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Sat, 01/17/2009 - 16:12 what? Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Ha, ha, solo, how ignorant! There's also woman hair loss in woman pattern baldness. Typical, anyway, men always belittle women's issues, thinking theirs are more important.

I wish someone would do, just to make men feel as crap as some women feel while reading this. How typical of men, really! It's not enough for us to not have the perfect WHR, the perfect breasts, yes, the perfect HAIR, to remove hair from unwanted places, to be thin, to not be too thin, to be this tall, to not be this tall, to be blonde, etc, etc.

I hate when men complain of hair loss, because honestly Solo, hair loss is the least of your problems. I wonder how would men feel if there were gigantic billboards advertising shoes (which seems to be one of the favourite things for women to buy), featuring guys in underwear with HUGE, yes, HUUUUUGE bulging packages showing through their briefs.

FYI, women lose hair too. I have less hair than normal, but what can I do? I have small breasts, and I have the pleasure to be subjected to the gaze of every man who sees me to judge me, especially since I have a less than feminine look, with my strong jawline and small breasts. I have to accept that every time I do a ponytail, men and women will always tell me in shock "OMG! you have SO little hair!". Ando the same thing with my breasts.

So shut up, solo. God, I hate men and their body issues. It's just hair dammit. There are hot bald guys. There is such a thing. Taye Diggs is just one example.

The day men have to feel self conscious about their breasts, butts, legs, hair, hair removal, and having children and the disastrous consequences it has on one's body, then we'll talk. Because, you know, men typically don't deal with cellulite either. They don't deal with stretch marks, or getting stretch marks after bearing your freaking kid for nine months! only to get ugly stretch marks, and sometimes, loose skin. Oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that sometimes after giving birth, the vaginal canal needs surgery because it gets too loose and that causes urinary incontinence. Or, if you prefer a C-section you have to deal with an ugly scar and not being able to lift heavy weights for like a year.

Yes, men have it hard too, but don't belittle women's concerns. We have to deal with everything this site mentions, all at once. Breasts, butt, hair, face, hair removal, hips, waist, and some things can't be changed. And sometimes we're teased, or judged. But if we comment on a guy who is balding, or a guy who has a small penis, ohhhh noo, poor guy, don't play with his self esteem like that! Bullshit, it's all bullshit.

Women try to look good for men, like you, Solo. So shut up and stop complaining because we try to do our best, and we get frustrated with things such as breast size, because some idiotic men degrade us if we're not at least a C cup.

(BTW, Erik, this has nothing to do with you, my "whining", as some people would call it, was adressed to Solo)

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 14:33 argentum Natalie T. from only tease


I dare say I have spent more time in Eastern Europe than you have. I have seen what even I -- with my much more exacting and suspicious standards -- would regard as desperate poverty, but I have never heard of anyone digging holes in the ground to escape the cold. Did you witness this yourself? Where did they dig? Despite the apathy, a spirit of humanism still prevails, and shelters are commonly provided for refugees from conflict zones, who often arrive unloved. I imagine longer established residents receive even better treatment: the entire time I was there I never heard of a 'homeless person', for example -- though I suppose they exist.

Gypsies are another matter. They are generally greatly disliked for rather obvious reasons. What most galls people about helping them is their rampant antipathy, insularity and criminality, as well as their ferocious fecundity which only ensures continuity.

I believe most people volunteer for charity groups to indulge their own sense of moral goodness, yes. In my view, the proposed solutions that accompany the feel-good blarney they, like you, peddle about "building this world up and changing it" are so obviously flawed they cannot possibly hope to deliver on their promises, leaving only the feelings the effort engenders to account for it. Empirical evidence bears me out. For example, it has become fashionable for Catholic Charities to round up village-fulls of supposed "refugees" of rather primitive Sudanese and Somalis and dump them in predominantly white towns across America. These efforts do not (and cannot) even make a dent in "cutting poverty" or addressing the political issues in those regions, nor are they in any way good for America itself -- except insofar as they enable charity charlatans to feel noble and morally superior. The trendy "liberals" who fob off this lunacy dodge the resultant empirical morass by drifting off into the semantic incoherence of post-modernism; "good Christians," not to be outdone, in effect "see liberals' bets" by appeals to Biblical help-the-needy authority, the result be damned.

And as I asked you, why Moldova instead of Miami? Why would a squad of patronizing American Christers be in a better position to help Moldovans than Miamians? And help how? Any charity that doesn't seek to help the helped help themselves risks raising resentment, ultimately not 'helping' at all.

You also mentioned sex-trafficking. This one's easy: the solution is to lock up the traffickers and deport the women.

Turning again to beauty, I don't believe Emily claimed nordics hold a *monopoly*. Certain features, such as those that this site contends epitomize beauty, may be found in greater abundance among some groups (like nordics) and lesser in others, but that is far different to claiming nordics as a whole epitomize beauty.

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 05:38 Gunnehdeh Bitch Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

LOL her now is sooo weird in the middle it's flat like the bridge was wide or something, girl needs nose job. LOL random guy, I wonder if you work for Miranda or you are her.

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 05:29 JS Cure worse than the disease? The No-l-ita ad: how not to tackle anorexia

Wow, you really are obsessed with the whole idea of every fashion designer being a raging homosexual aren't you? How come you are so paranoid, did you have a bad gay experience when you were little? Or do you just not know any gay men but have a small-minded fear of them for some reason? "Gay men" as you seem to think of them aren't nutters you know, they're not all gay because of years of hideous abuse or repressed desire, they aren't so messed that they have to try and control women's body shape and "turn them into pre-pubescent boys". If they were all perverts and werdos like you say, why wouldnt they just be touching kids? They aren't devious y'know. I think your website is almost funny, but sadly to the point of worrying. Do you really spend your sad little hours pouring your lonely heart into bitter dissections of young women's physiques? To put it colloquially, you need help mate. The only analysis of 'femininity' that counts is waist to hips ratio anyway. A really skinny girl or a really fat girl with a ration near to 0.7 is found physically attractive by men, it's a sign of fertility, no matter what the frame size. So as long as a girl/women is a fairly healthy weight, that's all that matters aside from it, I mean that is why we are here... to reproduce, nothing else really. And surely to God not to waste one's life creating poisonous websites (and to that you will probably just refer to your 'fave girls' pages etc), but who cares who you like the ass of, by the looks of it you will probably never get to touvh a real one! Hahaha, "lol".

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 05:12 JS Welcome!

You're a nut job mate. Sorry, but who spends hours and hours slagging off famous women? That's is very strange. Who do you think you are, the Professor of Masculinity and Femininity? I think you should get a girlfreind or boyfriend maybe to fill your life a little.

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 00:44 Erik Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Nothing says a 34-year-old cannot be stupid or oblivious to science.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 23:40 xxaj Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

Then how are you so fantastically stupid and oblivious to what science actually is? I assumed you were senile or something. I still think you're gross.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 16:13 Visitor Natalie T. from only tease

No one has suggest Nordics had a monopoly on beauty?

The what do you call Emily?

What the hell? don't waste my time. Your arguments are pointless.

Why don't you seriously go and volunteer somewhere.

You claim, "to indulge one's sense of moral self-satisfaction "

What do you mean? You think I only do charity work to make myself feel better about myself at night? I am not bringing politics into this, you have suggested politics. I am bringing a perspective about HUMANITY into this! I believe that human beings are stupid. Instead of working together we fight each other. Who cares if one race is prettier, the other smarter, the other more athletic? I say that we take everyone's strengths and weaknesses and build this world up and change it!

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 16:08 Visitor Natalie T. from only tease


Have you ever been to Eastern Europe? If you haven't then shut up.

Why? Because I have seen Eastern Europe first hand. Children as young as four digging holes in the dirt to sleep in at night is not an exaggaration. It is a reality. How does it keep them warm and sheltered? My for someone who writes so well and seems so educated you have little common sense. Digging a hole in the dirt prevents the wind from blowing on the children. As you know wind can make everything a lot colder. Therefore they are warm,and they do not get wind burn. Of course you would't know this because you have never been in that situation. Instead you type away the suffering many Eastern Europeans go through as if it was hardly a matter even worth looking at. "They are fine" is what you want to convince me of. When you get your ass off your warm chair and sleep outside in a hole for one night, then you can talk.

It's just the gypsies you say. So what? Are gyspies not human beings as well? What does it matter who it is? What race or ethnicity or culture they have? They are human beings. You treat your dog better than they are treated. Another point about Eastern Europe. Sex trafficking is huge there. Do you know who is the #1 customer for underage poor girls that are kidnapped off the streets? English and German men.
For your information IT IS NOT just the gypsies. Condoms and birth control were widely prohibited in the communist countries when communism was still inact. People did not have access to this and in turn had children they could not take care of. Those are the children that live on the streets today. Most of them are grown or dead now, but the cycle continues either way.

Please don't try to lighten any situation unless you have been in it yourself. I am sure you would have a different view on these issues if you have lived them yourself.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 13:30 Emily (not "no... Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

To be honest, I thought that this was an informative website, and I have visited it several times, but I have to say, I am disgusted by it.

I am disgusted by its racial prejudice and exaltation of one "race" over the other. We are all humans, some are beautiful, some are not. But what is truly ugly is this superiority complex that I see everywhere on this site.

I have seen beautiful asian girls, I have seen beautiful asian-indian girls, I have seen beautiful native american girls, I have seen beautiful african girls, I have seen beautiful caucasian girls etc. Bottom line is this site is about promoting "feminine beauty" when it is really about demeaning one group of people.

Emily, you are a disgrace as a human being. Just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean that the are jealous of you (and you have an extreme ego to really think that!), and it does not mean they wish they were you.

I believe that Kayla B. is in actuality truthful about here appearance because I have seen many mixed people with different features. I have seen African-Americans with red hair, light blond hair (my aunt is one of them), blue eyes, green eyes what have you.

To sum up, get a life, and look for beauty in everyone and everything.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 10:48 Emily Gabrielle from MC nudes

" on the film they were using. Both Marilyn's passport and drivers license state that she has brown eyes. She obviously is not 100% Nordic."

This is ridiculous.

She had blue eyes - not brown. Watch her films. Why one driver's license was incorrect I can't say. Most color photos from that period are very faded now, by the way. Most look sepia and brownish. They need some kind of restoration.

Excerpt from the autopsy of actress Marilyn Monroe;

"Marilyn's Autopsy
Coroner Thomas Noguchi conducted the operation. He was assisted by Eddy Day. Noguchi's findings were as follows.

External examination: The unembalmed body is that of a 36-year-old well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female weighing 117 pounds and measuring 65-1/2 inches in length. The scalp is covered with bleached blond hair. The eyes are blue. The fixed lividity is noted in the face, neck, chest, upper portions of arms and the right side of the abdomen. The faint lividity which disappears..."

Saying Marilyn wasn't Nordic without providing corroborating facts is pointless. Everything we know about her tells us she was indeed very much a Nordic girl. Anything else is speculation based on air.






Other Nordic actresses;


Liv Ullman, Norwegian



Bibi Andersson, Swedish


Harriet Andersson, Swedish


Anita Ekberg, Swedish


Gunnel Lindblom, Swedish


Ingrid Bergman, Swedish

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 09:11 Human being Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Emily is definitely Erik, same style of writing, same obsession racial superiority with blonde hair, blue eyes.

Our "lifetime exclusive heterosexual male" (his words hahaha) is posting as as a woman on his own website.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 07:56 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Is there any chance you are Erik posting as Emily?

Why haven't you posted any picture(s) of your heavenly, Nordic phenotype yet? If you are indeed Nordic looking ... you have the "benefit" of having the finest/refined features, light hair, light eyes, light skin...In short everything "nice". You will only be praised by everyone here. Since everyone is trying to look more white/nordic, we will truly appreciate your features and use them as a reference point for altering our own. Go on! I am surprised you haven't done so yet and shut everyone up. Why only use pictures of Nordic "models" when the best way to determine Nordic attractiveness is by looking at average people since they will be better looking than the average for other races. Since you are the average Nordic person why don't you prove this point?
I am eagerly awaiting your beauty! Please bring light on my darkness!

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 01:52 argentum Natalie T. from only tease


This site is not meant for discussing politics, but I will address some of your points briefly.

Fruit and vegetables in eastern Europe are not prohibitively expensive. The lower wages that prevail in those parts mostly mean luxury items are more difficult to obtain; basic food products like fruit and vegetables are relatively inexpensive and plentiful, as any trip to the local market would demonstrate.

Communist countries placed a premium on ensuring access to healthcare. There was simply never any lack of physicians and dentists. While that has changed somewhat since the fall of communism, those countries have largely mantained wealth distributions (as measured by the Gini co-efficient) on par with western social democracies. The poorer health practices of easterners are mostly related to cultural traits of apathy and bravado.

The "children on the streets" you've encountered are overwhelmingly likely to be gypsies, whose general culture makes destitution inevitable, but even then only the most destitute among them would be reduced to "digging holes to stay warm at night." It's entirely unclear to me how digging a hole would even provide for much warmth, and the very act of digging a hole of such depth requires an industriousness that these people are not known for. This sounds like a tale cut from whole cloth.

Easterners are only too ready to declaim about their woes, so much of the non-economic misery you think you've witnessed is mostly a wild exaggeration. One thing that can be said, however, is that they had the misfortune of abandoning communism at a time when western culture, undergoing its own crisis of confidence, hadn't much of an inspirational alternative to offer them.

Finally, you may have heard that charity begins at home. It's logical to think the next step when looking to indulge one's sense of moral self-satisfaction should be one's local community, or at least one's own country -- rather than one half way across the world.

Turning now to the subject this site deals in, no one has suggested nordics hold a monopoly on beauty -- except you! For in describing dyevs' as "exotic while still remaining attractive" you have unwittingly announced the corollary that exoticness is typically *un*attractive. This, of course, begs the question of whose perspective "exoticness" is being judged from, but it's rather clear you're speaking from a western/nordic standpoint.

As for Natalie, I didn't find her unattractive, if that was what bothered you. I think she possesses some very delicate features and a superb figure. My agreeing with Erik about the femininity (and desirability) of these qualities doesn't require me to agree with him on questions of ethnicity. Natalie's ethnicity is unimportant to me, but for what it's worth, the earlier commenter "n/a" (whose work I'm familiar with), who considers the odds of Natalie's being British vanishingly small, is at least as expert as Erik on the question of northern European types.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 01:52 Shady Luciana Vendramini

Luciana has an extremely manly face. I mean it screams man! However, her body is GORGEOUS! One of the nicest porportions I have seen. Why is her face so masculine though? It's weird but I do often see women with very feminine bodies and masculine faces and visa versa. I guess balance plays a part into that.

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 01:48 Shady Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

Well said Ann. I think you hit it on the nail!

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 22:09 Hotsauce Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

I would like to know whether you consider these women to be feminine.
Melyssa Ford who probably has white ancestry

Melyssa Ford Melyssa Ford

Esther Baxter who, to my knowledge, does not have white ancestry

Esther Baxter Esther Baxter

Vida Guerra, who has an unappealing face but a marvelous figure

Vida Guerra

I would also like to know your stance on this article:

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 16:02 godis Gabrielle from MC nudes

oh and Erik:

Do you consider Anita's (pic above in Emilys comment) as feminine because our body's are almost identical. Seriously, they look so much alike its scaring me. So is it feminine because that would give me a good idea if I am feminine or not? According to my measurments I am a true hourglass shape, so I am wondering if one needs anything more to be feminine body wise?

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 15:59 godis Gabrielle from MC nudes

Actually Emily, they did have the ability to change eye color, and other colors in general in the 50s. She didn't wear contacts, but they could change the color on the film they were using. Both Marilyn's passport and drivers license state that she has brown eyes. She obviously is not 100% Nordic. I don't stereotype all Nordics to be Hallstadt type, but I know a Nordic when I see one and she def. has Eastern European. Sorry Emily I know how much you hate Eastern European women, but that is actually what gives Marilyn her appeal. Her broad face, far apart eyes, thicker lips, etc. None of these are characteristics of any type of Nordic. Most Americans have Eastern European mixture even all the way down South but it is less common, Marilyn was no exception. Why do you take anything that is good and try to box it into the Nordic category? For your information I think Elizabeth Taylor is more attractive than Marilyn anyways and she is English! You claim English people are generally ugly too, but after seeing too many attractive English people I disagree. Elizabeth Taylor was a beautiful English woman and Marilyn is def. a Nordic Eastern European mix, which is the best mix in my opinion and better than 100% Nordic. However, I have to say that my favorite actresses and actors are English and they are usually most attractive in my book. I don't know about English people in general, but I do know that the celebrities that come out of England are often gorgeous.

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 13:29 Emily Gabrielle from MC nudes

What you think is hardly relevant. Everything points in that direction, whereas nothing points to her NOT being Nordic.

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 13:18 Ann Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

Well said. Please do make a site featuring "unattractive" men with below-"normal" penis sizes. I can't believe the level of sexism and posturing as this guy so dismissively rates and judges women's "unfortunate" appearances. The ego involved here is through the roof. Perhaps it stems from being less-than-well-endowed himself? How pathetic that he needs to make himself feel powerful this way. This guy is sickening. No wonder women get complexes--"unfortunately'" they listen to bs like this guy spews out. Wow!

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 10:48 pinkbunny Claire: for the skeptics

She has a pig nose! lol I think she can be pretty though...

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 10:47 pinkbunny And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein

She looks like a man, with boobs, HUGE boobs!

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 10:31 boobjob Gabrielle from MC nudes

Emily, I don't think Marilyn is nordic, however, she wants to look it. I personally think Greta Garbo who was more beautiful, She is swedish but i'm not sure. Greta was a natural beauty and classy. Marilyn was a home wrecker.

They both had good careers.

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 09:08 Emily Gabrielle from MC nudes

Sorry but Marilyn's lips and other facial features are very much Nordic. Everything about this gorgeous actress was Nordic. You erroneously believe all Nordics are of Hallstatt type but that's not the case. That's a common misconception. Since I live here I know what people look like and Marilyn very much looked like Scandinavians in general. Anita for example has a similar face type to Marilyn's. She's from Malmö, Sweden.

Changing eye the 50's? They can hardly do it now. She had dark blue eyes.
