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Thu, 02/14/2008 - 15:07 bron Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

I certainly am not helping on this site, apart from commenting, and that is what everybody else has been doing. I am absolutely entitled to do so, since these women are promoting themselves and are receiving fees for that on account of their looks; but I know what I admire, find beautiful or wish for myself, and what I dislike, that is all what I've had been uttering. And I don't like to be imposed with beauty standards that defy my innate preferences.

I am sorry, but all the photos you posted only prove my notion, the prettiest thing on them is that blonde doll. And noone will change my mind, not you, not Alina, nor Erik.

How nasty were you when you labelled average blonde girls looks as trashy, and their noses piggy.How much would your friends appreciate your human goodness if they knew you wrote that? Oh, maybe you don't even associate with people with such looks?

I am not in want of appreciation from my family and friends either, maybe because they know I speak the truth, not what I prefer to be the truth. And my friends themselves say if they have hooked nose, or bad skin, or anything; your raging is futile, people notice how "perfect" that "beautiful" celebrities are.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 14:25 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Yes, zonneschijn. Beauty is beauty.

Be it a supermodel, a little child or a wrinkled grandmother.

I think the owner of this website should be ashamed of propagating such twisted beauty.

Some of the models in the attractive section look like 14 year old minors. Probably economically backward eastern european girls exploited by scrupulous people.

They are minors and I think it is wrong that you have nasty men drooling over such girls.

Such a shame.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 14:00 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Alina : I also guess erik, de wanderer and bron are help each other to make this site.

To erik : I know you tried to promote white women beauty? but I think you are not fair enough to judge the white are the most feminine. such as Giselle Bunschen, she is german? and then u said she dosen't has a typical classic european face? so u can not judge that white people are the most feminine and prettier than oher race.
yes, we are all know that small lips, big rounded eyes, light eyes and light hair, narrow face are pretty? but tis dosen't mean the other type of the face can not be pretty too. I look at someone such as aishwarya rai, I cann't tell u why I find she is beautifull, it just can not tell and do not need to measure her ears, breasts and her nose. overall of each branch on her face together just look pretty, awhile some woman may has small lips, small body, small waist and huge breats but dosen't look pretty at all.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 13:27 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Bron and Erik whoever you might be,

At least I am not logging onto websites like this being nasty about someone's appearance. You know it has gone too far when someone calls Aishwarya and the supermodels freaks because of their own personal biases.

What bothers me is that and what bothers me is the fact that this website has crossed all logic and reasoning beyond its own in calling every supermodel, actress beauty queen names like transvestites, men in drag. I mean why do you waste your precious life on such a website defending nasty statements that don't serve any purpose. Your words dont change the fact that Aishwarya, Giselle, Heidi, Alessandra, Adriana, Jessica Alba are beautiful women earning millions and chased by straight men.

And to nasty people like you and Erik. Do you know what is a beautiful person?
True beauty is what radiates from inside. Beauty which has a positive effect on everything that it comes across. The goodness of a human being.

I am married, been in the modelling business even though I am petite (5 '5) before marriage. I know it because I am loved and appreciated by friends, family and even acquaintances not because my earlobes and finger nails is perfect
I am appreciated and liked because I try to be a good human being and I know that I can't change this world but I try and make it a better place by always being good to other people and telling people what is good about them and not focussing on superficial details.
If you don't get what I mean I am sorry you will learn this in a very painful way because life will teach you and it won't be nice.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 13:20 She is exotic! Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

These are the most classy pictures of her that I like.

Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 13:03 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

you can see aishwarya has soft shape face. see a lot of her beautifull pictures on india websites.

Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai

Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:34 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Well, I posted the pictures of aishwarya that I find those pictures look close to what I've seen her on the movie such as Guru, hum dil chuke sanam or umraojaan. she looks very beautifull on those flims, I do not know how she looks like on commercial in your country but as I watch her in India flims, she looks just like she is in the pictures I post. aishwarya has a kind of international face, her face always changed into many styles depending on how makeup artists'd make up her face. and I like that, some flim she appears to look like mulatta woman with beautifull golden skin and then in another flim she looks like aryan woman in the north of India with pink skin tone and red hair, some flim she looks like arabian princess etc. depending on the make up artists.

Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai Aishwarya Rai

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:28 bron Does Miranda Kerr have a broad nose or am I biased?

Her nose is broad, but the her big, wide lips I dislike even more. Idon't find her pretty.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:00 bron Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Yeah, world is full of "crowned" freaks, who need to edit their mugs. But, it is true, they can't do it always. I typed "Aishwarya Rai", chose pictures searching and voila, on the first page, there were all the truth diclosing photos. Most of her photos show the same.
Wow, I am threatened by all the possibilities of deformations.
And I don't have to edit my photos.

Why don't YOU put your misshapen mug on here? Get over it.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:28 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Yes, and her toe nail is a bit big as well! Oh my god she must be masculine then. What are you trying to prove!!!?? Aishwarya has got Witches hook nose. You are nuts! And I suppose the whole world has crowned her the most beautiful woman in the world because she is so frikken ugly.
She was crowned Miss World.
She was on Oprah. She was on Larry whatsisname and she was on vogue and harpers bazaar and every tabloid and every website just because of her nose. Are you a schizophrenic?
It is obvious you have deliberately chosen her pictures that highlight her nose that way and ignored all the other pictures just because she threatens you.

Why don't you put up your misshapen mug on here? Good grief your right eye is facing west and the left one is facing east. Your earlobes are asymmetrical by .0000000001%. You must be ugly then!!!!

Anyway I am just here because I am bored at work. Happy Valentines day too all you nutty people LOL.

God this website is so funny.

Erik darling do you honestly think people take this seriously?

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 08:54 Alina Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Eric what do you have to say about list of 100 hottest women.

Allessandra Ambrosio is number 2 , Heidi Klum, Giselle and Adriana Lima are all up there above rank 25.

They are on Maxim and FHM and Askmen

So Askmen, FHM and Maxim all cater to gay men? According to you.

Your model is cute but she is the typical girl next door. She hasnt got breasts, she hasnt got a hip ( from the front). From the back she looks a bit curvier but it could be an illusion as she looks like a stick from the front. But she looks like a 14 year old with a pug nose, and freckles.

Anyone who fancies her must be a little messed up in the head to drool over 14 year old minor girls.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 08:49 bron Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Aishwarya’s nose IS hooked, what is it blind fans? It is so obvious, her columella is droopy like Paris Hilton's and her nostrils pointed downward. Indeed she has beautiful eyes, and looks good on the photo with GURU inscription, but she doesn't look that good on other photos and commercials, ergo, that photo IS EDITED. And with such WITCH NOSE she is by definition NOT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD. But don't worry, she can afford rhinoplasty.

Fine nose looks nothing like pig's snout,idiotic assumption; nose is reminiscent of pig's snout when it has too visible nostrils. And beauty of nose is not so much in reference with size, but shape.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 07:47 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

aish on movie mistress of spice.

Aishwarya Rai mistress of spice

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 07:38 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

The picture below, the hook nose must be the male who kissing aihwraya? u can see her nose is clearly smaller than him?

Aishwarya Rai

Aishwarya Rai

Now, take a look at her shape? Is it overweight? or board shoulders?

Aishwarya Rai

Comparing between the hook nose of Aish's husband? aishwarya nose is very small.

Aishwarya Rai

Do you think this pic she is big tall?

Aishwarya Rai

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 07:26 zonneschijn Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Erik : even the picture of aishwarya rai you posted,or any pictures of her on internet I do not see anything wrong with her nose really, it dosen't appear to be hook nose, even the picture you post above, the hook nose in my vision is the witch nose, the bridge is curl and I do not see the curve of aishwarya's nose bridge. her nose tip is fine, I even wanted to have the same nose tip like her.
aishwarya looks very stunning, her face reminds me of princess jasmin in arabian night. have u ever watch the movie she played " Umraojaan? and taj mahal? she looks very gorgeous on that, I like her eyes very much, have never seen any women got that beautifull eyes like her.
her eyes are clear light blue just like cristal.

Here the picture of her on movie umraojaan

Aishwarya Rai

well, awhile I searching the websit I happened find out this picture, I wish you do not wanted that all women in this world look feminine and submissive like this portait? but seems many of your glamour models are look like this erik??

Nude woman slave in Middle East painting

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 05:42 Alina Rhinoplasty in Stockholm, Sweden: comments on the fine, straight and chiseled Nordic nose

Erik Holland, are you dutch?

Well, you are calling her pictures as being edited. Well I suppose the billions of pictures of Aishwarya out on the web and her movies are not proof enough that her nose is feminine enough. I suppose all those million pictures and movies have been photoshopped and edited? Are you crazy? Or just biased towards girls with non existent noses especially if they have typical trashy blonde looks.

If you can call Aishwarya's nose as being hooked then your porn models have Miss Piggy noses.
Erik just accept that they are very common looking( you can finding them at the mall, at the bus stop) You see one, you have seen them all. You are making it even worse by reducing them to a sex object.

You took great effort to find one picture where Aishwarya was kind of grimacing so that you could prove your point.
If you grimaced you would probably look like a psycho as well.

All you are doing on this website is just defending yourself because every person who comes on here just gets pissed off with your ludicrous statements.

I do admit they are well researched but it is very obvious they are biased (and so annoying)I am a very patient person and nothing has annoyed me this much.

You haven't answered my question either. Let me see a picture of your mother, she must be pretty old and masculine by now as northern european women tend to be when they get older. And if you do criticise her, then I will admit that you might truly be unbiased. Have respect for other women.

I have been trying to figure out why do you have this homophobic, racist, paedophilic and ageist (yes it is against growing old) website?

Have you seen the movie American Beauty where the retired army major who is a gay basher turns out to be a closet gay in the end.
Are you a closet gay? Go and see a psychiatrist because hatred for gays is your own internal. It is quite obvious the problem is internal and you are frustrated.

Go and take a good look in the mirror before criticising others.

Are you unbiased? Are you suffering from psychological problems? Take my advice and see a psychiatrist. Go get yourself a girlfriend. Travel the world, experience other cultures and lastly stop living in your own little world. You need help my friend, desperately.

Thu, 02/14/2008 - 05:08 LlamaGuy The importance of femininity to beauty in women

"Several thousand people have read this article and the vast majority of them have not left a comment. Hence it doesn’t follow that most disagree that #7 has the best looking physique."

This is such flawed logic. I disagree and was not going to comment until this was said.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 17:06 Michael Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

Are you out of your mind? Alessandra is so much better looking than Camillia or whatever her name is. Take that from an exclusively heterosexual man.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 15:57 anneliese Backside comparison: Daria Werbowy vs. Cindy D.

I still have issue with using models from glamour sites who are in most part surgically enhanced and still slim. The models are thin.

So, despite your "attempt" to rally for the feminine ideal, you have failed, because you have boxed once again that feminine sexiness comes in a playboy or glamour model's body.

Frankly, I find many of the glamour model's faces to be incredibly boring looking..there is not incredibly beautiful or interesting. Yes, some high fashion models look masculine, but wow what cheekbones. They are uniquely beautiful.

If you have shown curvy bodies that were real with som real padding around the hips, not models that are not beyond a size 4, then this would have merited some worthwhile in the feminine ideal.

Instead, it is still stuck with the fantasy of playboy model as the ideal.

Nice attempt though. You get a star for effort, but it clearly misses the mark.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 13:23 Debra Elle MacPherson vs. Monica from FTV girls

Even the best of your knowledge is still not the definitive so that would be a non argument. It is not possible for anyone, including you, to put an accurate figure on the number of male homosexuals who held positions of power or influence in the history of civilisation. This would put them in the patriarchy. To say patriarchy usually refers to heteropatriarchy would be similar to saying feminists usually female. That is just a majority fact. Sexual orientation is and often was kept private, for obvious reasons. The Spartans were indeed married to women. The notion of romantic love between man and women as a primary factor in union is a relatively new one. In ancient Greece the sexual act with the wife was primarily a reproductive pursuit while sex as recreation was often with another man.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 10:30 zonneschijn The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

Erik : deepset eyes, big nose and eye socket are character of common european people. I think ana look more caucasian than keeley. keeleys' eyes are not in the deep set like several european women don't u think? except those whom come from france. their eyes tend to be smaller and without eye socket just like in fare ast asian people. such as sophie marceau ,mylene farmer etc. erik, please don't claim that ana is non-caucasian? because her character is what I seen in several caucasian . deepset eyes are not the thing common among the other race like asian but it's common among european.
the same as triangular shape face and long chin. you can try ask some urban chinese women? they'd answer they find ana beatrize's face is very beautifull and oposite than them awhile keeley 's face is something more common in far east asian women's shape face.

Look at this picture below, the right side is the pic of south east asian actress that all far east asian like japanese, chinese that look like in the left side actress,are wanted to be.

you can notice the girl appears to look more caucasian? she has deepset eyes? and eyes socket? with big nose? and this not common in far east asian women, everyone there like big nose and deepset eyes. the women with bridge nose, deepset eyes and eyes socket are women that look more caucasian and pretty.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 10:08 red_six Guinevere: attractive slender nude

I completely agree with Danntonio. You are remarkably beautiful and very striking. In my opinion, you are one of the most attractive women I have ever seen.

And as for you being insulted for "having the body of a teenager", you shouldn't be upset. In a world that is obsessed with youthful looks, you have what many pay great deals of money to try and obtain.


Wed, 02/13/2008 - 07:08 Jen The transsexual parade otherwise known as the Victoria’s Secret lingerie show: part 3

I don't know what you mean by ana's "non-european" heritage. Ana Beatriz Barros is Brazilian by nationality, but her ancestry/heritage is strictly Portuguese and Spanish. And she is way more beautiful than Keeley.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 04:56 zonneschijn More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

oh, another one of Indian actress, I got more of her. same one with the Indian actress aboved.

Wed, 02/13/2008 - 04:54 zonneschijn More on Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

The Indian actress I posted are from movie in my dvd. on television it's clear but when put the movie into pc. the color seems to be that way. and I find it quite difficult to find her picture on internet because she played only two movies and never play again. these all I could find of her on internet. on movie she looks more prettier with clear emerald green eyes and completely white skin but I do not like her nose much, it alittle bit too long.

and Kashmiri girl

I'd like you to add some of feminine oriental girls too, I find they have nice skin and petite body, but the most I do not like their slant eyes much. I like big rounded and if teh women don't have big rounded eeys and double eyelids I will not find she is pretty. that's why I like middle east because they have beautifull eyelids. but this thai half german girl is the good example of feminine south east asian woman.

Erik what do u think about far east asian girls? do you find them pretty and feminine? why don't u put some far east women into websit also?
