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Fri, 02/29/2008 - 03:17 Name Welcome!

I found your arguments fascinating, but the poorly concealed racism put me off entirely.
The most obvious example is your laughable attempt at comparing the "typical" white female to the "typical" black female. Your "photographic evidence" is utterly ridiculous (but, at the very least, absolutely hilarious).
I don't think I need to explain any further.
You are perfectly aware of what sort of pathetic argument you were trying to create.
I thought I'd let you know that no person with any shred of sense would buy it.
You need to be a little more subtle and more intelligent, by FAR, if you want to persuade people to embrace your racist ideals.

Fri, 02/29/2008 - 02:46 wtf Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) vs. the average North American white female

I don't think you are using any sort of standards in how you are labelling these women as "feminine" or "unfeminine". It seems like at best you are doing some visual inspection of their jaw line, but even in that you are wildly inconsistent. Some of the pictures aren't even of different women.

Wed, 02/27/2008 - 07:26 Der Wanderer Welcome!

One Ring To Emasculate Them All ...

Wed, 02/27/2008 - 07:08 Der Wanderer Welcome!

brenda :

Really now, Erik, you don’t think Kristin Kreuk is beautiful just because of her nose? And her nose does not even look bad at all! In my opinion, she looks far more attractive than most women in your Attractive Section. Facial beauty-wise, that is.

It's more than just her "nose"

Learn to use Google's image search.

It's your friend =)

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 22:28 HughRistik Why is physical attractiveness more important for women?

Erik said:

A general theme in such species is that the investment of the female in producing and rearing offspring is much greater, making the females largely choose the males and the males court the females, for which they need to impress the females, which they often do through their looks. Among humans, women invest more heavily in raising children, and courtship, with a minority of exceptions, mostly comprises of males seeking to impress women, but the general theme in human societies is that physical attractiveness (henceforth attractiveness) is more important for women. Why is this so?

In some cases, men do use their looks and clothing to attract women. In the seduction community, this practice was "invented" by the pickup artist Mystery (he didn't invent it of course; he just gave it a name and popularized it). Here is Mystery peacocking.

Even in such cases, "peacocking" doesn't make men attractive primarily because it makes them look beautiful or even stylish (Mystery looks ridiculous most of the time). It makes men attractive because of the personality traits and social status that it communicates.

Jonathan Gottschall(2, pdf) has come up with a revised solution to the problem by adding to a previous explanation by Symons, who argued that in humans “a female’s reproductive value can be assessed more accurately from her physical appearance than a male’s reproductive value can,” leading to a greater emphasis on attractiveness in women.

This is definitely true. A man can assess a woman's attractiveness at a glance (though his estimate may be adjusted later). A women's assessment of a man depends more heavily on his body language and vocal tonality, which cannot be evaluated so quickly.

Yet, the great majority of men will not refuse an opportunity for sex with women who are nowhere close to what they find optimally appealing. So why is a need for beauty causing anguish for a lot of women when most women do not have to be anywhere close to this ideal to attract men?

Another reason is that while typical heterosexual men will bang women below their standards, they will not usually have relationships with those women.

The general pattern of men courting women by impressing them holds true for humans but men have become less dependent on looks because of the way human intelligence has developed.

Of course, raw intelligence on its own often isn't attractive to women, at least when we are getting 2+ SDs from the mean. Perhaps this is because intelligence at that level is correlated with unattractive personality traits (e.g. introversion).

My impression is that masculine personality traits that relate to resource acquisition ability and social status contribute more to variance in male attractiveness than intelligence does. Masculine personality traits and social status also seem more important than physical looks.

So the source of anguish for women, notwithstanding the willingness of most men to have sex with women nowhere close to what they find optimally attractive, is inter-female mate competition given women’s high standards for men, whereby they will typically reject many if not most interested men and lament that just about all other women are after the men they want.

It is the disparity in male and female selectiveness that is the source of most pain in relationships for both men and women. This is nobody's fault, since neither men nor women are morally responsible for their evolved preferences, and people have the right to mate with those they find attractive, and to not mate with those they don't find attractive. However, it is important for people to understand the impact of the aggregate preferences of their sex. I think the pressures that men's preferences place on women are well understood, but the pressures of women's hypergamic preferences on men are less well understood publicly.

This has not always been the case; I think women's preferences have been more widely understood at previous times in history. Unfortunately, in the present, it has become fashionable to either deny or spread misinformation about women's preferences, particularly feminists. Some radical feminists actually do admit certain aspects of women's preferences, but just insist that they are created by "patriarchy;" I think this is backwards: it's more likely that women's preferences drive the structures that feminists call "patriarchy."

Though in the case of feminists, I've learned that they aren't deliberately lying; they just don't realize that their preferences are less typical of heterosexual women. Feminist women typically have no idea of what straight men are actually dealing with. I was catching up with a feminist friend of mine the other day, and she said that she found most of the men on Beauty and the Geek attractive. She didn't seem to realize that those guys are on the show for a reason, partly because virtually no heterosexual women will notice them sexually.

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 15:35 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

De wanderer : I accept that erik's models are feminine, far east asian are feminine. but I find very feminine women are not beautifull and elegrant. personally, I like mediterranean women or arabs more than nordic and far east asian. they have beautifull eyes, clear double eyelids and exotic. it's better than to be feminine but not pretty.

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 14:41 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

when I did I say I'm buddish u get misunderstood, de wanderer? mum is buddish but I'm not.

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 14:31 Der Wanderer Maria Sheriff

What a joke, this zonneschijn guy.

He says he's a Buddhist, but here you have him, arguing endlessly about the subtleties of the "Veil of Maya" in such an agressive, assertive, stubborn, un-Buddhist manner.

Me thinks he's a phoney Buddha.

A UNESCO Buddha.

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 13:39 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Once again, I find it quite difficult to find this chinese actress's pictures on internet. on movie she looks very much prettier than one of her pics I post. what I like the most in her is her milky white skin and pink cheeks, light brown eyes. I will try to save her pictures from the movie to post on here when I can, u will see that she looks very feminine and even myself I quite sure also that erik'd find she is very feminine too. and when I could post those pictures of her and erik still wanted to insist in feminine white woman, and I something wrong in thise chinese woman, that time I will consider that the person who is lifetime exclusive homosexual is erik himself.

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 13:31 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

How about this chinese woman? I find she is very femininemore than any of erik's models. can clearly see her feminine that much the most on flim The dual 2000, chinese movie. her skin is very delicate and white as nordic woman, pink cheeks and chubby skin but not overweight, she has small arms and legs but chubby face and beautifull nose, big rounded eyes but I do not like it that much because she has no eyelids. anyway she is very feminine and cute. I trying to find some programe that I can save some pictures of her in that fantasy chinese flim. she looks very stunning, the cloth aso megnificent and reminds me of lady shalotte and arthur more than some kind of chinese epic.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 15:17 le sigh Maria Sheriff

This woman you say is pretty could pass for half caucasian. Find images of beautiful women that don't look like they are mixed in any way. People often praise the beauty of Aishwarya Rai, for example, but she could pass for half white herself.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 14:56 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Ummm : I accept two of those beautifull women ( except of ethnic people that's not from the cerebrties) have european blood. the least are all ethnic people without european blood. I don't understand how u say I have to post the pictures of ethnic people without european features? I believe one thing that around this world, be about almost of people have the same acknowledge, what's beauty and what's not beauty? what I trying to say is it's not always true that ethinic people can not look beautifull? anywhere I go, japan, thailand, europe, arab etc. I find the word to describe "beauty" of each ethnic are not that much different, each countries got their beauty ideal of their own, and they are not much different, their beauty ideal do not have to be based on european's beauty. so, to say that I post the pictures of non-european with european features are freaks it's quite not true. when u show all these pictures to people from different ethnic. such as middle east, central asia, thai, china or native african people. I sure if they do not use biase, almost of them would find the women I post as pretty.

such as this pakistani actress, she looks quite like european. I believe people in pakistan find her pretty and take her to be actress,
whom'd think about her beauty is in the same way like european? but just all humans in this world have not much different, about beauty ideal.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 14:30 zonneschijn Medial canthal tilt and attractiveness

I think this two Iranian got Medial canthal tilt

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 13:48 Ummmmmm Maria Sheriff

All these ethnic people you are posting pictures of as examples of beauty have caucasian features. If you are going to try to prove that ethnic looking women are beautiful, you need to post pictures of women that do NOT have caucasian features, or you aren't going to prove a point.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 06:50 zonneschijn Medial canthal tilt and attractiveness

Anyone interested to read what I ever post on here about, where european people comes from? can follow this link. they are the descendent of
Mongol in Central asia mixted race with Middle eastherner. so I find this's quite horrible how the owner of this site attribute white beauty up, awhile insulting women from other race or women who dosen't fit to european looking .

Erik : you were very wrong since last time u told me u have ever been interested to put TURKISH beauty up? an u said u find at least they are not real turkey, on the contrary u tell me that all european's looking asian women, middle eastherenr, arab and Iranian whatever...they are the remnants of caucasian people? and I'd tell u now that's very wrong. such as turkish people. all of them, especially the one with green, blue eyes and light hair. are descendent of mongol azari ( mongol central asia) from turkmenistan.
and I know this from turkish people themselve, also the Iranian or arab that look like european. it's the same way like what I've told on the section, maria sheriff.

blue eyes, blond hair, small nose were started first time in central asia.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 06:38 Turkey,Arab,Ind... Medial canthal tilt and attractiveness

or this pakistani woman.

aishwarya rai eyes.

Turk singer eyes.

Beautifull turk eyes.

Arab eyes.

Beautifull Turk woman, the descendent of Mongol-Azari with Arab = beautifull caucasian looking.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 05:43 zonneschijn Medial canthal tilt and attractiveness

About this point I totally agee that women with Medial canthal tilt are attactive. that's why I like middle eastherner and meditteranean women or any women with that type of eyes. personally, I do not care that much about women shape face, skin color or shape, as long as her face isn't appears to be that squareness, her body isn't that fat, her tallness isn't that short like dwarf or that tall 200 cm up. even she'd 200 cm. but if the ovarall are fine it is okay with me.

but the most I look at to the women eyes. and I could notice that the woman who has Medial canthal, appears to be more feminine, sweet eyes and look like she has kind face.

example like this turkish young woman. she looks so sweet.

or this India woman.

or this Iranian.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 05:03 Paul A The 2006 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

What I have seen in your article is nothing!

You attempt to provide YOUR physical preferences in women as a definition of feminine, when in fact it is nothing more than YOUR PREFERENCES!

Far too many men are programmed by others to view only women with large amounts of body fat deposited in the breasts and ass as the real women to nail sexually and be the ones to marry and make babies with.

I myself was one of those. I always used to look for so-called hourglass shaped women, right up until I started to realize that the hourglass shaped women far too often required two chairs (one chair for each butt-cheek (sorry if I offended any large women, but see comments below about my own family's genetic tendencies) to sit on after they have had a kid or three.

My family has enough big body genes, that I do not need to reinforce excessive body fat by marrying and making babies with women who also carry big body genes.
So I made the conscious decision to concentrate on women who do not carry large amounts of body fat.

I also do not care for women who go for plastic in their bodies or other such fakery.

Your statements are seen for what they are, a personal preference and an attempt by you to sell your products... which mostly contain women with large amounts of body fat.

Mon, 02/25/2008 - 05:03 zonneschijn Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

prefer number 12 the most nice shape for the women, then 11 and 13 are stil just fine. for the men, I prefer 10,11 and 12

Sun, 02/24/2008 - 16:55 Aileen Evangeli... Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

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Sun, 02/24/2008 - 15:27 More Welcome!

Jayne reminds me of one of my dad's relative, I think her face looks feminine like oriental women. if e could immegin the picture she has dark hair and asian skin.

I think this woman looks cute.

Sun, 02/24/2008 - 13:29 Feminine women ... Welcome!

Feminine enough?

Sun, 02/24/2008 - 10:49 zonneschijn Welcome!

And u still have answer me, do this german-south east asian girl and the chinese girls are feminine or not? infact I got a lot of feminine oriental women pictures.

HERE, the picture of japanese girl's shape. u could notice her waist is quite high and the legs are plump and in the short lenght. ( personally I do not find this is good shape because I prefer slender shape women, like ballerina. but this is what u are calling to see isn't it? women with high waist? which all asian people also do not find high waist is pretty. everyone wanted the shape like ballerina, abit low waist, long slender legs.

Comparing to ballerina waist.( very feminine waist,legs and feeths)

Sun, 02/24/2008 - 09:53 zonneschijn Welcome!

Erik : you are fucking uses your biases don't u see yourself? u said u promote only white beauty? but what u are trying to attempt is not what's ordinary in white people? such as your waist ratio article. u trying to say "women with short waist are more feminine??" even u know it in your mind that very short waist women normally are from far east asia. u know I always tell I'm half european and south east asia. I know every asian women wish to have slender low waist, it refer more of caucasian waist. u could see the ordinary local chinese women are tend to have high waist ,and short lenght of legs. I have never heard any women'd like to have that terrible high waist. hour glass women are also not that high waist. their body appeared to look like "8" and the waist is in the middle. not higher than half of their body.

If u really waned to find feminine women, u know I find this site is only biases. some asian guy seen the feminine women u posted as masculine. because in asia the women are not have that thick noses' bridge like in caucasian women. even the pinked skin woman I post above, I also do not find she is feminine. her face appears to look more like male if she has the short hair. u also has said yourself that "projection forhead" made face look more masculine? so u have to agree that caucasian women are always masculine than far east asian women. because every caucasian have projected forhead? don't they? and that make deepset eyes, ( wish I find it quite attactive and look more caucasian).

haven't u ever studied? that from all three races, caucasian, mongolian, and negroes. asian are the most feminine and have low male hormone than in caucasian. that's why they have hairless, do not get stink even don't take a shower for a year, baby, small nose, chubby cheeks and no deepset eyes? haven't u ever study this?

u know I do not say I find far east asian women are most beautifull, because I like deepset round eyes more than small eyes and no nose bridge like in the kid, or high waist, or piggy nose. but what I trying to say to u all the time? why u trying to promote white beauty?? but u uses the logic of other's race beauty then? can u give me the reason? how many baby nose women in scandinavian? why I always meet only the women u called hooked nose? walking around in scandinavia?? where is the baby flat nose u then?

Also one thing, I really do not understand? what's fine nose for u then? well, if u wanted to say small nose? I'd say almost of european people are not have small nose. what do u mean about board nose on kristen kruck's nose? I really dont see that??? I think her nose quite small. if I'd argue her with something disproportion I'd mention her eyes than her nose, she got thick skin above her eyes like in far east asian people, but that's no matter to focus on as unfeminine. anyway I think u find only pure caucasian are the most feminine? or not?

( many of your models tend to have thick nose's brifge than kristein kruck much? but why u said kristin has board nose? just because she is dutch half chinese then? why u are so biases like this?? and please answer me, unless I'd call u are the loser?

I really don't understand, do u think all women must have the same shape face just like clonning then? so u'd find they are pretty?

And I wil answer u why I always middle on this site, because I find it very nerve and very bad of u that u put the names of many women up to insult them??don't u start that before me? don't u know how herrible if someone do like this to u or your family? at least everyone who entered this site got doubt in their confident to some superstars and models they like? why u doing this erik?

Well, I got the pictures of half european-south east asian girl. I'd like to ask u what do u think of her, is she feminine?
at least I still try to find out what's beauty women in your eyes?
and I got a few of pure caucasian women, who I find both of her mind and face are feminine.

but first, the girl half european-south east asian.

and the least white girl, do u find is she pretty?

P.S why I so interested browing this site because I'm still making my own websit, to get deloma. but what's different between u and me, that I make the websit to describe the beautifull of different nations, and how each race are related to each other.

Sun, 02/24/2008 - 06:48 bron Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness

It is also very likely, that a better study,( where stretching the legs in the photo editor would not make them thinner in the process),would show that the longest legs shown in the drawings are not preferred in women. I prefer number 13 the most, then nr.12, and then nr.14 in women, and nr.11 and 12 in men.
