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Tue, 01/20/2009 - 05:58 hercules Natalie T. from only tease


I know I am just teasing. You all are soo serious about this though! Just wanted to lighten up the mood in an evil twisted way

Tue, 01/20/2009 - 05:21 argentum Natalie T. from only tease


You'll notice the political discussion in this thread was well under way before I contributed to it. I have my own political opinions, as does everyone, and like everyone, I too feel impelled to set the record straight when assaulted by views I know to be false.

That said, I haven't come to the site to discuss politics. I have visited it for over a year without leaving any political comment. Erik has many interesting things to say about female beauty so I find myself checking back from time to time. If you have a problem with the site, take it up with Erik.

Tue, 01/20/2009 - 02:17 hercules Natalie T. from only tease

Argentum is right, this website isn't about political issues. This website is where people come to figure out how to look pretty. You just have to ignore the trolls if you want to take any advice away from this website. Argentum just came here to find out what exercises to do, how to make the butt look more shapely, what kind of nose job to get, etc. Argentum did not come here to talk about political issues. This website is about BEAUTY and Argentum came here for that reason, so Argentum can figure out how to be beautiful! So trolls stop it with the political stuff! This website is focused on femininity and everyone on here just wants to know how to be more feminine and beautiful! jeez.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 23:15 argentum Natalie T. from only tease


I thought it was obvious in the context of the discussion that I meant Eastern European. Of course, Hungarians are probably more "central" than Eastern, though the ethnicity covers a range of racial types. But those were the terms Pierce himself used, as related by his biographer.


What you call as harmless discussion is the root cause of the wars, genocides and ethnic cleansing. In short it is a very destructive disease.

It's not at all obvious to me that discussion of racial facts leads to wars and genocides. By your own logic, they could just as easily be ignited by discussion of racial falsehood, which is the only sort of discussion today permitted and promoted -- indeed, there is excellent reason to believe that such conflicts have already commenced. If the only options are to lie or tell the truth, some people will feel compelled to opt for the latter.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 22:08 hercules Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I agree with emily, nordic women are the sexiest women alive!":

Man dressed as woman Man or woman? Man dressed as woman Man dressed as woman

Slavic and Asian girls are soo ugly compared to Nordic girls:

Ugly woman joke Ugly woman joke Make up joke Man dressed as woman Man dressed as woman

God! They are just so manly and un femininin.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 21:39 Erik Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily and I are not the same person, and nobody should be accusing me of “same obsession racial superiority with blonde hair, blue eyes.” If you have anything to dispute, there surely is evidence you can cite without attacking the person.

Emily is a Swede living in Sweden. Does anyone seriously believe that very many Nordic Swedes would have some kind of obsession with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Ching Yang...: I have cited plenty of evidence that my idea of what is attractive in women is the same as that of most people, whereas the fashion industry cannot cite comparable evidence. So you cannot accuse me doing just what the fashion industry is doing, and I have explained on the FAQ page how I differ from this industry on other measures.

It is bad manners to be accusing someone of putting forth arguments having little credibility and cherry picking studies without substantiating the charges. You have stated that there have been many studies proving the opposite of the ones I am citing. Cite enough of them to show how some of my major arguments are not credible. You will run into minor criticism here and there in the comments, but I have limited time and I will take care of them eventually. What I have yet to encounter is substantiated criticism of the major arguments I have put forth.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 17:37 Ching yang chan... Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Erik is just doing exactly what the fashion industry is doing.He is promoting his personal idea of what beauty is and trying to sell it. Now I agree that there are certain characteristics on a woman that are synonomous with the term beauty. However, the formula for beauty isn't quite developed yet, and Erik is no where near it either. What truly makes a beautiful person beautiful is the right combination of the right characteristics. Now the right characteristics are those that are considered universally beautiful, however these characteristics have to be paired and balanced with other characteristics to complete the look. Also, notice that if someone has all the right characteristics combined this really won't make them as beautiful as a person who has SOME stereotypical "beautiful" characteristics paired with some stereotypical un-beautiful or regular characteristics. Too much of one thing is never good. Life is balance.

If you want healthy women around then you have to change the way that you do things. For example, in the U.S. people have power through consumerism. Whatever they demand they get. If less people bought magazines with skinny mascunilized women on the cover and in them, then the publishers would not accept those women in their magazines since they know they will make more sales with curvier more feminine women. Posting on a site that is basically just some guys opinion is not going to change anything. Also, due to the fact that no offense, but everything that is written on this site has little credibility. Erik cherry picks the research that supports his claims, which is not wrong, because that is what you do when you prove a point. However, there have been many studies that prove the opposite than the studies that Erik posts. Also, the research Erik posts is not all that credible, and most of the research done on "beauty" is not credible. Beauty is not something we can define that easily. It is something that you know when you see it but can't exactly define.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 13:21 Karl Smith Welcome!


First, kudos for all of the work that has gone into the site and your detailed and analytical treatment of an emotionally charged topic. While I don't agree with you on all points I think this site raises the level of the debate.

I have a few questions that would help me better understand the conclusions that you draw

1) Do you feel the masculinization of fashion models is a recent phenomenon? If not has it increased or is there some period in the farther past when it was less prominent.

2) Do you have a number of examples of celebrities that have feminine faces? I noted that you have Rose McGowan. Are there any others? Pictures are not necessary, as I am sure it takes more time than simply posting names.

3) You seem to be arguing that holding ethnic background constant feminization proceeds systematically throughout the face and body and are not independently distributed traits. Is this a correct interpretation and would comment on the degree of covariance.

4) Lastly, how rare are women, who in your mind are hyper-feminine? The women in your attractive women gallery by and large contain small defects, the kind that are rare among celebrities and fashion models. Is this because the pool of women from which you are choosing is smaller, because fewer pictures are available or because those defects are minor in comparison to the objective of feminization.

Thank you for your time,

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 11:00 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

Eastern women? That makes it sound as if they were Asian. I checked this and this W. Pierce married five times. The first marriage was to Patricia Jones and lasted 25 years. The next was to another American woman he met at the National Alliance office, and that one lasted a few years.

After those marriages failed he turned his attention to Hungarian women and had three short marriages with three Hungarian women, the last one lasting until his death. So he did marry his own race. Not that it matters in any way, shape or form what he did but let's be honest when we state things as fact.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 06:59 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily...if you are a "woman", don't speak for all men!
I am a gay male but i don't find the current model look too attractive. There are many straight guys i know who are into the model look. They like tall, skinny girls...which is more typical of North European women btw!
Most male models/athletes would want to date similar looking females. A 7 foot tall "fit" male wouldn't exactly look ok with an average woman who is lets say...5 feet tall and curvy/not slim. Just a thought...
Also i see you have not responded to any of my comments. I can take you on anyday! I can prove you wrong...

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 06:10 Human Being Natalie T. from only tease


You mentioned an ultra racist William Pierce who married eastern women.
Why not marry your own race if you are an ultra racist?
Why proclaim the beauty of Nordics and then end up marrying two eastern women?

Is that a hint of mental problems or double standards?

This is not even an isolated example.

I am trying to think of the name of the white supremacist who converted to a radical muslim. Why would you do that?
Unless you are insane or have deep pschological problems.

What you call as harmless discussion is the root cause of the wars, genocides and ethnic cleansing. In short it is a very destructive disease.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 05:41 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Unlike many other women here I don't have huge insecurities and don't feel personally attacked when a man shows pictures of women who are feminine and slim because I feel I don't measure up. That's also why I don't come across as hysterical. If you are intelligent try to figure out why that could be, instead of writing nonsense.

Erik is not telling ordinary women what they should look like, I think. He is telling you that there is something wrong when homosexual fashion designers - who are obviously disgusted by the normal, healthy female form and feminine curves - get to dictate what beauty is. If any of you insecure women had undressed in front of these designers they would have looked at you with disgust and picked you apart, exactly because you are feminine, normal and healthy. THAT is the sickness Erik is trying to show you, I think.

And you still don't get it. Women are so self-obsessed and unsophisticated in the US that they lack the ability to even see what the message here is. Erik wants more natural, feminine and healthy women in the media - not anorexic and androgynous models who are so far removed from what women look like that they hardly resemble women any more, but an entire new species.

He is not your enemy. The fashion industry is. Generally, sane heterosexual men can see and appreciate beauty in many types and forms. They like curvy women, slim women, thin women and even voluptuous women, as long as they seem healthy and project some kind of femininity - in contrast to their own masculinity. Erik has shown many types of women here, and he has seen beauty in all of these female forms.

Does the fashion industry do the same, I ask? Before you attack, try at least to understand who your true adversary is.

I understand the message of the site, and I think it is an important and valid one. Unlike many women reading here I see this as being about a more healthy, normal and sane beauty ideal. That is something women should welcome, is it not?


Modern fashion model.

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 03:13 Ching yang chan... A woman with small breasts

honestly, this girl has a beautiful face, and although she doesn't have an amazing body, it is beautiful in its own way. Besides, she does not work out and that would greatly tone her up, adding muscles that would lift and shape her breasts and buttocks!

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 03:11 Ching yang chan... Natalie T. from only tease

who cares! OMG! You guys are missing the point of life! Races are egos! Egos seperate and isolate us, they prohibit unity! I curse you all to become infatuated with what you hate!

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 01:11 Leah A woman with small breasts

honestly whoever is hatin on this girl is brainwashed by television and advertising... She is a pretty girl and has a nice body she isnt hella fit but she is real.... this is what people really look like. not all those fake women that are starving themselves wearing tons of makeup and having every picture taken of them edited about 85 to 95 percent... get real. and people like you make women insecure about themselves because your shallow and unrealistic..

Mon, 01/19/2009 - 00:56 argentum Natalie T. from only tease

Human Being,

I see only evidence of rational discussion taking place, not madness. Your attempt at the old reductio ad Hitlerum misses by a wide margin.

Since you mentioned Hitler's appearance, though, it's interesting that an avowed ultra-racist of more recent vintage, William Pierce, a thorough nordic, preferred Eastern women, considering them more feminine (he married two), though whether he was referring to their manners or their physiognomy isn't clear. Still, what is clear is that there is not anything like the uniformity of opinion on the part of people who note racial differences that loose-cannon detractors like you love to attribute to them.

Sun, 01/18/2009 - 16:29 Dora Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily, now I truly question if you are a woman. My what little faith you have in women. Is this a reflection of how much faith you have in yourself?

Sun, 01/18/2009 - 13:36 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


If they are so selective how come they often get pregnant before even having an established relationship, anxiously asking themselves how the man will take the news of the pregnancy, and sometimes not even knowing who the father is because they are so sexually "active"? Women should be far more selective, actually. Society would be a lot more stable if they were. Men who are serious seem to complain about how easy women are and they say that they cannot respect them.

"When a man selects a wife he pays attention to non-physical qualities. When he selects a bed partner for one night or more, he pays attention to her physical features"

Actually, it could be said that it is the other way around. When a man wants only sex from a woman he is not very selective or choosy at all. He "selects" her based on how sexually available she is, first and foremost. A much, much prettier woman will be of no interest to him, unless she seems "available". When he is serious he will be much more picky and he will choose someone he finds attractive. Men are very much into looks when they look for a serious girlfriend, and often only later discover that the woman they chose had a bad character or lacked good qualities.

They go for looks FIRST when they are serious, and they go for sexual availability when they are not. They may SAY that they look for other qualities too (politically correct version), but the reality is that their choices initially are mostly based on looks. If he gets the girl he will proudly describe how beautiful she is to his friends. Rarely will he mention in the same breath that she sings in the church choir, is an excellent cook and has good morals. Those things will be mentioned much later on, if ever, since he is probably not even aware of them yet. Highly intellectual people would be an exception to this but they don't represent most ordinary people.

I don't think you could say that women choose. Women who want to fool themselves like to say that, I think. It can appear that women have the power of choosing since men initiate, but they forget that the men already had made a selection by that time, and that many women feel left out in those selections that men make. So it goes both ways, I think.

Sun, 01/18/2009 - 12:15 Emily Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Trying to make people prefer healthy and feminine beauty instead of the sick, anorexic and masculine variety we often see today in the (gay-dominated) media is a sign of good judgment, actually. If there is any cloud around here it is certainly not on HIS judgment.

If there are any minds that should be opened it's the minds of the gay fashion designers who dictate what is feminine and what is beautiful. The thing that scares me is how much ordinary people have been brainwashed. It is very evident just from reading some of the comments on this site.

Some people actually seem to think there is not much wrong with the spooky runway models who look like they're about to die any moment from starvation. If someone like Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren would try to model clothes today they would have been laughed off the catwalk and the fashion designers would probably have shouted "no fatties here, please!". Now THAT'S weird. So, why don't YOU try to use some of that intelligence and open mind of yours instead of writing condescending comments about someone who is far superior to you?

Sun, 01/18/2009 - 08:54 Human Being Natalie T. from only tease

Maybe it's a genetic madness that you have inherited from Hitler who was brown haired and brown eyed, he might have been even half jewish.

Sun, 01/18/2009 - 08:47 Human Being Natalie T. from only tease

I see the same madness as Hitler in Erik, Emilym, Argentum and Satan.

Sun, 01/18/2009 - 06:45 Dora Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Erik is far from stupid. In fact he is very intelligent. However, being intelligent does not mean you are always right. Also, the most intelligent people have not been right about many things, and less intelligent people have been. There have been people of higher intelligence than Einstein on this Earth, however most will argue that Einstein has contributed a lot more than these people and his contributions were more accurate as well. I feel that something is clouding Erik's true judgement. I really wish he would try to take a few different perspectives on things, kind of open his mind a bit more.

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 22:42 Dora Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

The article

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 22:42 Dora Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Here is just a little over view of that. Not the best source or the best explanation but it was a psycholgical experiment. You can find tons of research proving this though! It is common sense. If I put on a classy nice outfit, do my hair nice, speak and walk gracefully, I can attract any man! However, not ANY man can attract me. This is truly the way it works. When a man selects a wife he pays attention to non-physical qualities. When he selects a bed partner for one night or more, he pays attention to her physical features, however these aren't all that important since men are not really all that selective. So are you surprised that many men LOVE Victorias Secret models? Even extremely attractive men? NO! It makes perfect sense. So maybe you should start a website explaining to men how they should be attracting the ladies huh? You should have a "how to improve your looks section" for that website as well.

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 22:36 Dora Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I agree with the non-nordic Emily. This website almost made me throw up when I saw it! It screams lack of self esteem!

You know men are not as selective as women when it comes to a mate right? Men can pass their DNA in 3 minutes. Women have to carry a baby for nine months so they are very selective as who they mate with because for them it is worth more to be selective. Men generally find healthy women attractive. Otherwise there is not much that won't deter a man away from fucking you. The things that are more important are how intelligent, talented, etc. a woman is. That comes in many shapes and sizes. Basically, I am saying a woman just has to take care of herself and have qualities like intelligence, etc. to attract a good man. It is really reversed so there should be a male masculinity website, because pretty woman go for good looking men, and ugly women go for ugly men. Its not the other way around. Women are the ones selecting the men. Men are not as selective. It is up to us, not to you. You better start looking good for women Erik instead of trying to make women look good for you. Somewhere on this site you mention you seem to attract small breasted women when you clearly are more attracted to larger breasts. Although most men would love small perky breasts since small perky breasts are equivalent to large cantalope breasts in terms of attraction and fertility. There have been many studies done on this. So perhaps you should work on yourself so YOU can attract the type of women you want to attract, rather than worrying about women attracting you!
