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Fri, 12/26/2008 - 21:45 nha Backside comparison: Daria Werbowy vs. Cindy D.

You keep saying "what heterosexual men prefers" and "what nonheterosexual men prefer" but you don't list any studies or ratings. are you sure that it's the majority opinions? not your own? And you keep saying that supermodels look like adolescent boys. Some would agree, but not all of them. Again, are you sure you have ratings of these specific photos that you've shown? not your own opinions. And you keep referring to the "study of feminine beauty", what the heck is that? And I thinkt the comment bout daria's backside being not sexy, i think that was rather a opinionated comment, rather than a proven fact. ( I think Daria has a pretty backside, very girly and Barbieish ^_^) I also hoped that there are some sort of testing and expertise and evaluation going behind these articles, and that it's not run by one person. You do make some good point though :)

Fri, 12/26/2008 - 05:53 Alex Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

Some models which are chosen by the homosexuals are ONLY chosen for the sole reason that they have a ridiculous/ABNORMAL extent of masculinization i.e. for the novelty factor of looking so manly, however, they are very UGLY to look at and only the homosexuals could see their aesthetic appeal because they can appreciate the masculinization alone.

But there are plenty of models that are chosen by homosexuals that ARE masculinized, but STILL look GOOD and therefore SEXY by anyone's standards (even homosexual men).

Natalia is the latter.

Fri, 12/26/2008 - 05:42 Alex Let there be video: Keeley Hazell, Carli Banks, Natalia Vodianova, more

ACTUALLY, I think Natalia Vodianova IS attractive. And I am not a homosexual! She IS masculinized, but STILL maintains a good aesthetic appeal. i.e. the two are often mutually exclusive, but Natalia pulls it off. This is an advantage for an average man because if they were to reproduce with Natalia what's the worst offspring they could produce?

a) A very high chance of masculine male - "Greek God" type


b) A masculine female which is still likely to look GOOD (like natalia), AND is more likely to have a higher sex drive too - IMO it screams SEXY to any heterosexual man.

So when nature calls for men to err.. reproduce, they are still going to go for Natalia over an UGLY but somewhat more feminine woman(plenty of them). I bet you would see tons of men after Natalia, she even has 3 kids now!

For a start, she can't have too low fertility and fecundity if she has three normal, healthy children.

Also, I don't see that Natalia is THAT MUCH masculinized. Yes she is a bit, but only a little more than average. I've seen loads of women in real life, more masculine than her. One thing I could say is that she NEEDS to put on some weight! This would also increase her attractiveness to heterosexual men.

Thu, 12/25/2008 - 20:27 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Laxmi Menon

and Juliana Imai
both have the "horse face" you speak of. Neither have a drop of Nordic blood.

Thu, 12/25/2008 - 20:25 Andrea Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Laxmi Menon

and Juliana Imai
both have the "horse face" you speak of. Neither have a drop of Nordic blood.

Thu, 12/25/2008 - 17:45 George Arthur Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

"These Indians will be found to be among the better looking ordinary Indians by Indians in general because their face shapes are closer to European norms and also because their skin is lighter, on average. These Indians will also be found to be among the better looking ordinary Indians by Swedes because their face shapes are closer to European norms – skin color will usually not be an issue for Swedes or Europeans in general."

Erik you are not as educated as I thought. Indians on average have a similair face shape to Nordic populations because they are a dolichocephalic ARYAN group of people. They had this face shape before any "Nordics" did. Before any people lived in any of the Northern areas of Europe. The ones with rounder/robust faces are obviously mixed Indians. Usually with Asians in the North just as in Sweden you have your Nordics mixed with the Asian type people there.

There is also an argument that mixture with Asian groups ON AVERAGE increases attractiveness in an individual. There are many scholarly articles written on this and much research that has obtained these results. After all your whole website is about femininity and as an ethnic group Asians ARE the most feminine. You cannot argue with this, it is simply fact. They have the least testosterone production most estrogen production than ethnic Caucasians or Africans. Africans produce the most testosterone and are most masculine. This is the result of adapting to a harsh environment like Africa. White people are in between. If you notice Asians are the least athletic on average than any other group instead relying on flexibility and mind over matter techniques rather than sheer strength, speed, etc. Notice that Asians often excel in sports such as gymnastics that requires much flexibility. They also are well known for marshall arts, etc. They break boards with concentration not muscle strength. They are not athletic they just have good control over their bodies. They are the most feminine race and therefore admixture with them often results in a very attractive female. You can argue all you want with this but the research is abundant. It is not true that people are most attractive to their ethnic norm. Someone that looks extremely white is not attractive. Women that look too white are not attractive. Women that look too Asian are not attractive. Women that look too black are not attractive.

Emily: The fact that you compare Asians to Neanderthals baffles me. Neanderthals were dolichocephalic. The Asian skull shape is the most distinct from the original Neanderthal skull. Northern Europeans and Africans have dolichocephalic skulls and they more closely resemble the Neanderthal skull. However, modern humans are more refined in terms of facial features. No one race truly looks like a neanderthal did and Asians are the farthest away from looking like a neanderthal. Please Emily educate yourself. Your assumptions are based on your observations which are not accurate. The pictures you posted of Swedish women all over the internet do not support your arument. I found very few that were feminine. Although Asians can have robust features,but only if you have an Asian that lives in a harsh environment or if they go to their extreme ethnic features. Similarly a Nordic with features to the extreme ethnic spectrum have robustity and are unattractive as well in these terms:

Overly long jaw/face
Robust long jaw in males and females
extremely wide and thin lips
Nose that is long and too thin
Close set dull colored eyes
Pink or white pale skin
Hair that is too light resulting in lack of defined eyebrows/eyelashes
Long lanky bodies with little breast tissue in females

Here is an example of "Nordic" features in the extremes.

Caroline Winberg:

Gemma Ward and Caroline Winberg Pictures, Images and Photos

Caroline Winberg Pictures, Images and Photos

Notice the discoloration of the eyebrows and skin with a pinkish tone. Notice the LONG skull and long face, the robust long jaw and yes with a long jaw LONG teeth. Notice the WIDE LIPS.Typically a woman with extreme Nordic features would be called a "horse face".

Here is Claudia Schiffer.

Claudia Schiffer Claudia Schiffer Claudia Schiffer

To me Claudia may be mixed with some Asian dna however obviously it is not very recent and she still has extreme NORDIC features. She has the typical "horse face" and wide lips, etc.

Whether it is the result of admixture or not, people do look better when they are NOT closer to their ethnic extremes. A Nordic with all the extreme Nordic features would be a robust tall looking horse face. An Asian with extreme features would have tiny eyes and a face much too wide. You get the point.

A Nordic woman with a face that is a bit wider but eyes that are a tiny bit farther set, teeth that are a bit shorter, lips that are a bit smaller and less wide, would be more attractive. She does not have to be mixed with Asian. There are many 100% Nordic people that are not mixed yet they are better looking because their features are not extreme in terms of their ethnicity. Most Nordic women do not have extreme features and are on average extremely attractive. However Emily, the ironic thing here is that many if not most of the women's pictures you post have extremely evident indications of mixture with Asians. The nose, and eyes are a giveaway!

Thu, 12/25/2008 - 01:58 Erin Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Well, my nose is too thin. It is the typical nordic nose and I hate it. It's long, straight, thin and so boring. I would rather have a cute dainty nose. So a little wider and shorter which would make my eyes spaced out better too. See her nose is broad but her eyes are spaced nicely, I want that. Is there any plastic surgery that can do that?

Tue, 12/23/2008 - 21:33 G Ste Attractive women that unfortunately have small breasts

"Women that are candidates for being beautiful and feminine are young adults" - Much of what you write here strikes me as ill-informed, ill-considered, low-brow and often quite offensive, but in regard to the line I have quoted here...... I have never read such utter nonsense in all my life. Unfortunately it seems that you are going to live your whole life without EVER seeing beauty my friend, though with the attitudes you display, perhaps that is just.

Mon, 12/22/2008 - 12:59 Roy From ape to human – the journey in pictures

Introgression and microcephalin FAQ
Neandertal introgression, genetic-style
Introgression encore
The latest paper
A genetic legacy from archaic Homo
All wrong,
Scientists decode half of the Neanderthal genome

Neanderthals couldn't hunt over any distance or jump, The bony labyrinth of Neanderthals

Analysing the inner ear of a Neanderthal, Professor Fred Spoor, from UCL, has discovered clues to Neanderthal's agility.

The semi-circular canals of the inner ear provide us with our sense of balance, and by studying a range of animals, Spoor, has found a high correlation between the size of the canals and agility. Throughout human evolution, our canals seem to have increased in size as our agility has increased.

But Neanderthals have smaller canals than modern humans, and even earlier ancestors suggesting they were less agile.

Returning to the skeleton, Professor Trenton Holliday found an explanation for this - that the short limbs and wide pelvis of our Neanderthal would have resulted in less efficient locomotion than modern humans.

The energy costs in travelling would have been higher, and this would have been a serious evolutionary disadvantage
They were 'human' and derived but today they would belong in a zoo.

Diet-related changes in teeth started about 250,000 years ago among humans in Europe, initially related to using heat to thaw frozen game. It would take a while for dental reduction to proceed to a point where impacted teeth are seen in significant frequencies

If dental reduction means smaller teeth I'd expect to this to lessen the occurence of impacted wisdom teeth. My comment was referring to a reduction in jaw size resulting in the jaw being overcrowded with teeth so that the last teeth couldn't irrupt. Smaller jaws could have been selected for reasons this site makes clear
"The chin reduces in area and is displaced superiorly and posteriorly. The angle of the mandible is displaced toward the middle of the face, and the mandible is reduced in relative length."
What Europeans looked like before from someone cited here already
Angel (1972) noted that 14% of skeletal samples from early Neolithic Greece displayed apparently Negroid traits, in contrast to later periods.
When did Europeans become 'white'?
Black Africans have evolved too recently for any comparison with ancestral hominids to be enlightening. It is often assumed that black Africans, out of all human populations, most closely resemble our common ancestral state. After all, is not Africa the cradle of humanity? And did not modern humans spread ‘out of Africa’ some 50,000 or so years ago?

Indeed, we are all offspring of Africa. What is less true is the assumption that evolution stood still there while continuing elsewhere. Yes, some African groups do approximate ancestral Homo sapiens in their mode of subsistence, family structure, and physical appearance. These are the Khoisan and pygmy peoples. They still live by hunting and gathering, are overwhelmingly monogamous, and have light-brown skin and gracile, almost childlike bodies. Origins of black Africans

Re Hammer study "In many societies, a wife goes to live in her husband’s community after marriage. This has the effect of inflating the genetic diversity of women in any one community.../...
Finally, the burden of proof is on those who propose new methodologies, especially one that produces inconsistent results. The University of Arizona researchers themselves say as much: “Our findings of high levels of diversity on the X chromosome relative to the autosomes are in marked contrast to results of previous studies in a wide range of species including humans.” More importantly, their findings run counter to the comparative literature on human mating systems. To cite only one authority, Pebley and Mbugua (1989) note:

In non-African societies in which polygyny is, or was, socially permissible, only a relatively small fraction of the population is in polygynous marriages. Chamie's (1986) analysis of data for Arab Muslim countries between the 1950s and 1980s shows that only 5 to 12 percent of men in these countries have more than one wife. … Smith and Kunz (1976) report that less than 10 percent of nineteenth-century American Mormon husbands were polygynists. By contrast, throughout most of southern West Africa and western Central Africa, as many as 20 to 50 percent of married men have more than one wife … The frequency is somewhat lower in East and South Africa, although 15 to 30 percent of husbands are reported to be polygynists in Kenya and Tanzania.
Lo and behold Comparisons of chromosome X and the autosomes can illuminate differences in the histories of males and females as well as shed light on the forces of natural selection.
We conclude that a sex-biased process that reduced the female effective population size, or an episode of natural selection unusually affecting chromosome X, was associated with the founding of non-African populations.

Mon, 12/22/2008 - 03:19 Alex Amy from spunky angels

Amy is very attractive for a girl. How old do you think she is? She seems to have a very slender build, but not particularly wide hips. She does not really have a well defined chin, i.e. her chin is sort of rounded. She has a well defined jaw, but hardly any chin. Is that a feminine trait? Her cheekbones are not horizontally prominent, but are not high either? I would prefer her looks if her hair was lighter, but that is all. In this picture it looks like she is wearing no makeup.

Sun, 12/21/2008 - 18:52 movsepian Natalie T. from only tease

Emily, Visitor,
please post more pics.

Sat, 12/20/2008 - 06:39 Sidra Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

She does have a thin nose but in 2D the 2 sides of the nose plus the middle look like one flat surface! So noses look a lot bigger on paper. That's why even stars with thin noses get the sides thinned out. I think her success even with a 'wide' (not really, more like natural) nose shows that she is truly beautiful.

Fri, 12/19/2008 - 23:34 Sally The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 2

How do you know that "Veronika" hasn't had a nose job?

It would be interesting to put pictures of male "glamour" models up from sites that are directed at gay men as comparisons for the fashion models...especially considering you claim that its a gay male conspiracy that institutes the look of fashion models? I have alot of gay male friends that don't agree with your critique of what gay men want in the aesthetics of others (that's why most gay men look at muscle men!)...maybe it's just you seeing adolescent boys in the faces of women? haha!

Fri, 12/19/2008 - 23:16 Sally Feminization and masculinization in the looks of men

Why not put a picture of yourself up for us all to decide on what side of the scale you sit "Erik"?

Fri, 12/19/2008 - 09:38 non european Natalie T. from only tease


Natalie is clearly british, she has the same plain bland look about her that the majority of british women do. British women are typically plain looking, this is not to say they are not feminine looking.

With respect to this Nordic and Eastern european debate my view is that even if Eastern europeans may on average have less feminine looking women compared to the nordics it is obviously a compliment in disguise to Eastern europeans. It makes there womens beauty more exclusive, as it would not only be harder to find a beautifull looking Eastern european woman but the few there are will clearly look more exclusive in appearance compared to the rest of there ethnic group and other ethnic groups around, hence making there beauty appear less average looking and more above average looking. If there are too many feminine looking women around the exclusive factor slowly dissapears and makes the feminine women appear less exclusive because of the simple fact there are more of them. Beauty afterall as you say erik is the least egalitarian attribute. If there are zero to none pictures on the internet of above average feminine looking women of a particular ethnic group it doesnt mean to say these women dont exist because I wholeheartedly agree with you erik that the best looking women would hardly be found posing nude and there pictures splashed around websites.

Fri, 12/19/2008 - 01:54 Emily Natalie T. from only tease


That greatly "IMPROVED" their looks, even though the beauty AVERAGE is not as high as in Nordic countries.

Fri, 12/19/2008 - 01:45 Visitor Natalie T. from only tease

Someone complained that I used the same pictures of Swedish women so I looked for new pictures in order to illustrate the Nordic look. It's not as easy to find pictures of Nordic women. Nordic girls don't use the internet for the same purpose that the Eastern Europeans do.

The internet is flooded with photos of Eastern European women promoting themselves. Some are looking for husbands abroad, some are scammers looking to trick Western men out of their money - a huge criminal industry, and then we have the enormous porn- and nude industry that often uses Eastern European girls who are more willing.

I looked into the myth of the great beauty of the Czech women. These women ON AVERAGE don't come anywhere near the standard of beauty we see in Nordic countries. The Czech women who look good are almost always NORDIC-looking - not Eastern European-looking. There has been a vast influx of GERMANIC BLOOD in the Czech Republic in ancient times. That greatly approved their looks, even though the beauty AVERAGE is not as high as in Nordic countries. Czech women often have unappealing slavic traits that drag the general impression down regarding the Czech Republic. You will certainly find beautiful women there but the statistical average will be lower.

Here are pictures of CZECH people;


Eastern Europeans often have VERY bad teeth. Many don't smile in pictures.





Very pretty Eastern European girl. She doesn't have many slavic traits, although she has a hooked nose. Her Nordic traits greatly contribute to her looks.


Typical face of a slavic-looking Czech female.



Czech woman with a chin that is much too small. Due to their round or square face shapes Eastern Europeans very often have very weak, even non-existing, chins.


Here is the roundest face I have ever seen. It is a perfect ball shape without any chin. An extreme example of the slavic round face.


In contrast, an oval/ long face of a Nordic woman with a well-defined chin.


Czech woman with weak chin. Eastern Europeans often have a strange greyish-greenish-yellowish skin colour. Very odd. MANY Eastern Europeans seem to have this unappealing skin color. I have no idea why but it's clearly a common feature.

Here are some photos of SWEDISH women;







The girl on the right is ethnically Swedish. The other one is probably Eastern European.











Typical golden tan of a Swede.





Thu, 12/18/2008 - 14:06 foster Abbie Gortsema

haha ok i just read all these and everyone from g-rap is hilarious in this conversation. abby ku... this is probably the funniest thing ive ever seen u write.... erik i understand ur point of view and i think everyone has to have a unique different look to have a modeling career. but please. teenagers have opinions. dont call us silly girls or silly girlfriends and tell us to play with barbies. Im not condoning what other ppl said on here was appropriate but still. its rude for you to not let us give our opinions and say we dont have any idea what we r talking about. Abs. ur a rockstar. ull go far. we all know that. keep shining babe.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 15:28 Jules Self-esteem issues related to the feminine beauty site

Erik, SI have used known athletes in their swimsuit issues such as Maria Sharapova and Amanda Beard, and in their latest issue, racecar driver Danica Patrick. However, despite their good looks, they do not pose as well for photographs as professional models who pose for a living. Heidi Klum and Quiana Grant look very fit. Women do not look like that by starving themselves, but by eating healthy and exercising. It is very difficult for women to build large muscle mass especially when they naturally have a slender build. Next thing you know, you will say that Olympic gold medalist Kerri Walsh is too slender to be a good athlete.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 13:53 Der Wanderer Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

Dude you are effed up on Wed, 12/10/2008

by the way I am constantly re-inventing myself for your information.

It needs to be said: if Rebecca Romijn is the product of intelligent design, then the designer is one very sick and twisted individual. I'd rather accept evolution than believe in a God quite that demented.

Yes, I am judging God by my puny mortal standards. How else am I supposed to judge God? If God didn't want me to judge God so, why did God make me this way? I insist on my right to Judge God, and to do so by the standards with which I am endowed, supposedly by God.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 05:21 n/a Natalie T. from only tease


"You guys are all retards. [. . .] the CTMU theory we are ALL ONE."

So you just called "yourself" a retard?

Arguing about which country's women are more beautiful: dumb
Promoting "the CTMU": dumber

Langan is a charlatan.


If you're Eastern European, personally I think it's perfectly right and fitting that you like Eastern European women.

Try wrapping your head around the possibility that not everyone shares your tastes. Maybe also ask yourself if trying to increase the demand for Eastern European women by foreign men is what you really want to be doing.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 04:01 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

Also, I never said that anyone can have an Eastern European woman. You flat out lie, or you have mental problems and don't know what you write and read. Since you apparently have a fanatical sense of loyalty towards Eastern European women and are unable to properly refute my argument it's useless responding to you.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 03:49 Emily Natalie T. from only tease

Your provocations and personal insults are getting tiresome. The fact that you respond in such a manner tells everyone that I touched a nerve. As for my pictures they will speak for themselves. I can't say that your subjective opinion is of much interest to me, whether honest or not.

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 03:12 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

By the way the most desirable one out of all the pictures you posted is actually the brunette one wearing a black dress standing next to her friend in the purple dress. GORGEOUS!

Wed, 12/17/2008 - 03:10 Kaleb Natalie T. from only tease

Like I said Emily there is no use arguing with an ignorant bigot. By claiming that anyone can have an Eastern European woman including "any American with U.S. citizenship" you were implying these women were trash. How much time out of your life do you waste posting pictures on this website? AND THE SAME PICTURES! 1) Those Swedish women just take care of themselves but 98% that you posted are UGLY in regards to facial structure and body structure! The worst picture is of the one in the red dress and black headband with a black purse. She looks like a man imp. Her face is robust beyond belief. 2) 90% of those women, but probably more, ARE NOT NATURAL BLONDES! 3) Yes there are many many natural blondes in Eastern Europe. You are such an idiot. Go to Poland. You won't find blondes in Britain or even Germany like you do in Poland. My girlfriend who is South-Eastern European was born a platinum blonde! She still has ash blonde hair!I am not coming back on this website because I have more important things to do. This is my last response. You can waste your life away arguing non-sense. Meanwhile the world will spin, and you will still be on this website posting pictures that should embarass your arguments not enhance them.
