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Sat, 01/10/2009 - 16:53 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"Look up BRAHMINS"

"In 1931 (the last Indian census to record caste), Brahmins accounted for 4.32% of the total population. Brahmins even in Uttar Pradesh, where they were most numerous, constituted just 12% of the recorded population. In Andhra Pradesh, they formed less than 6%,Tamil Nadu they formed less than 3% and in Karnataka, less than 2%.[13] In Kerala, Nambudiri Brahmins make up 0.7% of the population."

Brahmins make up around 5% of the total population in India. Choosing them as examples of what most Indians look like is dishonest since 95% of them are not Brahmins. I could say the Sami are the real Swedes, and just disregard everyone else. It would make just as much sense. Don't you have anything better to do with your time than posting lies (you claiming to be a blonde Nordic in one thread then saying you are half-Puertorican in another), pictures of half-Indian actresses showing them off as 100% Indian, and outrageous claims that Indians look just like Swedes/Nordics?

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 16:26 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Black Puerto Rican

Will a Puertorican produce a child who is blonde and Nordic-looking?

Indian female top athletes

Indian female top athletes. Very Nordic-looking?

Anita Ekberg

Anita Ekberg.

Nordic-looking (?) Indian men

Nordic-looking (?) Indian men.

Asian women

Feminine? I'm not sure.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 15:57 Emily Nasion placement and attractiveness

This was addressed to Kayla B.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 15:47 Emily Nasion placement and attractiveness

"No offense, I'm half white and half Puerto Rican, but don't white women have the most masculine nasal region?"

Another negative comment about white women by this very..Nordic..woman. You really hate them, don't you? LOL

Didn't you just say you were Nordic in another thread and thought of as white trash by New Yorkers? So which is it? Wouldn't it be easier to just tell the truth and stop pretending to be Nordic?

"It's hard to live in the North of the U.S. up in New York coming from the South. I am often stereotyped as a "dumb blonde" or white trash because of my roots"

A half-Puerto Rican and BLONDE?

"I am not jealous or envious of Nordic women since I happen to be one myself."


Sat, 01/10/2009 - 15:26 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Boob job: Although Katerina Kaif might be half anglo-saxon is does not deter from my point. How many times do I have to repeat that Indians are a dolichocephalic ARYAN group of people. This means that they have long skulls and that their facial features are long, just like Nordics! She is a very good example... I told you that Indians with broader faces have Asian admixture. Oh the ignorance is killing me people! Please go read an anthropology book! Look up BRAHMINS! Or just look up South Indians. That should give you the answer!

Emily: Yes, my comment is long but there are main points in there you fail to address? Why? Because you know you cannot make a good argument. What about all the Asian mixed Nordics I posted up? Is your pride too much to admit that many if not the majority of Nordics have Asian DNA? I find it interesting because you claim Asians resemble Neanderthals, yet you are ignorant because you do not even know what an accurate portrayal of a Neanderthal is. Have you ever studied Neanderthal head measurments, body measurements,etc.? No. Go pick up a book an educate yourself. I rarely have time for books because I work my ass off and I am only 20 years old, however, I know a little about something and it is evident more than you, which is sad because you practically dominate this website. I noted that some of those pictures I posted up are masculine. I was trying to show Asian admixture. The rest are not Masculine yet Asian admixture is evident in all the girls. Here is one of those photos:

Swedish girls

Note: none of the women are masculine. All of them have rounded faces and Asian qualities, the blonde one doesn't but she too has Asian admixture. It is obvious!

About the Indian people, no Emily your pictures are unfair. You cannot compare the standard of living to Indians in India to any people in Scandinavia. Maybe you should turn on the news or read about and learn a thing or two about India before you make false assumptions. The people you posted have no where near as good of a standard of living to the Swedish and they will not look as good as them simply because of that.

I find it amusing that one of your main arguments to me is that I am not white. It really does not matter if I was white or not, it is my point that matters. I am not biased, well actually, I am biased because like I said I am attracted to my own kind: Nordics. Does this statement ring clear to you?:

"I do agree that Nordic women are on average the most attractive sub-race of the caucasian race, and that the caucasian race is on average more attractive than any other race"

How does that sound biased towards any other group? Besides, like I said, it is the point I make that is important.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 13:43 boob job Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Kayla B. is not even Indian and she uses Indians as an example.

First Indians are not dark white people. They are unique and have features of their own. Second Katrina Kaif, the woman in red is half anglo-saxon.
Secondly no amount of convincing will help with Emily. She does not like Indians. Plain and simple.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 09:47 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"However, Indians by themselves very closely resemble Nordics, with darker features."

Are you serious?

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 08:58 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

"Just like you post up pictures of ugly and obviously ill taken care of Indians and South East Asians with obvious bad health care, inexpensive wardrobes, lack of access to things, I will post pictures of our "white trash" women who also don't or cannot take care of themselves to the extent of other women."

Well, you do that, as long as you don't try to pin those pictures on Scandinavia.

Indians and East Asians often have "bad health care, inexpensive wardrobes and a lack of access to things" so showing that would not be dishonest, it tells you the truth of what the majority looks like. If you do the same with Nordics living in Scandinavia it will give a false picture since that is not what we look like here. We are well-off, generally speaking.

I cannot speak for your country. I have been there only once. I can't say that I saw the kind of people you showed in your pictures, though. I haven't posted pictures of down trodden people so I don't agree at all with your description. I have seen many such pictures though but I didn't want to post them.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 08:29 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I don't portray false stereotypes AT ALL. I live in Sweden and I know what women here look like. Unlike most others I don't post model pictures in order to show what my people look like.

Posting photos of Asian women or of racially mixed women who live here would be less of a stereotype to you no doubt, (you seem especially bothered by pictures of blondes with blue eyes so it's fair to assume you are not one of them. YOU, on the other hand portray a false image of Nordic women when you choose extremely masculine top athletes who are probably on steroids.

To be honest I don't have the time or interest to read and respond to your entire comment, it is too long, but I can say that I very much doubt you are Nordic, or white. I think you are Asian or black. Your first comments and pictures here were very revealing, and the later comments seem more like damage control than anything else, from what I have seen. It's funny, those who attack Nordics always call themselves Nordics on here. Each and every time. It is of course up to each and everyone who reads their comments to judge whether they are honest or not, and what motivates this kind of behavior.

Nordic athlete women

Since you love pictures of Nordics making faces this one ought to please you. Other athletic girls without the steroids:

Nordic athlete women


The girl you posted last doesn't look like a typical Swede. This girl is more representative of what a Swedish girl looks like. I guess she is too much of a steretype to you since she is not ugly. ;) I'm sorry to say that people here are generally good-looking so we must be living up to our steretypes then.

Swedish athlete women Swedish athlete women Swede Swedes

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 07:01 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Here is a Swedish girl that has obvious distant Sami DNA. Don't you think it worked out nice for her? I do since her Asiatic features really add to her appeal.

Swedish girl with obvious distant Sami DNA

Note that she has a rounder face, vertically less wide eyes, laterally wider eyes, shorter smaller nose.... Asian features that look nice mixed with her Nordic ones.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 06:54 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

It's hard to live in the North of the U.S. up in New York coming from the South. I am often stereotyped as a "dumb blonde" or white trash because of my roots. So I know how it feels to be put down because of false stereotypes. You portray false stereotypes in your pictures, so I had to portray false steroetypes in mine to make a point.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 06:52 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Also, why did I post those pictures up of ugly Nordic women before?

Well, I wanted to prove a point. Here in the U.S. we have stereotypes of very "Nordic" women too. Most of the extremely Nordic people in the U.S. live in the South, primarily composed of English ancestry. They often are stereotyped as "White trash here". The heart of the U.S. New York is was primarily built up by Eastern Europeans, and to this day they take up a majority of it. The South is looked at as uneducated and ignorant. Just like in your country you may see foreigners as ugly, we see our Southern people as uneducated and ugly. Just like you post up pictures of ugly and obviously ill taken care of Indians and South East Asians with obvious bad health care, inexpensive wardrobes, lack of access to things, I will post pictures of our "white trash" women who also don't or cannot take care of themselves to the extent of other women.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 06:38 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Actually Heidi Klum has hazel eyes. I am not jealous or envious of Nordic women since I happen to be one myself. The difference between you and me is that I do not let my race define who I am as a person. If you ask me if I were to choose a mate, would it be a Nordic one? My answer would be that most likely it would be because I am most attracted to Nordic men. I do agree that Nordic women are on average the most attractive sub-race of the caucasian race, and that the caucasian race is on average more attractive than any other race...

However, within my argument I must add that although Nordic women are on average more attractive, that does not mean that every single Nordic woman is more attractive than any other woman out there of any other race. This means that although I see more good looking Nordic women in my day, it doesn't mean I won't find one African American woman who can be more attractive than all those Nordic women put together...

Do you get my drift? So when a man chooses his mate and he compares all those attractive Nordic women to that one stunning and more attractive African American woman who will he pick? Well he is most likely picking one person, so he will go for the African American, if biased preferences haven't been shaped within his life. You can argue: Well, why would he pick a woman who comes from a race that often does not produce more attractive offspring on average? Well, it does not matter if her race is on average less attractive, because she individually is more attractive.

When we select our mates we select an individual because we like their specific features and not necessarily the whole races features. We anticipate that our offspring will recieve the individual's attractive features, not the races' as a whole, because they do not have the whole races DNA. We are built to be attracted to certain qualities in everything for the survival of ourselves directly and the survival of our gene pool. We are attracted to bright fruit because bright fruit indicates high nutrients. We are attracted to eachother in much the same way. What will ensure strong healthy offspring that will pass on my gene pool? What qualities to I want my offspring to have?are the questions we must ask themselves and what we all subconsiously and instinctivley ask ourselves when choosing a mate.

Attraction is different from beauty. If you want to learn about "TRUE BEAUTY" get into philosiphy and actually just look around you. It is much deeper than attraction. Attraction is just a code embedded in our brains from birth that we follow to ensure survival in the gene pool. This code guides us to make good decisions when picking our mates. This code can be overwritten by social biases that develop during our lifetimes. This is essentially what is happening with the influence of the fasion world over society. However, this "skinny" body preference is affecting women more than men. Men are less likely to be influenced by social biases in terms of sexual selection for many reasons, too lengthy to include in here. Often however, unhealthy and unattractive overwrites on the brain come out of something good but are confused. For example, our current society believes that a healthy, fit, strong physique is the way to go for males and females. In fact this is almost a safety choice, this will always ensure strong offspring, so one can argue it has always been preferred. Well, the fashion world twisted this and turned it into unhealthy and thin based on some artist's ideal of beauty, and not attraction.

I claimed before that I am biased and attracted to Nordic men. This is because I grew up around Nordic men and so I am most comfortable and inclined towards them because of this. There is also a phenomenon attached to this. Did you ever notice that often times the more you are around a friend or someone they can appear more attractive than when you first met them? This is because attractive people's images are easy to process in our brains. When you get used to a slightly unattractive person your brain can process their image easier because you see them often and become attached to them and their image. Therefore the fact that your brain processes their image easier makes them more attractive to you. They become a bias and overwrite. There can also be an opposite effect. Many people are attracted to "exotic" people. These are essentially people that hold completely different characteristics. People are pulled in two ways in terms of attraction: familiarity or exoticness. The direction they are pulled towards depends on so many factors it would be impossible to list them all.

Another point I would like to mention is that although you believe that Nordic women are so unique, they are not. First off lets start off with the origin of Nordic people. There are many theories but one that is widely accepted is that Northern Europeans are the result of Indo-Europeans that migrated to the North of Europe. Indo-Europeans are essentially Middle Easterners or Indians. Middle Easterners and Indians have many qualities of Northern Africans. Africans are the most diverse human race so they have many many different characteristics, but Europeans clearly share the characteristics of Northern Africans. The long skull, long face, long nose, etc. are all "Aryan" characteristics. Aryan characteristics are those found in for example, Indians. Yes, Indians are the true Aryans. Northern Europeans are simply lighter in pigment and one can argue that they have more refined features than Indians and Northern Africans. Hitler in particular admired these qualities. I am bringing him into the picture because he was highly pro-Nordics and I want to show you that even he realized this connection. Hitler had his own personal Nefertiti that he highly valued and would not get rid of. Read up on it. I am in no way saying that you or Hitler have any similar ideas or relation, just making a point. Here are the pictures:

Nefertiti Nefertiti Nefertiti

Notice in the last picture above how similar the bone structure of the statue and the woman are. The white woman has typical Northern European features except for pigmentation. Note that both women are mascunilized.

Indian Raman Kumar (Indian) with a lady named Sigalit, a woman who came from Israel to volunteer with the disabled in India Katrina Kaif Katrina Kaif

Compare to Nordic:

Nordic woman sketch

Note above how Indian people have very Nordic features in terms of face shape, long noses, long heads, etc. Again, you can argue that Nordic features are more refined. Indians that have broader faces are the result of admixture with Asians. However, Indians by themselves very closely resemble Nordics, with darker features.

This all leads to Nordic people. You seem to have a very interesting view on Asian people. You claim in your other posts that they very much resemble Neanderthals. Well, first off this is a very far fetched statement because there are few true accurate models and portrayals of Neanderthals. Even those models that we deem accurate may not be so. Nordic people are not always 100% Nordic as many would like to think, especially in the very Nordic countries such as Sweden or Finland. Sweden has an indigenous group of people that are very close to Asians DNA wise or even technically Asian called the Sami.


Sami woman

recent Sami/Nordic mixes:

Sami women Sami women

Many Nordic people have Sami DNA, and from other Asian groups in Northern Europe in general. Finland seems to have a population with the highest concentration of "Asian" DNA, which is interesting since they have the highest number of blondes in all of Europe and also since their blondes are lighter and brighter in genral. Eric even pointed out on this website in the nose job section that Finnish people often have shorter and broader noses. Nordic mixes with Asian people result in slanted eyes, shorter noses, fuller lips, rounder faces in general. This can be beautiful and attractive or not. It depends on the overall individual. Here are some example of Swedish girls:

Swedish girls Swedish girls Swedish athlete team

*these women are a bit mascunilized. It is obvious they are athletes.

Note in the last photo how wide and rounded most of those womens faces are. The only one that looks truly Nordic is the blonde on in the middle. It is evident that those girls have Asian DNA. By your standards Emily, they might even appear Slavic. The reason for this is that what makes Slavic women look Slavic is the Asian admixture. Genghis Kan invaded most of Eastern to Central Europe. A lot of Asian admixture took place. Also, some argue that many Eastern Europeans developed a certain bone structure to suit their environment better. This bone structure leans towards Asian bone structure. Note that even in the first photos you can spot many women that look more Eastern European/ non-Nordic than Nordic ones. Also keep in mind that there are many foreigners all throughout Europe due to the fact that the reproduction rates in Europe are low, and reproduction is not keeping up with the economy. Many European countries have changed policies to encourage foreigners to inflate the reproduction rate resulting in more admixture. Notice that although one may look very Nordic, Asian DNA is still a possibility. The mixture is probably not very recent, and practically ancient. Or, the individual simply did not inherit stereotypical Asian/Sami genes. Sami bone structure is coarser than Central Asian or East Asian bone structure. Eastern Europeans are mixed with Central Asians and distantly mixed.

Either way what I am trying to say Emily, is get a DNA test. You might be closer to your Asian neanderthals than you think.

This is what I have to say about Eriks website. He makes some very good points, but his ideas is not 100% error free. If Erik really thought that his ideas are very accurate I would call him a fool. Femininity and attractiveness are so hard to define. Almost nothing in this world is black and white, even science. We are constantly expanding our knowledge of things. Also, the way Erik looks at things might be right, but there could be an opposite/different but equally accurate way of defining things. Look at this picture:

Young or old woman?

Do you see an old woman or a young woman? Who is right? The person that sees the young woman or the person that sees the old woman?

And don't write that question off to pyschology and philosiphy which many people deem unimportant. Countries are built on philosiphies, so obviously philosiphy is very important.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 04:02 Kayla B. Nasion placement and attractiveness

No offense, I'm half white and half Puerto Rican, but don't white women have the most masculine nasal region? Not due to hormones, but bone structure? Sorry, it just really seems that way. Their noses have the highest bridges and I have seen your nose job section and with all due respect I think what you wrote is crap. True "Nordic" women almost always have high bridges and long noses. This is in no way feminine and more feminine noses would be selected over this. Women that are mixed or more towards central Europe are the ones with a nice nose, not true Nordic women. Thats just the truth. And I know you are going to argue that Nordic women are the most feminine, and I agree. However, they have their shortcomings as well and it doesn't stop with the nose. In my opinion white "Nordic" women are the most attractive overall, but not in every aspect.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 03:55 Alice Rene from only tease


:( I have a hump on my nose... guess you wouldn't pick me... oh well life is life, you get what you were born with

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 03:07 Peter Nasion placement and attractiveness

Hey Erik
This is another confusing issue to me. This lady's nose forhead region looks masculine from what i have read here so far. Isn't there supposed to be no gap/angle/space in the forhead-nose continuity?

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 02:57 Peter Rene from only tease

Erik if i were to be extremely picky which i can be here....It would be better if she did not have that hump in her nose.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 02:55 Peter Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

Hey Emily!
You have met your match i am here!!! :D
Can you explain to me why so many Nordic women want to be with black men? I have seen many such couples and it makes me sick! Why are they not sticking to their own men?
Off course your going to say that Black men like Nordic women because they are the most beautiful/feminine (according to you). But whats in it for the women?

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 02:48 Peter Gabrielle from MC nudes

Hey Erik!
This issue of cheekbones is somewhat confusing. I don't know if you are aware of this but in pictures cheekbones can look different at different angles, when smiling or pouting. Someone said i had feminine cheeks, although mine are not low set...i think. I think people usually equate broader/fuller cheeks compared with the rest of the face to femininity.
Btw since this site is about looks, i can comment on hers :)
I don't find her attractive and i am a gay male. It has to do with her "masculine" lip region. When i said i am a gay male and don't find her attractive (obviously lol). I meant because of her "masculinization" i should find her attractive but i don't.

Sat, 01/10/2009 - 00:12 Emily Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?

I didn't choose them because they look Nordic, although Elin is Swedish and does look Nordic, and Heidi semi-Nordic. It was in response to the photos of the white man with his black wife. Since I thought those were totally irrelevant in this discussion I posted another one with black men and their white wives. And why not? It's the same thing. The black woman looks way more masculine, by the way, but I didn't hear any complaints from you about that.

You seem very hostile towards Nordic women, by the way. Nasty, bad photos you posted here, and pointless. Deliberately choosing ugly photos of people making faces only speaks of insecurity and envy. You also seem bothered by the Seal/Woods picture and it's anyone's guess why..

As for Heidi and Elin they look like women you see in Sweden, although especially Heidi is much more masculine than the average woman here. She has heavier features than most Swedish women do. Heidi has brown eyes, by the way.

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 22:28 Robert The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 1

How many ways can dipshits miss the point? It's just intentional misunderstanding after intentional misunderstanding after intentional misunderstanding, all done to thinly disguise and thus permit their emotional eruptions, which, without the contrived moral issues cloaking them, would by them not be put forth, because they would appear as the petty selfish spasms that they are.

Are you saying *insert ridiculous misunderstanding here*? Blah blah blah, blah blah, how dare you think you can say anthing everything is relative and there is no truth and blah blah, BLAH. My boyfriend likes my boobs so screw you you nazi hav you seen a psychologist you might want to I think you have somthign I AM OBVIOUSLY A HIGHLY IMPARTIAL SEEKER OF TRUTH AND NOT A TANTRUM THROWER

And the thing is, Erik, being a saint, replies to such as though it were not meaningless ulterior garbage. Keep it up!

Also, yes, being a heterosexual male, Miss Kurkova looks mannish, especially so in the face, and Miss Drabinova looks gorgeous, and would only be called "fat" and "pendulously uttered" and whatever unremarkable contrivance was written, by the stray ideology dominated mind, that has an infinite capacity for ignoring the intuitive, instinctual, deepest truths in the name of all sorts of things.

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 22:12 Kayla B. Ekaterina Joukova: Why do modeling agencies not book me?


Why would you post that picture up? Erik clearly claimed that Heidi Klum is incredibly masculine. Also, Heidi Klum is not Nordic by anyone's standards. Just because she has blue eyes and blonde hair does not make her Nordic. She has Nordic DNA but is not within Nordic norms in terms of her features. The woman next to Heidi is not only masculine, she actually looks like a man. How are these pictures proving your point?

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 22:05 Emily The importance of femininity to beauty in women

"To change attitudes you have to walk on the fine line between sycophancy and offensive directness. Everyone to an extent dismisses negativity and criticism as jealousy and it's hard to imagine people in the fashion industry judging this as the work of a hater."

No one who has an interest in the truth would dismiss criticism when it is being corroborated by facts. If you dismiss it in spite of the existing evidence you have no interest in the truth to begin with, for whatever reason.

The directness is only offensive to those who are part of the problem, or to those who have other issues - for example a general dislike and envy of white women. I see a lot of envy here from non-whites who dislike the fact that Erik wants to use white models - even though the vast majority of models within the fashion industry happen to be white, and need corresponding, white, healthy comparisons who are not anorexic and not overtly masculine.

These people often use vulgar language and personal attacks since they lack real arguments. I don't see any offensive language or offensive directness here whatsoever coming from Erik. On the contrary. I see truthfulness and a healthy straightforwardness. He takes a direct and honest look at a real problem in our society - the unhealthy fashion model with the sick, ugly and unrealistic beauty ideal she promotes.

Some men who read this site don't like the idea that they are being manipulated by homosexual men. Sometimes they lash out at Erik, and that's only natural. When you are faced with an embarrassing truth the first defense is aggression and denial. Only later there will be acceptance and the realization that this is an ongoing problem that is very much real.

There are also some women who are insecure and envious of feminine women, and who for that reason will prefer to see this masculine, unsexy and therefore unthreatening ideal preserved. These women have lost sight of what is important, and they would rather see anorexic models without any curves whatsoever, as long as it makes them feel better about themselves. Selfishness, in other words. A feminine, sexy and slim model would be threatening and is therefore not acceptable.

Regarding sculpture and art in general, the problem of homosexual domination and masculinity in women is not a new one. Greek and Roman sculpture, for example, is dominated by homosexual interpretations of beauty in women. The problem with the anorexic, self-starving and the almost ridiculous masculinity seen in modern models is not less real or serious simply because there may have been homosexual influences within art throughout history. That doesn't make it right or healthy.

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 16:44 Butterfly Homosexual designers’ influence now more obvious in the selection of male models

I think that all pedos, homosexual or otherwise, should be tortured and then put to death. Children are not emotionally or physically ready for for this type of attention, pervs.

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 11:50 Erik Gabrielle from MC nudes

Tammy: Of course, there are cheekbones in between high and low. High and low can only be in reference to some average, and lots of people will be average or close. The cheekbones of Britney Spears are about average, not high or low. The picture you posted may have the face digitally edited. Marilyn Monroe was in the normal to feminine range, but not highly feminine.

Just because more attractive women will tend to have wider and thereby more feminine faces, on average, doesn’t mean that the faces have to be wide in order to be feminine or attractive. Here are some faces, ranging from wide to narrow, and all are clearly feminine, and have low-placed cheekbones except Katherine: Nikky, Lilian, Maria, Callista, Katherine, Elkie, Domenica; the narrower faces still look more feminine than the wider face of the following woman.

Andy from Domai

The more extreme examples of femininity and masculinity are not going to be eliminated. If there is a majority bias toward feminine women and masculine men, some such individuals will appear in every generation, but the majority of women will not be able to become very feminine or the majority of men very masculine. More on this in an article on sexually antagonistic selection.
