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Tue, 09/25/2007 - 01:23 Der Wanderer Welcome!


> Well actually, I was talking about the UK’s sexiext poll in which Keira was number one.

Huh... what can I say.
Poor Brits.

Keira Knightley is rather unimpressive, to put it mildly:

Geeeeeeez, vhat vas dat !

Jaco Pastorius meets Natalie Portman ???

Tue, 09/25/2007 - 00:06 Der Wanderer Welcome!

[...] beauty pageant bimbos [...]

[...] the morons that enter these competitions [...]

You are obviously a heterophobic deranged feminist banshee who hates beauty.
Why are you here ?

And no, I'm no "Führer"

I'm a progressivist, I'm a Stakhanovite:

"On November 14-17, 1935, the 1st All-Union Stakhanovite Conference took place at the Kremlin, which emphasized the outstanding role of the Stakhanovite movement in socialist re-construction of national economy. In December of 1935, the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) specifically discussed the aspects of developing industry and transport system in light of the Stakhanovite movement. The resolution of the plenum said: "The Stakhanovite movement means organizing labor in a new fashion, rationalizing technologic processes, correct division of labor, liberating qualified workers from secondary spadework, improving work place, providing rapid growth for labor productivity and securing significant increase of workers' salaries"."

Division of labor...

That's the key.

Let the homos do the designing and let the straights choose the models.

It's that simple.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 23:04 Der Wanderer Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

> Your idea of feminine beauty would exclude women who don’t fit in it.

EVERYBODY's idea of feminine beauty would exclude women who ... (blah blah)



1. Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.
2. Excellent; wonderful.



1. Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good of its kind.
2. Archaic. Superior.

What a waste of electrons.
Read the friggin' FAQ already, people.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 22:45 Der Wanderer Fashion world news

> You should stop making generalizations about an industry you know very little about.

Uh... Danielle, hunny...

Alexander McQueen is one of the Bad Guys:

"Jeffreys argues that many male fashion designers are "projecting their misogyny on to the bodies of women", and gives examples of collections featuring images based on sexual violence - Alexander McQueen's show for his masters degree was entitled Jack The Ripper, and depicted bloodied images of Victorian prostitutes. A later show in 1995, Highland Rape, featured staggering, half-naked, brutalised models. And John Galliano, in his 2003 collection for Christian Dior, Hard Core Romance, used the imagery of sadomasochism, putting his models in seven-inch heels and rubber suits "so tight they had to use copious amounts of talcum powder to fit into them"."

Oh well.
Looks like you don't know neither your Feminism nor your Fashion.
What a phony, this Danielle blowhard.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 22:20 MG Nonheterosexual vs. heterosexual male preference for petite women: Alessandra Ambrosio vs. Camille

A man that doesn't find Alessandra or Adriana to be beautiful, is either homosexual or asexual. The "women"--and I use the word gratuitously--whom you find attractive are unquestionably unattractive and unambiguously masculine-looking. You are projecting your idiosyncraties onto the majority of men (and women) who can identify beauty instinctively. Your idea of beauty is not beauty in any objective sense. Evidently, you are confused about your own sexuality.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 21:05 Danielle 12-year-old fashion model: Maddison Gabriel

Well, she does look like a little girl so I suppose that is what you mean by girlish. We all know what you find beautiful Eric.

Pretty hot, aren't they, to white supremacicts with shitty taste.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 20:11 Danielle Fashion world news

The link didnt work . Here is a better link:

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 20:10 Danielle Fashion world news

I don't see the point of posting about the actions of Jen Hunter and calling her "grossly-obese-by-fashion-world-standards if you didn't want to criticize the fashion industry's size requirements.

I don't think Heidi was "blaming" anyone. She was aknowledging that it is the models who are ultimately in charge of their own bodies. If the model is underage then her parents have a huge responsibilty for making sure that their daughter is healthy. If the model is unable to meet industry standards in a healthy way then she shouldn't model. She has to look for employment elsewhere if she don't want to risk her health. If she feel that the money and the "fame" is worth risking her health then that's her decision.

That video is NOT a good example of the creativity of the fashion world. The guy didn't actually design anything. The models are wearing pasties and bits of some halloween costumes. That's not creativity that's gimmickry. This is a good example of the creativity of the fashion world.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 19:39 Danielle Feminists offended by Tom Ford perfume ad

Der Führer, those angry, sad men just need to get in touch with their feminine sides. They would feel better so would you. I think it would therapeutic and it may help you understand why you feel the need to be Eric's Prince Valiant.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 18:56 Erik Fashion world news

Danielle: Where have I suggested that the fashion world not be allowed to have a size requirement for the catwalk? I have noted that it is more convenient for fashion designers to have their models fit their designs rather than the other way around, i.e., one expects a restricted range of physique variation among them. What I have been focusing on is the observed range, not saying that there should be no range.

Heidi Klum's advice is useless. There are girls who need the money that modeling provides and/or want the fame that comes from modeling. It is for this reason that a number of girls will be prompted to undereat if doing so makes them suitable for fashion modeling. Heidi acknowledges the source of the pressure, but doesn't critique it, and makes it almost look like it is the fault of the girls.

It is normal for a human to eat ad libitum, i.e., in accordance with desire. People who have plenty to eat but are not eating enough are either suffering from mental illness, the proper advice for which is to seek psychiatric help, or being forced to undereat, the solution to which is to do something about the source of the problem, not say "eat well."

I have not used the video to represent the entire fashion world. It is one of many good example of the creativity that is observed in the fashion world.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 18:45 Danielle Welcome!

Der Führer, As usual you haven't really made a point though you think you have. You are so mind-numbingly stupid that you believe you have somehow bested me. You can't argue against anything. You're an idiot and you think you're clever. I never suggest that you start looking for the beauty pageant bimbos at spelling bees. The pageant people should continue picking their contestants from the morons that enter these competitions. Are you suggesting some open call for beauty pageant girls? As I said before beauty pageants are more than "hottest piece of ass" competitions. You never really understand my posts. You really need to work on your reading comprehension, hunny bunny.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 18:30 Danielle Fashion world news

You don't think "masculine" models to be in lingerie shows and beauty pageants but the fashion world is not allowed to have size requirements for their catwalks? Hypocrite.

Models have to be responsible for their own bodies. The fashion world sometimes pressures girls who already thin to lose more weight. The models have to decide if losing weight would possibly have a negative effect on their health and if they are willing to risk their health in exchange for more modeling opportunities. Heidi Klum is giving good advice by advising models to eat healthy. If you can't achieve or maintain the "ideal high fashion body" by eating healthily then you shouldn't be a high fashion model.

One shitty "fashion show" cannot be used as any kind of example of the entire fashion world. That no-name designer was trying to get attention. It didn't work because he is still a no-name. You should stop making generalizations about an industry you know very little about.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 18:26 Erik Weep Donald Trump, weep!

0j0: Do not bother with behavior as far as this site is concerned; this site isn't about behavior. Zuleyka has nothing remotely comparable to Natalia as far as femininity of physical appearance goes. Don't delude yourself that Natalia's much more feminine appearance is due to photoshopping. Her pictures are taken from low profile sites that post multi-photo shoots, and likely do not have the resources or even the inclination to mass-photoshop the image sets in a consistent manner. There is also a frontal picture of Zuleyka where she is posing in a manner that exaggerates femininity but still doesn't look feminine.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 18:17 Erik 12-year-old fashion model: Maddison Gabriel

Danielle: Do not misrepresent my arguments. You took the image from this entry, and anyone can see that the context wasn't illustrating an example of feminine beauty. The purpose was to clarify the masculinization of a teenage girl (Adriana Lima) by contrasting her with a teenage girl who looked girlish.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 17:47 0j0 Weep Donald Trump, weep!


Mon, 09/24/2007 - 17:30 Danielle 12-year-old fashion model: Maddison Gabriel

So I guess you don't remember posting this girl as one of your glorious examples of feminine beauty:

stfu hypocrite.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 16:21 Der Wanderer Welcome!

> Go and satisfy your lust for him and then you can come back and try to intelligently address my posts.

Do you want me to address stuff like this? :

> Your argument is bullshit because the sole purpose of those lame ass beauty pageants is not to “pick the hottest piece of ass.” Beauty Pageants usually involve “talent” competitions.

So, tell me, hunny bunny ...

Where are we supposed to find the "beauties"?
On "Spelling Bees" contests?
I have better things to do with my time than "argue" against that, LOL

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 15:34 Der Wanderer Feminists offended by Tom Ford perfume ad

Whip me... whip me

You're so hardcore ... =)

I luv it.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 15:14 Danielle Feminists offended by Tom Ford perfume ad

Der Führer, I know you are upset because you were pwned on Eric's body fat page but that doesn't mean that you should write rubbish under every post I make. I never argued any of those things. Your reading comprehension is so pathetically subpar that I wonder if you managed to graduate middle school. I know that in your twisted little brain you feel some solidarity with Eric but I suspect that Eric doesn't share your fantasies of circle jerking around a bonfire made with Victoria's Secret catalogues. He is not your lover. He doens't need your assistance in taking on my arguments. You can't tackle my posts because you cannot read. Go away, Mighty Mouse.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 15:02 Erik Welcome!

8D: This is your last warning. Do not impersonate others or post under multiple aliases (including The Donald, which is another example of impersonation). Also do not leave foul commentary.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 14:57 Danielle Welcome!

Der Führer, I really don't know why you insist on replying to every one of my posts. You never have anything useful or remotely entertaining to add to a discussion. Why do you feel the need to defend Eric's honor at every opportunity? Will Eric give you a prize for sucking his dick on the internet? Your androgen induced lust for Eric's man meat has addled your brain. Go and satisfy your lust for him and then you can come back and try to intelligently address my posts.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 14:29 Der Wanderer Welcome!


Yes, I like to slurp some chicken soup now and then.
You got me there.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 13:49 Der Wanderer Welcome!

by "we" we mean me and my anus. that i lick.


Mon, 09/24/2007 - 13:15 Der Wanderer Feminists offended by Tom Ford perfume ad

Gentlemen ... you are waisting your time with this Danielle ... thing.
Feminism is a transparent Hoax and she's a True Believer.

Racial/Gender/Sexual proletarians can't oppress each other.


No matter the amount of counterevidence

They are class pals against The Big Patriarchal Rich-White-Male Conspiracy (BPRWMC)

You see ... that's not sexual harrassment, cause:

- The teachers are Gender Proletarians (women)
- The kids are Age Proletarians (underaged)

And Dog doesn't eat Dog
How can anybody argue against a mentality like that?

For the same reason...
Gays can't be oppressive against Women, cause:

- Gays are Sexual Proletarians
- Women are Gender Proletarians

And Dog ... (etc.)

The blame must lie with The BPRWMC

Somehow ...

It Follows By Definition.

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 11:57 Der Wanderer Welcome!

Danielle: This is not the place for your feminist PC rants.

You're prolly high on androgens like those mugshot ladies, that's why you are so prone to violence and arguing.
That's why you are so blinded with rage against Erik, you immature envious freekoid.

We can see through you, stop your useless crusade.
