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Mon, 02/18/2008 - 03:27 Natasha Gisele Bundchen slams skinny fashion models

I'm sorry but how do you people not see this as a sign of maturity saying that starving yourself is bad for and you and saying that anorexia and bulimia is a problem, you guys are sick. She is doing the right thing. you are just jelous and youre not as hot as her!!! god we all wish we could be gisele, so get over yourself!

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 01:15 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Peter Z : you state you are Mediterranean origin and have some “semitic” features.why do u think yourself look ugly then? I do not think mediterraneans are ugly, on the contrary I find mediterranean are prettier than nordic women.

about white supermacy and Nazism is misguided
I got erik's site from, someone chatting there, telling about his ideal and gave me this site. and I just tell the true about what those people say there in stromfront.

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 01:02 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Yes, My english is bad because I'm not english or a mericaneither, I'm half Dennish-south east asian. where I had been stay in europe, majority of german even couldn't talk english.

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 20:21 Peter Z Maria Sheriff

Your English is quite bad so it's difficult to determine your intended meaning from your posts. I have taken a shotgun approach to your remarks in the hope that I will (by chance) address your concerns as they relate to me.

Firstly, most people don't consider me "white". I am of Mediterranean origin and have some "semitic" features. I am also "ugly" according to many people. So I have no ulterior or self-serving motive. I am not a white supremacist and furthermore there is nothing in Erik's writing to suggest that he is either. I think your chatter about white supermacy and Nazism is misguided.

Secondly, I think it is important to maintain a clear separation in our heads between how things are and how we would like them to be. If you value truth and knowledge you will go where the evidence leads you rather than wehere ideology leads you.

Thirdly, I too would like to live in a Utopia in which physical appearance didn't matter (or at least didn't matter as much). But that is not how things are. It is a well-replicated result that facial and somatic aesthetic values have an objective existence, i.e. beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder. Certainly there is some cultural variation but by-and-large there is a universal consensus on what constitutes an aesthetically pleasing body and face.

Fourthly, you should be on guard against committing the fallcy of the "Argument From Adverse Consequences" (see That is to say, just because something may lead to a bad outcome doesn't determine its truth or falsity. You can't, for example, rebut Erik's thesis regarding the origins of homosexuality with an appeal to the potential for negative consequences, i.e. "homophobia".

Fifthly, short and longterm mating strategies will not vary in an adverse direction as a result of what is published on this website. Low socio-economic status men, physically unattractive men and women, and older women will continue to be excluded and marginatlised not as a result of websites such as this but as a consequence of our Pleistocene epoch neurology. Don't kill the messenger just because the news is unpleasant.

Sixthly, generalising to an ethnic group or race is not necessarily "racist".

-Peter Z

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 12:49 Zuzanna Natalia Vodianova’s disordered eating, and Elle “The Body” MacPherson cannot find a man!

I know this argument was long time ago but I have to say this: Kristin I feel very bad for you because you expect a girl like natalia give up her dreams and give away independence just because her husband is rich!!?? Thats very sad. And yes she does runway even though she has 3 children now. Very silly of her to keep trying? jealousy is very silly, Kristin. You see old models like claudia schiffer or linda evangelista that push themselves into campaigns and runways, taking up space for beautiful, new models and that is silly. Natalia wanted to go back at age 19 and she did and is an icon, nothing wrong with that but since the issue of the industry pushing models to be skinny came up she talked about her experience on subject. How many models have died because of starvation? You behave like it's nothing, like its their choice whether to model or not. Let's think about it; for how many of those girls modeling is an escape from doomed poverty?

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 07:30 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

But even that, I still understand and know the good attention of erik about he wanted to preserve the white race, I do not mind if he 'd write anything about promoting white beauty but this, no need to insult or degrade those supermodel and different race. to stop immegrants into europe, the ambassy and government there already responcible of it enough I sure of that, perhape not 10 years ago but now I sure the forigners could go to europe or usa more difficult.

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 06:58 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

well, peter I've known erik's name for a long time. first time, I didn't interest that much what's a hell he gonna do to preserve white race. but his reaction is getting more worst at everytime. u go to read it carefully what he ridicules on those beautifull women or at least the women who do not have any fault deserve to be his victim. erik and his disciples'goal is to preserve white race not to demolish by the whole majority of immegrants from other races. I understand him and his disciples. this nazi ideal comes in the kind of promote white beauty is the most master in everythings. and u telling me now that he also write such a book?

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 06:36 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

I'd say the same as alina, why would u on here defending immoral things instead of him? do u know his theorie is only bring this world ruined.
judge people only disporportion? I wish that wouldn't be what civilized people think.

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 06:30 Peter Z Maria Sheriff

zonneschijn: I am Peter Z and I am not Erik Holland. I don't know Erik nor am I in any way affiliated with him. I have read Erik's book on homosexuality and have been following his websites since their inception. I have a high regard for Erik's work and he has my sympathies for having to field all of these silly remarks in relation to that work.

-Peter Z

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 03:58 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

To Bron :

I think it's quite not right much, to say the disporportion things in other people. I actually see beauty in every women. for me, aishwarya nose isn't that terrible hooked witch. and even she'd has one I also do not determine that hooked nose is ugly. she is good looking in overall of her body, as I said before that beautifull is not just small lips, blond hair and narrow face. but beauty is overall of appearance looks not bad. all glamour models of this site are look not bad also but they are look not elegrant enough for being called "beautifull".

Beautifull women would not mean only feminine features. but the most important thing is "look good, attractive, almost of people find her beauty.

The girl u post looks fine, bron. u know I always find beauty in every women, but the fact is, which one is the most pretty and that's called beauty. personally, u know I think everyone know what's feminine and masculine. but will u believe or not? in my vision, I find the woman whom have also male look in her face and character is cute, mystery, interesting and provocateur.

And beautifull for me no need to measure their organs. for me “overall” is the most important.

By theorie, small lips, big eyes, narrow face seem to identify beauty. but as I said before that beauty can come into many ways.
I find blond hair and blue eyes are interesting too. but I do not want it on me because I think it looks too pale.( my personally tast I like elegrant thing) and I find blonde girls can make only one look for themselves. and that's princess, babydoll and tenderness. in real life u need more ordinary woman who can stay beside u, she is no need to be unrealistic porn star or princess. but smart, cheerfull and look good.

for the european girl I find audrey tautu and mylean farmer are terrific, modest looking, ordinary but cute.
Audrey Tautou

the blondy, I find laura linney is nice.
but exotic, sexiess and beautifull in same time I find Aishwarya rai, Natali Glebova, Adiana lima and Suleyka miss puerto rico are.

oriental girls I find they are lovely too, gentle and innocent.

u see I find beauty in every one except she has pretending character such as winona ryders and kiera knightley I do not like their character much. but still I find they have pretty face.

Sun, 02/17/2008 - 02:46 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

WOW, erik? why don't u show off your name then? why would u use Perter Z instead of erik holland? when u seem to know the best, to verify which sentence is from which user name, even when they using the different name? and u still haven't answer on many of my questions.

Sat, 02/16/2008 - 21:11 Peter Z Maria Sheriff

Alina: You wrote,

How do you find the time or money to maintain such a racist, homophobic, paedophilic, ageist website?

This is of course a rhetorical question but implicit is the accusation that this site is "racist, homophobic, paedophilic, [and] ageist". That is quite an accusation to make, especially without a scintilla of evidence.

You wrote:

I believe you are white, then you must realise that most white women tend to get more masculine as they age.

I don't know this to be the case and I am uncertain what precisely a white person is?

Your wrote:

Let us see your mother’s face. She must be pretty masculine by now. Have some respect for other women.

Let us see your face so that we can determine whether your hostility to any sort of scientific assessment of beauty is borne out of an insecurity about your own facial appearance.

You wrote:

I find beauty in every person, yes even in a sick demented person like you.

You don't really do you? Talk is cheap. People that utter cliches such as "I find beauty in every person" are merely trying to establish their moral superiority through talk (rather than actions). When it comes to actually choosing a short-term partner you -- like everyone else -- resort to the same set of somatic and facial criteria that everyone else does. (You may not necessarily be able to satisfy all of these criteria in choosing a partner but that does not diminish their universality.)

But you aren't here to contribute an argument, debate a point or establish a dialogue, are you? You are here to whistle in the dark as Evolutionary Psychology dismantles all of the falsehoods that womens' studies, gender studies and queer studies pseudo-scholars have spread over the last 30 years.

-Peter Z

Sat, 02/16/2008 - 17:33 a The importance of femininity to beauty in women

They all look great! You just have to get the peel off ...

Sat, 02/16/2008 - 14:17 bron Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose


Oh, give me a break; I know a beautiful face when I see it , not contingent on colouring, milky skin and fair hair is simply extra ornament.

She is not fair, but still very pretty

And stop stirring me, I've had established my beauty concept long before I hit up on this site.

Sat, 02/16/2008 - 13:12 bron Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Stop addressing me, I'm not interested in circumlocutory chatting with you, and revolving my arguments; I don't want to hurt your feeble feelings, but you act as if you have problems with short term memory.
I've already explained to you how hateful you are, and I can only append : also hypocritical.

Not tell a friend that she has bad teeth or skin? Rather assign her to ridicule and ostracism, that's very loving. You hypocrite.
Regarding deformities of nose , as I said, that is patent, and is needless to point at, if someone has any than he probably knows it; only blatant liars would deny what is obvious. Hooked nose is a hooked nose is a hooked...And no one around me find it a desirable feature to cherish on themselves, so I suppose, no sane person would cherish it on other ,except on someone beloved, (but that is not objective, right?).
If I've had not been provoked by your idiotic and idolatrous defending of Aishwarya, I would have not be writing anything on that matter, she was pretty otherwise, especially her bright, wide set eyes.

Sat, 02/16/2008 - 09:36 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I think the owner of this site already ashamed of propagating such twisted beauty. ( if he has some mankind blood enough) that's why he is gone and denie to answer on our questions, it's too blushing for him to return back, and defend ridicul on the opposite of sex that he find they are too elegrant toward him.

anyway thanks erik and all his disciples, for giving me the new kind of beauty logic. I used to determine beauty is in the overall of each women, different women have different beauty, some with dark skin, thick lips also can be pretty on their way. I do not think in reality u'd measure some woman's breasts, mouth, waist before u'll say she is pretty.

Fri, 02/15/2008 - 16:20 Joe Lingerie modeling: Rebecca Romijn or Layla from W4B?

If you don't think Rebecca looks feminine than you need some glasses. Masculine? You're nuts dude, no offense, I understand that it's all subjective, especially when it comes to finding someone attractive, but to say that she looks masculine is just quite frankly weird and untrue. Whatever floats your boat I guess, she's hot, she played Mystique perfectly, and she's a damn good actor as well.

Fri, 02/15/2008 - 15:19 hfhhh Maria Sheriff

"I believe you are white, then you must realise that most white women tend to get more masculine as they age.
Let us see your mother’s face. She must be pretty masculine by now. Have some respect for other women."

Odd how you're calling him a racist, yet then trash on the looks of white women like this. Melanin has little to do with ageing. East asian women age much better, despite having moderately or slightly darker skin and much lower testosterone levels. It's due to a whole host of other factors, like whites losing their facial fat earlier on average etc.

But really, I don't find this woman that attractive. Why is it that nearly all of your models have such small faces as well?

Fri, 02/15/2008 - 04:55 zonneschijn The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Erik, I think it's a kind of biase to say aishwarya rai and heifa is overweight? why don't u use the word to mention them as curveous then? whenever, your model, Dana Benn seems to look very much fatter than aish and heifa don't u see?

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 20:04 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Just a last word to Bron or Erik or other's of your ilk,

You think it is right to tell people the truth if they have a hooked nose or bad skin or bad teeth or if they have been born physically disabled even.

That in my opinon is just pure and vile HATRED and the fact is you are a hateful person.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 19:56 zonneschijn The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

What I do not like that is this site ridicule and make the embrassment of the fashion models. erik, u have your right to do anything to preserve white people but why should u do like this by ridicule the other people?
such as heidi klum and Giselle, how can u say that they do not have the typical classic european face? they are not european then? well, u can not judge that they look bad like other race and do not fit european beauty? This not fair when any women are notlook the same way u like u said they are not classical european beauty? and then which look the same way u like then u say they have classic european face??

all nations have their positive side and negative side.

many people find fashion models are attactive and prettier than your glamour models because the fashion models look more like the active and intelligent women,take care of themselves well,and exersize their body, eat the nutrition food.
the body like heidi klum is not what every girls can effort to have.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 19:33 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Well, to Bron

for the weak english language that I have, but I think I quit understand what u do u mean. and I do not need to explain more than this to change the narrow conception that u have so I can only say to u.
please open your eyes more wider and spend more time to learn this world, and u will find out what u really love and can be die for is not the feminine in women. but it's her manner and character.
personally I do not like nordic look that much, such as blond hair, chubby cheeks, no eyelids etc. I always feel the blond hair is different from ordinary humen's hair. when I touch it I feel like I touch the pig hair ( it dosen't sleek and smooth like healthy dark hair) but even that I also do not againt as the author of this site seem afraid the blond people situation'd come into the crisis. and some blonde women are also can be cute too like sarah deborah uger, as same as some black women but with exotic light gray eyes I also find she looks stunning. but try to think? why this nature create a lot of dark hair people than blond? that's because dark hair and dark eyes are positive and healthy.

anyway, I prefer the elegrant women that look just like a princess, like aishwarya rai or natalie glaebova. I watched a lot of her movies and u can try find one such as "Umraojaan" or "taj mahal". she has delicated arms, hands and legs. her face is stunning and exotic. I find she isn't look like ordinary woman but portait or barbie doll.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 18:33 sugar_sipper The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

I have no idea why you have spent so much time compiling this web page but its fascinating...

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 18:15 mr. A The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 5

Just to offer some support for the guy who wrote this article - I too find Dana Benn FAR more attractive than Heidi Klum. And I feel mildly offended when people claim that nobody would want to look at or look like Dana Benn, or even that she looks gross(!). She's clearly a more than average attractive girl, if it's at all possible to say anything objective about such a thing. I can understand that she's not to everyone's taste, but people should realize that that's just their subjective view, and that it would not be unnatural to find her very beautiful and sexy.

As for the rest of the claims made made in the text... *shrug*. I didn't really read it that closely, and I have no opinion about the fashion industry. (Except that it's obviously homo.)

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 16:30 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Yes, I did start out by calling people with pug noses as having pig noses but that was to contradict the people who said Aishwarya's nose was hooked witch nose. I don't think what I said was right and similarly I don't think that it is mature to call someone like Aishwarya a witch out of pure spite. It is absurd.

I am afraid I am not influenced by the sex and lifestyle of celebrities who are in and out of jail or rehab or court or drugs.
No thank you.
The difference between mine and your opinion is that you think it is right to call someone and tell them that they are ugly just because of your own insecurities.

While I think it is very wrong to call someone ugly, I would rather lie. It is called a white lie.

You are entitled to your own opinion as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's self respect. But once it does , it is no longer an opinion.

Well I have already stated that you do notice that this website is quite
racist( blonde women with nordic looks),
paedohphilic (girls who look barely 15),
ageist (you are comparing these girls to women who are in their thirties or forties even)
homophobic ( it blames all of it to transvestites and homosexuals, fashion is a gazillion dollar industry and not every fashion label has a gay designer)

Having said my 2 cents I think I have wasted enough time on this useless website.

