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Fri, 01/02/2009 - 05:51 anonymous Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Natural Japanese beauty Natural Japanese beauty Thai model Angkana Timdee Taiwanese model Hsi Lei Lin

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Thu, 01/01/2009 - 22:09 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman are from New Zealand/Australia. They are not Nordic Hugh is even part Aboriginal.

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 19:47 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I think most men would love to look at this girl.

Nordic woman Nordic woman Nordic woman Nordic woman Nordic woman

Attractive "Asian" women are often not 100% Asian. They are often mixed with whites, which makes them more attractive to Westerners.

East Asian mixed with white

Erika Sawajiri, Japanese model/actress. French/ Algerian mother.

Erika Sawajiri

11? No, 22.


Asian woman Asian woman Japanese women Asian woman

Asian woman

Asians often have very short legs, and short in proportion to the rest of the body.

Tokyo Disney land; women Japanese woman Japanese woman

Androgynous Asian men

Androgynous Asian men.

Androgynous Asian women

Androgynous Asian women.
There is little difference between males and females. Females are often not very feminine and males not very masculine. Their bodies often lack mature, adult "sexiness". To many Westerners they look underdeveloped, tiny and very alike.

Indonesian woman

Asian woman.


Japanese. Probably 100% ethnically Asian.

Pretty women

Pretty girls. Is the Asian girl the most feminine one? I think not, and surely not the most attractive. Even if she had been more feminine it's important to remember that attractiveness, and the strange, almost pre-adolescent femininity often seen in Asian women, are not always the same thing. Many Westerners find that kind of femininity somewhat distasteful - bringing to mind pedophilia.

Buttocks of Asian women

Asians are well-known for their lack of buttocks. I don't even know if these are women but I think they are.

Asian woman

15? No, 26.

Asian woman

Many Asian women are not feminine at all. The attractive women we see in the media are often asian-white models.

Asian woman Asian woman Asian woman Asian woman


Asian woman Asian woman

Pretty Asian woman

Pretty Asian girl with typical greenish skin and strange, underdeveloped body.

Nicole Kidman

Elegant and refined Nordic-type woman. Nicole Kidman.

Hugh Jackman

And a Nordic-type man, Hugh Jackman. You don't have to stop and look twice in order to figure out if he's a man or woman.

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 17:05 Roy How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

Didn't have long to wait for a study to come up with different conclusions to Hammer et al We conclude that a sex-biased process that reduced the female effective population size, or an episode of natural selection unusually affecting chromosome X, was associated with the founding of non-African populations.
Too much flaming and posting of photos in the comments at this site IMO, I can hardly follow the threads anymore, anyone new to this site will be lost.

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 16:43 Roy How can one have a son that looks like a Greek God?

Imprinted genes, IGF-2, personality The Imprinted Brain Theory

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 13:21 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

White women are generally more feminine and attractive, look like ADULTS, and are less androgynous on average, than Asian women. Having a physical preference is not racist - it is personal taste, and it happens to be shared by most men.

By the way, round, flat faces without definition and character are not more feminine. That is a misconception. They look juvenile and underdeveloped - as if the maturity-process somehow stopped and the faces never really evolved into maturity. Femininity and underdevelopment are not the same thing. Very important to remember, unless men should be attracted to prepubescent girls. That is also exactly why Asian faces are not that appreciated by fashion designers. They are often flat, lack refined facial features, and are often strangely androgynous.

The point was that pictures of masculine Nordic fashion-models were used to make a false representation of the Nordic type. So I did the exact same thing when I posted pictures of extremely masculine, androgynous, round-faced and small-eyed Asian models. One extreme type equals another. That's how it is. The one choosing the bad pictures of Nordic models did the same thing and told us how ugly pure Nordics are, basically, yet we didn't see the racist card from you in that case. Gee, I wonder why?

By the way, the photos you chose don't in any way refute what I said. The first one looks like she's a prepubescent 12-year-old child. No breasts at all, totally underdeveloped body and yellowish-white skin without any life to it. Her facial features look disproportionate and she seems to have the mental capacity of a 7-year-old. Pedophile alert there, I would say.

The other one has ugly, short and fat legs and a flat "dollish", underdeveloped face with the same empty, idiotic expression. Her body does look more curvaceous thanks to the breast implants, but she is not a fair representation since most Asian women don't have that body-type at all. Most of them appeal to (Western) men who like adolescent girls - not adult women, since these women are often underdeveloped. Those men are also the sex tourists who flood Asia, naturally.

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 03:02 Michael F. More evidence against the "clothes hangar" argument

I could look at Katya all day long ... Mmmmmmmmmmm nice

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 02:56 Michael F. Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

"... i actually like small breasts, because they are almost always cute and perky. it's much more appealing than big saggy boobs (naturals) or fake canteloupe ones.

what about naturally thin women? they almost always have small breasts. if they were big, they would look fake and unproportionate...."

My thoughts exactly !!

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 02:52 Michael F. Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

My thoughts exactly !

Thu, 01/01/2009 - 02:05 Sarah Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

I think both of them are pretty :)

Wed, 12/31/2008 - 16:56 Hannah Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Is it just by chance that you happened to pick extremely unattractive asian women?

Asian woman

Doesn't look androdgynous to me, a girl like that would make heads turn walking down the street.

Asian woman

She must make men vomit looking at her!

Emily, you are clearly a racist. The fact of the matter is beautiful women come from all over the world, in different shapes and sizes and while you try to state your opinions as though they are facts, unfortunately they are only OPINIONS. The asian women I posted do not have the hard angularity that some of the nordish faces you posted have, in fact they are soft and rounded. I can think of more occasions that a male friend has said he would love to bed an asian woman simply for the fact that they are petite, beautiful, and exotic. I myself am not asian but wouldn't mind looking like one of the more attractive ones.

Wed, 12/31/2008 - 15:26 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Devon Aoki (the last woman) is a bad example because she is half white and has not had any operations.

Wed, 12/31/2008 - 00:44 John Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Just letting you know, Marvel illustrators go so far as to draw the bone structure of the character before adding skin and other features, generally all their females follow a perfect female figure, with a very curvy physique and wide hips, and a decently large bust (for characters ages 20 and up anyway). To try and recreate that in a film, not easy, since most women are unique and don't follow such ridiculous standards. The other girl a better Mystique? You sir, are forgetting that ACTing isn't just about looks, its about ACTing. Yea, sure looking at that last picture where she has the costume on, I'd say her jaw might be a bit broader, and her shoulders too, but her bust and hip at least go with profile, and If you have watched the movie, she did a pretty damn good job with the role. Granted, all the roles were mixed up from the original plot and characters, so the director had the freedom to command the roles, but Rebecca Romijn acted second to none for that role.

Tue, 12/30/2008 - 15:25 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

More examples of Nordic models;

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Since we were presented with photos of an extremely masculine Swedish fashion model that purported to be some kind of representation for Nordic women I think we should take a look at Asian fashion models.

I found plenty of masculine women, and many that are VERY androgynous. It is common knowledge that there are many transvestites and transsexuals in Asia who work as prostitutes. It is so easy to change gender for Asians since women are often underdeveloped and men not very masculine, making the line between masculine and feminine and the sexes become more vague. When you look at photos of Asian models you cannot always tell what gender she is unless she's in full make-up.

Here are Asian fashion models. The most feminine women? Well, not in the fashion world. Asians are probably the most androgynous women on average, though.

Japanese model Japanese model Asian model Thai model Asian and European models Chinese model Chinese model Asian model

Asian model

Man or woman? The lipstick makes it more apparent.

Asian model Asian model Asian model

Asian model

Better-looking "whitish" Asian model.

Whitish Asian model

Better-looking "whitish" Asian model.

Pure Asian-looking model

Pure Asian-looking model.

Pure Asian-looking model

Pure Asian-looking model.

Pure Asian-looking model

Pure Asian-looking model.

Asian models - Vogue

Trying to look white for Vogue? Again we see the strange androgyny. With short hair these women would be anything BUT feminine. They would rather look like adolescent boys. Black hair can be very pretty, but to always see almost the exact same hair color? I love the range of hair colors in Nordic women.

Asian model Eniko Mihalik; Liu Wen Asian model

Asian model

Typical underdeveloped body of an Asian woman. Small hips and small breasts, small frame, androgynous face, and the strange yellowish-green hue often seen in Asians with fair complexion.

Devon Aoki

An Asian woman trying to look more white. Nose job and eye lid operations performed, most likely. These must be the two most common plastic surgery operations performed on Asian women and they are very popular.

Tue, 12/30/2008 - 09:45 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

It is well-known that high-fashion models often are extremely masculine, and have hard, chiseled features. These models shouldn't be used as an example of a Nordic type of woman, simply because that is NOT what Nordic women generally look like.

I decided to check on this, and indeed, Caroline is one of THE most masculine and extreme models you could find. She is an exception, bordering on caricature, so using her is hardly fair, nor empirically correct. It's a shame that a negative agenda and/ or envy often cloud people's judgment. Of course gay fashion designers - who secretly must detest women - love these types of models. That is what this site is all about.

There are more appropriate examples of Nordic women among fashion models, but since the person using Caroline's photos wanted to give a false impression of the Nordic woman as some kind of uber-masculine freak, he or she ignored models like these. The incorrect stereotype with her extremely long and masculine face, square, hard jaw and skin that doesn't tan, is NOT what Nordic women generally look like. Those who are ill-informed, or have an agenda, often misrepresent the truth.

Here are Nordic fashion models that look more like women you see in Nordic countries. Don't expect to see great femininity in these women - just models who are better examples of the Nordic woman. The Nordic nose is of course also beautifully and correctly illustrated here.

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic models

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Nordic model Nordic models Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model Nordic model

Mon, 12/29/2008 - 19:17 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The pictures of the model you chose would have been relevant if she had been representative of the ordinary Nordic woman. She's the extreme kind of model that gay fashion designers love. I prefer pictures of ordinary, real women - people you can see every day in Scandinavia.

Here are pictures of TYPICAL, ORDINARY Scandinavian women - not high-fashion models who look like Picasso paintings.

Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman

Swedes Swedish woman Swedish women Swedish woman

ALL men adore Swedish women.

ALL men adore Swedish women.. :)

Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish women Swedish women

Swedish girl Dark Scandinavian Swede Swedes Swede Swedes

Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman

Swedish woman Swedish women Swedish woman Swedish woman

Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman Swedish woman

Mon, 12/29/2008 - 15:57 Emily Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"After all your whole website is about femininity and as an ethnic group Asians ARE the most feminine. You cannot argue with this, it is"

Very large, fat noses, broad, coarse and round faces, tiny breasts, buttocks and hips, and very short legs, are not features that make Asian women feminine or attractive. Neither is the typical brownish- or yellowish skin color. These typical features are sometimes even ugly to white people. Asians that Westerners do find attractive are the ones who look more caucasian and LESS Asian. They will have a more oval and narrow face with a smaller, more Nordic-looking noses, white skin without the unattractive yellowish- or brownish hue, larger breasts, buttocks and hips, and longer legs. Non-Asian men don't find the very often underdeveloped bodies of Asian women feminine.

"If you notice Asians are the least athletic on average than any other group instead relying on flexibility and mind over matter techniques rather than sheer strength, speed"

Being weaker/less athletic, and having a weak and underdeveloped body is not feminine, it is just..weakness. Most men find the underdeveloped bodies of Asians less attractive. Asian women's bodies often look like those of an adolescent - and not like women. Why are borderline pedophiles so often attracted to Asians, men who like cute little "girls" instead of women? Because Asian women look underdeveloped. Most Western men prefer the beautiful hour-glass figure of a white woman to the strangely weak and underdeveloped body of an Asian woman.

" They are the most feminine race and therefore admixture with them often results in a very attractive female. You can argue all you want with this but the research is abundant. It is"

Being good for race mixing is hardly an argument that proves that Asians are more feminine, it just means they are good for breeding with other races who are generally superior in looks. They have the femininity of an underdeveloped adolescent girl! In order to look like sexy, curvaceous and adult women they need to be mixed with other races, apparently.

"not true that people are most attractive to their ethnic norm. Someone that looks extremely white is not attractive. Women that look too white are not attractive. Women that look too Asian are not attractive. Women that look too black are not attractive."

A VERY white woman is often VERY attractive. I agree that very Asian- or black looking women generally are not. That is what sets Nordics and whites in general apart from the rest.

I live in Sweden. I see EXTREMELY good-looking Nordic people - pure Nordics - every day here. Women with beautiful and refined facial features, gorgeous eyes the color of the sea or the sky, silky and soft hair, often the color of gold and honey, long legs, slender and feminine bodies with hips and breasts that befit a woman.

Men LOVE pure Nordic women and come here from all over the world in order to see the famous Nordic women. Women in Stockholm, for example, are often "extremely white", as you put it, and many men regard these women to be the most beautiful on earth.

"Emily: The fact that you compare Asians to Neanderthals baffles me."

Some Asians do somewhat resemble Neanderthals. The pictures speak for themselves. You may disagree, but you are in a tiny minority if you say Nordics/ whites look more like Neanderthals than Asians or blacks do.

"Overly long jaw/face"

Only if you prefer round or square faces. Most white people do not.

"Robust long jaw in males and females"

Robust? No, not often in women. Well-defined, yes.

"extremely wide and thin lips"

Not so at all. Many have full lips, actually.

"Nose that is long and too thin"

For Asians, maybe, who often have huge and VERY broad noses. Of course the perfect Nordic nose is bound to cause some envy. ;)

"Close set dull colored eyes"

No, normal-set eyes, actually. Close-set eyes are in a clear minority. Again, you have absolutely no idea what people here generally look like. Eye color; clear, bright- or dark blue or green, the most amazing color of the sea, and anything BUT dull. Frankly, your comment is so full of inaccuracies that I suspect envy was the motivation for it.

"Pink or white pale skin"

Skin the color of cream, actually. Mix in a few peaches. Nordics also tan very well. The pale kind that doesn't tan - often followed by carrot-red hair - is NOT the typical Nordic skin. Sometimes you see a slight pinkish tone after exercise, or when blushing. Very sexy and attractive. Asian yellowish-white skin that doesn't show any sign of blood look like a serpent's belly. Dead - not alive. Men adore a woman who blushes. Guess what? A blush is pinkish.

"Hair that is too light resulting in lack of defined eyebrows/eyelashes"

Too light? LOL Ok, ask most men if they mind.

"Long lanky bodies with little breast tissue in females"

Give me a break. Tall and feminine bodies with long and elegant legs and normal- to large breasts. Asian women are well-known for their lack of feminine and shapely bodies, on the other hand, so any comparison will not be in their favor.

Mon, 12/29/2008 - 12:53 randomguy Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

i think she is VERY beautiful and her nose is not bad. i would love a girl like that any day of the week.

Sun, 12/28/2008 - 01:15 wsarate Welcome!

what does the forum think of Kim Kardashian?

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 19:34 moonface The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

err....You also said that a measure of beauty is also how much a person looks like a child. Don't you think that maybe Karolina's figure is more youthful rather than masculinized? i mean her figure looks like a Barbbie doll (really it does) especially in recent photos of her. also I found her shoulders just proportionate, not masculine >.< The Zuzana woman, (I'm sorry) just look like a mom! She's just way too curvy to look youthful. Anna just looks more feminine because she is chubbier. If looking at tiny details, one would say that maybe Karolina isn't as feminine looking as these other women. So what? Isn't a measure of beauty is how youthful a person looks? as you've said. And also I think maybe Karolina just make it that far cause she able to portray an overall beautiful image of a doll-like figure.
See! her figure says Barbie all over it! >.<
i'm not sure why I'm posting this though, since whoever saw this would love to say I'm wrong. And who are you to judge who looks like a transexual? This can be an insult to transexual anywhere (or not ^_^) What is bad though is that this site is just bashing people (it's not right) And maybe also that Victoria's secret aim is to focus on women! not men! most buyers are women! (i think women just buy victoria secret as a collecting and using sort of thing) well, I think Karolina just portrays a more youthful and pretty image in the fashion show (as above) than Zuzana or anna (who looks too curvy) and youthful and pretty i think attracts women more (which I'm sure is Victoria secret's aim) That's just how I define things, so go ahead and trash me and call Karolina a transexual all you want (it just makes you rude ^_^)

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 07:38 jim The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

while I can appreciate what this page is illustrating. I Do think that it is fairly one dimensional. Feminine beauty reaches beyond the physical. While physical traits such as measurements and curvature help define classic beauty, they do not always hold up next to other traits. Healthy physiques and energy usual win out. The best example I can think of at the moment can be found in Starship Troopers. Clearly the more "phiscally beautiful" actress in that movie was Denise Richards , but I have yet to find a man that would not rather take Dina Meyer home. While Dina Meyer did not posses the giant breasts or curves of Denise, her confidence and physical fitness along with a stunning face made her irresistible. Here are a couple images to illustrate my point.

In a still photo Denise comes clearly across as the more sexually attractive and bodacious woman. But Dina has got "it". In the end ... she is definitely the more desirable woman. And she has many of the man traits you pointed out in your post.

Denise Richards

here is Dina Meyer

Dina Meyer

Dina Meyer

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 03:48 moonface The importance of femininity to beauty in women

didn't you say looking like a child also constitute to beauty? I think overly feminine can look maternally.

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 03:41 moonface Fashion models with and without make-up

the pic of adrianna Lima looks better without makeup

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 03:37 moonface Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

uh, I don't like the reference here used about transexuals in general. That's just not cool, and I think Alessandra is beautiful by the way, and alessandra is taller, so she looks more card-board-ish, the two girls very very similar bust/waist/hip ratio from their pictures.

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 03:18 marya The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 6

oh man, this is a big femininity/masculine debate. ok, I'll admit that adrianna has some masculine traits. But from interviews she is very feminine in actions, so watever the masculinity came from, I don't think because of excess of androgen. Besides, if she's masculine then you all will probably think I'm a hermaphrodite! (or man) which, if you know me, i'm considered by many of my closed ones as quite feminine. that aside I don't think you should be trashing one of thhe most beautiful woman in the world regardless >.< And some of these so call "feminine" nude models would not get away with my masculinity arrow either if I were to tear them down :d
I still think you're beautiful Adrianna!!!! And feminine!!!! you look like one of my friend ^_^
oh yeah, and she has wide hips, a very feminine trait ^_^
