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Sat, 02/14/2009 - 23:06 Petite The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Erik: What exactly does "normal" mean? That seems to indicate to me very much the exact same thing as I was describing before. That somehow men who agree with your standard of beauty are "normal" and men who do not are not normal. Who are you to judge what is normal and what is not? Why is your standard of beauty the only correct one? Like I said before, while I would agree that men generally like the same sorts of things in women, their standards on what is attractive and what is not can vary quite widely.

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 22:50 Erik The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Petite: Being a lifetime-exclusive heterosexual man has little to do with being masculine or feminine. It is just being normal; the term describes most men, a number of whom will be effeminate. There is nothing in my arguments suggesting exactly what all truly heterosexual men like. And I don’t question the sexuality of any man who disagrees with me. Someone who leaves a comment expressing disagreement could be a man or woman and of any sexual orientation. How would I know which is true? I am not going to waste my time speculating, but it is obvious that beyond some level of masculinization in women, the men attracted to them will increasingly lean toward nonheterosexuality. Don’t waste my time with straw men. As it is I have many unreplied comments to deal with.

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 20:48 godis Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

May I add:

Look at your high cheekbone section:

All the woman with round dample low cheekbones: smiling. Maybe one isn't smiling, but even then her mouth isn't straight or pouty. Not to mention there is a high level of these women that have bad teeth. Bad teeth=bad and weak bonestructure or what you call "feminine" LMAO! Even braces can change someones bone structure slightly...

Notice how all the masculine supermodels are either pouting or have a very straight face. Also, many times a supermodel will suck her cheeks in a bit making them look more robust and masculine. You said so yourself that high cheekbones are not necessarily masculine. In fact I think that high cheekbones combined with a woman that has high levels of estrogen, is a good combo and makes an attractive person. She will look a tad bit more masculine, because high cheekbones add definition however in combination with her feminity this will be attractive to anyone. I think models do what they are paid to do: Sell. It's working isn't it?

Besides them not being healthy, I have no problem. I agree, the fashion industry should not be allowed to have such stick thin requirements, besides that I have no problem with the way they look. They sell, they do their job, we fall for it. Besides I never wanted to look like a model. But I can appreciate their characteristics masculine or not. I am not a stupid brainwashed girl that wants to be thin because I think its attractive. I am more attractive than most supermodels I see. Eating disorders are usually a result of someone wanting to have control of something in their lives, not necessarily because they want to look like a supermodel.

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 20:42 godis Aletta and Anna JV from Domai


Just wondering: are you masculine, feminine, or inbetween because;

If you are masculine: Your mother was on the masculine scale, she is not feminine therefore not beautiful and therefore not up to YOUR standards on this website. OUCH! Insulting.I hope your mom doesn't see this...

If you are feminine: Your mother was on the feminine scale. She is probably a beauty. You are probably not very attractive, and you are probably effeminate or homosexual which you obviously despise. Hey, I didn't say there is anything wrong with it. You claim homosexuals dominate the fashion industry and its wrong blah blah blah w/e.

If you are inbetween: Your mother was androgynous. She wasn't a beauty, or ugly/masculine, just INBETWEEN! If your mom was like this she was a plain jane, and not up to your standards as to what is beautiful. You yourself being inbetween probably aren't too attractive, and with this website I don't really see you dating much. hmmm...

So which is it? Because in every way your a loser.... you just lose

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 16:11 Petite Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

I would agree that the stick-thin, masculine models should not be the norm.

However, Erik's judgment of who is beautiful and who is not is not infallible.

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 15:33 Petite The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

You are just so elitist. You've labeled yourself a "lifetime-exclusive heterosexual man" (Implying you are the epiphany of masculinity). Not only that, you've decided EXACTLY what ALL "truly heterosexual" men like to see in a woman. You've backed this up with all sorts of "facts", yet you fail to see the obvious. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, and sorry, not everyone agrees with you, not even other heterosexual men! It is true that there are some similar guidelines that men tend to follow when they judge whether or not a woman meets their physical ideals, but that in no way means that all men are going to rate all the same women as the same attractiveness. Each man still has their own perspectives. You however, refuse to believe this.

It gets better though. If a man was to disagree with your apparently flawless judgment of who is feminine/beautiful or not (Once again, putting yourself and your opinion on a pedestal), why, those men must NOT be REAL men. They must be effeminate in some way, or not really all that in to women at all. If a man disagrees with what YOU think is beautiful about a woman, you immediately question their sexuality. You two couldn't POSSIBLY just have a difference in opinion! Nope.

THAT is what is wrong with this entire website.

Sat, 02/14/2009 - 00:47 jeff The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

i consider myself an independent thinker, and a connoisseur of female beauty.
. . . and i disagree with pretty much everything you state.
only problem i have with most models is their height.
i prefer petite females.
but i can see how this makes them photogenic, and how it can help show off the whatever it is they happen to be wearing/selling . .
. . which is what they are paid to do!

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 17:57 Ji Kim Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


I was just surfing the internet and I just happened to stumble across this website(??? such a weird website)

English is not my first language but I'll do my best.

First of all, I couldn't read all the comments. There are so many of them!! lol

I was born in Korea and came to america 4(not sure)yrs ago and right now I go to Purdue. One good thing about Purdue is that you see lots of people from different countries. Anyways...

To be honest, I agree with the fact that white Nordic beauty is the standard in TODAY'S SOCIETY(!!!).

However, that standard changes over time. What's beautiful today might not be beautiful in the future. For example, back then, chubby women were considered pretty.

Also, beauty doesn't last forever. If the beauty is the only thing that you value, when you become old and not so beautiful, you are gonna have a hard time dealing with the fact that you are not beautiful anymore.

Is beauty only thing that matters when it comes to being attractive? I don't know. It depends on who you are.

And Emily, about polluting your gene pool... I don't know what to say. Hmmm, it looks quite obvious that you are not gonna marry someone outside of your race. lol But please, calm down. You are paranoid and being insecure.

Anyways, I appreciate my asian apprearance. If someone like Emily doesn't appreciate what I have, I honestly don't feel offended. I mean, there are also things about Caucasians that Asians don't like. In that sense, some Caucasians are kinda blind(??)

And Please don't think Asians want to be just like Caucasians and we are after Caucasians, meaning we are trying to mix our genes with yours. By all means, most Asians do not care. So chill out.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 17:28 Petite The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 4

And I do not think a man who likes small breasts is somehow homosexual or less masculine than a man who does not.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:11 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I meant to say green eyed Hrithik and blue eyed Karishma

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:06 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

The Darker skinned people are from South India and these two actors from North West India

The green eyes Hrithik and bluw eyes Karishma....notice any differences?
I am sure you can tell the difference between contacts and real eyes? Thats why i posted close ups. Previously someone mentioned some Indians can have "Nordic type features" Do you think these two might be close??



Fri, 02/13/2009 - 10:57 ------- Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

An important issue regarding the standard of women participating in international beauty pageants is whether it is possible to compare the attractiveness of women from different geographic populations using objective criteria

It is clear that it is not possible to come up with objective criteria that are sufficiently exacting for the purposes of comparing the attractiveness of women from different geographic populations in beauty pageants.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 10:56 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Ok sorry Emily....i apologise for using the word bitch.

Look at these pictures......Chinese woman?

No North East Indian

Vietnamese family?

No North East Indian


So Emily do you think you or people at first glance, without knowing where they are from guess that these people are from India?

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 10:33 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

This Emily is a really biased bitch! She is losing thats why she is holding onto every ridiculous "argument" she can. Lets see whats happening here.
Godis has mentioned she is white, and Emily you are arguing with another white person about East Asian beauty? Wouldn't it be a better idea to do it with someone who is actually Asian?
I am Indian as i mentioned (North west Indian), so i would be a better option for you to argue about Indian beauty. Unless you think i am not white and therefore "unworthy" of arguing with you LOL
Emily you have completely ignored many of my arguments and pictures!!!! You did not say anything about the pictures i posted. Instead you do something ridiculous and post those two pictures.
First of all bitch India is very multi Ethnic!!! second i could easily find unflattering pictures of Sami people in their traditonal attire etc and post to show you or unattractive Nordics. Then where would we be???
I am from North west India, a region with people that are closer to European in looks so why would i post pictures of South or North East Indian people who look "different" from me? Erik mentioned this as pictures of people who would be comparable to Nordics and considered attractive by Indians.... I.E. North West Indians.
No offence to Godis or other Indians reading this.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 10:16 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?






Cute Swedish girls.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 09:50 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

"You post the SAME photos of unattractive Indians and Asians. "

They are not models and actresses and half-whites. The fact is that they are good representatives for their ethnic group. The vast majority of Asians are far from attractive according to our standard.

However, it is well-known that Scandinavia has a very high amount of beautiful people compared to the size of the population. Actually, Scandinavia is world-famous for it.

"Why always cheerleaders? Extremely proffessional cheerleaders are going to be more masculine. You post up high school photos of Nordic cheerleaders and Olympic photos of Asian cheerleaders. When done "

The ones I showed are comparable. The Asians don't look masculine or athletic to me, just rather fit. You are just angry because the Swedish ones look better. Well, what a surprise. Swedish women are prettier, ON AVERAGE.

I posted photos of national football players, too, and even there the Scandinavian women were outstanding, so the pattern is clear. Most 100% Asian women cannot compete with Nordic women. Since the amount of Asians are astoundingly greater than the amount of Scandinavians this fact is even more remarkable.

You don't realize it but I was actually generous towards the Asians when I chose pictures as I chose those who looked fit and not out of shape. The Beijing cheerleaders were chosen mainly for attractiveness.

Here you go..since you thought the Asians were too athletic compared to the Swedish ones. You could turn the argument and say that the Swedish ones look less fit and more out of shape, but since you thought they were prettier you didn't choose to look at it that way.

Beijing cheerleaders;







Feminine Japanese cheerleaders.


Masculine Swedish National Team football players.











Hyper athletic? Not really.

Also, Indians in their natural environment and not in night clubs (rolls eyes);



Fri, 02/13/2009 - 09:16 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I have posted plenty of photos up there. Why don't you address those instead of hanging on a subject you seem to think you have an advantage on for argument purposes. And maybe come up with a better argument besides: "you are just jealous and they are mixed". Because I am not jealous and they are not mixed. This site is about beauty so critique their beauty. Stop trying to critique my ethnicity or my underlying motives. My arguments stand alone. Judge my arguments, not me. You do not know me. However, anyone can read my argument and draw a logical conclusion from them and argue back. So far your only arguments have been of accusing me of not being white, of being jealous, and of my photos being biased and mixed. None of these are true. So why don't you analyze my photos and the facial features and tell me what you find so unattractive about those women? And what is honestly so much more attractive than Nordic women?

Do you realize how hilarious you sound? You cannot admit that any attractive people exist outside of the Nordic sub-race of the Caucasian race. Do you honestly believe the crap you write down?

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 09:11 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?


It is funny how you hang on one little subject. The fact that the Russians are mixed. Who cares? They still have Slavic genes and RECENT Slavic genes. Russians are not Nordic, but they do have Nordic genes. Blonde hair ,red hair, green eyes and blue eyes are common in Russia and these are all Nordic traits. Honestly, you have the worst arguments. If someone is attractive they HAVE to be mixed,if we disagree with your ridiculous arguments we are jealous? Why don't you get real points and real arguments. You would have been the laughing stock of the debate team at our school.

Your response to everything would be: Well your just JEALOUS!

cry me a river. I'm not jealous just stating the facts.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 08:14 Peter And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

I actually find her very attractive...there is something "calm" about her face. She has that feminine glow lol
Wow I can't believe i read some comments by Erik here....disappointing.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 07:39 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

So you wanted non model/actress Indians well here they are...




So Emily i wonder who paid for their nose jobs? Oh my aren't they "ugly"? I am sure you came across pictures of good looking Indians but decided not to post them to prove your point...although some girls in the pics don't look bad to me :)
Honey don't play this pictures game with will loose. So you have said Asian women attract pedophiles, black women are masculine and have broad features....What about indian women?

NOTE : If any of the ladies whose pictures i have posted comes across these, I think your all beautiful :)

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 07:18 Emily Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

It's not a question of beauty - it's a question of ethnical heritage and you wrongly implied that the Russian Royal family was Slavic and ethnically Russian when they in reality had a prominent Nordic ethnic background - like Royal families in Europe do.

They don't look Slavic to me, by the way. They appear mostly Nordic/Germanic and the Czars themselves often looked German or British - not Slavic.

They were not a good example of typical Russians - since they were not - and neither were most of your other pictures that showed Russian girls with partly Nordic traits and very muted Slavic ones. You didn't choose the ones who really look Slavic/Russian without Nordic influence. I agree..Nordic genes do improve the looks of others.

Besides, "intermixing" between white Slavs and white Nordics is hardly the same thing as intermixing between whites and Asians. I think that comparison was ridiculous.

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 06:34 Peter Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

hehee your so funny and make me laugh...your such a nice lady compared to that .... uhm
Thanks for posting the pictures of all the beautiful people :)

First off Madhuri is not half white, second she has not had plastic surgery...WOW you assume every good looking non white person must have plastice surgery or white admixture.....RIDICULOUS. Really proves how biased you are!

By making statements such as "you only post models etc" you have completely overlooked cultural differences. Do you really think the MAJORITY of Indian women go clubbing? expose themselves (i mean in revealing clothing)? or would agree to be photographed by strangers? Now ask that same Question for Swedish girls....IF you still can't understand the difference then you must be really dumb!

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 02:24 godis And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

But her face.... its sooo masculine!

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 02:21 godis The physique of Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006

Actually Tara is more attractive than both. Her facial features mascunilized as they are, are more charismatic than both the other girls. Their faces are very placid and plain. Simple as that. Her body is not that great, but Snow's body wanted me to throw up. Did you notice her flat backside? Come on. And the other one was alright, but nothing to get excited over in all honesty. Besides make her purge her food a few times and pack on some muscle, and she won't be much different than Tara. You show that women can be thin and feminine, but how about women who work out and gain muscle... Can they be feminine? Working out often decreases femininity, however it makes sex better and gives on better orgasms so what is the point of looking good and being feminine if sex is more enjoyable if you are in better shape but less feminine?

Fri, 02/13/2009 - 02:04 godis Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

Besides Emily, I thought you were against race mixing and diluting genes? Do you approve or Royalty mixing so? How about the royals of Sweden? Do you approve of their diluted genes? How do you stand being governed and ruled by "diluted" people! Oh the atrocity!

I can only imagine how those French mutt royals destroyed your beautiful country! Surely, if a pure Swede had run the country it would be in an even WEALTHIER state huh?
