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Sat, 01/24/2009 - 07:28 Peter Maria McBane


Relevant to this page why don't you tell us what you think of the looks of Maria? she is not Nordic/Scandanavian looking. I find her very feminine looking...although i feel her hair/eyes might not be light enough for you.

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 11:00 Candice Maria McBane

"What a sad country the U.S. is"

No Emily, what a sad person you are

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 09:39 Emily Maria McBane

What does Nikola Tesla's inventions have to do with beauty and femininity? LOL There are many talented and special people all over the world who are not good-looking. Seriously, what kind of nonsense is this?

This site is about femininity and beauty, and even though I am sure he was very special and an important inventor I doubt he was very feminine-looking - or a woman.

Seriously, this racist nonsense will have to stop. Otherwise I should be able to throw that race card back at anyone here who says anything negative about people I feel look feminine and beautiful.

I am shocked to see how often this word is abused in the US, and how often white people fall for this scare tactic. We have a right to think we are prettier, just like you also have that right. There is this double-standard in the US, I think, where everyone - EXCEPT white people - is allowed to say they prefer the looks of their own race. Why? What are you afraid of?

Blacks glorify their own race and speak derogatorily about whites as pigs, pasty, albino etc, and so do Asians and Hispanics, and they
simultaneously rave about their own race and how good they look. This double-standard has to stop. You use that in order to hold one group of people down, and it doesn't work that way. If you want equality you should allow equality on all fronts.

I know what I am and what I am not. You don't since you don't know me. The only thing you know is that I think Nordic women are far superior in regards to physical appearance. Most people do agree on that, you see. What is racist about that? Had I said I think Asians are the most beautiful people on earth no one would have said a thing about "racism". What a sad state the US is in.

Also, I bring up God as much as I want to. Some may prefer to be hypocritical. I prefer honesty. Not all of his creations are equally beautiful. That doesn't mean they are worth less than the others, however denying a fact is not something I intend to do.

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 06:36 Candice Maria McBane

Maybe I agree that Northern European are most beautiful but who knows why I agree? And even if they are the most beautiful so what? Does that mean that every other race has little or no value and that you cannot find a high percentage of beautiful people anywhere else? To believe this the person is ignorant.

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 05:53 Candice Maria McBane

notice his ugly Slavic "hooked nose"

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 05:53 Candice Maria McBane

read about him:

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 05:50 Candice Maria McBane

Wow I am just shocked reading this whole debate.

Emily, no matter what someone says you have to argue with them? Listen to what they are saying hun! Argentum was just trying to be as objective as he could be in anything he was saying. He never really says anything that leans one way or the other, if you notice he provides simple FACTS!

However, Emily is not the only one with crazy arguments on here! Either way this is specifically to Emily because she seems kind of racist to me. Do you like watching TV or listening to the radio or going online and typing crazy things on crazy websites? Well thank an UGLY EASTERN EUROPEAN the Serbian Nikola Tesla for inventing electricity and almost anything else you use today! He is named the FATHER OF THE 20th CENTURY! He is an ethnic Serb that moved to the U.S. So next time you sit down and type away at your computer remember what those ugly little Slavic people did for you!

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 03:40 Candice Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

I am a woman and I personally like men with medium legs that are really tall. I def. disagree that men with shorter legs are more attractive. I like athletic lean men with longer or porportional legs.

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 03:35 Ching Chang... Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Since Northern European women are more feminine to you with the whole larger breast hour glass figure crap you claim... did you know that Northern European women have longer torsos and shorter legs? Look up Nordic in any anthropology book and it will explain this.

Fri, 01/23/2009 - 00:23 argentum Maria McBane


Emily is being unaccountably crude. But her line of thought (I guess it qualifies as that) is very much a product of the "homogenized global culture" that is being shoved down everybody's throat, most intensely in western countries, but across E. Europe and S. America too. That culture is liberal to its core, but what its purveyors have failed to consider is that one of the effects of the ineluctable reduction of "life" to little more than sex and money (and that's as true for commies and as it is for capitalists) is that these kind of "universal" beauty traits will be uncovered and objectified -- whereas they were previously happily unnoticed or ignored -- and their owners... well, see: "Emily."

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 22:42 Brazilian Guy Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

White people are simply the people of glacial era.

The Y-cromosome I1a found largely throughout Sweden originated in Middle East many thousand years ago (pre-historic time). It stemmed from a commom ancestor of the current nordic and middle eastern man. Once there was IJ, so It split as I and J. The I chromosome subdivided into I1a (Nordic area) and I1b (Balkans) and J in J1b (Arabic Penisula) and J1a (Levant). No, the carriers of I and J are not the same people they just have commom ancestors. The carriers of I chromosome are "Glacial" while J people are "Sandy Desert".

European white man is: R1a, R1b, I1a, I1b from the Glacial peak.

R Y-chromosome is another history. Once it was M-45 (P) so it split and formed R and Q. Are R and Q the same people? No, as long as I and J they just share a commom acestor. R turned out R1 (Europe) and R2 (India). And R1 turn out as R1a (Eastern Europe) and R1b (Western Europe) and Q is simply native american (asteca, maya,...)

The best way to prove asiatic admixture in swedish people would be by y-cromosome evidence. So, where are the nordics with "mongoloid" Y-cromosome? Where are the y-chromosome evidence comproving Atilla and Genghis Kan descendants in Europe. The unique evidence of mongoloid admixture in Europe are those found in the very far Eastern Europe (blame comunist soviets for that)

Sammi people are not mongoloid but simply a race of their own (at least they were for the most part). They've got their own genes and physical aspects. Round face and small eyes alone doesn't scream mongoloid admixture. Sammi people have very projecting faces, whereas mongoloids have flat faces. When thinking in Sammis just bring to your mind the word URAL. Uralic people are a race of their own. Nowaday they happen to be mixed with europeans to West and With mongoloid to the East.

The slavic look is not a "caucasoid"-"mongoloid" hybrid but a caucasoid-uralic mix. The admixture in Sweds is not mongoloid but uralic. The same goes to finns. Well, are they white? It's relative since terms as white, black and socially constructed.

Those superficial traits that you describe as mongoloid are not mongoloid. They just happen not to be restrict to asiatic people.

If the origin of the white man rely on India it would be anything but NORDIC. The closest that Indians come to Europe is due to the presence of R1a that peaks in the very Northern India. In Europe R1a only peaks in Northern Slavic countries while it's the least commom in nordic countries and Western Europe. Theories are not science.

Indian People are not long-faced. Long face are just those one picked out by the likes of Bollywood. Even if they were it doesn't connect them to nordic people.

The origin of white man is a group of Middle Eastern and Central Asia man that turned "white" by living thousand of years through two glacial eras.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 20:02 SCIENCE Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

Prior to puberty, legs grow more than the trunk. Women enter puberty earlier than men, and therefore their legs stop growing before men's, which is why they are shorter. Women having greater amounts of fats in their legs, along with overall lesser muscle mass, narrower shoulders, tight jeans and low-cut shirts create the illusion of longer legs.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 18:17 Astralis Music Angelina Valinurova

Her myspace page no longer exists.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 17:07 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

boob job i will answer your Q after i hear from Emily and Erik :)

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 16:43 Ching Chang... Maria McBane


Please do not bring God into this. If you truly could see beauty in everything God has created than you wouldn't post pictures of half retarded women claiming they are slavic and asian and the sorts, and then post biased pictures of Nordic women who in my opinion besides the makeup and hair dye do not have much to offer either. Please don't mention God in any of your posts because you insult all his creation in your posts. Thank you.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 11:53 boob job Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

@ Peter you really don't like Madhuri(that woman) do you?

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 10:31 jim Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

I came to the site looking for Olivia art. What I found was far more than I could have imagined.

As a former bodybuilder in the the 1980-1983 era (then a back injury), in the pre-growth hormone stage
(when it had to be sucked from cadaver pituitaries - and some were dying of CJ / mad cow as a result!) -
and even after, when people didn't learn the IGF connection, I found your postings above to not only be
EXCELLENT observations, but even observations I, myself, had not made, in evaluating competition, at the
time and again in 1993 - when I made a "comeback" to the extent that injuries would permit - with a new
round of androgens (and again tweaked the old injury and took myself out!).

There is much to look at and compare - and even the rules change with regard to judging, in order to keep
interest in the sport high - (too many repetitive wins is not good, when the personalities are not at all like
Ahnold!). And so you have a change that means Coleman OUT, Cutler IN.

All in all - I agree with you about the masculine aspect of things -- Gaspari was the youngest Mr. America - at 19,
chances are real that he suffered epiphyseal closure much earlier - and that changed his shoulder width dramatically
for those final growing years. Yates only real negative was the insanity of a tattoo - but again, also no personality,
something critical to a "sport" like bodybuilding.

People - this site and Erik's commentary on the whole range of anthro questions are not about putting anyone down,
they are about observing. Even when Lou Ferrigno made his big comeback - weighing nearly 75 pounds more than he did
in his 1975 contest with Arnold (75 pounds of pure muscle at under 2% fat!) - he didn't place in the FIRST round of Olympia.
He was OUT. He was more monstrous at 345 pounds (and 6'5") than he had ever been.

I like your use of study, statistics, references, etc. Really - for a hobby site, and attributing so much to art - for which I know
absolutely nothing about (in terms of anatomical study for painting/drawing), you provoked a great deal of thought and
I did send a link to someone I know with a Fine Arts degree - because as she gets back into creating - a long lost love of hers,
there is no such thing as "too much information" - and every opinion has the value of creating a new pathway of thought.

(unless it's just a moron posting!)

So, again - my many thanks! You made this a VERY interesting Thursday Morning!!!


Thu, 01/22/2009 - 07:46 Emily Maria McBane

"I have fucked and dumped a lot of Swedish/Nordic guys."

No offense but are you sure it was not the other way around? In view of your way writing here I cannot imagine most men being serious about you.

Since people here seem to have lots of misconceptions regarding Nordic looks I think it is important to educate and inform. I don't intend to read blatantly false descriptions of Nordic looks without correcting those descriptions. I suspect a majority of those comments to be more or less troll comments by envious or "misinformed" people here, but nevertheless it's important to not let false information stand.

Also, people are not bigots just because they may not like Asian looks. Just like so many of non-Nordic women here who bash Nordic looks, we too have the prerogative of having the taste we want. It works both ways, you see.

Personally, I think Asians in general are pretty ugly. I admit that. Most of the Asians I have seen who look half-decent are not 100% Asians but 50% white. What should I do? Force myself to like something? There are exceptions. I like the look of the Vietnamese woman who played in the film The Quiet American. She had a sweetness and kindness to her face that I don't see often in Asian faces, which to me often seem very expressionless or downright hard. You can find beauty in everything God has created, but it is just not seen that often in all of those things. Sorry.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 06:50 argentum Natalie T. from only tease

Emily, keep your hair on. I haven't wished that anything "be so." You accused me of distortion so I provided a quote to justify using the term "Eastern." Pierce might have been an idiot (if we are to accept your standards) to feel it and act on it, but that is what happened.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 06:14 James Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

If you think the people who leave comments represent a "majority" of thought, you've never had to design a statisitcally accurate test.

Not everyone uses the internet.
Not everyone who does would find this site.
Not everyone who does find this site would leave a comment.
- So you are reading a highly selective group and calling it the "majority". It is not.

Each person has their own ideal of beauty - and it appears to change over time.
If you look at pictures from 50 years ago, skinny girls are not the subject of choice.
If you look at paintings from 1, 2 or 3 centuries ago, skinny girls are not the subject of choice.
Sculptures from Greek and Roman times are not of skinny girls.

People's idea of feminine (and male) beauty is influenced by what they see portrayed as beautiful.

Advertising is training you to like a certain ideal - you can go along with it, or you can fight it. Most people don't even realize they are being affected.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 05:05 Annoyingly Beau... Maria McBane


You seriously need a job besides spamming the website with pictures.
Why not put up your own pictures instead of googling for pictures? Well anyone can get ugly or beautiful pics using Google search but I am surprised at the time and effort you are putting into that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Are you hating on the asian and eastern european girls because your husband/boyfriend found you so ugly and left you or is thinking of leaving you?

Well, let me add to your misery by saying I am a beautiful asian girl working in IT and I have fucked and dumped a lot of Swedish/Nordic guys.

I am married now to my besotted anglo saxon husband 28 year old blue eyed, blonde haired engineer/ national team rower but fortunately he is intelligent enough to recognise real beauty and not to be blinded by BIGOTRY.

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 04:52 Pissing into th... Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Surprised anger,

Well, looking at the comments here, the majority seemed to be pissed off with the website and have voiced their opinion and majority reflects reality.

So why are you surprised?

Thu, 01/22/2009 - 03:22 J Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I'm surprised at the anger being directed at this site's creator. He really isn't saying anything groundbreaking: the basic point seems to be that the heavy involvement of homosexuals in the fashion industry seems to have begun mandating a standard of female beauty that is influenced by those masculine traits that would be attractive to homosexuals. Hard to argue with on its own merits. The guy defends his points pretty well.

He said "Beauty is by its very nature exclusive and exists within a narrow range." I am glad someone is willing to actually say this. I'm pretty tired of the "everyone is beautiful" game. If everyone is, no one is. It's like saying everyone is tall.

For people who come in and bash the guy, claiming the carefully written site somehow means he can't get a woman or whatever...think hard about the fact you're trying to bash a guy for making a site that is basically about liking feminine women with big chests and so forth. Do you think childish insults are going to change someone's mind on that? Good luck; you're pissing into the wind.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 23:57 billy The face of a Neanderthal woman

I think the Neanderthal lady looks ok. Yes very robust, but her face is balanced and harmonious in the frontal view. She lies within the aesthetic range of northern european women, her type can be found not infrequently in Sweden.Yes her face is outside the metrics of modern europeans but her morphology is often seen within contempory europeans.This reconstruction along with recent genetic research provide robust evidence for continuity in europe from the Neanderthal era to the present.All of us Europeans share deep Neanderthal ancestory.In short the Neanderthals were not replaced ,they(we) were absorbed. Ask yourself this,if you saw this lady on the street what race would you assign her to; Asian ,African,or European.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 19:29 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I haven't had time to really look over any journals, it is very hard to find any information on how many Swedes could be mixed with Sami. Many do not even know they have Sami DNA obviously. Anyways, I found some interesting articles on the Sami. It seems this article mentions that there is recent admixture.
