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Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:53 Ching Chang... Maria McBane

What a horrible representative Sweden has on this website

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:47 Ching Chang... Maria McBane

Yes, Emily, many of the pictures of Nordic women you post proves my point thank you:)

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:05 Emily Maria McBane


Small-breasted Swedish Anita.


Terrible-looking Swedish girl who needs to be blonde so you can stand looking at her.


Sharp-featured (?) blonde Swedish girl.


Another poor Swedish soul who needs the blonde color.



Swedish girls without the broad, coarse and heavy Slavic features of let's say Slavic Kurkova.


Another terrible poor Swede who needs the blonde color so that men would look at her. ;)


Yet another awful Swedish girl.


Yes, Nordic women are well-known for their lack of femininity and beauty, especially the Scandinavians. That's what men say, isn't it? Somehow I get the impression you are not Nordic, nor a man.

Thank god for the feminine Slavic and Asian girls.






Wed, 01/21/2009 - 17:36 Emily Maria McBane

Also, I think I am better qualified than you to give an opinion on this since I have lived in Sweden my whole life, know Scandinavia and know Nordic looks, and know what isn't Nordic looks. Your anger and hostility shine through your comments, and personal attacks speak of lack of real arguments. It is weakness and it is trolling. As for racism that accusation could easily be thrown back at you..

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 17:30 Emily Maria McBane

Hardly. The fact that you don't understand what we are talking about is the joke.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 16:52 Ching Chang... Maria McBane

The fact that you claim Heidi is more Nordic looking than Karolina is a joke.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 16:51 Ching Chang... Maria McBane

A survey some bra company did is not real research. More so, the fact that it is reported in the Sun makes it even less credible! Who takes this serious? Where are your peer reviewed scholarly articles? Erik, please stop lying to yourself. Anthropologists, and even a regular population notice that Northern European women have on average smaller breasts and asses than other European women. I don't think all of them have smaller breasts and asses but most of them do. They also have longer, thinner, faces and jaws. Actually, one major reason blonde hair and blue eyes were so selected in Nordic countries is because the soft colors softened and feminized the look of otherwise small breasted angular sharp featured women.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 16:48 Ching Chang... Maria McBane


Racism is often looked down upon by educated people. If you want to get anywhere in this world, I suggest you expand the way you think. Racists also have lower IQs.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 16:47 Ching Chang... Maria McBane


Please. I think you are full of shit and I am sure you have ulterior motives. The research you provide for your statement is a joke. You admitted it yourself.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 16:08 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily and Eric what do you think about her "femininity"?

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 15:58 Peter Nasion placement and attractiveness

Hey Erik,
I simply meant if you were talking about nasion placement and attractiveness and using a model to represent this, why not use someone with a smoother profile...since that is more attractive for females.
There are more aesthetically pleasing ways of having an upturned nose instead of it looking like its been punched up if you know what i mean? Her nose is not bad but i have seen some white people that have noses which seem like they have been pushed up and not in an attractive way.
Erik I am begining to like you...I really like what your trying to promote and your ideas BUT i do feel that you have fallen short in some areas. I would love it if you could include non white women :) It will only serve to make the site more "mass appealing". What i am not saying you do is, use overwhelmingly non white women. Since you are white, you have every right to keep using white women but adding a little "flavor" won't hurt.
Why din't i just e-mail you pictures of women i am thinking about? instead of giving names and you having to look for them.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 15:57 Peter Nasion placement and attractiveness

Hey Erik,
I simply meant if you were talking about nasion placement and attractiveness and using a model to represent this, why not use someone with a smoother profile...since that is more attractive for females.
There are more aesthetically pleasing ways of having an upturned nose instead of it looking like its been punched up if you know what i mean? Her nose is not bad but i have seen some white people that have noses which seem like they have been pushed up and not in an attractive way.
Erik I am begining to like you...I really like what your trying to promote and your ideas BUT i do feel that you have fallen short in some areas. I would love it if you could include non white women :) It will only serve to make the site more "mass appealing". What i am not saying you do is, use overwhelmingly non white women. Since you are white, you have every right to keep using white women but adding a little "flavor" won't hurt.
Why din't i just e-mail you pictures of women i am thinking about? instead of giving names and you having to look for them.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 13:34 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

Nordic women were and are the standard of beauty for the Nazi - not Slavic women, no matter how much you wish it to be so. They have more elegant, refined and delicate features and lack the coarse, heavy, broad Slavic features, and are much more feminine. Actually, this is so immature it makes you laugh. Should we now go into what types of women the Nazi generally prefer? Does it matter? Does it change anything?

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 08:02 Emily Maria McBane

Erik is right. Karolina is not Nordic at all. She is very much a typical Slav, except maybe that her forehead is bigger/higher and her face less round than usual. Coincidentally, those two things about her are her only good points as far as looks go. With that typical lower forehead often seen among Slavic people she would have looked even worse.

Her facial features, heavy cheekbones, ugly coarse and hooked nose, very masculine jaw, masculine large teeth, and so forth, are very much Slavic. Anyone living in Scandinavia sees that she is not from here right away since such heavy and coarse features are typically Slavic - not Nordic. It always amuses me when people try to teach me what my own people look like.

Heidi's more delicate and refined facial features are typical for Nordics, even if she might not be 100% Nordic in type. Since Heidi does not look Slavic at all people here would not react to her looks being foreign. Also, again...not all Nordics are of Hallstatt type! Try to understand that. Heidi's face - being less oval than Karolina's - STILL looks Nordic in comparison. Many Nordics have faces similar to Heidi's.

These are two masculine models - one being younger and much more masculine due to her coarse and heavy Slavic features - and the other one older but Germanic/Nordic in type, and actually looking younger and more feminine by comparison. No one would question Heidi being Nordic or Germanic if she had been an unknown living in Sweden. The very first question Karolina would get from a Swede would be "Where are you from originally?".

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 07:12 Ching Chang Self/body-esteem problems in relation to the promotion of feminine beauty


I don't understand why you try to promote feminine women when most likely these women will be the ones turning you down. Instead why not go along with the rest of the world because maybe then you will have a chance with any woman at all, even if she is masculine?

but have you ever really wondered? Would a truly beautiful feminine woman want to be with me? Because she obviously offers what is ideally attractive in her group but do you offer what is attractive from your group?

Therefore this whole website could be working for those women and accomplishing what you want to accomplish, however, is it working for you? Is it increasing your chances of getting the perfect mate? Chances are NO!

So then why do you have this website? What are your motives for this website?

* What makes us so much more intelligent than our cousins, the primates, is the fact that we had this ability to reason and no longer depend on instinct alone. So, if evolution served us right than what we are attracted to should be based on a lot more than our instincts and therefore you can do all the research you want but it won't truly be accurate enough to ever accomplish whatever goal it is for you to accomplish because these days men are not running with their instincts alone whether you would like to believe it or not. You claim that homosexuals are brainwashing us etc. etc., well I have to say that a perfectly normal healthy individual of average intelligence with a healthy self-esteem cannot be swayed. You may claim: Well these people are very rare... and that is true but I personally do not believe you are one of them because you feel you can sway people with your idea of beauty which cannot be proven. Here are some interesting articles that you might write off to politics or pseudo-science:,2933,461105,00.html#

It just goes to show however that you are not the only one studying beauty, and which way is it really going? What are we truly discovering about beauty? Is there more to the picture or is there more brainwashing? But who is doing the brainwashing? You or them? Or both? Or neither?

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 04:33 Erik Maria McBane

Ching Chang: Karolina Kurkova does not have a Nordic face by a long shot; Heidi Klum is closer but you wouldn’t call her a Nordic either. Regarding my 3-year-old statement, at another site, about Northern European women having smaller breasts than Southern European women, it wasn’t an admission, but a statement that represented a mistaken belief. Northern European women actually tend to have larger breasts than Southern European women, on average. The reason for my earlier belief was apparently because most of the interaction I have had with European women has been with Northern European women whereas my exposure to Southern European women has been more in the context of models, usually not fashion models because most fashion models are Northern European types.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 04:11 Ching Chang... Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site


I am truly delighted that we still have people as wise and educated as you are! Thank you! You give me some hope for this world, seriously!

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 03:31 Ching Chang... Maria McBane

*May I also add that I personally do not believe that Northern European are smaller breasted on average than other European women. I think that it is about equal, and I love tall and equally athletic Northern European women. DONT GET ME WRONG! I would never turn down a beautiful Northern European woman, and you will find many beautiful Nordic women. However, Southern and Eastern European women are also just as attractive, they too have a large population of hourglass females, they too have a large pop. of beautiful women. To say that Nordic women are the best is ignorant. Between European women I honestly cannot say that one or the other is "top".

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 03:27 Ching Chang... Maria McBane

Erik, I find that strangely enough in this post someone named Erik Holland admits to Northern European women having smaller breasts in a response. Is it you?:

Lisa said at February 16, 2006 09:03 PM:
Erik Holland,

Contrary to what you believe, northern european women are usually tall, have prominent noses, hard bone structures and no breasts whatsoever. If you want to talk about beautiful european women it has to be eastern/southern europeans but i guess it's the light hair/eyes combination that you find appealing. In my opinion having such a low contrast between hair colour, skin colour etc makes someone look very washed out. Without makeup the women in the site look like somebody squeezed the juice out of them not to mention the unsightly freckles and thin lips they had. Also you posted a picture of charlize Theron on your site and although she has cute facial features she does not even come close to an actress such as Monica Bellucci and has absolutely no sex appeal. At the same physical height, Monica Bellucci has a woman's body while Charlize has relatively no breasts/hips and large shoulders along with chicken legs. If they walked together in the same room, charlize would be invisible.

Erik Holland said at March 3, 2006 04:15 AM:

It is true that Northern European women tend to be taller, more prominent nosed and smaller breasted than Southern European women, but by no means are all Northern European women tall, prominent nosed and small breasted. Pigmentation is not relevant to my site because the focus is on skeletal traits, fat distribution and muscle structure. Speaking of skeletal traits, Northern European women tend to have finer facial features, partly explaining whey they are overrepresented among high-end models. I have only displayed Charlize Theron’s face, not her physique. I agree that her physique is nowhere close to being a good example of a feminine physique. On the other hand, whereas Monica Belluci has a better physique than Charlize Theron and is a good looking woman, neither her face nor her body is impressive enough for me to use as good examples of feminine beauty.

website link:

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 03:22 Ching Chang... Maria McBane


Karolina looks more Nordic than Heidi on all terms so you are basically contradicting your whole point. Heidi leans towards an Alpine look, while Karolina leans toward a Nordic look or you can argue that she may seem Dinaric. Dinarics are more often Nordic/Alpine mixes rather than Med/Alpine mixes. Either way, Slavic women are no where near unattractive and they are very feminine with an athletic twist. Eastern Europe has plenty of women that can pass for a girl in your "Nordic" pictures you have posted all over the site.

Dasha Astafieva animated gif Pictures, Images and Photos

Dasha Astafieva: VERRRYY NICE!

What a beautiful curvy yet athletic body she has in that video!

Also, Erik's claims that more Nordic women have an hourglass figure compared to other European populations are not backed up with substantial data. I personally think it is a load of crap.

More pics of her:,,6193084,00.jpg

* Don't bring up the fact that she is a model she had surgery blah blugh blah

If you put almost most Eastern European women on a tread mill, give her a nice spray tan, make sures she eats well and takes care of her skin, you will get a very beautiful woman.

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 02:29 James Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

<"I wish someone would do, just to make men feel as crap as some women feel while reading this">

The point of this site seems to be promoting a different feminine ideal than popular culture is. If your body shape is that of a "beautiful" woman according to modern popular culture - no doubt you'll feel this site is insulting.

If your body shape is more to Erik's ideals - more rounded softer faces, and a bit of an hour-glass shape - you really shouldn't be insulted.

For me no matter what the size: 8 , 12, 16 or more, I like to see an hourglass figure. A-cup or D-cup, big booty or small, I like to look up from the feet to see that curvy swell of hips, then moving narrower to the waist and then out again as it goes up. And big, captivating eyes.

I don't like the supermodels of popular culture - who wants to hug or kiss a bag of bones?

<"I have to accept that every time I do a ponytail, men and women will always tell me in shock "OMG! you have SO little hair!". And do the same thing with my breasts.">

Don't accept it. If people are rude, call them on it, loudly and publicly. Shame them for being rude, because apparently they didn't know it, and so they are begging to be educated. It's a teachable moment - use it.

We all have different ideals of beauty, but don't let any one put you down. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Don't consent.

Tue, 01/20/2009 - 13:50 argentum Natalie T. from only tease


Here is a quote from "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds," Robert Griffin's biography of Pierce.

Since Olga departed, there have been two more Eastern European wives. Pierce says he is attracted to Eastern European women. They are more feminine than American women, he says.

Interestingly, he met them through personal ads, after they had only been in the country a short time. The first two marriages only lasted a few years before the women left him for 'greener pastures', and the third wife, who was not Hungarian, was described in the book as experiencing anxieties over her legal status, all of which is consistent with the behavior of imported Eastern European women. Only one of the women is described physically and she had dark hair, which in Hungary is unlikely to mean nordicness.


"I know I am just teasing. You all are soo serious about this though! Just wanted to lighten up the mood in an evil twisted way"

Hmmm...I'd call it 'precise' rather than 'serious.' But point taken. :)

Tue, 01/20/2009 - 10:31 Emily Maria McBane

Heidi Klum is not feminine but there are many even worse examples, I think. Someone I think is very masculine is the overrated Karolina Kurkova - a Czech model with very heavy features often seen in Slavic women, a huge, masculine mouth and a hooked nose.

She is only 24, but even now she makes Heidi Klum (35) look feminine!

It seems that the new models are only getting manlier and manlier. It is a terrible trend that needs to be stopped. Imagine what Karolina will look like when she is 35 like Heidi. There are a few masculine models that still manage to be interesting and alluring in their own way, but to often their masculinity totally dominates their looks. It is clear that homosexual fashion designers' taste in women is not in line with what most people regard as feminine and attractive.




35-year-old German Heidi, and 24-year-old Czech Karolina.




Young Heidi.


Young Karolina.

Tue, 01/20/2009 - 07:39 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

"I thought it was obvious in the context of the discussion that I meant Eastern European. Of course, Hungarians are probably more "central" than Eastern, though the ethnicity covers a range of racial types"

No, it was not obvious at all since it was said that he married women of a race not his own. In light of W. Pierce's views on those things it is highly unlikely that he chose women who were not white. Also, The Hungarian women came after the other two American white women he married first, so the Hungarians were hardly his first choice. Also, In Hungary there are many women who look Nordic since Austria and Hungary were once united. Calling them "Eastern" is ridiculous.

Tue, 01/20/2009 - 07:35 JW Maria McBane

"oversized hard to look at nipples" -sez you
and the correct term is areola; obviously one cannot see the nipples in the posted pics. A quick search does show that Maria has beautiful and normal sized nipples.
of course you are entitled to your own worthless, dumbshit, man-nippled opinion.
