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Thu, 02/12/2009 - 12:50 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


The photos of the women I posted are more feminine than the ones you posted. Nicole Kidman is not more feminine than the woman I posted, even in her younger years. She is beautiful nonetheless.

And like I said before: No one is forcing Nordics to mix. They are doing it to themselves.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 12:46 godis Slender feminine women

In fact, in that video I found the brunette one, the shortest one to be more feminine. Not because of her height, but because of her body shape and she too has a small rib cage. Her rib cage may appear larger, but it is only because she has more body fat, some of which went on her waist and around the rib cage. My body fat distributes to my hips, but some of it goes to my waist and rib cage as well. This has the effect of making my hourglass figure appear more subtle and less sharp, there will be less of a difference between my waist and hips although my waist and rib cage still appear tiny compared to my hips.I notice the more in shape I am, the more of an hourglass figure I have, because my rib cage appears smaller in contrast to my hips. If Anna S. gained weight, she would appear less feminine, according to your idea. .

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 12:42 Peter Two non-feminine women

They both look feminine and more attractive than some of your models in the attractive category. The second one can be "more masculine" than the first one. But the reason is her eyebrows!
Erik you really underestimate the importance of eyebrows in femininity. Many women get their eyebrows done. An otherwise feminine women can look masculine with low set and thick (natural) eyebrows and a less feminine woman can look more feminine by shaping her eyebrows thinner and higher. You don't seem to take this into account really! Many of your models have removed all eyebrow hair and have penciled them in...which i find unattractive but since you are attracted to hairless bodies (another unnatural feature) i guess you would find penciled in and fake looking eyebrows on a woman more feminine and attractive.
You seem to be a "fan" of implants, surgeries etc then what about eyebrows?
I think its a little unfair to point out natural eyebrows in women and say they are more masculine than another woman who has shaped hers everything else being "similar".
and YES eyebrow shaping can have a dramatic effect! They can make the eyes look bigger/brighter, cheekbones more "noticeable" and just generally lift a face. I mean i have been told i look very feminine when i did my eyebrows and i am a guy!
Just wanted to share my thoughts :)

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 12:37 godis Slender feminine women


I really don't see how in the first vid, the woman is more feminie than the rest. They all look really feminine to me, and she doesn not look MORE feminine, just thinner.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 12:28 godis Two non-feminine women

Ok, so the second one has no butt. I get it. The first one seems to have well-defined cheekbones, but in no way would I consider her non-feminine or even in the middle. I would consider her on the feminine side of the scale.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 12:25 godis Two non-feminine women


Pleeaassee explain to me how these women are non-feminine. I had a pretty good understanding from your website what feminine was and what was not, until now. Really, I want to understand. I have a hard time understanding the difference because of this.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 11:42 Anonymous The strange death of Ruslana Korshunova: likely murder by an organized crime group

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Thu, 02/12/2009 - 10:56 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


Here are ethnically Nordic beauties. Models and non models, since non-whites insist on showing photos of models and actresses. Show me pictures where the women aren't borrowing white genes in order to look attractive.

No mutts, no racially mixed people. What's the matter? Can't they stand on their own feet? Do they really need us so badly? How pathetic. This indeed makes it seem like the white race is the superior one..the fact that they don't measure up without racially mixing with us.











The difference between white Nordics and others is that we don't need other genes than our own - they need ours.

The irony is that the thing you admire and desire risks extinction as it is damaged each time you borrow from it. I hope more white people realize this before it is too late to reverse.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 10:26 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"Genes cannot be diluted."

Semantics. Our race/genes will be diluted and polluted unless white people become more racially aware, and aware of the recessive nature of our genes. Whichever way you describe it that is the result of race mixing to the Nordic race.

"Often Asian genes can improve the look of Caucasian, and specifically even Nordic women"

This is your subjective opinion and most white people don't agree. Most non-whites do agree with you and for obvious reasons.

The pictures you showed of a famous quasi-white actress/model tell us that some Asians look good when they are almost white...what kind of point is that? That is what I said all along. Pure Nordics - models like her - are in no way inferior to her. All you have done is proving my point that asians benefit from the caucasian traits they "borrow", as they damage ours.

"Eurasians are generally considered extremely attractive"

Where is the argument? I have repeatedly said that Asians who have caucasian blood can look very good. They damage US in the process. They look good because of their Caucasian genes. As a rule they are not attractive on their own. Asians cannot stand on their own feet in terms of looks. Your examples here work against your argument and supports mine. Thank you.

Also, the point is that the integrity of my race is compromised, since our population cannot withstand forever this influx of non-white, dominant genes. That issue is far more important than the question of beauty. All races deserve to be protected and to have their racial integrity intact and not raped, no matter how they look.

"Also, what you don't realize with your race mixing theory is that you are in a way insulting the "Nordic" genes. By claiming these genes to be so fragile you give more reason for this sub-race to diminish. "Only the strong survive""

Look, sometimes the most valuable things in life are fragile. Sturdiness is not the same thing as being more valuable. On the contrary. The most precious things here on earth are often rare and fragile, in danger of extinction. Many animals and plants are examples of this.

The cockroach is sturdier and stronger than almost all other animals combined. Are they more deserving of a place on earth than others, then? Your argument is immature and ignorant.

Our genes are more rare, recessive and more fragile and easy to compromise, and that doesn't make it any less important to protect them. One way is to make people more aware and more educated.

Intermixing, the way we see it done now during the last 50 years or so, has NEVER, EVER happened before. Nordics must be aware of the dangers of race-mixing to their race, unless they want to become all mutts like the woman whose photos you posted.

By the way, as soon as someone is racially aware AND white they are insulted and called racists and white supremacists. This has to stop. This deconstruction strategy, where you attack the person and not the argument, is very transparent and people see through this more and more.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 10:14 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?




Emily enjoy!

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 10:09 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


Thu, 02/12/2009 - 09:57 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Why is Hayden's face idolized in America? Because it is closer to plain Nordic or Eurasian?

Hayden Panettiere Pictures, Images and Photos

ohhh hayden Pictures, Images and Photos

How about Camilla Belles?

5 Pictures, Images and Photos

camilla belle Pictures, Images and Photos

Are there 100% Nordic actresses that are more attractive than the above? Yes. But most aren't.

Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack Pictures, Images and Photos

Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk Pictures, Images and Photos

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 09:41 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Hey Godis,
Thanks so much! Flickr was a little confusing so i went to photo bucket and it worked ...Testing
Oh btw Kritin is very pretty :)


Enjoy this Emily

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 09:19 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Kristin Kreuk icon Pictures, Images and Photos

kristin kreuk Pictures, Images and Photos

Kristin Kreuk Pictures, Images and Photos

Kristin Kreuk Pictures, Images and Photos

Fuller lips, smaller nose, more "exotic" eyes, rounder face...

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 08:56 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Here is an example of white trash pseudo-science:

Genes like the blonde gene may not show up as often. However, it won't diminish completely, this is extremely unlikely, unless it is purposefully being selected against...

I know wikipedia is not a credible source, but I don't have that much time on my hands to search for one. However, you are welcome to search for one yourself and you will find one. On the other hand you will not find a credible source claiming genes can be diluted...

But I get what you are saying... and I am not against race preservation, but it should not be forced on others. You will always have race preservation in my opinion because a fraction of people will always feel more comfortable mating simply with their own kind 100%.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 08:49 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"but I do care if they "pollute" my race and dilute our genes"

Genes cannot be diluted. Genes are not as simple as you are making them out to be. Scientists are finding everyday that genetics are more complex than originally thought.


Often Asian genes can improve the look of Caucasian, and specifically even Nordic women. Erik even admits this on this website, I will find it if you want me to. There has also been much research done on this and there is a lot of data to support these claims. Eurasians are generally considered extremely attractive and often more attractive than their counterparts such as plain Asians or plain Caucasians. One famous Eurasian Kristin Kreuk:

Kristin Kreuk Pictures, Images and Photos

kristin kreuk Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes, I know she is "famous" and does not represent the whole Eurasian population. However, my friend is Eurasian and no less beautiful. The research for this however is overwhelming.

Also, what you don't realize with your race mixing theory is that you are in a way insulting the "Nordic" genes. By claiming these genes to be so fragile you give more reason for this sub-race to diminish. "Only the strong survive" remember our little friend Darwin? Well, if Nordic genes are not strong enough to withstand intermixing which has been going on since the beginning of time, perhaps they have no place in the future? However, tha is all pseudoscience because Nordic genes ARE strong enough to survive intermixing. Blondes will not die out and neither will blue eyes no matter how much you "dilute" the gene pool. This is pseudo-science again created by white supremacist with perhaps an 8th grade education in order to discourage race mixing which should not have to be discouraged at all actually, because like I said, if one race is truly superior than they have no reason to mix. And the unsuperior part of that race would intermix according to you, however that is good news for a race because now those genes are being diluted and being furthered from your race right? See, I'm just trying to think the way you think but it makes little sense really...

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 08:28 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


Why don't you read other comments I have posted where I have clearly stated that I am WHITE? This is Emilys argument:

If you don't like what I say it is because you are not white and you are JEALOUS! Wow, Emily how long did it take you to come up with that one? What kind of circular logic is that?

Here is my deal Emily. Try to understand me ok?

I agree that one race will have more attractive people than any other. Every race has an edge or advantage over the other. Life is not equal and races and individuals themselves are not equal. The problem is that you have these false ideas. One idea is that other races are ruining your race! No one is forcing anyone to mate with anyone else. Therefore your argument has no backbone. If you want to preserve your race than do it yourself. There are plenty of people out there who want to perserve the white race. Simply select an attractive white male if that is your goal. But don't push these ideas on others.

Also, I am not taking any high moral ground. I am not an extremely moral person, I make mistakes and I don't claim that I do not. However, it bothers me that you would take people's personal photos, one of their child as well, and critique the way they look and what they are doing to your race. I am just trying to show you that this is not necessary and is sinking quite low. Besides, posting a bunch of pictures is not going to prove any argument. That is only one photo. For all we know, there could be many extremely attractive interacial couples. You just decided to post that particular photo up. Besides, this is almost useless to argue. Nobody has really figured out the "beauty" formula. Beauty is not black and white (no pun intended), just like life is not black and white. If someone figured out the formula for beauty, it would be very intricate with many exceptions.


To post pictures you need to go on a website like photobucket or flickr. Open an account, then you can upload any pictures you have saved on your hardrive and they will be converted to html. Then what you do is, for example, on photobucket by the side of the picture there will be a little box. On the box will be:

Share URL
Direct Link
IMG Code

Click on HTML code, copy it, and then paste it on the website you want it on and the picture will show up!


It is hilarious you went as far as comparing interracial mixing with beastiality. Does the issue bother you?
It is common knowledge that the women in Nordic countries prefer darker men to lighter men. Have you ever heard of tall dark and handsome? In fact women with men that have darker hair and features claim higher status in Nordic countries. Rarely are these men Asian or African-American. There are few Asians or African-Americans in Northern Europe. However, for example Meditteranean men are considered more attractive by most and are more preffered in Nordic countries.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 08:00 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"You fuckin tard! I am white!"

I will believe it when I see it. Anyone reading your comments can tell that you are an angry non-white. Why don't the two of you visit sites who are made for Asians and Indians? This one is not geared towards Asians or Indians, obviously. Why the obsession?

Isn't there a way to block trolls who disrupt the site on purpose? The alternative is to start moderating the threads, perhaps. Angry personal attacks contribute nothing, and the purpose now is clearly to lower the standard of discussion here and to damage the site, which they believe is hostile to them.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 07:23 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

You are awesome! The funny thing is that attractive Nordics aren't breeding with one another, it may seem that only the "unattractive" are and that too with other races. So Emily why don't you have 50 children or something? This way you will ensure your Nordic race exists somewhat LOL
I doubt you will ever do this! Your all talk and no action...If you had children i doubt you would even have the time to post here. Darling hurry...your biological clock is ticking! Bring some Nordic children into this world!

Godis can you please teach me how to post pics here like Emily is doing? without posting links?

Erik i didnot like your example/comparison of some people (of a race) breeding with dogs in the same thought as people breeding with other races....

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 06:56 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"An instance when an explanation may be of relevance is when a majority or large proportion of an ethnic group prefers to mate with members of another ethnic group. This situation is not true of any European population when it comes to European and non-European mating. It is a safe bet that the majority of European men with Asian partners shown by Emily would prefer a white version of the Asian women they got, but one doesn’t always get what one prefers."

It's true that most men here prefer their own women and most choose other women as a last choice, but I think it is VERY important to address the fact that relatively few Asian- or black genes can do un unproportional amount of damage to the Nordic recessive genes/ sub-race.

This is not only a question of choosing sexual partners, Erik, it is a question of family-making, and the consequences of race mixing between dominant and recessive races. I don't care if Asians have sex with their tea pot, but I do care if they "pollute" my race and dilute our genes, and that is underway in Sweden right now.

For instance, the pictures of the half-Asian Swedish woman and the Nordic man and their clearly Asian-looking child demonstrate the fact that in a population as small as ours a lot of damage can be done to the genetic pool of Nordics. This damage is already evident. I see it here almost every day and I never saw this ten years ago.

If picking up Asian women and start families with them becomes a trend - as it is slowly becoming - this will inevitably hurt and change the Nordic race. This cannot go on forever in such a small population without any consequences.

I know this was off-topic but in a way maybe not, since these comparisons you look for between ethnicities will become irrelevant if these ethnicities and races are all mixed into one muddled race.

Soon enough it will no longer be possible to tell exactly what race or ethnicity someone is - unless they are Asian or black - so the problem will be mute.

I'm sorry if I didn't use the correct terms when I addressed race mixing. I'm not familiar with the exact terms but I hope the message comes across.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 06:13 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

* correction: The first sentence in my last statement should be- There is nothing wrong with a race wanting to preserve themselves

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 06:12 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

And there is nothing with a race wanting to preserve themselves. But why don't those specific people preserve themselves instead forcing their ideas on others? Like you said, the only reason a white Nordic man would mix with another race is because they are unattractive and have problems. Therefore, besides those unattractive men the rest of you should have no problem preserving your race? Then why do you need to even advocate against race mixing? It shouldn't be a problem for you if what you say is true...

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 06:06 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Not every white person agrees with trash, just because they are white. It's funny that you think anyone against your insane ideas is Asian or something. And I did address your ridiculous argument.

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 06:03 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

You fuckin tard! I am white!

Thu, 02/12/2009 - 05:57 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Address the argument - not the person. Again, why can't you people argue without attacking and insulting? Is that an Asian race trait or just weakness? Of course you hate these pictures that show the ugly effect of Asian/Caucasian mixing. Ugly to our race, and hurtful. That is exactly why they need to be shown - and often.

You are angry because white people wish to preserve their race. Fine. It would suit you just fine if you bred us out since many of you are more racists than any white person will ever be.

Unfortunately for you it's not going to happen since more and more people are aware of the effects and damage of interbreeding to the white (recessive) race. Globalists would love one mono-race and one mono-culture. That flies in the face of history, and the result is segregation and mutts who don't have any true identity.

That's not the kind of world I would like to see. With all its flaws I was happy with the one we had, where people felt they belonged somewhere. Again, it's easy for Asians to criticize. You don't have these problems in YOUR countries, and there are billions of you.

Anyway, Asian women get the dating scraps off our table and that's how it is. Deal with it.

The only conclusion one could make is that Nordic women should take pity more often on these men and that they should seek counselling and try to work out their problems with women instead of taking the easy way out and import someone who wants them primarily as a meal ticket.
