile, softer facial bones than most other ethnic groups. That's simply tied to their low testosterone levels, which are universally correlated with facial femininity.

You even harp on about skin color, acting as if almost everyone despises any skin color that's not pale white among females. You even knock females who don't have blonde hair or green/blue eyes. Can you elitism?

Here's some asian women with typically east asian ethnic features- IE larger jaws and cheekbones, and relatively broader, larger noses. I don't think too many people would be turned off by these:

And here's something else, coming from this website- a survey of korean-americans and what sort of facial features they preffered. While they are shifted more towards northern european averages, they're clearly still very different from them, especially in the case of the nose, which is noticably larger, and much broader:

And, bare in mind this was just in average, from a people who are known to be extremely conformist and have very specific preferences for beauty.

The north american white woman average is on the left, the preffered korean is in the middle, and the average korean is on the right.

If it really were true that almost everything outside of your ridiculous "nordic ideal" was so innately despised, then so be it. But, I'm pretty sure that's quite wrong. If it were true, I would simply accept it, not embrace it like you do. Look at you. You flaunt this idea of a nordic ideal being preffered. You brag about it. You act like a little arrogant child about it.

"To the people here who put down nordic women. Jealous much? Why hate us just because we have oval faces instead of round ones, blue and green-blue eyes instead of hard, olive or brown ones, straight and cute noses instead of huge hooked ones, feminine refined facial features instead of broad and coarse features, delicate mouths instead of broad and fat ones, feminine teeth instead of masculine, big horse teeth, fine, soft blonde and reddish blonde hair instead of coarse dark-brown hair?

The truth is that the beautiful nordic woman is THE ideal that everyone envies. To say that openly is being racist, of course. I prefer to say it since it is the truth.

Face cannot have what we need to hate us for it. That's not our fault."

To embrace something like that, that's so contrary to a universal trait of human nature, is nothing short of immoral. You are an extremely shallow, arrogant, childish, fucking repulsive human being.

Thu, 02/05/2009 - 01:54 Erik Fashion models that don’t look bad

Wondergirl: Averageness is not a correlate of beauty just because it is easier for us to process, and neoteny is the wrong term for youthful/healthy features. You can find a clarification on neoteny in this article, toward the bottom of it.

Regarding the study cited by you, I also find the second face (b) better looking. If you consider the differences, the second face most obviously has a shorter jaw, and also thinner eyebrows and apparently a slightly thinner nose. Whereas all these changes are consistent with greater femininity, if you look at the cheeks of the second face, then the cheekbones are somewhat shrunk in the cheek area, which is the opposite of greater femininity. So we can’t say that the second face looks more attractive because it is more feminine. Just because the lower jaw becomes shorter, it doesn’t mean that this is because of greater feminization. One has to look at the rest of the face to figure out whether the change is due to feminization or something else. This has been addressed more systematically. Take a look at this study where a shorter jaw emerged as a preference, but it was clear that this had nothing to do with feminization because the preferred jaw was also less protruding and had a better developed chin, features that do not result from greater feminization.

Thu, 02/05/2009 - 01:24 godis Maria McBane

Emily, this woman is obviously Ukranian or Russian. What does a Swede have that she doesn't? You can find plenty of these women in Eastern Europe. You just post pictures of the plane Janes in Eastern Europe, with bad makeup hair and teeth. You don't post pictures of the young women that really are in Eastern Europe.

Her name is Katja, which is obviously a Slavic name if you have any doubts.

Wed, 02/04/2009 - 17:04 Peter Maria McBane

First Emily...nice try avoiding my comment on Channing Tatum and others...when your ready to i would love to get into this discussion.
Where have i asked you to discuss with me if Nordic males are better or Indian???
I was simply pointing out that the page where i got that pic it was right under pictures of "regular" Indian men and two different white being Channing Tatum. Go read your Question under the picture. Why are you asking the reader to compare White models with regular Indian men? Now i hope in order to prove your point your not going to post pictures of regular Indian men and compare them with "party men" where they are young, well groomed, in a social environment etc etc....I am referring to the pictures of men that you posted.
Oh Darling give it up! You avoided my comments about the features of women in your pictures. You pointed out the recessive chins of Slavic women....Do you realize that many women's pics that you posted also show weak chins and many with angular manly chins???
Next time try posting pictures of your beauties at different angles...not the most flattering ones. Selection bias anyone???
Also let me clarify...I think many Nordic women are beautiful and feminine and many of the pictures of women you posted look good to me.

Wed, 02/04/2009 - 00:53 godis Maria McBane

Emily leeches off her races accomplishments in beauty. The ironic thing is that the accomplishments are false. They are known to be very beautiful, but Emily makes them sound like God's gift to planet Earth which they are not.

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 20:59 boobjob Maria McBane

Emily must be some gorgeous model herself.

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 19:22 Emily Maria McBane

You are Indian. How surprising. Look, I don't intend to go into a discussion with you, arguing over who are more attractive, Nordic men or Indian men. I think most people have a clear opinion on that.

Regarding the pictures of football players it is obvious to everyone but you, apparently, that these are not meant to represent feminine women. On the contrary, they are more or less masculine women who are compared to EACH OTHER, within their specific group. An idiot understands this.

I also think it is obvious from these pictures that Scandinavian women are the most attractive and feminine women within this group, exactly as they were in Erik's group example.

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 17:06 Peter Maria McBane

Emily my love!
You responded to me yipee! although indirectly...
This is the picture i am referring to
Its posted by you in the Eterina or whatever her name is....after posting pictures of Indian men and asking why they don't look like that......which is interesting btw....Your asking why ordinary Indian men don't look like models? yeah...ok

Anyways My dearest first of all i am not Asian or East European...I am Indian.
Second you seem very particular about Feminine beaity than WHY have you posted pictures of female athletes???? Don't you realise that these women will be more "masculinized"???

hehehe I win! :D
and take this :p

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 14:39 Emily Maria McBane

Here are pictures of some female national team football players from different countries. Using Erik's method of comparing group photos of women from different countries involved in the same activity, in this case elite football.


Women soccer players - China


Women soccer players - Japan


Korean women soccer players


Women soccer players - Korea


Women soccer players - Iran


Women soccer players - Brazil


Women soccer players - Nigeria


Women soccer players - Argentina


Women soccer players - Sweden


Women soccer players - Denmark


Women soccer players - Norway


Women soccer players - Norway


Women soccer players - Wales


Women soccer players - England


Women soccer players - Ukraine


Women soccer players - Russia

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 13:39 Umbrellacorp Welcome!

Does anyone know the names of the 6th (short blonde hair) and 9th (very dark hair) models on the left column of this page?? If you could just check, that would be awesome & then post a comment here if you know. Thanks:

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 13:10 Emily Maria McBane

I have no idea who "Channing Tatum" is. The one I showed is named Fredrik Ljungberg, a Swedish football player. Check your facts before you accuse people.

Tue, 02/03/2009 - 06:33 godis Maria McBane


Here is a survey done by someone on Y/A on Nordics.
