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Tue, 01/13/2009 - 18:43 godis Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

DS: 103lbs in my opinion is not enough weight to determine your body shape unless you are very short, like around 5'1. This is because hormones influence body shape a lot, and your hormones tell your body in which areas to store the fat. If you are a true rectangle, when you gain a bit of weight your hormones will tell your body to distribute the fat evenly. Hourglass for example have more fat distributed everywhere else besides their waists. Pear shapes have fat distributed on their lower body more than their upper body. Apple shapes get more fat distributed on their upper body rather than lower body.

Tue, 01/13/2009 - 14:59 DS Waist-to-hip ratio and attractiveness in women: addressing confounds

103 lbs:

[small A chest]

27 waist 33 hips am i a rectangle?

Tue, 01/13/2009 - 03:02 Dr. Hamfrey Portland Natalie T. from only tease

Beauty is subjective. As much as how idealistic I may sound, the concept of beauty can't be monopolized by one or two nations. We all have our own biases of course, but you can't really shove that to everyone's throats.

Tue, 01/13/2009 - 00:16 Erik Nasion placement and attractiveness

Peter: Less gracile is not the same as more masculine. Using a model with a more or less gracile nasoglabellar region is irrelevant to the article. The model’s nose is somewhat upturned, but whatever the reason for it, feminization tends to make the nose more upturned, and her nose does not lean toward a masculine look. Posting a list here of women you like would be off-topic. Email names to me if you know of women I could use. They could be of any ethnic group. If I have the time, I could get around to using pictures of non-European women.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 23:59 Erik Maria McBane

Peter: Attractiveness is related to the whole picture. A nose on the somewhat broad side or another small deviation from the highly desirable or two will not detract much from the overall appeal of an attractive woman. I do not believe that I am a big fan of “extremely small/refined noses.” High-end European models usually have fine noses.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 23:49 Erik Fashion models like this woman can obviate the need for this site

Celtic woman: Long or short foreheads are meaningful when seen in relation to full face height. But what is absolute forehead height? We can agree that the lower edge of the forehead is the upper bony edge of the eyes. If we define the upper edge as the hairline, the hairline can be high on the head but the forehead may still look short because the region where the forehead most strongly curves as it extends back to the top of the scalp may be not much above the eyebrows and significantly below the hairline. Alternatively, the hairline can be low but it is clear that the topmost part of the head or the vault is much above the eyebrows or the upper bony edge of the eyes, as in the model shown on top. So let us have operational definitions of absolute forehead height as the height of the region from the upper bony edge of the eyes to the top of the head and absolute skull height as the distance from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. Keeping face size constant, compared to Africans and East Asians, the lower face is reduced in height and the upper bony edge of the eyes is lowered in Europeans. These shape changes assign Europeans among those longer in the forehead region when seen in relation to skull height.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 23:45 Dr. Joseph Portland What is sexy?

These are what you call sexy. On the other page (attractive women section) is what you call ordinary. I guess; it all depends on who is looking at these pictures. People have their own definition of “sexy”. This is my opinion though!

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 23:22 Dr. Joseph Portland Is it possible to objectively compare the attractiveness of women from different populations?

You have a point here……I really just don’t know if the people working behind those beauty pageants would agree with your opinions!

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 22:39 godis Fashion models like this woman can obviate the need for this site

no offence, she looks like a man tho. its her big lips and nose

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 19:13 Celtic Woman Fashion models like this woman can obviate the need for this site

Really? thats cool. European's have higher foreheads? how come? I always thought they have lower foreheads? What does a low and high forehead look like anyways? People always tell me I have a high forehead? Doesn't low mean your eyes are low, but high means your eyes are high? I am confused?

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 19:04 Erik Aletta and Anna JV from Domai

The models shown are women, not girls. They also look like women. And whereas I am not young, at 34, I am not old either.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 18:54 Erik Fashion models like this woman can obviate the need for this site

European forehead lengths are among the greater ones. The woman’s hairline is lower than the norm for her ethnic background, and I agree that she would look better with a higher hairline.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 17:47 what? Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

I can see your point, and your argument. But it will inevitably affect some women, and you have to accept that. You can't just brush off other people's feelings just because they don't share your opinion.

For example, I do admit that I felt a bit ugly because of the small breasts thing. Sadly, we don't choose our bodies. And of course there are LOTS of women with small breasts who will feel bad because of such comments. Because men don't have breasts, so they will NEVER understand just how important are breasts for women, both physically and emotionally.

You just have to accept it, and move on. Don't make so many excuses for it. It affects us, it's a fact of life. Skip the whole "this site is not intended to hurt your body image..." and you'll get a lot less hating. It's pointless. Don't tell us not to be affected, so skip this whole page, it's pointless because it will happen, no matter how many disclaimers you write.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 16:20 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I already know you made it up, since I checked it myself. Look, this site is about femininity and beauty in women, and everyone is free to have their own opinion regarding who and what is feminine and beautiful without being accused or attacked like you did to me right from the start. Understand that basic concept. I state my opinion on beauty and I believe that it is shared by a vast majority of people. If this upsets you so be it.

You know, what matters to people is what they actually can SEE. Whoever or whatever made someone beautiful and feminine is irrelevant. Understand? You are obsessed with racial issues, and of me apparently, since you are of mixed race and have huge hang-ups and inferiority complexes that have nothing to do with me and everything to do with you. Everyone here can see that. As far as I am concerned this ridiculous discussion ends here.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 14:38 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Now, I am not endorsing racial intermixing or anything. I am not saying you should be attracted to someone of another race. I hope that we can preserve races. I mean I have nothing against mixed people, obviously I am one. However, I want to have people that are 100% white, black, asian, etc. too! I never want these races to completely dissolve. I do believe preserving a race is important too. I am saying however, realize that you are wrong to say that Nordics are the most beautiful people on Earth. That every other race is so disgusting. I am saying notice the beauty in all races. Notice that there are extremely beautiful people in all races. And yes there could be a more beautiful person in one race, than there can be for 10 Nordic girls put together!

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 13:29 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Emily: What do you mean few people retain blonde hair and blue eyes? Blue eyes never change color as you get older, in fact most people's eyes lighten as they age. Blonde hair on a puerto rican is rare yes, but keep in mind I am less than half Puerto Rican. I don't know what the rest of my ancestry is so I have to say half Puerto Rican. My mother never met her father, and her mother isn't even sure what his ethnicity is exactly, she knew he was Nordic, but was he German, Swedish, Irish, etc.? Yes my mother has dark features but that does not make it impossible for her to pass on light features. It take two parents to carry the recssive genes required for blonde hair and blue eyes. Just because my mother had dark hair and eyes does not mean she did not carry the recessive gene for blonde hair and blue eyes, but that it was masked by her dominant brown hair brown eyes gene. I am not an only child and I have siblings with brown eyes. However, I am on the lighter side compared to them because I simply received the recessive genes. None of us really look hispanic though. You can see some features, but a stranger probably won't be able to pin point my ethnicity at all.

So you want statistics? I will give you statistics. Right now I am busy with school and work so it might take a few days. I want to give you good credible statistics so you can't say I am making this stuff up. I will find a credible source for all this and Ill give you what you want. Don't write off everything as jealousy. You know what makes me angry? Ignorance. I feel you are ignorant and I want to open your eyes. To show you everything is not as it seems, and that everything goes a lot deeper than it seems. You have this idea in your head that is arrogant and wrong. You have so much fear of being what you hate, what you believe to be inferior from you simply because you were born a certain way and they weren't. I want to prove to you that you are closer to those "inferior" people than you think because you most likely are in many ways. I am not jealous of you Emily. I am disgusted by you. What if you were to be born an Indian in India? What if you wondered when your next meal is? What if you were born a middle class Indian? So what? Middle class there is not like middle class here. Standard of living is different. I want to show you what a monster you are. It doesn't matter if people who are PURE Nordics (not mixed with Sami, etc.) are superior, you give any Nordic a bad name. I am sure many of your fellow Swedes would be disgusted with your ideas.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 12:30 You are all crazy Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

There is good looking and ugly looking people everywhere whether in India or Sweden but you are probably mentally ill if you create a website about such an issue so please go and get off the computer and get a job.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 06:51 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Brahmin woman

Brahmin woman.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 06:42 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Brahmins are the "crème de la crème" of Indian society and have much power and influence. They are often highly educated and financially well-off. They also "coincidentally" look more white and less ethnically Indian than other Indians do. They account for less than 5% of the Indian population.

Brahmins - just like most other Indians contrary to what Kayla wants you to think - have broader, rounder faces and lower foreheads than Nordics, on average, and of course different eyes and noses. Their skin has a distinct yellowish-brown color, even when they call themselves "fair". It is very important in India to have as fair skin as possible, and to generally look as little Indian as possible. The Dalits, formerly known as the untouchables, have very dark skin in comparison.

These are the Indians that those who promote Indian beauty want to show us. The elite - not the ordinary Indians. I don't see why since they can be just as attractive as the Brahmins, albeit with darker complexion. The point is to look white, it seems, and if you also have blue eyes you will probably be a movie star.

Brahmins are accused of thinking that they are better than other Indians, and apparently like to keep to themselves so they won't get tainted by associating themselves with lower classes/castes. India is a country full of segregation and discrimination, from what I can tell. I'm not an expert but this is what it looks like to me. Very poor and vulnerable people are treated extremely badly.

95% of Indians are NOT Brahmins.


Brahmin Brahmin Brahmin Brahmin

Brahmin Brahmin Brahmin


Dalits, the outcasts. They are treated terribly and live under great oppression and discrimination.

Mon, 01/12/2009 - 01:38 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

It's also funny that Kayla says only the Indians WITHOUT the Asian admixture resemble Nordics since Nordics are so heavily related to Asians surely the resemblance should be just as strong - if not stronger - to Indians who have the Asian admixture, to normal Indians, that is. Logical thinking is not her forte. If you have to look among Indians who have no Asian admixture in order to find Nordic-looking people there then why since we all look so Asian here?

Of course I am still waiting for a picture of a TRULY Nordic-looking 100% pure Indian - not a half-Indian who still looks Indian. If you find it we will compare it to what the other 99% of Indians look like.

"Also, I can see a similarity between that brahmin and a regular white person"

Of course you can, dear. We ALL see it, (eh), don't worry. People who visit Sweden all prize the Asian- and Indian-looking Swedes. The similarities are so huge. I am not an expert on what "regular white persons" look like in the US but here they don't look like Brahmins, and I don't care what color they have. Dark or light they will NEVER look Nordic unless they have Nordic blood, and not even then, apparently.

Good for you that you don't post pictures of yourself, Kayla. I bet the only thing you got right in your self-description was the fuller lips part.. Envy is a nasty thing. It makes you see reality in a warped way and truth doesn't matter when you have to lend some legitimacy to your idiocies. After all, had you told us you are not in any way coming close to looking Nordic everyone would have written you off as a jealous woman, which in fact you are.

Boob job has to show pictures of ADULT Puertoricans who still retain naturally blonde hair AND blue- or blue-green eyes. Children won't do since their adult colors are not developed yet. Anyway, it wouldn't matter since Kayla claims her mother has the Hispanic/ black colors of dark hair and dark eyes. Those Puertoricans don't make blonde, BLUE-green-eyed adult children. That is VERY rare. Kayla is in fact probably just another Hispanic/Asian/Indian girl (take your pick) who hates blondes with blue eyes. What else is new? Sorry if I sound angry, but mean-spirited people who lie out of envy repulse me.

Look, it's not even relevant to discuss it. Who cares what she says. I don't believe half of it is true. Her agenda here was made clear in her first postings. Her later comments have been damage control. She wants to come across as some kind of expert on Nordic anthropology. She is not. She is just a layman with a personal grudge against Nordic women. Erik has contradicted her on several important points and I choose to believe HIM since he has not an axe to grind.

Of course I am still waiting for the scientific evidence of the heavy Sami admixture among Swedes. You said it is "huge". Cite reliable sources for the statement you made. You ignored that part.

As for the out of India theory you should try the "out of here" theory. Stop writing nonsense and personal fantasies and "theories" as if it was hard scientific fact.

Sun, 01/11/2009 - 20:54 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

boob job:

Also, I can see a similarity between that brahmin and a regular white person. Yes, there are differences as well, but many similarities in bone structure. Again, I will add that Nordic bone structure is more refined. However, I am not going to say that Nordics ARE Indians as Emily keeps accusing me of saying. I am saying there is a RELATIONSHIP between them. That relationship is similarity in bone structure, and there are just theories as to what that relationship is exactly.

Sun, 01/11/2009 - 20:47 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


sorry thought you asked me for pictures of myself. Turned out it was someone named "visitor". I refuse to post pictures up of myself on the internet. I am on social networking sites but those are all set to private.

Sun, 01/11/2009 - 20:29 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

boob job:yes, it is rare for *mixed puerto ricans to have blonde hair but not impossible. My hair was a bit lighter when I was younger, and as I grew older it gained a reddish tint. Now its a dark strawberry blonde.

Sun, 01/11/2009 - 17:30 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"According to her Nordics are basically half-Asians and Indians "very much resemble" Nordics except for their colors"

Actually, I never said that. I said that many Nordics are mixed with Asians, not that Nordics by themselves or originally were Asian. I never said Nordics were Indian, just that they might have come about from that line of people, but they are different due to mutating and thus evolving seperatley.I never said they were half-Asians either. Actually, I am sure a very rare percentage of Nordics are "half" Asian, a lot less than that. That doesn't take away from the fact there is lots of Asian admixture. My ideas about Indians, I got out of the Out of India theory. There are many theories out there, some of which I haven't obviously studied or heard of. I learned the Out of India theory a couple years back in high school. I thought it was relatively good since man Indian features closely resemble North African, and then Nordic features. Honestly, anthropology is not a science set in stone. Even the theory of evolution has many potholes, but I still have faith in that. I am willing to open my mind and learn. All I want is truth. There may be some biases on my part, however you shouldn't judge me on this. You are obviously even more biased! You claim that Native Americans are a secular group in the U.S.? Yes that is true, but an overwhelming percentage of Americans have Native American ancestry. Overwhelming! Ask 10 people here what their heritage is. I garauntee you 8 out of 10 will say somewhere in there they have Native American ancestry.

Puerto Ricans black? No, Puerto Ricans or Mexicans or Native Americans are also related to Asians in some way shape or form. Most likely when a long time ago Asians migrated to North America. The theory goes it was by a land straight from the area near or on Russia. Just because some Puerto Ricans mixed with blacks does not mean all Puerto
Ricans are black. Puerto Ricans are not even close to blacks. The pigment of your skin says little about your race. It goes alot deeper than that.

I don't really care if you don't believe what hair or eye color I have. It is only the truth. My mother is not 100% puerto rican. We don't know what she is otherwise though since she was raised by her puerto rican single mother. She never met her father and yes her mother wasn't the virgin mary either, but after she had my mother she grew up and took responsibility. My father is 100% white and he went for my mom. I just happened to get a lot of recessive genes. My mother looks puerto rican because she has dark hair and eyes, but her bone structure and skin color is a little different. I strawberry blonde hair and blue-green eyes. My hair is on the darker side, but it was lighter when I was little. Why should I post a pic up? Would you be willing to post a pic up of you on the internet? Maybe you should so we can see how beautiful and feminine of a Nordic you are since you claim all Nordics are so lovely?

Sun, 01/11/2009 - 17:21 boob job Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I hope I can clear up what a Brahmin looks like

There are Blonde Puerto Ricans

Just not many.
