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Wed, 02/20/2008 - 10:16 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 08:55 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

And I did take a look into the site u gave me, de wanderer. those people in those board are amazing, they have light eyes and light hair though, but their face stil can not be verify as nordic? they are the ramnants of european like erik said. ( such as the light eyes in arabs , could be the descendent of alexander the great and european had been trade to middle east more than thounsand years.) but the pictures that I posted above, those people have no any relation to european. they are the example of how white race comes from.

be accept, nordic people in scandinavia are the descendent of mongol azari, special mongol people in central asia, mixted blood with middle eastherner. infact, the real caucasian are middle eastherner. the nordic in north and middle of europe are the mixted race of middle eastherner and mongol from central asia. you can go take a look at mildstone documentary of discovery chanal. the producer of this documentary is nordic guy, white hair and light blue eyes with deepset small eyes. he has observed that nordic people have features' mixturing from mongol and middle eastherner.

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 08:04 bron Maria Sheriff



YEAH..... (??) All of a sudden I need your admission for that and perhaps a certificate of racial impartiality.

I don't write for Erik's sake and instead of him, I am self-serving in voicing my observations.

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 07:53 bron A waste of a study on waist-hip preferences: people do not have for waifs a taste

Lower WHR IS more attractive, when it is achieved on account of smaller waist and not on account of bigger hips and thighs. That was unfair and misleading comparison, figure A had much bigger hips and thighs and shoulders.

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 06:48 InbredWhiteTrash Maria Sheriff


Poor Der Wanderer is unhappy because his white/euro trash girlfriend left him for a arab/black guy with a bigger willy.

He is insecure with his size and is taking his frustration out on the computer.

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 03:09 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

De wanderer :

Well, I do not racist like u, I have never say any race is better than the other.I just trying to say everyone in this world are all human.
but indeed, go watch mildstone documentary, what I said on here are the same to that documentary.


Wed, 02/20/2008 - 02:57 Der Wanderer Maria Sheriff

zonneschijn :

I think whole of this site have a lot of such a big ass pictures?

You don't get it.

1 - You can always post Thumbnails and not clutter the page like that.
2 - You don't need a hundred pics to drive your point home.

Two would suffice :

Kumbaya, my Lord !
We Are All One

Hare, Hare ...
Krishna, Krishna ...
Krishnamurti Matahari

blah-blah, blah-blah

You badly need to master The Art of Synthesis
Now, do us a favor and park ur ass where it belongs

Thank you.

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 02:12 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

How to produce white race?

: follow this description.

When we have the mother looks like this ( middle eastherner woman)

And have this mongol father ( MOngol in central asia, tajikistan, the west of china)

Then we can produce the european looking's child like this pic.

Another of example, the white children from MOngol father and middle eastherner mother.

The white children with MOngol tajik grandpa and grandma !

Then we can produce BLOND people

The white people comes from Middle easthern mixted race with Mongol from central asia.

Wed, 02/20/2008 - 01:20 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

But FROM WHAT I OBSERVE BRON, YOU ARE ADMIRE WHITE BEAUTY ISN'T IT ? so u always defend on those page instead of Erik? don't u?

and It Is the FACT!, u will beleive or not I don't care, but from my experience, because I seen with OWN EYES, and I FEEL observe that those type of face (European) occures, when the Middle eastherner married with Turk AZARI ( mongol in central asia) even my own newphiew who her mother has abit Iranian in her, 5 or 10 generation already and her husband is Japanese ( of Hokkaido, where people said influence of russia) their children has blue grayed eyes. I really want to post that baby's picture but I cann't because I do not get permition from the parents's baby to put tehir children on this racist websit.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:52 bron Maria Sheriff

Read this excerpt from

"From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor," Eiberg said. "They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA." Eiberg and his colleagues detailed their study in the Jan. 3 online edition of the journal Human Genetics.

That genetic switch somehow spread throughout Europe and now other parts of the world.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:39 bron Maria Sheriff

Shabagula girl grew in sickly ugly woman, and prematurely aged, too. An interesting detail I note: her eyes turned brown.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:34 bron Maria Sheriff

zonneschijn, YOU LIAR; I HAVE NEVER MENTIONED ANY RACIAL ISSUE, or any european primacy in beauty department, what I had advocated, was venting of my impression, (I know what I like, when I see it, I feel the pleasantness, and I know what I want to look like); but was also supported by researches, which you can read also. You are trying to deny the facts, you give an impression of a fool.No one in his right mind can take you seriously. The irony of it is, that should you go to brain detector, you will probably be faced with your insincerity and self deception.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:14 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

White people (european looking)occured from liht skin middle easterners mixted race with central asian (mongol). u could notice that european people have both features mixture between Central asian and Middle easterner.

example of this Iranian girl , her father is a part of Turk azari ( mongol descendent of Ghankis khan from the west of china,and her mother looks like ordinary middle easthern woman with deepset eyes and long nose.

another example : middle easterner woman who has turk azari ( mongol descendent from central asia) her son looks almost like european child.

MOngol mother and middle easterner father, their son looks quite like european.

kashmiri girl from the north of India ( where mixted race between Indian and central asia (mongol)

Kashmiri girl :

yemen boy :

arab girl.

Ordinary Central asian guy with blue eyes. ( this type of face when marry with middle easterner woman, their children will look completley like european people.

Afghan childeren.

Arab childrens

Iranian blond

Blue eyes arab

Palestinean child

Arab girl


Blonded hair black skin boy.

Turkish girl :

Moroccan girl :

Middle easterner boy with green eyes.

Another example of blonded girl from mixted face of mongol and middle easterner.

Shabagula is also the good example of mixted race in central asia.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:03 Mom Maria Sheriff

Yes this is your mom Der wanderer my racist son. Now you are showing your true colours as a BIGOT.

I am not arab by the way,I am a Buddhist so no I am not offended by your feeble attempt.

Zoeneschin this is a picture of Der wanderer and his trashycousin and their wedding.

Can you please post the pictures on this moronic blog so that we can all see it?

Unfortunately I am too busy working at the moment to bother with posting this.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 17:10 Der Wanderer Maria Sheriff

Mom :

More pictures please. Post them on them on every blog [...]

No thanks.
There are way too many already.
Time to cleanse the place =)

[...] and show these BIGOTED, XENOPHOBIC, PAEDOPHILIC people [...]

Oh no, the PC Brigade again!

What a bunch of one-trick Ponies :(

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 13:40 Mom Maria Sheriff

Thanks, Zonneschijn. Thanks for posting the pictures. They are all truly photogenic.

The children especially are very cute.

More pictures please. Post them on them on every blog and show these BIGOTED, XENOPHOBIC, PAEDOPHILIC people that this world has more beauty than some vulgar porn starlet.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 11:11 E Masculinization in the 2005 Miss World beauty pageant contestants

My God I didn't know beauty could become mere mathematics. What is wrong with you? Beauty is not just physical meausurements but just as much grace (in body-movements), tone of voice, self-image, radiation, intelligence, etc, etc. What's the point of such a cynical theory on looks? What really bothers me is your CHEAP WAY OF TRYING TO PASS YOUR OWN TWISTED OPINION AND JUDGEMENT FOR SOME KIND OF SCIENTIFIC FACT. WHAT DO YOU BASE THESE THINGS ON? NOTHING! IT'S PSEUDO-SCIENTIFIC NON-SENSE.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 07:53 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Personally from my experience, I find lighted eyes in the arab' tribes in dessert have more lighther eyes than the blue eyes in european people. some, the eyes are ligther than blue just like cristal, almost see no color in it.

such as this one.

or the eyes of aishwraya rai.

Or the eyes of this pakistani model.

Tue, 02/19/2008 - 07:43 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Why Peter Z ? why everyone on here, you, erik, de wanderer or bron have to pronouce " european beauty" that much? why eveyone who looks good always have to fall into white race then? like some beautifull arabs women I ever showed on here last week? erik state they are ramnants of european?
I even chosen the picture of kashmiri girl with blond hair blue eyes, I really want to know he'd still insist that blonded girl is ramnant of european again? why the other race can not attibute their own beauty then?
and do not say to me that all average nordic girl are pretty? because I seen them everydays, especially the scandinavian and german are terrible ugly. I'd find some aborigin ocenic woman in hawaii with tanned skin, slim body and sexy slant eyes are more prettier than those fat cow viking girl, a lot of freakles, cellulite at their thign, flabby skin just like a lazy woman, who has never exercise, light deviled eyes with dry blonded hair that seems to look like scarecrow head for me.

To Hannah : Blond hair, light eyes dosen't mean it always can happen only among caucasian race. I also got a pictures of native people from other race that even where caucasian people have never been there to mixted their race with them.

Afghan girl who turnes to be Indian actress, this ne aso got original blue eyes, she looks very gorgeous on movie shakalaka doom doom, if anyone don't believe me and find my picture is edited by photoshop?? I dare all of u to go get this flim and take a long? and u will say the same to me, her beauty is notherless from natali Galebova, miss russia universe.

Original Berber girl ( arabs from northern of africa)

Original Pamirnote girl from Tibet.

Arab girl from yemen.

Original Moroccan princess, lalla salma

Arab women eyes.

A child from Mhong tribe in south easth asia

Indian girls from the dessert of the west of India

bright eyed asian from the west of china ( Xinjing) close to Uzbekistan.

Arb girl

Light hair and light eyes are not occur only among european, but occurs in all nations that living in dry weather, such as in the area between dessert and cold weather.

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 18:58 Peter Z Maria Sheriff

zonneschijn: You wrote,


you state you are Mediterranean origin and have some “semitic” features.why do u think yourself look ugly then? I do not think mediterraneans are ugly, on the contrary I find mediterranean are prettier than nordic women.

I don't attribute my "ugliness" entirely to my ethnic features. There are women and men drawn from my ethnic group that are beautiful. I don't argue that all men and women of Mediterranean origin are ugly, I claim that I am. My intention in raising the matter was to pre-emptively dispel the notion that I am Nordic and hence self-serving in my commentary. I also wanted to distinguish myself from the the obese and masculinised women armed with BAs in gender and queer studies that come here to pour scorn and vitriol for purely self-serving reasons.

You wrote,


about white supermacy and Nazism is misguided
I got erik’s site from, someone chatting there, telling about his ideal and gave me this site. and I just tell the true about what those people say there in stromfront.

This is a strange form of reasoning. Just because someone on the Storm Front forum agreed with the content of this site doesn't make this site "white supremacist". The matter of beauty and whether it has an objective basis is quite independent from the agenda of white supremacist groups. Whether Erik subscribes to the stated aims of white supremacist groups such as Strorm Front is a matter of conjecture and has no direct bearing on the truth or falsity of the arguments presented here.

You wrote,


Peter Z. May I ask u some question? as u support erik ideal, what make u consider which woman is pretty and which one is ugly? what make erik think that the hooked nose is ugly and small nose is pretty?

"Four important cues emerge as being the most important determinants of attractiveness: averageness (prototypicality), sexual dimorphism, youthfulness, and symmetry."

In middle-age some people experience elongation of the nose and a drop in the tip. Longer, hooked noses look like middle-aged persons noses. The longer, hooked nose with the dropped tip isn't a youthful feature and that's why it isn't widely regarded as attractive.

Is it absurd that we find facial features that are characteristic of youth attractive, even on people that are well past youth and moreover those which we have no intention of reproducing with? Yes. Is it a "shallow" disposition? Yes. But that is besides the point. We are concerned here with (a) understanding what these universal preferences are; and (b) understanding their origin.

You wrote,


you know I find he using his own biases. such as, he said Heifa wehby is overweight, aishwrya rai is overweight? awhile his blonded woman, Dana Benn is curveceous? which I find it’s not true. Dana Benn is very much fatter than Heifa and aishwrya, she got sack breasts like a cow and very fat hip which u could observe that from this link.

You are distorting Erik's words. This is what he wrote,


Haifa Wehby has a round face, not an oval one, and her skin isn’t like ivory, but light brown (very light brown with minimal sun exposure). Her face looks more feminine than Maria Sheriff’s, and Haifa is more curvaceous, but borders on the overweight. Anabella Hilal doesn’t have sufficient curves, and it is difficult to judge her attractiveness based on your picture. Both these Middle Eastern women have above average attractiveness.

You wrote,


moreover, erik say classical european nose is small and for me I really do not find the different between small nose of eri’s model and the far east asian woman. but he finds nordic woman pretty awhile he has never mentioned about far east asian beauty ( which I find very feminine and softed face). I even put the example and asked him but he denie to answer because he JUST WANTED to support only european beauty.

This site is oriented towards European women but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. You are inferring from the sites bias (and I'm not using that word in its pejorative sense) that there is a "subtext" that only European women are beautiful.

Der Wanderer:

Delta Goodrem is pretty but I don't think she is a particularly good example of European beauty. It appears that her chest:waist:hip ratio is close to 1:1:1. Every picture of her that I have seen where she has an exposed waist she is bending her torso to obscure the absence of curvature. She has no bust and no butt. Her face is feminine but not especially so.

-Peter Z

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 14:32 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Hannah : have u ever watch Blue eyes Gisha( japanese movie) Do I have to post Tribel asian boy in Vietnam with blond hair? or would u like to see japanese baby with blue eyes? it's not always logic that those character are exsist only among nordic people. my brother in jaw is pur japanese and having green eyes one side and another side is light brown. he married my sister and their baby even has blue eyes. I wish I do not have to post people of my family on here.

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 13:58 Hannah Maria Sheriff

In exception to the Korean and Chinese woman you posted, these women all have semi-caucasian features, (i.e. light eyes or skin). And you try to compare celebrities to a random woman off the street? Poor comparison.

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 13:35 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Dewanderer : I think you were a girl, never see any males have such a hatred expression to any women that much like u before. I have never say any women look ugly, but heifa face is cleary feminine and prettier than Delta Goodrem, Hifa eyes are prettier, Delta Goodrem has small eyes, very small head, anyway she looks just fine but not beautifull!

Answer my question? don't get out of the point?
How can you say Heifa wehby and aishwrya rai is overweight? while Dana Benn is curveceous? don't u see on this link?

and I do not spam this site, just telling the true. and I do not like skinny face women. Heifa is prettier and has more feminine face, rounded cheeks, pretty eyes. delta Goorem looks like korean woman, skinny face with small eyes.( I DON'T LIKE SMALL EYES) and heifa got delicated hand. but only your picture she looks ugly because u have intention to find those ugly pictures. anyway, if she'd has the ugly hand indeed?? I'd like to ask u, Do you think all european girls have delicated hands? small nose, oval face? and small waist? I don't think so, almost of european girls I seen, especially the german and scandinavian are ALL FAT! and small head. more freckles than any race.
in my vision the woman who has big eyes always prettier than woman with small eyes and round face is feminine than narrowed skinny rat face.

I think whole of this site have a lot of such a big ass pictures? Do I post any ass's pic yet?? I don't think so.

Let see that your logic's not always true, feminine women are exsisted in every nations.

your picture of heifa is says nothing to me because it's not front the frontal but the side and from many character with bad timing and bad quality. my first picture I posted of her don't u see it clearer and she looks very gorgeous beautifull and elegrant. ( looks like a queen not little girl or just ordinary leaned face woman like delta Goodrem)

but if u find a girl with leaned face? in the other side of the world also have plenty of them

example like this korean girl
Leaned innocent face, yes lovely but I prefer elegrant as beauty than innocent little girl.

Innocent leaned face of chinease actress

Leaned face south east asian actress.

Innocent leaned face of Lebanese. Annabella Heilal

Another Innocent leaned face Lebanese singer, nancy ajram

But how many women in this world could be elegrant? (magnificent beauty)

example :

Pakistani BEAUTY !!

Arab beauty!

Indian beauty!

THis Indian is beauty!

Compearing with original average look nordic girl? I find average asian women are far more beautifull than NORDIC!

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 09:35 Der Wanderer Maria Sheriff

What's so great about this Haifa chick you're always spamming us with?
Cause I fail to see it :

- Strong shoulders & upper arms
- Manly hands
- Implanted boobs
- Massive ribcage
- Low-placed boobs
- Nose job
- Massive cheekbones (in terms of AREA - they're bigger than her forehead!)
- To bottom it all, a ridiculously small jaw and chin (relative to the rest)

Overall, a rather unappealing face, with no geometrical strength, harmony, balance or integration whatsoever.

But then again, it might be an ethnic thing, maybe she's the greatest thing ever - in Lebanon.
But this site caters to "European-derived peoples" and for a REASON.
If you don't believe that there's a reason for that (objective, non ideological), great.
Then, argue the point instead of spamming us with BIG ASS PICTURES!!!


Here's a sexy singer :

Delta Goodrem


Mon, 02/18/2008 - 04:24 zonneschijn Maria Sheriff

Peter Z. May I ask u some question? as u support erik ideal, what make u consider which woman is pretty and which one is ugly? what make erik think that the hooked nose is ugly and small nose is pretty?
you know I find he using his own biases. such as, he said Heifa wehby is overweight, aishwrya rai is overweight? awhile his blonded woman, Dana Benn is curveceous? which I find it's not true. Dana Benn is very much fatter than Heifa and aishwrya, she got sack breasts like a cow and very fat hip which u could observe that from this link.
( and tell me if u find Dana Benn has a good shape than aishwrya and Heifa??)

u could see this, for erik, white women always pretty even when she is that fat and her breasts are disporportion? awhile the Indian woman like aishwarya, who all people find her beauty and has slender shape. he finds her overweight than Dana Benn?? he really need some eyeglass.

moreover, erik say classical european nose is small and for me I really do not find the different between small nose of eri's model and the far east asian woman. but he finds nordic woman pretty awhile he has never mentioned about far east asian beauty ( which I find very feminine and softed face). I even put the example and asked him but he denie to answer because he JUST WANTED to support only european beauty.
